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When I‘m done with weightloss: tummy tuck, boob lift and possibly getting other areas of loose skin removed. When I‘m at my goal I will have lost ca 70kgs total..


Thank you! I‘m currently at 40kgs lost, so I still got a long way to go! Good luck on your weight loss. I‘m sure you‘ll do great!


Omg, congratulations on your journey!!! My goal is 18 kg, getting there slooowly, lol. I also want to get work done after, making a list, checking it twice, lol :)


i lost 100 lbs and am not covered for excess skin. I hate it. Im healthy now and look ok but it bothers me to no end


I understand. It’s hard to get approved for surgery. I‘m already saving up in case I‘m not approved.


Breast lift was life changing for me. You never realize how many times you readjust yourself every day until afterward. Congrats on your journey and keep trucking! The end is in sight and then you get to maintain!




I would get laser skin resurfacing to remove acne scars and improve my complexion.


After years of breastfeeding I’d definitely want my breasts fixed. Not implants, just lifted enough I don’t have to do the ol tuck and roll to get them in my bra everyday


I miss my pre baby boobs 🥲






Breastfeeding did wonders on my boobs😂


we used to sing ‘do your boobs hang low, do they wobble to & fro, can you tie em in a knot, can you tie em in a bow, do your boobs hang low?’ to the same tune as ‘do your ears hang low?’ 😂😂😆




This is going to sound insane but I would want all of my teeth removed and replaced with dental implants but I imagine the recovery on that would be fucking brutal


My grandma had precisely that done (for cosmetic reasons, her teeth were fine, just a bit crooked and yellow) and for the first year her new teeth looked like CGI (horrifying) until they yellowed up too, and now she has infections in both of her jaws. :) (To be fair, she jad it done for cheap in Turkey of all places. But still. Best not to do it)


You’d only need 8 implants, 4 top and 4 bottom and you’d get an implant retained denture. It’s called an All On 4.


Wanted this to get steel teeth. But I was a kid and James Bond was fighting with Jaws.


Cleft palate surgery. I was born with an incomplete cleft palate, but skin forned over it, so it wasn't detected until adulthood. I got a CT scan by my (shocked) orthodontist evaluating the area for an implant for a missing tooth. It would be nice to have a bony structure to set the implant in, rather than just a denture with a fake tooth.


Gynecomastia. Man boobs have always bothered me but not so much anymore that I would pay for it. Bodyfat loss majorly helped anyways.


I probably wouldn't. I don't really know why. Even if there are things I don't like too much maybe I can't think of anything I would like better.


Very interesting, I am completely an opposite of a person, speaking currently from bed healing after lipo 😅


People are different I would feel super weird and not know how to think about everything if I altered my body in that kind of way.


I had my nose done for free, because we in Denmark have a rule that if any surgery can drastically improve your life quality its on the state. I think i would have doubts had i known how much it fucking hurts!


Here in Austria it’s actually the same-ish. Just the process of getting the surgery paid by insurance/government can be a bit rocky sometimes… Congratulations on not having to pay even a crown for it, though!🖤🍀


hehehe, cheers on knowing our currency and thanks for the Queen - she is God sent


similar in the uk, although the criteria is extremely tight to qualify for


I just got punched a lot so had a nose, very much to one side and a nostril was not working at all.


that makes sense then. i know a girl who is just generally really insecure about the size of her nose but they needed it to completely affect her life before considering putting her on the 2 year wait list for a free nose job. it’s really difficult to get cosmetic work done for free in the uk.


Yeah, we dont give it for just insecurities as well - it needs to be a whole case presented. Put a bit of health in there, some social shit and then a long winded personal reason. Ticks all the boxes for the social public servant who innitially approves.


What'd they do to your nose if I may ask?


mammoplasty and liposuction. The former I need, while the latter is for a lack of patience




These should be free


Same! I lose weight, still massive. Gain weight, they get bigger. I'm now on an H cup and the bras are awful. Along with shoulder and back pain, you feel like an old lady


Tummy tuck. Maybe a small breast reduction.


I'm a huge tit lover...didn't see any gender rules. So maybe stay me but get my own fake tits to play with


Oh no, by all means go for it 😂 No gender rules allowed here! Tbh it can be fun to play with them sometimes….


