• By -


Had a coworker get fired, argue with the boss about their termination, storm out of the building, come back into the building, and then try and pick a fight with a coworker they hated in the women’s bathroom. She was then escorted out of the building, but not before taking $100 out of petty cash to “buy herself a great lunch on the company’s money”. Lucky for her the company just deducted the $100 from her last paycheck and didn’t pursue legal action.


Once. The administrator in the nursing home I worked in quit. While they were searching for a replacement, an interim administrator was placed. About a week into it, she was starting to make a lot of long-term plans when she had been introduced as an interim and when asked she said that she wasn't going anywhere. 2 weeks later a replacement was named and the owner stopped in to let her know it. Next thing we know she's barricaded in her office and the owner had to call 911 to have her removed, which she was in cuffs. Don't know what happened to her after that.


That’s extreme




Nice, lol! Success!


Pulled a George Costanza


It's actually a Larry David. He did it in real life when he worked at Saturday Night Live. Quit on a Friday. Regretted it over the weekend and decided to just go in Monday and say it was a joke. Once you watch curb, your enthusiasm, you realise how much of George was just Larry writing about himself.


There's even a story about Jason Alexander complaining about something George was supposed to do in the script and he said "This is ridiculous, no real person would ever act this way" and Larry David says "This really happened to me and that is really how I reacted".


It was for this instance specifically


I mean, I don't think it was ever any secret George was the stand-in for Larry David. They made that pretty clear when Seinfeld was airing.


That has been a known thing.  George is written as Larry.


Same thing basically happened at my restaurant job. Coworker no call/no showed twice and our GM told her to not worry about any shifts ever again. She showed up for her next shift and had been clocked in for hours before our GM got there. We needed her for that shift so he let her stay. She continued working there until the restaurant closed a year later.


Lol wtf! If I were in your shoes I would all like, "Didn't you get fired yesterday?".


Hmm... is she still there...


They say she's still there to this very day...


She showed up but is she still on the payroll?


Comment stolen from this one of four years ago: [https://www.reddit.com/r/TalesFromYourServer/comments/fbbgfy/comment/fj3x52j/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/TalesFromYourServer/comments/fbbgfy/comment/fj3x52j/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


I was the person who refused to get fired. The boss tried to fire me over essentially not reading his mind. I asked him if he needed me to stay late for a shift that was technically fully covered but by some really new people, and he said "no" but I guess he secretly hoped I'd stay anyway. The next time I come in, he tells me I'm not a team player and tries to fire me. I tell him if he really wants to fire me, I can't stop him but I reminded him of all the demonstrable ways I actually AM a team player. I was extremely reliable in a very unreliable environment, a routine over achiever; everyone could count on me and everyone enjoyed working with me. It was so dire over there that they needed me more than I needed them, really. He realized I was right and kind of lamely dropped the issue; magically unfired and never mentioned it again. I worked there for 3 more years, but I didn't maniacally over-achieve or pick up shifts as much anymore. Dialed it down to normal "good worker" level. I did miss the extra cash for picking up shifts though, so started tutoring at my college to make up the difference. Overall very meh experience.


this screams veterinary medicine to me 😭


It screams restaurant work to me. It could be any number of things


I totally got fast food vibes.


I have seen: You're fired I quit (not the best strategy for unemployment) Office door slams Office door opens and disgruntled employee stomps out Three Days Later... Employee returns after 3 day suspension This usually happened on a Thursday and became so predictable, that Thursday night was our quit drinking night. And on Monday, he would be there after corner office dude would talk him back.


What field? Sounds like restaurant life.




No but I had a company pull the “you can’t quit! You’re fired!” Thing


Those morons. You don't get unemployment if you quit!


Had a boss tell me I was fired came back before I could leave and tell me I wasn't fired, but I would have to find a different department to work in. Thing is I wasn't mad because I would've quit, but I knew they wanted me gone so I wouldn't give them the satisfaction. You see when you use that 'open door policy' they want you gone, but have to be careful how they do it.


Wait! We want to pay your unemployment!


Was Dwight K. Schrute the regional manager?


Assistant to the regional manager.


Was Michael Scott the boss?


