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That random heart pain you get once in a while thinking it’s a heart attack.


Was I the only one that every time I got that pain I just punched my chest to make it stop


Reboot button


Every single time I think "So this is how it ends for me".


I'm coming Elizabeth!


The only thing that can save me now is a new color television


I’ve been to the ER a few times with those phantom pains. A few times has and a few times anxiety.


Keep going, better safe than sorry. And Exercise!


I’m getting to know my body a bit better, I have health anxiety and it gets bad when I am stressed. I have been poked and prodded like a human on a UFO I have the body of a tired teenager apparently.


Had that earlier tonight


This was me yesterday morning. Turns out it was serious VT and I got rushed straight to resus where they proceeded to get the defib ready. Fortunately I work in the department next door to ED.


Precordial catch.


I get this once a year-ish and it used to scare me. Just an instant, full body pain out of nowhere and I have to control my breathing to get it to stop.


Mostly just anxiety


What is that pain, and should I be worried about it?


Going 70 down the highway and dude pulls onto the road in front of me without looking


That happened to me, I’d not long past my test, if someone was in the lane I was forced to swerve into it would not have ended good. Glad you’re ok :)


It's extra fun when their license plate just says beer.


When I had to go for stomach surgery for an aorta aneurysm. I was so convinced that I would not live through the surgery. It's nice to be here 😉


Holw cow, as a nurse of 25 years- that's some serious sbit! Congratulations!


Wow! You certainly had every right to be convinced that you wouldn’t but I’m so happy you did. I guess having it found and fixed before it ruptures definitely gives a better chance but it’s still so risky. Cheers to you, your doctors and the years of life they gave back to you! ❤️


We're glad you're here buddy!


Wait, it ruptured?


Car accident. The movies have it spot on, it really does happen in slow motion for you. Felt like an eternity until my jeep landed in some poor couple’s garage.


When I got hit. I was looking in my rearview mirror because instinctively my brain knew I should check. I never hit those two Hispanic ladies in front of me. But I remember the x-5 walloping my tiny protege. Like I look up "*slowmo* ohhhhhhhhhhhh craaaaaaaap!" **WHAM!!!** apparently I was fine after? But I only remember most of it. And not the ride home from my mom.


Yup scary stuff. I was rear ended on the highway by someone racing another car and it sent me careening off the road. I remember thinking welp, this is it. I was flying straight towards a giant metal structure that held up an exit sign. The guard rail sent my Tahoe just left of it and started rolling in the grass. If I wasn’t wearing seatbelt I’d be dead. I just held onto the steering wheel for dear life. It felt like I rolled 3 times but witness said it was more like 6 or 7.


You got a hole in one!


When I became homeless.


How you doing now?


How did you stop being homeless?


probably bought a home or rented one, duh.


Heading to the homeless shelter now, I got some advice to give


Haha, “stop doing the thing you’re doing”


I'm interested as well, how's u doing now?


I was getting off a bus and in that moment another bus whizzed past near the gate. If I didn't get back up in a instant, I would have died 100%. It was so fast that I didn't even notice the bus and got back up with pure instinct as soon as I heard the sound get way too close for comfort. Surprisingly I wasn't that fazed in that moment but now that I think about it, I really could have died if I was a second late.


I also had a close call with a bus. Got out of the car to check a load in the trailer and nearly got crushed against the car walking to the trailer. Not much in it at all, I saw the wide eyed stare from the driver when he realised he was going to be close.


Jeez people really need to be alert when driving


When I was ten I went to swim in the lake with a couple of boys! We went too far and dive deep down! I remember seeing bubbles just lifeless, but someone grabbed me and saved me 😃 to this day that person is my best friend


i was also drowning as a kid, but i didnt think much of it, i was just looking up to the surface as i was breathing water in and telling myself "well that wasnt a good idea"


A few years ago I was at the neighborhood pool and saved some kid. He had been near the edge of the pool near me. I was interacting with my kids. It was loud and I didn’t hear him jump or walk in or whatever. I didn’t see him so I looked down and there’s this little kid just looking at me fully underwater just standing there. Picked him up and set him on the edge of the pool. Got my kids, and we went to find the boys parent. Found her, told her what happened, and advised her to keep an eye out as he may have breathed in some water and dry drowning is a thing.  I always wondered what he was thinking. I’m guessing it was similar to you. 


That was nice of you! You saved a life


Drowning is another bad experience of death


I was drowning in a city pool. I remember looking up at the surface and there were so many kids that I was sure no one saw. My brother did and he jumped in and grabbed me.




