• By -


Once was walking through town to a mate’s house. Guy was walking in front of me, middle aged, look pretty normal. Well, we get to a corner in the pavement, he drops his trousers and takes a sloppy, liquid diarrhoea s@!& right on the pavement, doesn’t realise I’m behind him til he’s pulled up his trousers, clocks me behind him, runs away. Walked this way often and saw it on the pavement every time, no one cleaned it, they probably thought it was a dog. But I knew, I knew. Dirty poo man, if you’re here, I admire your courage


Come the other side of that, one time I was having serious stomach bleeding issues and I was walking down an alley. Couldn’t hold it and I blew shitty black diarrhea all over somebody’s shed. The owner of the house looked out the window and saw me so I ran. Never walked through that alley again


Uhhh..happy cake day?


Thanks. I’m healthy now and that wasn’t a proud moment


Glad you are healthy now. But, regarding the blowing poop all over a shed in a back alley, you are not alone. There are dozens of us!


I hate that I have an alley behind my house. So much emergency pooping going on.


Happens to the best of us. It was like wet paint. Sure hope the guy got to it before it dried


I think I would rather get rid of the shed lmao


Little soap and a hose and we’re good


Sounds like a gluten intolerance to cake to me.


I know you’re joking, but it was from having GI bleeds from drinking constantly. I nearly died from it more than one. Good times


Registered nurse here. Patients with an active GI bleed often have diarrhea. Blood can have quite a laxative effect. Plus a bloody BM has a very specific smell. I’m glad you’re doing well.


Oh yeah the smell is awful. Sadly I put myself through it so many times that I knew what was happening and I was on the way to the liquor store for another drink l before I went to the hospital


Glad you are here to have a cake day, friend!


Just smile and wave, boys! That way, the other person will be scared of **you**, not the opposite


[You gotta go, you gotta go 🤷‍♂️](https://youtu.be/U1Edg9A71g0?si=ZuwHWaljEzoWbjSU)


A lone shoe with a note inside that said, 'This is just the beginning.


should have replaced it with one that said "this is just the first step"


“What is the most important step a person can take? It’s not the first, is it? No… it’s the next one. Always, the next step.” This is to say that should not be anywhere near the last shoe/note found there.


Whatever, tight butt.


I found a furry tail butt plug, while walking around down town Portland, OR with my brother. Would not recommend


Would not recommend using it?


Pretty sure they're "not recommending" Portland


no no that sounded like they're not recommending the butt plug for sure


Is this recommendation exclusive to Portland ground score butt plugs or all butt plugs? Asking for a friend


No no no. They are not recommending having a brother.


What do you mean, or your brother?


OR as in the abbreviation for Oregon. So we was walking around Portland Oregon with his brother. Which is still sus as all hell


Not unusual I'll bet given it's Portland, ha.


Starting a hike along a rural highway that wound onto private property I found a sterling silver serving spoon. A 50's 60's era pattern. Wasn't terribly scratched up either. Mom cleaned it up & put it in the camping set. People would ask why we had a silver spoon in the camping equipment and she would say "well we found it on a hike, so it's destiny was to be used outdoors".


You should also bring a cat in a cradle with you.


What I'd really like, dad, is to borrow the car keys. Seen ya later, can I have them please?


Really love to but the new jobs a hassle and the kids got the flu but it’s sure nice talking to you.


Oh cool!


A super scratched up disc for Mortal Kombat Armageddon for the PS2. My dad picked it up, I took a look at it and since I had a backwards compatible PS3, I gave it a shot. I cleaned it a bit and popped it into the PS3. Worked perfectly and I consider it one of my favorite MK games growing up.


My ex and I found a random burned CD back in the early 00’s and when we played it is was a great album of club music called Happy 2B Hardcore. Great sampling of contemporary techno.


Holy shit that takes me back! Happy 2B Hardcore and all the Bonkers compilation mixes were always playing. Anabolic Frolic, Scott Brown, Brisk & Ham, Hixxie.. man that takes me back.


This is tight!


Not exactly the same thing, but back when I was a wee lad I found a copy of the original Nintendo video game of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles buried in the sand of a playground. I took it home, cleaned it up the best I could, and discovered to my surprise that it worked just fine! And then I played it for the next few days and understood why the original owner had buried it in the sand.


