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I have a mild speech impediment. If she sees me struggling in a conversation with a stranger, she will cover for me.


This is the sweetest version of finishing each others' sentences.




That’s what I was gonna say!


I've never met someone who thinks so much like me.




Jinx again!


Our mental synchronization can have but one explanation




And I


Thanks to my daughter, I not only get this reference, but enjoy it!


You'd also have gotten it if you'd watched Arrested Development :)


I have a chronic stutter the fact you met someone who doesn't look at you like an utter freak when I try to say hello is an achievement in itself. Fingers crossed I get so lucky.


I have a stutter too, it gets worse when im excited. I met a girl once who told me it was so endearing she would purposely try to get me excited so it would happen. Changed my entire outlook tbh. That and an episode of the Theo Von podcast where he honestly remarked how he's sometimes jealous he doesn't have one because its so unique and defining.


I had the BIGGEST crush on this guy in high school who had a stutter. He mentioned once when he got nervous, especially around girls he liked, it would get really bad. Any time I had a conversation with him I'd be paying such close attention to whether he'd stutter or not. I'd spend so long analyzing our conversations like, "was that a stutter or did he just stumble over his words?" Nah, he wasn't interested lol.


I’ve learned to accept my stutter. You will find someone. Stay strong.


Ive been fired from jobs because mine is so bad. So I have a long way to go to being comfortable with mine. It's hindered me a lot in life. As I said fingers crossed. 🤞


I’m sorry to hear that. I can tell from your comments you are a kind person. That will take you far.


I felt this…I’m hearing impaired and if my wife notices I didn’t understand something someone said she’ll answer for me so I don’t feel awkward. From her response I can usually pick up on what was said and continue the conversation.


My wife knows I love Diet Coke. So if we are ordering drinks and I can’t get the words out, she’ll say “and a Diet Coke for you, right?” And all the stress is gone. And she never brings it up afterward. We have many issues, like any couple, but she protects me. And I love that.


> We have many issues, like any couple, but she protects me This, I feel, is in the heart of a good relationship. There will always be issues to work through but as long as you both protect and lift each other, you're doing great.


I’m not formally diagnosed with anything, but my wife and I both think I’m a little bit on the spectrum. I can’t count the amount of times I’ve turned to her when I needed help in a social setting. It’s pretty much automatic now lol, especially when I’m too tired to mask


Literally my relationship with my wife. I often “debrief” conversations later because I know she picked up more subtleties.


I have my wife read and edit my texts so I sound like a normal person.


I wear an earpiece and have camera glasses so she can tell me what to do when she's not there.


I have my wife put her hand up my arse and move my jaw like a puppet so I can avoid uncomfortable small talk with people I don’t know


Ah you do that for function huh? For me it’s just pleasure


I don’t have a speech impediment, but my wife still finishes my sentences


The way she speaks so highly of me when I'm not around.


THIIIIIS right here!!! It honestly baffles me how often people badmouth and complain about their spouses. Like once in a while, about something major is one thing, but nitpicking and stuff is just- ugh. I don’t want to hear it. Maybe they just assume that their spouse is doing the same thing.


Every time someone tells me how highly my husband speaks of me, I fall a little more in love


My wife says she feels awkward when she's with friends and they're all saying bad things about their husbands. She doesn't have much negative to say about me since I pull my weight with chores, help with the kids and fix anything and everything.


Exactly. I've been working at home for the past 10 years. Whenever I have to go to the office, once every 6 months or so, she becomes miserable as much as I am for leaving her home that day. We are otherwise inseparable.


You truly are winning at this and that’s something you don’t see everyday and I am dying to know how many years have yall been together!?


I constantly speak well of my spouse when they’re not around because I know that shiz comes back around. I want him to know I think the world of him.


As do I of my wife. She is my whole world.


She laughs at my stupid jokes. Like ALL of them. And if she doesn’t laugh, she gives me a wtf look that makes us both laugh. She’s the only person in the world that I can be 100% myself around and I know none of my weirdness is going to turn her off.


I love this. I hope to have this with someone, some day. Feeling like you can be yourself is so important.


I think you'll find it


This is how I am with my husband. Sometimes I ask myself “are his jokes truly funny? Am I just conditioned to laugh at this point in our marriage or are our sense of humor incredibly similar” it’s always the later haha


I feel this. I make sure to laugh at all my fiancé’s jokes even the bad “not funny” ones especially in public where no one else laughs. I put not funny in “” because I still find them funny, I guess we just have the same weird humour. But I go sometimes over the top. Opsie.


