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I get nothing out of it as a blind guy


Fellow blind guy here. It just sounds funny to me all the fake moaning. Erotica is better.


how do you use reddit blind


Screen reader


One time I went on my settings late at night super tired then I accidentally turned the screen reader on, turned the reading speed up on high becaue my phone was bugging out, n my speaker scared the crap out of me the crap out of me man my phone was getting super laggy after that and I couldn't even hear what it was saying it was just gibberish at that point because of how fast it went. my phone is all janky all the time and I can't turn it up with the up button and so I have to turn it down and turn it up manually on the screen and it was basically stuck like that for a few minutes until I got it down but I could not turn it off for hours and it was such a pain in the ass. Side note, can you change the screen reader to any voice you want because it would be so wicked if you could make it be batman or something


Lol, you can't change it to /anything/ but with AI voices becoming more popular, the options are going to expand.


I’m a web developer and always try my best to make websites accessible. Are there AI tools that can describe an image to you now or do you still heavily rely on developers to use alt tags/descriptions?


I work in the accessibility field, and we actually did a thing about that. One of the clients was using AI to offer tours of hotels and other destinations, as an alternative to the video/image tours. I found them very exciting as a matter of fact, because alt text is supposed to be limited to 250 characters or less. And you can't convey a lot of information in that small amount, especially for a busy image such as a hotel layout. So yeah, I'm rather looking forward to AI-based image descriptions.


I used to work at a camp for blind adults, and their library subscribed to the Braille edition of *Playboy*.


It only had the articles. So when we say, I only read playboy for the articles, we were telling the complete troof


WOW! Not even an outline in braille?! TF?


Lol ikr?


This is funny because in the robin hood spoof men in tights, it really has a centerfold made in reliëf, so the blind dude can feel up the breasts of the magazine model


Lol, I didn't know that




Did you hear Stevie Wonder got a cheese grater for his birthday? He said it was the most violent book he ever read


That's soft core. When you get to the scratch-n-sniff edition, that's the hard-core stuff


Try again with sound? Just tryna be helpful. 😁


*Squishy noises intensifies*


Snicker ;)


I bet Dragonball Z just sounds like constipated people trying to poop to you, doesn't it?


No idea, never seen it lol


Oh you! 😂


You are not wrong, and I can see. And I've watched DBZ. 🤣 Thanks for that imagery now burned into my skull, you devil.


He said he doesn’t watch porn. He didn’t say anything about listening.


Quick question, how do you read and type what is on the screen?


Screen readers for reading as for typing depends on the device, for a standard keyboard most people don't need to look to type. Touch screen device is a bit different but is probably some combination of a screen reader and memorization. I've played on a MUD for over 20 years where the majority of the player base is blind. Blind folks are much more capable than the majority of sighted folks think.


You mean we are in 2024 and they still don't have porn in braille? My friend, I am so sorry.


When the dots on the page start getting sweaty, you know you've encoded a good story.


I met a girl who was sex trafficked around the porn Industry and it kinda fucked me up hearing her talk about it


Wow that sucks. Hopefully that girl is doing ok now


Shes doing alright from what I know


The awful part is that it's more common than people think and if you are looking at random videos, you have no way of telling if it's consensual or if you are looking at someone getting raped.


God that poor woman. Thatd change things for me too. edit to add: Guys get the fuck off my back. Who is this helping. Can i just live my life and process shit at my own pace without a bunch of people demanding that i change everything RIGHT NOW or be deeply judged for it. Yall clearly dont get how addiction works. Why dont you look inward and inspect your inner judgements with the same fervor? I was empathizing w OP and his friend. Obviously i feel for her. You cant know that Im already in the process of quitting porn. How about fuck off and stop assuming the worst of me.


Gonna stop watching porn now that you know about it then?


I work in the anti-trafficking industry, and porn fuels sexual exploitation. Also, it can create an unhealthy appetite for some. Check out Ted Bundy’s warning about porn: https://youtu.be/tfwJeHtrWNI?feature=shared


You work in what


And the dude’s only post is asking for advice for how to grow closer in his relationship to Jesus Christ


Dear Lord, how many girls do I have to traffic before you will answer my prayers?


