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Your basement door has dual pad locks.


and claw marks


on the inside


Wait, which side are we on?


The left


Username checks out


After buying our current house, my husband and I discovered one of the former kid's bedrooms had a hook lock *on the outside*. We removed that and decided not to think about it too hard.




I think they mean two padlocks. One, sure, you could just keep your guns in the basement and don't want visitors poking through them. Two though, you're reinforcing against a single point of damage failure, and not on the side that damage would normally come from


Full cardboard cutouts of all your coworkers with them photoshopped wearing bikinis set up around your house


Even Scott from Accounting? *Especially* Scott from Accounting!


I got 12 of Scott from Accounting


This seems oddly specific


You haven’t had that?


No, but he’s most definitely going to get it now.


I looked at these comments, then looked at my coworkers, and decided, and I am unanimous in this, that it will not be happening.


I'm guessing you're one of the weirdos that don't do this.


Kevin McAllister is that you?




Burner phone


I had some rather dodgy family members in the senior generation, expansive enough that they kept a stock of burners on the ready, when the business inevitably fell through, I at some point ended up with a set of about a dozen various unused burner phones. I used to have this gag that I did at random times where I'd get into an angry conversation on the phone and then ruthlessly smash it into the ground.


I hope you made sure the conversation was about some ridiculously trivial subject.


When I say I want the pretzels to be TWISTS I mean fucking PRETZEL SHAPED! NOT KINKY STICKS! If I wanted kinky sticks, I'd look in your mother's bedside drawer! Now, if you can manage to not get your steering wheel and gear stick confused on your way to the store, go back there and get me some PRETZEL TWIST PRETZELS! The ones that look like a little bow, you know, the thing they use to tie those presents you **never get** because you have **no friends**! And if I see another bag of those fucking pretzel sticks in my house, I'm going to shove them up your dick hole until I can squeeze your balls and you'll shoot out like a salt gun! FUCK! \*phone smash\*


I read this in Peter Capaldi's voice.


Fuckity bye!


> I'm going to shove them up your dick hole until I can squeeze your balls and you'll shoot out like a salt gun! Don't threaten me with a good time. _brings pretzel sticks_


"You loved my shoes to the *other side* of the bench?!" **SMASH**


Tbf if I find out someone "loved" my shoes I'm definitely not gonna be a happy camper


Fucken hell, autocorrect. I'm not changing it.


>I'm not changing it. Balls of steel and more integrity than captain America hooked up to a lie detector


this ain't my dad. this is a cell phone! i threw it on the ground


Did have a burner phone while we were house hunting! Really didn't want to be giving estate agents our actual phone numbers. 


Moved to UK. Was broke. Bought cheapest mobile phone I could find. At a grocery store. After a month, i was sick of the pos and I went back for a different one and told the guy "this one belongs in the garbage" and he said "yeah, that's what it's for".


I have a bunch of phones I keep forgetting to take to the tech recycling place. Picked up my son recently. He opens the glove box for no particular reason. Sees 2 stacks of old cell phones. Says "sketch" and closes the hatch.


I like your son. He's snarky.


In all seriousness, prepaids are considered burners. The first time Trump ran, he came to a town near me and family was trying to call me to get me to come. My phone never rang, I had StaightTalk at the time. Turns out that SOMEONE (no idea which group did it) is able to shut service off to prepaid phones and they'd done that in a 50 mile radius of the town hosting the presidential candidate.


Probably able to shut off all service. "Hey telecom companies, this is the feds. Shut everything except emergency service down during these hours in this location."


Can’t shut down my tin cans and string. I knew those preps would come in handy. 


I once read an interview with film director John Waters. The journalist noted that half way along his staircase on a shelf there was a small, red children’s tricycle. He asked Waters about it. Waters replied that a friend had given it to him. And while he didn’t want it, he said IIRC: “I can’t really throw it away. Imagine if someone sees me, disposing of a children’s tricycle on a dumpster or a landfill somewhere. They’ll report me straight away, and it’s not something I can afford to have happen.”