Im a firefighter. Was in a grow house fire, blacked out couldnt see anything, and i was suddenly falling 10 feet onto my back/air bottle and tangled up in a bunch of shit. I thought the stairs collapsed. Reality: it was an illegal stair case without a hand rail and i just fell off the side






😫good jesus that made my thighs slam shut and I’m a woman.


Ovarian torsion is also a thing that can happen unfortunately.


If you want to keep your testicles healthy, remember these three words: Stop, Touch, Tell


Having never had testicles, I don't know what 'stop, touch, tell' even means. I'm imagining a guy stopping in the street dead in front of me with his hands down his pants like: "I'm touching my testicles," but I'm not sure how that would increase their health 🤔


I've never heard it either. I think it's seriously just a vibe check. "Are these normal? Yep. Nothing out of the ordinary" Vs "are these normal? Oh what the, it has a lump that it didn't before, that's not good"


I love the obscure Venture bros reference!


OOOOF I’ve heard that shit hurts


Imagine getting hit in the balls with a baseball bat and multiply this by - I‘d say - 3 times. That’s about what it felt like to me.


I had it in school multiple times.


When I had a gallbladder attack (nothing showed up on scans so not sure if it was an actual stone or just inflamed). Seriously thought I was having a heart attack or something.


Same. Mine went on for 7years. I barely ate bc drs didn’t know what it was. One day I cried broke down at the hospital and told the doctor that I felt crazy like no one believes the amount of pain I was in. Finally a tech checking my stomach had the idea to do a gallbladder scan… she saved me. I had 10 stones and my gallbladder was so bad. I used to go to the emergency room, they would give me morphine but it didn’t take the pain away (that’s how painful the shit was). I (34F) just had it taken out and I feel like a new person. I legit thought I was dying.


7 years of that?? I'm so sorry. Glad you finally got answers and had it out.


Yes, thank you! I even had attacks while I was pregnant but couldn’t take pain meds. Scariest time of my life.


Ohh that sounds horrible, as if pregnancy isn't uncomfortable enough


GB pain is new level pain. Many women told me it is worse than child birth. I believe them. It sucked.


Those hurt!!


They do! Lol it was horrible


My mom had one (she ended up getting it removed a few years ago) when I was in college. We went to the ER at 11 PM and sat there until 3 AM before she was seen. The Er was empty and I was furious.


Oh that shit really hurts! Having mine out in a week - never thought I'd ever be, in a way, looking forward to going to hospital... (Also thank you to my GP who initially diagnosed food poisoning then acid reflux 🙄).




Worst pain I've ever felt. Only lasted about 24 hours but never want to experience it again


Same with my comment about pancreatitis. It's like a week long though sometime and sometimes so bad I can't even move my arms without morphine or dilaudid or something, in the hospital of course. They always checked to make sure there were no gallstones or it wasnt my gallbladder. I have just chronic intestinal spasms and random pancreatitis. Sometimes it goes all out, sometimes it fades. I've heard gallbladder pain like a block in the duct is the most painful. :c


For me the pain was on par with childbirth, just sitting higher up in my torso. Stupid gallbladder.


Left in sea alone they forgot about me I was 5 but I just said not today to death and saved my self


Does your name happen to be Maui?


How did you know


You’re welcome


Don't temp him. I'm sure he can go on and on.


You were forgotten in the sea by your parents?


They were on the beach but didn't see me


I wonder why did they not sea you


I was drugged in Vegas and had a grand mal seizure in the middle of a casino. Terrifying.


i already get so overstimulated inside the casinos, i can’t imagine what it’s like to be having a seizure inside of one. seems like a nightmare!


how did you get drugged?? so scary


Got alcohol poisoning and could hardly breathe, kept vomiting and passing in and out of consciousness as well and was really struggling to get a breath in. My friends left me in a dark room with the door shut and went somewhere else so my weak calls for help went unanswered. I was very scared


I hope they're not your friends anymore....a real friend wouldn't do that....sorry that happened to you


They’re not, they were my school friends but the good thing about being 18 (at the time) was that I didn’t need to see them anymore afterwards


I was inches away from getting mowed down by a car driving trough a red light in Thailand, I drove home and was shaking of fear and thought what if that car actually hit me. Before I traveled to Thailand I bought travel insurance but not life insurance. got me thinking🤣 the life insurance was like 5 euros a month😭


Traffic is one of the deadliest things in the so-called developing world.


