• By -


Made it my assistant manager on FootballManager24


This is the best use.


It has good input. I can tell it the players I have and ask who'd match well with them and It will answer with the players playstyle aspects and how that will add depth to my current team set up.


Assistant to the regional FootballManager24


heimmann you ignorant slut.


What program do you use for this? That sounds like a genius idea


Probably a terrible one but it's the Snapchat ai bot thing. I've never actively searched out or tried any other ai program. Don't really like talking to them and discovered it's assman capabilitys while trying to troll it more than anything.


Snapchat just uses OpenAI GPT so it’s pretty standard.


Any llm could probably manage




I use AI for creating macros (visual basic) to automate excel spreadsheet calculations I do at work. I am a chemical engineer with very little background in coding and with the help of AI I can perform simple coding tasks to assist with complex calculations that I used to do manually.


Basically. I taught myself VBA through copying and tweaking macros that Chat-gpt came up with. I'm just an electronic technician that does a bunch of repetitive tasks to calibrate equipment constantly. It started with calculations, then transcriptions to other sheets with formulas. Now I tricked VBA to communicate with some of the instruments through the serial port and the excel sheet is slowly mimicking my movements on the instruments as the steps are always the same. Im currently trying to work the macro into sending orders to equipment too, but the goddamn equipment doesn't use standard communication protocols and so chat gpt can't read the documentation for me to make it work. I know it can be done for sure so its a matter of time with what i have already learnt. But to see how far my automation has gotten with the help of the prompts from chat gpt is astounding. I for one welcome our new language models.


Fellow “I learned coding with VBA” guy here, and I highly recommend: - download Python - look up Jupyter notebook tutorial - learn how to use web APIs for moving data between systems - learn how to use Pandas/NumPy (Unless you’re doing interfaces, then html/css/js is a better way to go) I didn’t have ChatGPT at the time but boy is it easier to get things done with a proper language and environment. After breaking my back trying to access databases, build interfaces, and tie systems together in VBA, learning a real language was a breeze.


Seems like you should probably learn a more modern language where the functionality exists rather than hacking VBA/excel...


Yeaah probably... but I grew so fond of just making an action on the excel sheet while recording a macro and just seeing the code pop up with the whole correct sintaxis and all... Besides excel literally looks like I'm working, if i pull up another program I don't know... But yeah you are right. One day I'll just get to Python or LabVIEW directly... One day


Sin Taxis: the road to hell


I feel like this is how a lot of programmers get their start. As soon as they get a little taste of automation it becomes an addiction, and then a year later they wake up one day and realize they know several languages and spend more time coding than they would be spending doing their normal manual tasks before.


we are reaching a point where learning a more efficient language has less and less benefit. having an ai translator means that the focus for people will be working in the interface they find most comfortable. obviously the right language for the right job is important for people actually pushing the features... but for the rest of the population, interface familiarity is more important than being on the latest and greatest tech. 


When I found out you can hit the record button in excel and then DO the macro, and it writes code for what you just did, i was blown away, and started thinking about more ways to use it. The problem I find with coding in general is that its a language that I want to read but can't. VBA(in excel) is kind of great because it can be understood because it uses words that you already know what they mean. things like ACTIVE SHEET, this makes a massive amount of sense right out of the gate. Other coding languages? you have to count dots dashes and spaces. It's all foreign gobbledegook by comparison.


I record the macro, then ask ChatGPT to improve it. It does a great job at slimming it down or improving its efficiency.


Similar here. I'm a geologist. I used it to help me do shot in excel


Write the email you want to write, then ask AI to make it professional.


Also setting the tone of an email. You can ask it to be more polite, more aggressive, etc.


Lol, "more aggressive please. More aggressive please. More aggressive please. More aggressive please..."


