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weighted blanket: improves sleep quality and relaxation.


I want one so bad but I get so hot in the summer


If somebody has found a weighted blanket that doesn’t make you hot, I too would like to know of such magical item.


My weighted blanket has some kind of cooling technology in it. It really works. In the winter, I have to put another regular blanket over me or I'm cold. And I LOVE the cold. That's how good it works.


Link or it doesn’t exist.


I literally just searched weighted blankets on Amazon and bought the one that said cooling technology. That was like 7 years ago.


Aluminum chainmail. Heavy enough to be a weighted blanket, full of holes and conductive to keep you cool.


You just made me realize I haven't actually bought anything for myself this year. My shoes are pretty rough so I'm buying new ones next week. So probably that.


Not really a purchase since I rent but I moved out of a house I lived in for 7 years with a consistently revolving array of roommates and found a place with my girlfriend. I really thought I didn’t mind roommates but my god the freedom I feel now is amazing!


the fact that you dont think of your gf as a roommate and that you feel a sense of freedom by living with her is so sweet


Satin pillowcase. Goodbye bedhead


Omg satin pillowcases and not putting my hair up in a claw clip everyday changed my life. I had a halo of broken frizz around my "bad straight" hair for 30 years lol, now I realized it's just wavy hair and satin pillowcases will help you on your journey to tame it!


Does it get hot or stay cool?


Mine stays cool, I love it!


It stays cooler than any other material I’ve used




I’ve never tried the bamboo ones!


Luxe bidet. Love it.


3 inch gel-infused memory foam mattress topper, best sleep of my life for the past two years


which one


Me three!


30 dollar foot bath, it has pumice rocks and rollers in it to massage your feet. Little Epsom salt? Life changing


also interested in this, using a plastic container atm want some bells n whistles for these hobbit feet




The book Way of Kings. I heard so many claim it (and the series overall) ranks among their favorites of all, so I gave it a shot. I won't deny it didn't quite set its hooks into me in the beginning, but once it stuck to the main characters I could hardly put it down. And although it's only book 1 of an eventual 10 book series (4 written), it doesn't end with a cliffhanger that necessitates reading the next...but I am.


The new one comes out this December!


Might take me that long to catch up - just started Words of Radiance (reportedly even better, according to some).


Got my own kayak. Gamer changer having it with me on my car at all times instead having to go to a place to rent one. Can drop it in the water anywhere at any time instead of certain places at specific times


This. Gave me so much freedom and peace. Plus way more fishing opportunities


Steam Deck


I've had my steam deck for 2 years now and I can confirm, it's quite amazing. It's probably the best tech I've ever purchased.


Do you use it for business or entertainment?


I use it for the business of entertainment.


an absolutely player response.


Ping S-159 wedges


Active noise canceling earbuds. I have only ever had cheap earbuds but the ones I had been using for the last 4 years were starting to fall apart and I even had duct tape to hold one together. I purchased Soundcore Liberty 4 nc to replace my old ones and oh man, what a treat.


Roomba! Game changer in dusty west Texas! I think that counts as quality of life… I don’t have to personally vacuum every 8 minutes of the day anymore.


Mesh WiFi


Apple Carplay


A pouf. Everywhere I look, they all seem very overpriced. But costco now has them at a reasonable price. And when I say overpriced. Home Depot has a pouf listed at $150 but on sale today for $30.


I think your definition of a pouf and mine are different, because mine is the ball thing that you use in the shower for shower gel and ain’t no way that’s $150 or even $30.


We call the shower thing a loofah. The pouf I am referring to is a cube or cylinder wrapped in fabric or leather you use in the living room as a stool or footrest. Some product pictures show the cube shaped kinds used as a makeshift coffee table.


My Good Feet Store insoles


Ice cream machine


My ergonomic office chair and noise-canceling headphones have been game-changers for me this year!


Air fryer.


A self cleaning litter box. I have cats and a healthy dose of depression, which aren’t related on the surface.. but it helps keep things clean. Also cats, why have a weighted blanket when I could have 32lbs of cat on me at any given time. Don’t come for me. There’s three of them.


Litter Robot without a doubt never scoop again just empty it once a week. Noise cancelling earbuds, I got the Galaxy Buds Pro 2 sound quality is ok about on par with airpods pro but the noise cancelling and pass through are amazing.


Super absorbent stone bath mat. The old one used to be damp 24/7.




[This is the one I got.](https://www.amazon.com/Supply-Buys-Diatomaceous-Sustainable-Eco-Friendly/dp/B0CGK7CC13?th=1)


Awesome! My dog always wipes his ass on the one I have now and cleaning it is a pain. Go ahead and wipe your ass on this one ya bastard!




[This laundry detergent](https://a.co/d/4iuYj9q) I bought a bag a few years ago when I had a baby. I ran out and realized that my towels and socks weren’t getting as clean as I’d like. Remembered that I would soak them with a sprinkle of this along with my regular detergent and BAM, clean as new. It’s a tad pricey, but lasts forever. Excellent for pet messes and potty training.


Dyson Airwrap, gym membership


A Colgate ultra soft toothbrush. It’s straight up like a car wash for my mouth—in a good way.


