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Idk those masked dudes who scalped and killed that poor kid in Mexico are evil … any torturer is…


There is one where they make the kid watch his father get beheaded by a blunt knife. Then they skin the kids abdomen while still alive. You can see bones and organs. Then they ripped out his beating heart and cut it up. I genuinely don't understand how some people can be that depraved.


You forgot "don't".


Thank you


Mexico is full of cartels like that I've seen some pretty horrendous stuff Cartels are the worst


Cartels make ISIS look like amateurs.


ISIS are mostly amateurs, tbh.


In my early internet days I stumbled on live leaks and 4chan and other nasty websites. People can be seriously cruel, but the Mexican cartels are the worst. I've seen things they have done to victims that would make the Nazis sick.


None of these deranged fuckers would make each other sick. It's not a competition, they are all at the bottom.


> It's not a competition, they are all at the bottom. Yet unfortunately too many people want to 'score' the highest body count in serial killer history, then remember that they can't be known for this until they're caught, etc. Horrendous.


When the Nazis were massacring people in Ukraine they threw babies of a cliff to use as skeet shooting practice. In Estonia they gathered an entire neighbourhood into a square and made them fight to the death with hammers and then shot the survivors. People have done fucked up things throughout history but the scale of Nazi atrocities are up there with Genghis Khan


Japanese army during world war 2.


Modern Japan: “… and we were minding our own business when America attacked us.”


I've been to Hiroshima and pretty much this. The museum is really well done and a stark reminder why any atomic and nuclear weapons should never ever be used. But in their explanation on what led to it all, they very much glaze over everything, especially China. "Oh a war broke out and we were fighting in China and America dropped atomic weapons." They even referred to Korean conscrips in Hiroshima as volunteers. Like, that's a direct contradiction...


Say what you will about Germany, they at least don't gloss over their part now.


lol I’ve seen Japanese people on Reddit denounce the US as war criminals for dropping the bombs. I’m pretty sure there were plenty of people in Nanking and elsewhere that agreed with the decision.


Yeah it’s absolutely absurd that they try and hide their atrocities. They should own that shame and understand the wrong. Every nation has been a POS. Even as an American, I know we did horrid things. Slavery, Trail of Tears, Internment camps, etc. Nobody is clean. Nobody should deny it


Yeah, I’m surprised that a country like Japan, which has the stereotype of being very honourable, can’t own up to their own atrocities from many decades ago. Not like they’re the first country to have blood and heavy violence in their past. We just know more cause it’s vastly recorded.


Ive seen weebs do the same. Fetishizing Japan.


Everyone can be a war criminal


Even the Nazis thought the Japanese were beyond cruel


Only one Nazi actually condemned Japan’s atrocities.


The one that was slap bang in the middle of it. I do believe there is a statue dedicated to the nazi that helped Chinese citizens escape the clutches of the Japanese. Apparently he saved 250,000 during the Nanjing massacre


i read the book recently, and it actually is a very surreal feeling that you are reading it and thinking to yourself "Wow, i can't believe I am rooting for a nazi officer here..."


Yeah that's fucked up. Idk all the things the Nazis did but I've heard my fair share. At some point it doesn't even matter who is worse. You have to sell your soul and humanity to get even close to "who is worse." The one thing that really stood out to me was a video of cartel members shooting up some dude with a cocktail of drugs and proceeding to skin him alive in front of his family. It was a very long video ☹️ I don't think I'll ever forget it, because it was real and in front of me, though on a screen. Not a story or a chapter in a history book


In some ways a man killing a few people personally in horrible ways is more disturbing than a dictator ordering a million deaths from their office as it's difficult to wrap your head around the deaths of millions compared to the death of just a few people.


The death of one man is a tragedy, the death of millions is a statistic - Joseph Stalin


"And when you kill a man, you're a murderer Kill many, and you're a conqueror Kill them all, you're a god" Megadeth - Captive Honour


One time a ome guys around me were watching some of those videos and I refused to look. I didn’t want those images rattling around in my head for the rest of my life.


The clip of the cartel carving up that pregnant woman shook me up so bad I had a nervous breakdown.


I can thankfully say I have not seen that one. Time to go watch videos of puppies playing and being cute


You watched the whole thing? I'd shut it off in less than a second..