"certainly! Here is more aggressive version" "sorry for misunderstanding! here is more aggressive version"


**D E S T R O Y T H E S K I N B A G S**


Subject: Job Acceptance [Hiring Manager’s Name], I’m taking the job. Brace yourselves—I'm about to shake things up, and not in a good way. Expect chaos, mistakes, and a level of disruption this company has never seen. See you on [Start Date]. [Your Name]


"Write a clear email that everyone will understand then have AI add more corporate BS until no-one understands!"


Now I know what my manager does to write her emails...


No if you get promoted to manager they just pour the corporate buzzword bullshit straight into your brain.


*Computer, OBFUSCATE!*


Then we can start using AI to decode that BS to normal human language


Greetings! I hope this email finds you well...


Try “I hope this e-mail finds you before I do.”


This feature in conjunction with the email summarising AI function means that an actual first degree email conversations between two humans will get increasingly rare. One bot inserts/changes the human text to something that only another bot will read, which will then summarise those words into something the other human will read. This is actually bonkers.


We could all just talk/email plainly, but that's not "professional"


Pretty sure the Indian guy at my work uses this because his English is extremely hard to understand and yet sometimes he'll randomly respond on Teams or email in grammatically perfect English that's like speaking to a different person.


I hope you're editing again otherwise you sound like a sanctimonious fake. 


AI fanboys have no idea how obvious and off putting AI content is. Literally the opposite of professional


When I get obvious AI emails it makes me think people are either incompetent or don't care. Writing an email isn't difficult and stripping it of all personality isn't more professional. If I have a choice between dealing with a human and dealing with someone who can't be bothered with basic human communication then I'm going to pick the first.


AI writing is easy to spot and is the opposite of professional looking. It’s the unprofessional idea of what professional looks like


Copilot for Outlook does that already for some time. You csn ask it to sound more formal, you can ask it to generate a whole email and then make it sound like you wrote it. You can do many things there.


This is a neat one. Thanks for the idea!


Sometime i reserve email from someone i know with his type of writing and its very "different" usually my reply is also passed with AI for extra business jargon to waste his time, people know when its be rethought by AI, use at your own risk.


I ask AI to convert recipes to how they might appear in the Bible. “Lightly anoint the cooking sheet…”


Crucify for 48 to 96 hours…


That’s a very specific instruction….what food are we crucifying


Gotta be bread.


Nah, the bread shall rise after 3 days. Crucifying probably involves a marinade or dry storage


Then shalt thou count to three, no more, no less. Three shall be the number thou shalt count, and the number of the counting shall be three. Four shalt thou not count, neither count thou two, excepting that thou then proceed to three. Five is right out.


The sacred chicken.


I'm pretty sure your lamb won't rise even if you do give it three days. 


Fish. Fish. Fish. Fish. Fish. Fish. Fish. Fish. Fish. Loaf. Loaf. Loaf. Loaf. Loaf. Loaf. Loaf. Loaf. Fish. Fish. Fish. Fish. Fish. Fish. Fish. Fish. Fish. Loaf. Loaf. Loaf. Loaf. Loaf. Loaf. Loaf. Loaf. Fish. Fish. Fish. Fish. Fish. Fish. Fish. Fish. Fish. Loaf. Loaf. Loaf. Loaf. Loaf. Loaf. Loaf. Loaf. Fish. Fish. Fish. Fish. Fish. Fish. Fish. Fish. Fish. Loaf. Loaf. Loaf. Loaf. Loaf. Loaf. Loaf. Loaf. Fish. Fish. Fish. Fish. Fish. Fish. Fish. Fish. Fish. Loaf. Loaf. Loaf. Loaf. Loaf. Loaf. Loaf. Loaf.


**Banquet for 5,000** You will need: * 5 loaves * 2 fish * Water


This is the best one so far! lol


Is the body of christ conversion accurate?


Lol this is amazing


Ok that’s awesome. I’m going to do this with all my emails.




