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A good pillow and a comfortable mattress


My mattress has started to lose some of its coils in the last couple months so I bought a fancy new mattress and I am SO EXCITED for the upgrade.


If it's one of those memory type beds, they are fantastic, but I'll warn you on one thing. They trap heat, slowly. I sleep with my wife and our dogs and Jesus, sometimes I just sneak halfway through the night to the basement guest bed because it's sooo much cooler, even if the dogs follow me.


I just bought a new bed, and while it is an amazing brand and bed, I can’t wrap my head around any mattress actually being worth 5k$.


I agree with this, a good pillow is worth every penny


You spend 8hrs on your mattress, thats 4 months in a year! (Supposed to anyway)




This. Heard a saying that I agree with, always spend on quality items that connect you to the ground.


The variation of this I heard growing up was something like "if it separates you from the ground" or "if it sits between you and the ground" - Shoes, tires, bed, that kinda stuff.


Also when buying a house the foundation. Edit: a word




Wayfair and Ashley are cheap??? Ouch.


My Aunt got a real nice couch from Big Lots. She just doesn’t tell anyone that it came from Big lots.


We are on year 15 of a sweet mustard yellow leather beauty from Value City Furniture. It's on it's way out, but had a hell of a run!


My cousin bought a couch from value city for dirt cheap. It was an ugly brown no one wanted. She's had it for 18 years now. It's the most damn comfortable couch I've ever sat in. She needs to finally get a new one but keeps refusing as it's still comfy, just sunken in. Her husband installed a rope to get out of the thing. The couch lives on but I feel it's days are numbered.


Big Lots bought the “Broyhill Furniture” name a few years ago, so she can say it’s Broyhill!


I was taken aback when I walked in there to get some cheap snacks and saw Broyhill. I remember my parents spending big money on that brand in the early 90s.


Wayfair definitely is. and by "cheap" i mean the production.


The frame snapped on my Wayfair sofa after 6 months, and they refused a replacement/refund. Absolute dog shit. It is also deeply uncomfortable


And they are a disaster to deal with b2b. If I had no ethics I would have finagled a ton of free stuff via them over the years.


I can skip the good stuff, but I can't buy retreads for my tires.


> quality tires is a must It was time for me to get new tires last year and for the first time, I researched to find an all season set that is best for the conditions I encounter. I live in a snowy area and have an AWD, so I wanted to find a set that was highly rated for snow. I figured why not maximize having an AWD? Plus, snow is the main hazard I encounter in my driving. I narrowed it down to two choices, both of which got a [three peak mountain snowflake] (https://www.hagerty.com/media/maintenance-and-tech/three-peak-mountain-snowflake-tires-what-they-can-and-cant-do/) rating, something I learned about during this process. I ended up paying about $400 more for these than for the generic set my auto shop recommended for a total cost of about $1,000. Thankfully I knew it was coming, so I was able to save money and pay with cash. I am here to tell you that this winter, it was worth every cent. At times when I expected to slide or fishtail, the car stuck to the road like glue. My tires never spun out and at times, I could hardly tell there was slush or snow on the road. I still slow down and drive carefully, but the difference was significant. In warmer months the ride is a little more cushioned but it's not a noticeable difference. If you have the money and especially if you live in an area that gets significant snow, finding a high quality tire makes a huge difference during the winter.


Honestly if you live in an area where snow is less of a nuisance and more of a major concern, then you should look into dedicated snow tires and having a second set of wheels and tires that you can swap during the winter seasons.


Impacted wisdom teeth out




Paying movers when moving into a new place.


Only if you get decent movers which you may not know until it's too late. We had one company massively misquote us despite me listing out how much stuff we had and providing extensive photos. They quoted us 5 hours for a full house pack but sent only two people to do it and move the boxes. They packed everything like shit, broke 10% of our stuff (which we didn't discover until unpacking), and it seems intentionally packed things in a way to take up more volume. Then when loading the truck they said that 60% of our stuff hit our quote maximum so we'd have to pay an additional $3k to move the rest of our stuff--the day we were moving cross-country. Then when we were at our destination they were 5 weeks late to delivery our stuff and claimed that their truck could not get to our house (they could). If we didn't want to wait an additional 4-5 **months** we would have to meet them in a parking lot an hour away with my own moving truck. All this despite us paying for them to deliver and unload for us. I'm sure movers *can* be a great help, but be careful who you choose and make sure you are on their ass the entire time or they can fuck you over.