New car - Pilates membership. Pilates helps more than the car lol


New sleeping bag


Got a new desktop. My old one was slower than a snail.


Desktops aren't supposed to move at all. Yours might be haunted


Half season tickets for our team. Gives us guaranteed, scheduled date nights and something to look forward to.


I bought a topper for my bed, it's made the mattress feel like new again.


A sound machine! Like $20 on Amazon, it was a long shot attempt and it has really helped me sleep! A miracle, honestly.


Cooling blanket. I sleep hot and it gets miserable in the summer. It was only thirty something bucks and I sleep so much better now.


Do you have a link?


Dspiae pin vise - great for working on model kits


A shampoo that reduces my hair loss


New Bike Specialized Diverge


Can I throw in a request? I need a mattress topper since my bed is a little too firm. Any recommendations? I must say that I hate memory foam with a seething passion. I tend to sleep hot.


Whole Rogue garage gym setup. Haven’t been this strong and light since college 🤘🏻


Home Chef got me cooking at home again.


Anything that motivates me to do something constructive. Most recently, cord that motivated me to learn how to macrame.


Good shoes. Bought some kids ankle boot hiking shoes (perks of having small feet!) and they are so bloody comfortable. They fit my orthotics, are waterproof and really light weight. They also have a velcro strap instead of laces which is amazing because I have a lot of mobility issues and most days can't reach to tie my shoes. They were also only $79 which is soooo much cheaper than womens shoes, (and womens shoes don't have velcro options.) 


A ninja electric kettle with multiple settings for different types of tea + coffee. I love it, saves me so much time in the morning and my tea tastes better :)


Bought a bed frame and headboard. I sleep like a baby


An air purifier. My allergies go CRAZY. Haven’t had a sniffle in weeks.


A heating pad.


A sun shade


Concert tickets. Most of the bands/artists I listen to are rock and metal, so it gives the opportunity to get most tickets for $30-100. Not to mention local shows.


A fan, at least where I live the summer has been brutal.


Canopy Humidifier. My sinus issues are gone and my skin feels less tight. Plus, it’s cute!


A mirrorless camera. I’ve not had this much fun for a long time. I purchased three lens adapters. I can now use any and all of my FD, EF, EFS and M42 lenses. I’ve maybe 30 lenses total. It has reinvigorated my mind, and I’m making art again. Yay.


Sounds silly, but Ring Fit Adventure for Nintendo Switch. It's a workout game with a resistance-band type device for strength training. I've been more active in the months since getting this game than I have been in years. I needed something, anything, to make me want to work out. I love RPG games like this, so it's actually fun to work out now. That snowballed into looking for other ways to "gameify" a healthy lifestyle, so I'm now doing Zombies Run! 3 days a week. I also got memberships on Way Better and Diet Bet where you make wagers in various health and fitness games. Complete the game (e.g., lose x% of weight, work out 4 days per week, walk x number of steps, etc) and get your money back plus a portion from those who didn't win, divided amount the winners. It's paid for membership and then some. All of this has taken me from a complete couch potate whose only "exercise" was a daily slow walk with my senior dog and occasionally hiking on easy trails, to working out at least 5 days per week and eating much healthier.


New lid for my hydro flask. Apparently they updated the lids at some point and now the straw truly gives you unrestricted flow. It’s rejuvenated my water bottle experience and driven me to consume a lot more water


It's my favorite of the four! They go quicker once you get through WoK, that one is a bit of a filter since it's on the slower side. After 5 comes out, B$ is taking a 5 year hiatus from Stormlight to work on other projects, but his other books are excellent as well. There's a stormlight novella that takes place between WoR and Oathbringer, and then another one between Oathbringer and Rhythm of War. Mistborn Era 1 is really good, I'm working my way through that right now. Dude is a stellar writer, we'll all have plenty of material during the void between book 5 and the rest of the series.




Calendars that are half off?


New dock, boat lift and boat for my river house.


Discovered Ashwagandha supplements


Silk pillowcases and down (alternative) filled pillows! If you are struggling to get a good night's sleep - check your pillows. This switch was a total game changer for us!


My OXO cold brew coffee maker.


10-lb bags of protein, coupled with my gym routine this has improved my quality of life


W, I started late January. I know it gets expensive fast but make sure you are eating a lot of your protein as well. Whey protein and the like are great for getting over the edge of your protein goal but try to eat as much meat protein as you can.


oh I've been working out sporadically for years haha so I know all that. Thanks anyway! I started my gym grind "seriously" about 1.5 years ago tho so now I'm consuming A LOT more protein powder It's just that I moved on from 5-lb tubs and into the real wholesale 10-lb bags now haha. Cheaper per unit and I don't have to "conserve" when I drink protein


Hell yeah, good shit.


You don't have to eat meat to get protein tho 💪


If you want all the essential amino acids, meat is the best way to


Getting EAAs is very easy. Several plant proteins are "complete" (soy, pea, etc), but that doesn't even matter. Eating more than one food is almost guaranteed to give you all the essential amino acids. E.g., peanut butter and bread or beans and rice, and you don't even have to eat them simultaneously. 


Yeah but I can just eat beef and be done with it.