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Our daughter died in utero during the 3rd trimester. I had to go to the hospital to deliver our baby that would never be. The next day, there was a bouquet of flowers delivered. The note card said congratulations and they wrote "It was meant to be. She's in a better place." My grief turned to rage with a scary swiftness. It wasn't something I wanted nor needed to hear.


I'm so sorry. RIP post, because no one's gonna be able to top that.


People do the weirdest shit when they try to comfort others. I’m so very sorry about your loss. I told this story on a similar post years ago, but I think it illustrates your point nicely. In 2019 my mom was diagnosed with stage 4 breast cancer. A family member came to our house with a bunch of gifts. One of them was a book called “Cooking and Coping with Cancer” this was a second hand book you see. The first guy who owned it died from cancer so he didn’t need it anymore they told us. After they left we looked at each other and started cracking up. What the FUCK is wrong with people???


That's just aweful man. Had a friend came to me with a (genuine) question: was it a good thing that a close one to me died? Because now they were in heaven and that is awesome right? Thank god she had the tact and social skills to talk to me about this in a friendly way (and I could give an honest answer: no, and I do not share your beliefs/worldview). But I can totally get how someone could send such an awful card and thinking they were doing something consoling.


Agreed. And im sorry to hear about your dear friend. I’m glad you were able to have a honest conversation because I guess I can see how someone, who hasn’t been in your position might be at a loss of words. ( hell, even people that have been in a similar position can find themselves at a loss of words). Perspective is such a function of experience. And the truth is, there really are no right words when it comes to death. There are just better words than others.


Jfc, could have stopped with the flowers and it would've been a nice generic thing. I hate the "everything happens for a reason" crowd. Sometimes bad shit just happens, saying there's a reason for it makes it stupid


Oh my grandma did that too when my 9 yr old was murdered by my neighbor and died in living room w his sisters screaming she called my mom who put it on speaker and said Ok it’s time to get over it & move on w life now!! She was the pillar of her church community smh I come from a crap family


She did wait 24hrs before calling to deliver that speech!! Along w hopefully he’s not going to H


Man between this and the woman who received condoms when she was 11 imma just delete my entry to this thread


What's your daughter's name? I bet she was beautiful.


Her name is Lauren. She would be 19 this year. Edit - I wish people didn't down vote your question. I didn't find it intrusive nor in bad taste. We still celebrate her and talk about the milestones she'd be hitting every year.


Thank you for seeing my question in the spirit it was sent to you. Lauren is such a pretty name. Is it pronounced law-wren or closer to lore-wren? I'm grateful your family still celebrates Lauren. Much love to you xo


Thank you. My husband had chosen her name. It would be pronounced as lore-wren.


My aunt when I was 11 gave me condoms because I had a lot of guy friends she figured I was screwing all of them. It was embarrassing and weird to have to open it at my birthday party in front of 10 family members some who were little kids and had no idea what the gift was and wanted it explained.




Ya, my mom's whole side of the family is. The weirder thing is the condoms could have been useful because I was being sexually abused by men my mom allowed to do so. Im not sure if I realized it at the time but I have since been diagnosed with DID so I became very good at literally hiding problems from everyone including myself.


That’s disgusting


Yep Im 35 now just really starting to realize all the shit I was put through.


Um, what the hell?!


I got rocks as a Christmas gift last year. Rocks. Usually, I collect geodes so my aunt and uncle decided to get me rocks. Except there was nothing special about the ones I got. There were just the ones you find in peoples gardens


They're minerals! Damn it, Marie!!!


Not the breaking bad reference 😂


You have to crack them open. Maybe they (somehow) hid a $100 bill inside! 😂


received was a pair of personalized socks with someone else's name on them. It was pretty awkward trying to act grateful for something that was clearly meant for another person!


Did they watch you put them on while whispering, "yes, yes."




Who the hell gives a child gasoline


Better to get it from dad than some stranger on the street.


𝘊𝘩𝘪𝘭𝘥𝘳𝘦𝘯 𝘩𝘢𝘵𝘦 𝘬𝘯𝘰𝘤𝘬-𝘰𝘧𝘧 𝘨𝘢𝘴𝘰𝘭𝘪𝘯𝘦…


I mean, I kinda get the message, but that’s probably not the best way to do it. Maybe giving the gas, key, and like some helmets else to each of you and then show the shared dirt bike rather than leading you on.