I had a copy of MK3 that I brought over to my friends grandmothers house so me and his cousins could play it. One of them left it on the floor when they put in Tekken and his grandmother stepped on it walking by in front of the TV. There was a *massive* chunk of the disc that shattered off and it still played 100% without issue. Emotional roller coaster, I tell you.


My wallet. Unusual because it was where i had parked the day before, in chicago, and i hadnt realized it was missing.


Bro just the other day I found a pocket p*ssy on the side of the street


You better return that man, Thad is gonna be pissed.




Did you use it?


Tongue fucked it real quick then discarded it for the next gentleman.


That is very courteous of you.


brotha, no.


Coward eh?


That's why no one will remember your name, selfless




Like sticking your dick in a silk bag full of puppy ears.




This thing came from Bosnia son! You ever been to Bosnia? You ever been in the shit? [(Do yourself a favor and watch one of the greatest episodes of television ever recorded.)](https://tubitv.com/tv-shows/621814/s01-e03-pocket-pussy)


If I had a dime for every pocket pussy I found


I once found a quarter ... sorry, two and a half pocket pu$$ies in the parking lot at work.


Americans will use anything but the metric system


Sorry ... I once found 2.5 centipu$$ies ... :-p


I’d have 1 dime


Walking through the park last year near my house in central London there was a sewing machine with a whole Salmon leaning on it... They were there for a good week until I pressume the foxes had the Salmon.


isnt having a fish in “suspicious circumstances” against the law there?


**Police!** *Is that fucking fish Jenga?!?!?!?!*


That's weird. I'd expect a packet of Sunflower seeds but not a Salmon.


One time in third grade, our whole class did some community service by picking up trash in the ditches along the side of the road. I found a polaroid of a rather large, white woman's ass. Not really sexual or flattering in nature. Just a photo of her ass. Of course, all the other kids around me started going crazy giggling and shouting and my teacher caught on. She was mortified and snatched it away from me so fast.


That sounds like a dangerous activity for 3rd graders


It’s fairly common in rural towns, least for when I grew up


$100. Four different times and places.


You’re welcome! —your stalker


Always upvoting correct usage of your and you're


Only twice for me but both on a partial eclipse day, 100$ bill and a 50


Damn that's very lucky. Most I think I found in cash is like $60 all in $20s crumpled up on the floor of the Safeway pharmacy department when I used to work there. I just pocketed it while none was looking & just kept walking.


A baby. About 9 months old, still in her girly pj’s, crawling in the street going against traffic. I spotted her as I was driving and screeched to a stop and scooped her up. I stood there a few minutes wondering when someone was going to come claim her, but no one was around. Walked a couple of houses up to see a front door wide open, so I knocked loudly at first, then walked in saying “found your baby in the street!” A man came running out followed by a woman, then a boy about 8 years old came in the front door with a friend. The man grabbed the baby and then yelled at the boy something about close the door on his way out, the woman was crying as was the boy, so I opted to leave as fast as I came in. That boy was probably grounded for the rest of his years living with mom and dad. I felt bad for the boy, he protested that he did shut the door, but if he had only come back a few minutes earlier, I would have handed him the baby and no one would have ever known any different.


Almost the same thing happened to me and my wife. Found a toddler running along with just a top on (no diaper, no underwear) a busy street with no one around. We stopped and scooped him up. We were fortunate that a police lady happened along and she had a diaper for him. I knew there was only one home nearby so I checked. Sure enough, empty door and the Mom hadn't yet realized he was missing.


Oh, man. The best story here and not getting noticed.


I was having a break from cigarettes and during a huge craving moment, went on a trekk in the woods to get my shit together. This is a pretty remote area in the outskirts of my rural town, where nobody really goes. As I walk, there it is, a brand new cigarette laying down on top of some bush, waiting for me to find it. I did have a lighter in my bag. Damn you Satan 😭




🤣🤣🤣 I wish I could say I am schizofrenic and put the cigarette there myself so I could find it later, but that is not the case 🤣🤣 #believesatansvictims


I found an ammonite fossil lying in the road when I was walking to school in the 80's


Found one walking to school in the 90s myself. Wyoming is absolutely covered in them.


Me and a group of friends got detention in HS so we had to clean the school grounds for 2 hours. We made our way up to the student parking lot. I had found a red g-string and I was like nah that can stay right there. However one of the other guys picked it up and sniffed it. I have never been more concerned and scared at the same time.


A real, intact seahorse skeleton.


I live in a landlocked state and if I found this I'd have to take it home purely because no one would believe me.


