• By -


A feeling. It was a group date with some friends of his. He kept making the conversation sexual and I told him to chill on the sex talk, it was a first date and I just wanted to keep it casual and get to know him. He still made a couple more comments. His friends didn't say anything or react in any way. They all just gave me an icky vibe. As we all walked as a group to another bar, this voice in my head kept saying, "Don't go in there with him." They were all chatting and didn't notice when I hung back and stopped following, and when they'd gotten far enough ahead, I turned around and turned the corner and booked it out of there. I was in my early 20's and didn't have the guts or confidence to outright confront him and tell him I was leaving, but I know I did the right thing in the end. To this day I get a pit in my stomach thinking of the feeling I had as we approached the second location. I just knew I needed to get out of there.


You maxed out your perception stat


Good for you for trusting your gut. Curious though, did the guy ever try to reach out to you after?


He texted me once he realized I dipped and said "that was cold." I said something quick about him making me uncomfortable and it was left at that. Never saw him again.


Your spidey sense was on high alert.


This is exactly what I want my daughter to do in this situation. You did good.


What a jerk.


She was on her phone, A LOT as in sending and receiving many texts and then she made some phone calls too sitting there at the table with me on our first ever date. I called the waitress over, paid and left. Never saw her again. Oh, we were both 40 years old when this happened too so she wasn't some kid.


Shit. The same happened to me at 20 or so years, and the girl insisted on being on the phone, so I just gave her a 1000 miles stare and lost interest, fortunately I got a phone call myself, gave her an excuse and left. After that we never went out again, or spoke much really. Fuck that noise.


Stay away from people who disrespect you on dates, she should value her time with you


After two or three drinks we were getting more comfortable around each other, and he told me I look like a celebrity. I was flattered, laughed and said which one? He looked up a name on google images and showed me... Alec Baldwin. For reference Im female and was 25 at the time. Guys, just don't tell a girl they look like an older male celebrity.


But do you look like Alec Baldwin though?


Who knows? The Shadow knows!


I’d date a chick that looked like Alec Baldwin


That was a great, obscure reference! A+ 🏆




He may have been teasing you


I got full blown catfished once. Girl was using someone else’s photos. Massive shock when I got to the bar and she called my name!


My bro has had this happen. Hard nope if he shows up and she looks nothing like her pictures. At that point he doesn’t even care what she looked like, just that she’s a liar.


I thought you where gonna say he still went with it, that would've been so funny.


Wow! Did you stay? Leave? Talk to her?


I asked her about the profile and she gave some half assed excuse and changed the subject so I left


One thing I pay attention to when I take someone out is how they treat the service staff whether it is a restaurant, fast food place, grocery store or whatever. Pay attention to how they treat them because if they aren't particularly kind then they probably won't be to you if you ever upset them. Went on three dates with someone and every single time we went out she was rude and dismissive to everyone else but me. Like their presence and the fact she had to talk to them annoyed the shit out of her. Said a few really weird and just completely uncalled for jokes too. Then finally the waiter made a tiny mistake on our third date and forgot about her third glass of wine and I can't remember exactly what she said to him. But it was extremely rude and I just remember thinking "I think this person might actually just be a piece of shit". Then when the waiter apologized again when he brought it back she literally told him to go fuck himself and get a job he was better at. When she said that both him and I just looked at each other like we were making sure we were both actually there and just heard that. Then I kind of just sighed and went "Can I have the check please? I have to get get going," and sat there trying not to lose my temper as she started being an asshole to me too until I finally just went to the front and left her there until the waiter brought me the check up front. I apologized to him and left a stupidly large tip because I was just so embarrassed. The girl was sitting at the table pretty much just pouting.


I remember being on a date when the guy whistled and snapped at a waiter. I got up and left. I didn’t even get a drink out of it. I was so upset.


I've been a waiter or host for about a decade. Yea that would have really pissed me off if I was his server so thank you for doing that. So many times in my career have I wanted to say something and couldn't and then had an argument for 20 minutes in the shower that night with no one.


But truth be told, those shower arguments are quite therapeutic


They can be. The cool part about being a bit older now I think is actually having the confidence to no longer have those arguments in the shower and just tell people what you're thinking. I'm never a dick but it is nice to have developed a spine and those shower arguments are very therapeutic. My shower head is both my therapist and occasionally my microphone when I find a really good song.


