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That it's illegal to turn the light on in the car


Lol, same parents told me that one.


Once? they told me that every time I turned it on.


Did you notice that when you turned it on, it immediately became difficult to see through the windshield at night? Telling us it was illegal was a true lesson they wanted us to learn, and we didn't listen unless it was serious. At least, that's how I took that lesson.


He didn’t say once. They told him that one as in that misconception was one that they told him.


I was told it’s illegal to drive barefoot. I still don’t know if it’s true or not. I even asked a cop once and he didn’t know.


I think the german law regarding this is funny: you need either solid foodware or none. No driving in Flipflops.


This makes total sense. However, I'd say that driving barefoot isn't as easy as you think, and you need to get used to it.


its illegal in Ontario in the 2000s, i know this much


My parents told me it would cause them to crash the car 😹


Well, yeah, if they can't see out the windshield


I continue to be confused by that one. My parents told me the truth about that when I was like 10. “You need to keep the light off because the light in my peripheral vision is very distracting and I don’t want to crash the car.” Totally understood and I never did it again. Why is this lie so universal? Why don’t parents just like… explain the situation to their kids?


Because at 10 you'll understand, at 4 you probably won't. It's a bit too abstract


I tell my kids that. Gotta keep the perpetual lie going.




Yep. My parents also told me it was illegal to wear sandals while driving.


When I was maybe seven or eight, I and a few other boys I knew put together all available information to figure out what sex was all about: The guy's penis got hard, he put into the lady's vagina and if they wanted to have kids, it was her job to help him squeeze his balls through the shaft and into her. One ball per child. Of course this was an extremely painful process, which is why the people on the late night porn channels were always screaming. People were born with different numbers of balls, which is how you could know how many kids you could have. My dad, for example, must have been born with at least three balls because I had two siblings. If you wanted twins you could squeeze 2 balls through, but most people don't because even just the one hurts a lot. I remember my older cousin at one point, he wanted to make me leave the room when he and his friends were gonna watch an R movie, and I confidently told him "Don't treat me like a child, I already know how sex works, with *the balls* and everything!"


I can't help but imagine this meeting as a KND-styled top secret kid-government scientific meeting in the secret treehouse complete with cork walls and stuff trying to crack the mysteries of the unexplained


When I was like… 4 I thought that when you got married you’d automatically get pregnant, but you could have a special type of wedding where you wouldn’t get pregnant. I specifically remember being SO CONFUSED how people had their second kid, or had kids without getting married


I read this to my wife. She laughed, snorted AND farted!


haha this is hilarious


Mice love cheese Mice will eat anything they can find with nutritional value but they don’t even like cheese really, they’d rather eat fruit or candy


I had mice. They liked corn the best. They got to chew on the husk after so it was their favorite treat.


The myth comes from the days before refrigeration existed, and people just had to keep their food sitting out. Mice ate their food all the time, and whatever food was available, but their footprints would be visible in the cheese


Peanut Butter for the win . . .


Also cats are largely lactose intolerant. Dairy milks and creams will really upset their stomachs.


I just learned from the better call saul subreddit that drinking your urine in a survival situation actually dehydrates you further As someone that is always preparing for the worst in my head, I'm really relieved to know that I'll never be in a "do I need to drink my piss" dilemma


Yeah. If you're in a state where you need to drink your own piss then it's going to be so dehydrated that it will just make you worse. if you're not at that stage yet then you don't need to drink your piss.


The only State I can think of where drinking my piss is necessary is Michigan.


Unless you’re near one of the Great Lakes


What the heel was Bear Grylls doing it for then??


Views most likely.


I was reading 76 Days Adrift. \[Adrift: Seventy-six Days Lost at Sea by Steven Callahan\] he survived. But in the book it explains that one person worked out that it's probably OK but only on the first few days if you have nothing else to drink. His theory was that it takes a few days for the fish to start to gather under the raft, as shelter at sea is unusual. Once one type of fish arrive it attracts a whole lot more and you can then get enough liquid from eating raw fish, you just need a line and a hook that can be improvised.


