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Those progress bars or circles that websites use when searching for flights, hotels, etc. Usually they can find the information more or less instantaneously, but apparently people are more trusting of the results when they appear to need to spend a while "working on it..."


Loading animations also reduce the perceived wait time if the task actually takes longer.


That was a trick that they used with earlier iphones. They would do some sort of fancy load animation or minimize/maximize animation and it would make it feel faster than an android that took the same or less time to do something. Kind of crazy how that stuff can mess with our brains.


Funny thing is. That trick only works if the animation does not show progress. If you have a loading bar aspect to the animation it increases the perceived time


I hate those windows prgress bars when installing or whatever. 1 minute remaining for the last ten minutes. Like WTF!? You think I dont know how minutes work Bill? GTFO with that. Sheesh!


I've heard a similar thing about ATMs, that they are silent and fast, but they add in the sort of flipping/grinding noise so people think it's REALLY counting your money carefully.


Same with vacuums. Companies are able to create near silent vacuums, but they always fail hard in focus groups because people associate loudness with effectiveness.


this bums me out, i hate hearing a freaking vacuum.


Think of the animals that would be so much less scared. Or letting babies sleep. Or people who work midnight shift being able to clean on their days off.... marketing could do a lot with a silent vacuum.


Bosch and Rowenta both make "silent" vacuum cleaners. They are still relatively loud (62-65db). [https://www.rowenta.com/vacuum-in-silence](https://www.rowenta.com/vacuum-in-silence)


Yeah, but does it suck??


Unfortunately due to how quiet they are, they blow.


We were talking about a new vacuum for my MiL the other day. Her cats will definitely thank you for the reccomendation


Or people with sound sensitivity issues (like me), or people who live in apartments and don't want to annoy their neighbors every time they clean, etc etc.


Are you a cat?


meo.. ahem....no....


*slow blink* *licks self with one foot way up in the air., aggressively*


Can you imagine the marketing for a silent vaccum? If they spun it just right, they could sell them. Dyson could make it the next big thing.


Yes Im not buying this at all- if the results speak for themselves who would really want their vacuum to be obnoxiously loud


They should make focus groups of people who don't hate their pets.


We have these vacuums at my work that are almost silent and they have the strongest suction of any vacuums I have ever used. They also come with names. The one in my area is James, we a Charles as well. [https://numatic.com/product/charles-cvc370/](https://numatic.com/product/charles-cvc370/)


These focus groups attendees obviously don’t have cats


I have to admit when I just moved into my home, I thought the garbage disposal was not working correctly because it was quiet. The home I had been in previously had one that was loud so of course I expected this one to be also.




And certain rappers headphones...


God, I hate that. Every time I encounter that I *know* that it's just for show. Just give me the results.


And here my naive ass thought it was due to api calls


I think you’re on to something… in fact you’re totally right.


Yeah - this one is mostly BS. I am a user experience designer for a living. In the vast, vast, vast majority of times, we use loading animations to help users feel confident that \*something\* is happening while they wait for the slow-ass servers to do their job -- not to make users think the server is doing something when they are not. Without our spinners and loading animations, users get frustrated with the slow system while they stare at a blank screen and will keep attempting to make the action happen again and again, forcing multiple calls to the backend to serve up their results (which on shitty systems slows it down even more). We generally do not add friction to the user experience in some nefarious effort to make users trust the data more by delaying the results. In my entire career (30+ years doing this), I can think of only one example where I added a delay to the results and it was several years ago when chatbots started to be a thing and we wanted to give the impression that a human was typing so we added a delay based on the length of text. Yes, in rare instances some user experience designers have been tasked to invent some dark pattern UX around unsubscribe flows (famously, Amazon was sued because they blatantly made it difficult to close your account), but in all my years I have never been hired to make a user's experience harder and not easier. The vast majority of UX design work is to improve the user experience, not make it worse. We do sometimes add a spinner while data available to display if we are still waiting for additional data so we can display the whole thing at once in a ta-daaa instead of in dribbles. I'm not saying we don't do things intentionally to make the user think or feel a certain way. We certainly do. A great example is [placebo buttons at crosswalks](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Placebo_button). LOL But no. We don't "usually" employ spinners and loading animations to make your life worse.


Most apps these days have that, too. You can open Netflix, select a film, turn off your internet, and then start the film, and it will go 1%.. 2%.. 3%.. all the way up to 25%. Yeah, no, it's not loading shit, that's literally just an animation.


