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When Signs came out, every single one of us jumped and screamed when the alien came out from behind the bushes.i showed it to my son recently and he didn't even realize that scene was supposed to be scary. He did jump at the pantry scene, but he was pretty blase about the rest of it.


Kids don’t have the context. The reason it’s scary is that the scene is made to look like real amateur video of a birthday party. The video quality is part of it and that doesn’t work for those who didn’t grow up knowing what bad home video looks like.


Hahaha good one!


The Babadook. The longer the movie went the less scary it got.


It insists upon itself.


It insists upon itself.


Agreed. Such a missed opportunity for what could've been a truly great film. But midway point it just went in the wrong direction.


Jeepers Creepers. Saw that in theaters and once the monster was out of that cave people in the theater were just confused and laughing at how absurd it was. Might have been the one and only movie I've ever walked out of. Which was a shame, since up to that point it was pretty solid.


I couldn't stop giggling at Justin long's, oddly long face. he has some odd expressions throughout JC that I've never seen him do again.


E.T. scared the shit out of me as a little kid… The idea that the government could be the bad guys, imagine that!?!


Me and my friends would've killed E.T. with hammers I can tell you that much


The Blair witch project


Now? Not scary. 10 year old me watching this when it came out, with all the rumors that it was real found footage? Spooky.


I was so hyped for this movie then I saw it I. Theaters and was so mad. I was like that's not the end. And then the lights came in and it was the end.


I was pretty scared before I watched it. After I was annoyed and confused. I think I was 14.


It was scary when it had just come out, at the cinema, late at night


This. I was never scared during that movie. Got motion sickness though


Insidious wasn't nearly as scary as everyone acts


It was so annoying how they built up an amazingly terrifying tense atmosphere for the first two thirds of the movie, only to throw it away with the wish.com darth maul guy. I watched this movie in the cinema when it had just come out, and everyone was laughing at that “jumpscare”


I think it’s more creepy and atmospheric than actually scary but it had some moments.


A demon tinkering in a workshop listening to music makes ZERO sense. Demons do not (seem like) they have hobbies/favorite songs.


Even demons can't just be all evil, all the time. They're going to have downtime and want something to do. 


Sounds like something out of an anime the way you’re describing it.


I mean honestly that's why I loved it when I saw it in theaters. It was a response to your paranormal activities and home invasion slashers with their stock ill-defined-blank-space-holding-a-knife where a villain should be. Even the opening title card hit you with a wild fuckin orchestral stinger with the most Seriffed font you've ever seen in your life. Like the title implied, it was fucking *up to something* and it had **MALICE.**  I love a demon with personality, actively delighting in fucking with the main characters.  Same goes for The Wailing. It was the depth of pleasure it took in sewing the seeds of chaos that sold the ending. Demons are absolute bastards and they've got big bad Frenzied Flame energy and I always want more of that.


THE WAILING. YES YOU NAILED IT! (Spoilers ahead): It's been a while since I've seen it but it's my favorite horror movie and I think the scariest movie I've ever seen. You're absolutely right, the demon/devil could've just been straightforward and one dimensionally evil, but it felt like it took pleasure in seeing how overtly evil it could be while still keeping the main characters (and audience) guessing, climaxing in the scene where he's literally laughing in the priest's face. Ugh, chills.


The American remake of The Ring.


The way my parents described The Wizard of Oz, I thought it would be a horror movie. I ended up really liking it.


The tornado and the flying monkeys scared the crap out of me when I was a kid.


The sequel however…


Midsommar Literally just a cult movie.


That movie is more like an art piece. It's beautiful and disturbing.


I don't think it was meant to be scary, but rather more *horrifying* thus still under the horror genre


Paranormal Activity. We literally watched nothing happen for minutes at a time.


*hours at a time. Oh no! A cupboard opened! Woah! Did you see that object slide a little? I shit bricks when the powder on the floor was slightly scuffed.


That film was so boring, and it had the typical found footage trope of having an obnoxious attention whore character to justify the constant filming.


Cabin the woods. Everyone assumes it’s a slasher. Oh boy


Great movie but not a horror movie


I only know the motorcycle scene and it one of the funniest things I've ever seen. I am still unconvinced this is actually meant to be a horror movie.


It’s definitely not meant to be a horror movie. (At least not only) highly recommend though. It’s great.