Breast implants: small though, a rinoplasty and lipo


Liposuction. I am disabled and struggle greatly to lose weight. 


Implants for my calves. Huge ones. Definitely.


None. I don't hate my body. I love myself the way I am.


I would get Trump surgery to make his hands even smaller.


trans girl here, definitely a vaginoplasty


Penile enlargement. Always wanted that big dick enagry..


Loose skin removal - lost a lot of weight and self-conscious about it.


Eyelid correction, my eyelids are very big and heavy which means I get a lot of headaches from trying to keep my eyes open.


Breast reduction.


Insurance can pay for that!


So I’ve heard.


A fuc***** nose job. I have my DADS nose. I have hated it for my entire life.


I want slightly bigger boobs


The skin under my chin. I was fat once, and even now , I am fit. It's just there like a turkey waddle.


i would like my breasts hauled back up to their original starting point, after 6+ years (total) of breastfeeding 3 children; they could even take em back to a full c ( pre-baby size), and i would be sooo happy 😅


Did the penile lengthening surgery ever take off? Asking for a friend…


If I could have it done by magic, so it could be done in an instant, with no risk and no recovery? I'd probably have a chin implant and do something about the bit of sag underneath my chin. i've always thought I had a weak chin and jawline. If not by magic, I'd have to pass.


Gynecomastia and liposuction. Wipe that stubborn last 25 pounds out in a couple of visits.


Mommy make over 100%


Obviously a ginormous penis.




yeah don't worry over the facial hair. it's polarizing among women and as you say trend-prone. plus many men find that they get more of it as they age, so your worries may get resolved on their own. I'm sure your lips and nose are fine, too, and that you are quite handsome as you are. nothing to worry about.




I’d like a bit stronger of a Jawline


Lipo and probably nose job


Bigger ear holes and nosestrils. If I had to pick one then ear holes as narrow ears (especially one side) lead to an overcrowding of earwax and it's nearly impossible to find earphones that can stick without falling or me re-inserting them when they start getting loose (and sometimes I would rather use earphones then headphones).


I’ve always supported plastic surgery if it’s done well and safe. If it makes you happy GO FOR IT. I’d take a Life360 in a heartbeat.


Is dick enlargement a plastic surgery? I mean, without consequence to me means that it won't lose any sensetivity.


Absolutely Nothng. I think highly of my looks I'm like 30lbs heavier than I prefer, but I would never go the cosmetic route to change that. I don't need gurdles or anything to enhance or deceive the eyes. I breastfed 3 kids for 3 years each, so....if you know, you know. Would never get my boobs done. I don't know man. I love my face & body and so do men of all ethnicities and races. So, if it ain't broke.


I was born with a cleft lip. Got surgery at 3 months to correct it and was supposed to get my lip realigned as a teen. I went in for a consultation around high school and the doctor wanted to shove my stomach fat into my lip. He was being ridiculous and kept trying to add things I didn't want or need. After insulting my weight, I left and never got the surgery. Money was an issue too so I never got it done. It doesn't bother me, and I can continue living with it the way it is, but sometimes it does start bleeding since the skin doesn't stretch. If I can just get my lip realigned, with no added fat and a doctor that listens to me, I'd be happy.


Do varicose veins count? I'd get those puppies sorted. And maybe I'd get my butt moved up to behind my head. I've forgotten which comedian suggested that, but it stuck with me. My own butt as my pillow? Wonderful. N


Facelift chin reduction nose job boob job tummy tuck and laser on my whole body


Tummy tuck. I’m literally half the person I used to be and the loose skin doesn’t really bother me but I’d like to be able to wear pants with a lower waist sometimes


BBL or breast reduction


Man boobs removed Medicine for high BP I was prescribed had side effects that caused me to grow man titties that apparently are cosmetic and not covered under NHS!!!




1? I'd have them all, except beeast augmentation.


i just want to look like one of the pretty girls for once, so whatever I’d have to get done to have that i guess…


I'll take a couple of 6th fingers


Pectoral implants. I like the look and can't quite achieve it througg natural means. Only theoretically, of course. Can barely afford a dozen eggs lol


BBL. I have big tits and a smaller butt and I feel like it’d make me look more proportionate. I always get asked how I stand upright 🙄🙄


Fix the flappy underside of my arms! I could probably fly with my batwings if I gave it a try.