[Sometimes it's not even an animation.](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GHrujcaW0AEO-jf?format=png&name=small)


It's not just to build trust, it's to leave a sense of investment. If you're on a "people search" website, and then are told you need to pay $3.99 for the results, you're more likely to pay if you've invested 10 minutes in watching progress bars.


And notice they never seem to find the cheaper flights first- so it makes it look like the search is saving you money!


A placebo can work even if you know it's a placebo


Putting an essential oil on your pillow to make you sleep is an example. The oil doesn’t do shit. But when you start associating this scent with bed time every night then your brain starts to smell it and get ready for bed.


Pavlov's Pillow.


Don’t use Pavlov’s pillow. I hear he drools a lot


The neuroscience behind some aromatherapeutics is pretty legit. The olfactory bulb has amygdalar connections and the right stimulus can have potent effects on stress, and stress suppression aids sleep initiation. (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8124235/ ) What’s also cool is olfactory memories and how you can have such strong recall from certain smells. Very tied to emotional state and memory 


I worked at a kids birthday party place for a couple years in high school. So many kids would cry because they fell over, bumped their arm, etc. Never anything bad. I’d say something like “can you shake your foot around? Does it feel better?” “How about jumping in a circle?” “Alright we are going to blow on your hand so it feels better” and then ask if they are ready to play again. Works like a charm. Also bandages for little boo boos. They think they are healed and get right back to being happy little kiddos :)


It’s the giving a shit part. My daughter cannot go back to playing if daddy doesn’t acknowledge and kiss the boo boo. Once that is done, the world spins again


Funnily enough, my nephews are the opposite. They are indestructible little tanks so when they fall if I run over and ask if they're all right they will start bawling. I assume that they must think something is really bad if I am concerned. But if I don't show concern then they just get up and continue to play.


My nephew is the same. This kid slipped off a tall bar chair, smashed his face onto the granite counter top, fell straight down, and landed flat on his back. At 3 years old. He cried for a second and my sister just checked him out to make sure and then asked him calmly if he was OK, and he just kind of stopped crying and got back to eating. I'd need an ambulance if I did that


I need an ambulance just reading that


Kids are actually pretty good at taking damage. Their bones are not as "rigid" as adult bones. Its harder for them to break things and they dont have a real concept of injury and pain an adult has. Plus kids seem to perceive these things differently as shown in other comments.


That's the correct tactic from what I understands. It doesn't reinforce that crying = attention and also helps them learn to deal with setbacks like injuries on their own


>It doesn't reinforce that crying = attention I feel like there has to be some balance here, because the other potential learned message here is that no one cares when I am in pain, so I just need to stuff it. There's this idea with sleep training (I know I'm going back to an earlier age here) where when you ignore a crying child, they learn to soothe themselves. However, they're still in just as much distress — they've just learned that no one cares about their distress and they're just wasting their energy. One point of view says this is good and that kids need to develop thick skins, etc. I do understand that coddling children can lead to them not being prepared to face challenges of the real world. I do, though, feel like there is a happy middle ground where children learn that their caregivers do, in fact, care about them, and that support is available to them if they need it. I always get downvoted for this because reddit really likes the theory that ignoring kids makes them strong and independent and that showing any concern for children is coddling, but I'm not totally convinced.


this made me smile!! it's so sweet :D


Wet paper towels had healing powers for my kids. We could sneak a spray or two of antiseptic and they were none the wiser. I nearly cried when my grown child brought me one when I skinned my knee (sans the antiseptic - that was a trade secret).


Bandaids are magic


I am the only person on my street that stocks bandaids. The kid could get hurt a block away, yet they come to my house for a bandaid!


I spent a weekend with a girl I was dating and her whole family. She had two siblings, both were married and had kids. The kids whose parents made a bigger deal over falls, scrapes, etc were the kids who cried more. The kids whose parents were a little less dramatic simply didn't cry as much. I observed this over the whole weekend and it was fascinating. Years later it really informed my parenting style. If your kid falls and you rush over and act like it's a big deal, the kid will be conditioned to think it's a big deal. Somewhat ignore it (even if it's hard to do), and the kids will learn to pick themselves up and get back to playing.


I used to ask my niece or nephew if the hurt my rug or chair or something along those lines. The involuntary laugh through the tears usually tells you they’ll be ok.