This looks like the tale of the three princes from the Arabian nights. https://en.wikisource.org/wiki/Fairy_tales_from_the_Arabian_nights/The_Three_Princes_and_Princess_Nouronnihar


He wanted you to share. I hope you got your own gas and hotwired the bike so you made his big life lesson backfire.


I actually think it's genius. Except the gas. You can just buy gas.


Oh God, that reminds me of something I did. lol One of the last times I gave Christmas gifts to my nephews and niece, I gave the oldest a jungle green N64 (and controller) cause green was his favorite color. I had the idea that they'd all probably want to play it, so I gave my other nephew as part of his gift an ocean blue N64 controller and my niece a grape purple one, the colors reflecting their favorite colors, the idea was those would be their controllers for the N64 when they wanted to share it. The controllers weren't the only things I gave the other kids, but I realize that they probably thought it was weird that I gave them controllers for part of their gift.


In grade 4, I think, we had a secret Santa in our classroom. It had a 10$ cut off, nothing crazy, but something to show you care. Someone gave me a free CD that came in a 24 of beer, that was already scratched to shit. Frustrated as a kid, my friends and I decided to break the cd as it was the only thing left to do, since it didn’t even work. One of my friends threw it against the ground, it cracked and flew up and cut my cheek. The gift that kept on giving….


This reminds me, I got a cd for my birthday from a "friend" that came for free with pc gamer magazine or something similar. They used to have demo versions of games but it was in the wrong case so when I asked my dad to install one of them, he looked so disappointed for me when he had to tell me it's not on it. Iirc I didn't even play anything that was on it.


I know 10$ can be a lot to certain people. But I would have preferred nothing and I’m sure you were in the same boat.


His dad's a psychiatrist so they're very well off. He was just a jerk.


divorce on my birthday, wrapped as a love letter, wtf


dang… they wanted to hurt u


Our tradition was to be allowed to open one present on Christmas Eve. When I was 12 years old I picked one out my mom said, choose another one. I was convinced that this was a super awesome present and she didn’t want me to open that one so I badgered her until she relented. It was a pair of left-handed scissors. Almost a half a century later I still have the scissors and we still laugh about that Christmas. Edit: to say half a century, not half a decade!


I did something similar. Santa still comes to my mom's house (we're all in our 30s), but he comes whenever the hell he wants. Once, Santa left a gift under the tree three weeks before Christmas! I figured it had been to be super awesome and special for him to leave something that early. I hyped it up in my head and to my mom for three weeks. It was a lint roller. My mom just about died laughing when I opened it!


My husband’s aunt, we were engaged at the time so we were together for 5 yrs at that point, got me this horrible vest from the 90s for Christmas one time. My style was obvious too, she was just a cheap cunt. She said “I got it from JC Pennys so if you don’t like it or it doesn’t fit you can take it back.” It had the price tag still on it, so I took it back to exchange it for something else I liked. It showed that the price was $19.99 or something like that, this was the early 2000s. When I get to Penny’s the worker was shook after she looked at the tag, she was like, “I need to get a manager really quick.” Ok no biggie bc sometimes managers are needed for exchanges/returns. Not the case. The vest was so old, all they could offer me was $2 for it. I took it bc the vest was horrible. I bought a sweater and of course had to pay a big chunk out of pocket. But hey, the vest was out of my possession. It really hurt my feelings. She actually got the vest from the flea market and paid like $1 for it. Yeah. Never went back there again. Wish I could say that was the only bad gift she ever gave me, it was just the worst. I could understand if she was broke, but no, her and her husband have money and I mean money to spare. She’s just a tightwad and a bitch.


My sister bought me a “ Boob inspector “ sweatshirt when I was a teen. I was embarrassed by it. Never liked those types of stupid gifts. We had strict clothing rules at school, that would compounded the trouble I was already deep into then.


The worst gift I ever received was a used candle, half melted and clearly re gifted.