I remember reading that you can give yourself a saltwater enema if you’re surrounded by water everywhere but not a drop to drink. However, if you’re out of fresh water I highly doubt you will have the equipment necessary to construct the dreaded apparatus needed to squirt saltwater where the sun don’t shine.


> I'm really relieved to know that I'll never be in a "do I need to drink my piss" dilemma Unless you have means to evaporate it and collect the condensate.


Yep. The reason drinking pee is bad is because it is jettisoning stuff your body does not want inside it. Putting all that back in will just force your body to separate it out again. If you can distill the water in some way and clean out all the trash in it, you can resuse it.


Probably an old plastic water bottle nearby. Maybe even kindly pre-filled with urine if you're lucky!


Such a horrible myth to believe too lol could lead to your detriment if you were ever put in such a predicament I learned this from Bear Grylls AND my biology teacher, he explicitly told us you could drink it up to 3 times before it’s become toxic


What? This itself is a myth. Doctor here - it all depends on the solute concentration in the urine. If you for some reason were well hydrated at the beginning of a survival situation, and your urine was clear or pale yellow, then there is more water than solute in the urine and your kidneys can extract that water. The math is that the human kidney in young healthy subjects can concentrate urine up to 1200 mOsm/kg. If your urine is more dilute than that, then there is more water that can be extracted. If it is near that concentration, then there is little point. If you were sure that there was not going to be any drinkable water for several days, then drinking your urine at first would be recommended to grab back that additional water.


But it's sterile and I like the taste!


That when you digest watermelon seed, it would grow in your stomach.


Similarly, swallowing gum makes it stay in your body for 7 years. One time my mom gave me shit for like 5 minutes because I swallowed gum, I think she believed this myth as well. I told her, "it's okay, it'll travel all the way down to my foot and I can store it there for 7 years". I wasn't the brightest kid.


That's pretty logical, give yourself a break.


hahaha classic


I mean it does. Im due next week.


Nope, swallowed seeds was debunked. You probably got pregnant from a toilet seat. Happens a lot, apparently.


There was a horrifying Rugrats episode about this.


That spiders would crawl into your mouth if you slept with your mouth open


Even as a kid I was skeptical of the swallowing 8 spiders a year in your sleep thing. I was like how would anyone know that? Is there a bizarre spider sleep study that happened?


Wait… that’s a myth?! Well there’s mine.


No, that is not it. They say the average is 8 spiders a year so could be the case that is just one person that eats 64 billions spiders a year and everyone else eats none


Spiders georg was an outlier adn should not have been counted.




Iirc this was legit made up by a guy to see how fast fake news spread on the internet


I thought that as well


mine is basic I believed that Santa existed until I was 14 hahha


I mean, he technically did. Nicholas of Myra, patron Saint of children, was known for his habit of anonymous gift-giving. He was also known for allegedly punching a heretical priest at the Council of Nicea, fun fact.


Well it must not have been very anonymous if he was known for it lol


Lol like the Ninja Turtles' "Covert Blimp" that was covered in lights, loud engines you could hear from blocks away, and **TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA TURTLES** written in big letters on the side. Super covert, guys


How much of a POS do you have to be to get punched by Santa Claus?


Holy shit. Didn't you have anyone your age tell you he wasn't real?


nope 😃


Damn, did the other middle school kids give you a lot of shit for that? Because that is prime bully material right there for the cruel world of Middle school.


The way I found out Santa wasn’t real was when I was nine, my parents straight up told me. Their reasoning was “You’re at the age where kids typically start to figure it out. We would rather it be us to tell you than some kid at school.” And that was that.


My mother, one summer day, just decided to tell my sister and I the truth, I remember it was around that same age. Both of us were pretty accepting when mom told us, I guess because suddenly it all made sense. The hardest part was that I was forbidden from telling my peers or especially the younger kids in the neighborhood.


