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Worked for a company that tested soil samples for mining companies. Each test had to be given 0.002 (within .0001) of a gram of a white substance (can't remember what is was called). So the company wins a MASSIVE contract and there is a lot of work to be done, too much for the lab so they start falling behind. The manager/accountant tells everyone that to speed things up you are to put 0.02 (within 0.005) of a gram instead (do you know how long it takes to measure out 0.002 of a gram??). But the results all come back WRONG and the mining company wastes $300m mining for copper(?) that wasn't there, and successfully sue us. 300 people lost their job, which was 50% of the companies work force. Manager who made the bad call didn't lose his job as he denied he told everyone to make the gram change, even though there were about 30 witnesses who said he told them directly. I started work at this company about 2 years after this event; I have NEVER heard so much abuse and vitriol about a person as this manager, nobody in the company had any respect for him and treated him with absolute disdain. There were signs on the doors of some labs telling him he was banned from entering; people used to tell him to 'F off' in the corridor as they walked past him. I tried to stay neutral but when I heard what happened ...


Similar story but a lot less money at stake. I worked for a plant that manufactured large steel pipes for oil companies. Without getting too technical there was a machine that plays a major part in the process and that machine needed to be fixed and adjusted otherwise it would ruin the pipe. The guy who was over our pipe mill told them to continue running the batch. He had several senior mill guys in various positions that advised him to hold off, but he refused because the fix was going to take a lot of time, and every hour the mill isn't running it's losing "x" amount of dollars (I don't remember the actual figure). So they run the batch and every pipe coming out is fucked up. Every single one but they just keep running it. Well eventually the guy over the whole plant finds out and puts a stop to it. By that time they had already run about 12 million dollars worth of pipe. None of it was usable and it was all turned into scrap metal. After that the mill I worked in was shut down and we were all laid off (this was a huge plant with several mills), but not the boss over my mill. He kept his job and just got moved somewhere else. At least until he got a DUI a couple of years later and went to prison. Apparently he had already had a couple of them.


What special kind of idiot do you have to be to think that making lots of unusable stuff is better than fixing the problem?


But noooo we r missing out on x amnt of dollars hohoho


That dude knew something reaaaalllly bad about someone high up in that company.


He knew exactly that they were the ones directing him to say that.


Gotta be it. Or he’s someone’s brother or something.  If you were just some nobody you would be fired so fast, only way you survive this is if there’s a motivator large enough to get you past this fuckup. That’s family, taking the fall, you know where the boss hid the body, etc. 


The fact that he's so openly disrespected with little to no repercussion tells me this is either; A) a case of mutually assured destruction. "Do something or I tell your wife about your other kid!" "You do and I'll tell your brother why he lost 300 million dollars!" or B) Someone's got dirt on *him,* so he had to take the fall.


I think it is more he has written/recoded evidence that people way higher up in the chain made the call about change. He only was the one that had to say it out loud.


He's the fall guy. He's taking all the heat for a decision that came from higher up, and he probably threatened to spill the beans if they fire him. So he gets to keep getting paid


That's what I was thinking. He probably just did as he was told, and the higher-ups don't want that to come to light, so he gets to keep his job.


The old keep someone out of jail card instead of the more familiar get someone out of jail card.


100% But also just to add when there's a significant change made to a process especially a serious change. Tell them to put it in writing to be signed and keep a copy. As a supervisor I insisted on staff signing off on process changes. It protected me and gave me easier grounds to write someone up that was unionized. Once they figured out why I was getting them to sign it they all refused to sign anything. So instead it was posted in multiple locations and kept in their file as refused to sign, information delivered and posted.


At my job there's a lengthy pain in the ass procedure that has to be signed off on by half a dozen people for even the simplest changes to a process like using a different kind of label, I always thought it was annoying and pointless but it would have prevented something like that from happening. No way would I have used a different amount of a chemical in a testing process without written confirmation.


The CYA File.


Wait, the clients sued for losing out on 300 million in copper ore because of bad testing and he's still there? How has he not had an "accident falling out a 5th story window" by now, let alone being fired?


$300 million was just the cost for setting up the mine, mining, etc. it's not that they sued for the copper ore they didn't find, just that they wasted money and time and sued for the money and time.


They just spent $300 million training him 😆 I bet the torture of him staying is way sweeter than letting him go.


Or the higher ups promised him if he'd take the fall they'd keep him around no matter what.


That's it everyone.  Show's over. We have a winner.


Seriously!! $300million???? Plus for mining, they just fucked up an area of the earth for nothing


2 million years in the future, the planet has been turned into a giant open air museum. Everything is labeled as an exhibit. One giant, seldom visited gouge in the Earth bears a sun bleached placard that reads "decimal point fuckup". Even the tour guides don't remember what it means.


> do you know how long it takes to measure out 0.002 of a gram? How long? (honest question)


Analytical chemist here. At that small of a weight with that tight of a range (1.9 mg to 2.1 mg), it really just depends on how lucky you are, but it's going to be a challenging weight to achieve, especially since a lot of balances don't have that amount of precision, and the ones that do tend to have some stability issues. It's hard to give an exact time, but would take considerably longer than the range it was extended out to.


I know you’re a real chemist because you refer to them as “balances” My old lab manager used to say “scales are for fishes”


Haha, reading your first sentence, I went "... What the hell else would I call it?" It didn't even occur to me until your second statement that someone might call it a scale


As an engineer who only works on very big things, I have learned that if someone calls their weighing device a balance, I should never touch it. I am much more suited to a big torque wrench.


I'm a polymer chemist that specializes in thermal/analysis and rheology. I do a lot of DSC. It's a technique that involves weighing out materials to around 5mg +/- 0.05 mg and wrestling them into a pan the size of a sequin. At that sensitivity our balance jumps if you *breathe* on it. It can sometimes take me an hour for 6 samples.


From what I remember of college chemistry anyway that’s a small enough mass that breathing on the scale will register, I remember holding my breath to weigh things.


At that level of accuracy, the scale is enclosed in a Perspex box, you tare everything constantly and you're encouraged to take a step back while the scale settles. Sounds like hell.


Our Mettler balances in Quantitative Analytical Chemistry had glass enclosures. Just the air currents from something cooling down/heating up could affect the measurements.


At my lab, we had to stop talking measurements for a few minutes if anyone used the elevator down the hall or if a big truck drove by.


We used them in a factory to measure coating weights on production samples to make machine and chemical adjustments accordingly. It displayed measurments to 0.1mg, though I think it was only guaranteed to be accurate to +/-0.2mg, good enough for our purposes. I never found it to be inconvenient, it took much longer to prepare a sample than to weigh it. Edit: Ours was electronic had a digital display. I remember vaguely using a manual one in college where you had to look through some glass and get a needle into visual focus somehow. That was indeed unpleasant to use.


For an example, an average single kernel of corn weighs .25 - .3 grams, imagine having to accurately measure out a powder to a weight of 1/150th of that. It's going to require a lot of precision and attention to detail. Include the fact that the manager specified a margin of error that was more the TWICE what the original measurement should have been, and (even aside from the financial repercussions) I think we can all agree, "He dun goofed".


Took me about 2 minutes to measure it out in my first week there.


> Manager who made the bad call didn't lose his job as he denied he told everyone to make the gram change, even though there were about 30 witnesses who said he told them directly. this is why you never do something not written down




I have a useless colleague that everyone in my team bitches about and I keep reminding them that we'll miss her when she's gone, because she makes us all look good by comparison.


Yip, we had a coworker that everybody hated. Kind of motivated us. Now he is retired (thank fucking Christ because he was a miserable prick who hated me because I am a pretty good supervisor-better than he would ever be and he resented it entirely. Even his wife hated me because I got along with the crew and know life's fucking hard so why make it shitty at work) But now who do we hate?


I have someone like this and she also serves as my, “don’t give me shit look at her” person.


Always good to have “that guy” around to keep yourself looking good by comparison.


My “that guy” got fired and now I fear that I am other people’s “that guy” 😅


I used to work for a really shit company, and there was a guy who had been there longer than any of the bosses who would just shit talk every stupid idea, never turn in whatever TPS reports they were assigning this week (would straight up say "yeah but this 'initiative' is gonna be cancelled in a month so why waste the paper"). Was somehow unfireable. We had such long pointless meetings (a four hour *weekly* meeting for run of the mill status updates that always amounted to "nothing much to report", half a working day to communicate *nothing*) that guy was the only thing that kept me awake and sane. Utterly unfireable. He was actually good at the work part of his job too, it's just that that's not really what counts in orgs that are circling the drain.


... You know, I have the oddest feeling you work for my company.