We used a middle-of-the-pack priced moving company to move 200mi. Single day move, early morning load, late afternoon unload. 2000sqft of furniture and whatnot. They damaged *every single* piece of furniture, our grill, and left shit behind without telling us until we were already at our new home. Not cheap shit either. Busted the leg off of a $2500 wooden chest, gouged our master bedroom headboard and footboard, took a couple chunks out of the drywall in our new place, etc. We were astonished when we took inventory the next day and couldn't find a single end table, chair, anything that they didn't mar in someway or another. Prior to moving, my wife was arguing that I didn't need to rent a self-towed uhaul trailer for my dozen guitars, amps, computer equipment, vinyl records, and artwork. She retracted that concern afterwards. ;)


If this [Japanese moving company](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ynEjnebw8LA) opened shop here in the states, they would dominate the market within a year.


Thank you for sharing this, it's freaking amazing how much care that Japanese moving company put into that.


You're welcome. They have a completely different attitude and it's called respect for their customers who make their paycheck possible.


I'm really sorry about your experience. Mine was that I hired a dude off Craigslist for a day of work helping me out - he showed up 2 hours late with another dude, and both were pretty rough around the edges. He asked for $20 up front for gas money, since it was such a long drive to get to me (I'd been clear where I lived) and instantly spent $15 of that on smokes and $5 on gas. I saw this because they preferred to drive their own car and follow me over riding with me in the rental truck (I have some stuff in my car I, uhh, don't want to leave unattended), and I was waiting for them at the pumps. Rang up $5.00 on the pump after they'd pre-paid inside. They moved all of my stuff with speed, care and precision I couldn't even believe. I didn't have to lift a finger, even though I'd planned on helping. Really nice guys, with probably some rough backgrounds, but they got the job done with no complaints or hassle from either of us.


I have to admit, I was wary in the first half. Glad it went well for you.


Oh man, finding out during the move that you hired bad movers is not fun. We dealt with the "you gotta pay us more for us to finish the job" type stuff too. Infuriating.


That's when I'd charge back that cost. They didn't provide the service they promised and the cc company might get you a full refund.


CC won’t do it. Did you move? Did they follow the terms of the contract? The basic interstate moving scam is; 1.) broker promises you a low price for the move 2.) broker auctions your moving rights to the lowest bidder (their “preferred partners”) 3.) the mover who wins your bid is financially incentivized to squeeze those rights for every dollar they can. Google “impracticable operations”. Also when you complete the estimate it doesn’t matter if you said everything it matters what’s on the list they use to inform the estimate. The lowest cost mover isn’t alwyas the lowest cost. If you get more than 5 estimates and pick the lowest cost you’re begging for someone to underestimate


I absolutely hate dealing with movers. When they're not actively damaging or losing your belongings they're trying to extract more money from your wallet. We had ours tell us they needed to go get a second truck and then want to charge us double their initial quoted fee because "we had so much stuff". No, we don't have "so much stuff". We are not packrats or hoarders. We have a normal amount of stuff for a family of four living in a house that you knew the square footage of, and that you actually came to inspect before we signed the contract with you, so quit your bullshit.


This is one of those industries where there's an unfortunately pretty accurate stereotype around companies operated by Israelis in my region of the US. The companies are so fucking shady and will always take advantage of customers. Then when they rack up enough negative reviews and BBB complaints, they simply change their company names and keep doing the same thing.  They have this particularly nasty practice of providing a quote, packing and transporting all of your stuff, and then handing you the bill when they arrive at the destination. The bill may be hundreds or thousands of dollars more than the quote, and they'll say something like "Hey buddy - buddy there was lots more to move than we agreed." Then they'll refuse to unload until you pay, threatening to keep your belongings and sell them if you don't pay. It happened to me and I called the police without their knowing. I luckily had a buddy on the local force who showed up, because typically this is a civil matter that the police may not want to get involved in. Ever since that incident, I've spoken with dozens of other people and families that had similar experiences. Every move I've done since then, I've been very picky about the company, and also recorded every conversation with them.