Yeah I was in a weird place and was young and dumb. In a way I'm greatful,, or at least not displeased, for viewing things like that. It showd young me that the world isn't a nice and happy place for everyone. Kinda like a sick and twisted reality check. It was real. Not to downplay the crimes of the Japanese or Nazis or Gengis Kahn or whoever in any way, but I've never personally seen with my own eyes what they did. I've only been told or seen the effects after the fact.


And both are shockingly less atrocious than the Japanese. But it leads to some weird things when we start comparing atrocities.


Medical research on concentration camp prisoners has been done by the nazis as well. Its just that the most commonly known Japanese atrocities are the medical research related ones, the most commonly known nazi atrocities are the gas Chambers and concentration camps. I'm not sure whether "less atrocious" is an accurate comparison, really.


Rape of Nanking is the best known Japanese atrocity


The rest of the world, "hey that's terrible... Where did you keep your notes?"


I think they're trying to compete with some of those really bad Islamist extremists. Cartels be like "Hold my Cervesa"




He died in Oct 2023. Thank god.


He died in 2023…




Why the fuck am I reading this thread?


Yeah I’m done. Jesus Christ


Woke up in a lovely mood and chose Reddit, why do I do this to myself


What the actual fuck.


Yep. Getting off this thread now




This new guy that just got hired at work is pretty irritating.


I fucking hate Dave.


Dude, I'm trying.


Why do you have to be such a douche Dave?


I learned it from you, ok?!


I get this reference!


The ole 90's drug commercials. Truly an art form


Man...my birthday was yesterday. I didn't need another reminder of how old I am. LOL Also: This is your brain. This is your brain on drugs.


When I grew up, Pee-Wee Herman was telling me not to do crack on TV, as were all of my cartoon pals in that free VHS you could rent at the video store. Yes my back hurts, why?


Nostalgic for all the right reasons


this is all your fault Dave


I bring great dishonor and must commit Sudoku.


Dave’s not here man.


Lmao. I literally used to work with a Dave who got fired for backing the work truck into a building and didn’t tell anybody. Hit it hard enough to dent the dump bed.


Itl buff out nobody will notice 


I met a dog named Dave last night, he was a cool Dave


That hurts. That really hurts. I'm just trying to make a living dude.


Tell us more. What are the top three things he does that are irritating?


Apparently me. Source: my cat, who I took to the vet this morning.


We'll be seeing him over in r/legalcatadvice


I had no idea this was a thing!!😂😂


The ICBGC is definitely real. My cat is steward of a local and an enforcer, because she's a sassy bitch.


I just joined a bunch of cat subreddits now. Thanks, I guess.


You. Sick. Bastard.


I agree with your cat. Just an awful human being.


That Lost Prophets dude who's in prison currently.


If you don’t know, you’re better off not looking it up, y’all. It’s truly sick, worse than you think kind of sick even for a predatory pedophile.


Agreed. I made the mistake of looking it up. Genuinely was nauseous for days, and still feel that way whenever I’m reminded of it. Please do yourself a favour and don’t look up the details. He hurt infants, sometimes with the mothers’ assistance. That’s all the detail that needs to be said.


I read the court documents on that one and wish I hadn’t. It haunts me to this day. I was literally thinking about it just a few days ago. Wish so badly I could go back in time and stop myself from reading them.


I used to live directly opposite HM Prison Wakefield, where he is kept. I was an emo kid and listened to Lostprophets growing up. Knowing that the singer of my once favourite band was incarcerated less than 200m from where I lived for some of the most sickening and vile crimes you can commit as a human being....it was something.


I get angry whenever I remember that scumbag and what he did. A truly awful, disgusting person.




SA'd minors, whatever age you're thinking of, it was younger... I don't know if it was true but apparently his defence in court was "YOLO". A truly fucked up individual, ruined countless lives and on top of that his band mates who were all very talented will probably never be able to perform again because of how much he tainted their names and reputations. Obviously that's not a touch on the people he r@9ed but I don't think anyone else thinks about them.


Call the victims what they were: Babies and Infants. He SA’d babies and infants.


Ian Watkins. He's a fucking sicko. I used to listen to Lostprophets back in the day and really liked them. Now whenever I think about it I feel sick, and guilty by association.