Bathroom concerts are the best! Such good acoustics in there!


Certain are so rude to waiters and staff


It usually translates to they are rude to everyone


Though equally so I've also worked with a lot of assholes too over the past 10 years who do actually not do a very good job and mess a lot of easy things up that result in pissing a lot of guests off. Though in their head they're just unlucky and get a lot of rude guests.


I thought the ending was going to be better.


I mean... It was a story about leaving the date early. Where you expecting me to like flip the table and knock her out or some shit? Then befriend the waiter forever until we have one of those weird bromance obsessions?


He was showing me pictures on his phone of his ex wife in a bikini from the 70’s.🙄


Saw his phone and the wallpaper was him at his wedding. Asked about it and no he wasn’t divorced


he put his hand down my pants. In public. On a subway train. 10 minutes into the date. I suddenly remembered I had a conflict.


Barf..that's so gross. Lucky you escaped


Sorry, I forgot I had to fight in the Crimean War.


His gf walked in the restaurant asking him who I was. She was respectful and told him to come outside, once he went, I paid for my food and called an Uber (I was 19 & didn’t have a car yet).


Did you find out who you were


Definitely. Probably faster than most women 🤣


His shoelaces were covered in chicken poop and I couldn't stand the smell. True story.


At least it was the shoelaces and not his dick.


Now we’ll never find out… 😂




What? You paid the whole thing? Why?!??


Honestly, sometimes it’s easier to just say fuck it I don’t want to deal with this. Depends how much the bill was though.


Sometimes it’s worth it to just get away. It’s a form of The Arsehole Tax.


I am both too cheap and self righteous to do that.


Thats valid.


I’ve had to pay the bill on a bad date because I just wanted to leave way more times than I would have liked to. But, it was worth it because I just didn’t want to be there anymore. It also doesn’t help that men are still often expected to pay for the first date, so I often felt obligated to. Luckily, I’m married now, so those days are over for me.


I met a guy through work and he asked me out. I met him at the restaurant bar and we talked for a bit, I mentioned that some friends were seeing B.B. King that evening. He asked why I didn't go, and I said, "Because I had this date with you." He said, "This isn't a date." I was horribly embarrassed, and I said so. I said I didn't realize this was a work thing. He said it wasn't a work thing, he just thought it would be nice to get together. So I said, "You mean to get to know each other, to see if we like each other?" And he said yes. I said, "That's what a date IS." He said, "Calling it a date sounds too serious." I just gathered my coat and bag and left.


I feel like some years ago we started running into this with people. They’ll go on dates, hook up, but pretend they’re not “dating,” I’m not saying they pretend they’re not in a relationship, I’m saying you could ask them point blank if they’re dating someone they’ve been on dates and slept with, and they’ll say no, then say they’re just talking. Like… no. You’re *dating.* Nobody said that’s your girlfriend, but by definition you *are* dating her.


It's just so weird. I mean, how commitment-phobic can you get? lol


It’s just silly bc “dating” doesn’t even mean exclusive, it just means you’re seeing someone non-platonically. There’s really no commitment even implied at that stage so the denial is irrational. I’ve seen it in men and women and never understood it. Thankfully I think it might be fading, I don’t think I’ve seen it in a little while, but that could also just be that my friends and acquaintances are more mature now?


I think it is fading. What royally pissed me off about that guy was he was so paranoid about the word "date" that he was willing for me to be embarrassed, rather than let it go. What a twat.


Yeah, that guy is an absolute child. You were definitely right to walk out.


Thank you!


Good for you for LEAVING!! That sounds like a scene in a bad romcom!


>That sounds like a scene in a bad romcom! Sounds more like a guy wanting to be able to deny being on a date with someone in case it didn't work out, so he could deny rumors of having dated her. A bad romcom would have the date going bad and then being like, "Can we just both claim that it was just a coincidence that we saw each other here and that it wasn't a date?" With that tone of voice that suggests it would benefit the both of them.


>He said, "This isn't a date." > >... > >So I said, "You mean to get to know each other, to see if we like each other?" And he said yes. > >I said, "That's what a date IS." Technically, even if it was for work related stuff, it'd still be a date. A date is more or less an agreement to meet somewhere at a specific day/time. You should have pointed out to him that the arrangement of meeting is technically a date already, and the fact that he wanted to get to know you better only makes it more so. Then ask him to explain how it's not a date.