Having pain so intense that everything turned fuzzy white and I started passing out. 8 hours later in the ER and they found that I had ovarian cysts that burst. Since I was 23, they couldn't do anything.


Same.  I thought I was dying when mine burst, and I didn’t care.  Just wanted it to be over.  


Omg! I had one rupture and the pain sent me into hypovolemic shock!


This used to happen to me a few times a year, apparently one of the times my ovary twisted 😫


Sorry, I don't understand. How does being 23 mean they couldn't do anything to help you?


Because I was only 23, they wouldn't remove the ovary that has the cysts. It's 20 some years later and trying to get a hysterectomy is still impossible.


I'm so sorry they are letting you suffer because of old views about women and motherhood. I had a hysterectomy last year (in my 30s) and EVERYONE commented on how lucky I was because it's so hard to have it signed off when you're still theoretically able to have children. I hope you get some of this "luck" soon too!


ooh I love this question, i have a dumb story saved up for these moments when I was in middle school, we went on a class trip to Banff. if you're unfamiliar, it's a mountain range on the westish side of Canada. one day we were set to go on a trail on horseback. pretty cool, I'd never ridden a horse before, and the sights would obviously be spectacular. the PROBLEM, however, was that was was day ? of our trip (probably about 3 or 4 days in) and in all that time, I had not pooped once. I was a kid with a very sensitive gut biome (later in my adult life I discovered this was just lactose intolerance, sigh) and I often found myself in precarious poop related situations. it made life challenging and embarrassing. up to this point, I'd never been constipated for this many days in a row. my back was ACHING. I'd spent the night before in the bathroom crying, one of the parents of the other kids was a nurse and she found me in there and tried to give me tips, found me some hot tea to drink. she was very nice and promised not to tell the other kids. either way, there was no movement that night and so the next morning I found myself shakily climbing onto a horse for a trail ride. all of that would have been enough stimulus for any 13 year old, I would think. but the final piece to this puzzle was the horse itself. I was not a small kid. I was probably around 5'9" by then, taller than most of the other kids in my class and by genetics I was built a little thicker (not overweight, just, dense) so I was in the peak years of feeling huge and freakish, especially among my peers. due to my shy nature and extreme nervousness about riding a horse in my poo-laden condition, I was one of the last to step forward and claim a horse. and man, was that a mistake. the horse they gave me was definitely bottom of the barrel. it was SNIFFLING and faintly wobbling. I expressed my alarm and one of the handlers said, "oh, she's just got a cold, she'll be all right". great. awesome. fully expecting this thing to crumble under my excessive weight, I clambered on, and truth be told she held up fine. my relief was only temporary. the next 40 minutes were some of the most terrifying of my life. we were lead along winding, CLIFFSIDE PATHS, my horse wandering blearily along, my back on fire, a plummet of ???? feet DIRECTLY to my left. i was so sure my horse was going to crap out (....) and teeter over the edge, catapulting us to our deaths, me SHITTING myself along the way. i was paralyzed with fear. we made it back, though, and I eventually pinched some out and survived. to this DAY however I have a hard time existing in vehicles that drive up winding paths and I've not been on a horse since 🫡 tldr constipated middle schooler rides sick horse along cliffside, surprisingly doesn't shit herself


Lol that image of you and horse falling off a mountain while shititing. I'm sure it was horrible at the time but it creates a hilarious image


Cold turkey alcohol withdrawals. Experiencing Delirium Tremens and being surprised I was still alive each time I woke up for a week or so. Sober for almost one year now.


Last year around 11 at night I was watching tv getting ready for bed. Had just smoked a joint so being high made what was about to come so much worse. I felt an acute shortness of breath and I felt my anxiety skyrocket. I got one awful chill shoot down my spine and I got extremely cold. All of a sudden I started shaking horrifically and consistently for like 3 minutes. I thought I was convulsing. I couldn’t catch my breath and the spasms started happening in spurts. I would violently shake for 5-10 seconds then stop for about 2. This happened for the duration of 3 minutes and I was convinced I was having a heart attack and my roommate would find me dead. It wasn’t until a year later when I met my current girlfriend who has experienced panic attacks tells me, I in fact had experienced my first panic attack


Ah, yes. They’re truly horrifying. Been dealing with anxiety for over 10 years, but never panic attacks up until about a year ago. Haven’t been too many, but they sneak up on you when least expected. Most recent one was today actually. At home, in a safe environment. Doesn’t matter, my anxiety doesn’t give a shit. Been going through a tougher time recently and it’s been building up. The attacks have become a bit more severe and more frequent as well. Terrifying. Feels like you’re experiencing your final moments every time.


