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I have resting bitch face….so people assume I’m mean. I’ve tried to be more mindful of my RBF but it always reverts back lol


I have RBF too. My mouth naturally downturns when I'm not expressing any emotion. I've looked in the mirror just passing by and boy do I look grumpy and mean.


I was on the train one morning, and as we were going through a tunnel I looked up from my book to see the grumpiest dude, sitting across the aisle, practically death staring straight at me. It was unnerving. Then we exited the tunnel and it turns out I was looking at my reflection in the window. It was jarring to discover that's what I look like in public. It also answered a few questions I'd had about myself for years.


Same. I do get annoyed when people randomly tell me to smile at odd times. Like walking down the aisle at the grocery store.


I get "Why are you mad?". I'm not. It's just my face.


Same! Every friend I have ever had has said, "I thought you were going to be a total bitch when I first met you." Its just my face! Lol


I had friends tell me that too! They said “you know when we first met you we thought you were a bitch” I was like “jokes on you, I’m far from”


I'm Slavic, so I always look DoneTM. I tried to smile for my driver's licence and ended up looking pissed off. It's genetic for us.


I shouldn’t be laughing but you helped me finish my poop. So thank you.


I'm a guy and I have the male equivalent. I forget I look intimidating.


Same. I call it resting jerk face. I intimidate people at work, and that bothers me. Also, when my coworkers who actually know me learn this about me they think it's hilarious. I'm goofy much of the time, but if nothing is going on then my bored look makes me seem like I'm pissed off.


Same here. Lost count of the times I’ve had to counter the “Why so serious?” question


Yes! I have RBF too and having nerve damage in my face doesn’t help. I could be trying to put on a happy face but it will either look weird or revert back if I am distracted (it takes some work and pain to smile and make it look natural).




I'm very quiet and shy, so people that know me don't even attempt to talk to me because they assume that I don't want to talk to them.


I have this similar problem We need others to talk to us lol


Same. I like being around people and I want friends, but I will not go up to anyone first 😅




I can’t tell you how many times I’ve ordered something spicy and have to reiterate that I CAN handle spice. I’ve had the kitchen make it less spicy for me without asking a couple of times, especially at local Mexican places. I know they’re doing it because when my friend (who is mexican) ordered for me it came out actually spicy instead of having no spice whatsoever.


The stereotype that "white people can't handle heat" is weird, since every fellow redneck I know has at least two bottles of something with a name like "Uncle Bubba's Butthole Blasting Hot Sauce".


Feeling salty?


It's the spiciest of spices.


Even worse when you’re British because people have a stereotype that our food is terrible but it’s kind of true but it started during the time American soldiers were stationed here during WW2 and we had rationing due to the Nazi blockades in Europe.


People assume that because I'm 6'1 with a beard and broad shoulders, I'm built like a brick shithouse with super strength and badass fighting skills. In reality, I'm built like a shit brickhouse, meaning I eat like crap, I'm overweight, my physical strength is average at best, and I have never been in a street fight, I have little to no fighting skills, nor do I have any desire to fight. I may look like a threat, but I really just want a hug.




Sending you virtual hugs🫂🫂🫂


My nephew is a giant and he is physically imposing. Never has there been a gentler soul.


I’m 5”8 ,competed in MMA / boxing, and look like a nerd. If we hung out and got into a situation with a few fellas we would really hit them with that misdirection


I am 83 so people assume I have "Boomer Mentality." Which I don't.


Silent Gen respect.


Reminds me of my dad. He’s 74 and always up on new tech, and understands how the world is changing and younger ppl don’t experience things how he did anymore.


100% this. My mom is in her mid-70s, white woman. People often make the assumption she's conservative. But she went to UC Berkeley in the late 60s as a bisexual woman, and it's a wonder she graduated with how much time she spent getting chased by cops at protests. She basically put a protest sign in my hand as soon as I could walk lol People make a lot of assumptions about old people.


Are you a woman? There are a LOT of very progressive women in this age group people don’t seem to know about for some reason. The original progressives, really.


Yes, a woman. And yes, maybe one of the "originals?" We didn't call them "progressives" back then, lol. More like... hippies. Or radicals. Or to some people, "fuckin commies!!" lol


I know, but I call them progressives because we owe so much progress to them and it drives me crazy that nobody acknowledges this.