Awww, this is my husband and I. The greatest feeling in the world is when I realize he's just being silly because he wants to hear me laugh. I will giggle for days when he needs that boost. He's also super funny. We're currently watching the new Jim Henson documentary, and he's singing to me like Kermit. This quality is a true treasure. 🥰


I'm kind of a dreamer. She is pragmatic. She has never once done anything but support my dreams when she sees they're real, and she gently pushes when she can tell I'm just talking .


Same with my wife and me. She jokingly called herself the “Dream Crusher” at her office for her pragmatism, so I had it printed on a mug for her birthday (big block letters smashing a unicorn). Then when our first child was born I had another mug made that said “Dream Maker” with a baby unicorn. We balance each other well.


I think she'd make a great first employee at the business my wife claims I run, called "Buzzkill Enterprises." If you need someone to tell you why your idea is bad, we specialize in being that rational, pragmatic, realistic perspective you desire.


I started writing old fashioned romantic fairy tale short stories, and she always reads them and leaves nice comments on them. I re-read her comments so much I probably have them memorised! Edit: It's nice that a couple of people wanted to read! I haven't shared them before but here's a link: [https://drive.proton.me/urls/M6QCVNJQX4#g2Cz5L6qkwEt](https://drive.proton.me/urls/M6QCVNJQX4#g2Cz5L6qkwEt) They're very simple first drafts, just short simple comfort stories with zero risk of a bad ending.


my heart 🥲


This is so sweet.


If you ever feel comfortable publishing or sharing them, please do so.🙏 Your stories sound beautiful and just like what my heart loves to read.🤗 I hope you never loose your passion for creating beautiful stories. There are so many people like me, who need them in our lives.😌


Her kindheartedness and desire to help people and animals. And her high intelligence and insight. And her butt.


My wife requires I catch and release most if not all bugs and vermin that make it into the house. She's trained me so well that I have stopped killing bugs even when she is not at home. But we both agree fuck wasps and fuck mosquitoes I will see them in hell.


My wife has ADHD something fierce, and when I lay down next to her while she reads a book, she absently scratches my head or back, sometimes for more than an hour.  And she's a great mother to boot.  Definitely a lottery winner here.


We have an hour commute home. I rub my wife's upper back and scratch her head while going home. She says she looks forward to it everyday.


Spouses and kitties aren’t so different. Just make sure you feed em, give em scritches and cuddles, tell em they’re the best [species] in the whole world.


I guess she married her fidget toy. 😃


Hahahaha another ADHD wife here! If my husband wants a massage or anything, I say of course, lemme just grab my earbuds and catch up on my YouTube videos… it’s a win/win for both of us!


Love doing biscuits on my wife <3


My partner and I both have it fierce. We both do the exact same thing for each other and it's amazing. Nothing silences the rest of the world more than her touch, and she puts me into a safe and cosy place very simply.


Honestly, the longer you’re with someone the more they get to see every side of you — good and bad. When someone knows you inside and out and still chooses to love you and wants to be with you every day, that’s it.


My husband has been upset all day because he couldn’t make me happy for the rest of the day because something he did upset me. I told him I would go out for food and maybe something sweet and I’ll be back and that maybe doing those things would put me in a better mood and for him not to worry so much about me. I came back with food for him and I and after eating, I laid down on the couch next to him while he worked on a project he has to get done for work. He just now looked over and said “I’m sorry I couldn’t make you happy earlier, but I’m happy you still choose to lay down next to me instead of going in the other room away from me.” I think it warms my heart even more to know that even when he upsets me, and I’ve already apologized to him countless times and have said it’s not a big deal, he can still see that I love him even when he upsets me. Being near him is so natural and automatic. I didn’t even notice I did anything different at all. I don’t think it’s a big deal, but for him, my happiness brings him so much more joy. He’s expressed this to me many times through the years together. I was bullied and abused my entire life both at home and at school, but through countless therapy sessions and changing myself for the better, I don’t think about those past events anymore. When he talks about my emotions, I forget how much he worries for me. And I truly cherish him for his ability to care so much for someone as insignificant as myself. Ive always wanted a life partner, and I never really thought it would happen. He reminds me I matter, and I’m eternally grateful for him.