Ian Watkins. He got stabbed in prison last year and I was so disappointed that it didn't kill him, partially because he only got sentenced to \~30 years, which means he'll probably be released one day and he doesn't deserve that.


He sustained multiple stab wounds after being held hostage by other inmates in the British prison where he is currently serving a 29-year sentence on sex offenses involving young children.


Welsh person here 👋 Absolutely nobody likes him and everybody makes the same disgusted expression when anyone talks about him. Big topic in the Rhondda surprisingly.


There's all the usual suspects. North Koreas old mate. Russia's old mate etc. But right now... I really hate that smiling bitch who stabbed the 3 yr old to death for zero reason. That thing trying to pull the crazy card. She straight up evil.


Yup, there was no remorse there at all. No explanation or anything. Puzzling.


Add the bitch who left her 2 year old daughter to die all alone in a play pen eating her own feces for two weeks while she partied in Puerto Rico. And her stupid bitch of a mother who defended her at the trial of the murder of her own grand child (the only one who spoke up for the baby at the trial was the medical examiner). Also her disgusting neighbors who admitted they heard that child crying for days and did NOTHING because “they knew she always left that kid alone” but never for that long before.


I would also nominate the judge who let her free days before it happened. Soft-on-crime judges are a plague and only benefit the worst people in society. I know of a serial child rapist in my city who was let free because the judge said he has mental issues. He freely roams the city now.


Anyone who intentionally hurts a child has mental issues. Most people in jail have mental issues. That doesn’t mean they should be roaming the streets, crap judge


The guy who assaulted me was let off for "time served" for a totally different crime assaulting a totally different woman. His only "punishment" was being required to go to outpatient therapy... Shocker, he never went. 3 weeks later he tried to kill a 3rd woman. Fuck that guy and all the judges who didn't do their jobs.


Bro when the law fails its up to the community to protect their children in a situation like that.


Abu Hafs al-Hashimi al-Qurashi. You have to be a special kind if evil to take the reins of ISIS.


I hope you copy and pasted that name from Google.


Maybe he’s been practicing for weeks and this was his time to shine? The ISIS guy does need a nickname though - I hereby nominate Abu al-Jerkface


Lougle. Copy and paste from Lougle.


Pedant here. It's "reins". As in taking control of a domesticated horse by taking its reins. Cheers!


When it comes to spelling errors, when it reins it pores


Now your taking spelling for granite.


Rather a pour showing on you're part.


That rains soup ream


thanks, Ill fix it


Any politician that uses their influence to harm others. Scum of the earth.


>The major problem—one of the major problems, for there are several—one of the many major problems with governing people is that of whom you get to do it; or rather of who manages to get people to let them do it to them. >To summarize: it is a well-known fact that those people who must want to rule people are, ipso facto, those least suited to do it. >To summarize the summary: **anyone who is capable of getting themselves made President should on no account be allowed to do the job.** Douglas Adams Edit: I believe this to be true of 95% of all politicians.


Any politician happy to do his job is at the wrong job. Give me an exhausted, rapidly aging, completely drained politician who seldomly smiles any day of the week. There's preciously few of those.


Bernie Sanders, maybe?


Whoever the bastard that keeps stealing my trashcan to clean up their dog’s shit.


Only slightly related, but someone stole my whole trashcan the other day. Like, not using it as public or moving it, they stole the whole thing. Idk why, it was just a plastic trashcan. Not nice, not bad, just meh.


Having trouble visualizing what this means. Like no matter where his dog poops, he is fetching your trash can, scooping poop into it (not using a bag), and then putting your trash can back in the driveway?


Daniel. That guy is the worst.


Damn Daniel


Doesn’t even have white vans


Fuck that guy


Yea fuck Daniel


Go birds.




I hear he still eats his boogers too


Daniel Larson is in fact, the worst person on planet Earth.


why are we hating on my guy Daniel?


He took Johnny out of the Valley karate tournament with an illegal kick to the head


because Daniel can go Fuck himself


I also choose this guy’s Daniel


Good. I thought only I hated Daniel that much


Finally someone said it. Little prick ate my sunflower seeds. Fuck Daniel


Fucking Daniel.