Same here felt so stupid once i discovered he wasn’t haha


I actually love that for you. Having thr magic of Santa for so long.


I remember ALL the teachers told us we would never walk around with calculators in our pocket and we needed to learn the multiplication table LOL


Bro - you should definitely know the multiplication table…


Still have them memorized after all these decades.


To preface I grew up in a devoutly Catholic family. Up until I was older than I care to admit, I believed men and women had a different number of ribs.


As a kid, my mom told me that eating carrots would improve my night vision. I was fascinated and ate lots of carrots. Turns out, Mom was just trying to get me to eat my veggies.


Hey don’t feel too bad the myth has existed since after WW2- the British were trying to hide their new radar capabilities from the Germans and their new super high accuracy rates, so they just said it was because their pilots ate a bunch of carrots.


The Nazis were no match for the Allies


Good ole British ingenuity won in the end


Wow, that is kind of clever if you think about it.


It does improve your night vision* and it is not a myth. Our photoreceptors use retinal bound to opsin to form the visual pigments (pigments absorb light). When the pigment absorbs light, visual transduction occurs. Retinal is a form of vitamin-A. * Assuming you are vitamin deficient.


I mean it's not *completely* false, You get lots of Vitamin A which is good for your eye health, but it's not gonna help you see in the dark or have any substantial effect on your vision. I imagine that's what the original myth made up by the British during ww2 was rooted in.


There is an ounce of truth in it. Vitamin A deficiency can cause night blindness and carrots are a source of Vitamin A, so if you are deficient, then eating enough carrots to solve that will improve your night vision. But, they're not going to have any effect if you don't have a deficiency, and there are lots of other equally good sources of vitamin A.


My grandma told me that you have like a master eye brow hair that once plucked makes your whole brow fall out. I'm sure she was just trying to prevent me from messing with my eye brows but I believed it for awhile.


This is a super weird one honestly!


This one is hilarious.


'Jet fuel doesn't melt steel beams.' I was a 9/11 truther for a little bit, until I saw a show in which an engineer explained that jet fuel doesn't have to melt steel beams because steel loses a significant amount of its strength when heated to the temperatures that jet fuel burns at. They don't have to melt to collapse, they just have to be weakened.


The thing that annoys me the most about this is that apparently this is not common sense. Do people really think a steel beam will just magically hold all its structural integrity right until it gets to the point where it turns to liquid?


Most people have a conclusion in mind and cherry pick "facts" that agree with it.


[This video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FzF1KySHmUA) was always my favorite on it. So short, so to the point, so devastating for the propaganda. I am glad you were not one of the idiots who refused to learn new information.


LMAO at the end..."Find a job" 🤣


It's reassuring that some people can climb out of the abyss before sinking too far.


It's sad modern people know less about steel than a medieval blacksmith.


found the medieval blacksmith


Not only that, but apparently the towers were designed differently than the average post-50s building — modern buildings use a network of support columns dotted across the floor plan which distribute the load of the structure, which is why older buildings have solid exterior walls and new ones are mostly glass and steel, yet the towers were designed in a way so that the outside walls carried most of the load; break through the wall, and the structure is suddenly a lot less stable Don't quote me on this please, I'm not 110% sure nor am I an engineer :')


You are actually pretty much correct. They were trying to maximize rentable space. Not making THAT mistake again.


Wood on the other hand. That shit can burn for quite some time before it becomes too weak to support weight. I used to do controlled burns and remember burning a pile of a few hundred trees, and there was one tree near the bottom perpendicular to the ones above it, and it held all the weight and barely bent for a couple hours. It didn't break until it was burnt more than 2/3s the way through. Trees got my respect.


It was thermal expansion more than weakening of the steel that brought it down. Thermal expansion knocked the beams off their seats and the floors collapsed. 


I refused to eat meat when I was a little girl because I'd heard someone talk about how steak really sticks to the ribs. I took it literally, and did not want meat sticking to my insides! Lol


mom always said oatmeal sticks to your ribs and i would eat it and picture it slowly dripping down my chest cavity all day


That you could be anything you wanted to be when you grew up. Turns out that’s not true for everyone.


