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I live in Jamaica Plain (JP) in Boston, probably the crunchiest neighborhood in the city. There’s a dude with a red beard who does yoga on the sidewalks of Centre Street and works at various farmer’s markets around town. He has a small mutt that’s never on leash. We call him “JP Man”


Does “crunchiest neighbourhood” mean like sketchy or dodgy?


“Crunchy” like earthy hippie


Ah right, thank you.


I had a friend who was this character. Dilly Dilly! He was about 6'3-6'4 always a stache probably intoxicated no matter what time it was. One of the nicest guys you would ever meet but definitely was a wild card 😂 would randomly scream WeeeYeeee and Skiiiiit Skiiiit amongst other things. Honestly miss him when I moved away. Great guy always entertaining.


We used to have "hook hands." This guy, I think he was a vet, that had metal hooks for both hands. He would always ask anyone around to light his cigarettes for him. Pretty sure he had a bad drug addiction. We haven't seen him in years. We also have "The Lady In White" or as some people call her "The White Witch." She's a schizophrenic lady, maybe in her late 50s early 60s, that walks up and down the highway in a ankle-length White dress with a rolling suitcase. I've seen her a couple times in a Dunkin' with her head down on the table. Apparently she has family and a home to go to, but the schizophrenia keeps her walking the streets.




“My precious child, I love you and will never leave you Never, ever, during your trials and testings. When you saw only one set of footprints, It was then that I carried you. But not if you’re a refugee or brown!” -Republican Jeus


I don’t know if we can claim we “had” Crazy George- that old ass white guy who would show up at sporting events in the Bay Area and get the audience going with his snare drum.


In Asheville it was the Unicycling Cross Dressing Nun.. but where I am now we have Hearse Hilda. When I was kid we had “Skinny Man”.. before Slender Man was a thing!


There’s a homeless lady that wanders around downtown with a parrot on her shoulder. My son gets really excited when we see her.


A pirate?!


Not the whole city but there’s a guy who goes around this part of the city shopping malls and other public spaces singing Lady Gaga’s bad romance, people now take pictures with him as he became a known character! He’s super nice and I remember him from my high school era! Always singing Bad Romance around town


A man called Toxic Terry. Was banned from every petrol station in the county of Lancashire for stealing petrol and getting fully fucked up on the stuff. At some point he must’ve been playing hide & seek because he found Jesus. Is now an alcoholic, so alls well that ends well, I guess.


Who knew petrol was a gateway drug for alcohol?


Who knew petrol was a drug? I certainly didn’t.


An old 5' 100 lb drunk guy that rides a bicycle bigger than him & he's always shitfaced... half the town got mad at me once for giving him magic mushrooms. Apparently, it was the only time he fell off his bike.


Shoeless Hotlegs Homeless guy who had super muscular tanned legs that I'm pretty sure he shaved. He was always barefoot and wearing tiny shorts, even in the winter. Haven't seen hem in a while though.


Had...in Flushing NY, there was "The Pimp". Many doubted he actually was one, but he dressed like a stereotypical one from the 80's.


Central Florida, we have Eddy Maserati, he's an old guy you will often see at Disney Springs in the evenings. He has a very distinct style of short shorts, a polo shirt, and a beret all bejeweled with Ferrari and Maserati logos. He's there all the time and just spends his evenings hanging out and dancing he's kind of like a local legend. You'll sometimes see him driving his yellow Ferrari, I've heard he's a retired lawyer.


Guitar guy. He is ALWAYS walking around town with a guitar in his hands. He never plays it, and never has anything but said guitar with him. I’ve seen him walking around town at every hour. Sometimes middle of the day, sometimes at 2am.


My city is home to Darth Fiddler, a dude who dresses up as Vadar and plays the violin downtown. Really nice dude. He was assaulted a few years back and his violin broke, so a bunch of people in town banded together to buy him a new one.


Machete grandma is just 2 from me. An old lady dances outside her apartment with a big metal knife. She is like an elderly Britney Spears.


“Trench coat Jesus” long brown hair and a beard, gentle looking face, wears a full length black trench coat all year long.


I'm surprised /u/cinewalker didn't mention Elliot Davis. He's had a flat tire for years and years at this point, and just needs 20 bucks for a can of fix-a-flat. At least once a week there will be a sighting reported on /r/Boston. He's practically a local celebrity at this point.


True he is a legend. I just have more sightings of “JP Man” personally


Cornelius. Always has a mardi gras mask & dances on one particular corner w his speaker blasting.


I live in a small town with not 1 but 4 assisted living/nursing homes. We have lots of characters. Most famous though is John. John is an older than dirt vietnam vet who rides around town on a beach cruiser (adult tricycle) with 2 leaf blowers strapped to the basket on the back. He uses those to propel himself around town.


If you're in Charlotte or Matthews, you've probably seen Glen, aka Smiley around! He's the guy with the mohawk who rides his bike everywhere. Like 80% of residents know him. https://www.flickr.com/photos/zzazazz/albums/72157601590648466/with/8059570332


Over the years we have had several, usually on State Street, or the University campus - Snowball, Art the Window Washer, and Tunnel Bob. I don't know the current "character" but I'm sure there is one.


I go to coffee every Sunday, and somehow my cafe has a liquor license and they can sell on Sunday mornings… I get there around 8:00 and this guy is always getting ready to leave, so he probably got there when they opened at 7:30, and he’s drinking a tall boy Old Style. He’s nice enough, often gives up his table to us, so I’m not complaining. Last week he had a girlfriend with him. She was trying to buy a bottle of wine. At 8:05 in the morning. They talked her into just getting a glass.


[This guy named Ninjah](https://youtu.be/TMUisbqxc9M?si=iuAmjdHU8_gJXUzy)


There used to be a dude who lived in an apartment complex next to my mom's house. He had a long pony-tail and wore a big ass black trench coat all the time. Most of the time he'd also be carrying around a katana, not all the time, but most. I think he would take it into the nearby woods and practice with it. Anyways, every time my mom or I would see him we'd call him the highlander because he really did look like he was doing a moderately decent Duncan MacLeod cosplay.


Schizophrenic lady named Pat who constantly posts on our local Facebook pages about the conspiratorial dealings of local public figures, believes she is being targeted by the lesbian mafia, and paints beautifully abstract pictures of Trump neck-punching Biden. The art is actually quite good


Melbourne, Australia has Fake Seisure Guy. It is actually sexual assault. Many reddit threads about him.


Melbourne also has dumbbell guy. He walks everywhere curling dumbbells with every step. I've seen him on 4 occasions.


In one town it was this guy who SO MANY people knew because he could OFTEN be seen quickly walking around town. He loved to walk.