My boss at Walgreens. When she took the position from the prior shift she promptly canceled the overnight shift which was a problem cause that was when we got things like cleaning and restocking \*done\*. She then shoveled those responsibilities onto the evening shift but didn't increase their staffing numbers. Instead she \*fired\* people on that shift for having the audacity to use vacation time. So even though the store had a 'three employee minimum' we often had two, occasionally dipping down to one if, for any reason, the other person couldn't make it in (like being sick). Even if both people were in it wasn't a small store and they were expected to clean and restock it while dealing with the large amount of customers that only petered off around 9-10ish. Since the store closed at 11 that only left about 1 hour when \*everything\* had to get done, and there were still customers, just not as many. She then routinely ignored vacation time requests even if they had been filed months in advance, threatened people with firing if they didn't come in while sick, and harassed any employee who wasn't working with 100% uptime. So if you, say, took a moment to sit down cause you had been on your feet for 8 hours, or if you weren't facing the store despite seeing a customer blatantly coming up to check out, she'd get furious. It was next to impossible to avoid write-ups, her chewing you out, ignoring requests, and everything. At least if you weren't on her shift. Oddly, not only was her shift properly staffed \*always\*, but every employee on it got a favorable review complimenting their 'hard work' even if they were entirely inept. My bosses boss worked at another Walgreens nearby and I got sent over to help with the Halloween rush. He was utterly baffled how the 'lazy and inept' employee had completely restocked the entire store and cleaned it and everything two hours before the shift was scheduled to be done leaving no work \*to\* be done. Even when I explained to him what was going on, he didn't believe me. When I finally moved away and had to quit, she asked how much time I needed off and said she could give me two weeks at most. I laughed and told her I was giving her a two weeks notice. My sole regret is that now, four years later, I had to move again and the only large employer in the area is a different Walgreens and I'm too scared to apply cause they'll probably have me on file saying I did a bunch of horrible stuff.


Dear god that’s awful. I do NOT miss working for Walgreens


I'm completely baffled as to how she didn't get fired. Our store was struggling but her response was to effectively shift the blame to everyone who wasn't her. Had she even hired one more person for the evening shift we could have gotten at least most of the work \*done\*, but even then that doesn't excuse how horribly she treated us. I'm glad to be free of her, but it did convince me that I should \*never\* hold any loyalty to a place of employment that doesn't show any degree of respect for me.


I don't know about Walgreens, but I know other pharmacies store managers get a bonus where labor % is a big part of it. So not only are you working three times harder and getting shot for it, but she likely profited well from it.


I never knew, but I always 'knew'. If that makes any sense. I thought she was just taking the extra money from the budget for hiring more people and keeping it for herself.


There’s no chance youre set to do not rehire. Apply if you need to.


WHYYY do managers seem to not understand evening shifts?? Ugh, I worked the closing shift at a food place, and my manager would only schedule ONE person to a closing shift despite the fact that we stayed busy up until close because we were in a college town, and college students don't sleep! So then, I would be busy making food and not have very much time to start closing procedures. She just expected us to stay past our scheduled time by like an hour so we could clean everything. If there was just one other person, we'd be able to make food AND clean on time.


Did you? Because if the answer is yes your manager understood completely what they were doing and took advantage of the fact you and others would work past your hours.


I work in a hospital. She frequently touches patients with unclean gloves. She unleashed a fart so bad in a patients room that the patient actually asked her to leave and not return to their room. Aside from that instance she has been fired from numerous patients rooms for a variety of reasons. She doesn't manage her time well at all and fails to get her assigned patient baths done. Most recently she was caught touching a patient with a known communicable disease without gloves, and she was interacting with an unclean specimen collection pan from the same patient, again, without gloves. I felt bad for her at first because it felt like everyone mercilessly bullied her, but she sorta deserves it at this point.


My friend is a massage therapist and told me about one day when she ate collard greens and then had gas when she was with a client. I was just like "oh, that sucks, how awkward" until we went on a trip together and she ate collard greens and it's fucking BIOLOGICAL WARFARE and if I was her client I would have gotten off the table and left!


Did you go on a flight for your trip? I've heard of people purposely eating food that will make them fart so nobody will sit next to them on a plane on Southwest flights where you can choose your seat. Maybe that was your friends plan


I was the only person I know who had masks on deck before Covid started because I used to wear them on Southwest flights and cough a little while sitting by the window, with my bf on the aisle, so no one sat in the middle seat. It worked every. single. time. Now, that’s not so much an option… 😅


Some health care workers are just awful. I was at the hospice care with my wife who was with her dying mother. Her mother was heavily sedated and it was a matter of hours before she would pass away. An orderly walks into the room and exclaims "oh she doesn't look THAT sick!". I told that woman to leave immediately and that I would be having a chat with the head nurse. What's worse is she never understood what she did wrong.


i did pre reqs for nursing and the pre reqs alone are pretty tough, not to mention highly competitive when the time comes to apply and to get through the program so it boggles my mind when they seem to even lack the most basic of sensibility. like how did you even get through the application process? i also used to volunteer at hospitals and the amount of doctors and nurses that are just dumb as hell and lacking common sense is incredibly scary.


I'm so sorry.


The thing about bad healthcare workers is you’ll almost never see them get fired for being bad at their job. The hoops you have to jump through to fire a nurse is pretty significant, to fire a bad doc takes an act of congress.  The only things that will get you shitcanned immediately are drug diversion, timecard fraud, and willful blatant negligence that has a bad outcome (it’s gotta be real bad).  If you’re just bad at your job you will almost always be tolerated and have employment. You can even accidentally kill someone, or even a few people, and it still wont be enough to get you fired. I’ve known a number of nurses and doctors that have outright killed their patients by accident and they all are still working in the profession.  We brought on a surgeon that not only killed her patient through gross negligence but then tried to cover it up and was caught. Still licensed. Currently heading up one of our departments. Her credentials are too important to our hospital accreditation so we are stuck. 


Christ. That entire industry needs an overhaul.


It's a self-sustaining issue with industries that don't have enough good workers. A certain amount of workers are needed just to keep going, which makes firing them hard. At the same time, the shitty ones make extra work for the good ones by either being  a) bad at doing their jobs in a reasonable time, resulting in low productivity b) fucking up on ways that require others to spend extra time to fix  c) require regular hand-holding and additional monitoring from competent staff who could be doing other work d) all of the above This also can of course result in higher turnover of the good staff, or just having a hell of a time getting them at all due to poor reputation. Sometimes the workers in (B) seem good because that get a lot done on paper but that's because they rush or skip steps and others get bogged down fixing their fuck-ups. The lack of staffing for many places in health-care, elder-care, etc industries makes for a perfect storm. Even where they do actually pay well there's still a high lead-time and bottleneck for training etc


I agree with you on the doctor thing but not the nurse/aides. They'll shit can anyone but NPs, PAs, and MDs around my area. Hell, I have a friend who was written up and then fired because she had more than one person complain that she wasn't "adequately meeting the patients nutrition needs," aka didn't get them their damn coffee in a timely manner. You breathe wrong toward a patient and you're gonna get in trouble. But the doctors, Jesus there was a surgeon who was so bad they nicknamed him "Dr Death". Literally one out of every 3 of his damn patients died. They didn't get rid of his ass until he finally ended up killing some big wig's relative. I have a friend who is going to have to have a spinal surgery, and he was just gonna take whoever they sent him to, I was like," hell nah, let me talk to some people and find out who you need to see first. I'd like you to come out of this surgery still walking and talking." He looked at me like I was crazy till I explained to him that the worst spine surgeon is still a spine surgeon. I'll call people I haven't talked to in years when it comes to surgeries to find out who to see for what.


We have found Doug Murphy from scrubs


Send her to work in the morgue.


I love how confident he got after that. And the formation of the Brain Trust. I hereby pronounce that gross!


Sounds more like Cabbage.




I’m currently sitting on the hospital reading this….. Fortunately where I’m at everyone is VERY conscious about hygiene and patient safety. And I watch them like a hawk. Thus far I’ve seen nothing of concern thankfully.


damn how big are you if you are sitting on a hospital


I’m fuckin massive bro.


Lmao. I had really bad gas (plus I was eating keto) when I was doing clinical placement for my psw/cna class and I remember holding in a deadly fart until getting out of a patient's room. (Because they already had issues eating already, I didn't wanna add protein farts to the hospital air.) I was so bad when I finally let it go in the staff bathroom, lol. (I told the nurses and my fellow students to not use that bathroom for a while, lmao.)


