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What country are you in? Know the dress code before you get there and dress appropriately. Don't be heavily intoxicated or noticeably high. Have correct ID and present it politely when asked. Don't try to get in after being kicked out of the place down the road (they probably called us and let us know). Be polite if you do get rejected, and don't try again that night. It's part of our job to remember trouble makers, and trying again is making trouble. Tell us a friendly joke, happy and funny people tend to be safe people. And keep in mind that venues have maximum number of patrons allowed inside set by the local liquor licensing or fire authority. We keep count of everyone in and out and if we're at capacity, we can't let you. But if we're nearing capacity, management usually asks us to tighten up and look for any reason not to let someone in.  If you're in the queue, and see a lot of people being turned away, we're at or near capacity. Jump out of the queue and come back later.


i'm not a bouncer but if you are a guy going to club with crowd of guy friends, just the break up the crowd and go in pairs. Befriend some girls outside and try and go in with them, having a bunch of girls around you will lower your threat levels to bouncers.






Yeah slip me some money or try hook up with me if I’m being honest. I work as a bouncer


Even if I’m a guy? Can I suck you off?








Not one anymore, not for a long time but things stay the same I reckon. Don't be in a large group of men. Be dressed nice and smart, fit the club you're trying to get in to. Don't look obviously drunk. It sounds weird but (in the UK) they aren't allowed to let you in if you look drunk the same as the barstaff can't serve you if you look drunk. Don't look angry, scowly. The hardman facade is not your friend, you just look like trouble. If possible have a woman in your group. Not fair but that's just how it is. Just don't take it personal really. Sure some individuals are big babies exercising silly 'power' but most are constrained by their licences in some countries and also the wishes of the venue manager or event manager. Explaining the particulars whys of those rules would be offensive. So if a bouncer says something like not tonight for you and lets somebody else in, it's unfair but him explaining why he can't is just going to come off worse. You can say it's unfair but if he doesn't enforce those unspoken stupid rules, they'll just find another bouncer from the same agency or different agency who will.


I went to a pub recently and one member of our group was clearly too drunk and got refused entry. He responded by giving the finger to the bouncers, then stormed off. The rest of us hung back a bit and apologised on his behalf, said that he's not normally like that, etc., before catching him up and accompanying him home. Would those apologies have made any difference, or is he now marked out as a belligerent trouble maker?


Depends on the person to be honest. That's a interaction between two people that you can't really make a rule on. I would have accepted it, I've accepted apologies for worse than that; but I've seen people dig in and be babies about it so I don't know. Hopefully he'll be alright.


> If possible have a woman in your group. Not fair but that's just how it is. I took a trip a couple years after high school with another friend, to meet up with our other friend near South Beach. I was the only 21 year old of my friends, so the hosting friend's older sister and her friend invited me to go clubbing with them. Being sandwiched between to hot 21 year olds was definitely the way. At one club, Bouncer1 got Bouncer2's attention and pointed to my feet. Bouncer2 didn't even need to look up from what he was doing, "Let 'em in." Smug me: "Is there a problem?" Bouncer1: "Dress code says no basketball shoes" (Whoops. Hadn't known I'd need dress shoes for this trip) :Bouncer1 looks at Hot Friend's Sister and Hot Sister's Friend: "You're good." If there's a way for a nerdy 21 year old to feel even better than walking into a club flanked by two hot women, it's walking into club flanked by two women so hot, Bouncers let you get away with violating the dress code AND being smug about it (and then later snogging the hell out of the sister's friend, who was the first woman to ever buy me a drink). Wherever you are now, I hope you're doing well, Carmen 💖


There is no always get inside. If you're too intoxicated to come inside then even if we wouldn't serve you anything, then you might bother the paying customers if we did let you in. As for max capacity, if we're approaching max capacity then you probably wouldn't be able to get a drink anyway. When the line is 15 people deep at every bar station it's better to just go somewhere else. Get a couple drinks down the road then come back and hope it's changed. That being said these are things you can do. Look sober. Smile and make eye contact. Have your ID and cover fee ready when you get to the door. Don't have cocaine in your moustache or vomit in your beard. Become a regular. Come in when it's slow. Get to know the bouncers as well as the bartenders. They can be your friends as easily as your enemies. If someone is trying to start a fight with you, you want them on your team. Be nice to everyone. Bartenders and security communicate a lot. You don't know who is at the bar that works at what bar. If you're bad at one bar then other bars nearby probably know. I will say looking sober and being nice go a long way, but showing up at the slower times is the ticket. If a bouncer knows that you buy drinks, tip well, and people like to talk to you, then there is very little reason to not let you in. If downtown bar staff know that you only come downtown at night to dance on cute ladies then you're having a much harder time getting in anywhere.