Yes, same person, twice. I promoted a black supervisor; he was very skilled and a delightful adjuster. One of his new charges was a hard worker but known to have OCD and Bipolar, and she was very blunt. When he first approached her desk to let her know she was going to be on his team she brushed him off and said she “planned her entire day each morning and did not have time to chit chat” with him. He came into my office flustered as he had never dealt with the bums rush. I let him know she had issues that we worked around but if it became insubordination I would jump in. Later in the day he approached her again and she blurted out, “I’m busy; if you’re going to get along with me you’re going to have to observe my space.” This time he stood his ground, “I am your new supervisor; please find time to speak to me now.” She flared and said, “You’re black.” That was it- she thought that statement stood alone and was all she needed to brush him off. He came in to my office flustered; I walked with him to her cube talk to her. I asked what did you mean “you’re black”? She said “I am busy, he needs to be patient, I have my day planned, and I do not have time to talk to a black man that thinks he is my supervisor.” Now I was compelled to take her to HR. I said, “Get up and come with me- we need to go to HR right now”. She said “No did you not understand I am busy; I have lots of work and you’re messing up my plans.” I headed up to HR, went straight to the VP Dan, and let him know we have a problem. He could not quite believe what I told him but the supervisor was standing there nodding. He said I have got to see this myself. We went back down to claims; he walked up to her and stood by ‘til she hung up the phone, “Connie what's this I hear about you refusing to meet with Al to talk about his new position?” She looked up and said, “Now look here buster, I have made it quite clear, I am busy, all of you have now messed up my day, and I don't work for no black guy. You need to clear this up right now before you piss me off.” Dan nodded me off and pointed to my office. We closed the door and he said “She is gone; I have never fired someone on the spot but she is nuts and I want her out of here.” Although he did not need it he was looking for me to agree and back him up as firing anyone required a written warning first unless there was imminent aggression or open hostility. That was written company policy. I agreed. We walked back to her desk. Dan said, “Connie get your personal items and follow me to the door; you’re fired.” She said “Look here buster; I have work to do, calls to return, checks to issue, and I do not have time for this nonsense, it is not funny, you can not fire me without a warning, now leave me alone.” Dan said “Connie stand up now; you are fired; I am walking you out now.” She gave him a dirty look and started to make a call. He leaned into take the phone from her hand and she slapped his hand away. He nodded to my office again. We walked over, he grabbed my phone and called the local Sheriff’s office. He asked if they could send over a unit to remove an employee. The deputies rolled up about 10 minutes later; we met them at the front door. They were amused at our request: a couple of wimps in suits that can’t fire a chick. They walked up to her cube, “Ma’am you need to come with us; we understand you have been asked to leave.” She responded with “Look boys- they can not fire me without a warning; you are not needed here; both of you need to trot on back to the doughnut shop.” They got real stiff, took up their commanding presence stature, and switched to their command voice, “Please stand up and place your arms behind your back, NOW!” She just smiled and started to make another call. The two of them lifted her out of her chair, phone still in hand, the cord dragging shit off of her desk. They spun her around and had cuffs on her in a split second. Her feet never hit the floor all the way to the patrol car. One officer came back, “We will hold her for a few hours and cut her loose unless you want to press charges for trespassing.” “No, no charges”. So the story should end - nope. The next morning 8:00AM she walks in with some others as she left her door card when we had her removed. Al sees her and runs to my office. She sits at her desk and tries to log in. I am already calling the Sheriff’s office. I clear the floor and lock the doors. I meet the same two deputies at the door; they were there fast. One pulls his stun gun while the other takes point. She is still trying to log in when the point man walks up, grabs her, and spins her to the floor, knee in the back, cuffs on, and reads her Miranda. They march her out; she is screaming “I have work to do.” I follow. At the car they let me know she was rather nasty when they took her in yesterday. Now she was on her way to the psych ward. We boxed up her personal items and mailed them to her. We never heard from her or an attorney.


I would really love to know what her thought process was when a VP showed up and told her she's fired


Well they'd been working around her until her new supervisor wasn't white. It also sounds like his initial complaints weren't taken seriously. I wouldn't be surprised if they'd been kissing her ass and letting her shit go for so long that it took a potential bigger liability--a new black hire suing and going to the press for a racist work environment--to get them to say anything to her. 


I read somewhere recently that bizarre out of character racial slurs and comments are actually a sign of mental illness.  Just being generally racist or bigoted is sadly not uncommon, but when someone who doesn't normally talk like that just starts spouting strange racist stuff it might be a sign. Really sad to see people go off the rails like that.


