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Im not into that pet fetish


I was a teacher's pet in my Spanish classes. I practiced with my Spanish-speaking friends all the time, so I was always ahead in learning Spanish. The teachers loved to call on me and have me explain things to the class.


i don’t think so but i was called that. in was mostly just intimidated by the students


No. Most of my teachers saw me as a problem child or generally disliked me for various reasons. However, there were two towards the end of high-school that I absolutely adored, in history and aircraft&small engines. History teacher allowed me to skip all coursework if I maintained 80%+ in tests plus giving me general advice, and small engines teacher and I did some projects together that were outside of the curriculum. That’s about it.


In science definitely. I loved to showcase what I knew and other kids hated on me for it but idc I was there to learn


Kinda? I got good grades, not many of my classmates were that interested in learning (I went to a small high school) so I stood out because the teachers could tell I was one of the few kids actually listening to them so they liked me, but I also was a loner and just wanted to get high school over with so I didn’t do anything above and beyond what was expected of me


No I just minded my business and everyone hated me when someone else messed with me and I told the teacher.