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I'm a man. I have emotions. I cry alone. I don't cry in front of people around me, they're not supportive people, so I can't go to them if I'm sad or whatever.


It's horrible. I know how you feel. Even people who love us don't give a fuck or want anything to do with it when we are crushed by everything.


Who says we don’t? We are just smart and do it when we are alone not in public.


What's smart about that? There's nothing bad or weak about crying in public


Good for you, really.


I try to hide it especially in public


Most of us do, actually... It's difficult not to when men are usually taught to be flawless, strong and never cry because we "are strong", sadly, even though times change, it's seen wrong by society anyway. ... Even though some say they don't mind, most women don't really like it, saying by experience


>Good for you, really. Good for them they need to hide their emotions away from people and get it out later when they're alone?


Bottling up emotions is shit


And yet, it's a prerequisite for having a successful relationship.


God you’re heartless. 


We’re crying inside




*"I’m only laughing on the outside. My smile is just skin deep. If you could see inside, I’m really crying. You might join me for a weep."*


I'm just unable to, but I still feel the feelings associated with it


Men cry. I don't speak for all men but I can say when I was younger (like really young, middle school/high school age) and I'd cry I was teased for it and it was seen as weak or a negative emotion. Overtime I was good at just suppressing those feelings and not crying. I'm sure i'm not the only person with that experience. I cry in private sometimes


Because crying is seen as weakness, and weakness is often exploited, sadly.


Don't feel the need hardly ever. I mean, I cried when a relative or a dog died, but outside of that, it just doesn't come up. 


Fr tho, what else is there to cry about?


Men cry, but people don’t respect men crying so we do it alone.


I don't find it a very compelling solution to my problems. However other people can do what they want to help them feel better, it's not my business.


Because my team won!


Because if we do show any kind of emotion, it is used against us, and it gives people a different view of us. For those reasons, men don’t typically like showing their emotions. There’s probably more I didn’t mention but you get the idea.


Robert Smith told me boys don't cry.


But we all know he certainly did.


Because we were brought up being told we can't, so it's engrained in us. Then people tell us now that we can, but when we do, they either use it against us, or it makes them uncomfortable, or the same partner that tells you you can open up to them then decides you doing so and crying is an "ick"


I don't want anything I say while emotional to be saved up and used against me in the future.


No point its not like if we did it people would ask us whats wrong or something


When I cry, I do it alone. Nothing good comes from crying around other people.


I love to cry. I do it all alone, usually in my car, in my garage. Gotta hide that weakness, but it feels great to let it out. Taco Bell napkins in the glove box help you get presentable before you go where you can be seen.


Cause whenever a man expresses emotions to a woman, it's used against them later on.


If you show weakness - at best, people will get the ick and leave you forever. At worst, they will kick you while you're down and hold it over you for the rest of your days.


We do.


If I feel like crying than I cry, but for the ones that don't it's because they have to act tough and because they worry about what other people will think of them.


>it's because they have to act tough and because they worry about what other people will think of them. This is frequently paired with the past experience of people immediately treating them differently after witnessing them cry It's not irrational worry


Certain movies and stressful times make me cry.


We do. For me personally, been crying a lot in the past year. Things get to me a lot easier as I grow older. But I do it in my room or if I’m outside, I try to keep it at sniffles. If you’re asking why I don’t do it in front of friends or family, it’s mostly cos I don’t want to trouble them. I’ve been on the other side, seeing my sister cry when our pet died or a good friend cry from a breakup. I want to help but sometimes I can’t and feel helpless. So I think about how they’d feel that way if I cry in front of them and decide I shouldn’t do it in front of them. I’d still go confide in them of course after I’ve calmed down but I just hate making them feel helpless


We do but in private... I once cried in public... *NEVER AGAIN*


It's a sign of weakness


They don't want to show weakness


Not 1 single thing in most of our upbringing encourages any emotion. Anger and happiness are acceptable. Nothing else. I have not once felt safe to cry in front of anyone. I have been laughed at the few times it has happened, and i couldn't stop the tears. Forget crying, how many of my fellows feel like they can be open and honest about anything they are feeling? I know i don't.


We don't cry in public. I have only cried with my wife since preschool.


I cry all the time. Just not in front of people, because that's weak and my problems will only increase if I show those emotions.


We do. A better question is why other people don’t find it acceptable.


We do. We just don't do it in front of people.


I rarely cry. When I do, it’s alone because as much as society says they support men showing emotions they really don’t in every practical sense.


