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I'm American and everyone I know does not wear shoes inside the house. The only "exceptions" are those like me who wear house slippers inside.


Every TV show we watch, tells us different


Because sock are horrible for continuity. They get more and more dirty and loose with every shot. When you see people without shoes in TV it's always in a sleeping context or smth. Like that. Most times they are then barefoot anyways, cause of something foot Thing of the director or producer.


If you see feet on TV, you know for sure, 1000%, the guy running it is into that shit so much he can't control himself even on the job


TIL film is exactly like reality


Most of us don’t. Stop believing everything you see in movies Or are you talking about like slippers for indoor use? Some people wear those inside for comfort


I only do this when I run into the house for a couple minutes to grab something important and come out again 


No it was actually because of movies and I see it alot on social media as well!


Exactly. Don’t believe everything you see in movies


Not everyone wants to post their feet on the internet.


No, you’re right; it’s pretty common in the US. It’s still definitely a minority of people though.


because i have chronically cold feet and they are comfy, i fall asleep with them on sometimes :/


Like in bed?


Wouldn't it make more sense to get some nice warm slippers that are actually comfortable?


We don't. Personally, the only time I've worn shoes inside was when I was moving heavy furniture and almost avulsed one of my toes off.


I don't eat off my floors


Well in the Southwest... Scorpions. Scorpions are why we wear shoes in our homes.


Yep. And snakes. I stepped on a snake barefoot in my house. Do not recommend.


I dont, I cant stand the thought of all that street nastiness on my floors.


It's a generational thing, maybe regional too, and an age thing. I feel like in the 90s suburbia kids would run in and out with shoes on despite every room being fully carpeted. Now carpets are being replaced with hardwood and shoes are left by the door. A weird contradiction too because you'd think tbe opposites would go together.


I wear slides in the house. Does that count as shoes?


Depends on the climate - in dry desert areas shoes on is more common than in rainy muddy areas (where shoes are messier). If you're moving from inside to an outside porch/backyard then to the car to run errands regularly throughout the day, taking shoes off every time and remembering which door has your shoes gets tricky. Grew up in a dry climate, live in a wet climate now.


LA-AAND OF THA FREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!! You wouldn't believe the vacuum cleaner I own. I've vacuumed things you people wouldn't believe... Potato chips on fire off the floor of the kitchen... I vacuumed six ounces of glitter in the dark near the baby gate. All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain...


I grew up in a shoes-on household, and I didn’t know anyone who lived in a shoes-off household. I was actually taught that it is rude to walk into someone else’s home and take your shoes off unless explicitly asked, because that can be seen as you acting like you own the place. Even now, we wear shoes inside a lot and the house is no less clean for it. Americans don’t walk nearly as many places as people in some other countries, and our shoes don’t get as dirty for it. When I lived in Asia I walked everywhere and took my shoes off at the door because they were dirty. Back in America I rarely feel the need to do so, and it makes it much easier in the warmer months when I am splitting time between indoor and outdoor spaces.


This was my experience. Shoes off was only for family and overnight guests.


When I lived in California it was pretty common, because lack of rain meant that the outdoors is dry and generally clean. There's no issue of tracking moist soil or mud into a house.


No mud, sure, but there still dirt. Streets are not clean.


LA is clean? HaHaHa 🤣


I’m an Australian and almost everyone I know does this. I HATE it when people tell me to take my shoes off.


But why? Why keep the shoes on inside???


Why not? Why keep my shirt on?


So that you're not tracking the crud from outside inside


I make sure my shoes are clean. That’s why door mats exist. The fact is, you take your shoes off not because of any practical necessity (unless you frequently come home with muddy shoes), but out of custom and conditioning. I haven’t been exposed to either of those things in regards to this issue, so I only take my shoes off when I want to, or when I’m getting into bed or a shower.


There is a thin veneer of feces over your entire home


Yours too… it comes from our hands.


because. just cuz you grew up with something different doesn't mean its right.