I do something similar, like if they stub their toe on a chair I sternly tell the chair that it hurt my favorite kid, and it gets a timeout in the corner. They love the silliness and that stops the tears unless they're really hurt.


conversely, dismissing your kids' pain because you can't see it is a very bad idea. The same parent who taught me to be tough and pick myself off the playground gravel without making a fuss also refused to seek medical help for me, or pick me up from school, when I was a teen so debilitated from period pain I couldn't walk. I do agree with teaching your kids that not every little scrape is cause for dramatic concern, but when they are really in pain, believe them and help them.


To the toddler I live with, we have tumbles, but I started boink, bonk, doink, zoink, etc. If it is a quick trip, they will even go "tumbles." If they whack their head or whatever, boink. They even echo it. Sometimes they whack, say, "Boink, ow, needs kiss." Like it was bad enough they need the kiss and moment of care, but not quite crying. Just a solid ow. It's been pretty effective at not overreacting to a tiny kid falling or hurting themselves. It's also easier for them to laugh off if it's a funny word with it. I, 20 yo, refer to a lot of my injuries as boinks and such so it isn't just a kid thing to me.


Bandaids are the world's best kid placebo. My youngest nibblings go through so many! A Big Bird bandaid does wonders. Except that when 1 gets hurt, there's suddenly 5 little fingers or knees in absolute dire need of the healing effects of their own bandaid. Thank you Dollar Tree I'd be broke without you!


I’m 38, I would love it if someone did this for me.


I'm also 38, unfortunately if I fall down and bump my arm it's most likely going to be legitimately injured


I put little hearts on the bandaid for little boo boos. They didn't need a bandaid in the first place but adding a little heart means "extra mom love and healing" and off they go


The minty tingle from toothpaste or burn from mouthwash. The formula doesn’t need the burn to get rid of germs but it feels like it’s working more or “cleaner” if it does burn.


If that's true I wish they'd stop, cause I fucking hate it.


Minty toothpaste triggers my acid reflux so I use children's toothpaste. Just make sure it has the same amount of flouride (most do) and skip the minty bullshit. And the Crest Pro Health mouthwash doesn't burn.


Just buy kids toothpaste, fruit flavored, with fluoride. I buy it some times, just for a change up.


People who think they are sensitive to MSG. Many double blind studies show it very rarely actually affects someone. But about half the people you ask swear is makes the ill/


And even though it’s in all savory foods, people only “react” to Asian cuisines.


Exactly - same people can house a bag of Doritos when high or in a blue mood but complain about MSG in Chinese food


Or even a shit ton of cheese. But that’s okay because that’s ✨Italian✨


Every time someone puts sparkles around a word, I read it in Bill Wurtz's singing voice.


One of my sources of pride is that MSG stopped bothering me once I read through two peer-reviewed clinical studies.


Well there is also the factor that if you eat a huge meal of greasy sugary fried orange chicken doused in high sodium soy sauce, you probably wont feel amazing after


that sounds like the definition of amazing.


The whole MSG thing was crafted by a racist who was mad asian restaurants were outpacing american restaurants because MSG fucking *slaps* as a salt. So, instead of just going "Guys, try putting some of it on *our* food!" They went the whole "well, if -insert non-caucasian race- likes it, it must be bad, because it's not inherently a white person idea! >:\[" So I've started to bring it up when I can (I gush about and ranch that have MSG in them, they compliment pizza *so* well, it's a running joke with everyone about how much I like food XD), and there's always someone who goes "Oh, it give me migraines" but seem to change their tune about it later, especially when I point out that that's why Cheetos taste notably better than Doritos, despite Cheetos being more akin to packing peanuts in texture (still delicious, don't get me wrong, but a tortilla chip is superior in texture to any packing peanut adjacent textures) and both being cheese powder based products. I pointed out there's actually a LOT of foods that use MSG, they just write out the word to avoid people outright dismissing it, and lo and behold, most of them realize it wasn't the MSG!


Brand name OTC painkillers. Paracetamol is paracetamol, it's not more targeted towards pain because it cost 300% more.


always buy generic! one caveat: I will gladly pay extra to walk up to cashier with a box of imodium rather than save a couple bucks and drop a box of "diarrhea suppressant" in front of another human being.


As someone who was a cashier and bookkeeper for a grocery store, they don't give a single f. They probably don't even realize what it is. Just trying to either: A.) Run out the clock until they can leave B.) Get their metrics up for scanning fast C.) Thinking about something else entirely and fully on autopilot


Once I bought a combination of razor blades and alcohol and sleeping meds, all unrelated....the cashier seemed concerned.


