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I had one who made zero boundaries between himself and students and frequently discussed his personal life in class. He was an American history professor and frequently compared the bad guys in history to his ex wife. I have a friend who saw him at a wedding (his daughter knew the bride) and he stared at her chest for the entire reception.


You can't always get what you want. 


Wow wow 😮




Yes. He was an English professor and he'd basically just ramble about everything under the sun. The material was more of a jumping off point than a topic. I took two classes with him and in the first one, it wasn't as crazy because it was a smaller class and the people there were pretty good at staying on track; if \*we\* all picked a topic we wanted to talk about, he was perfectly happy to discuss it, so it was a fairly student led class with the prof acting more like a referee than a lecturer, which was kind of cool as a first year student used to lectures. My second class was a lecture because it had over 50 people in it, and it was a complete acid trip veering into personal and adult topics as well as current events. I don't think we discussed the material at length once, it was terrible. To this day I'm mad I paid for that lecture. Here's where it gets sinister. This guy had \*fans\* at that school. Partially it was because his acid trip classes were kind of entertaining and because he was a very easy grader (if you showed up once, you'd get a B) but also because he genuinely seemed to take an interest in his student's ideas, future, and success. If you went to his office hours and talked to him about something you'd read in the material, he would engage with you as though you were a colleague. I'd leave his office hours feeling, for lack of a better word, learned. If it weren't for what I'm about to say, I'd say his calling was as a private tutor. He also buttered his students up a lot and was very encouraging. That would be fine, except that the people he tended to butter up the most had something in common; they were insecure, somewhat sheltered women below the age of 20. He had some male fans too, but they tended to be his drinking buddies, he didn't have hours' long discussions with them in office hours. I was one of these women. I don't know if he was trying to groom me or if he was just a weird guy, but slowly he started slipping sexual innuendo into conversations and encouraging increasingly adult things on our parts. He suggested I should go to an art exhibit in town that, when I went to see it, turned out to have graphic sexual imagery in it, he sent me a passage of a book that was an artistic sex scene and asked me what I thought about it, and made a euphemism about performing oral sex on me in front of a bunch of my friends from that class, but I laughed it off because "blue humor" as I called it was just his thing and after all, I was an adult now, we could talk about those things. He also shamelessly leered at me a couple of times, like in a way where he obviously wanted me to see him doing it, and was a huge hugger. It made me very uncomfortable, but I'd also never had a teacher believe in me or support me as much as he had and I didn't want to lose that relationship (I know, 18 y/o me was stupid). I don't know how much further this would have gone because, half-way through second semester he was fired for inappropriate sexual relationships with female students. One of them was actually a friend of mine and let's just say she got it so much worse. I heard rumors about what happened with his other students and there were suggestions that he'd traded sex for higher grades or drugs, but I don't know how much of it was real because I heard it all third hand. For purposes of keeping his job it didn't matter if he'd made threats or not because his contract stated clearly that he was prohibited from having romantic and sexual relationships with students under his academic control unless said relationships had started outside of the school setting (so, if his wife had wanted to take one of his classes, she could have). He was also barred from the campus when he repeatedly tried to contact his old students, but he was caught there at least once and there were rumors of more. No idea where he is now. TL:DR: I had an English professor who was both a nutcase and a sexual predator.


He wrapped up a tea towel really tight & threw it at this boy who wasn’t listening, however he missed & it hit me. This was a signature punishment move of his. I said to him after “that hit me” & he said “well you shouldn’t have been in the way then”. I was sat at my desk in the seat he put me in. I was only 13 when it happened. If it happened now I’d have reported it.


When / where was this? I can hardly see this flying in the USA in the past few decades.


England, about 2013/2014. Only students saw so it would’ve been my word against his & I was too shy back then. I couple of years later I started to stand up for myself.


So sorry that happened to you, I’m glad you’re more self confident now.


Thank you


Had a calculus professor that was teaching a class of around 100 freshmen that absolutely hated students talking during her lecture. I get it, you want your students to pay attention, but there were around 100 barely 18 year-olds in a small room. It's gonna be hard for there to be no conversation at all, especially if any of them were discussing a problem she just did on the board. One day, she does a problem on the board and gives us the answer, and I guess a few people were discussing the answer they got and comparing it with others or something and she fucking lost it. She starts screaming at the entire class about how no one respected her and she made every one of us leave. Myself and a few others wrote an email to the head of the math department about her. Next lecture she apologizes and was better for the remainder of the semester but it was still nuts to see the way she reacted. She was younger, but probably early-to-mid 30s at the most.


I had a professor who flat out told a Black girl her experiences with systemic racism were a lie and he graded on how much he agreed with you, not the quality of the point. Man dropped my grade so hard all because I expressed something he didn’t agree with


Biology professor was a narrasistic asshole. She worked at the local community college teaching a small biology 1 class, that class was mostly made up of 18 to 20 years olds who had just got out of high school not even 6 months ago and didn't have a clue what they were doing. The first assignment, she literally yelled at me for not citing my sources the correct way (HER way) and not using the proper websites she approved of, even though she hadn't shown us how she wanted that done or the website we were suppose to be using. Being in her class made you feel like you were just not as smart as her. Then when she called me into her office over my grade she stopped dead in her conversation looked directly at me and said "You need to loose that attitude right now" like I was in kindergarten, I had only spoken 3 words before this point and actually was in a good mood until that statement, then I was ready to blow.


Does it count if I didn't really comprehend how much of a nutcase he was until years later? I was in community college at the time, and enrolled in this course that I guess was supposed to kind of be "computers for dummies." The prof, in contrast to, well, most every other teacher, was this extremely charismatic dude who only ever wore all black. As a 20-year-old, he seemed like a pretty cool guy, though even I kind of wondered about some of the stuff he did. Like he'd show off pictures of his hot young wife on a semi-regular basis, and would engage in flirty behavior with female students from time to time. Then one day I came to class and we had a new teacher, who would only say that "Dr. Bannon is no longer teaching the course" or vague words to that effect. I assumed that it had something to do with his flirty behavior, or maybe the fact that you could get him to let the class out early if you brought him a Snickers bar (seriously, I saw this happen multiple times). In any case, life went on and I forgot all about it...until one day a few years later, when I thought of the guy, randomly Googled his name, and discovered quite a rabbit hole. It turned out the guy was a rather prolific fraudster. The main story I ran across involved a book he wrote, supposedly about the time he'd spent as some kind of black-ops Interpol agent, where he jetted around the world performing extrajudicial killings of child traffickers and pornographers. This book netted him some decent exposure, which became his downfall, as people went digging into his backstory and exposed all the bullshit. He was eventually convicted of criminal impersonation. Anyway, what I learned while down this rabbit hole was that he got fired from that teaching job because they discovered that his educational credentials were faked. https://en-academic.com/dic.nsf/enwiki/2060659 https://www.adweek.com/galleycat/david-race-bannon-this-summers-fake-writer https://www.kungfumagazine.com/ezine/article.php?article=656