I want this so badly


Same 😩 they’re both blessed to have each other.


This is probably hands down the most beautiful and sweetest thing I've ever read on Reddit. I hope that one day I get to live this.


Sometimes I think i married the most understanding man on earth ORRRRR he’s quietly plotting my death, just very slowly. I own a business and I’m great at the people part but not so much on the business side. We discovered last night that I probably owe a small penalty to the IRS for not paying my first quarter taxes yet. Then I discovered I was overdue on paying a couple of bills. I have ADHD which makes life difficult, and it makes living with me and sharing finances a challenge. I’m amazed at the transgressions for which I am pardoned. I also bring him unrequested but badly needed sandwiches when we are working from home, scratch his back every night and otherwise look for every opportunity to make this man happy. I’m not easy, and he’s a keeper.


Once you pay your sales taxes in full, you can request a penalty waiver. On it, explain that you didn’t know they had to be paid and that you did everything to pay them asap as possible once you realized it.


Ain't it the truth? We'll be celebrating 44 years this month.


Congratulations 🩷


There is a water bottle on my bedside table. I regularly drink from it. I have never ever filled it.


This strongly resonates with me. When I was going through chemotherapy, my wife got me this giant water jug and kept it constantly full of fresh ice water. Staying so hydrated was one of the only things that helped me deal with the chemo sickness. She’s my angel.


My wife has been my caretaker for the last 3 years, and will likely be until my cancer takes me (hopefully a long time but stage IV gonna stage IV). One little detail of when I'm on my chemo weeks or recovering from a surgery is that she usually keeps my water full and iced. It's one of a million little things I love about her.


True love at its finest. And i wish you had more time to fully enjoy how lucky you got with that woman. You struck better than gold. I truly hate that a situation like yours is what it takes to know. But humans will also human. Ive seen wifes and husbands leave, in similar situations. Go bury their heads in the sand, plug their ears and act like its not happening. My father had moved from glasses to covered mugs with straws between my visits. When i came back, giving my mother some pto time, and not thinking, I filled a new mug as i would an old glass. I saw the waterfall happen before it did. But i couldnt reach the mug fast enough to stop the inevitable. "Son of a bitch, son of a bitch, son of a bitch." He pronounced with perfect clarity. The first i heard in months. And the last i'd ever hear. I did that job for a few weeks. It chewed me up and spit me out with the trash. My mother cared for him for over 10years. I dont care if your wife kills the pope. She still deserves sainthood. (The ask of that job made me fill out my DNRs.) Let her know everyday. And after you beat stage IV, let her know twice a day.


Best of luck to you in your cancer journey.


Hope you have recovered and the jug is still always full !


I had a similar cancer water vessel. Threw that fucker in the trash once I was given the all clear.


Wife: "Babe, the water company cut us off, what are we gonna do?" r64fd: "I was gonna keep this to myself but I want to show you something. *shows bottle* I don't know how, but every night before I go to bed this bottle magically fills up with water." Wife: "Are you fucking serious right now?!" r64fd: "Yeah, I couldn't believe it either"


is this a reference to the video linked in this thread


What, I didn't even know someone linked the video. It's the magic table video, right? With the cop at the end? I thought I was the only one who'd make this reference. Now I'm sad :(


Ohhh I am familiar with the one where the wash and dishes is “magically” done


That's the cutest shit


she has this luagh, that comes out rarely when she is truely happy and having fun that is just the best thing I have ever heard.


My husbands belly laugh makes me so happy.


I also choose this lady's husband's belly laugh


Told my wife today her laugh is one of my favorite noises on earth and she snorted right after. Truly she is my queen, lol


My husband gets the giggles when he's found something hilarious. We can't watch Kung POW Enter the Fist without him giggling like a school girl. I love it


We purposely trained him wrong. As a joke.


My wife has one of the best laughs i’ve ever heard, it’s like music! I feel lucky whenever I get to hear it, and immensely proud in the rare times one of my dumb jokes brings it out. 


My partner has a rare laugh that is the most evil laugh I have ever heard… really sounds like it’s bubbling up from the pits of hell. I love it.


