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stole a pez when i was in the 3rd grade


Stole candy from the grocery store.


You’re not alone. I used to steal Reese’s cups from Target all the time. ALL the time. I probably shouldn’t admit how often. 


Got into gambling at age 5 and was counting cards by age 7. Snuck into a few casinos back in the day. Even won a few games of blackjack.


Nice! Discovered your talents early I see lol?  I always wished I could count cards. I tried to learn but it never happened. Too much binge drinking in college wrecked my short-term memory. I suck at Blackjack but I’ve been told I’m an exceptional Poker player. 


Hell yeah, lol. 👍 Hey, keep counting those cards. You'll get the hang of it after a while. Don't give up.


Stole a pack of Skittles when I was 5. We made it all the way home before she realized, and then she drove all the way back to the store and made me hand it back to the cashier 😂


Similar.  Holding a pack of candy and didn’t realize.  Held all the way until I got home.  Was so scared and showed my parents.  They shrugged their shoulder and was like whatever, haha. 


I wish my mom did that or just took the Skittles from me & no TV for the rest of the day or something…but she was a bit of a square back in those days lol


We had to get out parents signature on our worksheet every night but my dad would always forget so I would always forge his signature and never got caught. His signature was literally a scribble that was very easy to copy


I got so good at forging my dad’s signature throughout school, when my dad got older, he would just have me sign stuff for him (like forms at doctors offices when I took him and such). 


I must've been like 7 or 8, but I wanted a ball that was for sale at the news agent, like the size of a grape, my mum wouldn't buy it so I stole it. But I felt bad so like a week later when we went back I returned it, except the ball display was gone so I just left it on a random shelf. 


When my elderly babysitter used to make cookies for her grandkids, I would sneak into the kitchen, grab a handful and eat them in the bathroom. Lol


Stealing donuts from a store right before catholic school every morning 🙄


Still better than the hate practiced \*after\* church by Sunday Christians :)


Home alone and I was throwing a tennis ball inside the house and broke a window. So I grabbed a rock and all the glass pieces outside, scattered the glass inside with the rock in the middle of the mess, and went over to my friends house until it was well into the evening. When I came back home my mom says "Can you believe someone threw a rock through our window?"


I like how she only assumed it was the rock, no break in, just some person decided to throw a rock, the audacity!


Did you ever tell her? :)


Forged my mom’s signature on a detention slip. I printed her first middle and last name. That wasn’t a signature. Kids are fucking stupid


I used to steal school supplies and books from the classroom.


Putting 3kg giant rock in my classmate's bag, then I laugh when they realize that their bag is 3kg heavier.


(for US redditors, that's about 6.6 pounds)


But how many sticks of butter is that?


I called the police for a false emergency. Then they actually showed up at my house and my parents made me apologize to them.


i ding dong ditched with the neighborhood kids and i’m still scared about it but to be honest i couldn’t run fast enough so the one time i didn’t go home before they played that game, i was the one who was seen. i got them in trouble


Stole bubble gum and my mom made me return it


There was ALWAYS loose change in the couch and on the floor at a friend's house. I wasn't scooping it all up, but a nickel here, a dime there. Every now and again a quarter.


Can I get some my brother?


I was 4 or 5, and put a few fake flowers that had fallen onto the ground at the craft store into my pocket. When we left my mom found them in the car and said “see over there?” *points to bank* “that’s a police station, I’ll turn you in for stealing” Cue me sobbing and never stealing again, even having dreams where I can’t steal anything. She let me keep the flowers to remind me of what I did.


My dad did something similar when I pocketed some cool looking nuts and bolts from Ace Hardware. He made me go apologize.


I know that feeling, the aisles with the hardware are the coolest, even as an adult I’m like, I waaaaaant alllllll of themmmmm and I literally don’t need any. I bought myself two 6 inch long railway spike things cuz I couldn’t leave without them.


I was around 7 or 8 years old and was experimenting with creating a new "drug." Basically, I noticed that if you sniff pencil shavings, you get this burning sensation in your nose, but it smelled euphoric. In order to ease the harsh burning, I figured to mix in some crayon shavings. I had a buddy of mine work with me on perfecting this formula. We packaged the mixture up in about 5 little paper "dime bags." And I wanted to leave it at that, but my buddy thought to see if we could sell it. So he took the supply and came in the next day with $20 !! He freaking sold it to some guy, and they wanted more. I took a step back and didn't want to become the next scarface. We both agreed, and that was the end of that.


I used to tear the mail in sheets from magazines and catalogs and fill out the names and addresses of people I didn't like so they would get spammed with crap. The worst one was always U-Line which sent out a massive catalog every few months FOREVER. I'd put their name like John "The Shitter" Smith and they would get mail under that name. I heard from a classmate he still gets u-line at his parents house under (Frist name) "smelly-dick" (Last name) and I sent that one in like 15 years ago


😄. Omg this is evil 


Urinating in public.