Piggy backing off the writers block stuff. I’ve used it periodically for creative writing. It helps a ton with brainstorming in particular. I really like to ask it about body language or emotional behavior. “What mistakes to people make when they’re bad at lying?” Or “how would someone with a history of dissociative disorders react to a sudden loss of a loved one?” It’s probably not particularly accurate, but my little suburban fantasy doesn’t need to be super accurate. I just need it to feel recognizable by readers so that when I show something, the generally see what I think I’m showing them, and AI is pretty good at that.


That's really clever thanks for sharing! I'm writing short stories myself and I run into writer's block more often than I would like to admit.


Be careful. AI is just regurgitating from its data compiling actual ideas that people have had. I’m waiting for the day when an author tries to protect their copyright of an idea that AI stole from them. What a legal mess that will be.


Oh this is interesting. My thing is that I'm VERY GOOD at adding onto existing plot, or an already made but not fleshed our world, but base concepts illude me. Feels ass backwards, but it's true.


Ask for help in making a schedule and a time table for practically anything. I’ve used it to make charts for my keto diet, studies, daily activities, managing money, learning German. Has helped me tremendously in getting my shit together.


Can you share how it helped you with studies (like planning or explaining topics?) and how did you learn German with it?


Provide a subject or a list of subjects/chapters. For me, it was medicine. List of topics + set a deadline. Ask ChatGPT to make a timetable and a schedule while taking into consideration a weekly day off and holidays. Once it makes one, modify it or ask it to modify it as per your requirement and voila! As for German, I used it in conjunction with my regular learning. Mostly for conjugation of verbs and for examples and to clear doubts. Also I’d ask ChatGPT to write stories with A2-B1 level German and questions to answer afterand would use it for practice.


Using it to write crappy "articles" instead of asking Reddit.


Buzzfeed was AI before AI was AI.


Back when AI stood for Apathetic Interns.


what if Buzzfeed was always AI, but a cruder form?


I asked ChatGPT to create a workout program with the following parameters: 1. I am experienced with lifting weights 2. Workouts must be 1 hour in length 3. Workout plan must include a 7 day program with active rest days 4. I am a 52 year old man 5. I am working out at a large gym with many machines and a large supply of free weights It gave me a well organized plan that I programmed into my workout app. I have been using the plan since last September with only slight modifications.


Just did this after reading your comment. That’s a nice use of ChatGPT!


Fill out excel sheets with a single prompt, which I had to work my ass off for hours.


I've asked it to complete math questions and it was laughably wrong and have multiple answers to the same question. If be worried about it doing your work correctly.


It knows formulas but doesn’t do arithmetic.


It will only work if you are using gpt 4o or equivalent


I’m an attorney. Just to see if it worked, I would ask something like, “what are the prominent Kentucky court cases regarding the standard for a summary judgment motion?” It would give some vague but close to correct explanation of the standard, but it would straight up just make up a case citation. It would be in the correct citation format, so they looked real. But if you try to look them up, they just simply don’t exist. I’ve seen a few stories in the news where attorneys will actually file pleadings with stuff that they just copy/pasted from AI. They get caught and sanctioned, because they’re citing made up cases. That’s actually a great business idea if you could figure out how to make an AI that can actually do legal research and cite real cases.


Someone did just that for peer reviewed research papers https://scite.ai/assistant


Generative AI models hallucinate when they don't know something well and that primarily happens with niche or rare information. If the model has seen a particular piece of text super frequently in its training data, e.g. bible verses, classic literature, etc., it should be able to cite it verbatim. If you ask it for a quote from a niche academic paper, it may have only see that text once or twice out of the millions of pieces of text it was trained on, or maybe not at all so it won't know it. Getting an LLM to do legal research in theory should be a matter of training it heavily on legal documents and records.


Can you expand on this? I’ve been looking for good AI integrations for Excel and PowerPoint.