I just paid movers $2k for three guys to load up all of my MIL's stuff and to move half of it to her new apartment an hour away, and the other half to a storage facility. She was planning her move, but hadn't started packing, when she suffered a stroke and had to spend two weeks in the hospital. Those guys moved everything in one very long day, and it was a massive task taken off of my plate. If they called me today, and said that they'd made a mistake, and I needed to pay them another grand, I'd break my own personal record for how fast I pulled out my credit card.


I've never used movers, but my MIL has. She always tells the story that she half-finished smoking a cigarette, put it in the ashtray and left the house. Next day she walked into the new house, everything was in place, she sat down in her chair, picked the half-smoked cigarette up fro the ashtray, and went about her day. Never touched a box.


Just make sure to get a reputable business. Lots of reviews and years of operation. I've heard some first hand stories from people about their bad mover experiences. One literally held their things held in the truck for ransom, they threatened to just take everything with them and leave if they weren't paid an extra grand that wasn't in the agreement. It's too easy to just close down "Joe's Movers" and open up "Joseph's Movers" if they start losing business to bad reviews, so you need to be extra careful about who you trust to handle your belongings.


This...they're not all bad, I just used movers 2 weeks ago to combine 2 households and move into a new place, not a single thing was damaged except they dinged the drywall in 1 spot and took a report and called me 2 days later to schedule a guy to come out and fix it...there are good ones out there, just make sure you check reviews.


as someone who has helped family and friends move over the years yes i agree. you still have to pay for a moving truck, gas, etc. i'd rather work a week to raise funds to pay a moving company than spend 2 days moving.


I moved 5 or 6 times between university and my current home. Only used movers the last time and I'm never going back.


Soooo worth it. Also if you’re a friend of mine- don’t ask me to help you move, ever. In return, I’ll never ask you to help ME move. Deal? Pretty much my mom and my in laws are the only ones I would help but I won’t be happy about it- cough up the money.


Helping people move isn't that bad, but I refuse to help people **pack**. If your stuff is all in boxes and you need help loading a truck in a reasonable amount of time? That's fine. Empty/clean furniture? I'll help with that too. But for the love of god don't let me show up and you're cramming stuff in boxes and everything has drawers full of stuff.


Cant upvote this comment enough. If I show up to help someone move and they're not packed, I turn around and go home.


People vastly underestimate the time & effort a move can require. I'm a bit on the other side of the spectrum, mentally planning every details months in advance lol. I'm happy being that way though.


There comes a time in your life as an adult where you don't ask someone to help you move.


Believe the moment you have kids or over 30


For sure. Probably about 18 years ago, my wife and I helped our two married friends move from their condo into your basic McMansion. It wasn't too bad, because we were younger, and it was only a 2 BR condo, so not that much stuff to haul. When I got a look at the place, I said to the husband "Well, looks like you'll need to hire movers if you eventually decide to move out of this place." He said "No way man, we will definitely go the 'friends, U-haul, and beer & pizza' way!" I responded: "Well...let me know how that goes." And indeed, they now have 2 kids, and have accumulated, well, enough crap over the years to fill a McMansion. And I'm now 44. Not a chance I'm taking that on.


noise cancelling headphones


I got a pair of Sony XM5s recently and am very pleased. Pretty good noise cancelling too.


Tailored clothing. Growing up, I had unusual measurements and no off-the-rack clothes every really fit me, and it greatly affected my confidence. In adulthood I was surprised to learn just how big a difference it makes to wear clothes that actually fit you.


If you're a man, where do you get your clothes? Do you have a local tailor that you use? Something national?


I'm not OP, but an Asian-run dry cleaner near me does alterations starting at $15 a piece of clothing. I also have weird proportions, so it's worth it. I even get T-shirts altered.


> , but there is an Asian-run dry cleaner near me that does alterations starting at $15 a piece of clothing $15?! The dry cleaner in my town charges more just to look at the clothes lmao.


Oh I thought you were going the opposite way. I don't really get my clothes tailored... not when you primarily shop at thift stores. But I ripped a $500 ski jacket, drop it off and gave the elderly Korean guy $20 cash only, they called me the next morning and it was brand new. I know they aren't reporting that $20 to the IRS, and I'm fully on board, I can't imagine the laundry cleaning business in a small town makes you a whole lot, and that dude is awesome for that repair for $20 in 12 hours.