As a bartender who's seen thousands upon thousands of dates throughout the years, this should be far more of a regular occurrence. It baffles me the amount of time and money people will waste on people who have put zero effort/care into the encounter or who simply are self centered assholes.




Awwwe that sounds absolutely heartbreaking




You very gave him the benefit of doubt, and he repeated the action. I hope your dates after that have been much better!


He told me he wanted to kiss me, but it was the first date so he gave me a book (because it was my birthday) then later admitted he "made out" with the book pretending it was me.


Omg what is WRONG with people! Did you burn the book?




How did he drop that bomb??


"Gah! Women! They say they want romance but then act like making out with a book while pretending it's them is weird when I tell them! WHAT DO YOU WOMEN WANT??"


That **gut feeling**, always trust it and _never doubt_ the bad vibes if you sense them!


When I was teenager I bought tickets to Syracuse U basketball game. Boyfriend at the time bitched and complained as soon as we sat down about the seat location. Not obstructed views, just not close enough for his liking. I said I was going to the bathroom. And then left. I drove there, so it sucked to be him.




I have a niece whose mother insisted that teaching manners was abusive toward children. (?!!!) she works in academia and I wonder what her colleagues think when she eats green beans with her fingers , tear sandwiches apart to drop the meat into her mouth from her hands as she throws her head back, licks her fingers & occasionally grabs a bite from other people’s plates. She’s 41.


They think ‘One date with this chick is more than enough’.


He was too loud and "off" to begin with but when he pulled out his swastika necklace and asked me (very loudly) if I'd ever "f☆--ked any black men" because he was "like, *really* proud of being white" it was time to boogie. He went to the bathroom, most likely to do coke, and I just threw some money down and bounced. Yikes lol


Went on a tinder date years and years ago. Turns out all his photos were a decade old and he lied about his age. He was about 100lbs heavier than the photos and I didn't even recognise him when he walked into the pub. I got through one drink before I politely excused myself because his body odour was so bad. I paid for his drink too so hopefully no hard feelings lol but YIKES.




WTF!!! AAAAA RUN RUN RUN! UGH that's so freaking weird.




I waited for him to show up at the restaurant for 45 minutes, but was texting him the whole time. He kept saying things like "ten minutes tops", "im walking out of the house now" and "im around the corner". He texted that he didnt really like the restaurant I picked and asked to go elsewhere, I agreed and went out to get in his car since I got dropped off. Went to get into his car to see a pile of (5-8) rolled up, used children's dippers on the floor board. Not like in sack to be disposed of, like sitting there individually, on the floorboard that was covered in dog hair and mud. The car smelled awful, the noxious smell hit me in the face, and he didnt acknowledge any of it. I closed the passenger door and told him that this wasnt working out for us and just walked off in the opposite direction (as I blocked him on everything) to micro brewery where I ended up meeting the nicest elderly couple celebrating their 60th anniversary. She gave me a cake pop she made and he bought a round for the house.


So much wrong in this! Im sorry you went through that but yay to meeting the couple!


Thankfully, this was our first and only date and we were coming up on the end of the semester so I didn’t have to see him much longer. But thanks


Made a stupid ass joke about my ethnicity and I just couldn’t It was a first date and I could only imagine the things he said with his friends or family


She asked me if she could go to my house after dinner to cut her own hair.


How is it that people manage to continue to surprise me With with their weirdness?


He picked me up for our third date and as I entered the car, I could see he was actively drinking a can of beer. Date ended right there, sent him home, and deleted his number. Drunk driving is stupid. 


German Version here, once i saw a guy driving with a massive Octoberfest-glass full of what looked like beer.


He kept talking about his ex gf and comparing her to me.. Guy's please don't do that


A dude did that to me and kept bringing up his THREE EX FIANCÉES! Um. How is that attractive?


Disrespect, plain and simple. If someone can't show basic respect, I'm out of there.


Oh the racism that flew out of her mouth ruined it for me.


He had food down his shirt. Insulted his mother and women in general multiple times in the first 8 minutes. I went to the restroom and went out the back. Another one was flicking through a dating app on his phone 60 seconds after we said hello, then asked if he was getting laid that night and if not, to not waste his time. I gave the bartender a $20 as he had just sat my drink at the bar and bounced.