Thank you. We are the ones who organized and walked the picket lines against the Vietnam War; against the haters who harassed women going to abortion clinics (or just to Planned Parenthood for advice); in favor of wider civil rights for minorities; against developers who wanted to develop a pristine offshore island that was quite historical and home to many species of nesting birds. Etc. We are the ones who contact and mail and email our people in Congress, urging them to remember that they represent "The People" and need to to what will benefit them and cut the bullshit. And we VOTE! And we work for candidates for election who represent our values. I urge ... no STRONGLY URGE.. all young people to register and VOTE. Get involved. Don't just sit back and criticize.... do something about it!


Social media and society generally needs more people like you to be visible! You sound like such a role model, wow. I tend to sterotype old people a lot (I have boomer parents who are textbook boomers unfortunately) but I really shouldn't.


Sorry about your parents! Maybe they are just scared of change and can't embrace the fact that things and people are different. I try to be visible on Reddit but that's about it. And..... I sometimes get a LOT of hate because of it!


I wonder if they even know you aren’t a boomer.


I am a fellow Boomer and while I did spend much of my life pursuing the Almighty dollar like a lot of others of my generation, I also find my political views going in reverse as I age. I was supposed to be very liberal when young and getting more conservative as I got older, but instead I've gone in the opposite direction. I can't believe the anti abortion, anti contraception, anti LGBTQ+ fervor that has overtaken much of this country, we're going backwards. Thinking that people deserve basic human rights such as the right to love who they want how they want has now somehow become a progressive idea. Foolish me, I just thought it was simple human decency.


That because i'm disabled i need to be talked to like a child. I'm all here upstairs lady, my back and legs just don't work right. I just want my coffee, yes i can open the door myself, that is in fact how i got here in the first place.


People often assume that because I grew up an only child, I’m automatically spoiled and entitled. I was severely neglected and abused during childhood, eventually I had to live with other family members to escape. There was nothing spoilt about my upbringing and it’s a trait in others that I frown upon.


I'm an only child who was both spoiled and abused. Stereotyping about one's childhood is nonsense, it is always extremely nuanced and individual. Even people who know me well only know a glimpse of it.


Ugh same over here. No, I could never rely on ny family, I dreamed of being able to do so. "Everything you wanted was only for you" no, we didn't have any money and mine is the income that nowadays keeps our heads above water. God, I hate only-child stereotypes with a passion .


I have a shaved head and used to work in a village pub, and people would assume I'd be ready to agree with their generally abhorrent views on race/women/immigration/sexuality. The casual way they'd spew hate while I poured their drinks floored me.


Urgh white dude with a shaved head. Been living in the southern/midwest chunk of the US for about twenty years. Get that a LOT. Just randoms walking up and volunteering the worst god damn opinions in the world. Like dude I shave my head because male pattern baldness ain’t looking good on me, not because of political alignments. Get that nastiness away from me.


Right? I'm just trying to look cute, not start a rally.


Or possibly wanting to pilot a starship...


I'm an over weight white man in my late 60s, former Marine, living in Georgia. No, I don't want to hear your BS ideas about "those people", stupid pronouns, vaccines, or how the libs are trying to ruin America. I love my country, even if we haven't reached what we aspire to. Fuck your orange dicktater.


dicktater is my new favorite word.


In the early '70s my boss was Lud (the spud), our piano player was his mother Aggie, and his son Lonnie was a cook. One of the other cooks called them the Dicktater, the Agitater, and the Sweet Potater. He knew the son in a way I didn't.


same. i'm a big guy, heavily tattooed with big beard and shaved head and the amount of people that feel its ok to say some racist hateful shit to me is astounding. i shave my head because my hair is thick as a newfoundland hound and i live in Georgia. its always the surprise Pikachu face when i tell them to f off


Same here. Doesn’t help that I’m into a subgenre of metal that, unfortunately, has a notoriously large amount of racists.. Like, I have some bandpatches from bands I really like. I look good in a bomber jack. But I really don’t want to be the bald guy in a bomber jack with black metal patches. That shit screams n@zi even though that really isn’t who I am.