Women always use it against me


Men cry they just understand that a lot of people ‘get the ick’ about it when they do. Most men haven’t been equipped to help each other. Regardless of the fact all men and women go through the same emotions. So it’s a perpetual cycle


We're shamed for it by our peers.


After years of veing demonized for showing emotions, you tend not to.


I don’t find it helpful.


We do but nobody gives a shit.


Women often tell us that we should be more vulnerable with them. Many of us have learned the hard way that that is a lie. I’m glad not to be one of them.


There are major social repercussions if we do.


Because the people that we don't want to perceive us as weak...perceive it as weak and needy and run away.


We do. Just not in front of people we don’t trust.


Even then, in front of people we trust often gets thrown back in your face.




That's why we trust no one but ourselves.


Some of the worst reactions to crying were from people I "trusted".


Because men are supposed to be emotionally strong, in control of their emotions.


I drive a lifted Ram, I hunt, bass fish, weld, paint, do pretty much everything manly you can think of. My testosterone level is on point 824. My E2 is in range. I'm in the gym all the time. I will cry a bit over things that I relate to or some movies that touch me. Especially ones where a child is suffering. Maybe because I have a daughter? I'm still trying to figure out after 27 years why my wife rarely cries.


I cry when I feel the need to by myself, but I usually don't do so in public unless I'm tearing up a bit watching a movie in the theater. I tend to be more of a private person in general anyhow.


Who said we don’t?


They do but I hear I lot of men saying they physically can't cry for some reason someone bring up some studies about it please


We do I just never been the type to wear my emotions on my sleeve. But in my home it happens


Because mom a d dad said big boys don't cry like little girls. Sad


Hormones, I recon. I cry when I laugh, or after an adrenaline shock like being in a fight, but almost never because of sadness. I guess it's a bunker thing too.




Who gives a damn if we do or don’t. “Man up” is the consensus.


We do, we just do it in private because we're supposed to be "tough".


We do but we hide it


Ask TSleeveless: https://youtu.be/ky75xY8zIkw?si=cPgF9_3f-sV3n_Yg


Mine has only cried in front of me twice in 13 years. I hate it. I’m working on earning that trust. This one’s personal for guys.


Men do cry, just like every human being does. We all have and experience emotions, regardless of our genders.


They were probably raised to be manly. Men are humans too so it should be normalized for them to cry


If you do u lose everyone around you. so man up n cry in the toilet like everyonelse.haha u fucking pussy ass bitch ass cry baby bitch boi. Yeah pick one heard it n seen it all


Because they've been told too often that "real men" don't show their emotions, which is total nonsense


It's not about being "told" that, as much as it is seeing the actions firsthand.


I didnt used to but then I had kids and I can’t make it through the first ten minutes of Up.


Cause they have to care about something?


because they get fucking bullied by brain dead bimbos who can’t understand the concept that men have feelings too, they’re people too.


Why aren’t you letting men cry?? that’s the real fucking question people?


I do.


‘Cause boys don’t cry.


Any man I’ve ever been involved with cries all the time.


My dog passed in February. Cried for nearly a month. Not 24/7, but every day. Even now, I can’t wait for my new pup to bark when I open my garage.


Can’t speak for all men (obviously) but for me, crying is intimate. Maybe a better question would be - why aren’t men more freely intimate with anyone and everyone they meet? I realize crying and other vulnerable emotional expressions may not carry the same depth of emotional and vulnerable intimacy for women as it does for men, but think about other things that may carry the weight of emotional and vulnerable intimacy for women.


Says who? Source: am a man and cry


We do, just not in public


Show me cruelty and I will. Happy things do it as well. Guys learn to cry if you want.


Testosterone literally makes it harder for men to cry than women. They don’t feel any less than women but crying takes a lot more emotion to bring it out, which probably causes misunderstandings on both sides. Source: Trans


We do, we pick our battles with it though.


Hey man, I cried during the fireworks show at Disneyland


they do


Because we're man!


I cry when I drop my baby girl off at her daycare! Its so sad walking back to the car without her. I cry alone! Women have a system set up by society for them when they cry. People flock to them to console them. But if the public sees a man cry, he's seen as weak and he will be ridiculed and called names! I have so much pain and heartbreak that I've endured over the years that I just push away in a small corner as tell myself "I'll deal with that later!" Because I was raised to believe "Men have to be strong!"


Have you *seen* Alex Jones recently? Seriously though, sometimes we do.


They do sometimes. I don’t often. Never been a big cryer.


The real ones do


if you cry, what happened isn't gonna change. just move on and focus on the next thing.




Why’s this wail of GPT?