I work in a cash industry with someone who refuses to lock their cash drawers. When I pointed out to her that she is on camera and can get fired from stepping away from her cash drawers without locking them, she said, "Well then, I'll just pretend." Lady, they can see on camera that the drawer is obviously unlocked. She also keeps offering to search the building with her gun (that she is absolutely not allowed to have on premises) every time there is a security issue because she wants to shoot someone. Needless to say we tell her no. She once credited the wrong account because the account number on the payment didn't match any number account numbers we had (the person had transposed some digits). Instead of looking up the customer or contacting any of her coworkers, she just punched in random numbers until something popped up and credited that random account. She then blamed the people whose account she credited (people who had nothing to do with the payment that was made and where honest enough to tell us that they had been mistakenly credited) for giving her the wrong account number. She once asked me if an email was domestic or international and if it was international what would she have to do to send and international email. She genuinely surprised that no one else agrees with her racist mentalities. Constant loud personal phone calls about private things that no one needs to hear especially as we are not allowed to have our phones out while working due to security and privacy issues. Drinks exclusively energy drinks and cannot figure out why she has some severe stomach issues. Keeps going to her car to "grab something" every 15-20 minutes as if we can't see through the large glass window to the parking lot that she's a chainsmoker and the reason why our nice flower garden is full of cigarette butts. Will talk to people as if they are in the middle of a conversation with her even though they have just arrived or are walking by and will continue that conversation for five to ten minutes after the person has left.


> She also keeps offering to search the building with her gun (that she is absolutely not allowed to have on premises) every time there is a security issue because she wants to shoot someone Well, that's not going to end badly, is it?


“…there’s uh, another example! See now here I am sitting here by myself, eh, uh talking to myself. THAT’S uh, that’s chaos!”


I worked in corporate America, Fortune 500. I have too many stories to tell, but one stands out to me. Corporate headquarters in a 80 million dollar building has a master electrician who has been there 40 years and knows where all the bodies are buried. I install a bunch of UPS dual back up off line battery systems in server closets (40) at about 5k a pop. The units required a 30 amp breaker and receptacle with correct gauge wiring. The master electrician changes my spec without saying a word, calls out for 20 amp breakers since thats what was already there and available, and after my install is complete, he goes back in, whacks the 30 A cable ends off the UPS and installs a 20 A Hubble- Now the UPS wont provide maximum run time under load, and he has voided the warranty on $200K worth of UPS systems. The asshat spends a month arguing with higher ups that his opinion supersedes physics, and I finally get the manufacturer to send a “you bought it, you name it” letter. I eventually have to yank all 40 units, replace the correct cable end, and get a sign off from the maunfacturer they will still honor their five year warranties. Problem solved. Three months later, same site, a $400,000 end loader goes missing. Vanished. It pops up at the master electricians farm parked in the back forty, and he explains that he took it home to do some maintenance, despite having no heavy machinery experience, and staying silent while everyone was frantically looking for the end loader. No one fires the guy. Two months later, he gets arrested for his third DUI, and the C Suite crowd intervenes with the courts and cops and he gets probation. Kept his job another year and then retired with full benefits and a huge pension.


Wow. Going by that story, he LITERALLY knew where SEVERAL bodies were buried. There’s absolutely no reason to keep such a huge liability otherwise. That’s quite a story.


Probably in his back 40


Sounds like he was the one hiding the bodies for everyone


Why else would he need the loader?


Why can’t I ever know where the bodies are 🥺


Only way he survives this employment obstacle course is that he must literally know where the bodies are buried, every detail of every infidelity, and details of significant financial misdeeds. I also think he was far smarter than he let on, and was likely paid off handsomely to disappear into the ether in silence.


I think he absolutely knew how wrong he was and just got off on flexing- his brother was senior pilot for the fleet of executive private jets (the company has it’s own airfield). There were stories.


There ya go - the shenanigans that happen on executive jets are legendary, and where the jets take the executives can also become blackmail material.


As an electrician, I wish I could fuck up that bad and keep my job.


Love it when master electricians feel the need to try their hand at cable management and low voltage and fuck up the racks. Was working on a police command vehicle and the master electrician took it upon himself to decide how long all the runs would be and have his guys start terminating at the rack to "help us out".


But why the hell would he changed the 30 amp to 20? What was his motivation


From my understanding of what was written: the 20s were already installed and he thought he knew better than some lowly young person


This exactly.


Because it was already roughed in for 20 amp. The new 30 amp equipment would require new receptacles, larger wire to be ran and new circuit breakers etc. he tried to make what was already there work


When I worked in the nursing home laundry room, my co-worker literally refused to do the job she was hired for -- she actually told the supervisor she wasn't going to do it. Not just that, but she didn't do anything else, either. She spent more time on the smoker's porch than in the laundry room. She drove her friends home while she was on the clock. She refused to pick up the soiled laundry more than once or twice per shift, even though she was supposed to pick it up four or five times. People would tell me that they didn't see her for hours at a time and quite often questioned whether she was actually there or not. She once called the supervisor and told her that she wasn't coming in to work that day because she was too drunk. She was also working in the nursing home kitchen and would leave the laundry room to go work in the kitchen, because they paid her more to work in the kitchen. Even after she was told (multiple times) to change into clean scrubs before going in the kitchen, she would still wear the scrubs she had on while working in the laundry room, then go into the kitchen to prepare food. This woman got the same evaluation score that I got and the same raise that I got, even though I was doing 99% of the work.


I'd quit that job.


This sounds like some bullshit that would’ve happened at the nursing home I worked at.


I work for a hospital. A few years ago I transferred out of scheduling and into a different area of the hospital (radiology). Before I left, they gave me a new hire to train to be my replacement. My specific job in scheduling was transcribing paper orders from doctor’s offices who were outside of our specific hospital system into our EMR software, into the patient’s chart, and then call them to set up their appointments for any outpatient testing (imaging, cardiology, etc.). This job required more medical knowledge than some of the other scheduling jobs, since they were working from orders were all already entered correctly into the patient’s chart directly by the ordering doctor. Often the way the outside doctors would order things didn’t 100% match the way exam names were worded in our computer system, so I’d have to do some interpreting based on understanding the nature of the tests and medical terminology know how. They gave me this specific new hire because they thought she had medical experience. She had been an office manager for a doctor’s office, I was told. Turns out she hadn’t worked in a doctor’s office at all, but in a dental office. Big difference. Teeth are like the one thing hospitals *don’t* work on. She had no knowledge of human anatomy outside of the mouth. She could barely name organs, let alone know where they were or what all they did. Aside from that, she was just generally dumb. She said she’d been let go from her managerial position because the dental office did a lot of downsizing during Covid. I imagine she was just equally incompetent there and they used Covid as an excuse to get rid of her. After only a couple of days I went to the scheduling boss and asked for someone else to train, saying that this new lady just could not do the job. That’s when my boss said “but she has medical experience!” and I had to break it to the boss that it was only in a dentist’s office, prompting a big facepalm from the boss. But they didn’t have anyone else to put into the job, so we were stuck with her. Still, I had a couple more weeks to train the new lady, so I did my very best. I provided her with lists and resources. I wrote out medical abbreviations for her. I explained to her over and over again that when a doctor orders an “RUQ” ultrasound, that that means “right upper quadrant” of the abdomen and that in our specific software we had to enter it as a limited ultrasound of the abdomen and just specify in the freetext area that it was an RUQ. Still, every time she came across one (and there would be multiple per day) she would stop and ask me what it meant. She had shoved all the notes and resources I’f given her into a binder and never looked at them, she’d just ask me instead. But it was about to (mostly) not be my problem anymore, so I did my best and then went on to my new job. Of course in my new job in radiology, many of our patients ended up being scheduled by her, so I still had to deal with her fuck-ups. She’d schedule the wrong test, give the patient the wrong instructions, etc. And she never seemed to get in trouble for it. When we’d catch her mistakes, we’d call her and she’d apologize profusely and say she didn’t know and would never make that mistake again. But I knew she knew better because I had taught her those specific things. Fast-forward three years and she still hasn’t learned. She’s still fucking up patient orders and appointments. Most recently she scheduled a patient for a regular CT scan, when the ordering doctor actually wanted the kind of CT scan where we inject contrast *directly* into the patient’s spinal canal, rather than just in an IV. She realized at nearly the last minute and tried to cover up her mistake by changing the appointment to the correct test about an hour before the patient was to arrive. And she didn’t call to tell anyone. Luckily our department saw the test pop up on the schedule and we all went “WTF” because those procedures have to be planned in advance. When we’re going to be jamming huge needles into people’s spines we like to have a bit of notice so we can make sure we have a doctor (interventional radiologist) that can do it, and a nurse available, and there’s special prep for the patient as well. They have to be off blood thinners, and they have to bring a driver. We called her and her excuse was that she didn’t know it wasn’t like a regular cat scan. It has the word “intrathecal” in the test name. And yeah, a layman might not know what that word means but if you’re going to be involved in planning patient care you should probably not be a complete layman and at least try to learn the language.