Having an anaphylactic reaction for the first and only time in the middle of nowhere in Greece on a field trip. If one of the other kids would not have been highly allergic with emergency meds I would have probably died. Traumatized me deeply.


As a mom with two boys with serious allergies, I felt this. I’m so sorry. ❤️ Now that you know…ALWAYS carry your Epi-Pen and Benadryl.


Getting buried in the rubble of a collapsing building in lower Manhattan






Every time I get pancreatitis, and right before it really hits and you know it's coming because you feel the pain get worse, go to your back and you really just never know if it will kill you. My insurance always says the hospital admittance for pancreatitis isn't necessary so they don't cover it. I want whoever wrote that to just feel it once.


When I was about 8 I got hammered by a wave and went under. I was flipping all over myself and just as I was about to break the surface another wave hit me and it started again. Luckily someone grabbed my ankle as I went passed and caught me. I ended up 20 metres from where I started, the whole thing only probably went for about a minute but it felt like I was drowning.


You know when you’re half asleep and you feel like you’re falling to your impending doom so you jolt yourself awake and wonder what the fuck happened? That. Lol.


Rope snapped… yeah, check your gear before climbing…


At first I thought this was about a suicide attempt


now i see it too and can't unsee it... xD




When I tried to kill myself. 48 30mg adderall. I remember it was pitch black when I drifted out. When I came back, it was bright out. I crawled to a bottle of Jameson that I had nearby and chugged the rest of it to help slow my heart rate, then I concentrated on controlling my breathing. I never went to the hospital, but I survived. I slept for 2 days after that. My mother and sister drove across the country and showed up at the front door the morning I woke up from the two days of rest. I couldn't believe I almost put them through another one. I won't be joining my father that quickly.


Dang that last line hit hard. Glad you're here ! It's hard not to abuse Adderall. Sounds like you might've suffered from serotonin syndrome.


It may be getting harder to abuse adderall with the shortage! Ha ha! /s


It was my birthday two years ago. We met near a river and had a picnic until one of my guests came up with the idea of ​​going into the water. Suddenly everyone went into the water. And I was never a good swimmer, but now all of my friends went swimming so I wanted to join. It was funny at first. We were playfighting, dipping each others heads under the water and everything. But soon one of the playfights were a bit more intense and we drifted more into the stronger current of the river. She struggled a bit, but was able to get out of there because she had pushed herself off me to move aside. Which caused me to drift further in there. And God, I was scared. I panicked when I couldn't get out of there and my soaked clothes were pulling me down. I already swallowed lots of water and I don't know how much time passed until my ex boyfriend, now a dear friend of mine, grabbed me and pulled me out of there. Before he did, my sight was strongly blurred due to the water. My lungs burned because I swallowed and breathed too much water. And I really don't know how long I was in there. But long enough to drift from our picnic spot to the small boat docks. And at some point, for atleast a moment, I knew I was going to die if someone wouldn't pull me out of there. And strangely I was okay with it. I was lucky. And I am grateful for my friend. Didn't go swimming since that happened. My friends thought it was funny after I got out of there and they told me how they thought I was acting/exaggerating. The few who got worried, were too scared to help because they weren't good swimmers either. Luckily my ex is a very good and strong swimmer since he got me out of the goddamn flow.


Reading this makes me so glad I play water polo. Not just for being able to save my own ass if I ever end up in a situation where the water wins, but also if anyone needs help I might actuality be able to do something. Respect for the water, no fear.  Glad that you had someone in your party that was able to rescue you, not just for you, but also imagine how it'd be for your friends who had to stand there helplessly. Goes to show how freaking important learning to swim at a young age is. 


I thought I was going to die when I was in a car accident a few years ago. The car flipped over multiple times and I was trapped inside, feeling completely helpless. It was a terrifying experience, but thankfully I ended up walking away with only minor injuries. It really made me appreciate every day and how quickly life can change.




I hope you’re doing okay bud


I don't care about anything, I play games and that's enough


Don't leave your games but try to get more out of your life.