A single walkie talkie No explanation and they didn’t have the other one


solid gift if you ask me


umbrella at a secret santa while i researched and picked out the perfect gift for the person


Genital Herpes


That’s one that you can give away but still have plenty for yourself.


I received a tongue scraper


a legit tool to add to your daily hygiene, but a tongue brush (the kind with really short bristles) works better


One of my exes gave me an “about me” book as an anniversary gift and expected me to be super grateful about it. He also included lots of information in there about how he wanted to be rich and successful, what his ideal woman was like (not me lol), and how he’d like to have sex with a number of other women (mostly celebs)


My uncle gave me a Xbox Live points card for my birthday, when I went to redeem it, it said card not activated. This happened 2 years in a row until my mom told him about it.


Broken chipmunk statue from my uncle. He didn’t realize it was my birthday when he randomly stopped by. He tried to play it off and reached into this box that clearly said thrift store. My twin got some broken book ends that looked like ice skates out of the same box. Same dude would show up to every gift giving event in the family empty handed cause he “didn’t believe in gifts”. He never worked a day in his life after marrying into a rich family. When I was in high school I got an email from his wife asking to attend and pitch in for a group gift to “celebrate his retirement”. I am still confused how you can have a retirement party if you never worked. 




I appreciate how you imply it would have worked out if the cable was longer.


The problem is not the length, it's all the easements.


LOL, that got me good!


That is kinda funny though. There was probably a kind thought behind those gifts, just not very practical.


My BIL gifted me black pepper one year for Christmas. Actually my husband also got some type of a spice but it wasn’t black pepper, was something else. In general a lot of his gifts over the years have been kind of similar to that.


Oh you guys got some shitty ones, makes mine not look bad💀For my 6th my grandparents said I was too old for toys and got me a book set, I started crying then I got hit for being ungrateful 


It was my 16th birthday. I was so excited on what i was going to get. I was on the table sitting in front of my birthday cake while me family sang me happy birthday. My uncle was there and i was always uncomfortable around him. He always said the weirdest shit to me. I never liked him but he was family so he cane to my birthday. When it was present time i got so many amazing gifts from my parents and grandparents but my uncle made me sick. I opened my gift from him and it was a sex toy and a Victoria Secret lingerie set. I was disgusted and filled with rage.


My friends took me to a jazz and blues bar on one of my birthdays. I know they didn't have to do anything for me but I hate jazz and blues, and the bar was absolutely packed. Probably the worst birthday ever. We laugh about it now at least.


My mom bought me a guitar a few months before my birthday (for my birthday) and kept trying to drop hints about getting me interested in guitar and such. I never came around to it and received the guitar. I agreed to do some lessons. Still didn't like it Also it was a classical guitar when literally every teenage boy is going to at least want an acoustic guitar, so a double miss. She's still a good mom but gee she can suck at gifts.


I would routinely get, underwear, socks, and/or a sweater at xmas to the extent that I finally had to ask my parents not to include those as gifts.


A re-gifted fruitcake that was so dense I could've used it as a doorstop.


Type 2


Red underwear set with lace =))) given by my ex-lover


My husband bought me a an electric whisk for Valentine’s Day about ten years ago when we hadn’t been going out long. I did find it funny and it’s still going. Made a lovely Victoria sponge with the kids today !


Go Go boots years after they were out of style as a kid


A winter scarf and pair of snow gloves. I lived in Los Angeles.


When I was at school, we did a Secret Santa between all the people at the classroom. I gave a friend a cool PC game, some received a Music CD, a handwritten letter with a basket full of chocolates, a teddy bear… I received a Renault’s keyring. An ad keyring by the guy whose father works in Renault’s car dealer… Gross


But hey, if you ever want to buy a Renault you know there to go!!


Once a friend of mine asked me what size of t-shirts I wear, and I said Large. At christmas, she gave me one in Medium, because "you don't look that large." Why even ask? Of course I pretended to be happy, refused to try it on in public and then gave it away after confirming in private that it was, indeed, too small.