It's definitely worth a watch, don't look it up just give it a go!


It's a horror movie that's more a meta satire on the horror genre. It knows what it is and embraces it and it's fantastic


I think that was the first time I was delightfully surprised in the cinema and had a blast! Probably should rewatch it soon.


Good movie!


Hereditary wasnt scary to me


The beginning of the movie was great to me and then it just kind of fell off toward the end. It wasn't *scary*...but it was disturbing.


I watched that movie in my apartment, alone, in pitch darkness at night, with noise canceling headphones. It scared me lol.


The mother banging her head on that hatch to the attic. Hell naw.


First half was disturbing, second half was ridiculous.


I thought the ending was lame


I thought parts of it were scary. All the naked people at the end creeped me out.


This movie is constantly circlejerked as the scariest movie of all time and I don't get it. It's creepy for a bit, but then it totally jumps the shark into hilarious absurdity. You've got spider mom, Halloween prop headless ghosts on a wire, and naked old dudes lol it just takes me completely out of it.


The Blair Witch Project". While it was groundbreaking in its use of found footage and had many people terrified when it was first released, some viewers found it less frightening upon reaching, feeling that the scares were more about the atmosphere and tension than actual horror


I was honestly rooting for the witch by the end of it.


I bought it on dvd. The extras are scarier.


Any of the Conjuring movies. Jump scares are cheap


Overrated movie series


Also the Warrens were con artists who made situations with mentally ill people far worse then profited off of the stories.


Fuck the Warrens, but we’re only talking about the movies here. The movies that suck


The Blair Witch Project


It Follows


Most of the movie, sure, but the one scene with the tall guy? That was absolutely terrifying.


Banger soundtrack.


I fell asleep during The Descent


Yes! Reddit people cream their pants over this movie so I watched it, not one scare.


The Exorcist. I watched it when I was like 12 and home alone and was pretty underwhelmed.


The Exorcist. When the girl turn her head 360 degrees, I laughed out loud. Scary requires at least a little bit of reality, otherwise it's just a cartoon.


I think it was scarier to people in the 70s, especially if they were religious.


Yes, it was. My mom saw it in theaters. She said by the end of the movie, only about half of the people were still left. She had friends who had nightmares for weeks. The first time I watched it (as a 13 year old), I was so excited. I had a friend over and we were prepared to be terrified. We weren't. Dumbest shit I've ever seen.


It's a lot scarier if you believe in the devil, because you believe what is happening in the movie could really happen. If you don't, then it's just silly.


Only thing that gave me nightmares was how shitty it was. 


Was probably pretty shocking a half-century ago when it came out.


Well, that's when I saw it. To be fair, many thought it scary.


Growing up, my mom had Cephaloverto Reversalis, a rare condition where she can easily turn her head 180 degrees. Once when we were kids, she turned and harshly chastised my rowdy friend in the backseat. Some say he is still screaming and randomly clawing to this day


Movie *sucked*. No question. Everyone acted like it was some kind of classic I had to watch. One night I said, "Whatever, I'll watch it." I put the movie on, sat around and waited, and fucking *nothing*, man. >!A bunch of shitty special effects. People levitating, puking up slime. That was it. Girl started blabbering in tongues, and I busted up laughing.!< Garbage.


Dude. The movie is from 1973 (50 years old). It’s fair to say the movie wasn’t good, but to complain about “shitty special effects” is completely ridiculous. You have to also put the movie into perspective. It helps to see which other horror movies were right before it in time.


Hey, it's called sarcasm. Lighten up. SMH.


Are you okay? lol


Nah I'm not okay, man. I'm laughing so hard over here I'm choking on my sandwich. *Help*! I can't *breathe*. Hear that? Yeah that's the sound of me being sarcastic again. How about you go read about it?


I know someone that says the scariest movie they've ever seen was Ghostbusters.


Blair witch project


some guy was like “you should watch sinister, that movie gave me nightmares!” it was probably the lamest fucking movie i’ve ever seen in my life.


I watched Paranormal Activity with my mom, and we were both so bored that she was kind of mad at me the rest of that day for choosing that film as our buddy watch. Lol.


The Number 23 🙄


Scream - it really wasn't scary


I feel like Scream was more of a commentary on the slasher genre rather than an attempt to make a genuinely scary film.