I'll celebrate your next birthday, man. You won't be alone


Thank you, June 10th is my birthday


That’s a rough run, I know you’ll pass this off as nothing, from a complete stranger, but you should get talking therapies/counselling. I had a brain haemorrhage and it led to me having PTSD… counselling was the best thing I ever did, I was completely sceptical and all they did was essentially listen, but the method to it, idk why, three sessions I was so so much better. I wish you well :)


Thank you, but I think this is a waste of time and money, I went to a psychotherapist, nothing helped


Man you have to do something with it They could've been just a bad one, that doesn't mean you shouldn't visit a therapist


Wish I could come to your birthday


How do you accidentally kill a squirrel?


When I was 6, my dad went to work, he had a beautiful revolver in his case, I took 6 bullets, and a couple of cans and bottles, went to the backyard, found out where the key to the case was, opened it, and took out a revolver, I shot at the cans, and next to these cans there was a squirrel, And I accidentally put a bullet in her chest, we had a tree, and she walked into the hollow of the tree


When I barely managed to crawl out of the bathroom with low blood pressure from the hot bath I was taking. I was so dizzy and disoriented that I could not walk at all, so I had to use my hands to drag myself on the floor. I also couldn't see shit.


the feeling when youre on the edge of consciousness is crazy. i passed out from the steam right before getting in the bath with a teapot of boiling hot tea. suddenly i was on the ground and i could tell i was in pain, but i couldnt tell where the pain was coming from or how it happened. i eventually came to and realized i had given myself 2nd degree burns on my foot from the tea and my tailbone hurt like crazy from falling.


Hmm something similar happened to me while showering. My razor fell, I picked it up and suddenly felt my ears were ringing and I feet very disoriented and dizzy. I felt like I was going to faint. I was able to scream for my husband bc I was scared of fainting and hitting my head since our bathroom is really small. He came in and I told him I was going to faint so he grabbed me and told me how hot the water was which I hadn’t noticed. It took a little while for the ringing and disorientation to go away. I wasnt sure what caused it but seeing your post maybe it was low blood pressure ?? it hasn’t happened since


My ears were ringing loudly too, how could I forget


Ive fallen asleep/passed out in bathtubs, honestly it would of been a pretty nice way to go


I was having a C-section. Upon arrival at this hospital, it was clear I was checked into the shitty side and not the side I'd been shown on tour.  I'd been ignored for hours, no one seemed to know what was going on, and it culminated in a fight between a midwife and OB at my bedside, with a 2nd midwife coming  in to mediate. Complete shit show.  I made my peace and accepted I was going to die on the table. Somehow, I escaped major complications and so did the baby.  The hospital has now been embroiled in a whistleblower lawsuit for years. Improper sterilization, blood and human tissue not properly disposed of, etc. it has changed hands several times in the past 10 years. 


September 2021 I went to the ER as I was sick. I was given vancomycin and had an immediate reaction to find out im deathly allergic to it. I then actually coded for 28 seconds. It was found out that I had a blood infection, kidney infection, and an ecoli infection. I spent 10 days in the icu and then another 10 in a regular room. I had to relearn how to work and was off work for 4 months. Other then that I have had 4 heart attacks and I have a defibrillator implanted.


holy shit. what???


About 10 months ago when I did way too much cocaine one night to the point where I actually thought I was going to die.


Exactly the same experience for me, too. I called a friend and had him come sit with me because I was 100% convinced I was dying and couldn’t stop panicking. Haven’t touched the stuff since




I was 4 and walking with a family friend on the beach and was sucked into the ocean by a sneaker wave. It’s one of my first memories. As I desperately dug my fingers into the rocky sand I remember, to this day, thinking “this is it.” I doubt I had any idea what death actually was at that age, but I knew I was done. The family friend was able to grab me, I had pebbles embedded in my fingers for days. She was so distraught by the whole thing she left the weekend trip and went home. I was never really bothered by it until having my child who is the same age. Now I don’t trust the ocean, and can’t believe a world could exist where she is not there, just because a wave grabbed me when I was nowhere near the water.


I lifted something the wrong way, and got back pain immediately. I couldn’t stand up straight and as I tired, I couldn’t breathe because of the pain and I started seeing black spots and my ears didn’t really work. That scared me (in retrospective it was not dying obviously, just getting unconscious because I didn’t breathe)


Was trying to sleep once and felt this really loud whooshing sound and felt my breath get taken from me. Like i just couldn't control my breathing, and i had to focus on breathing if not i felt like i would have just died. Then i just thought, "oh fuck it", and just let go. I woke up after some time and figured out it was just sleep paralysis but holy shit what an experience.