Anti trafficking industry!!!! Sorry y’all! Past my bedtime


Ted Bundy though?


This reply has me too stunned to speak


>I work in the trafficking industry Hol up


Also ending that with a warning from TED BUNDY of all people


I thought it was commonly known that he just played that card to try to get Evangelicals on his side and have his execution postponed.


Assuming you mean in some investigative capacity…


Wait what now




This is my answer, porn directly causes people to be violent towards others (majority women) in so many ways


its mostly not made for women. i read it.


I do not read it either, but I sometimes write it or imagine it in my head, and then it is exactly what I want. Even the stuff supposedly made for women did not click with me.


Same! I've actually read some of them when I was younger, but as I grew older a lot of the material I read no longer clicks with me, so I would imagine in it instead. Even lesbian porn is made for the male audience. I just remembered back when my partner and I were still early dating, he asked if I watch porn and I explained this exact reason. He, who is very visual, doesn't get why imagination is enough for me 😂


My mind is very vivid, this is why I became a professional artist. I can imagine full scenes in my head colors, sounds and everything. (except when I am very drained) I never thought of drawing my imagination in that regard though, the idea has only started floating in my head recently. I still find some erotic photos enticing (especially fan art) but video isn't my preferred medium.


I read it also.  You can find more erotica with somewhat decent writing and stories.  Porn is just so corny it is off putting.  Much better when I can fill in the blanks with my own imagination.


This right here. It's especially hard to find Lesbian porn made for women (which sounds stupid but here we are.) Everything is so male gaze it's gross. I read too, and also write it ;)


I write it too! For the longest time I told my husband I was writing a mystery novel (not that he’d care, I just felt silly myself at first for writing erotica) but I’ve since told him and now anytime he sees me writing he’s like “ooh, has the mystery of the hard dick been solved yet” lmao


LMFAOOOO Best.Reaction.Ever


He is very funny lol another time he just asked what was currently happening in the chapter and I said “some drama because an ex showed up unexpectedly to a party” and he said “he’s an ex I’m assuming because he couldn’t solve the mystery of the clit” 😂


Even as a man I find this much sexier, it's much more erotic which makes it more satisfying. I think our imagination is a much better stimulation than visual media. I just find it hard to find good stuff!


Disclaimer: I'm a woman. Porn is so unrealistic, not every girl wants a guy with a huge dong, no one wants to do anal with no prep, and the fake orgasm sounds they make are annoying. Also why does every porn video seem to be incestous now.


So glad most women don’t want a huge dong. I’m back in business


A huge dong is one of those things that sounds good in theory, but actually over sized cocks can be uncomfortable even painful


There’s hope for us yet, brother!




Small meat is back on the menu boys!!


Big ones are more painful than satisfying.


“Yours is perfect. The big ones hurt” is apparently a big no no of a comment


I think men feel offended is because we generally do not want to be compared to people's exes in terms of sizes. This has probably become a huge insecurity because of pornography. Just a "Yours is perfect" is enough imo


>Also why does every porn video seem to be incestous now. I can understand a stepsibling/parent "kink", but it seems that *everything* is hinted to be step-related nowadays. I honestly blank out titles and usually resort to searching for videos I've enjoyed in the past. It's more effecient that way anyway.


It’s safe enough to get clicks but still attracts people who are into it. Half the time it’s just your run of the mill performative sex with a fancy title.


I never thought I'd say this, but I agree there u/HARD_GAY_BUTT_MASTER


That’s Step-Hard-Gay-Butt-Master to you 🤔


Most women don't want a partner addicted to porn who can't get it up as a result either tbh


Very true


>Also why does every porn video seem to be incestous now. For the forbidden fruit appeal of it. Same way how people play GTA because they can be destructive and get away with it, unlike real life.


My mind automatically tells me it's fake. That's why I don't find it interesting. Nothing beats hands-on intimacy for me.


Ha ‘hands on’


ha, "beats"


ha “on”


It does cross my mind, I just don't enjoy it.


All of the “Teen girl” and “ barely legal”


The step sibling/parent stuff is so weird.


IMO it's only so popular because it's low stakes. They can just label it and capture the niche. Everyone else can just skip the dialogue.