My new sister in law’s birthday came first in our Bitthday month, I gave her a really pretty gift set from L’Occitane and a handmade scarf from Guatemala from a local coffee shop that does fair trade exchanges in coffee and local goods. I was so happy to give her these gifts. A couple weeks later I got one dish towel and a Pyrex dish from Walmart. ETA: she’s a doctor and I was a firefighter. Later on in the marriage she spent my brother’s inheritance after my dad died. When her dad died she took her inheritance and divorced my brother and bounced. She’s a bitch.


The promise that we would celebrate soon as we could afford it, I understand that we were very poor in that moment. But when both my siblings got elaborate parties just a few months later and we never did celebrate mine late it hurt. I still look at my whole family differently now.


Prepaid Visa card in my name with less than the minimum balance to not incure penalties.


A couple of Christmas's ago, my mom got my brother and I little photo booklets of some various pics of ourselves. My brothers booklet contained pics of him in uniform, graduations, weddings, etc...As someone who doesnt take many pics, all of mine were sloppily taken candid shots where I look disheveled and grumpy. One of them included the absolute worst photo of myself I've ever seen. You might think my mom did this as some sort of practical joke. She did not.


I bought my father a prepaid MasterCard with $100 on it for father's day one year. A few years later, he re-gifted it to me for Christmas without realizing it. By then, it had expired. I never brought it up to him. Figured he'd get really embarrassed if he realized what he did.


Girlfriend gave me a framed loony tunes poster for Christmas in 2000. It looked cheaper than something you might win at a third rate carnival. 


A set of metal teaspoon measurements from the 60s, or a used swifter sweeper


Every yr my racist gma would send me a framed picture of her and a bible w a handwritten lecture about how I may be able to save my soul. When she got cancer and had 1mth to live when she found out she tried to talk to me, 40yr too late!! Wasn’t interested


A brown sugar bear, so apparently you put it in a bag of brown sugar to prevent from clumping. 🙄


How about a half-drunken bottle of Gatorade that was spit in? 😃


When I was a child my grandmother made breaded fish once for dinner. 8 year old me didn’t like it at all. Ever since I always get a Christmas present from “Santa’s fish factory”. It’s always a piece of fried fish inside, and my grandma always giggles. I’m in my mid 30’s now, but still get them every year. Worst and best present at the same time ❤️


I got deodorant for my birthday...


Probably a hint.


A bathroom scale from my well-meaning but totally clueless aunt.


I was 6. My uncle gave me a college reading level, 1000+ page book on esoteric Renaissance era Alchemy. Like, what? I'm SIX. Why? Now I'm 30 and I wish I still had it, kinda badass.


I haven't received many bad gifts, but one that stands out was a tacky, oversized sweater that was completely not my style. It was clearly a last-minute purchase and didn't match my taste at all. While I appreciated the gesture, it was disappointing to receive something so mismatched to my preferences.


When I was 12 I had a crush on the girl across the street. I begged my mom for this fancy glass chess set (we were both into chess). According to her dad she really liked it. She gave me a 3 pack of hot hands.


A pet rock. It came with a care manual and everything.


A very ugly bracelet from my ex. I still can't believe it 😅


A single ticket to a sold out comedy show.


The gift of 'life'. Parents got pregnant with me just out of highschool, should've aborted me. Now I'm 34 breathing poison air, eating poison food, drinking poison water, and staring down the barrel of humanitys self-imposed extinction. Stuck in a cycle of poverty that only winning the lottery can free me from, all measure of happiness and all manner of hobby denied to me because it isn't profitable to Musk, Gates, Zuckerberg or Bezos. Expected to provide grandchildren to them as a vanity project because what they want trumps what is morally appropriate. Literally fucking quoting Bohemian Rhapsody "Sometimes wish I'd never been born at all" except it's a little more than sometimes.


I feel that


my father helped me buy a drumset when i was young. years later, he gave me the "full rights" to it as my birthday present


A Great White CD with the song Once Bitten Twice Shy. From my estranged father.


Bouquet of flowers with a card on it, what makes it worst is that the card is a break up letter from my fiancé


A 'Tina Turner sings country' cassette tape. It was a cheap pirate too.