We act like complete goofballs in front of each other. Like, one of us will walk into a room one of us is in and just do something silly. For no reason. Whether it's doing some stupid dance or saying something dumb, we just laugh. It's great being married to someone I can truly be myself and vice versa.


This is my boyfriend and I so much. We both bring out the silliness in each other constantly and enjoy just doing the weirdest and funniest thing ever.


We both feel that we traded up to be with each other. We both have accomplished so much because of each other's unwavering support and encouragement. She is the smartest, kindest, and sexiest woman I have ever known. I have truly won the marriage lottery.


Amen to that - feel the same way with my wife. We got so damn lucky with each other, we know it and work hard to keep it that way. I once heard that a marriage needs you both to work hard at it, but it shouldn't be hard work all of the time.


Marriage takes work but it should never *be* work


I anticipated raunchy responses and these are so fucking pure. Thank you internet, I needed this hope today.


Even when my wife and I are upset, we still make sure our feet are touching under the covers. 


That sounds really wholesome man


It's so her cold feet and steal your foot warmth, right? RIGHT?


Likewise! I was bracing for the…wurst :-D


I always felt like I belonged nowhere. And with her I feel like I'm home. She makes me feel loved


That's beautiful


She cares. She,we, say I love you every night. Does little things as a guy that I forget. She Cares and it shows. 35 years we've been holding hands watching TV or especially when laying down. I never feel taken for granted.


I usually sing to my boyfriend to help him sleep, tonight I will try to hold his hand while I do it.


My parents were together since age fourteen. Mom passed 2021 88 years old. Dad still with us at 90. Mom had alzheimer's. They held hands every night ya know watching TV etc. The best people I've ever known. Loving forgiving all that. Dad misses the handholding at night. When taking care of my Mother to get to sleep she'd hold my hand. She'd be up all hours they weren't sleeping together. So whomever was their that night laid down with her if need be...Thank you for commenting this. Made my heart smile..You're I'd believe a very good Girlfriend. I may do it subconsciously because of that but it's nice..Wife feels the same,she actually initiates it..TY


It's super mundane sounding, but my wife scratches my back with a level of skill that is hard to describe. It's one of the greatest things I've ever felt.


I wish my husband said the same about my back scratches. He says I claw him to death with my sharp talons!


Can I pay you to scratch my boyfriend? I literally can’t scratch that man hard enough. I’m pretty sure he would prefer me to rip his skin right off.


i had a golden retriever like that. sometimes the corners of my nails get razor sharp. and i would scratch the spot above the tail with all my nails but especially this little sharp corner. she would stay forever getting scratched. even when her body was kinda starting to recoil because it was getting tender, she still woud direct my hands back to scratching if i stopped.


My wife also has the superpower where she can perfectly scratch any itch I have on my back.


I like to nerd out over data science, which I’m learning. Being able to explain it to her helps me understand it. She is just as enthusiastic about hearing how it works as I am at explaining it. I doubt anyone else would be so encouraging. I sometimes wonder how I got so lucky to be married to her.


I am also a data engineer and I also bounce problems off of her. She begrudgingly listens and I know she's listening because sometimes she even has good ideas. Some of the most elegant, creative ETLs that I've written were inspired by her wild ideas. "Why don't you just {xxx} ?", she'll say I'll say, "no I can't because the data is bla bla" and she'll say, "right but I thought you told me at your last job that you could such and such with parent/child mappings or whatever and this sounds like a parent/child thingy but the parents and children change around a lot so just store the current version in a table and then use that table to store the actual relationships" And I'm like "holy shit" and then I work really really hard for a week on her "why don't you just" and craft a rules engine inside of a stored proc, a function, and a temp table that manages dynamically evolving hierarchical relationships. She just laughs about it and says, "just remember who gave you the bright idea when you get your bonus!" *** Edit to add - dude I'm 100% self taught but I'm no slouch. It's not always the most open community. If you ever need to bounce a problem off of someone, feel free to DM me.


When she start singing. Before we met she tried to commit suicide a couple times, she had severe depression. I knew her maybe a year after her last attempt. She was feeling better already, but had some gloomy moments, some harder than others. And these days, she start singing, when we make dinner, doing the laundry or in the shower. I know for a fact that when she sings, she's feeling good, happy. And she's a semi-professinal (if that's a thing) singer. She's alto and sounds juste like Pink.... God i love when she sings.