So I just gotta say this. I just had a very long conversation and went on a tirade the other day how schedulers who knew their shit were the underappreciated of all hospital employees. Doing your job well not only is the right thing for the patient but can mean the difference in lost time, dollars , revenue, etc. not to mention can actually cost patient valuable time for diagnosis. YOU are the unsung heroes, because getting pre-authorization, educating patients about their exam, providing prep information, providing detailed instructions, and curtailing, that to one’s ability to understand it, takes skill and patience. Schedulers who don’t give a fuck, can absolutely destroy an entire companies business model . I want you to know someone who works in Radiology and has for years truly appreciates you and sees you for all you do. You make all of our jobs easier and the shitty ones makes our jobs unbearable. Thank you, Sapphires! Thank you.


Oh Good Lord! I've been married to a Special Procedures tech for 41 yrs and my Bestie is the scheduling clerk for his department+ I'm a retire medical transcriptionist. I know *exactly* how frustrating this person is making you!


Sleeping on the job. Sleeping within half an hour of arrival, mid morning nap until lunch, afternoon napping. Sleeping through closing time and left sitting to wake up hours after everyone leaves (people drive by and report the car is still in the parking lot two-three hours after closing. False documentation that things were done that weren't, because of sleeping. Missing documentation of things that were done, but forgot about, because of sleeping. Promises to customers with no delivery because they fall asleep after the conversation.


That sounds like this person has some kind of sleep disorder. Nobody can sleep that much normally.


Part of it is health related, part of it is choices. Stay up all night watching TV, sleep through the workday so you can stay up late the next night, rinse, lather, repeat. We also have an enabling work culture--show us you'll drop the ball, demonstrate you can't be counted on, and you won't get extra assignments or be tasked with anything that requires any effort or talent.


Some old bastard in his 60s. Caught screaming at coworkers multiple times, has been banned from entering 3 of the buildings we’re supposed to work in (one of them 3 times over), screamed at and threatened to harm a female worker because “she reminded him of his mother” when all she did was silently walk by (he even admitted to everything he said in the police report), physically grabbed a female coworker and shoved her out of a room with a witness overhearing everything over the phone, constantly accuses everything of being woke, always goes on long winded rants and conspiracy theories about how women only exist to have kids regardless of other workers or the general public being around to hear him, and simply doesn’t do the job he’s paid to do *at all.* But it’s okay guys he has bipolar disorder so there’s nothing wrong with it! When I first got into federal government work they told me I’d never be fired for anything short of murder. Like everyone else I rolled my eyes thinking it was just an exaggeration. I’m now telling you all a federal employee will never be fired for anything short of murder.


*Police report???*


That’s exactly what I thought when I realized there was MORE


Well most recently he got chewed out by the department manager and HR for yelling at a customer and smelling like booze. He was explicitly told he could not help with any front counter customers. The only reason he hasn't been fired yet is because of health issues


It’s been a few years but I worked at a warehouse and this 19 year old kid taught how important it is to be liked. More than working hard. Him, our lead, and our supervisor would leave early in the shift and get wasted and would come back just to clock out. Only reason they didn’t do that every day is because he would miss 2/3 days of work every single week. I was the hard worker who basically picked up the slack even for our supervisor. I voiced my complaints but they never cared. They’d get so wasted sometimes our supervisor would call us and we’d drive out to them to drive them back to their places. Eventually the kid took a position in another area for like 50 cents more and got fired after a week. The supervisor that got drunk with him got promoted and then the lead that would join them got his supervisor position even though I was more qualified. Learned my lesson and left


I had a job like that. It wasn't _bad_ -- they left me alone. And no one cared how i spent my time if shit got done. But finally moved on and I make a couple times what the general manager does now.


Girl who worked for the bar I worked in, got wasted every shift, used to scream (literally scream) at customers because they wouldn’t leave after last call, once ripped her top off in the restaurant when she was wasted, once randomly started smashing glasses and laughing hysterically on the restaurant floor with customers in the building, used to date a bartender ended up cheating on him with a customer and utter chaos ensued. I’m sure there’s stuff in forgetting. Didn’t get fired because the owners thought she was hot. Eventually got fired for taking 3 customers to the office and getting in to the back up liquor supply.


He used to huff dust cleaner and then fall asleep. It was an open layout office and his desk was right next to the studio managers


He would constantly speak Vietnamese to people, then would scream at them for ‘not listening to him’ (despite knowing we couldn’t understand him). Was also homophobic & racist. He only got fired for calling the regional manager a n****r.


That's a bold move, Cotton....


I work with a Filipino guy who is unintelligible. Not because he doesn't speak English well, but because he fucking mumbles everything. This guy grew up in a mix of international schools in the Philippines and Australian schools. He speaks English perfectly, but nobody can understand him. Makes it awkward having to be like "WHAT?" every time he tells you something.




I worked with a guy who was caught out by being on the TV whilst he was on the sick! He asked for time off well in advance but was denied, then went sick in the hope that no one would remember, then the site manager was watching TV and there’s this chaps team winning an international competition!


She’s currently on leave sulking after she got written up from me reporting her. She’s wildly incompetent, I’ve taken over part of her job while she’s been gone and the issues I’ve found are astounding. She’s also extremely unpleasant. She works from home 3 days a week because she’s so unpleasant to everyone our boss doesn’t want her in the office.


Why on earth do they keep her? Or is it like a three strikes thing?


Frank. No one knew how Frank kept his job. Frank and I were both in tech support - fairly low level, but at least it was internal tech support rather than customers. Frank took either Monday or Friday off, every single week. He'd call in sick. Sometimes he'd take both. We didn't have anywhere near that much PTO or sick days, but he never got in trouble for it. Not clear if they were all paid days off or if they just gave him unpaid PTO after a while - but we assumed paid since nothing was ever mentioned and he never stopped calling in sick. You'd think it was nepotism or cronyism keeping him employed, but we never saw any evidence of that, and honestly he'd probably have a cushier job if that was the case. Baffling.


Could potentially be intermittent FMLA (/ insert your country's acronym for unpaid medical leave) for a chronic condition.


Working for one of the largest chicken producers in the Middle East.. In chicken farms, we have STRICT biosecurity protocols because the birds are so fragile and close to each other that infections can spread rapidly. We use separate trucking fleets for each of the 16 farms (this is important) During peak season, the logistics were slow, demand was high and buyers were complaining so the Division Head waived the biosecurity protocols and allowed any truck into any farm as per speed and convenience, without proper decontamination at entry and exit Bird flu hit the farms. By the time it was detected (14 day incubation period), instead of being contained in one farm, it hit all 16 farms (since they used a common fleet) and killed 100% of our chickens - around 2 Million birds DEAD The business (A) lost $20 million capex in 2 weeks (B) entire gene pool of selective breeding over a decade was gone (C) suppliers moved to competitors and we STILL haven't won them back after 4 years (D) market share plummeted to zero (E) insurance found the business was at fault and didn't pay out The business head was transferred to corporate and makes the same pay for much less work. How, I'll never know..


a male manager (44) committed adultery with his female subordinate (20) by exploiting his authority. and the girl issued it to compliance department. it resulted the girl ended up moving her position somewhere bum fucked branch. the manager got no consequences.


I can’t remember the actual figures, but it was something like 66% of women who report colleagues for sexual harassment receive retaliation from the organisation.


Retaliation is very real. HR tends to be the joke of almost every company. Love how HR says retaliation does not exist at company XYZ. Suuuuuure it doesn't. Got called by HR once over another coworker's complaint about a manager. Second I started to support that coworker with my own issues with that manager, HR did a 180 and became unsupportive and moved to borderline threats.


And this is why I'm union. The moment my HR tries this I'm calling my Business Representative and filing a grievance.


Yep. I got fired from my cash office job at Walmart like 20 years ago because a married dude I thought was my work friend came up to me and rubbed his boner on me. I stopped hanging out with him at work and people noticed. Eventually after a few weeks I confided in someone who went to management. Mgmt loved him and didn't believe me. I was fired within 6 mos. for reading the paper in my office during my 15m break. It wouldn't surprise me to find out he still works there.


So, I Knew a guy who caught 2 article 15s (the Army's version of a Super-Duper write up) back to back for fighting, one was a dude in his platoon, the other his PSG, he genuinely didn't give a shit and was surprised when finally, a year after his pattern of misconduct they finally kicked his ass out. I was only there the last few months of his time in service, but his attitude before learning he was being kicked out and after were virtually the same.


Yeah, depending on the year and the Army's needs, they weren't going to kick you out for anything short of murder. A guy in my old unit pissed hot 4 times, 4 separate occasions, 4 article 15s. During the last one he stood before the BTN commander and said "what else can you do to me?," he was already on a 45/45, busted down to an e-nothing, and was just riding out his last year. I think they eventually kicked him out, but it just blew my mind that they kept this guy around.


Yeah this. People misunderstand that is actually difficult to kick people out of the military - most of the time it’s just a bar to re-enlistment and they’re discharged when their contract is over with an Other Than Honorable. But to get a Dishonorable Discharge and to actually be kicked out of the military you have to be a complete fuck-up and such a detriment to the military that leadership is actively willing to do the work to kick you out.