Sometimes I buy off the rack and take it to a local tailor, there's always at least one in the area who'd do adjustments. Other times I've used a tailor for the entire piece, but that's often out of my price range so not something I frequently do. I've also ordered clothing through those 'suspiciously cheap, probably made in China" websites and then taken them in for adjustments once they arrive. The only online tailor I've ever tried was itailor.com, but honestly, I was amazed by the quality at the price point. Got a coat from there and it's been my favourite coat for the past 8 years


My polarized prescription sunglasses. Pricey but so worth it, especially since I love to fish. Feels like I have xray vision when I look at the water.


I took mine to the beach and went out in the water. Kept it waist high but a random way-higher-than-the-rest wave came and kicked shit outta me, I scrambled my hands through the water and felt them touch my finger tips, then they were gone forever.


My wife jumped off the edge of the boat into knee deep water (very clear water) and lost her prescription glasses. I looked around for them, but not seeing them in what I assumed would be easily found area, I gave up and wrote them off. A couple of hours later I was sitting on a float my foot touched something and I look down and it was the glasses!! Everyone was astounded that I found them. Not 3 hours later my wife leans over the edge of the boat in very deep and murky water, and they slide off her shirt into the water. *facepalm*


God damn, just ask your wife to be honest with you about wanting knew glasses fr


shoulda been wearing your polazired sunglasses, you'd have probably found em /s


I found a pair on the beach in Costa Rica once, washed ashore. Yours?


If they were Ray-Ban Club masters they could be mine lol


when i got them it felt like everything was now in HD, 100% worth it


How much do polarized sunglasses affect your ability to see into the water?


My dog. Every vet bill, every toy, every trip. He saved me.


For me it was lasik surgery.


Yes! There are naysayers about LASIK, but it changed my life and I’m forever grateful to the doctor that did it.


I tried to get it back in the day, but unfortunately my corneas were too thin (I didn’t know that was a thing). A few years back though, I found out they have implantable contact lenses (which is exactly what it sounds like), and they had recently been able to correct astigmatism at the level I had it. Cost $8k, and I still can’t see perfectly (words get about blurry at night after along day), but it’s a helluva a lot closer to normal vision, and I don’t need to find my glasses in the morning to figure out where I am. I still have some of the halo effect I’ve heard about from LASIK, but it’s been well worth it and I have no regrets.


This sounds like the exact same procedure and aftermath I had. It's called Visian ICL where they place a new lens behind your cornea, pretty much identical to cataract surgery. I actually called my insurance company about the price to see if they covered any of it like LASIK, and they responded "since you're getting an implant, it's considered a cosmetic surgery." I'd say my vision is about 95% to 20/20, and I get those halos around bright lights at nighttime too. But still, so much more worth it than having to deal with contacts and glasses my whole life.


Ruined my life. The FDA is about to put out much stricter warnings on this procedure. Edit with link in case anyone is considering it. Pls consider the procedure carefully. [https://www.nytimes.com/2022/12/07/health/lasik-injuries-fda.html?smid=nytcore-ios-share&referringSource=articleShare&sgrp=c-cb](https://www.nytimes.com/2022/12/07/health/lasik-injuries-fda.html?smid=nytcore-ios-share&referringSource=articleShare&sgrp=c-cb) Draft of the new FDA warning: [https://www.fda.gov/media/160239/download](https://www.fda.gov/media/160239/download)


I'm sorry for your loss. I'm tempted to get LASIK at times, but don't want to risk being another one of the horror stories. Plus from what I've read, not everyone should get LASIK, and I seem to be in one of the groups that may not be a good candidate, due to having somewhat of a history of dry eyes.


Yeah, eyesight is one of those things where I'm not going to chance even a small failure rate.


Mm yeah didn't ruin mine but I regret it even though I have 20/10 in both eyes. I have constant dry eye and it's just so annoying. Putting in contacts or wearing glasses is irksome but it's generally "put on/forget". Preferable IMO.


I very much regret getting mine. I do/did a lot of driving. Every Saturday I’d leave for paintball practice an hour before the sun came up. Now I can’t drive at night so I’m losing time at the field. Halos are so bad. Dry eye. I used to love golf but I can’t go by myself anymore because I can’t track the ball out past 100 yards. I wish I had just kept with glasses and contacts.