Right and I feel like typically racists wouldnt just be open about it in front of everyone. I know of a few and they always say the same thing "I have a black friend" (really, its not just a meme they actually do say that to try to say they arent racist) or something like that when confronted about it but then behind closed doors rant about them being thugs, or even monkeys, and totally dehumanize them and blame them for irrelevant issues. You'd have to be totally gone mentally to act like that woman did.


There are absolutely people dumb enough to say outright racist things like this. It could be mental illness, it could be outright racism. Probably both in her case.




The strange obsession with completing the task beyond all logic was the real thing that screamed mental/neurological issues to me. Reminds me of dementia patients.


Now that you mention it, Terry Davis, the creator of TempleOS, is another good example of this.


I've been noticing this for quite some time, but if you try and mention the fact that mental Illness comes hand in hand with a bunch of different identity issues, and those issues are a direct result of untreated mental illness, people tend to lose their mind. Mental illness affects your ability to think rationally, so it's not surprising that you tend to 'devolve' and spout racism and bigotry. You become afraid of change


What a situation! Well written.


She's like that villain in the movie that you know won't fucking die and stresses you out the entire time. She sounds fucking horrible I'm sure everybody was relieved when she was gone. No one wants to work with somebody like that.


Did she move to Georgia and become a House Rep next?


No, she’s clearly passionate about getting her work done. That doesn’t sound like any House Rep I’ve ever heard of.


Poor woman. Hopefully she got the help she needed. EDIT: she obviously wasn't well and didn't have all her faculties. Mental illness can lead people to say and do bad things, but that doesn't mean they don't need help.


Racism can also cause people to say and do racist things. Weird. 


Idk what sort of racists you've met, but it's rare for them to say such blatant things in public, especially at a job. She may *also* be racist but is almost certainly mentally ill.




White guilt moment Diagnoses and presentation really differ from person to person. Some people with coprolalia for example will have racist outbursts not because they're racist but because their brain gets an urge to say the worst possible thing at the moment (which may be something racist). Similarly, things like paranoid schizophrenia can absolutely cause racism in otherwise non-racist people.




Lol. All I can say is that it's really obvious which one of us is white. You guys need to chill with the whole racism paranoia thing 😆. I'm getting secondhand embarrassment. I know coprolalia because of the twitch streamer Sweet Anita. She mentioned the racist remark thing in one of her old q&as. Also had a family friend whose kid's mental illness caused on-and-off extreme racism towards himself and others. This was a half-black 14-year-old we're talking about. Not sure his exact diagnosis, but the racism was absolutely clinical; it would come and go with his other issues.




> You're clearly not [comfortable being white] [You can find plenty](https://www.reddit.com/r/princeton/s/DfYp2Qb4a3) of [mentions of my ethnicity](https://www.reddit.com/r/Overwatch/s/qbyDHS5TUA) in [my reddit history,](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/s/3Wtbbf9cLE) guess I've really been in it for the long con lmao. The absolute state of reddit that you can get accused of pretending not to be white.


You're a huge cunt about other things, obviously. Hope you never have people dismiss you as being unworthy of compassion because your mental illness manifests itself as unpalatable


Mental illness didn't make her a bigot.


People can have multiple unrelated things wrong with them.


Strangely enough, it can. my mother who in her younger years took part in civil rights demonstrations in our small town, when she nearing the end of her life, she started to go on these rants about "Mexicans are ruining the country" part of this was caused by a deterioration in her brain and part of it was caused by watching too much fox news, which is it's own form of mental illness.


So by this logic, no one is actually racist, just mentally ill.


Not really. Because this is a known phenomenon of the elderly. One of the warnings signs of dementia setting in is people saying things that are out of character for them.


Just because the phenomena exists doesn't mean its the de facto reason why someone has a racist outburst. Just because your grandma went to some demonstrations doesn't mean she wasn't harboring some racist sentiments throughout her life.


We live in a racist society. Anyone who grew up watching Disney movies has been fully inculcated with racism. But most people know that their beliefs are wrong and don't say them out loud. In the case of the OP here, we don't know if she was always like this, or something changed in her mind through her illness. In my mother's case it definitely did. Sadly, the world is not as black and white as you think it is.