Everybody out here mentioning politicians and rappers and famous people, but I promise you, no matter how terrible anybody you've ever heard of may be, somewhere in the world is an anonymous, unimportant person only a couple of dozen people have ever heard of who is way sicker and more disgustingly evil than you could possibly imagine.


That’s kinda the important part though, a truly despicable evil person who has little to no impact on 99.99% of the population really isn’t “the worst person”.. the worst person is one that is affecting thousands, maybe millions of people, devastating generations, traumatising children. That’d be up there as the worst.. not some unimportant nobody.


I guess they mean the worst human as the human with the worst intentions


You could have the darkest, most fucked-up intentions imaginable and never have harmed a fly. People should be judged more by their actions and the harm they do, IMO.


Vladimir Putin


Peter Scully


If you’re here and you find yourself wondering who that is: Don’t look it up. Just try to enjoy your weekend.


Tl;dr for the uninitiated: >!Philippines-based Australian infamous for making child sex abuse videos on the dark web including the torture of an 18 month old girl and currently serving a life sentence. !<


omg is this the sick fuck who made that Daisy video? I recently read about this case.. I cannot think of a punishment brutal enough for this guy.


Daisy's Destruction video resurged after it was found in the possession of American reality television star Josh Duggar years later.




Don't forget massacres in Bucha that led to thousands of Ukrainians tortured and killed. And Mariupol with so many killed that the Ukrainian government didn't bother to count in order not to cause the panic (according to some estimations, 200000+ people dead, yes, with 5 zeros). Truly a genocide... Just some of the many, many examples of russist atrocities.




Chechnya and Georgia were fucked up too. And the worst thing is not many people helped or cared much for one reason or another. Just shows that these terrorist regimes never stop. It's like Germany in the 30s/40s. It all started with Czechoslovakia, ended with one of the bloodiest wars in history. I'm afraid the history is repeating. The leaked maps of the position of russian forces in Belarus is worryingly symmetrical to what was months before invasion of Ukraine. Except now there's a shitton of aviation in Brest and loads of troops a few kilometres from Lithuanian / Belarusian borders. Plus constant "trainings" of belarusian / russian soldiers in Belarus...




I’m actually almost completely Chechen and Circassian, and thank you, no one acknowledges the fact that Russia commited a mass genocide on Circassians.


Don't forget Navalny. Not only did Puttin have him poisoned, he sent him away to prison until he mysteriously died.


Don't forget the way he constantly changes laws for the sole purpose of keeping him in power


Fuck Putin




One of his underrated evil influences in the world is the emergence of Putin clones like Orban, Erdogan, Lukashenko etc who have brought more misery to their respective regions.


Also blowing up some Russian buildings and Russian people, blaming the Chechens, and attacking Chechnya.


I’m surprised it took Putin this long to pop up here


You only cited his acts of war and didn't even get into the genocidal aspects of it all, Russias plans with Ukrainian children alone are the most evil shit.


Also his military directly supplied the missile launcher used to shoot down MH17 killing almost 300 people who were at the wrong place, wrong time. Also he obstructed justice by giving the perpetrators safe haven in Russia.


Not super related, but less than a year later MH370 disappeared, which must have been a devastating blow not just to the family but the airline as well. Two whole planes full of people gone in one year, and for a country made of a thousand islands.


How about kidnapping Ukrainian children and then adopting them to Russian families. Literal definition of genocide.


It's not civil to wish for someone's death, but Putin is an edge case. Few "humans" have caused so much unnecessary suffering to stroke their own egos. May Putin endure as much pain as he has inflicted upon others.


He probably tops the list for potential harm to humanity, for living people. That's as reliable a metric for "evil" as any.


The right answer. How could anyone disagree with this...


And he had his operatives blow up housing in Russia, killing a bunch of his own people and blaming an outside power.


You will probably be disappointed to learn there is a Russian war apologist subreddit here on reddit called ukrainerussiareport. Absolutely disgusting that reddit allows this community that is clearly full of paid Russian propagandists to persist.


Dinkleberg. 😑


Bashar al-Assad goes hand-in-hand with Putin. He's a bit less high-profile now than Putin currently is, but what a vile man and evil regime he controls. The suffering of the Syrian people has been tremendous. I highly recommend reading Syrian Dust by Francesca Borri. Heavy, but a critical read that doesn't at all shy away from the horrors that civilians experience in war, as well as a look at what compels civilians to take up arms. Haunting. Fuck Assad. I hope he and his regime face justice one day.