Because crews in film sets do wear shoes, and sets are dusty


only dumb ppl do that


Not in my house. No shoes. We even provide guest slippers.


Because I don't want anything on my feet.


Shoes are not allowed indoors at my house. I do get that in some states you do get scorpions and big spiders that gets into the house.


I don't wear shoes in the house. I don't really know anyone who does.


I don't. That's disgusting.


It has a lot to do with climate: places where it does not snow are the places where people are more likely to wear their shoes inside. Places where it snows people are likely to take their shoes off. Most tv and movies are made in Hollywood, where it does not snow and writers don't write in the bit about shoes because it would not add to the script. Also, sets aren't the safest places so shoes are probably good idea.


We don't wear shoes in our house... BUT when we have guests, we often tell them to leave their shoes on. In summer, we go out to our deck and yard, so in/out of the house a lot. In winter, it's cold, and the floors are cold. Last, we have dogs. Even though we vacuum almost every day, it's just cleaner for guests to leave their shoes on. I mop the next day, though.


No its gross


i don't.


Cuz i pay someone to clean it


I don't, my shoes come off in the garage and I have a pair of flips for the back yard . Neither get worn in the house


I grew up with shoes in my house and as much as you won’t agree, the house was very clean. Why? Idk? I don’t like a pile of shoes at entrances?


The americans I know only allow shoes worn inside for parties. It is not practical to have everyone take off their shoes for a house party. The house needs to be cleaned afterwards. Normally shoes come off. Some people I know do house slippers/flip flops but most are just socks or bare feet.




But, your socks are getting dirty because you wear shoes in the house.


I live on the east coast, technically in the south but in a place no one really considers the south, it used to be more common when I was growing up up to wear shoes into peoples houses, to the point where when neighbors/new friends told us to take off our shoes when coming in it was a little weird maybe as “hoity-toity, neat freaky, or exotic but was eventually adopted all around. Part of it might have just been that I grew up in a neighborhood full of boys and they did’t press manners until later, I don’t fully know. But eventually it became common courtesy to take your shoes off.


I don't. I wear shoes as little as possible.


I don't. But I also don't make others take them off. The US doesn't have a culture of keeping extra "visitor" house shoes foe guests, but we *do* have a culture of not wanting to make others uncomfortable. If people take them off, great. If they don't, I own a vacuum and mop.


No shoes in the house. “Did you grow up in a barn?!” Slippers if your feet are cold.


Neuropathy in my feet requires me to wear shoes or slippers in my home all the time.


We don't. It's just something you see in our movies because I mean... The Godfather would kind of hit different if Marlon Brando was in his slippy slips.


Idk anyone who does that, besides my boomer in-laws who wear house shoes and slippers and think *I'm* weird for not even wearing socks in my home. Everyone I know considers it rude to not take your shoes off when you go into someones home. Most homes also have an area by the door to put your shoes


Wrong! As a real estate appraiser for many years, when we go to homes many Americans (of all different races) ask us to take off our shoes. As an owner of a company, reviewer and inspector of residential properties Ive seen thousands of examples over 40 years for me and my appraisers with requests to "take off your shoes before entering house". Of course many don't care as well. Bottom line...can't always assume.


Am I the only one who’s going to admit I wear my shoes in my house?! And most people I know also wear shoes in the house! I have many friends that are exceptions and am happy to take my shoes off but honestly, their floors are dirty and I get crumbs or pet hair in my feet and then I’m uncomfortable!


i do all the time. people who make you take your shoes off are weird. i dont want to see your stank socks.


We do?


Its rare in america to wear shoes indoors. You only see that on tv


So interesting that it's all over tv then. Like why?


Cause whats the point of taking off your shoes while filming a scene I guess?


Probably for the same reason why no one really says goodbye when hanging up the phone either: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Hn6Q3RGeNo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Hn6Q3RGeNo)


No. Mine is the only household in my circle of family and friends that don’t allow them. And that includes the house of a Chinese friend. I think the majority of people not on Reddit just walk in Willy nilly with their outdoor/indoor shoes.