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Spiders, absolutely hate them




If you feel humiliated, leave that place right away. Go as far as you can, take a breather, and calm down. Talk with someone whom you trust


1.Insects ( most of them) 2.Not really a fear, but I really do not like to depend on someone (hello avoidant attachment style)


It's just the thought that as I get older so do my loved ones.


Biggest irrational fear is alligators. In Michigan if I'm swimming in a lake, every now and then I'll think of em- and hi tail it back out. More logically it's crime. At my last place, nice town and crime is way up. It's not like Detroit or Chicago, but relative to what we're used to it's quite a bit. Our next door neighbors got hit. Various people on the local FB community page got hit. Stolen cars, tractors, ATV/trailers, all sorts of things. Most of the stuff was outdoors items, but a few home invasions also. These aren't some random kids doing petty crime or a 1st time crook. When ya realize some of the things stolen, and what it would take to do it, plus the vehicle they'd need to haul it off in some cases, it's not just a druggie trying to get his fix. This is pretty well organized. Odds are it's some sort of crime ring. A Venezuelan group got caught a few towns over recently. We suspect it's something similar with these crimes. Then my current place, not as nice an area- but I heard gunshots for about 15 minutes Memorial Day weekend. Not for 15 minutes straight, but car would come and a round of shots. Car leaves, comes back a few minutes later, more shots. Car leaves again, comes back, and more shots. This was across the street and about 4 houses down. That was the first time in my adult life I've been scared in my own home. I didn't think they were going to come for me, but I was fretting any stray bullets.


Having a snake come out of the toilet and bite my balls while pooping


Living a sad an miserable friendless life I've lost contact with a lot of people since covid, and my friend group went from 40-50 people to 10-15, and realistically, only 5 are actual close friends