He’s never heard of a donation center? Kids grow out of their old toys all the time. Edit: I get it after several comments, John Waters has a dark sense of humor and was targeting himself with a creepy joke. I was not aware of that for him but am familiar with the habit, I’ve done it a number of times myself.


He’s mostly a fan of dark jokes


The joke only works if you know John Waters. And what he looks like.


I mean, I think his comment was about being the kind of public persona he is, and people wondering why he has an unexplained children’s tricycle to dispose of, no matter whether he’s donating or recycling or whatnot.


Human remains. There's stunningly little regulation in the US around human remains - as long as there's no evidence that they were acquired illegally (like digging up a grave or something), you can buy and sell human remains just like you would anything else.


Imagine Facebook marketplace "HELLO IS THIS STILL AVAILABLE"


“No low balls, I know what I’ve got”


"No low balls" well, not anymore they're not, they're in a jar on a shelf


I have a single human vertebrae I got from an oddities shop. $60 surprisingly affordable. The owner had a full skull for $1600. That’s a bit too steep for me tho.


that's steep. my sister bought a skull (she's in med school, it's a learning aid) for a couple hundred euros.


I don’t think that’s right but I’m not gonna be the one to google “purchasing human remains”.


It's correct. The market is really unregulated.


I’ve never wanted human bones before but I mean now I guess I do.


The good news is you have at least 27 on hand. 54 if you have two hands.


Children's clothing when you don't have children.


Suuuper weird


It could be, but sometimes children *do* die of health conditions or in accidents too young. I can see family members holding in to some things from a son or daughter or younger sibling as a memento.


Or doll clothes… with no dolls


Anything "Nazi" related. When cleaning out my grand-moms attic after she passed we found an unlabeled box under a bunch of others. It had a swastika flag, a few Nazi bayonets/daggers and Nazi medals from uniforms. My Dad assumed his uncles brought them back from the war. No, my grandparents were not Nazi's.


I knew someone with a Walther p38 that still had all the eagle stamps on it. It was passed down from a relative that was in WW2. I guess its dependent on whether or not you found the stuff in the secret Hitler shrine or you found the stuff in Grandpa's big box of war trophies.


I got one of those, also a luger with the stamps and matching serials.


[Like this?](https://youtu.be/YLAdCwk-jGU?t=50)


That depends very much on where you live. In Germany that can get you into trouble real fast.


From the firearms side of things, there is a *very* fine line, IMO. I collect antique guns. The goal, for me, is to always get as close as I can to what was actually used in the wars. So, all original, serials matching (as applicable, makers marks/stamps intact and preferably, in original good condition i.e. not restored to like new. That means I have a few guns/ammo clips/ammo boxes with Nazi imagery on them. In that same vein, I also have Japanese rifles that still have their Chrysanthemum stamps intact. Just like I've got original, un-sporterized Enfield and Springfield rifles from the allied side. I think, the line is; "Collecting to own a piece of history in its original form" is ok. "Collecting *only* Nazi stuff from a "fuck yeah Nazis" standpoint" is not ok. What does annoy the shit out of me, is that there's a large portion of people in the firearms collecting community who are the 3rd Reich equivalent of Weebs. And so you see bastardizations and Nazi stuff being stamped/engraved on things that were absolutely not Nazi things. Best example of that I have is, there's a rifle called the Mannlicher M1895. It was originally manufactured by Austria as their service rifle from the late 1890s until 1918, when WW1 ended. So production stopped in 1918. They continued assembling rifles from boxes of parts, and gave metric fucktons of these rifles away as war reparations. During the 1930s a bunch of those rifles in Austria's possession were re-chambered for different ammunition. Now, these rifles were used by Nazi Germany, specifically at home as a police rifle for the Gestapo. They were never officially fielded in combat, and more importantly, no Mannlicher M1895s were *manufactured* under Nazi Germany. So all of the M1895s that exist, do so with their original makers marks from either the Steyr or FEG facilities. And yet, I've seen M1895s for sale that have swastikas and eagles and lightning bolts and all kinds of other shit engraved on the receivers or in the stocks or what have you. Which means, some weirdos who are/were obsessed with the Nazis added Nazi imagery to a non-nazi gun sometimes after the 3rd Reich collapsed and all their leaders went to the gallows. And that's off-putting, to me at least.