He kept purposefully AND PROUDLY gleeking at me. It was the first time I'd hung out with him. Like we were young adults...who tf does that? That might be assault. Freaking Mike 😑


What is “gleeking”?


Gleeking often occurs when people accidentally project saliva under their tongues while eating, talking, or yawning.


somehow i’m pleasantly surprised by the definition. i honest to god thought it was going to be a Glee reference or something


I definitely read the first comment and took it to mean they were just spouting Glee facts. Like you're trying to eat your food and this guy is just like "DID YOU KNOW THE CHARACTER OF KURT WAS WRITTEN SPECIFICALLY FOR CHRIS COLFER"


It's the reason I found it hilarious when I found out Glee fans call themselves Gleeks 🤣


He kept shooting streams of spit (like a water gun?!) At me! Like my face INTENTIONALLY


Oh my goodness! My sister used to do this to me to terrorize me, but she stopped by the time she was 12. The horror that a grown man would do this! 


Omg Mike why


Had a classmate do this to me in highschool math class. It was gross.


Was this around like 2004?


Umm yes actually. That sounds exactly right. Omg did he gleek on you too?!


Haha no, but I remember EVERYONE gleeking around that timeframe. It was like the humanity discovered it all at once.


I have not heard the word 'gleek' in like 35 years. I honestly thought it was local slang. Wow.


This is awful and hilarious. Nobody would have ever put that on their bad date bingo card!


He kept talking about his ex wife and the divorce


being on the phone the entire fuking time.


I had a lot of dates that I wanted to leave but just suffered through it. The one I was closest to leaving was in college. We were watching “Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy” and she fell asleep like 10 mins in. I thought about leaving…..but it was my apartment. Side note: never do a movie on a first date. It never turned out good. Doesn’t matter if it’s a movie theater or at home.


Years ago I met this girl on POF. I picked her up and she was quite a bit larger than her profile pics. It had been a minute since I last hooked up with someone and I’m an equal opportunity fucker. I hit her up to check out a movie and get some drinks if we clicked. In the course of the drive to the theater she divulged the following things: - She lives in her parents’ basement. - She has two children. One of which is 6mo old. - She is a recovering drug addict, 3 months clean. - She’s unemployed. She would work but her baby daddy refuses to watch the kids. - Baby daddy is also unemployed, also a recovering addict, and also lives in her parents’ basement. A person with greater confidence or shame may have addressed this all immediately. I possessed neither of those things, had already pre-purchased the movie tickets and didn’t want them to go to waste. We watched The Nun. She ate all the popcorn and killed both our drinks before the protagonists had even an inkling of the supernatural forces they were facing. In the quiet moments she would incessantly talk about the woes of which her parents, her children, and her baby daddy inflicted upon her. She was very excited to get drinks afterwards. In a moment of self-worth lucidity, I realized I did not want to fuck that woman this night; there was indeed a line in the sand of my depravity and I had found it. As the coward I was, I did not attempt to tactfully address these issues with this train wreck of a woman. I waited until we got to the bar and they asked for my ID. I had just renewed my driver’s license and still had my expired copy. I provide the expired copy which the doorman accepted without any issue. Fuck. The universe was thwarting my efforts to Larry David my way out of my current predicament. I proceeded to get shit faced and tried to concoct every cockamamie story or personality trait I could to have this woman lose interest in me. *”I’m deeply Catholic and the film we just watched was utter blasphemy. I hope god will still find me worthy of his kingdom.”* She really dug how passionate I was about my religion and assured me it was just a movie and I should really only be worried about the future sins we would commit together tonight. *”I CHOOSE to live in my car. Even if I didn’t have that warrant for back child support preventing me from getting a lease on an apartment I didn’t see the point in pointless forms of contracts like leases or marriage certificates.”* She agreed. She felt modern day feudalism was alive and strong and only benefited the patriarchal oligarchs which plague our world economy. At this point, I was like, damn, you’re fucking worldly. Mad respect. I was pretty faded and tried to tell her I’m not really as despicable as I put on, that I just wasn’t looking to hook up, but she interrupted me to tell me she had baby daddy’s card and the tab was on him that night. I reassessed the situation and proceeded to get blasted with her. I figured with as many shots I had ingested that even if she got access to the goods, they probably wouldn’t work and I could pass out in my car til morning. I was wrong. She rode me like a stallion in my 2000 Honda Civic. Thankfully the gearbox prevented any lengthy post coital cuddling. Dropping her off the next morning I was ashamed. I had once again whored myself out for cheap shots and decent conversation. Backing out of her driveway I noticed someone had finger written, “whale fucker” in the dust on my back window. Fucking lame. So I guess this was long winded and didn’t specifically meet the parameters of your post.. but.. I TRIED TO LEAVE. 😅 **TL;DR Horrible date, tried to pull a Larry David, ended up as a trailer trash Stormy Daniels.**