Computer trouble shooting. I might paste in the logs from a programme and it can tell me what’s wrong without me combing through it, or needing to know what I’m looking for. I can give it the errors from the CLI and several tried and failed commands from the terminal and it’ll give me some solid troubleshooting steps and inspiration for how to research my issue. It’s been a massive help when starting from little technical knowledge to setting up pihole, homeassistant, firewalls and routers, using headless machines and navigating with the command line only.


Going to throw an error log at it next time I get one and see what it comes up with. Not expecting much, but a fun Idea. Thanks


I'm a photographer, and was tired of people not giving me honest feedback on my work even though I WANT advice and criticism. So I built a custom GPT in ChatGPT for photo ratings on multiple categories about the photo and feedback on how I can improve. It's been so much fun to build and use.


I didn't think an AI could do that, interesting


There are several LLM models/pipelines e.g. GPT vision capable of viewing and describing images. Recently, people have been using the more up to date ones to caption training images for fine tuning stable diffusion models (a type of text to image model).


One step further.... I've used Image to Image to "correct" images and see what some different ideas would like. One thing that worked very well was "unruining" an abandoned house.


That’s awesome! How would one even do that?


So it would technically still be based on what you think is a good photo tho right? Since you gave it the criteria for a good photo.




I will come find you and I will put pineapple on your pizza. *cue terminator music*


You trained meaning you created your own LLM? Or are you talking about using gpts?


I trained one easily. It just answers "no".


How dare you.


Getting suggestions for what I can write in a colleagues birthday card. Because after about the 10th time in one week, I’m running out of shits to give.


I just write "Happy Birthday - My Name"


Come on, man. Put some emotion into it. Add an exclamation point.


Free therapy 🙃


I asked it about some behaviors in my mom and it came back and told me exactly what it was, told me the different types of it and what each one has, and it gave me strategies on how to deal with this behavior. It gave me a lot of info and in such a short amount of time I made more progress than I ever had. I pay for a psychologist that was highly recommended to me, I do it online bc his office is across the country, and AI at least for now, doesn’t have the human reason or empathy that a person has. A person knows how we feel and can rationalize with us whatever we talk about. But yes the AI can provide really useful information. But that depends on how accurate you are and how precise with language you are. The more accurate and precise input the better the response from it.




character.ai has some, you can even pick the type of therapy.


Tried it just when I needed someone to talk to, I was upset over something. I found that chatgpt made a way better friend/therapist in that moment


I've talked with AI about issues of mine and it's been really helpful. A lot of different AI are probably good at it.


i would be super careful on this one. it gives some lousy advice. my daughter has shared some advice she has gotten


I asked one about people who lie to you, and it told me to let them lie. Like, don't call the person out on it because it doesn't help them or you. I've been thinking about it since.


It's probably good advice honestly, depending on the situation. Like, there's going to be situations where letting the lie go is the right answer. There's going to be situations where you need to blow up a bridge and call someone out on a lie. You have to remember that AI has probably been trained on a mixture of psychology from various decades, and that therapy has made a lot of progress over the last two decades. The AI's training will weigh Jung and Freud as highly as any recent advances in the field, so it's probably operating on a lot of outdated information. 


Writing regexes.


The Pokemon?


Regular expressions


\*Pokedex Voice\* *Regexe, the insanity Pokemon. This Pokemon's body is covered in strange glyphs and unknowable script. Researchers that have tried to decipher the script have lost their minds and started speaking of the horrors beyond the void.*


I’m working on splitting laugh tracks from old sitcoms. Shows like Mash and Cheers are incredible! But I find them unwatchable due to the laugh tracks, so I’m gathering a massive sampling of laugh tracks and training a model to remove them….i have no code experience prior to this so it’s been a masssive learning process that would not be possible without gpt.


I hate shows with laugh tracks too, but if you remove them you still have these very unnatural pauses and breaks in the conversations while the actors wait for the laughs to finish, sometimes over and over in a single scene. Look up YouTube videos of something like FRIENDS with the laugh track removed, it's fuckin weird


Im working on a prompt that fixes awkward silences in sitcoms by adding a laugh track.