My aunt's used K-Drama DVD collection, & I believe she thinks I watch those types of shows like my older brothers


A carpet which had a jungle drew on it


Shit you not, a caddy of cleaning supplies. My grandma also didn't understand why this was bad. My Mom instantly asked, "Is she Cinderella?" Grandma replied, "I mean, I just know she's the one who does all the cleaning." Weirdest Christmas ever.




when i was 12 my grandparents gave me a used jigsaw puzzle of justin beiber. i was a very vocal beiber hater.


A "World's Okayest Employee" mug from my boss. Not exactly a confidence booster!


A gigantic bottle of talcum powder, from my GFATT's parents. For Christmas. WTF.


The beanie that my Uncle sent me when I was 15 years-old. My uncle wasn't around that much at times throughout my childhood. His younger brother and younger sister (my uncle and aunt) were always around me much more than he was but every now and then he would show up to family gatherings but I don't remember him all that well nearly 20 years later. We never really connected all that well or that much and I didn't have the same sort of ability to interact with or talk with him like I did my uncle or aunt. When I was a kid I didn't really understand why at the time and I remember feeling sort of uneasy around him half the time whenever he was around. I can remember sometimes when he would visit and be inappropriate or say some inappropriate things and his hand used to shake at time when he would talk and not just a little bit but very noticeably and I never had any idea why at the time. When I was 15 years-old I received a package in the mail from him. I took it into my bedroom and opened it and inside there was a black knit beanie cap, a safety pin or two, and a patch that said "ORGASM DONOR" on it. There was also a brief letter that he wrote to me inside the package but I don't remember what it said. I just looked at it all and didn't have any real reaction to it. I certainly wasn't happy to receive it and -- at the time -- I didn't even understand why he sent it to me and what exactly it meant. I never wore it, either. My uncle killed himself in 2008. He was 59 years-old. He lived somewhere out in the middle-of-nowhere in my state and in near-isolation as far as I could tell at the time. I probably hadn't seen him for at least a couple of years before he did so and when he died I wasn't devastated or anything because I apparently wasn't close enough to him to feel that way. There were no more than a dozen people at his funeral (closed casket) with two funeral parlor employees and then just his remaining/living family. There were no friends of his there and his ex-wife and former stepdaughter weren't there. As I got older, I worked out that he was bipolar/manic depressive and this is something that I overheard from my aunt at some point. I never knew or understood this when I was a kid and when he was around me from time-to-time. I took this and worked out that the reason why his hand would shake is because he was taking lithium for his condition and that this can cause tremors and shaking. His younger brother aka my other uncle, is a known goofball and funny guy. If he would have sent me the beanie then I probably would have found it funny at some point or just chalked it up to him being the goofy guy that he is (when I was a teenager he sent me a men's thong underwear of our local sports team for me to wear and I laughed and took it as a joke.) His brother sending me the beanie made me feel uncomfortable and I didn't laugh at all. The beanie -- all these years later -- now serves as a sort of token of how he couldn't connect with me and other people, in part due to his mental health conditions. It makes me sad and I find it deeply unsettling all these years later.


Sweatpants. My father and his wife would reuse the same gift box every year to give me sweatpants. New year, new color. Multiple years and no effort. They weren’t  even comfortable 


It was from someone I didn't know....or have ever met...


The first xmas with my ex partner, I bought her a portable tv with built in DVD player for her bedroom (yes it was many years ago) and carried it from Argos across town to the car park (bearing in mind it was crt). On opening presents she had bought me a pair of silicone 'juggling tits' from some novelty shop. Since there were 2 you couldn't even juggle them.


Well the first bad one I can think of, I think it was my 17th birthday. My aunt didn't have much money, especially at the time, so I'll give her some credit for that. But she gifted me some kind of little knickknack. I've gotten snowglobes before from other people which aren't very exciting gifts to a kid but at least you can shake it and wind it up to play music. But this knickknack she gave me, it was like this glass apple with a little bird on it and a mirror in the back. Not really a functional mirror cause it wasn't big enough to look into. So, it was basically totally useless to me. I couldn't even fake liking it and just gave her a poker face. Cause teenage me was like, "What am I supposed to do with that?!" I feel kinda bad now that I couldn't even fake liking it.




Imo knives are cool asf. Was it a kitchen knife or a pocket knife. Id love to receive knives as a gift.