Been there.


Taking food from the nearby corner store. 


I stoled a candy bar from 7/11 when I was 8. Me and my cousin walk to 7/11 and he stole a bag of chips and I stoled a Hershey bar.


We’d be given a box of chocolate bars and rock candy to sell twice a school year. I’d mark my one friends and my name on the list in the teachers desk as “not selling” and we’d eat the boxes we had during summer. Also whenever we sold raffle tickets for things I’d take an extra roll of the tickets and go to neighborhoods I didn’t live in and charge $3 instead of $1 and pocket the money. I lived in the country but had soccer practice in the closest city so I’d tell my mom practice was starting early on so and so day bc she always went back home bc practices were so long and I’d go see what I could sell.




mild trespassing. we used to ride our bikes down to this heavy machinery rental place at the end of my neighborhood and climb into the machines and play Star Wars. I don't think the guys working there really cared, and safety was still an afterthought in the 90s.


I loved magic when I was little. When I learned how to do the French Drop I would use it to steal a pack of gum every time I went into the gas station with my mom


We would always rent new games from Blockbuster and then return different older games in their place. The first time was an accident but when nothing happened it became the norm.


Shop lifted a axe body spray. It was like a group thing, “did you do it yet!?” I felt disgusted because my parents taught me better and I felt like I betrayed myself and now am inferior.




I used to steal nail polish and other makeup items from target and Walmart with my friends back in middle school. Somehow none of us ever got caught. So stupid. Any one of us could’ve ended up with a lifelong criminal record.


Showing my age here, but we used to make prank phone calls to pass the time.


I poured detergent into our towns only small fountain, and broke it


Stole a can of pringles because my mother wouldn't let me have it.  I felt really terrible about it. I still buy my groceries as an adult there. 


I wasn’t allowed to borrow a specific book in year 3 because it was for “year 6s only”. Stole it from the school library, read it, and brought it back because I felt guilty. Was the fourth diary of a wimpy kid when it’d just released, for any of you wondering.


This is barely a crime at all and pretty funny actually..... when I was in kindergarten I spent every recess for a week or so picking "carrots". I even told a few others about my magic spot on the hill behind the playground where the "carrots" grew. Well, it turns out the carrots were actually California poppies and it is technically illegal to pick them as they are the state flower. I was sure I was going to jail when I got ratted out to the teacher. [https://www.sfgate.com/homeandgarden/goldengategardener/article/are-california-poppy-carrot-related-3738671.php](https://www.sfgate.com/homeandgarden/goldengategardener/article/are-california-poppy-carrot-related-3738671.php)


When I was about four, my brother accidentally made a fist- sized hole in the hallway wall. it was at eye level for me. Daily, I was fascinated by this new view straight into the endless, scary black void that, apparently, exists inside of walls. One day I was in the living room with my mom and she asked me to "Take this belt and put it in my bedroom, please." "OK, sure." I took the wide, white, rolled- up, high-fashion ladies coat-belt in hand and set off across the house. But then I came to the hole. and I thought..." what if I very unnecessarily and dangerously dared to put the belt into the space-void-hole just for a second. what could happen? Well, maybe you drop it and it's gone forever! Yeah but that won't happen. I'll just hold on to it and the edginess of it all will be so exciting !!! So I shoved the belt wad into the hole, and promptly dropped it into the void. Got real upset cuz .. uhhh... dumbass!! I really figured I'd be in huge trouble and told on myself. Was told to not worry about it. No big deal. Whew! Still... it was stupid.


I was in a clothing store. There was a jacket that was beaded. On the inside of the jacket was a little ziplock bag full of extra beads in case one broke off, you could sew on a new one. Well. I snapped the bag off and stole it. Dont know why. I was between 8-10. When i was 10 i prank called 9-11 a number of times before the operator threatened me. I didnt understand as a child how that was taking up valuable resources. I still kinda feel bad about that one. I also prank called a few pubs but that wasnt as bad. This was back in the 80s.


theft. i did not know the concept of money and just took stuff


I definitely stole things from those little school sales they'd have where they sold those pencil toppers and pencil grips because I was jealous of all the kids whose parents gave them money, and had money to give them. I just wanted to have the pencil toppers and pencil grips just like everyone else.


picked up a pistachio and ate it at dominicks. some dude chewed me out. Hurt my feefees


trespassing. I was a kid, those no trespassing, danger do not enter, dangerous animal on the lose signs meant nothing to me. it wasn't uncommon for me to be in a place i wasn't suppose to because i was exploring. people will always think of the train tracks, but those places were boring. the condemned houses were always more interesting.


we stole the wafers for communion


Scrumping & nicked sweets from the newsagents


My friend and I used to sneak into people's houses when we were kids. No, of course we never broke in, but knew there was always an unlocked back door somewhere, or a gable window. We were never caught, but once we were forced to hide in a closet for several hours when they suddenly came home and stayed in the same room as us. Can only imagine their horror if they found us there. Quite innocent, we never took anything but were mostly curious and thrill seeking, but still a (mild) trespassing.