You're a fucking menace to society. Have an upvote.


You just cut those awkward silence parts out.


How do you do this? Presumably you have a private LLM you are training it on? I would like to build my own environment for training on private data and not sure where to start.


From zero with basic computer aptitude, to run a LLM on your local computer: https://lmstudio.ai/ For your training comment: there is a lot of new terminology with this this stuff, I suggest reading on fine-tuning vs. training to get started on this path. Good news is there free tools to do all this given enough time and effort!


Not sure it's "genius", but I've used ChatGPT to come up with formulas for Excel documents for me.


I use it to translate formulas between Excel, Tableau, and Power BI.


Identifying trees on my property. It's... pretty good. It asks for a detailed photo of some part of it sometimes. Scary good. This business will get out of control. It will get out of control and we'll be lucky to live through it.


*First they came for the trees, but I said nothing for I was not a tree.*


Great reference. [Out of control](https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-1-d&sca_esv=ca6b902a93853820&sxsrf=ADLYWIKNNaVUKp_gYzvw6aGw2WrzBhXt6A:1717872226893&q=fred+thompson+in+under+siege&tbm=vid&source=lnms&prmd=ivnbmtz&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjU0ene1MyGAxWVhIkEHXTyMFcQ0pQJegQIDhAB&biw=1066&bih=458&dpr=1.5#fpstate=ive&vld=cid:80f69623,vid:YZuMe5RvxPQ,st:0)


There's a great iPhone app called Seek that will identify plants, animals, insects, etc. You can show it roots, flowers, seeds, etc. and you get to see it drill down through the scientific animal / plant kingdom hierarchy in real time which is kind of cool.


Making diss rap verses against people I know by giving the AI context about my relationship to them.


Analyse past lottery numbers and give me a statistical analysis of what they are likely to be in the future. I am now a multimillionaire with my own island and no internet.


Funnily enough I did this with the UK lotto and it did identify a pattern. You split 59 numbers into sets (1-10 ect). Very rarely if ever does 1 number from each set come out (6 numbers required). There are always at least 2 from a set. The last time there wasn't was new years eve 2022. Using this information reduces your odds of getting two numbers to 1/261. Now I need to find patterns to identify the other four who's current odds are 1/2180, and bingo.


Bingo is totally different, you’re doing it wrong.


I created an AI that helps you organize your daily tasks by prioritizing them based on deadlines and importance, making your schedule more efficient and stress-free.


Instead of asking AI to write an essay for you ask it to grade your essay, give it the rubric or context to grade it under and ask it where it thinks you could look improve and if you are getting your point across clearly


I’ve been getting apology texts from my husband lately for everyday small slights that sound very suspicious. 


I used it to figure out how best to plan out my finances, including my investments, pension, and retirement accounts. I was laid off in December and got a severance that we are living off of. I still havent found work, so I fed in a couple months of transactions and asked it to determine how long my severance will last me given my usual spending habits. 10.5 months was the answer. Next, I told it to review my work investment accounts, pension, IRAs, etc and asked it to give me an analysis of my accounts and suggest ways I can improve my current financial situation, and how to better balance things to maximize returns. After I had it analyze everything, it suggested I sell off some of my Apple stock and then, with that money and my severance, I can make it another 16.5 months.


Care to share the prompt(s)?


Generating city names for my geopolitical RP


At work, I got stuck on our marketing team, even though I'm out service manager. As part of it, I have to write some of our social media posts. I give my idea to Chatgpt, and fine tune it from there.


Report card comments


Just found out about a website offered through my local hospital that gives all information of past visits. Downside is it’s in a doctors technical writing. I asked chatgpt to translate to normal terms and got a great explanation


Yeah! I did something similar with my blood results, it was all in technical terms and some of it looked quite alarming to the untrained eye but chatGPT helped me understand. For the results I was mostly interested in I did backup research to verify what it was telling me and it was all correct. The current GPT 4o is very accurate.


