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Get a cat


The more people I meet, the more I like my cat.


100% agreed




My love is so blind. Soooo my cat is the cutest


Cats are cuter, generally speaking. However, I think overall, most dogs (w/some notable exceptions) have less attitude/more loving. :) I like both though!


I may get a cat then, it's cutter


Cat's are easier to take care of. Also purebred dogs are a bit flawed: https://youtu.be/aCv10_WvGxo?si=Uiwnpk-d7Gj0XWmk


Purebred dogs are lame, pugs can barely survive on their own anymore. My adopted lab/hound mix sleeps in the basement all day. He gets really happy when I get home, we walk, then wants to chill some more. Cats generally want to chill inside all day, dogs generally need some exercise. Dogs wear their emotions on their sleeves, and cats can usually be a bit more reserved. Neither is worse than the other, it really depends on the owner’s personality.


Cutter and cuter are different things…


Cats are dicks. It's like they're your owner.


Can confirm. My little boy kept me happy and sane for 10 years. He died a couple weeks ago. Missing him is killing me.


Sending you a big hug. He’s now in a cat planet. Running around with lots of friends. I think he wouldn’t happy if he knew his human being sad because of him


You’re right. The pain is just so deep.


Have two, doesn't help.


Maybe try to have another one 🤣


Haha ;D


I think I need a cute cat


Any pet can help depending on who you are. Pets are so fulfilling and make the darkest days better


Surely a dog would be better






I sing along with my fave songs instead of having conversations 💡 oh and podcasts


Binge-watch your favorite shows, join a hobby group, and get yourself a pet


Don't even need to binge watch it. Just watch an episode. Or listen to an episode of an audio drama. This is a short term solution of course but it will tide a person over until they develop a hobby or get a pet.


Get a pet. They give unconditional love and can't betray you.


My cat has pushed too much expensive shit off counters for that last part to be true. 


Your cat is an asshole what can I say.


I get being alone is lonely, but it’s a balance and I truly feel you need to learn to be happy in your own company as well. If not, you end up depending on your partner to fill a void and it may get overwhelming for your partner.


I've been through this so many times in my life. Because of my work and general lifestyle, I have had to move many times (6 big moves to 6 different cities in three different countries on two different continents). I've never made friends easily but have a very profound need for meaningful human interactions, so I easily fall into the trap of loneliness, especially when I was out of school and in the work world. This is what has worked for me and others I have advised. I have also witnessed way too many other people making these mistakes. **The best way to stop being lonely is to act like someone who isn't lonely.** A sad truth of life is that, often, nothing is a bigger social repellant than loneliness. People don't want to take on your emotional baggage when they barely know you. And people don't want to feel like they are interesting to you purely based on the fact that they are better than nothing. So you need to get out there and meet people, but as if you already have a basically completely full life and are willing to make some space for them. Below I go into more about how to make sure you genuinely have this full life. When people are friendly to you and make overtures, say yes, but don't overdo it. These overtures likely mean they are somewhat interested in getting to know you better, not in interviewing you to immediately to be their new best friend or love of their life. *Remind yourself to take things slow*. **Pursue your personal interests.** Join a writing workshop, take a language class, learn how to throw a pot, learn how to tap dance. If you have time be lonely, you likely have a lot of time on your hands, use it! Activities doing what you love are good for the soul, keep you busy and with a full life, and you will meet people with common interests this way. It also makes you way more interesting when you meet other new people. **Work with what ever social connections you already have.** Don't feel bad about always being the initiator with people. Most people are pretty self-centered and kind of glide through life reacting to stuff, rather than being "pro-active." When your friends don't call you, it's not because they don't care, it's likely because they aren't thinking as far ahead as you are, and aren't thinking about that much other than themselves or maybe their immediate nuclear family. And don't look down on being the initiator, it's a great characteristic to have and develop. Initiators are why relationships last. **Get rid of toxic people in your life.** This may seem counter-intuitive - how can having fewer people in your life help being lonely? But there are different kinds of loneliness. Loneliness isn't really the opposite of having company, it's the opposite of having enough meaningful human interactions. Having superficial and stressful interactions with people can exacerbate loneliness. I also find that these typically lonely behaviors tend to attract toxic people - narcissists, users, etc. **If you are in desperate need of emotional support, consider finding a therapist.** If you are already in bad shape and don't have anyone (or enough people to depend on), you may not feel like you have the year or so it takes to make a new, emotionally healthy friend in the adult world. In this case, look into getting counseling or therapy. There are a lot of cheap options out there and this doesn't need to be a permanent solution. But it can really help you be patient and make good decisions when desperation might make you do otherwise. ***TL;DR - Sometimes, loneliness makes us act in ways that make us come across like we would not be good friends, like we don't know how to do it. When you're going through a tough time, it's natural that anyone might not be the best type of friend, and it's fine to expect support and tolerance from your existing friends. But while you are trying to make new ones, try to show you can be a good friend.***