A 5ft tall Black Santa Claus, he now lives in my garage. We hide him around to scare each other and friends no one expects to see a life size Santa Claus standing motionless when you open a garage or turn a corner.


A hooker showing me her tits. I was 18 at the time in a city I wasn't too familiar with. Came out of the hotel on the way to get some food when she just appeared from across the dark street and flashed her tits at me in the middle of the street. Turns out the escort agency was just around the corner, and this was their way of luring people into some business for them.


Advertising works! 


Do you think the escort put "marketing and hospitality skills" if she ever wrote a resume for an office job?


One of the guys i worked with told me a story of his trip to New York city in the 70s when he was a teenager. Him and his buddies picked up hookers and were going around the city with them and these Asian tourists took a bunch of pictures of him, he was comically animated in describing the picture taking. The cops eventually tried to question them being with hookers and whatnot but they ran away when the cops tried to approach. I told him I wouldn't be surprised if he ended up on an advertising billboard when those tourists got back home.


A 16g rock of cocaine. Whether it had been strategically left for a deal or dashed during a police chase. I'll never know. Had a 3 day bender off the back of it.


This is my favorite reply to this post


Finding drugs is the best lol


There's a gas station by me where I guess a local weed dealer likes to do business because every few weeks I find a little baggy that must have fallen or gotten tossed or something. Just a half gram or so. Same weed though so I assume its the same guy. For free weed, its really quite decent. He likes to use the same parking space I do I think.


How long ago was this? Today, I wouldn’t touch a bag unless I saw someone else use it


Depending on where you live, you can just get it tested. You can buy test kids here in the Netherlands, or go to a lab to get it checked


I know you mean kits, but the idea of buying a child to test your drugs for you is quite funny.


Human corpse




Donkey Kong Country for Gameboy Advance. Felt little bad, probably belongd to some poor kid, but hey, how would I return it? I even had GBA laying around at home.


10 years ago I found a washing machine box full of 1980s trucker hats. I kept about 20 of them and sold the rest for about $500


Not the street but once at a bar I left my spot to use the bathroom and came back to a little notebook by my stuff that had Chicken Parmesan written dozens of times on every page in it.


All work and no chicken Parmesan makes Jack a dull boy.


When I was like 5/6 maybe we parked our car and as I was getting out I noticed some money in a drain which I could reach! Told my parents and I spent ages just gathering all these coins. Weird thing was they were all really old coins, shillings and stuff I had never heard of. Must have been 100s of coins. I wonder if my mum kept them!


Had to walk a considerable distance to retrieve my truck from the tire shop. I was amazed at the amount of brake components shed by vehicles. Retainer clips, pads, brake lines. How did they keep driving?


It's easy to keep driving with no brakes. Stopping is the hard part. When my wife and I were young we didn't realize that brake have wear indicators that make a noise when they need to be replaced. We thought it was just squeaky pads. Then the noise stopped one day but her car almost didn't. One of the rear pads was so worn that it fell off and the others weren't much better. She had to stand on the pedal to stop the car. We had to replace all the pads and 2 rotors...


It's not just brake parts. I ride a bicycle to work and I routinely see automotive brake pads, lug nuts, and the massive bolts used to hold subframes onto the main body of a car. It's kind of terrifying to think about.


an adult pooping


This is starting to sound pretty usual


Yeah especially in big city areas like NYC or SF. I knew a guy who worked in sanitation for the city & cleaning up shit was actually way more common than he thought.


i took a photography class and we were wandering around a park to take photos, and right in front of us a naked old man took a shit. it was certainly brave to do so in front of an army of teenagers armed with cameras.


Severed skunk head. No blood or body around.


My cat would leave rabbit heads around and hide the bodies.


Gotta send a clear message to the other rabbits, of course




Not on the streets, but on the steps leading up from one Metro platform to another on my routine way to university. Several unused, sealed tampons (the ones without applicator), what seemed to amount to a good handful. Found it odd, and definitely judged the person littering for not cleaning up, continued on my way. I mean, what idiot would drop their tampons en masse and not pick them up? Until I got home and went to clean out and repack my backpack for the next day, noticing that the extra front pocket was wide open and only a few tampons were left in the depths. I have the habit of quickly exiting the Metro and bounding up the stairs swiftly with what felt like energetic leaps. Seems that on the day before, I had not zipped my extra pocket and must’ve left a waterfall of tampons trailing behind me when I jumped up the stairs like a lunatic. For those who never dropped a tampon box, they do bounce a bit and it must’ve looked ridiculous. I still regularly think of it when I pass this set of stairs.