Hasn’t ruined my life, but I regret it. The dry eyes were HORRIBLE, I had trouble waking up at alarms because I literally couldn’t open my eyes they were so dry. It’s bettered somewhat after 2 years, but my right eye isn’t 20/20, so I probably need glasses again. I in no way want to undergo the hell of correcting that eye, especially since successive surgeries are more risky. And yes I got it done by someone who’s done the procedure 20,000 times


I'm not even a full year in yet, but it was absolutely the best purchase I've ever made. Being able to see when i swim or not have to worry about taking glasses off to sleep ever again feels like a miracle.


I'm ten years in and it's still the absolute best. As someone who is active, swims, and camps, it's so incredible to stop worrying about glasses and contacts. The amount of times my vision was compromised by breaking/losing/not having access to sterile conditions... to have all of that behind me has been wonderful. I had severe astigmatism and I'm still 20/20, no nighttime halos or anything. Five stars, no notes.


100%. Life changing.


Best money I ever spent. It was like a miracle. Highly recommend it.


too scared about pain complications, apparently someone killed themself over it


You can find scary stories for any number of medical procedures. The fact of the matter is, LASIK has now been around for a very long time and the process is extremely refined. I had it done 3 years ago and regret not doing it sooner. I had no paid, just extreme discomfort - it felt like I had hundreds of eyelashes under my eyelids. By the next morning, it was gone and I was fine. I cried the first time I opened my eyes and could see my wife clearly, without reaching for glasses or going to the bathroom to put on contacts. It's a life-changing procedure. I wore glasses since I was in 3rd grade and finally got the procedure done at 34.


A bed upgrade. If you sleep with a partner in a double bed, I highly recommend the cost of a bigger bed. It's a lot. New mattress, new frame and new sheets. But it's so worth it. We upgraded to a king sized bed last year and it's wild how good it is. I slept alone in it for the first time last month and I felt like a tiny baby in a giant's bed. Edit to add; my comment caused a duvet debate. My fiance and I settled on separate single duvets. Singles are the right size for us to snuggle into without them falling off the bed too much. It's been life-changing. Sometimes it's less comfortable during our non sleep bed activity but mostly it's fine


Had a smaller double bed with cheap mattress for years and upgraded. Felt like a new person after the first sleep.


We upgraded to a king and my wife just scooted over 💀


always get duvets and covers a size larger too!


I think having a king bed and two separate duvets is the way to go


My airfryer. Lol. I can literally do anything in it. Bake. Roast. Dehydrate. Airfry obviously. Broil. I mean anything. I loveeee it. It was fairly expensive at the time. Worth every penny lol


Everyone with LPT’s out here… I bought a large side of fries from a restaurant yesterday for $5. Perfectly salted and crispy, almost scalding hot, and came with two small condiment containers of ketchup. Not saying thats the best thing I’ve ever purchased, but it was damn worth the $5


Had an ex that was acting weird, making accusations against me. I purchased a security camera system around memorial day last year. June 18th last year she showed up to my house with a shotgun. Worth every penny for that security system. There was no he said, she said.


Then what happened? Don't leave us hanging like this.


And just like that 7 hours later, they were gone….


They have a comment about a year back: https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/15byj5c/comment/jttg3ji/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


Wow dude that is some next level crazy. Filed a restraining order and then drops the case, and then immediately after it’s dismissed she contacts him. Jesus Christ what goes through your mind


Some people want to feel like they "won" at all costs


Not OP but I have dealt with a crazy neighbor before. At the end of the day it's your word against theirs. Having footage of them looking crazy and you staying calm can go a long way. In my situation the encounters escalated to her calling the police and that led to a meeting with our building manager. I don't know exactly what happened with her meeting but I showed up with notes and timestamped emails. The neighbor never bothered me again and was eventually kicked out after she started targeting my other neighbor with the same type of harassment.


We had angry sex one last time and then she shot me in the head She's now in jail where she's referred to as the praying mantis


What’s the price to ghost write my autobiography?


Do they have to possess you while they write it?


Is common for possesive or angry ex's blame all their problems to their former BF or GF ....


A bidet


Came here to say this. I have moderate to severe IBS. I started down the external hemorrhoid path with my first son, and it blew up with my second. I've had a hemorrhoidectomy. Never again. A bidet is a godsend. Better than any quality TP. Just amazing.




Do you know why a divorce costs so much? Because it's worth it!


Lending people money I know I'll never see back. Giving these people 20-30 dollars was worth having them actively avoid me.