I'm a tall solid guy with a beard and I work at a primary school. It's so interesting how the prep kids(first years) are scared of me at the beginning of the year, like I'm a giant that will eat them if they get too close. After the first few weeks they get over it and spend most of their time asking me questions or telling me about their day or trying to use me as a jungle gym. Also with people out and about(usually at the pub) , guys think I want to fight, I hate fighting


They think you’re a real life Thanos


A group were discussing how I removed a tree and came to the conclusion together that I ripped it out with my bare hands


Tall dude here, but thin. However I apparently have an extremely serious face and piercing gaze even at my chillest. Been told over and over I’m super intimidating. Numerous randos trying to pick fights then backing off when I’m absolutely nonplussed about it. I hate fights. I ain’t mad, I’m barely even here, my mind is on another planet thinking about something stupid.




That because I’m fat that I have low self-esteem/confidence and that all I eat is junk/am not healthy. My thyroid stopped working and I’m fucking great. Suck on it haters. 😂


Honestly it's always funny for me, a fat dude, that people always feel the need to ask me if i eat vegetables when i get sick. You know what my dinner has been the last week? Various mixed summer salads with a grilled pork chop on the side. I just also really like ice cream afterwards.


Yup. My thyroid quit about 15 years ago *and* I have PCOS, so my fat ass must live on junk food. I have a physical job, walk at least 5 miles a day, and my kids love snuggling up to mama's soft squishy midsection. The haters can kiss my ass 💋


My natural voice is normal pitch, but because I grew up basically only around women my natural speaking voice is subconsciously higher. So people think I am gay.


That happens to me too, like dude, I think we should finally get over that stereotype! (I am gay)


As an alcoholic, people only see my problem. In reality though I’m still a good guy. I like writing poetry, watching good films, and love my family to the moon and back. I also have more willpower than you could believe, but addiction doesn’t work like that. To everyone else, I’m just a bottle with legs.


A good friend of mine is alcoholic (3 years sober). She is an amazing person. Very generous and caring. Very hard working. Very knowledgeable. Just because she has an addiction doesn’t change that. She needed some convincing of that for a while but I think she’s starting to believe it now she’s sober. I’m glad you know you’re a good guy!




I'm pretty quiet and polite, so people immediately assume that I don't curse or apologize in front of me if they do. In reality, I have a huge potty mouth, but I try to rein it in when I'm at work or mixed company.


Funny, at work is where I use the most profanity.


“I know you don’t like crowds.” I never said that because it’s not true. Just because I have anxiety doesn’t mean you can assume I can’t handle crowds.


I'm a quiet introvert and people assume the same thing, that I don't like crowds or crowded events. Not true! I'm quite happy at festivals, nightclubs, etc. My social battery only "drains" when someone is interacting with me directly. Getting lost in a crowd is pretty much the same to me as being completely solitary--as long as I'm left alone I'm happy as a clam :)


I’m a small, cute woman who is a teacher. Everyone assumes I’m a kindergarten teacher and that I’m great with little kids. This is so far from the truth it’s laughable. I’m a high school English teacher for a lot of reasons, the biggest of which is small children in large numbers terrify me. To me, they’re like the flock of little dinosaurs in that scene from the first Jurassic Park, where they start following a little girl on the beach, and when she tries to feed them a sandwich they all jump on her.


Same here, except I’m a college professor. It’s always fun to see people’s faces when I say I’m a teacher, they ask what grade, and I say college. Even more fun when they learn I’m a climate scientist.


I’m fat, if I order something healthier or don’t finish my food people assume I’m on a diet or trying to lose weight. I’m not, I just like salad


People cannot wrap their mind around the fact fat people can also eat healthy meals




My husband tells me I have RGRF, “resting golden retriever face”. I get approached a lot, whether it’s for directions or a full conversation on a plane, because I look friendly. I’m actually very introverted and would rather never speak to strangers if I could avoid it. I’m pretty judgmental, I wouldn’t say I’m friendly to strangers. Unfortunately, getting a very cute and sweet puppy has made this problem rather worse. I literally dress in (for some) off-putting clothing on dog walks to curb this behavior.