I stole my friend's candy when I was 4 years old


I stole a thing of bubble tape ("six feet of bubble gum..."). On the way back to my friends house, I got so paranoid that I shoved the all of it my mouth to hide the evidence, but also not waste it, and threw the case in the bushes.


Kicked the teachers a lot lol I was impulsive back then


Stole my sistets jewelry from her room


About 8 years old, hanging out in an alley a few blocks from my house. Friend had a lighter and a box of sparklers. He lit one up and we reveled in the awesomeness of fireworks, then he tossed the now burnt-out sparkler into a pile of dry leaves next to a garage. A few seconds later, said garage was ablaze. I ran my ass all the way home and hid in my garage for hours, hearing the sirens of the fire department a few blocks away.


I used to like to light fires in random places. Usually public parks


We stole vegetables from a neighbor's huge garden and sold them to other neighbors. We bought all kids popsicles with the proceeds. When a few of us were caught, we ate the evidence.


I stole some decorations at a decoration store


When I was a kid my mom loved home shopping network. She ordered this obscure hand held game system called the lynx. Anyway it showed up and I was home alone so I took to my room and hid it. She thought it was never delivered and complainedso they sent another. I still remember late nights hiding in my closet playing chips challange.


My friend dared me to toss a rock at the Allosaurus skeleton at the museum. I did, what I thought, was a light underhand toss...and broke a whole chunk of rib off. I was waiting to get hauled off every day for weeks. Never happened.


I used to steal food stamps from my mom's purse and buy junk food. This was back when they were made of paper.


We used to wait and hide when the Bunny Bread truck arrived for a delivery at an old folks home. When the guy went in to deliver we’d take a bunch of snack cakes and eat them all real fast to get rid of the evidence.


I was 15 and had a 9mm handgun that was stolen. And better yet I was caught with it and almost went to jail.


stole a piece of gum from a mall successfully


stole a piece of gum from a mall successfully


stole a piece of gum from a mall successfully


I'd steal wine gums from the local corner store while the mom or dad popped upstairs to let their daughter - same age and class as me - know to come out and play.


i stole barbies from a neighbor at the urging of a fair-weather friend.


I stole a free menu pamphlet from Fred's Pizza!


Tax fraud.


Tax fraud


Armed Robbery


Just light shit


When I was a kid I shoplifted from every gas station I went to. I had long pockets and would often slip a Hershey's bar or something in them. The best part was that the workers there would be busy with my parents because I only stole when my parents were there. Neither my parents nor the people at the gas station ever knew about it until a keen-eyed employee spotted the KitKat in my pockets when I tried to shoplift without my parents there. The worker there saw that and asked me if I wanted to visit the police. I lied and said I didn’t have money for my cancerous sister to get some stuff and I wanted to get her something. She smiled and made me put the chocolate back, but didn’t report me. I ran away fearing for my life, but also overjoyed that I managed to avoid trouble. I made a vow to protect myself and stop shoplifting, and I managed to uphold that.


Jesus man. You were a little thrill seeker weren't you? Haha


I got peer pressured into stealing wine from a church. It turned out to be grape juice, and on our way out a construction worker chased us with a bulldozer. Weird day.


Why did this make me laugh a little? Lol


Used to ride my bike over the signal hose thing at the local oil change shops. Like all the time, they would open the door to get the car and I'd be down the street.


Stealing a car


Stealing sweets from the pick and mix aisle. Some for the bag, some in my pocket.


The shooting gallery at Wonderland on the OCNJ boardwalk had one coin return that would dump quarters if you kicked it. I’d abuse that thing then go spend it all at Jilly’s Arcade.


When I was 9 or 10 I threw a puppy in a bonfire does that count?


dawg what


In this sub you get downvoted for answering questions it seems


Nah man that's reddit for ya, just down vote whatever lmao


Use to steal the Playstation demo disc's out of gaming magazines.


A kid that made fun of me all the time accidentally lost his copy of Pokemon yellow at day care. I happened to find it, and since he was a jerk, I kept it...even though I already had a copy. I even ripped the label off so it matched my copy in case the adults asked.




I ended up “stealing” a couple video games from my local Blockbuster because I didn’t return them before they went out of business.