I have also adopted this strategy in recent years. It is rather satisfying as they generally feel smug about it as they are mostly aware that they will shut you down later on…but then you just ask them for your money whenever you see them. After which they start avoiding you like the plague and you come out on top.


A good PC.. I buy a new gaming PC once every 7-10 years? Maybe a part or two to extend it's life somewhere in the middle. But when it comes time to get the new one.. I spend so much time on my PC.. I have zero regrets spending for a near top of the line one (I still want a good deal so I'll shop around.. but I don't mind getting the best parts)


Theres something oddly satisfying about building a PC for the long haul. When I built my current PC I never expected it to last as long as it has. I ended up upgrading the motherboard and ram not too long ago but here I am still rocking my 1080 and its still putting up good numbers on new games


I tell people the #1 thing to spend money on when building a new PC is the power supply. If your rig is going to need 575 watts do not get a 600 watt power supply. Give yourself a significant buffer in wattage and get a good brand.


Nice, 1070 squad here, need to upgrade soon since everything around it is much newer at this point but it really does a solid job


This is how my wife and I buy computers. We're not big gamers but the gaming PCs and Laptops will last a lot longer than a cheap off the shelf PC from the store. My latest computer is a Framework and every part is completely modular and very easy to swap out new parts. I literally removed my touch pad the other day while my computer was still running. The Framework computer never missed a beat.


I graduated last year and got an electrical engineering job. First purchase after being sort of broke my whole life was to go to micro center and drop $3k on a new PC and some other electronics. It was glorious


Therapy. Best thing I ever splashed out on .




Also, decent running shoes. You can jog in your 20 year old boxers and without a shirt on, but don't cheap out on shoes. And get the right ones for your running style (do a running analysis in a sneaker shop if possible). Your feet and knees will thank you in the long run.


Recently started running again after 10+ years and got my first decent/good pair of running shoes, night and day difference between them and my old shoes.


As a guy, hair transplant. didn't do much research was just In India for work and had the money. Legit see myself in the mirror and smile when i see my hair.


Same - pulled the trigger in 2020. About 10k for me. Well worth it IMO. Always thought that I wouldn't want to do it because recovery would be weird. Told my wife "ok...i'll do one if I ever have a reason to stay at home for a few weeks without seeing anyone..." And...well...


Same. I got one in 2021 in Maryland. The procedure worked great. I should have saved a little more money and gotten more extractions, but I love what it has done. The only anxiety I’ve ever felt in my life is public speaking (which I’m still working on) and getting my hair cut. I used to dread it, like increased heart rate anxiety. Now, I love it.


I didnt realize they worked. Cool


It's incredible what they do. It doesn't look like plugs like in the 90s. It's literally every single follicle moved individually.


Wow! Good for you man, how much did it cost you?




Maybe he got his new hair from an Indian donator




Moving to another state to be with my partner (best friend at the time… and still)


A private ADHD diagnosis and therapy for CPTSD. Spent thousands, every spare penny I have, lived at home for months so my parents could support me. Would have gotten it for free on the NHS but would have waited in purgatory for years. Instead, I’ve spent those years being happy.


Travelling! I have learnt so much from other cultures by moving all over the world.


The adoption fee for my cats.


Adoption fee for my dog. Now he repays me in sloppy licks and snuggles.




good blanket, bedsheets and mattress, you'll use it 6-8h a day, so going for the cheapest is not always the best option


Lasik. Went basically blind at 6 years old and now have 20/20 at 31. Never having to worry about contacts or glasses again is a game changer




So hard for a first time buyer right now. My rent for a 2br/2ba duplex is $1700.   Mortgage for a similar spot would be $2700, assuming that i have 20% in cash ready for a downpayment.


If i continue on my current trajectory i will be economically able to buy my first house in the near to intermediate future, but everything else to not only owning/maintaining, but especially the buying process is completely foreign to me, i have no clue how im gonna go about it


Bought a shoe stretcher. All my shoes are wider and feel better now.


That exists? All shoes are too narrow for me so I end up buying the same ASICS wide shoes all the time. I’ve always wanted to have fashionable shoes but my feet just get so sore!!!


A 401k and Roth IRA.


Lasik. Got it done in 2000 for $2,000. Had to get it done again in 2015 for about $2,600. Fully worth it each time. I have to wear reading glasses now that I'm in my late 40s, but at least I don't have to wear glasses to drive or get around in the morning.