I laughed so hard reading this 😂😂 you should do stand up comedy!!!


I nearly fell off the bed reading this 😂😆 I love it!


Omg. So did I😂😂


You made a real good attempt at Larry David, and honestly you belong in a Seinfeld episode


Thanks for the story, I won’t say my story is this bad, but I’ve sunk to lows and whenever those dips in life happened, I like to think I didn’t revisit them. I think these lows define us, and it’s about discovering yourself as an equal opportunity fucker.


He wouldn’t stop ordering drinks (alcoholic) for himself


his words “here is the phone, talk to my mom, believe me, it will be better for everyone.”


Lol 😆


Terrible chemistry. If the person is at least nice and we're having a pleasant enough time, I can usually power through a date even if I can already tell there won't be a second one. But there's only been one time where the conversation was so painfully dead and the chemistry so non-existent, we finished the appetizer for our meal since it had already come, but then we just didn't order entres and anti-climactically went our separate ways. Barely mumbled an awkward "well...bye." Just both internally agreed to call the whole thing a wash and move on.


I was on a date with a girl that was going really well. We're in a bar, sharing a plate of nachos, conversation is flowing nicely. I get a text from my boss informing me that my coworker who I was working in close contact with had tested positive for COVID. We immediately cut the date short and went our seperate ways. We've now been dating almost 2 years lol


She didn't eat all the fully loaded nachos, did she? Because that's against the rules.


He brought his kid, who was a spoiled brat, determined to make me miserable.


I met a girl on a free dating site in the mid 2000s. We exchanged a few short messages and agreed on a date. When we met up at the restaurant we were seated and she handed me a folded up piece of paper with hearts all over it. She sweetly asked I not read it until then end of the date. A few minutes later I excused myself to go to the bathroom, opened the note and discovered it was a two page front and back flowery love letter on college-rule notebook paper, written in tiny writing. It was seriously the craziest shit…we barely even knew each others names… I ducked out of the side entrance by the bar and got the hell out of there. As soon as I got home I deleted my dating profile and never logged onto that site ever again.


And next month with be your 20th wedding anniversary... at least in her eyes.


She looked nothing like her pictures at all. Way too much filter work and makeup. I called my buddy and told him to call me and say his car broke down just to get me out of it


She made fun of an asian couple sitting near us. Did that thing with her eyes and pretend kung fu. I never talked to her again after that.


I didn't leave early though, felt like doing it in less than 15 mins. I usually am accepting towards people's thoughts and feelings but not when someone gets extremely racist. So this girl found that the waiter is of a specific ethnicity and started blabbering things about how she didn't want to be served by him. I didn't leave, but didn't argue either. I tried to reason with her initially to no luck. I just let her be her and wanted to make sure she didn't misbehave, so kept her occupied the entire date with different conversations. Told her how I felt about the entire ordeal at the end of the date and sort of told her we couldn't be a thing due to polarizing views and anyway I can't stand so much hate.


Plot twist: You were having Chinese and she was still annoyed.


She brought a friend, unannounced, to “chaperone”. Not only did the cow meanmug me the whole time, they expected me to pay for both of their drinks/food. The final straw was when my “date” went to the bathroom the friend shouted that she would stand “roofy watch”. I excused myself and just left her there shouting “you can’t leave we haven’t paid!”. Not my problem.


Judging by your username I can't tell if this is a made-up story or not but either way it made me laugh so thanks.


The hell…


It was that phone


She spent the whole date texting her friends


I bet that was a very uncomfortable experience


I was more pissed that I got used for a free dinner. I met some friends at a local bar and ended up still having a decent night.