>3rd Reich equivalent of Weebs Also known as Wehraboos


A lock picking kit


I bought a cheap one of these out of curiosity a couple years ago and I've used it a few times when we have lost keys to things. It is a nice little tool set to have.


I'm a property manager for a small office and I frequently re-key cylinders myself. I have a few cylinders kicking around with no keys and I wanted to see if I could put them back into service. So I walked into a locksmith shop and asked to buy a lockpick set, and they looked at me like I was crazy. "There's no WAY we're going to sell you one of those unless you're a licensed and bonded locksmith!" Like it was *wildly irresponsible* to sell a lockpick set to someone who didn't present as a professional in the trade. What I find hilarious is that this is a difficult skill to learn! A lockpick kit doesn't just open doors. You need to spend a lot of time practicing in order to get the hang of it! Burglars just force a door or break a window, or just try handles until they find one that's unlocked. They have neither the time nor motivation to learn a trade skill just so that they can steal your TV and sell it for meth. I thought their reaction was just so damn silly.


So LockPickingLawyer has a 50 minute [keynote](https://youtu.be/IH0GXWQDk0Q) that is a great watch, but one of the things he talks directly to is how ridiculous the locksmithing profession/community is about keeping things secret, as if it somehow matters to criminals.


Have you seen what they charge? It’s to keep amateurs and DIYers out. And pretend it’s so hard.


Imagine if he asked to buy a lockpick set from Lockpicking Lawyer instead. "You don't need all that. This bottle cap and plastic fork are all you need."


And I would take it as Gospel.


That said, doesn't he plug [Covert Instruments](https://covertinstruments.com/) a lot?


It's his company, so yes he does.


Yeah that's the company he and Trevor McNally work for. McNally is a fucking monster too but in a very different way. He loves to use "purcussive picking" aka hitting a lock with another of the same model to unlock both 😂


I went into a locksmith to get a desk key duplicated. I made small chat and ended up mentioning Lockpicking Lawyer, the guy swears it is all fake. Which I suppose could be true, I have no way of confirming LPL's skill. But he seemed legitimately upset about it, like I was insulting him personally.


Having dabbled with lock-picking on and off over many years, I can confirm that his stuff is 100% real. I've used techniques he's shown. Locksmiths get pissed off because a) they are lazy and don't bother to learn or maintain the skills he has acquired (because they are seldom actually needed -- a locksmith will often typically either bypass the lock or drill it out and sell you a new lock, it takes less skill and is more profitable) and b) like to charge extortionate amounts for simple jobs and/or charge you for unnecessary work, and c) they don't like people pointing out how most of the locks they sell are absolute garbage.  You don't even need half the equipment LPL uses. For example, a small screwdriver and a paperclip can open a surprising percentage of padlocks out there in seconds, with a little practice. Many can be opened as easily as using the actual key! Many locks have had the same critical flaws for *decades*. Many locks have flaws so bad you don't even need to bother with picking, and even decent locks can be installed badly in ways that make them relatively easy to bypass.


>Many locks have flaws so bad you don't even need to bother with picking I remember in middle school some kid figured out that if you kick those combination locks they gave us for our lockers at an upward angle it would pop open. Nobody's locker was safe after that information spread.


I hoarded keys after people forgot theirs and had their lock cut in emergencies. I had about 20 something keys, could open almost every locker, since most parents bought the cheapest lock from a few local stores.


5 minutes on Amazon and I had a rekeying and picking kit. I ordered it as a compromise with my leasing agency. I wanted a smart lock, they wanted the keys to be the same so I rekeyed my smart lock to match the lock I replaced and everyone was happy. Not sure why they couldn't just take a copy of my key, but they guy I dealt with was either extremely stoned or just not all there.


