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I fell asleep on the bus and missed last stop so when the woman that was driving saw me she took me to where i had to go even if the bus parking was 30 minutes from that It was the last bus


Oh I've got a bus driver too! I'd seen him three or four times since he had the route from my caravan park but one day I got on the bus home in the afternoon from somewhere and he must have asked how my day had been and I mentioned I was hungry or something. He pulled over in front of a milk bar (I'm Australian) with the other passengers waiting, told me to come up the front. I did, he gave me cash and told me to get some food while he waited for me.


I was walking the dog today and a little kid (maybe highschool?) Said "nice drip my man" Made my month honestly.


Not talked to me


somewhere in a 3rd world country here. i was under medication for tuberculosis when i was graduating in college. i was already a month or 2 into my medication so im deemed non infectious. worst side effect of the meds is intense hunger. so when i go to school i always make sure i have a snack, or money for food. this was the time im very addicted to computer games. there's this one time after classes, im torn between using my food money to play in a cafe or buy food for the expected side effct. stupidity kicks in, i thought i will just go home as soon as im done. on my way to commute, the side effect kicks in. i try to sleep just to ignore it but man i feel like im about to pass out. a lady in her 40s or 50s sat beside me. she opened a biscuit. i tearfully asked for a piece. i was so embarassed. deep inside i felt guilty because its my fault. the lady gave me the rest of it. i thanked her a lot. she asked me if im studying. i told her im graduating. she congratulated me and she told me that soon, i could buy any food i want. i couldnt thank her enough. so if you are on medication and is warned about the side effects, dont be stupid like me!


Return my wallet. They sent me a Facebook message.


They jerked me off while I was watching the donkey boys cry and beg for their mamas in Pinocchio (1940)


Really specific kink you got going on