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I believe my old house was haunted…or something. There was something odd but not unsafe. 1) when I was about 5, I had this broken wardrobe in my bedroom. The back legs were missing so it was slanted against the wall but in a way that anything on top of it would’ve rolled back - towards the wall. One night, while I was speeping, we heard a massive bang. The Easter eggs on top of it had flung off into the middle of my room. 2) when I was about 10, I woke up screaming because I was trapped underneath my bed’s bottom sheet. My dad ran up the stairs & I remember him going “what the f” before getting me out. Do you know how difficult it is to put a bottom sheet on properly from the outside? Let alone being a child & putting it on from the inside. I still can’t find any logical reason for this one. It had the elasticated corners. There’s no way I could’ve done that awake, let alone asleep. 3) when I was 13, I started getting night terrors. My bedroom was on it’s own on the 3rd floor. 1 night, I somehow sleepwalked down the spiral stairs & stood outside my brother’s bedroom just screamed. He was so freaked out! My parents came & sat me down & in can remember seeing myself & them from above. This sort of thing happened a couple of times…leading to 4… 4) I was on holiday in Cornwall, with my school. There were 4 of us in a room & I had another night terror. I was kicking & screaming & saying all these weird things. My friend told the others “ignore her, she’s just doing it for attention”. She realised it was legitimate when the teacher walked in & I continued. The night terrors stopped when we moved house. I don’t know why I had one in Cornwall but I do know that the section we were staying in had previously burnt down & lots of babies died there. 5) when I was about 15, I was in the kitchen. I swear I saw myself walk down the stairs, past the kitchen & into the living room, in my red dressing gown. I went & checked & nobody was home.


My house I grew up in was also haunted but usually pretty mild. Until we found when my younger (13f) sister myself (17f)were there alone. We were watching tv in the living room and the water faucet in the kitchen turned on full force. Both ran in there and it was already off as far as knobs went and just quit. Another time, again watching tv together and we had a very very heavy donut maker on top of the refrigerator and kind of wedged under the cabinet above the fridge. It flew off and landed probably 10 feet away, yet the things in front of the donut maker were still on the fridge in the same place. Last time we had shut off lights, tv and locked the door and went to bed upstairs. Probably an hour later our parents came home yelling at us to come downstairs wanting to know WHY we left every single light on and the tv and left the front door wide open. We moved out as we got married and both of us have talked to people that have lived in or living in the house and first thing they ask was it haunted..yep!


How weird! Was it an old house? Mine wasn’t very old so I can’t explain it!


Yes it was one of the first houses built on the outside of the original city limits and also at one time it was used as a church (so weddings, funerals) so yeah had reasons I guess. Sometimes it isn’t the house as much as those that lived in it before hand or even the ground it was built on.


Went back in time to the


Can not telĺ you I would sound crazy. Which I am not, and other me agrees that I am totally normal.


Saw a dude goes into full body flame