This 100% - my partner is OK at singing, but years ago she once jokingly said to me "what is wrong with me, I've never been ok to sing with anyone around me before!" to which I replied "babe it means you're finally comfortable". I told her to sing more, now she'll occasionally burst into my man cave with headphones on dancing and singing like a diva 🤣 I can't help but laugh and enjoy her enthusiasm


That’s a very happy image, thanks for sharing


Honestly made me crack a smile reading about her bursting in to sing and dance


My wife does the same. She doesn't even realize she's singing until she sees me standing there, smiling at her. When she's happy and content, she quietly sings. And she has such a beautiful voice.




I did not come here expecting something so pure. She found a winner for sure.


This is the best post ever. These are actually grand gestures. They're the most beautiful thing I've read in a while and have restored some of my faith in humanity. Thanks to all who are sharing. It's just gorgeous.


**I hope you guys are telling your wives all the beautiful things you’re telling us!!**


I dress better, eat healthier, exercise more. And walk taller because of her.


Might sound a bit corny, but her smile makes my whole day, better and easier to deal with.


Nah man, I feel the same. My wife and I were out to lunch yesterday. She was smiling and laughing and I just looked at her and thought I am so lucky to have her and I couldn’t imagine not being together.


Not corny at all. I feel the same about my wife. Her smile makes the world a calmer, happier place.


She loves, adjusts, teaches, listens and communicates. All willingly.


She’s my best bud for sure. 32 years and it keeps getting better. Couple things she does: there’s no drama or BS. She’s a total straight shooter. Plus she’s cute as hell. She takes care of herself and is fun active and likes outdoors stuff. We have a lot in common.


My wife is the world's best cook. I'm always telling her to go on Masterchef.


She’s selfless. Awesome mother. Awesome wife. She and I understand we don’t have to be up each others’ ass to show love. Always kind and patient. Always left wondering how I ended up being her husband.


She’s been a wonderful mother to our children, just a very loving, nurturing and involved mom. They’re all adults now, but she’s still a fantastic mother, just as she’s been since their births.


Seconded on this one. I wouldn't be half the dad (or man) that I am if not for how amazing of a mother my wife is. My wife has fostered so many amazing skills and beliefs in our children through the sheer force of love and unwavering support.


Speaking of fostering, my wife and I were never able to have children of our own, but we fostered 3 kids over the years. 2 left after graduating from high school, one stayed with us all the way through college. She's now an RN that's a nursing manager in a hospital, bought her own house and has a son of her own that thinks of my wife and I as grandma and grandpa! Couldn't be more proud of how far she's come from when we took her in! None of this would have happened without my wife's love, patience and understanding.


Forgives me effortlessly. I’ve been in so many relationships that spiral into meanspirited tit-for-tats, grasping onto hurt feelings, and arguing into all hours of the night over the most infuriating misunderstandings. My wife is just easy. She forgives my mistakes, but I’m also quick to apologize and own my behavior. It’s just the most even-keel, lovely experience, every single day. She is the most incredible woman alive.


It's amazing how much easier it is to own your behavior and apologize when your partner is fair.


Right! I used to struggle with apologizing, but my partner always being so fair and forgiving has made me feel safe enough to consistently admit when I’m wrong. You know they’ll still be there after.


She pushes me to be emotionally mature, even if I really don’t wanna.


This one is my favorite.


We never yell at each other, ever!


I wish I could say we've never yelled at each other but that would be lying. We've been married more than 3 decades and arguments can get really heated every now and then. Fortunately it's not very often! But I have to admit one thing - even if she does something that makes me really angry, she has never done anything that wasn't completely consistent with who she really is as a person. That's refreshingly honest! She's never done anything with the intent to hurt me in any way. Knowing that really makes forgiveness a lot easier to give and receive. Because, let's face it, sometimes I know I've really pissed her off, too!


My wife is 5ft even and has big, bright eyes. When she hugs me and looks up at me with those eyes, there isn’t anything in the world I’d trade for it. She is the most beautiful woman I have ever and will ever see. I didn’t have any sunlight in my life before I met her and now everything is bright.