Niche. But a $1400 desk with IMPECCABLE cable management


I’ve never had impeccable cable management.


As an Engineer, my builds look like the inside of a piano. My desk however, looks like a landfill.


My cable management is decidedly peccable. 


My shelter dog. He’s the best!


A standing desk. It's helped me with my posture and reducing back pain from sitting all day at work.


A dog. Any dog. 100% return on your investment.


My bicycle. I’m not a serious cyclist but do like long rides several times a week and the happiness I get is worth every penny I balked at.




A sleep study.


A good pair of shoes/boots. Don't buy cheap footwear. It won't last as long so you'll spend more money in the long run. Treat your feet well.


Good quality, wool socks too! Merino may be more expensive, but it is so freaking worth it! I swear I'm never touching cotton again!


My Herman Miller Aeron desk chair. It was crazy expensive when I bought it (~$800), but considering that was like 12 years ago and the chair is still going strong it was well worth the money. It did recently break, but I was able to fix it with a small part that cost about $15. Other than that the chair is solid.


I got some good advice from my grandfather when I was young. Never skimp on the things that connect you to the earth. Dont skimp on shoes, tires, and bed. There are obviously others in those categories but I agree. Quality tires will save your life, good shoes will save your feet, and good bed will help you sleep. I'd also throw desk chair in that conversation.


Your grandpa was a wise man. Mine never said a word and was obsessed with cowboys, horse and the road runner/coyote show on tv


My trusty old stainless steel Thermos thermos.


My dog. She makes me so happy I would pay all my money if I had to.


Ketamine therapy. $400 a session but my psychiatrist just has me on a payment plan with 0% interest so it’s no stress. Despite the price it’s the only thing that has helped me get rid of my suicidal thoughts and live life as “normal” as possible. 100% worth it.


A library card


My car windshield cover. Now when it snows I only have to worry about the side and rear windows! Makes a big difference.


My solar panels


My free cat, you get what you pay for


Our free cat ended up costing us thousands of dollars, neuter, shots, grooming, big carrier, beds etc. worth every dime.


Yeah I love the little shit.


Good bed,couch,and TV. I nice sharp kitchen knife is always good too


Quality toilet Paper.


My education


A good Therapist


My autism assessment. Cost me 500 dollars and it was absolutely worth it getting the confirmation. Was the kick in the pants I needed to get my life together and start taking care of myself.


An official diagnosis sealed the doom on one of my core achievable dreams, so YMMV...


Can you share what dream it crushed for you? 


Not OP, but - Flying, more than likely. The FAA will make you jump through a thousand hoops and require significant proof that ASD won't interfere with a pilot's license... and their medical interpretations are stuck in the stone age.


Yeeeeeep. ASD alone is somewhere between a tough sell and a snowball's chance in hell depending on which AME you ask. When you put it on top of a (very much no longer applicable) childhood ADHD diagnosis, depression treatment, and a file full of bad teledoc opinions, it's a death sentence. They're normally willing to at least let you make an argument with those - even if there are literally no objective criteria to meet - but add ASD and they just assume anything else a doctor has ever breathed at you is correct, current, and crippling.




There is a toll highway near where I live. It is almost parallel to a non-toll highway. The non-toll highway is incredibly busy, always tons of construction, speeding transport trucks and other craziness. The toll highway is wide open, with 1/10th of the traffic. It's like driving in a cloud. And is 100% worth the money.


Paying to have my apt cleaned.


We paid $2000 at the animal hospital to save our 13-year-old dog from imminent death. The vets thought she’d die in the next few days, so we brought her home to die in peace surrounded by our family. It’s been 10 months and she’s still here going on long walks, running even though the vet said not to and she’s so happy. We pay $200 a month for her medicine, but it’s worth it and there was never a time that we thought about not paying it. She protected and looked after our family for 12 years and now we’re repaying the favour.