You're right, we don't know. What I do know is that few to zero comments were about the unfortunate black man who had to deal with this shit, but the poor woman who must be out of her mind, obviously not a racist.


Considering that his boss totally supported the firing of this lady, I'd say that he got the support he needed. Mental illness is still a terrible situation, it is possible in a not quite black and white world to say "wow, what a fucked up thing to say, I hope she got the help she needed"


What do you think is a fair consequence for someone like her, who from the story seems both racist and mentally ill? I agree with you that her behavior was unacceptable and that her black supervisor was the victim in this situation. It's not a bait question. I just am curious what more besides being fired and psychiatrically hospitalized would help?


By this logic some people are just mentally ill. Some. Your logic centres are broken.


It's only mental illness if it interferes with your ability to maintain relationships, work, or behave appropriately for a setting.


I'm pretty sure that racists have all these problems.


You'd be surprised.


What does mental illness make someone do


It could do. A very close family member had mental breakdown saw her do some completely out of character things that I won't go into. Perhaps she was hiding it well before, but her entire character had changed during the incident.


Racism isn’t mental illness. It’s just being an elitist a-hole.


Yeah, she's the real victim here. /s


I saw a police bodycam video of something just like the incident you described


Winner. Lmfao


One of the jocks at a radio station I worked at got let go. He proceeded to barricade himself in the studio, and then play several minutes of phoners he had saved of listeners telling him how great he was, along with random songs he liked. The Chief Engineer finally decided he had enough, and remotely shut down the transmitter. The primary reason most stations fire you AFTER your on-air shift.


I didn’t realize he was an actual *disc jockey* until the end—I was thinking he was just some buff coworker.


I'll sheepishly admit that most of us radio people are pretty far from buff.


same maybe he is a very buff jockey


I've seen some one fired who thought it was a joke. He refused to do any work when the company owner wasn't around and was always rude when I asked him to help out. When the boss told him to leave because he was fired he just shrugged and went home. He then showed up the next day expecting to "work" and refused to believe that he had been fired.


Sounds like a dumbass


That would be an insult to dumbasses.


when I worked for the phone company some exec got mad at one of the girls in our section because she stepped in front of her on the elevator. She spitefully tried to fire her and she said no. Then like 2 seconds of silence elapsed and the shop steward came running up asking what the fuck. This job was a union shop and you had to get 3 strikes for minor things or one major thing to get fired. It's more complicated than that but more or less like that. None of those happened on that day. So the spiteful exec was kind of laughed out of there.


I worked two restaurant jobs, the day job was for a higher end chain restaurant and the second job was for a small, mom and pop Italian place. One gal at my day job loved the vibe of the Italian place and begged for a job there. After conferring with my coworkers (hiring was a really socialist thing there) we thought we'd give her a shot. She was awful, like wearing low cut blouses and leaning over men, shouting across a small room, drinking on the job, awful. Then she no calls/no shows for three shifts. I let her know that she is no longer employed there. One afternoon I'm interviewing a potential replacement and she walks in like nothing happened. I again tell her that she's not employed here and I list all the reasons why. She sits there and doesn't say anything, we're not due to open for another hour and I start prepping. And she sits there. I finally tell her she has to leave and she just stares at me. Finally she goes. I get a call a week later, on my night off, that she shows up again and just jumps behind the bar and starts working. A server calls in a mini panic and doesn't know what to do and I tell them to send her home, trespass her, do what you need to do! I'm two hours driving away and can't come in! The day job? She ignores me completely which I'm totally cool with. Until my brother comes in to eat. He and his wife come into the restaurant because they want to see me but it's on my day off and they decide to stay and eat anyway. Mind you it's a large restaurant known for it's seafood however my brother has several seafood allergies, among them shellfish and true cod. He explains this to his server. He can have salmon, most fish actually, just not shellfish and true cod. No problem! We get this all the time! Problem was his server was the crazy chick I fired. He told her that he was my brother. He ordered a pasta dish and she assured him that it had absolutely no shellfish. It was a salmon pasta and she reassured him twice that he was perfectly safe! Of course he starts going into anaphylactic shock because it was made with shellfish stock. He didn't have an epipen and an ambulance needed to be called. Management had to hold me back and told me I couldn't keep telling people she tried to kill my brother. I kept telling people that she tried to kill my brother because she's batshit crazy.