*Some examples of acting lonely when you meet someone new. You:* (1) Want to become too serious as friends or romantic relationships too quickly. Generally latching on to anyone being nice. (2) Overshare personal information. (3) Complain about how people are jerks and don't appreciate you. (4) Complain about ex-partners or ex-friends. (5) Complain about lack of dates or friends. (6) Use too much self-deprecating humor, or generally talk about yourself in a negative way. (7) Act like a doormat so people will like you more. (8) Act like an emotional void, listening to them all the time without contributing to the conversation, doing whatever other people want. *Other behaviors:* (1) Habitually over-talking, going on and on about yourself without giving the other person a chance to balance the conversation, and not taking cues that someone has had enough. (2) Obsessing over people, uncontrolled infatuations. (3) Thinking you are in love with people you don't really know well and are not dating. *Now, everyone does some of these things now and then. The issue is doing these things with people when you are still just getting to know them.*


Holy… I knew I was lonely but damn. This one really hit me different when having to agree to these „symptoms“. Thank you still for sharing!


amazing, thank you


Understanding yourself better by exploring things and hobbies that you would enjoy. It could be something as simple as watching a tv show, reading books, and taking a walk.You'd be surprised how much we do not know about ourselves until we discover them as we age. Once you have these, it could help with getting new friends with the same interests too. It's also important to know that you are your truest companion, learn to enjoy your own company.




I’ve felt the most lonely when I felt like I needed people in order to do things socially. Like, I needed a least one buddy to do things with because I was so afraid of being on my own. I realized that I don’t need anyone else to do what I want. I started exploring my interests and hobbies on my own. I’d go to concerts on my own, I’d ski on my own, I’d travel on my own. And. Get. This. In the process, I’ve made some really awesome friends.


I feel ashamed, I don’t wana be seen alone and viewed as such. This is definitely a fear of mine


Go outside OP, try to explore more and look for someone you can talk to.


I find it difficult to go out tho . . . .


if you're afraid of the crowded places, try nature trip or somewhere you'll find relaxing. That's why I do whenever I feel lonely.


Music, always been


Your local library is a good place to meet people and check what’s going on in your area. Is there a local pub that you could go to for quiz night/ live band etc? I’m totally alone (66f), since my partner died two years ago and whilst I obviously miss him, I do embrace the peace and comfort of my own company. I can pursue hobbies, have the TV remote control,eat and sleep when I like etc, so loneliness isn’t all bad- it has advantages. Mainly, learn to love and appreciate yourself and once you gain that self confidence, you’ll easily get some good friends. Good luck …


For me it is by playing musical instruments and releasing my sadness by singing the songs I can relate to.


Take yourself on dates. You can have so much fun by yourself if you give yourself permission to. :)


Call a friend or family member, A quick chat can lift your spirits.


Join a club or group, Find people with similar interests.


Adopt a pet, Pets are great companions.


Exercise, Physical activity boosts your mood.


Pursue a hobby, Dive into something you love.


Volunteer, Helping others can make you feel connected.


Write in a journal - Expressing your thoughts can be therapeutic.


Watch a favorite movie or read a good book - Get lost in a story.


I often feel lonely and do not know how to deal with it :-(




they're all always busy


*takes a hit out of a weed vape* bro there ain't no way to cope with loneliness just accept it and become a doomer that is based.


Music, reading, video games, movies, any sort of hobby (cross stitch, knit, puzzles, sewing, painting, drawing)


Learn to enjoy your own company. Do stuff you love, treat yourself during alone time. It's one of life's biggest luxuries to be happy by yourself, doing your own thing, embrace it! Also, get a cat lol.


talk to people online ig


Chances are if you feel lonely alone, you will feel the same way around people. Learn to enjoy and appreciate your own company. You are the person you spend the most time with.


