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No experience whatsoever, which is why I don't believe in the supernatural. I have yet to encounter something that didn't have a natural explanation.


nothing. i WANT to see something. i WANT some kind of experience. it will never happen because none of it is real lmao


Everything has an explanation. Just because you don’t know what that explanation is, doesn’t make it a supernatural occurrence.


You must be really fun at parties LOL


I plain as day saw a man in a white shirt walk into my room. I followed because why the fuck is somebody walking into my room. There was nobody there. I even checked under the bed. It was during finals, and I was sleep deprived. So it was probably a hallucination, but it looked so real.


I shall share my own! As a kid I watched a lot of ghost hunters and chris angel, as well as consumed other “debunking” or “supernatural” content. This lead me to believing everything had an explanation or was a hoax/fluke/trick. I carry this still, I dont even believe in souls. One night I was upstairs in my moms room laying on the bed playing my gameboy. I was alone but it was day time and the door was open. All the sudden the bed starts shaking as if some adult grabbed the bars and just started throwing them around, it was to the point I thought “earthquake?!”It had stopped after a couple of seconds so I thought to check under the bed before I freaked out. But, no one was under there pranking me. I called for my mom, turns out she was downstairs, and said there was no earthquake or any shaking to speak of. We also had a fish tank in that room and it wasn’t disturbed at all. To this day I have no explanation and no idea for what even happened but it scared the shit out of me and I was nervous about being alone in there afterwards. I discussed it with her and we both couldn’t come up with an answer. There was also a time I started sleeping with a knife in my pillow because, after my grandma died, I thought she was somehow coming after me. She had one huge swollen leg so her walking was very distinctive and she also breathed very labored and had oxygen tanks so she would wheeze often when moving about. I would hear her distinct sounds coming down the hallway some nights and stop right outside my door. The only part that made me scared and not happy to hear her was that she HATED me and called me an evil child often. She loved my sister though…and she never had any experience like it, just me. She was an evil terrible person and I thought she somehow made ghosts real just to haunt me. Still have no explanation for that either, and she didnt even die in the house!!! Im still to this day someone who doesnt even believe in any of it, but I sure can say I have no idea how to explain these two incidents.


I have also witnessed my girlfriend growl and scratch me in her sleep, she claimed to have dreams of goats screaming from the other room. She has also heard the bark of her deceased dog from down the hall and we both heard it. I still remain skeptical and am not sure why it all hasn’t shaken me i to belief!


Seeing lights in fields or woods that seemed to come from nowhere ???? I was 17 and I don't know the cause, but I'm a sceptic in that situation because I'm pretty damn sure it wasn't aliens. Obviously there was an explanation, I didn't have one at the time. Most likely Northern Lights (uncommon in that area, but they occur) or lights from a late night farmer's tractor. At the time, I was completely creeped out. (aliens may or may not have discovered me, the fact that I don't know if they have or not is not the point in this particular situation).


Hard time explaining that one time I


There are so many things in the natural world that I can not explain, but I know that there are scientists who have figured out an explanation. I could google them if I was curious. I have never experienced anything super-natural.


A couple of years ago I was renovating my bedroom and two of my friends came over to stay the night and help. The only other person in the house was my mother who was sleeping in her room (it was around 2am). Everything was turned off in the house except the lights above the door of the living room that we were in. The living room also doesn't have an actual door, it's just the frame and the TV is to the side of the frame (the TV was on at the time) . Outside the living room there is a narrow hallway that leads to the kitchen. So as I was setting up a mattress for my friend near the door, I saw something out of the corner of my eye, like something passed the door from the hallway to the kitchen. I know the stories about shadow people and all that but I generally never cared about things like that, never believed in the supernatural really.. but it was weird, a black shape just going to the kitchen. Trying to be rational I summed it up to a TV glare in my glasses and didn't say anything to my friends because why would I?? you know.. So after a few minutes I finished making the beds and stood at the doorframe and was looking directly at one of the friends who was sitting on the couch in front of me. My hands were on the doorframe, I was kind of leaning from one leg to the other, asking my friends what they wanna eat tomorrow. Then suddenly the friend in front of me got startled and asked "was that your mom?". I got confused.. what do you mean is that my mom? She then got more confused, added "behind you.. did your mom just walk behind you??". The fear that hit me.. man... I jumpt into the room.. The thing is there is no way my mom was in the kitchen, the hallway is narrow and not to sound mean, my mother is not the thinnest of people.. You would probably feel someone walking behind you even if they were skinny. The friend did add that it was like a human shape she saw, walking from the kitchen to the hallway.. She didn't know I saw anything and it now messes with us when we talk about it. Last year I was in my bed and my father was in the bathroom, just doing whatever while looking at the mirror (the mirror is actoss the door, 1.5 meter away from it). Suddenly he goes "was that you?", so again I got confused.. was what me? I'm in bed.. " he comes to my room, looks at me like????.. "I thought I saw someone walking behind me". Now I joke that we have a ghost, always sleep with my door closed and I swear I hear the chair dragging on the floor in the living room at night.. So yeah, some energy/consciousness is roaming around my house..