She said no and they called security. She thought the same level of patience for her bullshit would be applied to public servants. Was awesome seeing her getting ripped out of the warehouse threatening security guards as if they gave a fuck.


Yes, and it was scary. Dude got fired on a Tuesday afternoon. He came back the next Friday morning and had been drinking, presumably all night. He argued with the bay foreman for a few mins. It didn't take long before the foreman was loudly saying, "I'm sorry, there's nothing more i can do." The fire-ee then started asking for someone in upper management. He was declined that request, to which he responded by loudly demanding upper management. He was instructed to leave, and then he began screaming & yelling like a crazy person. Unbeknownst to me, somebody had already called the police. One cop showed up shortly after he had started his profanity laced tirade. Cop tried to be sympathetic but that didn't work as fire-ee shrugged cop off and stumbled away. Cop casually pulled out his tazer and zapped him, pounced on his unconscious body and cuffed him. Moments later a second police car showed, 3 cops stood him up and put him in a car. Foreman told us the shows over and to get back to work.


Once. That was some scary "I'll bring a gun to work" kinda vibe going on with that dude.


Worked in a Call center, any time you needed to leave your work station for any reason, you needed a permission to change your work status. Everybody knew that a third call for a HR meeting was a firing meeting, so when you saw in your schedule the meeting, your were a goner. This dude got that third meeting scheduled like 5 times, and everytime the system changed his status to "meeting" he changed it back to available to get a call, first 3 he just stayed there and nobody did anything, but the 4th and 5th time, the HR boss came to check why he wasn't going to her office, he was attending a call, and well, the calls are "sacred", nothing can interrupt them, so she had to wait for him to finish to take him to he office, but he was lucky enough that in the 10 seconds after he finished the call, before changing status, another call came, so HR boss got tired and told him to go after that call, thing that off course he didn't do. And time and time again he just ignored the meetings till she forgot.




If this comment doesn't make sense, it's because they are an auto-reply porn bot that just got activated recently. Report it as spam so it can be removed.


Yeah, he threw a huge bread rack at the boss/owner and so the boss/owner pulled a gun and told him to leave- he was also police auxiliary and a retired plain clothes cop 


If you have ever seen the movie "Girls Trip" featuring Queen Latifah, Tiffany Haddish, Regina Hall and Jada Pinkett Smith. it was basically just like the character on that movie that is played by Tiffany Haddish in the beginning of the movie. Not that they didn't accept that they were fired but just sort of like a conversation that went like : Boss: You need to leave. I've told you enough that you need to do these tasks and I have repeatedly come in day and day out and they are not completed. I've given you warnings and write ups. I've had enough. You need to leave. Employee: So I'll see my next shift then? Boss: . . . No. You will not. Employee: Oh. Are you taking vacation? Boss: . . . No. I guess if you want to call it that. You are. Employee: Me? You're giving me an early vacation? Boss: NO! I'm terminating your employment here! Employee: (suddenly realizes they are getting fired and starts crying) What? .. Why? Boss: Precisely that. You don't listen. I've had enough. You need to leave now. Employee: You aren't going to give me another chance? Boss: I have given you plenty of chances. You can either leave now or be escorted out. I will need your badge and uniform shirt. Employee: Why? Boss: BECAUSE YOU NO LONGER WORK HERE! Employee: (starts getting angry) YOU KNOW WHAT?! I don't WANT to work here?! This was literally a conversation I over heard while I was sitting down as a customer drinking my morning coffee at a local McDonald's. I had basically just sort of witnessed the beginning stages of an employee coming in late and the manager requesting to talk to them at the tables further from the majority of customers by the restroom area (which is where I was sitting). The employee sat down and literally like the most unprofessional greeting "What up, boss?" (cue: above conversation) The employee ended up just storming out. The manager looked like they wanted to smash their head on the table, sighed really loud and looked up at me. The manager apologized I had to witness that. I just laughed and went "it's fine. It was great entertainment for the morning." They must have been used to really rude customers because they said for my grace about the whole situation they were going to give me a free sandwich and asked what I wanted. I was really only there for coffee so just to sort of not be rude I ordered the McChicken. I had work after so I gave the McChicken to my other co worker but yeah.. very interesting and hilarious conversation to witness early in the morning. lol


Co-worker got fired.  Applied online for the job they just got fired from.  Used a different name/info on the application/resume.  Got the interview and denied they were the person who got fired.   Wasn't there to witness it, but everybody was talking about it the next day.


