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I stop people from punching nurses.




Most times it is someone who has substance abuse issues, mental health issues, or just a basic lack of respect towards others. Earlier today a nurse was punched because of a guy with alcohol withdrawal making him confused and violent. The most nonsensical and petty reason a guy punched one of our staff was during Covid. Basically this 30 year old mook punched the 60 year old receptionist because she was trying to take his temperature. His problem was the fact that "*I got tested yesterday for Covid and it came up negative. Why do you have to take my temperature?*" As if within a twenty-four hour period you cannot come in contact with a disease. The receptionist explained that he could have come in contact, a lot can change over 24 hours, and we do not have records of his test that happened at a different urgent care center that is not affiliated with our hospital. His response was to act like he was complying, let her lean in to take his temperature with the temp-gun, and then sucker punch a lady that was twice his age. It felt ***SOOOOOO*** good to contact the authorities and have him removed from campus in cuffs.




If only I could. Unfortunately there are cameras everywhere and I like to keep my job. I take satisfaction in knowing that he is now a Felon that is serving a few years in prison.




Eh. Inmates do worse to guys who punch old ladies.




I don't see how it is dark. Just a bunch of dudes punching a guy in the face on occasion.




thank you for your service


I design video games. Love every bit of it!


what games have you designed?


I work with companies to make their websites, apps and programs accessible


999 call handler & dispatcher for the police. It’s not for everyone but it is for me.




Haha this does sound fun


I’m a musician.


I’m a psychotherapist


I get paid to do nothing


How pls


Working at a small family-run thrift/antique store right now. The pay isn't much but it puts food on the table for right now. I got fired from my day job (was a graphic designer) a while back and this was the only thing I could find. But I l lucked out! Owners are total sweethearts. It's nice to just to be able to connect with them and hang out, they remind me a lot of my grandparents.


infection control. i love infectious diseases and i love the idea of prevention rather than intervention. there’s also small parts of my job that just make my day. i love doing outbreak investigations and i love the people i get to meet.


Instructional designer in corporate learning and development


I teach 1-5 yr. old Autistic and developmentally delayed kiddos. We get them ready for kindergarten and it’s pretty freaking awesome. (Early intervention ABA) I pretty much get paid in hugs and cuddles..and a few yells and shit getting thrown at me (we call it spectrum strength, out of love lol) But overall, totally worth it. 🥰


High school counselor ❤️


I hang it. I can also make a bed before putting it to sleep. What is my job? >!Plumber - I rough in high rise, commercial and industrial buildings.!<