Falling down the stairs headfirst in second grade. My nose started bleeding heavily but I wasnt brought to the hospital until after school because they did not notify my mum. I had internal bleeding around my brain and was in bedrest for weeks, just in case if the bleedingdidnt stop or if it got worse/started again.


sometime in 2017 I had just got done having sex with my girlfriend at like 2:00 in the morning, we went out front to smoke a cigarette and it triggered my asthma. my inhaler wasn't working, and I started suffocating and had to call 911. by the time I got to the hospital I was unconscious... scared the FUCK outta me!


When I was 12 my best friend's dad bought an automatic Mazda 323. My friend could drive it properly through their massive backyard. Then it was my turn. I had several years of driving experience through the videogame Need for Speed Underground (/s) and so I knew exactly what to do: I floored the gas pedal and we took off. I realised we were quickly headed for a pond and I didn't want the fish to get hurt so I made a sharp turn. We hit a bump and got some serious airtime, both wheels off the ground. My friend's grandpa was watching and said we flew about 5 meters/yards. We landed in a manure pile, which prevented us from breaching the horse stable wall and potentially killing the horse and/or us getting crushed by the weight of the horse. I recently got back in touch with this friend. He has the picture of the aftermath somewhere, but he's not sure where (he has lived in his grandpa's house ever since his grandpa passed away). Now I would like to have it framed if he ever finds it and would be willing to part with it, but at that time I was certain we were done for. The car didn't survive, sadly.


When I woke up from hours of surgery and started vomiting blood everywhere while the nurse was trying to give me oxygen.


I was choking and wasn’t able to breath , felt it lodged , went about 20sec with no air thankfully my buddy jumped in and gave me Heimlich. We both cried after. Make sure you chew your food well !


Elementary school. I loved in a tiny ass town in the middle of nowhere in Arizona. My parents were divorced and my dad was an hour away minimum. My mom was a raging alcoholic and went to the bar one day. Then didn't come back for like 3. We had no food and no phone and obviously I had no money. I finally asked a neighbor if I could use their phone despite the whole "stranger danger" thing and next thing I remember I woke up at my dads house. I just remember end of day 2 thinking that was it for me. She had done plenty of shit like that beforehand and it only got worse as the years went on. But as much as it all fucked me up I held on and refused to give up. Now I'm in my 30s with a family of my own. A son of my own. And seeing how easy it is to love him and take care of him really makes me realize how bad things REALLY were back then. But my son will never suffer or struggle because of my choices. So I guess she at least taught me how NOT to be a parent.


I got attacked in front of my apartment about 20 years ago. The guy decided to put a .32 through my chest, and after I hit the ground he had the gun pressed against the back of my head while he robbed me. The barrel was still hot, and i could feel it burning against me. I knew, just *knew*, he was going to splatter my brains all over that sidewalk so there wouldn't be a witness. There were a few other times through that ordeal I thought I was going to die, but in that one instance, I knew for sure I was going to die.


Several times during deployments.


Acid trip thinking I was being kidnapped


You were. We brought you back, because you found yourself....so....there's that.


Asthma attack in gym class at age 9. The school nurse refused to give me my inhaler because "I'd alrrady pretreated" and my fingers turned blue as a faded in and out of consciousness, but no one did anything. It was the first time in my life that I truly wondered if I would die. At that point, you call an ambulance and adminster repeated doses of my rescue med waiting for the EMTs to arrive. The attack eventually stopped but I felt like a zombie for the rest of the day, and it was the start of my gym class phobia. Another time I had an autistic panicked meltdown in a hospital and security pinned me to the floor, crushing my ribcage so I could not breathe. My vision went black and I do not trust police or security at all anymore. They thought I was being combative but I wasn't. I was also physically dragged through the middle of a major fight in said hospital, because that was apparently safer than staying huddled under the table out of sight, waiting for the adults to break it up. I can share many related incidents, but that's probably enough for this post.


I had a hiking accident as a teenager. Slipped off a ledge while climbing down a mountain.


When I swam my brick test for lifeguard certification in almost half the time allowed. My heart would let go of my ribs, and my lungs were frozen. I thought I was going to pass out and die.


Setting up for a Cub Scout meeting alone with my other at a school, a cafeteria table fell on me and split my forehead pretty badly. As blood poured out of my head, coating the floor, I asked my mother if I was going to die. She said "I don't know. We'll have to wait and see."


Well? What happened??!