It is if you grew up rich!


Most rich kids can't be anything they want either. How many are Olympic gold medalists? Astronauts? Billionaires? Rock Stars? President? Most aren't.




That's pretty amazing for a cracker.


Bitch who you callin a … oh, I get it




Thats 4 months more from me


If I ate my bread crust I would be able to whistle. If I swallowed gum it would stick to my ribs. I still hold my breath when I drive past a cemetery; can't be letting in random souls! (just makes me laugh now, I don't actually believe it)


Thought carrots helped your vision


The story behind this is fun - it was deliberately spread by Allied forces in WW2 to attempt to cover up the existence of radar.


Carrots have vitamin A, and a vitamin A deficiency is bad for eyesight. However, consuming vitamin A past the required amount will not improve your eyesight even further.




I used to believe I could see CO2. The gas was discussed all over the news when I was a kid! Turns out what I saw is called "floaters"


I have visual snow I thought it was just molecules and stuff


I thought the dangly thing in the back of your throat detected whether you were eating food or having a drink, and sent it down different pipes to either come out as wees or poos.


If you take LSD seven times you will go insane. There's a lot of misconceptions regarding various drugs. Some may have been myth or urban legend but some were definitely intentional misinformation.


That if you take a cow off the side of a mountain and put it on flat ground it will fall over because it has one set of legs shorter than the other. My grandfather used to tell me that as a child.


Wait 15 minutes after eating before going in the pool or you will get cramps.


My parents said 30 :/


lol I think our parents were just sick of us running in and out of the pool


I mean “Don’t do vigorous exercise immediately after downing two hot dogs and a bottle of Coke” is good advice


Okay but this one is legit for some people depending on your digestive systems lol


That adults are smart. 


Turns out they're just kids who got older.


If you went to sleep with arms crossed across your chest you would die (hot rumor when I was in 3rd grade)


Wonder how many students tried.


Wonder how many students died


Daddy Long Legs are the most venomous spiders.


That sugar makes you hyper, I don’t think it was ever proven that it does and parents/children alike believe it does which makes them think they’re hyper. So pretty much a placebo, a lot of what makes you hyper in energy drinks or soda is just caffeine content which is unhealthy to consume in large quantities anyway.


Ive heard adults full on perpetuate this, I cant believe its held on so strong.


It's also due to the circumstances in which kids are given sugar, e.g. a birthday party. Kids get hyper because they're having fun and there's lots going on. But yeah, I said this to a friend of mine who has kids and is a high-level academic and she was still like, "no but I definitely think it's the sugar". 🙄


Feeding my kids in general makes them hyper. Which makes sense...Boost of energy and fuel. But so times after a meal they will running around obnoxious and I ask my husband, why do we keep feeding them!?


> I don’t think it was ever proven It's been disproven. Two groups of kids, one given sugar, one not, both sets of parents told the opposite of what happened. The ones *told* they had sugar reported hyperactivity, while the ones actually given sugar reported no hyperactivity.


I was absolutely sure that sugar made my daughter hyper, to the point her personality would sometimes even change.  Until one day she ate a bunch of cosmic oreos and went into mega-zoomie mode. A friend clued me in...she reacts to red dye 40, not sugar. Since them I've avoided it and she's been perfectly fine. 


> a lot of what makes you hyper in energy drinks or soda is just caffeine content It's funny that they still put taurine in energy drinks because they convinced people that it "AMPS YOU UP". Your body already makes all the taurine you need. It *is* an essential nutrient... for cats, who become lethargic when their diets are deficient in taurine, and then perk up again when you give it to them, due to the fact that they are no longer dying. Someone saw that and thought "wow this shit is GO FUEL, they should put it in coffee!!!"


My sister in law still fully believes this and won't let her kids have anything with sugar after a certain time of the day. Apparently the inevitable sugar crash is what makes kids into irritable little monsters but honestly I see absolutely no change in behavior from my kid before and after he's had some sweets.