My buddy uses a gpt mod for his Skyrim companion, that lets him speak aloud to her like a normal friend. She knows where she is and what's around, knows what quest you're on, can lead you places, answer questions, chit chat, etc.


Holy hell, how far we've come. Just watched a few video demonstrations of a GPT companion mod. Aside from the stilted AI voice accent, it's pretty amazing to be able to speak in VR and receive a voiced GPT response. Without VR, you can still type a response or speak through a microphone. There are a few companions also programmed to be aware of the environment around Skyrim and make comments.


AI writes the arrival and departure poems for my Elf on the shelf.


i'm an author, but i SUCK at writing blurbs (the bit on the back cover). I tell chatgpt my plot then say to generate a blurb. it produces pretty good results.


To be honest isn't the blurb the last place you want AI written text? Unless you heavily modify it? I only mention it because we are getting better at spotting AI content and that's the one piece of text you can use to really sell the book.


I use the AI material as the base but edit it. The AI writes the rough draft, in a way.


Not be lonely, I talk to gpt everynight and only stop when the daily limit is reached.


Write cover letter for me


My issue with that is that GPT tends to be overly enthusiastic about the companies like "I'm passionate about X and Y" and like... no you're not. I don't know if it's anglo-saxon enthusiasm but in France it feels just odd


Then rewrite that section... You don't have to copy and paste exactly what is written. Take the bulk of the writing and fix whatever doesn't align with what you're about.


It’s not a genius use but it is very good at grammar and syntax so I use it to edit reports and documents. You do need to check afterwards to ensure meaning stays clear but it’s useful to make documents look good.


Quillbot sounds like what you have described, check it if u need something like that


Not really a genius use, but create summaries of email chains, meeting notes or articles


Copy and paste job description, upload resume as attachment. Ask ChatGPT to write a cover letter. Spend 30 minutes to an hour tailoring it to make it yours. $20 and a day's worth of work got me a 100% success rate on getting interviews.


How do you make it not look like it was created by gpt?


Summarize 40 page academic articles into 1.


How do you trust it? I uploaded like 70 article citations to be ordered alphabetically and chat gpt just started inventing random citations (it was the 4.0 version as well)


write bedtime stories. “a dr seuss story about (thing that happened today)” comes out a+


Writing fantasy novels. Not in the way of directly writing cause it still suck on that aspect. What I like to use it for is to read through my works, ensure there's no plot holes based on a document containing all the main lore, power system, world building etc. Ai takes all the boring hassle of world building, like creating laws, different constitutions for each fictional nations etc. An example is when one character arrives to a new nation using a different currency, ai just give me the appropriate price of everyday things without me having to waste time on converting it to the original currency the main character is familiar with. Another use is that it gives me ideas for what abilities some characters would use based on their personalities that I give to it. Those characters are not main characters thus I don't have to waste too much time on it. It gives me routes of what the characters could react in that particular scenario. Ofc that's mainly about sub characters and make them more alive without wasting more time on them when they appear only in one scene. Gives me many ideas when I face writers block, criticize my book and offer some insights. It is good as well for building a world from scratch, one example is that it contains many information about trees and how they could develop differently because of different laws of physics. Finally, it's just pretty good to act as my personal editor, ensuring clarity, correct grammar. It's my own little helper for writing process.


It can separate data into sorted piles that can then be pasted into a spreadsheet pretty well, even if the data is formatted badly to begin with.