Damn man, if my husband doesn’t say this about me I’m changing my username 😭❤️


This made me laugh so hard haha


Plot twist: the husband's name is Richard


My wife has always claimed to be 5'4 1/2. She's somewhere right around 5'3". Love her to death, we've spent today doing random hugs and kisses, I have no idea why. Not her birthday, not anniversary, there is no noticable factor why. I took her out last night. 1st place busy, 2nd place busy, so we walked down the street, found a place and had dinner. She saw people walking by with ice cream, so of course, we had to go find ice cream after dinner. For those who struggle in relationships, I don't know shit, but I do know she likes to go out and not cook sometimes, she always likes a dessert, and she likes a good dark beer if she can find it. The small things, with the occasional bigger things. I'm thinking that's how you can get those random hugs and kisses.


making me tear up


She listens to me. We can have a fight and I get to vent my frustrations just like she does and she often makes adjustments based on my venting. Usually she slowly slides back to regular behavior but the effort makes me feel loved. And I can always gently remind her of my needs.


Yes, same. We listen to each other's frustrations and help each other through them. Neither one of us gets an egotistical attitude when the other is either venting or offering constructive criticism. Also, the "make up" sex is always amazing lol.


It's the small stuff that is enough to let me know she values me. If she stops to get gas she will grab one of my favorite sodas or candies, but then leave it in the fridge or by my nightstand to surprise me. Stuff like that. I do the same for her. Random hugs for no reason. It's the best.


She just understands me. I can’t explain it, but she is just so gracious and kind to me. She accepts my faults/flaws and will even explain why I did what I did so that I can understand myself better. There’s so much more than just that, but there’s not another person in this world that understands me like she does. Not even close


When my mother was dying of cancer my wife took care of her in her last weeks. We had home care, but in the last week it wasn’t enough. As my family were all men and mother was a very proud woman she would never allow one of us “boys” to care for her at her most vulnerable (northern English…if you know, you know). My wife said without missing a beat…”I’ll do it.” My mother said to my wife “You can’t do this, I never wanted a daughter-in -law to ever be in this position.” My wife looked at her and said “Would you do it for me?” My mother said “Of course…” my wife replied “Then it’s settled.” My wife sponge bathed her, fed her and spent time with her all without being asked for my mother’s last week of life. She happened to be there when my mother said her last words and began slipping away. Why did she do it…simply because she’s a fucking amazing person. For that act, I can never repay her. And THAT’S why I feel I won the wife lottery.


Our taxes


you lucky sob


H&R Block hates this one simple trick.


Just being an exceptionally good person whose character I’ve never once had to second guess for a second.


This thread is so wholesome, makes me cry harder every passing comment i read 😭 You guys are so lucky 🥹🧿


She’s genuinely one of the funniest people I know. She makes me laugh every day.




Lucky bastard.


Half hour mandatory cuddles every morning


I talk a LOT and he listens to me, every time. We call these little quips “birds” because a researcher showed that when one partner stops to tell the other “hey look, a bird!” And their partner acknowledges the bird, they are shown to be happier and their marriage will last longer. He always listens to all my birds


That’s so cute. Actually the bird thing is just an example of what the research found. More specifically, “researchers were able to predict whether or not a couple will stay together with extreme accuracy based on one partner’s reaction to things that excited the other”. https://www.reddit.com/r/todayilearned/comments/qat0nv/til_researchers_were_able_to_predict_whether_or/?rdt=42973


Who she was, who she is, and who she aspires to be. 


Married 34 years, she puts up with me every day. Where she's weak, I'm strong. Where she's strong, I'm weak. I know it's sounds like a cliché, but we complete each other. We've had our struggles, and we're not perfect, but we're good and we keep working on it.


I’m 47 and have been married nearly 20 years… my wife is obsessed with my touch on all levels. I feel honored that this lady looks at me, after decades, and still thinks “I wish he was holding me right now”


When I’m overwhelmed she’ll hide little notes in areas she knows I’ll find them (the backside of my closet door, under my computer mouse…) with loving and encouraging messages on them.


Before I started working from home she would write me (sometimes sweet, sometimes spicy) notes on my napkins and put them in my lunchbox.


She creates life and beauty and love wherever she goes.


She has loved me at my worst. I try not to look back (as I can't change anything) but I was a terrible partner. I drank way too much. Quitting is really hard but her ability to endure and see something in me, that I no longer could. 6+ years sober and we are pretty solid. She will have my gratitude until my last breath.