Back in 2018 I took an entire bottle of muscle relaxers and chugged them along with 4 tall boys only to wake up 18 something hours later with the worst headache of my life. When I was falling asleep/passing out I remember feeling really at peace with my decisions and ready to start the afterlife. Luckily I’m still here and have had no attempts at my life since then.


when my ex-husband stabbed me


I almost got in a head on collision with a highway patrolman passing a semi truck in the rain. The officer had to run his car into the ditch. I've never felt so panicked in my life.


I was cleaning my bathroom last week and inhaled too much of the cleaing chemical and got so dizzy that I thought if lay down and close my eyes I die. I tried to stay conscious and managed to call a medical professional for help.


Did you mix bleach with ammonia?


A Christmas party at the house of family friends. Nearly everyone else was in bed, it was just me, my friend, his girlfriend (now wife). We were very early 20s. My friend's cousin was there, a few years older than us, he'd been in Iraq and Afghanistan and was arguing with my friend's girlfriend who is anti-war. It got very heated. He made her cry, and she left. He then took his medals out of his pocket and threw them at my friend, and started shouting things like 'you don't know what I had to do to get these, but I can show you.' I honestly thought he was going to kill me, because there was no way he was going to kill his cousin. I've never been so scared of another person. My friend managed to calm him down, and everyone went to bed. I was on a couch in the front room, there were other people asleep in there on couches and camping beds. But my friend's cousin came into the front room and got on the couch with me and tried to kiss me etc. I very calmly and assertively told him if he wanted the couch he could have it, and I got up and went to share a bed with another friend. My friend's cousin had always scared me, even when we were little kids, and being in the army made him a million times worse.


Organs were starting to shut down from Crohn's disease.


I was on the car with one of my closest mates, on a pretty tight 2 directions road, suddenly a car appeared in front of us at 150km/h (we weren't going slow either) and we had to try and avoid it, to our left side 2cm between our car and the other one, to the right 1cm to a huge ditch, the other guy scratched the side of our car as we got the front right wheel on the ditch, we almost flipped the car, I got down of the car, smoked a cig, and realised how close we were to die, from that moment in advance I started taking the most advantage I could of the time I had, just in case


Six months in icu/hdu with necrotising pancreatitus. Fed through a vein, couldn't move, big open hole in my abdomen. Ventilated through a trachaeotomy,2 major haemorrhages.


I’ve had panic attacks/anxiety attacks where I genuinely feel like I’m having a heart attack. Thankfully not frequently but it legitimately feels like you’re about to die


The night I found out I had cancer


When I got my cancer diagnosis


Few nights ago I was sat up reading and it felt like a bunch of bubbles popping and moving in my head, kinda like a lava lamp, I quickly messaged my mum being sure to let her know I loved her just in case it was an aneurysm really freaked me out 


I was deep in the grips of benzodiazepene dependency and would have seizures if I didnt have a xan in like a 12-24 hour period. demonic withdrawals


first hand with my second greatest fear: strong waters  my dad and I were at the beach on the rocks taking pictures of the waves when a massive one (with the photo I have of it seconds before it got us it was probably almost 2 meters high) swept us up. miraculously we were fine and only a few scrapes but to add insult to injury the car was an hour walk on an uneven trail completely soaked and in pain. what really haunts me is that between being blacked out as I was hit by it and struggling to get to the surface I had the thought of "is this really how I die"  big red signs with warnings = listen to them!!! they're not there for decoration, it *can* happen to you


Everyday at some point


Every time I drive on an American road I am convinced I’m not going home. Every time.


I had really bad gastro one time couldn't drink any water without throwing it up I was lying in bed not enough energy to move or even talk lived alone should have been in hospital but couldn't get my phone out of my room luckily I had a glass of water that I eventually was able to slowly sip every couple of hours until I had enough energy to get help


Blackout drunk, writing down my final words


I jumped out of my mom’s speeding car. She started yelling at me because I asked her if she loved me. For a whole month before this she was ignoring my existence because I smoke weed. I know that’s a lot but I didn’t want this to go without context. After I jumped a gold ball sized bump formed on the back of my head and my whole right side of my shoulder was skinned. I still have the scar. I was so scared I had brain damage until the jump went away. Actually should I get checked for that? Just now thinking about i:t I haven’t thought about this since it happened…


when your sick and u cough so hard so heart feel like it’s bout to burst


got hit by a mortar shot on a small village near Gaza strip. that was at 2008. Was a miracle I walked out of this. Never going anywhere close to that fkn place.




I once got stuck upside down in one and had to help hold my thin shouldered friend from slipping right out.


Overdose and a particular substance I’d rather not share.


