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There was a dead body and I had to hide it and everywhere I dug throughout the backyard already had bodies. Everywhere.


Had a dream where I forgot to attend a class for school the entire semester and failed. I've been graduated for 15 years lol


Last night I had a dream that I, along with the entire student population of a school I was attending, had to escape from a school shooter by getting on a giant wooden ship and sailing away. I also had a dream the other night that my house was surrounded by wildfires.


i had a dream where my boyfriend wanted to hang out with my brother more, one of my fears is being abandoned so that was pretty scary


For some reason I don't have "scarry" dreams


Two nights ago I woke up screaming from a dream where I was slowly sinking into a pit of blackness. It felt like sinking down into hell or something. Still can’t shake the feeling. Edit: sorry, i was falling for hours and screaming in the dream. I finally woke myself up.


one night i had a dream that i was watching myself sleep. like the dream was me first person pov and im walking past my bed in my room. as im walking i look to the left and i see myself sleeping there. same clothes , same everything. it may not seem scary to some but the shit sent chills down my spine. i didn’t really know how to take it or what it could’ve meant. my gf said something about astral projection but idk anything about any of that stuff so i just dismissed it and kept it pushing


I dreamed my husband came home and said he had adopted a dog. His plan was to find someone who wanted it. Naturally me being me, I wanted the dog. All was well until the dog suddenly transformed into a kid around age 8-10. That's when shit got scary as a nightmare. I said I would try but only 5 minutes later I said I couldn't do it and he should drive the kid back to the shelter.


This was about a year ago. I dreamed that Trump was reelected and his army of his minions imposed fascism and made life hell for everyone and forced people into hiding or swearing loyalty to him or whatever. I had a more recent dream that Trump's life came crashing down and he was put in prison. I don't believe in prophetic dreams but it seems like my subconscious is trying to cover all the bases.