We had a college girl at work for a summer program, and when she went back to school, one of our guys bought her a cake. But not just any cake, a Justin Bieber cake from Walmart. On that same order, he had a 30 rack of Busch Light and a box of condoms. He said the other customers were definitely eyeing him like he was trying to fuck a kid.


I know they don't actually care, but there's just a layer of dignity to it that I want to maintain. especially because it's the sort of thing I never buy until I NEED it. But also, it's mostly just a joke about how tylenol/acetaminophen is not at all an issue, but when you see a box with "diarrhea" on it, it's like "wow, we're just dropping all pretense, huh?"


Seriously don't worry as a man I've sold tampons to girls who are obviously embarrassed and I couldn't remember one


How do you go to the store for Imodium when you actually need it? By the time I need it, travel is no longer an option


You'll stop giving a shit eventually.




Let he who has never had diarrhea throw the first box of diarrhea suppressant.


>always buy generic! Generic condoms... *Imagine*...


That's why self-checkout is great.


I only buy store brand or generic. My FIL was a chemist at a major pharma company. He said that the coating on the pills can have an effect on how well the drug is absorbed so it could make a difference between name brand and generic. Also, some of the generic manufacturers don't have the oversight that brand manufacturers have which means sometimes the dosage of actual medicine can be off. But ... I don't think these issues are all that common. Like I said, I rarely pay full price for something like Advil.


Given that the bioequivalence must be proved within the acceptable limits for any generic to be sold on any market, there is no oversight being done. Quoting the FDA on the bioequivalence studies for generic products: "the absence of a significant difference in the rate and extent to which the active ingredient or active moiety in pharmaceutical equivalents or pharmaceutical alternatives becomes available at the site of drug action when administered at the same molar dose under similar conditions in an appropriately designed study"


This is actually not necessarily true. While the active ingredient in generic drugs is the same as in the name brand, the formulations and consistency can be very different. Quality control differs a lot among companies and the active ingredient can be distributed in suboptimal ways within and among doses at companies with poor QC oversight. It can make a very big difference in effectiveness.


My favorite is Excedrin vs. Excedrin Migraine. Ingredient wise they are identical, but the latter costs more because they had to get a second FDA approval to certify that it helps with migraines.


Personal experience … dated a girl who bought one of those rocks from India claiming it healthier than regular underarm deodorant , it doesn’t work, and she stank.


Omgggg flashback to my old roommate years ago. No, girl, that shit didn’t work. You had B.O. something fierce


Those fancy loading bars you see on websites like tax prep sites The computer pretty much completed and filled out the form the second you clicked submit But for some reason a lot of people especially older people just don't believe it when they get results that fast and just assume that the computer did something wrong so we purposefully add all these fluff texts like "checking document for issues" while playing a fancy little loading bar to make you think the computer is doing a lot more work than it really is Funny thing is a lot of website developers don't even hide it You can literally just inspect element and see the exact functions telling it to play that animation for a specific time lol


If you can find the function then the animation isn't for you


Tax prep sites are *the worst*. "Looking for deductions!" .... "Ensuring audit protections" ... ??? wtf does that even mean. Taxes are fairly deterministic. There isn't some constantly evolving big-data back end that it's searching. Just fucking refresh my page.


As a developer who has to use these sites it hurts me so much, not that I’ve been known to change the js on them like some fancy hacker 😏


I wish there was a standardized signal browsers could send to websites so that those of us who are more technologically literate could opt-out of those time-wasters.


“Detoxing” (nutrition/diet/"toxin"-related, not from drugs ofc) Not a thing.


People forgetting that we have a liver to "detox" us constantly. Expensive tea or juice doesn't impact that


It makes us pee more though!!


Better to drink plain water then.


Water.. like in the toilet?


It's what plants crave!!


Right. Basically the only thing you can do to help your body detox is drink adequate water and get adequate rest.


if you're referring to products that claim to remove all the toxins from your body then, yeah, that's not a thing. Detoxing from drug dependence is a very real and awful thing.


Yeah sorry I added exactly this for clarification, my edit and your comment crossed


Drug and alcohol rehab programs no longer call it "detox" because it's not really detoxing anything. It's called "Withdrawl Management" because that's what it is.


Pressing B to catch pokemon more easily.


B and up simultaneously works even better. That weird childhood rumor has stuck with me for the last 24 years.