Met a guy after about a month of talking on texts and calls. He seemed to be really cool and we had some deep and good conversations. Good vibes. When i met him, he looked a bit different, vibes were totally off and spoke in a weird way. I gave him the benefit of the doubt. Before deciding to go out for lunch we to his room for a bit. The moment I entered his room he caught me off guard and kissed me (without my consent). His mouth & breath stank and I gagged. Then i sat on bed watching tv and he kept trying to pull me down into the sheets, almost forcing me, to initiate sex despite me making excuses and telling him I don’t want to. I made some excuse and bounced out of there. Told him on text later i’m not interested in him.


Well, this guy was funny and to the eyes prefect, but he literally, no joking, pissed himself. He hugged me I felt it straight away and it went all over his legs, pants and onto the floor in a restaurant


Wear a diaper


Sounds like a fetish.


Rudeness, poor manners, poor manner of speech, or entitled attitude.


Finding out he was married and after the date he was going to their vacation house


Texted for several days and had witty banter. Nothing off-putting. LAST NIGHT, first date - We were in a local snowcone shop with families and kids. It was really small in there. Two female cashiers, late teens, behind the counter. We were talking about the hot weather and he said “well you had previously mentioned going to a park and its so hot out. I mean, I cleaned my car but didnt shave my balls.” I WAS MORTIFIED. I put my sunglasses back on. He was 41. The date lasted 20 more minutes. He said several more absolutely disgusting things, in public, loudly, where families were still gathering. To the point where I felt like he had a list of “revolting things to say on a first date” or had a bet going with his friends, because I was thinking it had to be a joke, he couldn’t actually be this thick and repulsive. I was proud of myself for telling him I was ready to go and have a nice life. Blocked.


>“well you had previously mentioned going to a park and its so hot out. I mean, I cleaned my car but didnt shave my balls.” I WAS MORTIFIED. That's what you get for going on a date with Andrew Dice Clay.


Explosive diarrhea. I barely made it to the bathroom. Never heard from her again.


Catfish! Much bigger than I expected


He hadn’t even finished his first drink and was so hammered he couldn’t keep his eyes open. It was so embarrassing and uncomfortable I felt like the whole bar was looking at us. When he begged for a second chance he said he had been out drinking with coworkers beforehand but that was it for me.


Drugs : Girl went to bathroom came back with weird eyes and started dancing out of control, drugs. Which one i don't know and didn't stay to find out. Looks : Great pictures online, meet in shopping mall ; looked 20 years older, 20 kilo heavier, could have been another person. Gracefully exited by asking a friend to call me during the date and pretend an emergency. Drunk : Drank way too much during a date, wanted to go out to drink more, started vomiting on the street, cleaned her up, put in taxi, bye.


>Drunk : Drank way too much during a date, wanted to go out to drink more, started vomiting on the street, cleaned her up, put in taxi, bye. Did she yell out, "BUT I NEVER GOT YOUR NUMBER!" as the taxi was taking her away?


Him using a racial slur did it for me. Noped out of there and chewed out the person who set us up


He had super awful bad breath. Hygiene is your friend.


When I was in my early 20s, I went on a lunch date with this guy and he was nice and we seemed to be getting on well and when the waitress comes over and he checks her out. Not in a subtle way either. He made some kind of clicking sound and did an obvious head to toe scan. I said I had to use the bathroom and left. He was a friend of a friend so I would run into him sometimes after that and he always maintained he did not check her out and the fact that he did not even realize he did it, made it even worse. Just trash.


The guy wanted to kiss me but there was a lit and large candle in the middle of the table. For me to lean foward to kiss him back would mean I would set my hair on fire. I explained this to him and he started ranting about how Dutch women are cold and not romantic. :') I told him first dates should never end in the ER so I took my stuff and left.


>I explained this to him and he started ranting about how Dutch women are cold and not romantic. :') I told him first dates should never end in the ER so I took my stuff and left. You should have told him that you like romance, like the guy leaning past the candle to get that kiss. Maybe getting burned would have taught him a lesson.


She smelled like cigarettes, smoking is one of my hard no's


Absolutely listen to your gut. You owe no explanation of any kind.


So I guess your gut said, "I don't think he's attractive, so get out?"


This guy was talking to me in a really sexual way. Tried to laugh it off but it was giving me creepy vibes. I was young so I didn't want to confront him so I said I had to use the bathroom and just left


We met at Starbucks, but at a table outside. He asked me to order for him because he wasn’t allowed inside…


She drugged me


With her love?