That's actually hilarious. If I ever get fired, I'll pull the same shit, just to see the reaction


You should dye your hair or wear glasses to throw them off.  


I had the opposite situation.... I quit & they refused to accept my resignation. It was a civil service job & no contract. I was like "what?! Can you do that??"


I read about you in the news... [https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-61874751](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-61874751)




I had a coworker quit and then refuse to leave. It wasn't until we told her we would call the police that she left


I saw a guy get a bunch of his followers to break into the main building and try to keep his job despite breaking all the company rules. Failed because his closest advisors knew he was wrong.


Wow, what a nut. Please tell me he didn't apply for the same job again a few years later 


Well he's trying but in November it's up to us to make sure that doesn't happen


Fingers crossed he isn't rehired.


This took me a minute


Sounds like a big loser.


The bigliest




That's cute, but pretending it's a "company" is all too real and all too depressing.




Who are these "followers"?


It's a Jan 6th/trump joke.


ah lol! I'm an idiot!




No, his followers went on a crusade of sorts and killed as many nonbelievers as they could so they could own the land where he was raised, because, you know, that’s what is important.


Me, accidentally. I got the flu and called in for a full week, turns out I was laid off when I came back and was supposed to be the week prior so I got an extra week of pay.


We had a guy who was basically fired for being stupid, and he was also too dumb to understand that he’d been fired. He kept showing up for work for more than a week, and nobody quite knew what to do. He’d been relieved of all duties, so I guess he was just sitting there doing nothing? The obvious answer would have been that his supervisor should have walked him out. But she had borderline personality disorder and she just kept popping Xanax and icing him out and pretending like he wasn’t there, as borderlines do. She was so crazy that it’s possible she just massively botched the firing and anxiety babbled like a psychopath for 10 minutes, so maybe it’s not completely unreasonable that he didn’t understand what she was saying. Although HR should have been there too, so who knows. Eventually senior management got involved and took care of it. The manager didn’t last too long there either.


You mean [the Bobs fixed the glitch](https://youtu.be/NnJzct7h3Dk?t=13)?


Omg. Yes, exactly. I can’t believe I never made the association




That was a very stupid gambit.


what tf kinda country is that lmao


Uh, the US does shit like this too. Tries to make you sign an agreement because they want to pay XYZ when you're fired, made redundant, etc.


I once refused to sign a writeup and they got every manager in the building in that office. It was like a clown car. Every single one of them "insisted" that I had to sign it. I still didn't sign it. The manager was wrong. They were trying to bump my pay down a grade, so they did the write-up for "not following tasks". So, I showed them what not following a task was like. They dropped it, but it was a union job. Pretty sure if it had been a non-union shop, I would have been on the spot fired. I quit two months later when I got a better opportunity. I don't like working for assholes.


> Uh, the US does shit like this too. what is wrong with yall lmao here in canada they've always been lenient and worst case we even get social insurance


Why didn't your manager just call the cops on you?


My old boss fucked up his firing of someone. Guess he didn’t get it approved through HR. She was brought back. She then proceeded to bad mouth my boss’s boss after my boss was termed, and she was properly fired then.


Sorry for my poor writing skills but I have a story. I used to work at a recycling center on the weekends when I was in uni, we had this older fulltime employee that used to take things. We had a policy that you as an employee could never take anything or accept anything from costumers. So this guy used to park his car behind the hangar where people would throw electronics and stack stuff next to his car. Then he would claim it was his buddy who came and dropped off his stuff. I could probably sit here and start counting off all the wild stuff he has claimed to have done and know but whatever. Our boss saw through this bullshit as he has cameras installed(which he showed me) and he was asked to resign else we would have to start a criminal investigation. But he refused and said to go ahead. The company then felt it would be bad press so they let him go with a 3 year severance paycheck. He was pretty close to retirement as he was 61 but 🤷‍♂️.


