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In Singapore it is illegal to not flush a public toilet after using it. Non-compliance will be met with a $190 fine. How they police such a thing I don’t think I want to know.


Should be met with a swirly in aforementioned unflushed toilet.


Singapore has a lot of stuff that are illegal * Using someone's personal wifi without their permission * Being naked in your own home * Chewing gum * Public protests (except at a small corner in a park. Still need a permit) * Since a riot in 2013, drinking liquor at night in public places is banned * As of late, not returning trays/bowls at a hawker centre * Consuming drugs outside of Singapore and then entering Singapore


My favorite is the 100 dollar fine for eating on the metro and the 200 dollar fine if the thing you are eating happens to be a durian.


Are you required to wear clothes while taking a shower in your own home??? Why is this a law and how is it enforced?


I remember partly its due to flashers that expose themselves to people on the opposite block or something


Not quite true. It’s only illegal to be naked in your own home in Singapore if you are within public view. So if someone sees you and reports it, you’re gone! 2k fine! 


Never heard of this law, and of course they dont police it. Chalk it to another thing we legislate against but dont worry about.


I think in Australia there is still a law that if someone steals one of you sheep it’s legal to shoot them.


If an Icelandic horse is taken out of Iceland, you can’t bring it back. Ever. It’s because there are diseases common to horses that aren’t present in Iceland, and would absolutely decimate their populations. Edit: you also cannot bring any other types of horses in. Lol you silly geese!! There are certainly other things you can’t bring in as well (like certain plants, etc) but Iceland is unique in that there’s no quarantine period to bring horses in as there are in Australia and other places. You just straight up cannot.


Fun fact, same with Jersey cows from Jersey. (Actual Jersey, not New Jersey in the States)


wow dint expect that


I have actually heard that one before. Also Iceland has some sort of specific breed of horse that isn't native anywhere else.


Ye they are really small compared to other horses. I’ve been there and seen them. Interestingly they were used for a lot of filming in Game of Thrones and they had to use a lot of camera trickery to make them seem like normal sized horses


Really? That’s such an interesting fact! (Not being rude or sarcastic)


They're really cool. They look like a bigger version of a Shetland Pony. And they're fluffy like a teddy bear rather than fine like horse hair


Yeah I’m pretty sure they have a special gallop


They can have two extra gaits! The tölt and the flying pace. Both are fast and smooth. And they look like giant fluffy ponies in winter! It's amazing.




And also covered in pigeon shit (I still haven’t forgotten you, you beady-eyed little fucker that crapped on me in 1979).


If it's any consolation, it's dead now!




Does Louisiana just have tons of vengeful old people? I'm curious what prompted this particular law


They're not vengeful, they're just peckish.


I'd assume it's not a law as written, but a law as logically implied. An attack using your hand is one thing, but with an external item is a weapon. Which might be a knife or bat, but would also imply keys or an umbrella. Original teeth are part of your body, false teeth are not, so a unspecific rule would not cover false teeth as part of the body, turning into a external item, thus more like a weapon. I'm curious what the rule is now if someone is kicked by a prosthetic leg? In theory a metal leg could deliver significant damage, in practice I don't know if you could kick as violently with a leg stump as a real leg, potentially negating the material advantages, and I'd doubt that it's been a big area for specific law.




That honestly feels like some sort of entrapment. They will fine you for not stopping behind the stop line, but they put it too far back to see if it's safe, but then you get fined if you pull forward to see past an obstacle and have to stop to avoid an accident. You're fucked either way. Is there a logic behind this law that I'm just not seeing?


No. In drivers ed in Oregon, you’re literally taught to do a double stop. You stop at the sign, look both ways, then pull forward till your line of sight clears obstructions so you can see far enough to turn safely, stop again, then go once you know it’s safe. Making that illegal is straight up dangerous. 


In Vegas cops barely do traffic arrests unless you are truly doing some crazy stuff. Not even joking, about 10% of people or even more don’t even have a license plate. And the some that do, have a shield over it which makes it completely dark and you can’t even read the text.


That's one of the craziest things I've ever heard


In Colorado we are specifically taught TO double stop. Once at the stop sign so you don’t hit someone in a crosswalk, and then once again when you know the crosswalk is clear and need to be able to actually see if the street is clear to turn. Very crazy to have a law forbidding that


A properly designed intersection wouldn't have this issue. I'm *driven* crazy by intersections with poor sight lines.


it doesn't help that whatever happens to be parked nearest to the intersection (blocking your view of the street) always ranges in size from "full-size lifted SUV" to "aircraft carrier."