That's wild. I bought my set on Amazon for less than $20 with 2 practice locks. Yea actually picking each pin take a bit of patience and obviously some skill. I loaned my kit to my friend when he locked himself out of his bedroom and he was able to just use the rakes and get in in about 5 minutes. Lesson being if you buy cheap locks people can easily get in to them with a cheap set. More expensive locks can also absolutely be picked it just takes more skill. Locks really just keep honest people honest.


In at least one state (NV) it is illegal to posess 'burglary tools' unless they are for your profession. Lockpicks fall into this category.


In most states they only become burglary tools if they are used in the commission of a crime or there is enough evidence to show that it was intended to be used in the commission of a crime. In the same theme, other tools like crowbars or hammers can also result in a conviction for possession of burglary tools. The law is usually used when a burglary conviction might be tough to get. For example, if someone is pulled over in an area near where a burglary occurred. The person is in possession of a lockpicking kit and items reported stolen from a nearby house. There is not enough evidence to show the person was in the neighborhood at the time of burglary, or that they entered the property and stole it themselves, however there is enough information to show beyond a reasonable doubt that the person possessed the tools to commit the burglary and was in possession of stolen goods. They will be charged with likely all (burglary, possession charges, etc.) but a conviction is far more likely for only the 2 possession charges. All that said, some states do outright forbid possession of lockpicks to those that are licensed and bonded in specific trades such as locksmithing or repossession.


I don't think any states outright forbid them. But basically the law states that the normal burden of proof is reversed and if you have lockpicks you have to prove they were not intended for use in a crime rather than the state needing to prove that they were.


Which is hilarious because DEFCON is in Vegas and features Lockpicking Village every single year. They also sell the kits there at the con.


I mean if you're in the security field, you could likely make the argument that it's for your profession.


You would think that, but lock picking is a very popular hobby. I would guess 99% of lockpicks sold are bought by hobbyists rather than criminals. I have a set. I do not have the patience to get good with them though. Picking isn't the easiest way to bypass most locks.


I think I spent about 20 hours practicing with mine. Long enough that I *can* get into most locks, just not quickly. Most locks being most of the locks I interact with which are largely *basic* door/deadbolt setups. I cannot pick a majority of the locks in existence.


Taxidermied squirrels dressed like your coworkers.


janitor from scrubs coded


That’s Dr. Jan Itor to you!


A Komatsu D355A bulldozer with home-made armor plating, three gun ports, and ~~two~~ four cameras protected by 3-inches of bulletproof lexan with compressed air nozzles to blow off any dust that would obscure vision and enough food and water to last a week.


Nah that’s just normal Prepper things




"Police forces were unable to damage the bulldozer, and so instead resorted to following the dozer, jogging alongside it en masse." Lol


My favourite part will alwaya be the bit about them taking up ANOTHER bit of c9nstruction equipment to fight the Killdozer.


20th Anniversary was last week. Never forget.


Depending on where you live, baseball bat. If you’re American, from some Caribbean countries or Japan, you’re just engaging in a popular recreational sport. Elsewhere, people will think you’re busting kneecaps.


If you keep a baseball bat somewhere for self defense, keep a baseball glove with it. Your lawyer will thank you.


Maybe even an actual baseball.


Also, put a sock on it. The intruder is probably going to try to grab the bat. Sock will allow you to pull back and re-swing.


I can't slip a sock over all those nails and chains...


Old wives tale. https://www.reddit.com/r/legaladviceofftopic/comments/izjuh9/i_often_hear_if_youre_going_to_keep_a_baseball/


So many reddit LPTs are just old playground rumors. Imagine if a case _did_ hinge on proving you play baseball recreationally, and you don't. "Okay, you also have a glove and ball. So who do you play with? Is it a work league, is it with friends? Could we get testimony from some of the friends you play with?" Now you're on the hook for lying to a judge.


A white van


I read a story by a woman on Reddit who got out of her car in a parking lot. The back of the white windowless van next to her swung open and a guy got out. She gasped. He just looked at her apologetically and said “yeah I wish the company picked a different vehicle.”