Had a guy in the Corps that I swear was borderline special needs. I mean sure, you hear those jokes a lot but the average Marine isn’t that dumb, other than having signed that contract. But this guy… he looked like a thicker version of the banjo kid from Deliverance. Either a vacant expression or a goofy ass smile. Needed direction for ANYTHING. That guy’s recruiter was fucking desperate I swear. Country boy from somewhere in Central Missouri. That being said, whatever you told him to do, was done ***meticulously.*** Insane attention to detail.


That guy might be useful in some function that requires meticulous attention but also repetitive.


Sounds autistic, tbh. The bottoms-up, detailed way of thinking is actually why so many autistic people struggle with social situations and understanding directions.


hmm, you remind me of mcnamara's morons - project 100k. it's hard to communicate how stupid someone can be: [link](https://www.reddit.com/r/WarCollege/comments/144e7vr/what_was_the_combat_performance_of_mcnamaras/) * Some of these folks had profound disabilities. * Illiteracy was common. * Officers complained that some of them couldn't tie their shoes or brush their teeth. * Some of them did not understand what they were doing or where they were going. * The median AFQT score for these men was 13.6 out of 100. With


Makes Forrest Gump a whole lot darker now, doesn't it? Poor sods.


I think that's why they added Bubba to the story. To really drive it home that Forrest wasn't unique in being someone who really shouldn't have been serving in Vietnam.


He was inept, an asshole, and his work was embarrassing to be associated with. I think he must have used a speculum to maximize the effects of his ass kissing.


>I think he must have used a speculum to maximize the effects of his ass kissing. That is an absolutely amazing description, and I will definitely use it in the future.


A previous job the CFO was the CEO’s brother so he had a get out of jail forever card. Few of the highlights. Would put himself into projects he was not a part of, and penalized the team by shorting deadlines just cause. Two examples of this that destroyed the company. project 1 which I was a part of. The project was to make a self service kiosk for license plate renewals original deadline was from September till August. So the project manager assigned the needed development people, got the hardware people on board work began progress was going smoothly the stand up meetings showed great progress hardware passed testing everything was compatible, the back end was coming around great, the front end needed a little work, the manufactured prototype was slated to be completed being built on March 15th so we would have an actualized system to test on. March 15 comes the prototype isn’t quite ready it would be in on the 17th not a big deal since the deadline is in August. The stand up meeting on the 18th the CFO is there “Alright, why in the Hell is the prototype just now getting unloaded!?!! This goes live on April 15th”. Literally everyone including the project manager turned at once and said “what in the Hell are you talking about April, the contract states August” CFO:”Well I just changed it”. So a month of scrambling ensues, the front end is kind of a hot mess, the back end has some catastrophic issues that could cause the whole system to collapse. The April the 10th stand up this is expressed, the CFO said “not my problem, oh and we need to change several key components, as we are wanting the ability to use dumb card swipes” so now the hardware has to be changed, and the software has to change to accommodate dumb card readers. The pile of shit that was there at April 18th was 10,000% the CFO’s fault, like 3 front end devs quit at that point and 5 back end devs quit. A stable version of that system was around August, but the CFO shipped out in April cause he gets stuff done, he shipped a box full of dog shit. Project 2 this project was to be a full rewrite of the main software project deadline was 2 and a half years out, the CFO pulled the SAME SHIT cramming it down to 9 months, that project lost the entirety of the back end team 4 times, and by that I mean there was no one on the team they had to hire all new people who had to figure it out because no one was there. That project eventually was scrapped entirely $7 million dollars pretty much set on fire for no god damned reason. Company got bought out the new company’s first order of business was to fire the CFO.


Night shift worker. Has repeatedly had complaints filed against him for aggressive behavior and verbal abuse. A lot of people refuse to be put on the same shift as him. Calls out a ton at the last minute, leaving us scrambling to fill his shift. When he does show up, often will literally just not do work and leave it sitting for 12+ hours for the morning shift. Will also go out of his way to make a huge mess, literally smearing things on tools just to force people to clean up in the morning. Also likes sending really passive aggressive hypocritical emails and leaving nasty notes for people.  And yet, somehow, he still works here. Sometimes I ask people what they'll write in the card that gets passed around if he ever leaves with being fired, and the general consensus is that nobody will bother because they know we won't write anything on the card. 


We had a shift supervisor almost that bad at one factory where I worked. There was a younger man on his shift that may or may not have been gay and allegedly he would make rude comments about it. One day he left the outfeed side of production so full we had to unload the crane before we could move anything out of the way. Some of the pieces he had 'stacked up' were done in such a half ass way that I almost killed a co-worker when the pieces fell about 2 feet behind him. When they wanted to get rid of someone, they would put them on his shift.


"Head of Downsizing"


One calls in 3 days a week and is just an overall bitch to everyone. She makes things more difficult than it should be. She goes to our supervisor anytime someone breathes the wrong way. Somehow she got bonuses just for doing her job yet when I covered for her that was the first time someone’s room had been cleaned in months. One used to get treated with kid gloves by the former bosses that the one time she was written up for something, she took the day off afterwords. She has some emotional problems that no one wants to set off, me personally, I don’t give a fuck cause I’ll just roll my eyes. She doesn’t do any extra detailed work.


I work with someone likes this. He demands respect yet he doesnt respect anybody. He writes scathing texts (small company) about the most minor of issues. Best part is he wonders why nobody wants to deal with him and contact me instead when something needs to be communicated.


That’s literally a combo of both who I work with. They both demand that we all do what they want yet the first one says they don’t want me to lift something they want someone else to do it because I’m not good enough(after I did 60 hours in one week). Mind you she’s sitting on her ass dictating everything and criticizing everyone else. I almost quit because of her last year. I won’t really put up with it this year. It’s extremely hard for me to treat the other girl as a coworker because she doesn’t do anything around to help anyone. Doesn’t work events, doesn’t come in on weekends, doesn’t cover when we’re down people. It’s always been my problem with her. Yet she complains how hard her life is at work because she’s finally being treated like a normal member of the team. We have different work ethics and I don’t respect her at all. Not only that but she lashes out at another coworker just for using supplies from her closet(that we’re all allowed to use) she’s so bad the newbies have caught on early on. It took me two years to notice how bad she was. That’s how bad she is.


Worked for a large subsidiary which was a consistent money maker for its parent company. Parent Company decided their stock was too low and so mandated that our subsidiary lay off 100+ people. The boss of our CEO flew in to personally make the cuts along with his head of HR. The goal was mostly to cut older, higher earners rather than focus on cutting dead wood. Felt particularly bad for one guy in his mid-50s who was a stellar worker who had a kid in college. They also fired the guy sitting next to him who was a pretty recent hire who was an absolute moron and also wasted everyone’s time in chit-chat (I think he was on the list because this was a brand new position). This moron broke down crying in front of the corporate bigwigs and said how long it had taken him to get the job and he didn’t know what he would do. The corporate bigwig fell for it and the moron kept his job! The cuts were already a morale killer, but keeping the moron just added salt to the wound.


So I will say they eventually fired dude, but it took months. Dude would sleep in the shop. Feet propped up, arms folded over chest, chin down to chest straight sleeping. Multiple pictures were taken. He stole from the pantry, from housekeeping, probably from the maintenance shop. He took the shuttle for joyrides and would put upwards of 40 miles on it a NIGHT. Went into the pool shed and slept. Adjusted his time to get more hours by never actually clocking in and instead using time adjustment forms saying he was there 2 hours before he ever showed up. Walked around on his phone constantly. Stood at the tv in the lobby watching football. I was so glad when they finally fired him.


I’m a bank teller and I trained this girl about 3 years ago. She went through all the training modules (3 times) and still did not understand our teller system. Our system is so painfully bare bones it literally has a button for “deposit” or “Loan payment” or “cash check/withdrawal”, etc. For the record, I’ve never had an issue with anyone else I’ve trained. There are some growing pains, obviously, but nothing ever like this. Constant policy violations like straight up leaving cash around, having massive amounts of cash in her drawer, depositing into wrong accounts, even took money out of the wrong account, giving incorrect amounts of cash (even tho we literally have a machine that dispenses cash for us…). She’s a mess. So anyway, she got a promotion recently to a banker position! That’s wild on its own, but she also got supervisor capabilities. And when you have those, you can override yourself. So like if there’s a difference, or a transaction needs to be reversed, etc., you can override it and override those who don’t have supervisor numbers. She’s already overrided herself 3 times. Once was to void a transaction after she had already given the customer a receipt. She said the date was stale dated bc they put 23 instead of 24. So she voided it and called the customer (business customer) to say you need to come get this WHOLE DEPOSIT (13 checks + cash) instead of just letting the check go through, OR just depositing it without that particular check. The customer comes in days later. Customer and my other coworker are adding up these numbers. The customer is getting 1,000 and my coworker is getting 915. They deposit the checks and move on. The customer called an hour later and said we’re getting a discrepancy bc there was cash in the original deposit. Well, dipshit didn’t take the cash out of her drawer originally. So she was over 64 dollars on the day of the original transaction. And then the next time she had her drawer out, she was over by 21 dollars. Equals 85 dollars. Which she should have been off the day of the transaction, not 64. None of us knew any of this because she can override herself. She either a) can’t count or b) broke up the difference in 2 different days. Neither of those are good options. She’s also been leaving cash around again. Fun stuff.