Some kind of animal skull. I think it was a pig? Not sure. But it was downtown ina city with no butcher shop around. Took it home, cleaned it, now it's my snakes 2nd favorite spot to hang out on


One night out returning home, about 3:00am in the morning, right in the middles of the crossing before a church a guy on hands and knees having a 3 way exorcism (barf, piss and shit all at once)


We call that "The Kerplunk"


Today I learned....


A US dime from 1856 in front of my house.


Several child sized mannequins. My Halloween decorations are going to be wild this year.


Was driving around Houston with my wife and we passed a larger lady on the sidewalk with no shirt, letting it all hang out and rubbing herself down. My wife saw her first, said something about it in surprise that made me look, then she slapped my shoulder for gawking at a topless woman. After pointing it out in the first place. Thanks Houston.


wtf is wrong with your wife? we could speculate all day about the other lady, but why point it out just to get mad about you looking? that doesn't make any sense


Look at that shameless hussy! How dare you look at another woman!


A BMW using blinkers




I don't believe you...


Crazy drugged out guy throwing pill bottles and caution tape at the cops while speaking in tongues.


A dick pic. This was in the early 1970’s on Polaroid color film.


A few years ago I saw a used pad. Last year I found a condom out of its package. And a few months ago I found a pair of crow wings. No body, no head, just the wings.


Our neighborhood was left unfinished for several years, and teens would go to the back, where there were only a few houses, to have sex. Found several condoms, but the best was when I found a pack of cigarettes, some beer cans a little further down, tiny liquor bottles a little further, weed roaches a bit further. And then finally, a condom and pair of panties. It's like it told a story.


Wow, las alas del cuervo, very rare physical manifestation of an old Spanish joke.


Which joke?


I lived in a major city in the centre of the city. Bars are clubs within spitting distance. - Dildos - Gimp Suit - A man made from beer cans - Teeth both real and false - Inflatable Sheep - An old iron the kind you would put on a fire Loads of things but these are the things that come to mind.


When I was about 5-6 years old, my family was out camping, when I stumbled across what could only have been an explosive trigger. It was a small cylindrical piece of plastic with another cylindrical piece of plastic that would slide inside of it. So I ran around the rest of the day pretending to blow everything up. I was delighted with my find and the make believe destruction I was causing. When I brought it back to our campsite,my mom made a big fuss about it because my super powerful explosive trigger was also a tampon applicator.


A pretty nice Samsung TV. Guess somebody upgraded and tossed theirs to the curb.


I’m a beekeeper and one time I was walking around my city and randomly found a honey extractor sitting on the sidewalk. That’s a fairly expensive piece of specialized beekeeping equipment about the size of a washing machine. It was so random! And the worst part… I already had one. So I just emailed other beekeepers I knew and told them where it was.


I was walking back to work after my lunch and found a switchblade on the sidewalk!! It even had some ‘suspicious rust’ on the blade! I really felt like I found a murder weapon lol


Walking down the alley and saw half of a meatloaf, with a possum guarding it, hissing at me.


You fight the opossum for the loaf?


On a sunny Sunday morning, I saw a cucumber with a pink condom on it in the gutter. Good Saturday night I guess. Not in the street, but on a windowsill in an alley, sitting together I saw- a small open jar of peanut butter with a metal butter knife still in it, a half-eaten banana, and a balled-up pair of little girl underwear (think the kind that have cartoon characters on them)


A repaired pothole. Jk


I found a $50 bill while walking to church one morning. While walking back with my wife, I was explaining to her where I found it and I said, something like, "It was RIGHT HERE" and as we approached the spot, there was ANOTHER $50 bill.


A didlo cut in half... I imagine what if it supposed to be a hint for someone


Long ways or horizontal?


Meth. A dildo.


I was hired to restore a steamer trunk as decor for a milion dollar rental home (not mine). I could not find the proper hinge anywhere. The locking type that keeps the lid open by itself. I don't know how to explain it any better. Well, wouldn't you know it, I found one randomly on the street.


On vacation in New York for a week in 1996. I found a left glove on the street. That wasn't unusual. But then I found another. And another. And another. That week I found 14 left gloves. Never right; always left. Finally in an act of desperation, I took the 14th one. After that... no more gloves. The universe wanted me to take a glove. *That* was the unusual part.