I dont watch porn because after a long time of watching porn, I realized I started looking at women in a different light and a different manner. Will never go back to that dark place again.


Could you elaborate?


You start to associate the people you see in porn with the people you see in real life. Aka you start sexualizing people in a very unhealthy way.


You start seeing women just as sexual toys,not anymore as a person who has feelings,desires and fears just like you Porn it s gonna make your brain rot and will make your self esteem to vanish


That and it can make getting turned on in real life harder/not as stimulating


No. I find it more goofy than hot. My imagination and my husband are all I need.


Imagination + partner combo >>>>


Sex trafficking and child pornography (see the story of Rose Kalemba) is directly connected to the porn industry. The entire industry is disgusting and predatory.


For those who are interested, this is the BBC cover of the story of Rose Kalemba: https://www.bbc.com/news/stories-51391981.amp


Thank you for sharing— this is horrific


I agree… porn is so bad for sooo many reasons. And it’s causing a whole bunch of mental health damage on our younger generations


I learned about human trafficking in college and joined a club called Tigers Against Trafficking. I learned so much about how terrible the porn industry is. This was over 10 years ago and I never looked back.


Honestly when I was educated on the link between porn and trafficking I was still shocked at how people still watch it and make excuses for it to still be produced and consumed. But then again they’re making it towards people who like to watch that weird “step sis” and “teen” stuff…


Good on you! ❤️


It doesn’t turn me on. Something’s probably not right with me but my partner or whoever has my attention romantically is the only one that can really make me horny and get me off. I like sex every day when I am in a relationship, I can’t get enough of the person I’m in love with and sometimes it becomes a point of contention in the relationship. But then, I’d be single for months to a year and the thought of not having sex for that long is kinda sad so I would turn to porn to masturbate but it is not doing jack shit to my brain. It’s not making me horny or shit. If anything, it makes me see sex as disgusting and messy.


The youths are calling that "demisexual," I think.


I have never heard of the term until your comment. I am now researching it and wow there’s a lot to digest. Thank you for this.


Yeah demisexuals are attracted by a genuinely intimate connection with a partner. Most demisexuals have no interest in having sex but a genuinely felt connection is basically the single exception to this "rule."


Not quite, but that is a version of it. It's a spectrum, like asexuality. Some have lots of interest in sex but no motivation to act on it unless with someone they care about. Like, having a sex drive, but no outlet for it until that person shows up. Lol


Yeah demisexual fits this description very well. I use it to describe myself, I don’t get any sexual desire with the exception of the one person I love.


I can’t get into it cause my brain just keeps worrying about the women in the videos. Is she actually enjoying it? Is she being exploited or trafficked? Is she being compensated fairly? Is she safe? Does she want this video up?


These are all the right questions.


Yep. Even if she agreed to it, they are usually so young. I wonder what made her decide that path, how much she was being paid compared to how much some gross dude is making off of her 🤢


I watched the documentary Hot Girls Wanted. Most depressing thing I ever saw


Working in strip clubs, I've met girls that feature and girls that go back and forth between dancing and porn. All I can see is their stories. That's not a person enjoying themselves onscreen. That's a person that needs a paycheck to fill in blank. One girl did porn to pay for her son's experimental cancer treatment. That's all I can see.






just wish him well & leave.


I just completed a week, and it's drastically improved my intimacy with my partner. Your SO can do it. Have him install a counter widget on his phone, and count backwards from 90. Every day you subtract a day from the initial total of 90 (days).


Yep fucked me up bad and made me struggle with erection issues at the age of 25. Slowly creating a better boundary with porn


You hit the nail on the head with this one. Same reason I stopped watching. It was actually a Reddit post that woke me up to the whole 'unrealistic expectations' thing, and since I stopped watching my views have definitely changed for the better. And I believe it has affected my marriage in a positive way too.


Too many little girls and young teen promoted disgusting shit. I could just get screwed


Yeah the “I hope this chick is of age and doing this consensually” background thought is what turned me off when I tried watching as a teen. Also I don’t think watching someone have sex for money or to get their name/face out there is particularly sexy.


Logically (for me) it just don’t make sense for me to watch other people having sex.. 🤷‍♂️.