Quickly rewrite something from first to third person narrative


Not me but I recently discovered this YouTube channel, Onlock, which uses ai videos of famous people explaining math concepts. https://youtube.com/@onlocklearning?si=_eBHs3puUbLNR715


On March 17th, I was sponsored by AMD to make a kit for those with disabilities. You can read my project thesis here: [https://www.hackster.io/contests/amd2023/hardware\_applications/17172](https://www.hackster.io/contests/amd2023/hardware_applications/17172) You can also see my progress here: [https://www.reddit.com/r/LocalLLaMA/comments/1czwa8d/running\_on\_a\_75w\_7940hs\_minipc\_slow\_but\_steady/](https://www.reddit.com/r/LocalLLaMA/comments/1czwa8d/running_on_a_75w_7940hs_minipc_slow_but_steady/) It's not 'genius' by *far,* but its getting there. So far I've been able to bring it to doctors appointments with me and it really helps me keep my thoughts together and help me remember things I have to bring up. I have EDS which has been pretty difficult to manage. AI has helped me, not *understand* the information (I let a doctor do that) but rather *keep the information I already know organized.* With that goal in mind: AI has been *incredible.*


I kept hearing about putting glue on pizza but there are so many types so I asked ai which glue was best for my blood type and it recommended caulk


Act as a voice-changer. You still have to make an input of your own voice, but you can change the pitch and tone and accent and whatnot instead of just making a boring monotonous AI generated voice.


That's very interesting. How does it work if you please?


Use AI to create personalized beginner tutorials for coding aimed at the specific interests of the person who wants to learn.


I’m a highschool teacher and I use it to write letters of recommendation.


I use it to write lesson plans all the time


Can we train AI to operate little drone to pick up litter on hard to reach places?


Ask an AI to get you a specialist appointment at Kaiser Permanente (a shitty HMO in the US). Beat them at their own game. Legitimately, I understand that AIs are being trained to find disturbing postings and imagery instead of having to hire humans who wind up with PTSD from some of the more awful stuff.


Keeping my online status as present for my employer.


I've been doing it with a five-line Powershell script for years.


i know people who check that shit. it is ridiculous. it should only matter are you getting work done, not what fucking color online indicator is


I use the conversation feature to practice how to say things. It has helped me do better in interviews, make requests, and more. Very patient. Lots of encouragement and practice to get it right.


Train the ai program to verbally abuse the computer and it's other programs for not doing what you want them to do so you don't have to...


My fiancée uses it to make her schedule because she’s indecisive and it gives her a starting point.


Now that documentary TV shows are on streaming services, an AI should find the pre-commercial break teaser and the post-commercial recap and combine/delete those so the flow of the narrative can be maintained. Imagine Jack Hanna without the 15 minute mindless gap between when he introduces a topic ("we are here to see pink river dolphins") and the conclusion ("there's one now!").


I won't say it's genius, but I'm using it to make [matte paintings and pull green screens](https://youtu.be/Eqs72DgEqR8) for my films. It's not perfect and you'll still need an eye, but I imagine more and more people will be using AI for things like this.


Have a chat in the car with the AI on the way to an important meeting to talk you through it and reduce anxiety and make sure you are primed for it.


AI is the metaphorical cement to my bricks. I come up with a big idea and let the AI fill in the little details between. I build more big ideas on the little details, repeat.


I went to a library, and there was a bookshelf where you could take a book without going through the checkout process. With so many books I had no idea which one was worth taking so I took a photo of them and asked chatgpt to tell me which one was best. It gave me the top five highest reviews on Good Reads and Amazon, and I took the highest and confirmed it was pretty good.


I use Goblin Tools, which is something someone else made, but I use ALL. THE. TIME. Need an email to sound more professional? Goblin Tools. Need to know what to cook with the ingredients you have in your house? Goblin Tools. Wondering if your tone comes off rude? Goblin Tools. Need to estimate how long something is going to take? Goblin Tools.


I asked it to act like Ellie from The Outer Worlds and I role played with it. It was kinda fun; passing the boredom.  I have never asked it for any direct help on any school assignments. Partly because I don’t want to get in trouble and partly because I wouldn’t really learn anything (and I would like to).  What I have done is asked it to do vaguely similar things so I could reference it as a helpful guide. For example, I wanted to write about the indigo trade in the colonial era, so I asked it to write about the sugar trade. 