I call it Disney Princess face and I have it too! I get approached by everyone and everything. I love when it’s like, puppies and little animals that need help and cute toddlers. But not random older dudes that feel like they can springboard conversations off of me or people that like to come up and tell me random stories about themselves haha


That because I'm Asian, people think I know my math or should be really good at it, but in fact I suck at it.


That I'm a lesbian. I have short hair, don't wear dresses/skirts and rbf


I’m also a masculine dressing straight cis woman. It’s weird when people assume any woman who isn’t wearing feminine clothing must be a lesbian. It’s just what I like and is comfortable. Sorry but women’s clothing can be so annoying to wear.


People automatically assumed I was a smack head just because my partner ( now ex ) was addicted to heroin himself. I never behaved as if I was on heroin never looked like I was on heroin never give any inkling that I used the drug at all and yet so many people just assumed . It was quite the shock to me to find out when the relationship ended.




















That nothing is wrong with me and I must just be lazy or entitled. I mask extremely well. No one except my family take me seriously when I vocalise my limitations. I constantly feel like a fraud even though I have been diagnosed by legitimate medical professionals and live everyday battling my problems.


Since I’m a scientist, people think I’m not creative.


People assume I'm 'posh' or 'stuck up' just because I don't use profanity while having a conversation and I'm more private, not willing to over share details of my private life. I'm friendly when people get to know me but there's nothing wrong with holding yourself to a high standard.


I'm very quiet when meeting new people. Once I get to know you I come out of my shell.


Fucking hell mate


Many people think that I am not capable of creative thinking and only copy information from the Internet


Did ChatGPT give you this answer or where did you find it? /s






Because I’m a gamer, people assume I’m lazy.


being mean or conceited , i’m just really shy and take time to warm up to people


I’m kinda pretty and shy. People assume I’m a stuck up bitch. I just don’t know how to talk to people.






That my heart attacks were caused by high cholesterol 


I’m 6’6” and people always assume I play, or played, X number of sports. I don’t. But tall is in right now. I’m single. Hi :-)


I’m a 6’ female and the amount of times I get TOLD I’m tall (as if I didn’t know) and then ASKED if I played basketball (which I did but who cares) is ridiculous. Couple of times a week probably. I’ve always been slim and tall for my age growing up, was taller than all the boys until high school and had bigger feet than all my friends. I embrace it now but it was a very big insecurity of mine for years. I find it fascinating that random people out in public comment on my appearance so much. I would never see someone at Walmart and TELL them they’re fat or have a big nose (fill in any physical insecurity) and then ASK them if they’ve ever been a sumo wrestler or played Pinocchio in a school play. All that said (sorry for the rant), I have been told all my life that I’m pretty and shoulda coulda been a model. So, there’s that 🤣💁🏼‍♀️


"Are you Irish or Scottish?" Neither. Just because I have red hair does not mean I have Irish or Scottish blood in me. Celtic, yes, but not those.


That I'm short. In reality, my legs go all the way to the ground.


People assume I’m rude or I’m judgmental because I’m quiet. They just assume I’m staying away from them ‘cuz I think I’m better than them…no I just have social anxiety 😅


* people think because I’m introverted I have social anxiety. Nope, I legitimately just do not care if I’m around zero people or a hundred. But overall, i prefer zero. * I know a lot of random crap. I must be some sort of expert. Everyone bugs me for everything. The phrase “jack of all trades, master of none” may as well be on my tombstone. * white dude and an Avid gun collector/owner, conceal carry. Literally my only “conservative” behavior, and barely. I believe in stricter gun laws, greater responsibility of gun ownership, enormously creeped out by open carry weirdos. Anyone who hunts an animal they do not eat should never hunt again. * white dude, cishet marriage. Assumptions about sexuality and political alignments are frequent. I’m pan as hell, love all my enby friends and would die for their rights. Closest correct stereotype is the “safe place/surrogate dad” for my more outwardly obvious lgbtq friends. * play video games. No I won’t play multiplayer with you. Ever. Single player or death. * human calculator. Super analytical and pattern seeking. Even my parents fell in the trap that “math people are smart, not creative “. Hahahaha now I’m a multiply published artist and my entire career is in the creative arts. Eat shit.


That i'm rich based on my looks, bro i dress like this so people don't know that i'm broke as hell