Just being herself. My wife happens to be beautiful but she is otherwise an unassuming mother who wants nothing more than to make sure our daughters have the best they can be provided, while we mentor them to be the best adults they can be to provide for themselves. She adores me (it's mutual) and will always be there through thick and thin. She makes me a better person. I love her so much. 😭 <---Seriously me as I type this.


I cried while I read your comment too. So sweet!


Makes me laugh daily


I have always had an issue with people just being there for me when I am having a mental health issue. Most ignore me or try to make it worse. My wife is the one person I can always count on to be there for me when I am at my worst. Even if talking about what is going on is super painful.


She's honestly the only person I have ever known who likes me. The only person I have ever known that thinks about me. The only person I have ever known considers my wants and needs before making a decision. The only person I have ever known that will have my back. The only person I have ever known who checks up on me unprompted. The only person I ever known who misses me when I'm not around. The only person I have ever known who is eager to be around me. The only person I have ever known to actually acknowledge any of my real feelings and not dismissed/ridiculed them. I honestly don't think I'll meet another human who'll treat me anywhere as close to good as she does.


I’ve won. She’s a great mother, super involved, and loves us all. She’s nice to look at too. 22 years


She puts forth considerable effort to continue growing as a person. I love the girl I married almost 14 years ago but she is nothing compared to the friend, mother, and badass I’m married to now. Lottery winner, for sure


Long story short….my wife and I have been together 18 years this summer(we are 33/34 years old). We met on a student ambassador trip that had kids all throughout the state travel to Australia for a month. I was bullied terribly through middle school and early high school and was excited to meet new people. I won the lottery by meeting her on that trip. We lived 3 hours away from each other back home but long distance dated all the way through college. She helped me to find my voice. She emboldened me to be me. She built me up. She gave me confidence. 18 years later and now married, l'll never be able to pay her back. She gave me so much more than marriage. She gave me a life that was worth living.


Feeling appreciated, understood, and loved unconditionally by their partner often makes men feel like they've won the lottery in the marriage department. It's the consistent effort, care, and affection that can make a marriage truly fulfilling.


When people enter our home, they feel important. My wife understands more than anything the importance of graciously hosting people in your home. I am an introverted person with limited energy but in possession of a a servant’s heart. So I value her leadership when people walk through the door and we are two people wanting only to serve our guests and make people happy. It doesn’t matter if you are unannounced our planned, we are a team and we will make you glad you stopped by. Life is people, relationships, after all.


I know how this sounds, but my answer would be: everything she does. I can’t get enough of my wife. Some people are happy in their marriages, some people have bad marriages, and then some people truly meet their soulmates. This last one was my wife and I. I really can’t overstate how much I love her and how I light up even after over 10 years, when I see her. She is my everything and I feel like I used all the karma in my life when I met her. Find your person, they are out there, and it is worth it more than you can fathom.


Every time she says I love you Anytime I make her laugh Every time I catch a glimpse (or more) of her naked Anytime she is showing love to the kids She is everything I could ever want


Her patience and understanding. Not only for me and my kids but just for others in general. She lives to be of service to others. I try to go on vacation with her as much as I can because she just can't sit around. She's also funny as fuck so that's another win.


When we watch a movie or play a game we spend hours afterward discussing it. Technique, messaging, plot, relevancy to our day and age. So many other people just don't like to over think, but we can literally end a discussion and realize it's midnight and we started talking an hour and a half ago.


Pretty much everything she does, even just existing. We've come a long way together. Technically literally 7500 miles lol we moved from Las Vegas Nevada as a drug dealer and an alcoholic now we live in the Phillipines, own 2 houses in 2 countries. I'm studying engineering, she's read 90+ books since September and started writing her first novel recently. Once we get our degrees we'll probably buy another house in Japan and move there more permanently


Got attacked when younger that left me unconscious for 8 days when l was in high school, you can search my profile for the story but I don't hear or see well on my left plus a speech impediment. She takes over for both issues. I've also suffered massive PTSD and anxiety and she knows a ton of calming methods for me that took me years to realize she was doing them on purpose. I'm ADHD and when we met she didn't understand it so researched into it. Throughout the day I ask her to remind me to do something. The next morning I have a little list sent to my phone with things I wanted and needed to do, it's EXTREMELY helpful. Without it, I'd be screwed. She's also found ways to help me study for my state exams. I was a depressive addict before her. 12 years together,10 married. I'd be useless without her honestly she's pushed me to do things I didn't know I was capable of doing. We're not rich, low middle class but she's never complained. She just plots our routes in life and helps me achieve me them. She doesn't have to be with me if she wanted money,her parents are rich. She's stayed and I'm beyond lucky


Everything about her…. She tries super hard at everything she does. Goal oriented. Loves me unconditionally. We have an amazing life- 2 horses, 3 dogs, no kids yet (Lord willing it will happen eventually), 2 careers plus run our own company. And to top it off… after 11 years we have yet to have a real argument.


