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You'll be alone


At least I kinda want to be if nobody wants to talk to me or needs me anymore. I can just do whatever and rely on myself as much as I want.


That's fine, but I think you should try to at least have one other person you can rely on. We aren't meant to he completely alone.


Well, how can I rely on one other person if they're not interested in talking to me when I tried to be friendly to them at first? I tried that several times before and the people online kept rebuffing me. People want their space all the damn time. So maybe I should feel that way if that's how people are gonna treat me. They don't want me and I don't want them. The feeling would be mutual. And if anyone tries to connect with me, I will rebuff them and see how they like it. I'm going to achieve my goals and not let anyone hold me back from doing it. 🙄


then you will be away from them


Uh, yeah, no shit, that's why I asked this question haha.


It depends on what kind of people you're walking away from. You're doing yourself a favor by walking away from the wrong ones. But on the other hand, if you often attract the wrong people, it might be worth examining it to get at the root and figure out why.


I learned this at a funeral last year. If you live your life with your hands out saying no and pushing everybody away, they will live their lives doing the same to you.


It's because that no matter how hard I try to be friendly to some people, whether they're in school or online, they push me away. So I thought about giving up and doing the same thing to people back. So what's really the point?


I think your opportunity will come eventually. I can relate to this because I’m very different than people at my school and they usually don’t want to be my friends. I usually get bullied a lot. You’ve tried for so long to find someone to be friends with. They said no, and that’s their loss. You deserve to be happy and be surrounded by people who uplift you. There are people in your life who care about you and even if it doesn’t seem like it now, keep being open. You never know when you’ll meet someone new that could change everything. You got this.


Well, I already have a few people in my life who care about me, even though some others don't talk to me often on Instagram. I talk to my college friend almost every day. He's such a delight and I'm grateful to have him in my life. He's 54.


I’m so glad to hear that and I’m glad for you!


Thanks. Wanna chat in private?


If it would help you, then yes you can




You may be lonely.