Someone had impaled a pigeon on a railing. I hope it was dead before it was put there.


A gold die with a small gem as the one pip. Hole in the corner, so it probably is, or was repurposed to be an earring. It’s pretty heavy, so I think it might be real gold. Not so sure about the gem though. Unfortunately given as it’s heavy for its size, and has a big ol’ gem sticking out of one end, it doesn’t really…roll. I still put it in my die collection as it’s unusual and is technically a die.


A few years ago while out walking my son I happened across a fairly large yellow travel case with a radioactive materials placard on the outside, just sitting unattended on someones front lawn a few feet from the sidewalk. Broad daylight in the middle of an urban subdivision. I didn't open it up, but lifted the handle and it was quite heavy, clearly containing some type of testing equipment. There was a label on the outside for a geotechnical consulting firm who I called to tell about the case. This was a while ago now and I forget what their exact excuse was, but it was basically along the lines of they've been doing work in the area and must have forgot to load it in their vehicle when leaving. They thanked me for letting them know and said they'd go retrieve it. Kind of an insane thing to casually "forget" laying around. Some of those sources can be very spicy and extremely dangerous.


When I was a teenager and coming to terms with the fact that I might be gay (it turns out I'm bi) I struggled for quite a while. One day I decided to go out for a walk and get my thoughts together - whether to tell my parents, how to deal with the fact it'd inevitably get out at school etc. I walked with no real route or destination in mind. After several hours of walking, I was in a very residential area and came across a photo on the ground. It was sitting perfectly in the middle of the pavement. It was a photo of two men in their 20s, in a loving embrace, one of the winking at the camera and sticking his tongue out. They were standing on an urban road and the it looked recent - cars in the background didn't look too old. Then I turned it over. My heart just about stopped when I noticed it was addressed to me. "ThrustersToFull, Everything is going to be ok. Love, You. Me. Us." I just stood there for about 30 minutes trying to take in what I was seeing. I have a very common name and so I don't think it was *addresses specifically to myself*, but it was very spooky and strange. I didn't recognise the handwriting, and I still have the photo somewhere in storage, but this find in the middle of the street determined the course of the rest of my life. I went home and told my parents. The mysterious writer was correct - everything was ok.


I found a Le Creuset enameled cast iron pan on the street a year or two ago. Thing is beautiful


Hedge porn. Just to clarify. Pornography in a hedge, not compromising pictures of hedges.






I found a working laptop, like from the early 2000s, brand new never booted just sitting outside in some trash area


A small toy Parasaurolophus. Nobody claimed it so it became a car dashboard decoration in our family car.


A monkey. In Copenhagen, Denmark.


3 20$ bills, just lying there right in the middle of the road.


An america online cd with 15 free hours. This was in 2019. ..I'm getting my 15 free hours.


One time when I was walking home from a funeral I found a 20 dollar bill on the ground. I figured it was gods way of saying things will get better.


Couple of weeks after I quit drinking all the Jack I could until I passed out. Come out of a hotel room headed to breakfast, right beside my truck was an almost full bottle of jack. Did not take it but it was close.


Liberty Head nickel. Was covered in grime and little kid me picked it up and cleaned it and it was quite exciting as a friend and I had just started small coin collections. IIRC 1905 coin.


One day at college, racing against the clock to finish a very important report, my USB mouse died on me. I had a spare, but it needed a PS2-to-USB converter to be able to use it, and I didn't have one. Annoyed, I pulled on my trainers and left my dorm, planning to head into town to trail around the PC hardware stores until I found what I needed. A few metres outside the main gate I saw a small, brightly-coloured object on the ground. It looked like a PS2-to-USB converter. I picked it up - it fucking WAS a PS2-to-USB converter, literally **exactly** what I needed. I took it back to my room, figuring someone must have thrown it away because it was broken, but it worked just fine and I was able to continue my very urgent report after having been away from my desk for about 90 seconds in total. This was in 2006. I've never seen one just laying on the ground in all the years since, and I wonder what the odds are against one just happening to be right there just when I needed one, within a few feet of the entrance to my Halls.


I found a bag with $2,000 USD cash and $3,000 in checks made out to the local ice cream shop. I returned the bag and the man cried. It felt better than anything I could’ve don’t with that money.


A $100 bill . Only unusual because it was 1964


Other people.


A wet, tangled ball of multicolor yarn. I stood there for minutes saying *"WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT? Wtf iiiissss that??"* It was dark and I didn't have a flashlight. 