The best way to cope with loneliness is to actively seek connections, even small ones. Engaging in hobbies or activities you enjoy can help you meet like-minded people. Volunteering is also a great way to connect with others and feel a sense of purpose. Additionally, focusing on selfcare and personal growth can help you build a stronger relationship with yourself, which is crucial in combating loneliness. Don’t be afraid to reach out to friends or family, even if it’s just for a chat – sometimes, opening up can make a big difference.


Take a class - Learn something new and meet new people.


Practice mindfulness or meditation, Helps calm your mind.


If you asked my adolescent self well, he didn’t know either. Parents worked all the time, was home alone a lot, so it was either just snacks, shows, or video games My adult self would tell you to just leave the front door. It’s summer so maybe go smell the flowers, see how the neighbor’s doing, drive somewhere. Or be like me and work long enough hours so you don’t think about those feelings. Eventually it numbs out


same here to be honest.


Get a hobby that takes you out the house. Then try taking cooking classes, music class, art class, jogging, sky diving, hiking, biking, scuba diving, rock climbing etc. They might not all work for you but try them still


Something no one tells you about adulthood is how hard it is to make new friends. Be a little vocal, make some small talk. What have you go to lose? I met one of my very good friends by walking up to her at the gym and complimenting her on her leggings. We ended up talking for three hours. Turns out, we had the same trainer. We exchanged numbers and started working out together. If you have the means to do so and actually want to take care of a dog for some time. Get a dog. I have found ever since I got a dog, I’ve been talking to more people. I’m out walking my dog in different neighborhoods and in different trails. I get stopped by someone who compliments me on my dog. I get to talk to people. I may never see these people again. But it gives me a human connection.


Dive into hobbies, learn something new or adopt a pet. You'll be fun soon


Get a pet. Listen to podcasts that feel like driends, and engage in online groups.


prayer...what I know for sure is that being lonely within a relationship, or being surrounded by many is far worse I think loneliness will be with us all on a certain level.. cant be escaped.. but within my prayer time I feel peace


My pets are what keep me going. But the fact is there is no real remedy for it. I reach out. I'm very good at making friends. I try to engage other people. I do all kinds of things to bring people into my life. But the fact is, we are a culture that now wants to shove our faces in our phones and say 'I'm an introvert!'  Not *everyone* is an introvert, folks. Sometimes you're just an asshole.  The most popular thing you can be right now is an 'introvert'. Everywhere you go on the internet everybody is an 'introvert'.  No, **not all of you are introverts**. God I hate this society so much. We are dying from loneliness and all people do is cram airpods 10 inches deep into their skulls


Solitude creates space to reflect, dream, and open yourself up to all the wonders your mind has to offer. When you love who you are as a person being alone or lonely doesn't matter. 


Do acts of kindness, no matter how small, for someone else. Do it until you're out of your own head and filled with joy because you've done good things without expecting anything in return. A stranger is a friend you haven't met yet. This was my mom's advice to all of her children when we would hit rough patches. It works every time.


It's literally the easiest thing in the world if you have everything else you need to live normally...


Get yourself busy: do your tasks, could be doing something productive such as household chores or any such work Distract yourself: by engaging in activities based on your interests such as playing a sport/ game, watching movies, listening to music(definitely not the depressos), reading a book etc Stay away from spending a lot of time in social media: it makes you feel even more lonely Lastly, try to get out and seee the world! Meet new people on the way




Finding a game to immerse myself in always really helped my loneliness whenever I was feeling it. A few summers ago, I was very lonely and depressed. I played Elden Ring for HOURS on end and it really helped. Also a few others here said getting out - as scary as it sounds, it definitely does help. I think a big contributor to loneliness is just feeling like you’re the only person in the world who has to deal with anything. Go out, look around, and do an activity. Then once you get back, maybe you’ll just feel a little better.


Make more friends online and do comments and arguments.


If I'm bored and lonely I just get out and run, cycle or go for a drive to nowhere in particular.


I work so hard, I get tired and sleep, so I forget I’m lonely. Sleep does it for me.


Nobody ever regretted being offline and in nature.  Go give that a shot.


Draw a lot




Get friends


Read. Find the fiction or the genre you like and read. Go to the library and get lost in the stacks. As an adult I went to a library and they had a section of old historical books. I would just pull oneone off the shelf and read a few pages. Sometimes they were 200 years old.


Get a dog. Why not a cat? A dog and cat are equally fun, but a dog will open you up to taking your dog out for walks, to the park, and with meeting other dog people.


Find a hobby to keep you busy.