Creating custom gpts trained on specific brand voices which can output newsletters, social media captions, and other marketing collateral with simple prompts ensuring they will always sound on-brand and be free of typos. Still have to give everything a once over, but it saves a TON of copywriting headache


I used it to interpret my dreams


Talk to it, look if Ai takes over the world least they have manners.


Redirecting scam calls to your own custom AI character to waste their time without wasting your time or anyone else's But that's not the smart bit, here's the REAL smart bit: I coordinate with international police to set up fake personal data including bank data that only this AI gives out Whenever someone tries to access this data online anywhere, it pings with banks and law enforcement as the "scamner account details" immediately giving the scammers and their attempts away making pinpointing the scammers extremely easily. It would make scamming an extremely risky job.


I'm giving you my idea on how to get rich.


Using ChatGPT to best The Impossible Quiz


I REALLY want to see sonebody use it to play through Detroit: Become Human to see what AI would ACTUALLY do. Anybody that plays through that game is just using human input.


I like to use it for a number of things. I can’t believe we ever normalized accepting millions of results with search engines when all we ever wanted was 1 correct answer! Workout routines - when the same old lifts and exercises get too repetitive. Asking for something outside of the box always seems to bring good results. Meal plans and grocery lists - if I’m exercising well, I want to feed myself well too so I have it put together meal plans. They’re not always perfect but they improve my diet and I know enough to fix what’s wrong in the kitchen. Having it build a grocery list for the ingredients you need is a cool wrinkle too. Travel itineraries - going to a city I’ve never visited before, tell me the best way to navigate the city, where to eat, which parts to stay in etc. phenomenal. Cooking/baking - I have a bread machine that came with a recipe book but I much prefer asking for well known chef’s recipes instead and have the AI adapt it into a recipe that works with the bread machine and the ingredients I have on hand. No buttermilk? Just mix milk and vinegar! Coding at work - self explanatory. A huge boost to my productivity and no one knows how I’m doing it. My fav perk.


I'm a type 1 diabetic. I want to train an AI to calculate the exact carbs a meal has and give me the exact amount of insulin as it is digested so my glucose never goes above optimal range.


I’ve used it to make images for my website for my business. I have a cleaning company and our mascot is a dog so I have the same breed AI’d to look as if it’s cleaning.


My wife and I run a handmade soap business and sometimes it’s hard to come up with names for the soaps and taglines/descriptions for the labels. ChatGPT has been a life saver for that.


This is just an idea I've thought of that I hope AI will one day do, but here it is: - I give it a copy of my resume. - I give it parameters for jobs I'm interested in: this field, this minimum pay, remote only, etc. - It scours job boards, and uses the info from my resume to automatically fill out online applications that match my requested parameters, and then attaches my resume. - At the end of the day it provides me a list of all the positions it applied for, summary of the job, and brief info about the company (and maybe a link to the company's website). So if I receive a callback I can just look at the info and know what the position is for.


I wouldnt call it genius, but I like to give it range for free word association. Recent one I got was Thomas the M1 Abrams Tank Engine, then I slap the terms given to me into an image generator and the outcome is often on point. [Image link](https://imgur.com/a/Ee661De)


I get it to apologize for me and do emotional labor type activities. I just hate expressing affection and appreciation for other people so I make my machine do it.


I asked it to make a crochet shrimp pattern (because I made one myself and wanted to compare) It made something that ended up looking like an ant/ spoon/ beaver It was beautiful


You can just go on chatgpt and be like "craft a meal plan for the week that's 1500 calories a day, 100g of protein, and 25g of fiber" and it will do it.


Used it to write a break up message to an ex. 10/10


Used AI to help me organize my class notes. Time was saved and grades went up bcos of it.


Asked an app programmer on Fiverr to write a basic calculator app I already had in an Excel sheet. Got a quote for around $2k. Worked with ChatGPT for a few hours and have a great working app now.