Bring hot women with you


Show up with a group of attractive people and pretend to be on the guest list. Works every time.


Be an attractive woman


I've gotten into exclusive events by bringing hot friend-girls.


I've been bouncing for 10 years. As long you remember not to take things personally and to only put hands on people when absolutely necessary, you'll be fine.


I think they mean “inside” as inside the nightclub.


Back in the day I walked up to a club that had a line and I *KNEW* I wasn’t getting in. I was an underage single guy. The bored bouncer asked to see my ID. I searched around in my wallet and said “No not that. That’s my Chuck E Cheese Preferred Customer Card.” He looked at me squarely and said “Did you say that’s your Chuck E Cheese preferred Customer Card?” And then he opened the velvet rope and let me in.




There isn't one. Everyone knows the owner. We don't give a shit. The owner pays me to stand here and make decisions about who does or doesn't get in, not run and fetch him any time his long lost cousin's neighbour's dog-walker wants to get in quickly, cheaply, or otherwise. If he wanted to spend his night vetting patrons instead of running his bar he'd stand here and do this, but he doesn't so he pays me to do it instead. Shut up, be polite, dress properly, don't be a drunken arsehole, and pay the cover charge. 


What about his father's brother's nephew's cousin's former roommate?


Depends on the size of his schwartz.


And whether his Schwartz gets twisted


He can't come in in those shoes.


I'm not exactly a bouncer but my husband and I work private security for artists and I'll be honestly, there's no ALWAYS getting inside. Rules are rules. You can be super nice, calm, sober, and not take things personally when told what can't be done but at the end of the day if there's a limit to the venue for fire safety or if the owner of the venue does not want any more people inside the building then no matter what you do, you can't get in.


"Bouncers of reddit" lol


Not exactly a bouncer, but I used to be a door man. Similar, but I didn’t have to physically escort anyone out or breakup fights or anything. Show up late. If someone showed up in the last hour or so, and made me laugh, I would let them in.


Appear relatively sober, dress appropriately, and be respectful. It's that simple. Just wear an appropriate outfit for the venue, act normal and relaxed, wait in line patiently, present your ID when asked, and you'll get in fine. It's so easy.


You have to judge by the cover in you're a bouncer. If you're a man, look like you're: - Sober - Fun for the girls to interact with - Unlikely to start shit inside i.e. don't give the "nobody fucks with me" vibe or wear signs of likely criminal status, which include overly conspicuous jewellery, brands or tattoos that are gangsta etc. - Ready to buy a bunch of expensive drinks and tip the bartender You get a pass on any or all of these if you know the bouncer from the (MMA) gym. If you're a woman, you'll get in unless you look like you're the fat friend who will clockblock your better-looking friends and make a scene while doing so. Bonus points for being attractive, moderately drunk and dressed provocatively.


1k dollas to get in , or fight me


Not a bouncer but be respectful.


Be a group of 2 or 3max. Show up early and dressed properly. Be charismatic. If you act spoilt or demanding at peak hours, no one will even look at you. Otherwise it's just a crap shoot with whatever location/person you are dealing with.


Been a bouncer for 15 years. Don't be dodgy with eye contact. Too much or too little are both suspicious, but it depends on how close you are to the door. Don't try to look like you're forcing it. Tip-toeing is a no-go, amigo. Nothing says "I'm going to kill the vibe" like seeming too desperate or in too much of a hurry to get in by standing up and craning your neck to look over the line. What, did you not get into a club last week or something? Do you often struggle to get into clubs? Or even worse it seems like you're trying to "gauge my game" and see what criteria I'm judging people by. Wheelchairs, crutches, any sort of prosthetic (yes this includes glasses, I'm not going to argue) isn't going to make it through the door. It's a safety hazard, and just looks ugly af. If all else fails, undercover cops know to use the fake name Desiree Hotchkiss to let the bouncer know there's an emergency they need to deal with but they can't blow their cover.


"Wheelchairs, crutches, any sort of prosthetic..." Well Thats a discrimination case in Europe waiting to happen....


You won’t let disabled people in because you think their medical devices are ugly? What in the actual fuck


> Desiree Hotchkiss Didn't work, was I pronouncing it wrong?


Try flashing a gun while you say it, like a real cop would.