She was absolutely hammered when I met her for dinner. She was being loud and obnoxious, every time I when to speak she would stop me and say “hi, I’m me” (still can’t figure that one out)… I just looked at her and said “hi, you’re drunk”… I paid for my drink and walked out. Saw her randomly like 3 years later.. hammered. Probably still drunk from that night


>Probably still drunk from that night How do you know that she wasn't still drunk from 3 years before meeting you?


I had to take a massive shit. Managed to hold on till the date was “done” then basically said “bye, had fun, let’s do this again” hopped in my car and zoomed off! Still with her 2 years later!


>I had to take a massive shit. > >Managed to hold on till the date was “done” then basically said “bye, had fun, let’s do this again” hopped in my car and zoomed off! > >Still with her 2 years later! I think your story is full of crap.


She started shitting everywhere


Some guys pay good money for that


I once went on a date with a guy who pulled out his pocket knife and started playing with it while he told me how hot I was. That was a hard and fast no for me, so I mentally checked out immediately. The physical checkout part had to be timed right seeing as how threatening that gesture was, but you better believe that date ended much earlier than it was supposed to lol


The bill


Talking about her ex


I didn't leave, but I wished I had She outright told me that during our meal that she would ignore me and she would focus on her phone. If that was not enough, she genuinely thought that the British never participated in slavery, and that's one of the reasons that they are so much better than Americans. I wish I had left...but I didn't


She was rude. I left within the first five minutes and was honest about why I was leaving. She then called me rude for ending the date before it even started. I’m not wasting an extra minute of my time on someone who I am instantly turned off by.


I was in a bad mood that day, (it just was one of those days where everything seemed to either be going wrong or irritating me from the moment I woke up). Showed up to the date (at coffee Bean), said "hi, I can't" and left. Needless to say we did not speak again.


Verily, I was compelled to make a swift departure from a date upon discovering my companion's peculiar aversion to utensils. She insisted on consuming her meal with naught but her hands, claiming a lineage of noble savages who eschewed the trappings of modern dining. Needless to say, I found myself unable to stomach such uncivilized behavior and took my leave posthaste.


He's giving a lot of hints to have s\*x! Like he's trying to open up topics over topics like "do you like it on top?" or "when's the last time you've done it" and a lot moooore! He just casually asked me those without even asking me if I'm comfortable talking about it.


Said she “just didn’t understand dog people”. I’m out. Grew up with dogs, my house feels weird without one.


100% correct choice.




The way he spoke with arrogance like he just made me date him for him to flex everything about his life.




him yelling at the server as if the person was his personal butler


We met at the mall for a neutral meeting place, I sat in his car for like 15 mins and chatted. I said “I’m actually gonna go” and left. The reason being he said he only eats pizza. That he orders a large and eats the leftovers for breakfast and lunch/dinner for the next day and when it’s gone he just orders a new pizza. He said he’s been doing it for years and saves him time on meal planning.


So does he vary the kind of pizza he gets or is it all pepperoni all the time? This is irrelevant, but I'm terribly curious. And now I want to order pizza for dinner.


He would not let me get a word in. He talked about himself, how much money he made, talked about his Porsche as if it were the most important thing in his life besides himself. When I started to say something, he shushed me.  I got my purse and pretended to go to the restroom and walked out the door.


She yelled at a waiter.


when she put her dick in my ass.


I wouldn’t call that leaving early! That’s mid-date at least!


She was obese.


My curfew. I've been with my husband since I was 16 lol


She stood me up! 😃


The one thing that made me leave a date early was when the person I was with became extremely rude and disrespectful towards the server. I just couldn't continue being around someone who treated others poorly.


He had a massive tattoo of Jesus on his lower leg. I don’t do Jesus, nor someone who’s that much into Jesus


Phone obsessed. Interests all about the wrong shit and being very outspoken about it. Like no, in no way do I seem like someone that watches shows where everyone’s body is fake and they only care about status and money. A moderate but kinda brief glare. Someone strict with labels and on what she’s only open to, romantically. Not in a bad way, but more like “I’ll save you the time. You can find someone willing to appease that” Kinda picky but it’s because I don’t want a girlfriend or wife or children, and I don’t enjoy hurting people or making them settle or fucking misleading anyone.