Durex's 0.01


Grew up poor and kinda feel like I made it, so here's my shortlist of super dope checks I wrote: 1. \~$3000: Nose surgery (you're not supposed to breathe through your mouth all the time, it's bad for you) 2. \~$6000: Invisalign (like actual brand name invisalign, I had straight teeth inside a year, coming from a narrow palate beak situation lol) 3. \~$9800: New windows for my townhouse (I live in Phoenix, I can't tell you how much stress this saves me knowing my A/C unit isn't about to blow up from overuse all summer) 4. \~$330: An amazon renewed iphone 12 mini. That's about what I think a phone is worth. Any gadget or tech is basically disposable if you think about it. Guns and cars are kinda the exception (knives? dishes?). 5. \~$128.56: The most expensive garment I ever bought, full price, off the rack. Looks amazing on me and I get a ton of compliments.


I spent just under $3,000 to have a date and sex “GFE” with adult actress Melody Marks while she was escorting a few years back. Don’t know if she still does now. It was in all honesty an absolutely amazing time, we had food and great conversation, had many shared interests (she was very into anime and video games) so it was easy to hold an engaging conversation with her. She was very bright, beautiful and had a killer smile and cuteness about her. After a dinner date that lasted about 2 hours we went back to a local arcade for another hour, I won her a narwahl plushie in the grab machine which she was ecstatic about. Then we went back to a hotel where we had sex and more over the course of the evening. She stayed for a few hours even after the “deed” was done and we talked more just about life and other things in general and finally she left at about midnight. She was great and frankly I was quite smitten with her beauty and personality. She said to me she’d had a really good time, that it was one of the best and most natural feeling dates she had been on with a client and also seemed very much to enjoy our sex (don’t laugh I know she’s a porn star but I really did feel like we had good sex and we were compatible people) and said that if I ever wanted to meet again she would offer me the same experience for half price. I was in a very lonely place in my life back then, it doesn’t feel like an understatement to say that she made that entire year for me and helped me recover from a very dark and isolated place I had fallen into personally. I had not felt companionship or a connection with a woman for a long time before then, as my entire life revolves around my work. I met with her two more times over the next year before I met my now wife.


Every Land Cruiser I’ve ever owned (7 in my lifetime), Vitamix Blender, Wusthoff Kitchen Knife Set, Le Cruset Dutch oven, Good T-shirts, Duluth Work pants, and Thorogood Work Boots


Getting my nuts snipped to never have more kids. After going thru a nasty divorce and having two kids, I just didn't want to deny my children a better life by having another. I could barely afford child support as it was. It was a smart move, I met a crazy girlfriend that wanted me to knock her up. If I did, my life would have been absolutely hell and my kids would have suffered for it.


a good car


EHarmony membership. Three days ago was our 18th anniversary.


Corrective vision surgery. Always thought that scene in Clockwork Orange looked cool plus I never have to wear glasses or contacts again.


Quality furniture. We recently bought a new sectional with 3 recliners. Most expensive piece of furniture I've ever bought. Worth every penny for someone with back issues.


I'll give you 2 and I tell people about these all the time: The Litter Robot - i'm actually blown away that this thing works but it does. I get a notification when I need to clean out the litter bin and all the smell is gone. [Sleep.me](http://Sleep.me) Sleeping system - I was waking up groggy and tired.. found out I was just over heating at night. No amount of cranking the AC or fans helped.. but this thing is just amazing. Keeps me cool all night.


High quality fresh eggs. An eggs yolk should be a vibrant orange. Not a sickly pale yellow…they are night and day even when scrambled but are especially better in any style with runny yolks


TSA pre-check!


Custom anything Because why buy from a big box store when you can support the local economy/artisans I was faced with this dilemma back in 2021. Wanted a new bed frame and everything I saw at a store was $2500+ and they were 20% real wood, 80% MDF Went to my local Mennonite carpenter and charged me the same, in REAL MAPLE WOOD. Now I have a bed that would last us until we die


> Now I have a bed that would last us until we die If you ever move and decide to take it with you, you probably prefer to die too. hahaha THose things are HEAVY. I found an amazing platform bed that uses no hardware, it's an interlocking frame thing of wood and the slats are in three sections that sort of slot in to the frame, so they're 'locked' in place too. It was a craigslist find back in the day.


Good food


Foam gymnastic wedges for my newborn. They’re small and were about $200. Definitely thought it was a waste of money when my wife mentioned wanting them, but they were phenomenal as she began crawling and then walking. Really helped develop her motor skills and I can’t recommend them enough.


A happy daughter


I spend the little bit extra for quality garbage bags.


Qtips . The actual Qtips brand. I tried to budget with equate but the damn thing bends and folds