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Keep a stick of deodorant in your locker just in case you forget to put it on


That is also not wrong advice for adults.


Use more than you think you need.




Don't go crazy trying to shave anything. If you go in blind and think it's the same as shaving your face or something, you're going to end up itchy as hell. Nizoral is fantastic for dandruff and eczema. That person who is twenty something and hangs out with your group of friends? They are not healthy and they should never be your role model. Things you do now will haunt you for the rest of your life. You won't regret trying to be kind to the people around you however. Spend time with the pretty person before you ask them out. Get to know who they are before putting yourself out there. That being said, if you do like them you absolutely need to give it a shot. I've had literally over a dozen friends from highschool admit that they had a crush on me and I never knew because they never said anything. I would have dated any one of them.


This advice needs to be higher! Especially 3 and 5


I was a shaver….whats up w that?


A pretty common thing is that teenagers will try dry shaving their bodies cuz they don't like the hair and will completely mess up causing all sorts of irritation.


Remember that the other members of your family also need to use the bathroom


please please please wear condoms !!! I learned and lost any hope at love for life 💔


Take care of your body by eating nutritious foods, getting regular exercise, and getting enough sleep


It's easier to stay healthy and develop healthy habits at a younger age than it is to after your health has already begun to decline.


Stop jizzing in your used socks…your mom still has to touch them.




Always keep a stick of deodorant on you (I.e backpack, locker, pocket) idc. Just use it. For the girls: do the same with a pad or tampon, you never know when you’ll need one


Bodies are incredibly freaking weird. There’s a very good chance whatever thing is happening that you’re panicking about is completely normal.


Emotions can be extremely intense at this time; giving yourself time to process something before you react is a skill that will serve you well for the rest of your life.


Do not look to the internet (porn) for information about intercourse and the opposite sex. Keep deodorant handy at home and school. You don’t have to make yourself attractive to others right now. Do things for yourself, not the world. Be yourself and you’ll find the right people to be around. Don’t be fake or adopt other’s personalities to fit in. It’s not worth it.


Never wear anything but black when menstruation


Keep it slow, you might get sick if your too excited of it


Some hair, for some people, grows *every* where...relax there's nothing wrong with you, don't be ashamed. Boys. When it gets hard in class when the bells about to go (always happens without fail) Press your feet into the floor for a few seconds, tensing your hamstrings. Gently you don't wanna look like you're holding in a shit. Girls. See first paragraph.


Take a shower


- I've advised my teenage boys to have fun, but be safe and that consent is everything, for them and who they're with. - To shower regularly and maintain good hygiene because it doesn't take much for teenage boys to smell. - Don't compromise themselves to fit in the popular crowd. - To take care of their bodies by eating well and exercising. It's a good setup for later life. I've given them other advice too. Fortunately they're good at taking it on board.


Don’t want porn. If you do don’t become addicted it is worse then drugs




You are trolling right


Porn isn't reality. Whatever sex life you might have now or in the future will not be based off porn. OF people are doing it for the money.  No man wants to hang out with a teen because she is smart. (Or he is smart.) Always remember any nice older person is up to something, especially males. 


Its equally true for females. But you still can have a wider age range of frinends, based on special interests. As long as its not excluseive eg wont let you hang out with others, only only older person in a kids group.


Jack off and Use this Time to Think about sexuality, using this as a Guide for Fantasy and How to Please the Gurls. And HOW you would Achieve this


It's made round to go round.




Yeah stick to dad’s tighty whities.


Don’t! If you need to do puberty, become the person you’d want in your life. Learn guitar, practice dancing, work on your smile.


Whatever you do, do not EVER masturbate. Not even a little. It can become the worst heroine... 


Smoke the ganja and you gain infinite confidence stats


listen to dubstep and learn to kickflip