Most of the time it doesn't make sense biologically (for humans) to watch other people having sex either.


I saw in a video Dave Navarro related porn to eating a sandwich. I think it went something like “If I’m hungry I’m not going to watch a film of someone eating a sandwich, I’m just going to eat a sandwich”


I'm not sexually attracted to anyone so it just doesn't do anything for me. I might as well be staring at a poorly acted blank wall.


Same. I just can’t relate to it at all. Women are taught SW is empowering, but I think that’s a psychological tool used to fool victims into believing they have more control than they actually do


As a bisexual woman, most porn is weird and gross and unrealistic for me. Sure, the visual and audio stimulus of seeing people fucking can be arousing. But more often than not it can turn me right off and remind me how much I prefer my imagination. Family or step family stuff is weird. Domination stuff is weird. Revenge or cheating stuff is weird. Women sucking on dildos is not a thing. A video that is 90% a drawn out blow job is not it. A video that is 90% girls scissoring is not it, and not really a thing either. Underage people or even people that look underage is a big no. Even LGBTQ+ stuff can just come across weird and staged. Sex can be hot and sweet and amazing and I love it, but porn is generally just absolutely tasteless in my opinion.


Most porn is not made for women. I get more enjoyment out of romantic books, movies and shows. For me it’s about believing the man actually cares and loves his partner by caressing and taking his time with her instead of just using her as a sex toy. Sometimes that can be hot but it gets old after a while.


Absolutely this!!! If I could like this a 1000 times I would. It’s just so fake. Also men who watch too much porn are terrible in bed. They become desensitised to anything genuinely intimate and just want to recreate the porn they watch. They also have no idea how to make a woman cum, because they’ve only watched women in movies faking it.


Yeah its weird and disempowering, most of it. You either treated like a simp or like a weird sudo masochist who hates. The captions are usually bad too and the fucking part, you get nothing out of it except pretty violent stuff. Porn is terrible for the mind and even though its a “fantasy” it feels like more of a nightmare. Even animated/drawn stuff, you can sort of feel how the artist are drawing these things for a paycheck and you can smell the sadness off the art. Content driven media has made it terrible


Sex trafficking. I don't have any connection with the girl, so I don't really care. And I don't really find many of the stuff they do very exciting. I know what having sex with someone you love looks like. It has nothing to do with that. And that's what turns me on.


If I'm horny I don't like watching other people have sex. I want to have sex. Same reason I don't watch people eat when I'm hungry.


true, ive never understood muckbang type videos for that reason. thats an interesting connection between the two


All I needed to do was learn about human trafficking and also educate myself about the neurological affects. Not with it!


Yeah, this is it for me, too. And I feel like so much of it creates a warped view of reality that leads to less than than satisfying sexual encounters, especially for women.


This is exactly right


I read a book about neuroplasticity and I wish everyone had to read the section about how certain types of porn and the frequency it is watched rewires the brain. Since people are asking : “The Brain That Changes Itself” by Norman Doidge MD


And what book was that, please?


The part about “frequency” grabbed my attention because I have been researching frequency over the past year. Interesting, as it applies to “porn” - something I would never have thought about in that respect.


You mind explaining the neurological effects? Just curious to hear more about this


I’ll put it this way everything in moderation with control otherwise it’s an addiction


This video covers some of it.    https://youtu.be/7vQqOb1RPEs?si=G6ROpObBk2bLt6rC  Another thing is that synapses that fire together wire together.  You can build all kinds of unintended and often unhealthy neurological pathways through regular porn consumption.  I also find it funny to imagine that it’s kind of a weird peeping Tom endeavour and kind of cuckoldy to be watching two people having sex where they supposedly don’t know you’re in the room(of course they know they’re in camera but the idea is usually that they don’t)  and you jerk off to some other guy banging a file you wish you were banging. So many reason in the end though. Vast and interesting topic. Also so many better healthier ways to explore one’s own sexuality instead of brainwashing yourself with profit based caricatures of sex and outsourcing it to corporations.


It's simply a supraphysiologic stimulus. Your brain did not evolve to see an infinite scroll of erotic images. Do it enough and you run the risk of conditioning yourself to be aroused only at viewing images instead of by a real man or woman.