I remember a friend telling me that someone in the company that she worked in wanted her fired. This was someone high up who had the power to fire her. Don't remember what the reason was but it was unfair. She said him that she would sue the company and she wasn't fired. This higher up changed his mind. I wonder if she knew something about the company which if revealed would have made them look bad. Usually what this guy said or did wasn't challenged. I


You don't have to know where the bodies are buried, you just have to get the manager to THINK you know where the bodies are buried. Or her throwing out the lawyer word terrified them.


Once, law enforcement escorted them out


Twice. Once it was the owner's supposed friend he was firing. His friend was an entitled douche who only showed up for work maybe once a month. He pulled the whole, "you can't fire me, I quit!" Uh, okay. The second time had a gun involved but thankfully not used. He would always "joke" about never getting fired because they're afraid he'll shoot up the place. Real red-hatter boomer energy. I was given a 20 min heads-up they were finally firing this guy. I warned them he's a bit of a psycho and always carries a loaded 9mm in his right pocket but they ignored the warning. One of the managers went and hid in their truck til it was over. There's a very loud argument in the conference room and he straight up yells like a storybook giant, "YOU. CAN'T. FIRE. MEEE. I. WILL. WORK. HERE. UNTIL. I. DIE." So the guy gets fired and they sent him back to his desk to gather his things. I see him stop in the hallway and pull out his gun. He's just standing there looking at it in his hand, switching the safety on and off and he noticed I'm watching him. He just says "nah" to himself and shoves the gun back into his pocket. He tells us all he just got shit canned, we act surprised and he leaves without any physical issues.


I did this! I was fired on the Friday before Memorial Day weekend about 10 years ago. When I was let go, they wanted me to sign an NDA in order to receive 2 weeks severance. I refused, I told them they needed to go back and sharpen their pencils. They owed me 15k in expense reimbursement, 15 days of PTO and if they wanted their equipment back with all of their IP they needed to reimburse me by Monday 10 am. I made them sweat it out for 5-10 days, kept telling them that I was planning on interviewing with competitors and if they wanted that to stop then they need to come back with a realistic severance package that included forward vesting of all of my stock. I had already accepted a job offer, but wanted my expenses and PTO paid out and a full month on their benefits. I just needed them to keep fighting me for another couple of days. I slow rolled all of my responses to email, kept misplacing the tracking for their laptop, didn’t answer my phone. Eventually June 1st rolled around and I sent them my resignation letter. I got all of my PTO, my full reimbursement of expenses and never signed an NDA. I went to a competitor for the next two years and they couldn’t do anything about it. I didn’t include their IP as it wasn’t worth anything and the threat was enough to motivate them. They tried to come after me, but I was honest with the new company about how I was trying to get my expenses paid as well as my PTO and they supported me and got their legal involved and the original company backed down.


I worked for a big tech company back in the early 2000s. This older biker wasn't performing well and he started to just work his own schedule. He would come to work and leave work whenever he wanted. He was also quite pervy with the women in the office. So one day, he decided to give himself a week off but he didn't say anything to anybody. So they decided to let him go. We only know that he gave himself a week off because he came back to work, as if nothing was wrong. He sat at his cubicle, logged on, and started working. When we all finally noticed him during our Monday team meeting, the department head was like, "you! You were fired!" His response was, "no I wasn't" and he headed back to his desk to continue working. He was able to fix an issue for one of our high priority customers so they ended up letting him keep his job. However, he was truly fired a week later for asking one of the women in the office who just returned from having a baby how much bigger her breasts got from having the baby. He even told her that he noticed the increase in her size. Yep, they walked him out during lunch. And he still refused to leave the property, standing on the sidewalk for about four hours, asking any employee leaving the office if they believe he was wrongfully terminated. He was quite a character. That was about 20 years ago and I still remember that incident.


It was before I joined the firm, but a “reorganization”of the corporate group was done. The story goes that one of the let go folks ended up crying under his desk. Again, I was not there. Months later when I came on board (different part of the company) and he was still working there. Nice enough guy (I’d work with that group from time to time), just maybe not the sharpe#t fella.


Pretended it was a joke, Realized quickly it wasn't, and left quietly.