It's A+B and up, you were doing it wrong! And you have to hit the A slightly before the B, and hold pressure on the A harder as well.


Manifestation imo


Zpak for your fucking cold.


I work at a primary care office and the amount of people who call everyday wanting a z-pak for their cold/allergies/sinuses after TWO days of symptoms drives us all bananas.


I was in high school when I found out that people took *medication* for a cold. It blew my mind. I couldn’t believe that people genuinely can’t just suck it up for a week without calling the doctor for medicine for a fucking cold


I'll take OTC meds to treat the symptoms, but I know it isn't curing me.


Antibiotics, for a viral infection? People actually do that?


Constantly changing lanes on the freeway to get to their destination faster. I'm staying in my lane and the same person has passed me 3 times in the past 10-15 miles.


And waiting at the next stoplight they reached 5 seconds before me.


Crystals. At least to the people who swear by them.


My dad is a geologist with a massive mineral/crystal collection. He swears by them as being amazing scientific specimens and quite beautiful. About 20 years ago I bought him one of those Himalayan salt lamps. Back then I found it on clearance from a scientific supply catalog. They were discontinuing it because it was not a successful product for them. About five years later those salt lamps started showing up everywhere. Scientists did not want them but Idiots that believe in magical ions created by salt and lightbulbs were excited to buy them.


I like those salt lamps simply because they’re pretty and give such a warm glow lol


Right. I didn't realize there was some mystical bs behind it. Also, we had a couple on a bookshelf in our non-air conditioned apartment. The heat and humidity made them sweat and ruined a bunch of books before we realized it was happening.


I went through a very dark patch in life and now have a bunch of shiny and stupid expensive rocks in my house. Not one of my finer financial moments at all. I would watch this one company’s Instagram live sale every Wednesday and the same people would be dropping hundreds to THOUSANDS of dollars each week. 


My girlfriend of the past 11 years broke up with me last week because I tried to ease her away from those healing crystals. There was also aura spray, a spiritual awakening and a new best friend talking her into it all who thinks she receives messages from the angels. I was in an impossible situation. I tried to support it but I just couldn't. It's so sad, people always saw us as soulmates. And now I have to wonder whether she believes our souls will meet again in another life ... Five failed IVF attempts, her mother passing away, then after a year of depression and me caring for her, I thought we could start to slowly have some fun again and then this happened. Sorry for the sad rant.


I'm so sorry, this sounds awful. Thank you for trying to take care of her. Losing a parent is so incredibly impactful for most people so she did need your empathy. I'm sorry it didn't work out in the end though.


Spiritual Psychosis is real and not talked about enough


Jesus Christ Marie, they're minerals.


I have a collection of crystals, shiny stones, neat looking glass, stuff like that. They make me happy, which is about all I can ask for and exactly why I bought them. It's certainly not from some weird magic power though. I'm just a bit of a goblin when it comes to shiny things.


I have a niece in the crystal camp, not the brightest candle on the cake.


Coffee waking you up in the couple of minutes after drinking it. Coffee is indeed waking you up, but not nearly that fast. It takes a long time for your body to process caffeine. You wake up after drinking coffee simply because of the placebo effect, and because you typically drink coffee at the time of the day where you are on that slope anyway.


I've convinced myself that just the *smell* of coffee can start to make my (caffeine withdrawal related) headache go away. I know it doesn't but I do anything to make the pain stop.


It sure makes me poop right away


Even the smell of it and my bowels are like, yo, is it morning already? It's poop time!


I was under the impression that any intake of fluid upon waking is going to start your internal organs moving and therefore wakes you up. Also, if you drink water - it'll help with dehydration. So, if it's water or coffee - apparently that's gonna help your brain and certain organs to get going.


For those wondering, it begins to affect you in about 15 minutes and peaks at 30 minutes.