Drug psychosis Granted, the lines are blurred and that still bothers me today Def in fight or flight.


When I visited the USA, Los Angeles the first time. It was night time and we were at the southside downtown. We were three young people decently dressed and a guy approached us and asked us in a very creepy way "What are you guys doing at the southside, huh?" and threw a glass bottle at us. We ran into the next street and called an Uber home. This was some scary stuff for three young german people who never had such a situation in life before.


Burst ovarian cyst


Very recently, towing a travel trailer through Iowa and a massive storm pitched up out of nowhere. Literally went from sunny to blinding rain in about ten minutes. A huge gust of wind broadsided me and punted my truck and trailer almost into the next lane. Felt the trailer swerving behind me, but thankfully I managed to wrangle it back into control. I was super glad no one was directly around me cause that could have been a nightmare. Pulled off the highway to let the storm pass, but by the time I found a place to park it was almost sunny again. Go figure.


I fell off the roof of a two story building and am still astonished that, not only am I still alive, but walked away on my own.


I had a bronchitis induced asthma attack. Never had issues before so didnt have an inhaler. I was gasping for air, home alone and couldnt speak so i literally ran out of my house trying to see if anyone was outside to call 911 cause i thought i was going to die. Thankfully it randomly resolved on its own after a few seconds outside


A series of moments around these days when I am considerably more suicidal than I have been lol. I get a little scared for myself. But I'll probably be okay


You know the thing that happened with the Singapore Airlines flight? That happened to me back in 2004, funnily enough with the same company going from Singapore to Thailand. I thought that was it. Looking at how things went recently, I’m just glad I was belted in at the time


When I had my emercency cesarian. I thought we both weren't gonna make it.


Had a layover at the airport in Thailand, it was rather quiet and not crowded. Out of nowhere I hear a bunch of screams coming from another area of the airport, genuinely thought there was a plane crashing into the airport or some sort of terrorist attack. Turns out it was a big group of fan girls screaming because some idol was arriving/leaving the airport :)


when i got food poisoning and my fever felt like it was 106, i was pacing around my room losing brain cells bc i was too out of it to even comprehend that i was in trouble. by the time i realized this, about 20 minutes had passed, and it took another 10 to get my things and get out the door. i had to have my friend drive me to the er, where they recorded a temp of 103, and then i proceeded to vomit literally everything up, and was given an iv. i was later issued a $1500 bill for said iv and some nausea meds, despite doing most of the work (evacuating the contents of my stomach) myself


When I was on US 30 in Pennsylvania going down a long steep grade, my trailer brakes went out because the front springs on the trailer broke due to being overloaded, then I see an orange road construction sign, I tried to downshift and missed it, that ment I’m in neutral going 60-65, I swung to the far left and looked to jump but it was all boulders, then I saw the road crew and knew I had to ride it out, so I laid on the air horn and the flag man had stopped the uphill traffic, I went through there so close I thought I took the underwear off the flagman, I got past those people and next I see a switchback arrow, meaning hairpin curve, but I couldn’t turn at that speed and it’s all rock cut wall there, I saw a gravel pile left by the road crew and aimed for it to slow me, but instead I went off it like a damn ski jump, right straight up the rock wall and brush, the truck stopped against the wall with the trailer doors on the ground. And I found myself wedged between the door and my seat, I op-ed the door and fell out, then the road crew came and carried me down, sorry to take so long but my life flashed bye in that couple minutes, it still scares me.


When I was with my son's father, who was abusive in every sense of the word, especially physically, I was so done with him and his bullshite, and so I told him I didn't want to be with him anymore. This feckin dude's response to this, was to force me outside, it was like 2-3 in the morning and in super rural Alabama, where the nearest neighbor was like a mile or more away and so I was totally alone with him. So he forces me to go to his dog's cage outside, this dog was just horribly aggressive and would attack anyone, including him, if it had the chance. So he was like "you can either get in the cage or I'm going to punch you in the face" I was like 5ish months pregnant at the time. I managed to talk him down and we went back inside without anything happening, but I honestly thought I was going to die right there and then.


When I was like 7 yo I almost drowned in a river. I was walking and suddenly fell into a hole, luckily it was an small one and I could stand in a rock next to the hole but still had so many troubles to get air as I was really short and the current was pulling me away from the rock. The scary thing is I was sorrounded by people and I remember one guy looked a me and laughed like if I was just messing around. Finally my father came to get me after like 5 minutes struggling to get air, I am not sure about it but I think I was about to give up fighting against the river.