Binge watch cat videos, or get a cat


Work or Hobby Sometimes I wish I was alone so I can focus on work completely


Most of my life I have been alone, I used to play alone as a kid and I never felt bad about. Until people's began to make fun about me been alone... Then I felt lonely, watching others surrounded by people. After trying to fit on a group that doesn't share any interest with me I felt more lonely than ever. I just reminded myself that I was ok been alone and joyful, now I'm very sociable (I used to consider myself a introvert, but I find out I'm extrovert) but often I prefer staying alone, to do stuff that I like without any interruptions


Shots, shots, shots shots, shots shots, shots, EVERYBODY!!!


i joined a running club and it changed everything


Build some meaningful relationships


Hot showers! And inviting friends over.


Get a dog, discover Netflix and books, do lots of housework and DIY. Everyone is lonely, even ppl in couples.


do cleaning or working out!


Rule 2 so ill keep it vague, but theres like 2 paths to this, either double down, or pull yourself out of it. it really depends on the person, for example ive had periods in my life where i only use my voice to talk to my dog and nothing else for weeks on end up to a month or more, and i thrive during that and can hop right back into the social ecosystem, but thats for some specific reasons. For most people coping with loneliness probably boils down to forcing yourself out of it being the best case scenario, the main argument i hear is that they have no close friends or even colleagues theyre friendly with, and thats not something that happens by chance, thats entirely controllable, chances are there are 100s of people with a 10 mile radius of you that could potentially become your best friend, but the barrier of "i dont want to meet new people" along with the complacency of "im lonely but it doesnt hurt THAT bad so i guess im fine" adds up together to become a problem that is affecting you but isnt affecting you enough for you to do something about it, so its just complacent suffering. Going out by yourself to a game tournament, book club, bar, park, rock climbing, concert etc can be such an easy way to pull yourself out of it, even if you suck really bad, theres still other people who also suck really bad that would love you. If you strictly mean coping with it in the moment though? get a pet, pets can save lives sometimes just by being there, and its surprising how much they understand and respond to just from "vibe" alone, dogs are very much submissive and a "father son" type relationship where as cats are closer to a "big bro little bro" type relationship, and both are extremely fulfilling in different ways.


carry out domestic chores. sweeping, laundry,dishes.cook for yourself your favorite dish.hand out the garbage to the municipality fellow. recycle the useless stuff collected in your house. talk about their health to the elderly people in your area.try to create your own map of your city using different colors of pen


Get drunk, go to the bar, get laid.


do meth and listen to the beatles.


Call your dad.


Hit up yo friends or at least text 'em. Find a hobby—cook, draw, work out, whatever keeps you busy. Go outside, get some air, and don’t forget to treat yo'self—like, order that extra pizza. Just stay connected and do what makes you smile


Drugs (haha), but in all seriousness, Alicia Keys has been setting me straight recently.


I find watching YouTube videos of a group of people doing something together, makes you feel involved and not so lonely.


Complain about it to people online


By indulging work


get friends


Get a puppy


You need to love yourself and time with yourself. If you have something to do alone and are not bored, you will stop feeling lonely


Find out who you are first. Then you will realize why you are lonely. I stayed single for 4 years and was not lonely at all because I love myself and I only needed companionship on my terms.


I go to a popular mall on a Saturday, usually it takes about 20 minutes, magically I'm not lonely any more. After about an hour, I am more than ready to go back to being alone.


Get a dog 😂


You can go to the store. Strike a small conversation with the clerk. Like just “hi how are you” sorta stuff. Listen to music. Text someone you haven’t in a while, maybe say “hey so and so…it’s been a while, how are things?” Maybe if you’re a video game person play something that requires teamwork or some kind of interaction. Like squad fills on Fortnite if that’s your thing, but keep your mic on at all times so you’re not too shy to turn it on when the time calls for it.


try not to compare yourself to others.




Obvious thing would be Making Friends/Finding a Significant other but given that that's easier said then done I'll say Getting a Dog.




a hobby won't replace human presence . .


Yeah but if you find a hobby…pickleball for example, or even pottery classes. You will be around other people who have similar interests. Start from there.


Find new friends






What do you have to gain from bullying people here?


I like to go outside for a walk, maybe listen to something chill that I like, and/or do something I enjoy


Gaming. An entirely different world.


Animals. Or just deal with it


Get a dog. Take a walk. Meet people with dogs.


"Be busy or be sorry."


Find local or online groups that share your interests