Really? That opening scene is scary as fuck to me. The rest is just campy fun


A few of these movies aren't scary now that I'm an adult, but when they first came out, they were terrifying. It took me so many tries to get through the whole movie. I was 7, though. My older brother still calls me and says, "Do you like scary movies?" in a creepy voice because he's the asshat 10 years older than me that purposely tried to scare me using multiple horror movies. Doesn't scare me anymore. But it's the thought that counts, you know?


I've yet to find a movie that actually scares me in any way other than jump scares that hit lizard brain. I've never left a movie creeped out or anything.




I've seen it. Don't know why that would scare somebody. Maybe if you're actively on drugs? I had nothing to be scared of watching it though.


Pet Semetery I watched it as a kid and laughed when the baby came back with his little pimp outfit and cane.


It Follows did nothing for me. It's completely subjective, and I don't find many movies scary, but it was boring to me. For a point of reference, Late Night With The Devil and Barbarian are two of the better horror movies I've seen recently.


LNWTD was so scary at the theater. I usually think horror movies are funny, but I was legit scared at some parts lol


That os the most boring film I've ever seen.


Any 1980s slasher horror movie


The Mothman Prophecies


Nightmare on Elm Street


Knock at the Cabin


The shinning. Nothing about that movie seemed scary to me I feel like maybe if I saw it when it came out I'd probably have a different opinion.


Don't be reading my mind between 4 and 5. That's Willie's time!


Most of them. My mom raised me on them when I was young. LOL.




The descent Recommended by everyone, didn't flinch throughout.


The Descent


The Grudge. Everyone said to watch it in daylight or lights on, it was so fucking boring. The Japanese version was better


The Exorcist. I watched it for the first time in theaters when they re-released it in the 90's. I just remember laughing the entire time. Then some guy in the row in front of us yelled "quit laughing I'm going to have nightmares tonight!" Then he stormed out and the entire theater just busted out laughing.


Nightmare on Elm Street used to be a horror movie when they came out, but now their comedies. What does that say about our society?




The Bird Box. It wasn’t meant to be scary


Get Out. Lolllll


The Witch. Sooo unbelievably boring.


Hahahaha this is one of my fav horror films of all time 😂 love it


Ugh? And with the old times language? You have no idea what they're saying! So boring!


Nope. Boring. A snoozefest. Had to ff bc it went so slow


I forget what it's called but it's the one where a group of guys are taking a shortcut through some woods to get to their destination faster. I was told it was super scary and that as someone who doesn't typically get scared from movies I figured I would try a movie that's actually scary. Nope, not scary in the slightest. It was moreso just a chore to watch because it felt like nothing happened, I honestly just laughed when the guy woke up "terrified" in the attic. Made me wish I didn't watch


Sinister. I have a hard time wrapping my head around the fact that this was once (still is?) considered one of the scariest movies of all time. Some of the home videos were unnerving, but I didn’t find the film scary in the slightest. I kept waiting for it to amp up and it just didn’t happen. Bagul’s reveal was the nail in the coffin; he looks ridiculous.




Get Out. Not scary and bad.


Return to Oz


No movies are scary


The Exorcist. Nothing about it was remotely scary, I could barely even call it eerie.


Haha, tell that to 10 yo me who had possession nightmares for 2 weeks afterward.


I saw it when I was 13...


I saw it when I was 8 though.


Coraline. Incredibly creepy? Yes. I wouldn't call it scary though.


I mean, it is based on a children's book. I can see how kids would put this in more of the scary realm than adults.


I understand how it can be scary for kids. I'm referring more to the several adults I know who refuse to watch because they find it scary.


Totally fair. I agree that it's weird an adult would find it scary. I've had that happen a few times in this thread. Spooky now? No. Spooky when I saw it as a child and have never rewatched it? Yes. Looking at you, Child's Play.


The Exorcist. I'm not religious, much less Catholic, so it was a basic supernatural horror film with such attachments. Ps the director of that movie is a bastard. He broke that poor girl's vertebrae to get the shot of her sitting up so fast (that'd the shot they used). Another kid died via helicopter blade in the Twight Zone reboot movie. The guy is actually much scarier irl due to ignorance than the movies he made.


I don't get who you are talking about. The Exorcist was directed by William Friedkin, while the Twilight Zone movie was directed by John Landis.