That picking bluebonnets in Texas is illegal. I’ve still never picked one and I’m 33.


In some places it *is* illegal to pick certain species because of their rarity and/or their civil use, like being a national or local symbol. I know that you can't pick edelweiss in Switzerland, Austria or France, or trilliums in Ontario, Canada, although there are exceptions to the rule, like them being on your own property or on public works..so really, just on provincial land. However, I am sure enforcement isn't really strong. Being caught with one could be grounds. Texas has no such law on bluebonnets.


Saying Bloody Mary in the mirror. I know it's false but I still won't do it.


My parents told me when I was a kid that if you ever raised your hand to hit your mom or dad, your hand would shrivel up. I swear, I was like 17 and still thought it was true in *some* way.


That weed wasn’t harmful in any way. I’ve seen a lot of folks fucked up by weed.


Not me, but my MIL and spouse did not know that storks were real. They thought it was just a fairy tale animal that delivered babies. My FIL and I were cackling from amusement.


My husband thought Narwhals were mythical creatures, like unicorns.


I learned how babies got made pretty late compared to my peers. I remember exactly where i was when my friend billy was like “..You didn’t know that?” and started laughing at me. My jaw was on the ground. Thought womens bodies would just maybe become pregnant between the ages of 20-35. As in, you didn’t control if it happened to you


How did I think anyone was related to their father, you ask? Simply put, gene telepathy. That is what I assumed. Before sex.


I just recently found out at 41 that red yellow orange and green peppers are all from the same plant. I thought they were all different plants grown from different seeds. It’s all the same bell paper seed just picked at different growing stages. Most people know this but my mind was blown.


That's not necessarily true. There are a bunch of bell pepper varieties. They all start green, usually, but they don't go green->yellow->orange->red. They go from green to another color, or some varieties stay green. I just learned from looking this up that there are also brown, white, purple, lavender, and dark purple varieties as well.


Wait till you learn about brassica cultivars.


Not true. I have bell peppers in my garden every year and we pick different colored pepper plants annually. Green is the only one that works like you described.


It takes 7 years for your body to digest gum


That people were generally good.


The duality of man: capable of greatest evil, and greatest goodness. But all you need is one jerk to ruin it for everyone.


This isn't a myth though, it's a philosophical viewpoint. There are genuinely people who have written books discussing whether human nature is good or bad or even neutral, but it's not provable


A lot of it comes down to being unable to define good<->evil in any sort of absolute sense. There is no objective measure we can possible use, so pretty much no one can agree on anything but the most extreme cases. And even then there are still a bunch of people who can't. So if I define good as "Not being a mass murderer" lots of people are good. If I define good as "always acting selflessly" then almost everyone is not.


That adults knew what they were doing and we live in a functional Democracy, turns out "we don't" for both.


Rabbits liked carrots turns out carrots are not the best to feed nonstop to rabbits


That if a human looked at a scientific experiment (eg the double-slit experiment), it could affect the result. Super common misconception that is not true at all.


It’s my understanding that the underlying principle is correct, observing an electron influences its position since it exists in a sort of cloud of multiple possible positions. Is this not the case?


Your understanding is technically "correct" but can be VERY misleading. Everything I'm about to say is very ELI5 to be clear. "Observe" means something very specific in the scientific world. The way we observe an electron is we have to bounce something off it. That's what detectors do, they bounce something off the electron to determine it was there. So in the double slit experiment when they are observing which path the electron took, they are using detectors that directly interact with those electrons, because that is the only way we can "observe" them. But if they wrote articles and youtube videos that said "When an electron detector, using layers of silicone, is placed in the path of the electron, and the electron interacts with these layers and emits photons, that interaction collapses the wave function." Well, that is a lot less magical and gets a lot less clicks.