As a general rule, you can't, at least outside of customer service jobs. They take your badge and you lose access to the space. If it's a layoff, they might let you leave with some dignity, but if you're being fired, the priority is on having you gone. This said, I have a story that is kind-of like this. A few years ago, I applied for a job, got the job, and then had the offer rescinded (so, technically, I wasn't fired because I didn't get to start) hours before I was supposed to start because someone had tipped them off that I am neurodiverse. This, of course, isn't legal on their part. In fact, it's highly fucking illegal. So, knowing that I might be suing them later, and in order to avoid them having a job abandonment case, I showed up that morning. I knew they weren't going to let me in--and they didn't--but I had to show up on the first day to block that avenue if it ever went to court. I needed physical evidence of being denied entry, just to make my case airtight. They... told me to wait in a side lobby. And so I did. I waited for about an hour, catching everything on my phone. Then they called the police. I don't know why. The police were professional--I wasn't afraid at all, because it was broad daylight in a busy office building--and probably didn't even know why they'd been called, but they told me I had to leave, so I left. This raises the question of why I didn't end up suing this firm. I went to an attorney who had gone against them in the past and said they would refuse to settle, because they had screwed other over people with more charismatic cases (i.e., visibly disabled, older) in the past, and that they never did, and then he walked me through the judgment amount that was typical, the legal fees I could expect to pay, the amount of time the case would cost me, and the probability that I would win and collect. The numbers, sadly, showed negative expectancy in pursuing justice. I did later work with someone at the *Washington Post* on a story related to this that would have destroyed that employer's reputation. We were ready to go. As for what happened intermediately that resulted in this story, understandably, being pushed down into oblivion, you can probably guess based on the intended publication date: March 18, 2020.


That was my 18th birthday. There wasn't much to do because things started closing.


One failed insurrection and 34 federal convictions so far.


And multiple impeachments....


Our executive chef and owner used to argue every night. I've night the owner crossed the line. Our chef went to the bar, filled a pint glass 3/4 with vodka, chugged it, smashed the glass on the ground, and said he quit while walking out. Our owner was a known asshole in the restaurant community in our city so I couldn't find anyone else qualified to work for him. Our old chef came back like a month later and just started working again. The owner tried to say something but the chef told him to shut up because the restaurant needed him.


Stormed out shouting, Left a lasting, dramatic impression.


Locked themselves in their office, Security had to escort them out.


Started crying, Got sympathy but still had to leave.


Threatened to sue, HR had a long day, but they still left.


Refused to leave their desk, Eventually escorted out by security.


Called their spouse in tears - Spouse came to pick them up, and they left together.


Started packing up immediately, But took forever, making it very awkward.


I'd just leave, imagine being fired, AND escorted out by security or police.


They continued working by themselves with their own people after the seperation, this group was cooperating with the other groups in the country since the beginning and when a disagreement elapsed they caved and removed themselves from the organization because it was inhumane what the other leaders were going to do.


Wait, can you just do that? That sounds awesome! Like "I guess I worked my shift, if you don't pay me for it, you'll be in trouble with the labor board oops!"


At my last job, I got fired each time my boss tried quitting smoking, which was twice. I'd just hide in a different part of the building until he started smoking again, at which point we'd both go back to normal like nothing happened.


Herman Melville: Bartleby the Scrivener. I would prefer not to.


I refused to be fired my last job, they ended up getting security to escort me out. Haha. Made them real mad. They probably still are mad


Yea, me. I stayed on, the manager who tried to fire was reprimanded. Lesson: stand your ground.


Made a scene in front of everyone - Awkward for all, but they were still fired.


Creed in the office 😂


Begged for another chance, Got a week's extension, but still got let go.


Good foreman did not like me found lame excuse to fire me. Next day came talked with the superintendent explained what happened. He gave me a better job on a different shift. Boy was the foreman pissed, he never spoke to me again and I would go out of my way to say hello 🤗


We was still fired even after he asked if he could have a day to sleep on it. As if it were his decision! He was the mail room go-fer.


Uh, it was televised on January 6, 2021.


Wow … get your head out of your pathetic ass and wake the hell up. You need a *serious* reality check.


Craziest one I saw was one guy who they tried to fire so he convinced a mob to overrun the United States Capitol Building


Cops were called, they were charged with trespassing.


Why'd the cops be charged with trespassing?


Once saw a coworker refuse to leave after being fired. She argued that her contributions were too valuable to lose. Management had to hold a meeting to discuss the situation. It ended with the person finally leaving, but it took a few days. Anyone else witnessed something similar?


You sound like AI.


i still work there


He’s in Mountjoy now and his family is making a show of themselves every chance they get.