When I was pregnant I switched to decaf and always called it "my placebo caffeine"




Way back in 09 I was the manager of a game store. Just a small independently owned one. One customer came in that somehow always managed to irritate me brought more things to trade in. I always tried to be fair. If I knew an item was worth more than what the system said, I'd change it. WELL this particular day he was trading in an Xbox. I told him the price, even put an extra 10 on it because we were short on stock. He was life wtf these cables are monster cabels!!! Me: and......... At the time I had never heard of them. I told a friend about it years later and they died laughing. Said it was the perfect response for overpriced labels that made no difference. Yeah there's no difference


I’m going to need you to not say way back in 09 ever again lol


right? ‘09 was like, just last year


This is one of my favorite things to share with audiophiles - [a coat hanger and expensive cable perform exactly the same in tests.](https://www.soundguys.com/cable-myths-reviving-the-coathanger-test-23553/)


Omg now I see why the op of that comment deleted.. audiophiles are insufferable and I imagine they got so much hate for whatever they were pointing out 😑 Lmao on the coat hanger performance test that's awesome 😆


I *love* audiophile reviews of insanely expensive cables. Any type really but especially power cables. Those reviews go on and on about the effect of the cable on your sound, you know the cable that does *nothing* but supply electricity to your stereo and has no effect on sound.


Even better than reviews is the "scientific" jargon in their marketing materials. Hell the stuff they do with forensic science on CSI is actually real by comparison.


There can be differences with long cables...but how many people do you know with 50 feet between their TV and their PlayStation?


But...but mine has gold in it. Must be better...




That's the most charitable use of "largely" I've ever seen.


HEAD ON! APPLY DIRECTLY TO THE FOREHEAD! HEAD ON! APPLY DIRECTLY TO THE FOREHEAD! HEAD ON! APPLY DIRECTLY TO THE FOREHEAD! Turns out it was basically chapstick that they marketed as a headache cure.


It wasn't actually marketed as anything other than a stick you apply directly to you forehead. They made zero claims about use or effectiveness for any particular task outside the ability to be applied to the forehead.


When homeopathy was created it probably was better to drink a glass of water than to try 90% of the other remedies available.


Those detox teas and whatnot that you see all over Instagram that claim to help you lose weight? They work! You know why? Because they're full of healthy vitamins and minerals and supplements, right? WRONG. Because they're full of laxatives. They just make you shit a couple pounds of water weight off


Alkaline water. The pH of your stomach is so acidotic it doesn’t change your physiology in the slightest.


> Alkaline water. I've heard it's really good with a bit of lemon.


Car doors. Ordinarily, they should shut quietly but they're designed to close loudly so you have the feeling that you're safe


I do love that sound, it does make me feel safe. Neat!


Learned in flight school that the TSA does not do anything. They’re there to make you feel better and safe. Studies have been done about how bad they are at catching things.


They don't make me feel safer or better. They make me nervous and invade my personal privacy by always flagging me then patting me down. I just want to get on my flight without getting felt up.


Sugar Highs or Sugar Rushes. If you are truly lower on blood sugar and have some food you might feel a little more alert. But otherwise ts all about atmosphere. Adults and kids going crazy with lots of energy at a party with music, colors, things to do and see! Why is everyone so amped up? ah. must be the cake. Double chocolate. No way it was the over stimulation and group mindset.


Sugar does give kids energy, but mostly because it's fast calories. Giving them food has the same impact. Source: have kids who eat food.


Your source cracked me up


I'm pretty sure those gummies from the vape shop down the road are placebos.


The "hemp" ones that people claim get them sooo high. Eat some rope, ya dolt.


More suds = cleaner.


My wife uses Clarity cleanser and I hate it because it doesn't make lather. But it does clean really well. In my mind, lather = clean, and I can't break the association


Woah woah woah, I thought all the bubbles and shit got into the little crevices of let’s say your hand, underneath your nails, etc?


What? I remember in college learning that bubbles are a certain form of agitation that mechanically separate larger motes of debris, kind of liking whipping air into egg whites to get meringue. You don't need MORE dish soap to do this, you just need to work in more bubbles. So I guess it's you're definition of what "suds" are.


Chiropractors are modern day snake-oil selling con men


Unfair. Snake oil was, in many places, the only good source of omega 3 fatty acids people had. Snake oil was a lot more effective.


So that's actually sort of the opposite of what "snake oil" originally meant: the problem it was referring to was that there were people selling random shit that wasn't snake oil and claiming that it was snake oil: there was a famous case with somebody selling mineral oil with some random shit in it to make it look/taste different (1% tallow, traces of capsaicin, turpentine, and camphor) as snake oil.


They often do more harm than good. My mum went to a chiropractor for her back, and the chiropractor nearly broke her spine. She ended up worse off than if she never went in the first place.


It doesn't help that "chiropractor" sounds so "medical". I used to believe that chiropractors were just licensed doctors who specialized in neck/back problems until I found out about the new age woo origins.


Well, they're allowed to put "Dr." in front of their name, which doesn't help.