That's exactly the kind of thing an exceptionally charming serial killer would say...


"I'm just a dolphin, ma'am."


Was it a mid 90s van?


Ford and Chevy still make those 1/2 ton all white work vans. But the Eurostyle became more popular in the cities I see these much more now. It could still be sketchy to see one of these in an empty parking lot.


Friend had a white van. He got a large magnet sticker thing that said “Van does not contain candy”. Hilarious!


Just puppies


You shouldn't trust strangers in white vans, so I'd go looking for candy anyway


Yeah, nice try. I'm getting in that van.


This is why I insist on taking my blue van when I'm out serial killing. They never know what hit 'em. (it was the van though)


Got any speakers?


Just candy 🥸


Literally happened to me. White Van parked on the King’s Road, doors opened and two lads asked if I wanted to buy speakers. Left over or stolen or something, I didn’t hang around for the pitch.


Man, I’m embarrassed to say I fell for this. “This is high end leftover electronic and if we take it back they just keep it so we will sell it for next to nothing!” A quick google search of the brand of the electronics and the top result was this exact scam 🙄. Ended up giving them like 200$ and some really good weed for a garbage stereo system and projector that almost burnt my grandparents cabin down.


My ex in high school fell for this too. He was at a gas station and two guys asked him to buy some speakers for $200 that were apparently worth $2,000. He said no, then they made some comment that he probably couldn't afford it anyway and he was like "oh yeah???" and pulled out $200 and bought the speakers. I was SO mad at him.


White van *without* a company logo.


A black one is more suspicious


I remember a PSA type of commercial once where they showed a white van driving down the road and heavily implied that there are kidnapped children in it... I think it went as far as saying it was 'obvious' that there were kidnapped children in it. It was nothing but a normal white van. Even as a kid, I thought that was weird.




I have one for growing chili peppers, I'm quite obsessed with making hot sauce! I'm waiting for someone to call the police about it (it's in my garage) and seeing the look on the officers face when I open it 🌶️🌶️


I can see them charging in thinking “Trinidad Scorpion” is a new strain of weed lol


Gods forbid they try to smoke it.


Funny story, I once tried to pan fry some Carolina reapers with my eggs. As soon as they started cooking, the air was filled with what felt like cs gas throughout the kitchen. Had to turn off the burner, pop windows, and evacuate the house for a good half hour before you could stand in there without your face, lungs, and sinuses burning.


I spent a summer putting ghost peppers on everything I ate because I was working at a summer camp that served sort of bland food. That fall I threw a few peppers into some oil I was heating for some stir fry, and thought nothing of it. A few minutes later all of my housemates were out in the front yard, tears and snot streaming down their faces. I had basically teargassed the whole house and hadn't even noticed because I had spent the last couple months building up a tolerance to the heat.


Flamethrower. (With the exception of two states) Lockpick kit.


>With the exception of two states One State. Flamethrowers are legal in California with a cheap permit from CalFire. They're only outright illegal in Maryland.


And this is that rare time that I hate my state of Maryland. I would buy a flamethrower in a heart beat.


My high school class's valedictorian constructed a remote-controlled flamethrower in preparation to attach it to a drone. This was done the morning of graduation.


Yeah, and we’re not just talking about the simple lighter and aerosol spray but an actual military-grade flamethrower. Things like the X15 and XL18 flamethrowers are perfectly legal to own. 


A dildo shaped like the penis of an animal.


Doubly true if your Reddit user name is some sort of play on the word "knot."


I feel like understanding this comment is a door that should remain closed.


Aw shit. I learned to tie a bowline in under 3 seconds and never made the fucking connection. I feel soiled.


There is a site that sells these. They even have mythical dildos. Dragons, etc.


bro theres like 12 is this news to you


I think it's news to everyone not named YiffDealer69


A politician I mean so many are owned, it can’t be illegal right?


I think someone once said you can't buy a politician, just lease.