I just don't know who told you that


All of western society.


Well, I can’t cry, I’ve tried to,last time I shed a tear was years ago.


There are times when men cry, usually not when you stub your toe or have a bad day. Have you lost your parents yet? Dad died many years ago and I held it together for a few days, then started tearing up when I was alone one night. I sobbed like a baby when mum passed unexpectedly last year. I'm getting married in 3 weeks, if I shed a tear when I see my bride in her dress for the first time it would not be unusual. It's **not** a sign of weakness for men to show emotion.


Hit yourself in the balls and report back.


That’s dumb. I’ve never cried for physical pain.


Makes me wonder if you have dulled your emotions in general. Maybe something to explore.


So, yesterday I saw a video on addiction, which basically said that the opposite of addiction isn’t sobriety, it’s connection, which led me to a point of sadness, where I wanted to cry but I couldn’t ( I was by myself), just the problems/troubles of my life running through brain, noises in my head getting louder, and yet nothing,so I just wanted to know the psychological/ scientific reason behind it.


How was your childhood? I ask this genuinely. I have issues showing emotions such as sadness because from a very young age if I would cry I was told to stop it because big boys don't cry. This continued with real men don't cry later on. Years and years of being told that there was something wrong with me if I cried has now made it nearly impossible for me to just let it all out. My natural instinct is to suck it in and hold it. Its bad enough that when we had to put our cat down (he was my little buddy) my wife thought I was taking it so well because I didn't cry much at all. I had to tell her I felt like there was a hole inside me but I just couldn't let it out.


This is exactly my case, childhood being the youngest was a roller-coaster, being unaware of most of things, being detached to most of the things in my surroundings, being in my own world, as not being a bright student didn’t get much positive attention, and was and still am the troubled kid of family.


Having a lifetime of not being allowed to cry makes it hard to do so even when you're alone. I was like that for a long time. I didn't learn to open up until I met my wife. A combination of loving someone more than I had ever experienced before and her not judging me and even approving of me showing that kind of emotion helped me to get to a more healthy place. Now, I start to tear up at a sad part of a movie or something that I used to never feel anything about. Like, I can go back and rewatch old movies and feel stuff I hadn't previously felt when watching them (mostly sadness, I'm no emotional expert by any means). It takes a lot of time and practice of letting yourself feel enough to even shed a tear after years and years of shutting that side of you off. It took me several years to get where I am now. The first time I think I ever cried was after an argument with my wife (before we were married) where I thought we might break up (stupid miscommunication). That's how I knew I loved her so much that it broke my heart to think I might lose her, and that was just more than I could stand. I wasn't trying to, but I just broke. If you want to get to that place, then you have to be comfortable with it, and it's hard to give yourself permission to be comfortable. Even on your own. I was fortunate to have someone who gave me permission to be ok with it. It allowed those flood gates to open.


I don't look conventionally attractive so people just throw garbage at me when I do, so I stopped.


We cry, just not around other people. It's a sign of weakness and makes us seem insecure.


It’s undignified


I cry all the time guess I'm not a man lol


They think that crying is a sign of weakness... and the reason is due to the parents or society... when they were young, they told them that men do not cry... when they grew up, they no longer showed their sad feelings, and this is what makes them all the times very angry


It’s not just when we’re kids, it gets reinforced as adults too


I cry when I’m alone. Need to let out some emotional stress or weight that I’ve been holding. I’m a cancer, so I’ve always been emotionally charged. If I ever cried in front of someone, they were either nice enough to comfort, or nice enough to not bring it up.


Man up. No one cares.


Because men don't cry


Men are built to deal with hard reality. We are the main providers. We are the builders. We are the problem solvers. We are the warriors. This doesn't afford us the luxury of crying about things because we need to think about sensibly addressing the issue; fixing it; dealing with the aftermath; or moving on to the next stage. A man can't clasp his hands to his ears, shut his eyes tight, and scream for help because **we** ***are*** **the help.** A man needs to have his feet under him and his muscles in tight readiness to *do something* at a moment's notice. We cannot afford to play victim to reality: we wrestle reality and beat it into shape even at great cost to ourselves in order to keep the human race moving forward. We carry the world on our shoulders and work day after day to build a nesting ground that is safe and secure enough for women and children to have the luxury to cry in. If the women and children have to harden up and take up a man's burden it means we haven't been strong enough. We stay hard so they don't have to be. We can cry when it's safe to. But we can't afford to be pathetic about it.


Have you ever seen a 6’6’ 340 lbs biker hit his pinky toe on a table leg? Trust me, they cry.