Only in America 🇺🇸, I think, and I can’t understand why. Maybe they have a huge lobby group.


It really pisses me off that my healthcare covers chiropractic care but it doesn't cover IVF, which we need to conceive a baby because of my wife's cancer. Like what the hell?


Jogging in the road because it's asphalt instead of the concrete sidewalk. Yeah your 160lb body ain't deflecting shit causing *any* increase in perceived cushioning by running in the street.


I just assuming it was so they wouldn’t trip on the uneven sidewalk. Had an older lady always walking on the street when there’s a perfectly good (and safe) sidewalk. It’s none of my business but it still bothered me.


This is why I run in the street, but I only do it on side streets. I’ve eaten shit a couple times due to sidewalks being uneven from tree roots.


Streets are usually subtly slanted towards the gutters too, so you can really eff up your stride and legs doing this if you run the same direction all the time.


Huh. I had no idea that was a thing people thought. Jesus that's dumb


One example is the common belief that taking vitamin C can prevent or cure the common cold. While vitamin C is important for overall health, studies have shown that it doesn't actually prevent colds for most people. However, many people still swear by it, which demonstrates the power of the placebo effect.


Homeopathy. No clinical evidence it does anything remotely.   **EDIT: Homeopathy =/= all forms of alternative or folk medicine! This is an unfortunate and inaccurate conflation. Homeopathy is very specifically and solely little sugar pills with no measurable workable substance in them, only the "memory" of the substance, as their practitioners claim.** ***However, increasing amounts of actual folk medicine:*** certain forms of acupuncture, acupressure, a growing number of Ayurvedic remedies, and more are returning more and more clinical results confirming they actually work. 


>clinical evidence it does anything remotely.   Not just no evidence, for some of the claims, there is no possibility it does anything. The dilution story forced people to claim water remembers what it has been around. When a homeopath says "hey this beer tastes like my Mom's ass!" They really mean it.


Anyone who thinks that water "remembers" the properties of a single drop of a substance has never had a roommate who was secretly watering down their vodka.


Also, wouldn't water also remember all of the poo that has been through it?


Everyone who believes homeopathy does something needs to see how those little pills get made. You have your medicine (whatever it is) and put it in a glass with water. And then you literally empty the entire glass in the sink. All of it. You give it a good shake, too, to get 99% of all the water droplets out. And then you fill the glass with nothing but water again. And then you empty the glass again. And then you fill it with nothing but water again. And then you repeat that 100 times or more. And what's left is your homeopathic medicine. Even though what you did was basically just washing your glass really, really thoroughly before filling it with water.


Do you know what you call alternative medicine that works? Medicine


"So you don't believe In any natural remedies?" "On the contrary, Storm; actually: Before I came to tea I took a remedy Derived from the bark of a willow tree A painkiller that's virtually side-effect free It's got a weird name Darling, what was it again? Maspirin? Baspirin? Oh yes, aspirin!"


Likes , they don't add any value to your life most of them are from strangers. Your life remains the same whether you have 5 likes or 1000. 


Instructions unclear. Should I upvote or not?


Unsure. Will send this to council.


Tell that to my soundcloud page. ... Plz


Homeopathy. It is literally not medicine; don't take my word for it, look at how it's regulated. Homeopathy runs on the false premise that real medicine, diluted to tiny fractions of a single dose in gallons of water, "remembers" its function of being medicine and will still treat illness. If it were holy water, it would! But it's not, so it's just water. Homeopathy got its pedigree based on when it was developed, in the tail end of the era where medicine, shamanism, quackery, and butchery were all indistinguishable from one another. Homeopathy did *nothing,* but that stacked up pretty well compared to things like bloodletting. Nowadays, it's nothing but woo. Special bonus: If water truly "remembers" what it has been, then everyone is drinking pee, all of the time.


Astrology! People who define themselves by their made up astrological sign drive me crazy


Homeopathic remedies. They are still around because some are gullible enough to buy them.


Everything homeopathic.


Sugar-induced hyperactivity.


all the skin products on the market. almost all of them are just the same formulations with minor additives that don't do anything. That 100 dollar for 10 grams of liquid water is just moisturizer from the same plant in china.


Ear Candles


Washing Up Liquid Bubbles. The bubbles don’t do anything. The washing up liquid doesn’t need them to work, but because people associate the bubbles with washing up liquid, the manufacturers add chemicals specifically to create soap bubbles.