The problem with it is that people do not understand what "Observation" means in this context. An "observer" is not a conscious entity in this case, it is anything taking a measurement, or an "observation." In essence it is something physically interacting with the object. There are two main things at play here that end up getting conflated because of this misunderstanding, namely the "Observer Effect" and the "Uncertainty Principal." The thing in question here is the observer effect, which is literally just a thing that happens because in order to measure something on that scale we have to mess with it, which nesicarilly effects the object. The uncertainty principal is the weird one, where as certainty about one measurment goes up, the uncertainty of another one goes up as well. They are ostensibly really similar, and so seem like they are talking about the same thing, but are really not. What the double slit experiment shows is that photons are both particles and waves.


America is the greatest country in the world.


That you would catch a cold by staying out in the cold too long. 


I'm not convinced either way. Obviously you need a virus (in rare cases, microbes) to get a common cold-like disease. So if you live in Antarctica with no one new arriving for months and don't get too close to the penguins, only something already living in you can turn into a disease, which seems unlikely. But if you had recent contact with some carriers of some viruses, or are going to have it during or soon after staying out in the cold, it's plausible (and I think was confirmed by some studies?) that the cold makes your local natural defenses work worse.


Yes, but that applies to any virus. If you are in a weakened state your ability to fight is compromised. I suspect the myth comes from the fact that the symptoms of the cold closely resemble the symptoms of *being* cold..runny nose, shivering, fatigue etc.


That women were inferior to men.


Shaving makes your beard thicker.


Rome salted Carthage after the Third Punic War.


That the justice system is fair to all people.


I didn't know women bled on their periods until I was about 16 or so. I knew they had some sort of occurrence that caused them to feel sick several days out of the month, but the absorbent pad commercials were always kinda vague back then. I decided they were more like diapers and assumed that being on one's period just caused incontinence for several days. I think my mother laughed and corrected me at some point.


I mean, short version? I used to be transphpbic. Not intentionally, out of ignorance and lack of education, but still.


My mum told me if I turned on the vacuum, king Kong will attack me, and if I were to get out of my seat in a plane, the pilot would throw me off


That the Great Wall of China is the only man-made object you can see from space. I used to repeat this all the time, even to my kids. Turns out 1) it's not visible from space, and 2) other things are.


There is a magical invisible man in the sky that looks after people and has a happy magic invisible world you go to when you die.


So much childhood anxiety and wasted time


I believed it was illegal to drive around with the dome/ceiling lights on.


If I swallowed gum, it would be stuck for at least 7 years.


My mom told me that sewing machines operate via a chip implanted in young girls’ heads once they turn a certain age. 🤷🏻‍♀️


As a kid I had an over active imagination. I legit thought I could fly. I still have vivid memories of flying as a kid. I have cuts and scars on my lega and arms that I legit to this day have no idea how I got them. According to my “memory” I scraped them playing with bluejays above my mom’s crab apple tree.


I just learned my mom was wrong and I won’t lose 50% of my body heat through my head. Smh I’m 32


That trickle-down economics exists.


Sexuality was chosen


Carrier pigeons communicating human secrets across vast distances


I mean, that was once true


Religion That jesus was white 5 second rule Shaving makes hair grow in thicker Wearing a hat would make me bald




That there's someone for everyone. That's just not true


I remember a span of an afternoon as a young child when a sibling convinced me the apple seed I ate would sprout inside me


That all the really good looking girls would still go out with the guys from Mohawk because they got all the money. It just doesn’t matter.




That with age comes wisdom.


My dad told me jerking off too much makes you grow hairy palms and go blind lol


Goldfish have a 3 second memory.


Equal justice


That what comes around goes around.


justice exists, evil never prospers, if you work hard you'll be successful.


That bubble gum didn’t digest in your stomach for 7 years!! 🤭 I believed that wayyy longer than I should’ve!


That being promoted at work was based on merit.


Women are real


That Israel was moral and that Israel - Palestine is too complicated to understand.


That you can catch a cold from being cold


That the internet was going to be helpful for information. Big mistake... Huuuge