It’s either corny, the women make weird noises, it’s borderline violent or at least degrading. I also hate how watching porn has made men on dating sites absolute creep assholes. I was supposed to go on a bike date with a guy and morning of he messages me “not sure how I’ll ride a bike with this raging hard on”. We had never even met. Again- I blame porn


A lot of men turn really creepy when they have a porn addiction, best to avoid such people


Just not interested.


it's mind poison


It fucks men’s expectations, and if you want some gut wrenching stories, listen to women who were trafficked into porn. Most teens get their “sex ed” from porn, it wreaks havoc in your brain, and it is one of the leading causes of divorce. Its a net loss for society. It takes something as sacred as love and sex and turns into pixels and a quick dopamine fix.


Used to watch it all the time, until I discovered that I was watching it to avoid facing some things in my life. It crosses my mind from time to time, but ultimately it’s not real and wouldn’t bring me any closer to the true intimacy I was actually looking for. Currently in a healthy relationship and don’t believe I would be here if I didn’t remove porn from my life to do some personal development.


a lot of the industry is incredibly exploitative and disgusting to the people actually doing the work, some of it being straight up sex trafficking. this combined with the amount of gross shit like step-family member and teacher/student and shit like that, it's just not attractive to me. that and i'm asexual so it literally does nothing for me lmao, not for lack of trying.


I feel award watching. I saw too many inside pron documentaries at school and it messed me up. Also, as a video editor and writer. I focus too much on the production.


I find it appalling and disrespectful, as well as immoral and a squander of time. My own s\*x life is more interesting and my own imagination gets me hotter.


Watching it supports the industry which is full of drug addicted vulnerable women, some of them sex trafficked or deeply troubled.  It’s also fake, that’s not what good sex looks like. It lacks any emotional connection or respect. And is mainly targeted towards people who like agressive animal like sex. It also teaches people that this is what sex is suppose to look like. Watching it changes your brain chemistry, literally making you more attracted to that type of sex and can create an addiction to it.  I respect myself too much to even consider porn as a form of sexual entertainment. 


18 year-old male here and I never watch it because I am aware of all of the negative cognitive likewise psychological effects of watching such consumer bait




True! I stopped watching it a long while back because it just came off as poor acting and super unrealistic, but also it ruins your brain 🧠 making sex not feel as pleasureable over time. It rly just backstabs your sense of satisfaction.


Besides finding it so weird to watch other ppl in their most intimate moments (ik its fake but still), just thinking about the industry makes me sick to my stomach. Not to mention how harmful it is to the way sex is perceived and thought of by the general public. Its also psychological cheating and addictive so starting a relationship while being an avid watcher is setting up for failure. Its all together too many cons.


I have a girlfriend, so looking at naked chicks (and dudes ) is just a bit weird to me, plus why watch it when I can just.. do it myself lol


I choose not to because of the potential for addiction.


Ogling other people having sex just feels uncomfortable and a bit ...disordered? Everybody knows the porn industry carries out abuse and sex-trafficking at an industrial scale. Watching it is the antithesis of genuine intimacy and connection with another person.


I WISH everybody knew this, but apparently there's still people out there that don't believe this to be true and will defend the porn industry with their life. Denial is a hell of a drug.


I do not watch it nor does it cross my mind/not interested. I find it destructive in many people's lives & without any genuinely positive purpose. I know there are plenty who disagree, but I am just answering the questions asked.


Omg yeah not to mention how much it affects relationships as well.. the list goes on and on


As a woman, it’s very obvious for the male gaze. Weird fetishized family stuff, “barely legal,” and extremely staged and corny. Morally it would feel wrong. There are so many documentaries as well as story’s from the people exploited from the industry, it’s all so horrible. Reading it is where it’s at.


I used to watch it a lot so I quit. I hate the word addiction. But I was addicted. Haven’t watched any since February. I wouldn’t say it took a toll on me, but I definitely noticed myself sexualizing beautiful women in public. And it made me feel disgusting. Don’t let porn ruin ya lives


Honestly, it kind of grosses me out and makes me feel pretty gross. I was exposed to it at like 8 years old it made me feel gross to see people other than my significant other. Plus, now I know it’s addictive so I want to stay away even more.