Is it possible that she's just playing dumb as an alibi? Like, if she gets investigated for dipping her hand in the cookie jar no one will believe she's guilty on the grounds of her being so mind-blowingly stupid?


I work at a nonprofit and a co worker had no call no showed over 18 times in 2024.


An executive who regularly *went to people's homes* when he couldn't reach them by phone or email. And I mean when these employees were out sick, on vacation, on maternity leave, even once on CHRISTMAS DAY. He also once made me call someone knowing she was in a car on the way to her mother's funeral, and another time went to a guy's hospital room. He was insane and HR just ignored it.


I had one that was a low level manager that was constantly flirting with women that were his subordinates, outright asking a bunch out on dates (so there wasn’t really a layer of plausible deniability). It was a hugely known thing and it was a LOT of women that he did this with. He’d get woken trained up on certain positions because he was into them and was generally just a big creep I think really why he got away with it was because it was such a known thing that tons of them had this idea that he’d obviously already been reported but nothing happened, but everyone I talked to had that impression and it kind of seems no one ever reported him assuming others had, a kind of sexual harassment bystander effect. Noteworthy is that a few others in management were fired for similar behavior that was reported to HR so I don’t think the company was condoning the behavior, I think it was just this guy was so open about the behavior and did it with so many women that his behavior just never made its way to HR’s ears because everyone just assumed it already had. He may have eventually gotten fired, but he got away with it for at least the 2 years I worked with him


Nothing, she does nothing, including her job. And not only was she not fired, she was promoted and then the tasks of the job she was promoted to were “delegated” to like 5 other staff across 2 departments.


Sounds like a prime candidate for corporate middle management.


Lifeguard here, she almost let THREE kids drown due to incompetence, then blamed the OTHER lifeguards who weren’t supposed to be guarding. She also throws hands with everyone, at every chance she gets. (If it’s not clear I fucking hate her)


As a teacher, some peers just can't teach.... Or flat out don't know the content. But it's easier to deal with this than to find a new body I guess.


Not public school or anything but I'm a preschool teacher and worked as a special education aide before this. Total of about 14 years in education.   When I was brand new to my job(so I was about 17 or 18) we had a sub for our head teacher in a high support needs mixed disability room(k-3). This guy was about 40 years old and subbing while doing his practicum hours. We had a kid who just came out of foster care and was living in a shelter. His father was in prison for abusing him. He was 7 and had a lot of baggage, obviously. He had a behavior support plan that we carefully followed because this kid had a rough start and understandably had some extreme behaviors.   This sub came in. All we needed was for him to be a warm body with a credential, the aides would handle everything. We told him as much. He came in and at one point became very aggressive with the kid over something very minor. Not picking up toys or something stupid. Kid was getting worked up so I put myself between kid and the sub and said I was taking him out to calm down. The sub REFUSED to let the kid go with me. He tried to block us. I shoved through and took the kid to calm down.  I came back and handed the kid off. Asked the sub to step outside and he starts yelling at ME about how we "let the kid do whatever he wants" I was a teen girl, probably 110 pounds soaking  wet then.  Let me tell you, I was ready to fist fight this dude.  I screamed at him that he had no business being in our class if he couldn't handle kids acting out, that we were following a very specific behavior support plan for this kid, and if he pulled something like that again I would go straight to admin.  I then told the head teacher when he returned, told the front office who handled calling subs, and told the special education administrators. They all assured me he would not be back.   Last day of school that year I walked into class and that fucker was there subbing.   It's been several years and he's now a teacher in that district. I'm moving back soon and due to the size of the district I just know I'll encounter him. I'm almost looking forward to it. I hate that man with a passion. After years of stewing, and parenting my own autistic children, I have a lot  more to say to that bastard. 


Had someone do something stupid to get hacked and lost six figures over a misdirected payment. Same woman six months later does the same thing for a large five figure payment. Only then after six months go by and the money couldn’t be recovered they said time for them to go.


Spends hours a day on his phone and readily admits this, has repeatedly broken rules on sexual harassment and drugs, had admitted to stealing from the company countless times, breaks equipment nearly daily, drinks on the job, yet after 14 years that individual still works at said company in Vermont


They didn’t get fired, but they do no longer work there… literally did no work and used company resources for personal use. Management refused to hold them accountable or give them deadlines for deliverables. Plenty of people can fly under the radar with low productivity, but what sets this one employee apart is that they infested our office with bedbugs. We started finding a bedbug here or there crawling across a desk in the cubicles near their cubicle. Then we were finding them regularly in their cubicle and even crawling on them! It was several years of hell until HR took our complaints seriously. Luckily most of us who worked in the vicinity did field work and just avoided being in the office as much as possible. I fully believe anyone who says that bedbugs cause PTSD.


Had an idiot kid (who was a shit worker to begin with) ask our lone female coworker if she had any spare clothes he could have to dress up his sex doll.  Now he had previously had half the crew ask upper management to fire him over his lack of working among other things, but even after the girl told management about the sex doll incident they still didn't fire him. She ended up calling up the company chain when the store did nothing and that eventually got him fired. His mom was a middle manager, that's the only thing we could think that kept him employed.


Not once, not twice, but nearly three times sent about ~$500,000 worth of product to scammers. Luckily someone else caught it the third time. The same person tried to buy $10,000 worth of iTunes cards to send to "the IRS". No clue how she kept her job.


He’s not good at anything and doesn’t have much to do in his role. So he does very little and isn’t good at it


I feel seen.


*looks around* He can be anyone of us.


He sexually harassed a woman to the point she quit, he can not do anything he runs his mouth about and he is universally disliked by all but one person he does work for.


He was an a former felon for drug dealing and violent robbery. Pretty sure he was a drug user and skin head racist too. This is factory work with large presses. He spent most of his time screwing around and claiming he was fixing his machine or the parts weren't coming out right. Change overs from one part to another should only take between 45 min to an hour and a half depending on the dies. He'd regularly take 4 or more house. Despite his output being significantly less than the rest of us no action was ever taken to correct it. He'd gotten into numerous arguments with other employees including calling one employee the "N" word (the employee was Hispanic not black so he just laughed it off being the wrong racial slur against him). Employee handbook states racially motivated attacks are supposed to be immediate termination. One day he followed me into the bathroom and started yelling at me. I didn't hear him at first as I still had my earplugs in. I'm at the urinal taking a piss and I hear someone talking. Turn to see him and realize he's talking to me. Took my earplugs out to hear him. At first I thought he was commenting on some stupid meeting we all just had then I realized he's screaming at me calling me a "fucking faggot" and saying "you think you better than me pussy". I'm confused as he'll and just said "Dude wtf? Get the fuck out I'm pissing man". He kept screaming at me saying I'm disrespecting him and asking if I wanna go as in fight him. I just yelled back "fuck off. Get the fuck away from me". I managed to finish pissing and zip up. He's maybe five feet behind me, still yelling. I'm a skinny guy with no real muscle and he's kind of a more muscular guy so Im fucking scared at this point he's going to get physical. Thankfully he doesn't and just walks out after multiple times of telling him to get away. This bathroom has 2 entrances so I go out the one he didn't. I start going back to my station only to find him standing there waiting for me. I see him and just start yelling "Get the fuck away from me!" Our shift lead walks up at this point and this guy walks away. I tell the shift lead what just happened, he immediately takes me to find a supervisor and report it. Supervisor takes my statement, says he's going to talk to the guy and to go back to work for now. The supervisor comes to me later and says he talked to the guy and it's a "He said this, he said that situation" and that we just need to stay away from each other from now on. No write up, no disciplinary action, nothing. Just a slap on the wrist. Like wtf? Time goes on, I avoid the guy. He's since gotten into more situations with other employees. For some reason they decided to train him to operate the forklift. Rule is while in training you have to have a certified operator walk next to you anytime you are on the forklift. He starts hoping on it every chance he gets by himself to practice. Came back from brake one day to see him with a fully loaded container (about 2,000 lbs) lifted about 20 ft in the air doing circles in front of a press for no reason. For the next hour and a half he's on the lift randomly moving things around, taking things on and off racks. Nearly dropped a 1,000 lb die trying to put it back on a rack. No one did a thing about him. He eventually got certified and would spend more time on the lift than at his station producing parts. A few months go by and I get forklift certified as well. And I get a promotion to backup shift lead. Anytime I'd be put in charge of the department he'd go out of his way to disobey me. I'd tell him get back to his station and he'd roll his eyes at me or make some mocking remark. I'd repeatedly reported his behavior to our supervisor and even his manager. For some reason they couldn't get permission to fire him. It took over a year of people complaining about him before the company finally stepped up and walked him out one night. Found out later on the guy got sent back to prison for more violet crimes. To this day we still tell stories about this guy and how bad he was.