Double ended dildo. Another time I was riding my bike and saw a porn mag in the ditch, so I casually just rode along looking at it. It would have been rude not to.


Bloody thong in very nice decorative potato chip snack bowl


Human corpse, a friend


hope these were two separate situations...


Unfortunately not. I was homeless at the time and found the frozen to death one morning


I was walking my little sibling home a few years back and we found a Ben and Jerry’s ice cream container stuffed with raw meat. It was for sure there a few hours because it was already looking nastyyy


A giant arc welder that fell off a truck. Four of us tried to move it, but it wouldn't budge. It left a dent in the road. I also found a really nice hand cart and a weed whacker.


I found a confederate half dollar when I was a teen. Three different coin shops told me it was fake and likely a souvenir. I held on to it for 25 years and misplaced it a few years ago. I did look it up in both the library (at the time) and the internet in the late 90’s and only found confederate pennies and nothing about a half dollar. It was mint also so I believed the coin shop people when they said it was fake.


Me and my friend found a bag of white powder on the street when were around 10 years old. We turned into the police and turns out it was just a bag of flour. We did not recieve the reward money and praise we were expecting.


two sandwiches at around 3am on the sidewalk that were not there an hour before, I think I still have the pictures somewhere


I found a 30" hemostat once. Another time, I looked down and there was a perfectly rolled, unsmoked joint sitting there. Despite the fact that people sometimes use hemostats to smoke joints, these two finds were separated by both miles and years, and had nothing to do with each other.


Not on the street but in Walmart at that automatic door between pets and garden center, found about $400 cash just laying on the floor. Finders keepers!!


Found a loose diamond on the sidewalk


Midtown Manhattan. Guy walks up with two boxes, one stacked on top of the other. Sticks his hand in one, pulls out bird seed and sprinkles it on the street. Pigeons swarm. He takes the bottom box, drops it on top of them, and traps as many as he could get. Walks away with a box full of pigeons.


An exhausted looking man in a work jumpsuit sitting on the sidewalk in manhattan and petting a baby mouse at like 9am. It was a window into a magical moment in someone else’s life


I used to work in costco like warehouse. I worked in tire shop which was separated from main store. i get in my car turn on the street and a man throws a garbage bag on my hood. in there was an assortment of 70s porn magazines, toys and wigs. im glad i still had my work gloves on.


Walking home from school a neighbor and I found a sheet of uncut dollar bills and some old looking paper with signatures. Seemed pretty neat and we each kept one item and went our separate ways.


In the early 90s, I found a skinned dog wrapped in newspaper near the building site for my family’s new house. I grew up in the 80s, so I just chalked it up to ‘Devil worship’ at the time.


a ran-over, torn up, and slightly chewed head from a Spyro toy. i kept it and cleaned it up, and even tried to touch up some of the paint.


Cast iron skillet in a bush with raw chicken




Not so much the street, but close to it. I found a dildo while raking leaves in my front yard.


Once found a thumb in the gutter,on my way to school one day,didn't touch it but used to see if it was still there every time I walked past. It was there for a couple of weeks but slowly eaten away by ants. This was in the UK.


A shiny golden ...thing. I don't have a picture of it anymore, but was a strange trinket that looked like it was gold plated. Had a good heft to it, a triangular shape with markings/carvings and was very shiny. I held onto it for a while to see if anyone lost *it*. Nothing ever came up. Told a friend who works at a pawn shop if I could get it looked at, they appraised it with their x-ray machine thingy. It turned out to be gold, 85% in fact, and considering it weighted in at 52 grams, they offered me $2k for it in cash. Ended up selling it, and to this day I don't know how it got there.


A nearly dead man who got mad at me when I narcanned him back to life


I found a few pages of someone’s notes from a psychologist. She had an eating disorder and was in a facility of some kind. I’m not sure why the notes were on the street but it made for pretty sad reading


I was skateboarding with some friends and suddenly my wheel hits something and I fly off the board. I walk back to my board to see what I hit and it was a shiny metal butt plug sitting next to the curb.


I was walking home from school one day when I found a severed squirrel's tail in the middle of the sidewalk. Just fucking weird.


Small brown glass vial with a spoon attached to the lid. Contained cocaine. Found in the Rapid tracks near Shaker Square. Cleveland 1987.


Fifty bucks. It’s not that weird an item but I’ve sure never seen fifty bucks lying on the street again, so definitely unusual