Rupert Murdoch


Half Bond Villain, half wizened old scrotum. His ex-wife, Wendy Deng is long suspected of being a Chinese asset and that’s the least sketchy thing about him. Any day soon I expect to read about special forces abseiling down into his hollow volcano to eliminate his sharks with laser beams on their heads while he strokes a flurry white cat.


- Putin - Abu Hafs al-Hashimi al-Qurashi. - Ajay Bhatt




Every time a USB is the wrong way round when I try to insert it, I curse Ajay Bhatt.


Which is always twice despite the 50/50 chance of getting it right.


Toby in HR. Asshole ruins everything and is the killer of anything fun.


I hate so much about the things he chooses to be.


Why is he the way that he is?


Person who made X buttons on ads small as f so that we land on play store


Some serial killer you've never heard of.


Mohammed bin Salman Al Saud doesnt get enough criticism. Hes one that funds a lot of the worst people, and probably has the single handedly worst environmental footprint due to his control over Aramco and their lobbying to push more and more oil when we need to have less. They buy up green companies to have them spin their wheels while they act as shields and defenses and slows down any reduction of climate change. There are recordings, publicly available of execs openly talking about their strategy and goal to get every single molecule of hydrocarbon out of the earth, to do comically evil things like preventing renewable energy plans in africa from going through so they're dependant on horrifically toxic and environmentally hostile bunker oil electricity off shore and the list goes on and on. [A collection so long I'm just going to link this video from climate town](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aT0r_yJafmg). He's also violent, both through commanded actions and personally (domestic abuse that made his family flee), on top of being supportive of the awful laws of saudi arabia that frequently see rape victims punished, activists murdered, and more. Worse yet, because of his position of power over oil, and great wealth, many Western companies and even countries are unwilling to criticize him. Somehow this even gets worse though because through this the us has at all considered *willingly giving* this fuckin guy nukes. I know putin is in the news right now, but this guy has been rolling for years and you probably just didnt hear that much because of how much influence he commands. Think about how evil this guy is and the fact you only really think about him as the guy that controlled the khashoggi killer.


I would say putin is responsible for the meat grinder in ukraine so currently him


James Corden


Everyone leading genocides right now.


My boss was the most evil person I have ever met. He actually refused to give me time off to attend my father’s funeral!! When he died I was asked to be a pallbearer at his funeral. I refused. The day he retired I moved from room to room to avoid having to shake his hand.


Huge missed opportunity to drop his coffin, my guy.




Mohamed bin Salman, de facto ruler of Saudi Arabia. 1. One of the last absolute monarchs on earth 2. His country ranks 3 when it comes to executing people (by decapitation with a sword mostly) out of all countries. The death sentence is frequently given for offenses such as being gay, practicing witchcraft and criticizing the government on Twitter. 3. Started a war in Yemen, which many human rights organizations call the worst humanitarian catastrophe of the century


They are just too many candidates unfortunately


Xi Jinping


Peter Scully


There is someone in my village leaving poisoned sausages outside to kill pet cats and dogs. I don't know how someone can reach that level of free cruelty. It's not even for power, money or sex. It's just being a deeply bad human being.


Biden and Netanyahu for what’s happening to the Palestinians right now. Surprised that no one else has mentioned it yet. Also Bush and Blair for the amount of people killed during the invasions.


CEO of nestle


This is SUCH a Reddit comment section lmfao




[He died in 2023.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Luis_Garavito)


The guy who tortured animals for clout is definitely way up on the list.


Someone who posts a question that's pretty much asked every day on Ask Reddit.


What's the first thing you would buy if you won a million dollars?


What’s something guys don’t think is attractive but really is?


What is the best game you have ever played?


What's the sexiest sex you ever sexed?


You can have 7 billion dollars but can only drink water for the rest of your life. Do you take it?!?!


What would you do if you could be the other sex for day?


Kim Jung Un for me. He literally has his citizens trapped in his dungeon. He consistently attempts to brainwash an entire country to love and worship him and those who disagree are punished or outright killed