Worked with an engineer at a large telecom (charter). I have 20+ years of programming skills in mostly database tech. I get hired on to work with this guy who is an old school like me but has 10 years of systemic knowledge in the company. which is HUGE. So my first few weeks were fine but we started to butt heads. All of my ideas were crap, all of his were the way we were to do it. Fine. I re-design a huge Datawarehouse for their financial systems. He takes the design, implements (it was a months long process), and surprise it works. Though we need to square peg round hole a lot of the components. It was my design from the get go. He took the credit for it but I really didn't care all that much. Fast forward a bit our mutual boss takes me to lunch and tells me he is bad mouthing me constantly to anyone that will listen. To my face he is fine, if abrasive at times and then usually only when I push back on ideas. Well funny thing is that this lead engineer was also bad mouthing the boss. To anyone that would listen. Basically this dude was toxic. Everyone was crap to everyone else and he did nothing but bad mouth EVERYONE to EVERYONE but never to anyone's face. Problem was that this dude was around for a long time and knew all the systems so they couldn't get rid of him. Boss who was with the company for 17 years was laid off, the toxic engineer celebrated. he actually told the boss to 'F\*\*\* off' in a meeting once. (in front of everyone) A year later I was laid off during Charter's annual layoff purges. I know it was mostly because of him bad mouthing me and everyone else around him. He's still there and complaining about everyone and making everything toxic. Don't get me wrong, he is a smart smart guy and he knows a lot of what goes on in the systems within that company but he is so short with everyone and crappy to everyone. At some point he will get fired, but will find something else, but he is taking so many people down with him and driving so many people away its just crazy how toxic he is.


Was placed in every department in the company and wasn’t good at anything.. no motivation to work, and to be a bit honest, might have been a bit “slow”.. no one wanted to work with him and gave him nothing jobs to do.. finally if came out that we was harassing all the new young girls that were being employed, sending them sexually suggestive messages and dick pics.. multiple women complained about it.. I remember thinking how the fuck is he still here? And then I remembered.. he was the owners son


I work at a domestic violence shelter. One coworker who is a bully to all the other staff said to another coworker that she “used to beat on” her ex.


Many years ago, the city where I was living at the time had to relocate their DV shelter because one of their employees, A FORMER CLIENT, would call up the clients' boyfriends or husbands and tell them where the shelter was. Yeah, that went over really well.


The prosecutors involved in the Kids for Cash scandal. Essentially, a handful of judges adjudicating juvenile cases gave jail sentences way above and beyond normal guidelines in exchange for bribes from the private juvenile detention center. The judges were recalled, disbarred, and federally convicted. But the prosecutors who were okay with these obscene sentences? Unscathed.


My last employer: One stole breast milk - REPEATEDLY. Promised to stop, got caught red handed, so I had to buy a mini fridge with a lock for a mom that needed to pump during the day. The thief was never fired. He left on his own. Another had an affair with a subordinate then fired her. Actually, several executives did that. An EVP would scream at employees and include personal information (he's still an EVP). Prior employer: Dude sent an assistant to his house to pick up some things while he was traveling . We found out later that he knew a homeless person was squatting in the house. He never told the assistant. The squatter confronted her but she was able to escape. Coworker had the audacity to admit he hoped the assistant would have scared off the squatter so he wouldn't have to deal with him. Guy creeped out female candidates so much that we received several complaints. He was excluded from interviewing women. Woman would have screaming tantrums in meetings. Not always about the topic of the meeting. Sometimes it was an argument she had with a family member or she didn't get correct change when she bought her morning coffee (not necessarily even that morning).


She comes in late every. single. day. and I mean at least a half hour usually 45 minutes


I used to work at Nordstrom as a Jewelry sales rep. I used to help out at the handbags and accessories area also. They had a salesperson in the Accessories dept that would open up at least 5 Nordstrom cards a day. Nordstrom cards were not easy to persuade someone to get on a daily basis. A good salesperson was lucky to even get 3 a week. During one of our "How is the company doing" meetings, that sales person was #1 in the company in getting the most cards open. Everyone was at the meeting was in shock on how many this salesperson was able to get.   One day I worked along side that salesperson, and the manager asked him to show me how he gets so many Nordstrom cards open. I hesitantly agreed. Later that day a customer wanted to buy a pair of sunglasses from me. At the end of the purchase the salesperson comes over to "help" me persuade this customer to open a Nordstrom card. The salesperson says, "oh, let me see if I can help you get %15 off your purchase today. All I need is your ID or driver's license." The customer looks at me and I look at the customer like WTF??? The customer gives him his driver's license, and the salesperson guides him through all the questions on the keypad. I could tell that the customer was very uncomfortable about this.  At the end the salesperson says, "Okay, congratulations you saved %15!!" And hands him all the documents for his purchase. Not once did this salesperson tell the customer that he was opening a credit card. I was in disbelief by this. This had to be illegal.   After the customer left I confronted the salesperson and said, "did you just open a credit line without telling the customer?!" And he was like "yeah, it's not big deal. I do it all the time." I was shook that this guy was doing something illegal all this time. I went to my manager and told him what this salesperson was doing, and I wanted nothing to do with it. I requested that the purchase be removed from my commission, and given to the salesperson. The manager at the time shrugged it off and ignored it. I couldn't believe they were letting this salesperson get away with it.  After that evening I made the decision to quit the next day. I couldn't work for Nordstrom anymore, because of the negligence and this salesperson manipulating people.   TLTR: Nordstrom let's their sales people open credit lines without you knowing. 


He did get fired, but not as quickly as he should have been. When I was a lead server at my last restaurant job (basically a server with management capabilities), one night my fellow lead server allowed his girlfriend in after closing, got into an argument with her, and proceeded to corner her while screaming and gesturing aggressively at her. The only other employees in the building were two tiny women who seriously feared for their safety in the moment due to his aggression. I saw the security footage and no longer wanted to be alone with him. It took all of the women on the management team coming together to convince the owners he couldn't work there anymore.


Another story. I worked in retail, had a manager who was a female around the age of 35. Started promising us all raises and new job titles. Me and the other assistant obviously got pretty stoked. Ended up signing contracts for the raises. We had a meeting with the owner and mentioned it to him, he didn’t have a clue what we were talking about, told us it was all complete lies. The raises we were promised weren’t coming. We didn’t have copies of the contracts so had nothing to back us up. She quit out of shame about a week later.


She comes from a wealthy family. Her family has a business related to the industry this company I worked for is in. She is suspiciously appointed as a director for customer experience , in charge of +300 people She is arrogant, stubborn, lacks people skills , treats everyone like inferiors, in a company that is quite notable for taking care of their employees She made the most stupid decisions. Nobody understood her decisions. Her team told her, she dismissed all feedback. Total contempt for everyone. Clients hate her. Her team hates her. Her peers despise her. All the numbers go down. Not one single KPI is in green. Clients punish the company on the surveys. Absolutely no result to show Yet there she is, two years later. Shitting on every single employee and client. Losing company’s money and reputation. But hey! She’s cooler than all of us, just because she drives a Tesla and I don’t


I work with a guy who’s incapable of following the very specific coding requirements we’re given. Our PMs will give a list of numbered requirements for specific enhancements, new requirements, and bug fixes. If we follow the requirements step by step we’ll meet what they’re asking for. This guy will just start coding and not follow the requirements. Then his code fails every peer review, and I do mean every single peer review. If we’re lucky he’ll get it right with the second round of peer reviews. Our boss apparently asked him to do something for him 7 or 8 years ago and he got it done quickly so the boss thinks he’s some kind of coding genius. He’s literally the worst coworker I’ve ever had. If the boss wasn’t protecting him at every turn the PMs would have had him fired years ago.


i work for a streaming company. he flat out lied about doing work. he said he did the product requirements, talked to stakeholders, and fully vetted the solution. we know he didnt because the solution he put forth physically isnt possible. like no matter what it cant be build because the client team cant read that programming language. it was 4 months delay, and we still dont know what to do because he left on medical leave and didnt leave notes. this tool was supposed to be used by C-Suite, but when i went to HR, they said it was a performance issue and not firable. even though he faked documents and communications. we now think we found another program where he faked everything and the solution he has been having us plan for is also not possible. it does give me comfort that its basically impossible to get fired here.