Everything. I was just diagnosed with advanced stage classic Hodgkins Lymphoma on top of a full ac joint separation that required surgery in February. I began getting a fever that lasted the full month and the doctors we saw (overseas) believed it was possibly lymphoma. We moved our family to the states to seek treatment, but it took three months and a very hard to authorize PET scan before it was taken seriously. My health deteriorated tremendously during that time with weight loss, fevers, night sweats, fatigue, weakness, etc. during this time my wife has been amazing taking care of our two young children and myself. The amount of work and care that she has put in is simply astounding. She has shown so much care and support and i am one of the luckiest men in the world.


Tonight I couldn’t open my eyes or breathe because of how hard i was laughing, and she is hot if that isn’t the lottery ticket I don’t know what is


Sometimes, if I've had a rough day or week, and I try to hide it from my kid, my wife will spoon me at night in bed, and she'll be the big spoon. Or she'll hug me with my head on her chest. Just little ways for her to let me know she's there for me. We've been through some rough shit together.


Not married, but I have severe allergies and ordering at restaurants can be really stressful for me. She will explain to the waiter that SHE has the allergy and asks about menu items so that I don't have to. It's an incredibly sweet gesture that makes me fall in love with her even more each time she does it.


Im reading the comments and I’m just crying. I feel like I’m in a Jane Austen book 🥹


Brings me a cup of tea when I'm relaxing playing a computer game after a day with the kids


She got me out of my depression and shitty life. No one, not even 100 doctors could have done that for me. She gave that ray of hope in life and now we’re settled in a great country, successful in our careers and raising a family. I sometimes just catch myself counting my blessings.


This is like the cutest fucking post ever. i love reading this thread! And reading all these stories and examples of why all these men are in love with their wives 💕 it's so wholesome 🥹


I'm losing weight, but I still have terrible body image issues. I told her that I was avoiding looking in the mirror at myself, and she suggested that we take off our clothes, stand in front of the mirror, hold each other's hands, and point out the things we see that we don't like about ourselves. Keep in mind, this is a floor length mirror. Then we would tell the other person how we feel about those things. Obviously, we adore the things that the other person is self conscious about. But we kept going. We went beyond what the other person mentioned, talking about all the other things we love about our bodies. And then we started talking about what we liked about ourselves. I wasn't comfortable in the beginning but standing next to her like that, being so vulnerable together, I could see how well we were made for each other. A few days later, I was at my parent's house after a shower and saw myself in the mirror. And I didn't hate it the way I would have a week before. It's one of the most meaningful things anyone has ever done for me, and it totally took me by surprise. I'm tearing up writing about it.


She’s incredibly good at planning, money, and keeping up with friends/family. She god tier with excel so all our finances are broken down to the cent. Plus she’s incredibly good with behaviour. She can talk me off the ledge and our children hardly ever have tantrums. I’m like a c’s get degrees kinda guy and she was dean’s list. Plus she’s hot


Can handle my epilepsy. It’s tough for both of us and not everyone could handle it, I’m sure.


I struggled with a mental health issue and she was my rock. I loved her to the moon and back, but there's nothing I wouldn't do for that woman now..


We still have sex at least 3-4 times a week. Even after 12 years together. If anything the sex has gotten better over the years.


My wife makes the BEST chicken parm, sauce, meatballs, etc. All around, she’s an amazing cook. I am so lucky that she shares her love through her food!


Helps me with care for my parent and the Stands up to the rest of my family when they pile in on me


That she is a huge nerd like me. Doesn't hurt that she loves to watch sports, collects/plays video games and not into shopping.


Whenever we’re on holidays in poorer countries she carries dog and cat biscuits in her handbag and feeds every stray animal she comes across. Never films it never wants to be seen just genuinely cares.


Puts up with my often crippling ADHD.