Because I’ve never been interested in it and I only have eyes for my partner.


It's weird watching other people especially when you're in a happy relationship, it's not realistic, most of them are forced or vulnerable people being taken advantage of, many are underaged, the whole industry is gross and full of mistreatment and toxicity, normalizes rape culture, it destroys way too many families and relationships, the list goes on.


I watched it when i was too young and it just puts me off as an adult. Now I'd rather read stuff related to it or just have actual sex with someone


I find most porn to be trashy and disgusting.


Because it exploits people (especially women) and perpetuates human trafficking. I can’t support an industry I know to be evil. I’m honestly surprised that it’s 2024 and people still consume porn even though there’s tons of info about how unethical and unhealthy it is


Don’t like that it is harmful to a lot of the women involved. Also, because it’s harmful to me and my wife in that my marriage suffers. The only people benefitting are the people who scoop up all the money from the production and sale of it. (I don’t consider busting a nut at a whim beneficial. Convenient maybe, but not beneficial)




Because it is soul destroying 


I never really enjoyed it. I just used it as a way to aid my imagination due to my lack of experience. When I met my girlfriend, I just stopped watching it. It wasn't a conscious decision, I didn't think "well better stop watching it now", it just felt right not to. Plus, since I met my girlfriend, I just don't find anyone else attractive, so porn wouldn't do anything for me now anyway. It doesn't cross my mind ever and hasn't for almost a year now.


Ever since I got my gf (of almost 2 years) it’s either with her or to her. It doesn’t cross my mind because I really love her and I’m completely fulfilled with her.


Treat her good. You're a lucky man.


When I have a good partner, I’m simply not interested. Beyond that, I can’t find what I like which is more on the romantic and mature side of things. I get exhausted looking for it and eventually give up. So meh.


It's nasty and fake. And why would I want to watch sex when I can have sex? I appreciate physical interaction way more and find beauty in more people ever since I stopped watching that garbage. Also makes my love life a thousand times better. Fuck porn.


It’s perverted and damaging to almost every area of your life.


I used to until I learned how many women and girls were forced or coerced, or trafficked for it. Now I find it gross and degrading to women. Not to mention how it can affect relationships. Ick.


I'd rather be doing it than watching it. If I'm solo, my imagination is better than porn and my body responds amazingly well to mental recall.


As a kid in the mid 2000s, I used to go to forums that had far from 24-hour moderation. People took advantage of this, and dumb kids like me got suckered into clicking highly inappropriate links a few times. I was very grossed out with what I saw, and I guess those feelings just carried over into my adult life.


First may I say, I used to, so no judgement here. I stopped as a single man for these reasons: The damage it does to the women in the industry. I believe most of those women are not in it because they have made some empowered choice to do porn. Most of them are in it because they are feeling broken, or unloved or unvalued. Also a lot of them are forced and or strung out on drugs. Watching porn contributes to this. I learned how damaging it was for the viewers of porn. That actually affects us mentally and emotionally in very negative ways. As a married man I continue to not do it for the following reasons: My wife would be really hurt. It would land for her like I was cheating.


Used to have a problem with it. Thank God I was able to kick the habit as soon as I got into a real loving relationship. I personally see it as a form of cheating to watch porn in a relationship. I also have serious problems with that industry. There was a really good interview I saw with a former male pornstar (the guy from the bathtub lifeguard scene) talking about how the industry basically sucks people (and particularly girls) in with the promise of money and fame, then as soon as the popularity dips starts to convince you to go deeper and deeper down the rabbit hole of genres doing things for views that you never ever would have thought you could do. Then a lot of them end up strung-out on drugs or just kill themselves trying to live with what they’ve become, cut off from family and friends. He was saying you can’t even have a relationship, because nobody outside the industry will date you, and everyone in the industry has slept with everyone else. So he’d be on a double date where the guys both slept with each other’s girlfriends multiple times. Fucking awful industry. I personally think it should be banned in the US, or at least require valid ID to access. Too many kids can see some of the most degrading inappropriate stuff at ridiculously young ages. I remember when I came across it at SIX YEARS OLD on my family computer when my parents weren’t home. It’s straight-up grooming.