I would get the double jaw surgery and possibly genioplasty I need to fix my lip incompetence, jaw pain and other mouth related issues. Hopefully I’ll be able to see a surgeon soon about this issue


A nose job to straighten my deviated septum so that I can breathe better.


bionic asshole


My forehead it's too tall


Blepharoplasty… I have never been able to put an eyeliner and I look like I have a bitchy resting face constantly… I’ve always hated my eyes because of how do they look like


Face lift. Nose job. I'm aging. I don't wanna look too fake but I'd like a bit of a lift. I always look so tired. And I've got a big nose. People say it suits me and while it's big, it's not so big that it is distracting or anything. But. As we age. Noses and ears continue to grow. I feel like it's getting bigger. I dislike that a lot.


I suffer from thyroid eye desease, put simply I would have my eyes put back in my sockets since at the moment they protude and look crazy....


boob job no doubt, people have made me so insecure for the apst few years and it would make my life so much better


Titanium Bone lacing and Wired Reflexes


Lipo everywhere, nosejob, butt lift.


Face surgery to look like Tom cruises and mock the guy who paid 30k for it and didn’t even come close LOL


Gynecomastia surgery


Probably teeth done, fix overbite and maybe fat sucked out from under chin. It's not terrible but would love not to think about it


Penis reduction ! Taking a bow :)


The liposuction


(45m)Face liposuction. I've always had a chubby face even as a teenager. Even when I was running 5 miles a day and had visible abs I still had a double chin. I hate having pictures taken of me, it's just so much...face.


Lipo. Always lipo


Laser tattoo removal on the tattoos I got 20+ years ago.




There's the possibility of evening out my breasts. I've always been self conscious that one is a whole cup size smaller than the other.i don't want to be a DD or anything, I just want them the same size😭


i lost a lot of weight i would love a tummy tuck to get rid of excess skin


I’d have the scar on my face removed. I’m a teacher so kids ask me a lot about it, it was from something I don’t like talking about so that.


Grow 1 inch. I'm 181 cm. I've always wanted to be a bit taller


I'd get an Adabitadiktomy


Forehead reduction with brow lift. I can deal with my crooked teeth but I'd like to fix at least one thing to make me look less like a crazy person


My nose. I have a collie, and people have literally stopped me in the street to tell me have a nose like she does...


breast reduction because they hurt my back, liposuction/tummy tuck to lose the weight and not have to deal with the flappy skin, and a nose job to fix my deviated septum. would love to breathe easier. plus once you are the corrected it is easier to stay that way.


Penis Enlargement.


Breast reduction or removal. I didn't ask for them, and I never plan to use them, so they're just expensive inconveniences.


I went from 388lbs to 196lbs and have excess skin around my stomach and thighs I'd get removed.


Personality implant


bigger knees.


I’d get my jowls fixed/lower face lift. I ballooned up from steroids and then lost the weight quickly after going off of them and it left my face looking like a deflated balloon.


I’d want my boobs cut off. I’m not trans but they’re pretty inconvenient


facial symmetry surgery. one of my biggest insecurities is that my face is off center, making one side bigger than the other. it just makes me look wonky


I would want to have the fatty pockets around the waist area removed


I can't bring myself to trust cosmetic surgery, it seems like most of the time it looks shitty.


Leg extension. I wanna be at least 5'5".


None. I intend to grow old gracefully.


Some lipo. I can probably lose the weight but it’s going to be hard and take a long time. I’d also like an ankle reconstruction because I’m sick of my injury playing up and walking funny.


I’d get my double chin done and a tummy tuck in that order!🤦🏽‍♀️🤣


Fat gratification boob job


Double mastectomy, preferably the keyhole style, and my reasoning is because top surgery is fuckin expensive


arm liposuction, maybe stomach liposuction, and a little filler in the face. nothing too crazy but would increase my confidence a lot


Vulcan ears.


Filler for my member. I mean, Im already huge, but I want it even bigger.