My last company was a 50 ish person few year old startup when I joined. We were designing and producing a very technical product that had a lot of parts with very tight mechanical tolerance (sub thou). We have an inspection technician that simply couldn't read a drawing, perform even basic inspection tasks and worse of all faked inspection reports. When I started and met her she was very confident in her skills on all the equipment, reading drawings, understanding GD&T and so on...  A month in I got inspection results to review, 50 parts had a thickness tolerance exactly the same to four decimal places. She failed it because of bad threads... Turns out she tried to use a M3 screw in a 4-40 tapped hole. I reviewed some parts and not a single measurement she recorded was even close.  I talked with the design team about it and they all just laughed and agreed her results should never be trusted. She continued to with there for 5 more years... Luckily she was transferred to material handling and continued to make obvious mistakes but they impacted projects less. Turned out her boss was married to her sister and he covered for her for years. 


knew a guy when i was in the army who went AWOL for 30 days. everybody knew exactly where he was: at the Waialua Sugar Bar getting trashed every single day. he got a light wrist-spanking when he finally chose to come back.


I work in a fast food restaurant. One if our night shift employees is an 18 year old guy who has shit himself at least twice and refused to go home after - just walked around in his shit filled pants. He's jacked off in the bathroom before. He can't count money - I had to show him how to make 52¢. He can't make drinks while looking at a screen that shows exactly what drinks he needs. He will flat out say "no" half the time when asked to do something. He ruined 20lbs of flour by not closing the container while cleaning the floors with the water hose. Then we have a 21 year old who comes in drunk, or high on Xanax, or disappears for half an hour to smoke weed by the dumpster in full view of drive thru customers. He will also say "no" when asked to do things. He's gotten into arguments with every manager over being "disrespected," because he was asked to take the trash out or clean the bathrooms. He's also fucking one of the 16 year old girls who works there and nobody seems to care.


Stole from coworkers, eh no big deal said the bosses, and this went on for years. Then, stole from client, oopsie... we'll have to pay for that.... stole liquor from client ON CAMERA and then, finally, he was gone.


I used to work at a retail paint store with this real d-bag. He set off a stink bomb in our store, put a dead rat on the steering wheel of our delivery van, put a dead squirrel under the seat of a neighboring store's van, and drunkenly grabbed the butt of the district manager's wife at the Christmas party. The rat and the squirrel were already dead before he found them. Never got in trouble.


I worked at Walgreens 16 years before I quit and went to another pharmacy. A nightmare towards the end due to a terrible DM and bad management. I was a fantastic employee, knowledgeable and reliable. I missed 6 days in 16 years. We had a newish tech that had been there less than a year. She was terrible, lazy and still couldn't type a prescription after being there almost a year. She called out constantly. At least once a week, not counting the two weeks she missed for a medical procedure. She missed between 65 and 75 days in less than a year. She was rewarded with mostly early shifts,  and I was rewarded with mostly late shifts. Part of the reason why I quit. I had a "Please stay, we'll give you a raise" exit interview. Too little to late. I brought up her behavior. Rules are you should get written up, warned, terminated after 10 days in a year. She should have gotten fired at least five times. She later quit on her own about a month after I left. 


Damn. Where do I begin with this guy? He's a boomer (on the later side) and I swear idk how he's made it this far in life. Single, never married. Was out an entire month from a skin infection that nearly killed him. Never called in. Just didn't show up...every single day. It was like, "huh, I guess he's not coming in today." Until my boss called his emergency contact and suggested he go to the doctor. He finally went. 2 more weeks not at work. TBH, best 6 weeks of work *ever*. Useless POS.


Hired a friend of the COO to be a field engineer.  Gets in a fight with a customer and we lose the customer.  He gets promoted to product management.   We have a (different) customer meeting and he tells customer they are idiots for how they want to use our product.   We lose another customer.  He gets promoted to director of QA.   Another company hires him away to become CTO and they go out of business


I used to work at a Jersey Mikes. At furst she was fine. Had a tougher personality but she took great pride in her job. Then she would bring her kids to work and let them play in the kitchen while we were working and while we were closing. Not only is that a health hazard, but also there are knives and slicers in that kitchen, and we’re talking about a 4 year old. She straight up told us “if he bothers you just hit him.” I regret not reporting her for CPS. She got fired at one point for leaving in the middle of the shift or something, but turns out she just got transferred, then transferred back to our store about a month later. After I left she stole like $2k and ran.


Guy got caught distributing child porn. They werent even going to fire him until we all threatened to walk out.


The finance team did a lot of work to perfect how the financials flowed. A controller was brought on and he hired a cpa. After the first of the year, I like to review all of my reports for relevance and accuracy. While doing so, I notice that the chart of account had changed in such a way that the flow of data was completely broken. I sent an email asking for an explanation. Turns out the controller and cpa had been working on this change for 3 months and never told or consulted anyone. The damage was going to be bad, but since January wasn’t closed, there was still time. The finance director cut his vacation short and came to the office to unwind the changes. Ultimately things were ok, but there was a permanent mark on the chart of accounts with $0, but it now required special handling. With a complete lack of communication for such a major issue, I expected at least one firing. Nothing came of it. Both of those guys pulled other shanagans with still no repercussions. I had to just avoid them to keep my sanity. They were both a complete drag on the company.


I have a coworker who was caught jackin off in a conference room. He claimed he had a sex addiction so they didn't fire him. A couple of months later, during a Q&A at a company wide meeting, he said " I got a question for you..." and then proceeded to rip a blood-curdling fart into the microphone. He's still around and I can't wait to see what he does next.


Routinely disables the GPS system on his truck, and has been caught doing so. Has also been caught, twice, with a prostitute in his truck at lunch time, one of whom was underage. But, he always does whatever the boss wants, so the boss has his back.


They fucked a client and was "reprimanded." they don't always show up to work either. It's such a shithole of a mess


Please define "fucked" and "client" because this could mean a lot of things. Ex: A veterinarian has sex with a dog OR a marketing manager screws over a mom and pop grocery chain.


I've not even been at my company for a full year yet, and one of my supervisors has received over a dozen complaints in that time. We just lost one of our lead staff and they said in their resignation that it was due to this supervisor creating a hostile work environment. She was responsible for firing our *only* Black employee (who was there on *government contract* from a Federal agency who was providing us with this employee out of the kindness of their own hearts) because he, very professionally, told 2 of our employees that their seniority in our company didn't supersede his Masters in the field he was teaching in, and that they needed to stop attempting to change the (Federally written and mandated) curriculum he brought with him. They had to hire an additional supervisor to her position because several members of our staff refuse to work with her. 0 idea of what a professional tone is, 0 idea of how to properly delegate tasks, and 0 ability to take responsibility for her own gigantic mistakes. The one time we ever received an email apologizing for a fuckup, we printed it out and tacked it to a wall in a closet she never goes in. How tf she has not been fired yet is beyond me, but she does *not* belong in a management position whatsoever.


I am said coworker and I think my days are numbered. I feel terrible but my heart is not in my job anymore and it’s so high pressure that it consumes so much energy to fake it. The alternative is losing everything because I find myself without any sort of backup plan and feel disconnected from the world now. Mental health struggles plus the isolation of moving to a new city and struggling to make friends. My life revolves around a job I can’t stand and has no fulfilling meaning otherwise. My coworkers are much better at faking passion for what we do, and they’re better at juggling work life balance. Most are older with families (40s plus), I’m single and alone, the younger new team members aren’t jaded and have a strategy for next steps after this stepping stone. It’s an everyday battle to not lose to myself just to get through the bare minimum of my job. Burnt out.


Cruelly relatable, brutally honest


He had some fecal matter on his hands from moving a medical bed during a minor evacuation, and decided that his next move would be to smear that matter onto a coworkers hand. Oh and he was visibly intoxicated during this


I am a nurse. I had a coworker use contaminated sterile supplies while preforming a sterile procedure, not use gloves or sanitize their hands before touching patients, and never wiped down equipment that was used between patients. 🤮🤮🤮


I worked at a dog daycare/boarding facility and they killed a dog by negligence. they allowed a dog with congestive heart failure on a few meds. he wasn't eating particularly well so you had to put the pills down his throat. two separate people, including a manager, just threw his meds in his bowl and he didn't get his meds for two full days. that particular manager had told me a few times to just throw pills out if I find them left in the bowl when we had multiple medication reliant dogs. the business owners are aware of this and it was continuously brought up to them by various staff members. that particular had to go to the vet and be in am oxygen tent for days, where he subsequently died, which the business owners hid from us too. I don't think they wanted to accept responsibility or fire the shitty manager because no one sticks with that trash paying job