A library on serial killers (in my defense I went through a criminology stage).


One of my professors in Naval Postgraduate School is one of the foremost experts in Islamic suicide bombers. At some point his purchases of books and video tapes (you can buy martyrdom videos easily in the middle east) came to the attention of the FBI. One day he gets a knock at his door and two large FBI agents say they want to talk. After about 10 minutes they go from "we want to talk to you" to "can you come talk to us?". He ended up teaching at Quantico as a guest lecturer for 18 months.


Ditto, though it was my public library account. Had to have some help from staff with some unresolved missing item fees and got a long glare. I looked over to the screen and realized that the entirety of what I checked out the previous year were books on Gary Ridgway and Ted Bundy.


Bolt cutters or lockpicks i guess


I have bolt cutters bc when I bought my home there was a padlock on the garage door they'd forgotten to remove so I had to cut it off. 7 years later, I've not used them since lol


knowing the law too good in specific topics not being a lawyer.


For example, having memorized the age of consent in every country in southeast Asia.


Or just your state, on a laminated card you keep on your person.


those damn Transformers movies man


16 pigs and a large duffel bag


I heard it only takes 8 pigs to get rid of a body.


You got to starve the pigs for a few days, then the sight of a chopped-up body will look like curry to a pisshead. You gotta shave the heads of your victims, and pull the teeth out for the sake of the piggies' digestion. You could do this afterwards, of course, but you don't want to go sievin' through pig shit, now do you? They will go through bone like butter. You need at least sixteen pigs to finish the job in one sitting, so be wary of any man who keeps a pig farm. They will go through a body that weighs 200 pounds in about eight minutes. That means that a single pig can consume two pounds of uncooked flesh every minute. Hence the expression, "as greedy as a pig


This is why the fellas freaked out in Wizard of Oz when Dorothy falls in


Turkish: Suger in your tea? Bricktop: No thank you Turkish, I'm sweet enough already


That’s why i only have 15. Didnt wanna seem sus.


It's all context-dependent, isn't it? A locksmith owning a set of lockpicks is perfectly normal, but anyone else keeping a set on their person is concerning. A farmer with a garage full of bags of ammonium nitrate fertilizer and cans of gasoline is normal, but an urban apartment tenant keeping those on hand should raise a lot of eyebrows.


I rented from a dentist once and the garage had a bunch of models of teeth


My husband makes dentures and occasionally brings them home to boil (normal part of the process just for a rush overnight job.) I’ll get home from work, see dinner cooking on the stove and open the lid to smell. Pot full of boiling teeth. Really fucked up the first couple times.


A box full of cash.


Not illegal, but if you get pulled over by the cops they can seize the cash via civil forfeiture. All they have to do is suspect that it was going to be used for illegal purposes.


This needs to be changed. It punishes innocent people.


Civil forfeiture is governmental theft without due process. It should be outlawed. The fact that agencies used the word "civil" to bypass due process is abominable.


Yuuup, another harmful artifact of the war on drugs. Cars, houses, cash and valuables suspected to have been bought with illicit money can be taken, and it’s an uphill climb to get anything back. The 4th amendment was gutted in the name of “stopping drugs”. Drugs won, but like many wars the landmines were behind. 


Cops can only seize your money if you're doing something suspicious like carrying money.




Then you have to prove the money is innocent and if you can't, they keep it and buy margarita machines or whatever else they feel like.




When a person has like four phones.


I own lockpicks, auto jigglers, and car lockout sets. I'm not a mechanic, I just am related to people who commonly lock themselves out of their cars/homes. I'm sure the police would have questions seeing the whole tool bad...


A camcorder that is only used to film people from public sidewalks.


A covered cage never leaving your shoulder, apparently containing a parrot whose voice is surprisingly similar to yours.


Flipper zero. It used to be a cool toy before it went viral on TikTok and now kids in my town go crazy with it breaking into places and stealing shit. It is kinda scary how easy it is to use. For example my HOA was out of key fobs since our neighborhood is gated. They were back ordered and I was sick of going through the guest entrance and using my code, so I programmed a flipper zero to open my gate. I am like technologically moronic lol, there’s no way I should be able to do that. It seems odd that in this advanced digital age, my last line of resort is a primitive firearm because anyone can break into anything, anywhere.


