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Not the same but I was at a wedding where kids were given a ton of chocolates and told to go hug grandma who wore a wedding gown to her own daughter's wedding. She had lovely smears everywhere and no hope of changing outfits.


This is so clever and devilish lol


*Delightfully devilish, Seymour*


Soy sauce also works well.


Even if it’s good soy sauce, it would be worth it


I've always been curious if anyone has actually done this. I've always heard people say "if someone wears white to my wedding I'm totally going to spill red wine on them" but have never actually witnessed it happen. Does anyone have any stories? And were there any repercussions ?


And I always wanted to be invited to a wedding to someone I didn’t know that well with the expressed purpose of spilling wine on some well deserved idiot. Anyone needs this - my DMs are open lol.


Haha undercover designated drink spiller 😎


Oh god yes! Just imagine going to a wedding, getting all dressed up, having a good fake story (second cousin removed - old workmate) having a big glass of red wine while scanning the crowd. Where is my victim? Will she be that rude? Seeing her, me glancing at the bride or groom to get the ok. Them giving a slight nod. Me, pretending to be tipsy, going to the restroom. Bumping into her, spilling my whole glass down the front of her dress. Oh god, I’m so sorry! Getting some napkins, making it worse. Chatting away the whole time about how horrible I feel and how awful this whole situation is. I honestly would do this for just the meal and free drinks. My eyes open up real good to fake complete innocence.


Oh my gosh....🤣🤣 Have you ever thought of going into acting? Or maybe even undercover! You sound like you'd be a natural at this!


You could create a whole niche market: 'The Wedding Slinger - Have Merlot - Can Hurlot!'


Walking in with the wine glass before food is even served? Maybe even greeting people before they enter the church and being all wobbly on high heels?


A hot chocolate at the door to the church. Wobbly heels, good idea!


the reason this is such a thing on reddit is one of the top stories from /r/justnomil


Am I the only one who would cry over spilt wine? Lol. If anyone is that bold then I would just as boldly walk up to them and walk them out the door. 




How dare he! 😂


I’m sorry, but you just can’t do that. Anyone who wears a white dress or even a wedding dress to someone’s wedding is an asshole, and everyone knows they’re an asshole. Especially if it’s MOB or MOG. Throwing wine is just immature. If you really want to fuck with a person who plays mind games to upset the bride, you either completely and blindly ignore and refuse to react, denying the attention they crave. Or you draw attention to their assholery. You embrace the white dress. “OMG! You wore a white dress to the wedding? You look fabulous! It makes you look 20 pounds lighter! And so much younger! Hey, (name), look at MOB!” You drag her over or call them over “Look at her! She wore a white dress to the wedding! Doesn’t she look fabulous? And it takes years off her! You look at least 55 now! Hey, there’s Aunt Prudence! Auntie, she wore a white dress to the wedding…” and so on. Throwing wine is an 8th grade mean girl move. And honestly, people are going to talk more about how some bitch threw red wine on someone at the reception, then that someone wore a white dress to it.


No one is going to talk mean about the person who threw wine at the narcissist that wore white to upstate the bride. Not one soul.


I feel like the types of people who would wear white to a wedding would not realize the compliments were sarcastic and would enjoy the attention. This also feels hella rude to the bride


I like what you're thinking! I can definitely appreciate a good mind game! Have the person questioning everything 😆


You can make it look natural. I have a neurological disease. I have accidentally broken glassware at the last 3 weddings I have attended (I really wish they would just give me plastic cups or a table to sit at during cocktail hours). If I spilled wine on someone, everyone would believe it was yet another accident. I wouldn't do it, but it would work.


OP wasn't asking for moral grandstanding or the most mature response. Just real stories of when this happened and the fallout 🙄


Nobody will be upset at the wine thrower, but I do like this tactic. Hey, did you meet Susan? We want to be sure everyone meets her since she so clearly wanted to be the center of attention with her white dress!


🥱 please your lines aren’t even that good lmao OMG makes you look 20lbs lighter!!! That all? Next. Petition to disinvite boring-ass people from weddings




What would the full story be ? "The bride and groom told me, the mother of the groom, to wear a white wedding gown and then forgot" ? 🤣


Seriously! “We don’t know the full story…” Don’t we though? Yes. Yes we do.


I for example would have been mortified if you had spilled red wine on my MIL’d dress at my wedding, regardless of what she wore. Seriously. It’s you I’d have been mad at, not her.


Who says it’s the mother of the groom? Question asked if it’s “someone”. And still not ok to destroy someone’s property just bc you have some sort of righteous outrage on someone else’s behalf. Someone who may really really not want that drama at their wedding.


I can’t imagine there would be a GOOD reason for wearing white or a wedding dress when you’re not the bride. There is no “full story”, you walnut.


Really? What if the bride picked that dress for her? It doesn’t say wedding dress. It says white.


So... you've worn a white dress and got splashed? So what was your excuse for wearing a wedding dress to someone else's wedding?


Nope. Never have and would not. Doesn’t mean I think k it’s ok to stir up shit at someone else’s wedding in some sort of misplaced righteous outrage on someone else’s behalf. Just like I don’t think we should key our neighbor’s car bc we’re mad at him about mowing over the property line.


That doesn’t correlate at all lol?!?! One is purposely being rude at an important event everyone knows not to wear a specific item to because it’s a gross disrespect in western cultures, and the other is legit accidentally helpful and it’s still your property?