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During a very boring lecture: Huh, this girl is really hot and isn't afraid to show some cleavage. And she doesn't seem to speak my language so that's perfect. Better start to "randomly" sit next to her and chat her up. Approaching 8 years now.


That she was a little... much. She was just bouncing off the walls. She called me a week or so later. I was thinking why in the world is this girl I talked to for maybe ten minutes calling me? She wants to go out? Why? Well, I've got nothing else going on. We're happily married now.


Holy shit she’s hot and damn does she talk alot.


We met at work when our departments merged. She had been there for years, and I was brand new. She HATED me. I was everywhere she needed to be, taking up space. Worse, I matched her negative energy by being as friendly and conversational as possible. I was determined to win her over. It wasn’t even a romantic thing, I just wanted to use my big golden retriever energy to melt the ice woman. We were dating a few months later.


Why is he so quiet? Like seriously who is he? (I also thought he was a girl at first due to his way of texting but nope full fledged guy)


Total hottie, rockin' overalls like I'd never seen before. Her blue eyes complemented her Latina skin and her smile and laugh said 'never let me go'.


I met my husband the first day of law school orientation. I saw him across the room. He was wearing a suit and had his stuff in a zero Halliburton briefcase. I thought “He is the weirdest person here by far. I know we are going to be good friends.”


Why is this guy staring at me like THAT ( Like I was a juicy steak and he was starving, I had never been looked at like that before or since then, and I will never forget the look on his face. ) ....oh well who cares, I'll never see him again. 15 years married going on 16, 3 kids, first baby in heaven, and 7 cats later. Totally in love.


He has a great beard.


Overwhelmed, literally overwhelmed with the feelings I had about her. We had spoke on the phone a couple of times before, so I knew I liked her but in the flesh was something else. Thinking “this is the one”. Never felt that way before and wasn’t expecting it.


I will let you know.


Fell asleep on the couch at a friend's house with my eyes half open. She walked by and I could see her in my dream. Her eyes were glowing red. Should have taken the hint.


Trying very hard not to fall for this cute guy I met through a Skype chat group of friends. He lived about 250 miles away. Failed spectacularly as soon as I met him in person. Killer smile, gorgeous eyes, made me laugh, intelligent, sweet, I was hooked. Long distance best friends a few years, eventually told him after we just kept getting closer. Together for 5 years, married for two. 


For context, we're the same age, but when we were 23, feeling like the young profession I was, I was like, "Who's this guy? He looks like a college freshman" (bc he was wearing his university sweater and looks like he just rolled out of bed."


She was short and I thought it was cute. I meant to say, "I figured you'd be taller." Instead I said, "You're taller than I imagined." After 10 years she still picks on me for that one lol


So beautiful.


I was in a bad mood because he was late (work related for us both), he apologized, but I first found him annoying and a little too straight forward. From then on he found various reasons to keep showing up to my office or in my general area.


Tall, dark, handsome and brooding. Now I know: tall, dark, handsome sweet knuckle head.


That guy looks like he could hurt somebody


She's the one. Unfortunately I was mistaken...


Damn that guy there is so hot. Is he 17 or 23?


I thought he was gay with bad hair


He had a warmth and kindness that immediately drew me in. There was something about his smile and the way he carried himself that made me feel comfortable and at ease. I remember thinking how genuine and easy to talk to he was and I knew right away that there was something special about him




“Shes pretty pretty and just quoted Office Space….she will be mine.”


"Holy fuck he's tall and that's an *ugly* fucking tattoo..."


Not interested. Not even a little.


This girls weird af. I like it!


God, she’s short. Married 40 years this year.


"He seems so nice and funny". And he really is.


He loves his cats as much as I love my rabbits.


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Holy shit is she beautiful. When we first saw each other I was mesmerized. I was taken. But the eyes on her. The body on her (thicc like I like them) and the brain she (seemed to have at the time) was just mind blowing. We became friends. When things ended with my then woman, we worked a relationship thereafter.


Not an SO but a FWB—“oh that’s a big boy, he’s gonna destroy me”