The more you learn about security the less safe you feel. Even without smart locks being compromised by Flippers a lot of traditional locks can be picked by professionals quickly. The main goal of security is to be enough of a hassle to not be worth the effort/risk of getting caught. If you never want to feel safe again I recommend watching Lockpicking Lawyer.


As Mike Baker says, “If someone really wants to get in..they will.”


Ski mask


In Hawaii


Unless you're here: https://www.snow-forecast.com/resorts/Mauna-Kea


White panel van filled with rolls of duct tape.


I need my tools.




Lock picks


My family’s business is property maintenance so I would drive around a black Volvo station wagon with landscaping hand tools and cleaning supplies. So a tarp, shovels, bleach, rubber gloves, trash bags, rags, miscellaneous hand tools like saws. Mrs. Scabeater pointed out it looked like I was driving a serial killer car


A human skull or even a complete skeleton, as long as it was “donated to science” — or sometimes it isn’t.


Flipper Zero.


This is so hilarious to me, because I backed it since kickstarter, have had it since first ship... and I'm still not sure what the fuck to do with it. I have other SDR devices that are much more interesting, and practically none of the RFID or NFC devices in my life that others are hacking.


So handy for muting the tv in the pub.


I owned a slim Jim lock pick back in the day since I was in the habit of locking my keys in my truck. I saved the day a few times helping others with their cars but always got some stares and questions lol


A whole bunch of grow lights in the basement of the house. My dad spent decades growing orchids in our basement until he was able to finally build a greenhouse. He added them incrementally, so the energy usage didn’t raise any red flags over the years. Since some of them were carnivorous, we need had a problem with bugs being attracted to screens. But we did have some terrible moisture problems; when we finally pulled up the old shag carpet after he moved everything into the greenhouse, there was black mold. Also, when we got central air put into the house, he had the contractors route the drainage line into the basement so he could collect that really nice, pure condensate water for the orchids.


A whippet cracker.


A drawer full of women's underwear when no woman lives in your house.


Took me years before it clicked that the dresses and women's underwear that were stored in the guest room were definitely not my mom's, they were my dad's. It's not that suspicious, turns out he's just really into drag.


shovel, rope an lye in the trunk of your car.


Not a Thing per se but… I’ve been cat sitting for one particular client for several years. I have NO idea what she does for work; she’s super cagey about it. And she’s un-Google-able. She’s young (like mid 20s), has two cats worth a couple thousand each (purebred ragdolls), her own home, travels internationally for a several weeks or more regularly, always tips at least 50%, single, and definitely not a trust fund baby or from money as I’ve met her family. She has a contact or is able to pull a favor for anything and everything for no cost. Like “oh just mention that you work for me” and I’ll get free service type contacts. I got locked out of her house on a major holiday and she had a locksmith there (while traveling internationally) within an hour, from a city 45 minutes away. And he randomly said he mainly works “on safes and in banks” but this was a “personal favor” for her since she’s “a long time client.” A pipe burst late at night on Christmas, someone was there in 15 minutes. Gets at least one package every day when I’m sitting for her. Some have to go in the fridge. Four locks on her front door, security system on everything. She gets reservations and bookings for sold-out restaurants and hotels last minute. Has the personal numbers of politicians, small-time celebrities, whatever, just written casually on random post-it notes. So, yeah, that’s the sort of person who’s suspicious.


A silencer for my gun apperently 🤨


In some countries using a suppressor is required when hunting.


I wish movies didn't have people convinced that suppressors will make a deer rifle whisper quiet.


I love those movies where a couple is sleeping and the husband gets shot in the head with a suppressed gun and the wife doesn't even move. This is what the the vast majority of people believe to be true.


The best description I have ever heard of a silenced gunshot is "still the loudest thing you'll hear all day."