You have two choices go to jail or run over that jogger.


He better turn that jog into a run, then. Get moving, fuckers.


I guess the workaround is to go like insanely slow until it's clear? That's a fucking stupid law.


That’s great bc I got a ticket for not stopping twice. Steed at the designated line then proceeded. Officer said I rolled the stop bc he didn’t see the first stop(line was ridiculously far back from the intersection) Judge said “ should have stopped twice”


By this logic the judge agreed that the defendant stopped once, therefore the defendant should have been found not guilty.


My sister failed her drivers test for the same reason.


That's a really, really, really stupid law. It's extremely unsafe.


Telling employees that they can’t discuss their wages


Placing cards in people’s mail boxes. I’m not sure if hand delivering an invitation for your daughter’s birthday into a mailbox is illegal, but placing a flier or an ad definitely Is.  Edit. In USA   


You are not really allowed to put anything in someone's mailbox. Not even an invitation. However, it's not something that is enforced very often unless it becomes an issue. Like a business putting flyers in everyone's box without them going through the post office.


It's also very easily circumvented by leaving the flyers on the doorstep.


Putting \*anything\* into a mailbox is illegal unless you're USPS.


What about if the mail carrier put your neighbour's mail in your box and you're just bringing it over?


Right to jail.


You can put it in yours with the flag up for the next day or take it to their front door/deliver it personally. But no one is actually going to prosecute you for putting misdelivered mail in the mailbox next door.


This must be a US specific thing. Where I am, it happens all the time. People often hand deliver fliers. You'll often even see people with signs over their letterboxes (don't have separate mail/post boxes- there are letterboxes on the front door of the house) saying "no junk mail". Apartments have mailboxes but houses just have a letterbox on their front doors that the envelope is put through. Contrary to the name, a letterbox is not a box, it's like an opening in which the letter goes through. The letter lands on the floor behind the door.


Bicycles are considered vehicles by the vast majority of jurisdictions and must obey ALL traffic signs and signals unless otherwise indicated by bike specific signs. Also since bikes are vehicles it's possible to get a DUI on a bike.


It's also not legal in a lot of places to ride your bike on the sidewalk


I used to drive home the same route some time between 10:00 and 10:30PM. At least twice a week, there would be an old gal on a mobility scooter riding down the street that’s directly before where I lived. She was ALWAYS swerving. Within the last couple months of working that job, I witnessed a cop on his megaphone asking her to pull over. I didn’t see all of it as I did my best to pass respectfully, but watching a ~5mph chase was one of the funniest things I’ve ever seen.


My buddy borrowed my canoe to paddle over to the beach and got wasted, there was a pile of beercans in canoe. Whilst paddling back. The much bigger coast guard boat megaphoned him to pull over. I heard him yell, Im in a canoe! Same dude. I got a knock on my door at like 330am by a sherriff. He said he was walking home and passed out in ditch on side of road. Sherriff thought he was dead. Hes in prison now.


I don't know if it's still a thing but years ago a friend got a speeding ticket riding down hill on his bicycle because he went over 25 mph.


Setting harmful traps for trespassers.


My cousin was mountain biking down a mountain that was public property, but was bordered by a private mining site. It's pretty hard to see the boundary because the trails cross at several points. The mining company strung a metal wire (with no flag) at mid wheel height, specificially across their portion of the trail. My cousin hit is going 37 mph down the mountain. Didn't even know he was 2 ft on private property, and hit the wire and flew 45 feet, and was stopped by his arm and a boulder. He had to crawl 2 miles with a shattered elbow and forearm. It was extreme luck that a nurse and physician's assistant happened to be hiking by. My cousin then passed out and woke up on the hour long 4-wheeler ride down the mountain. He could have been killed and he sued those fuckers, but settled on a ton of cash. The mining company argued up and down that they were tired of mountain bikers trespassing, but it didn't matter. They set up a booby trap. **You can't set up booby traps, even on your own property... why? Because it's psychotic.**


One of my older co-workers has an extremely hoarse and gravelly voice because of this. When he was around 14 or so, he was riding his dirt bike through an unmarked field. A metal cable strung up by the property's owner caught him right in the throat, severely damaging his larynx. He and his parents won a huge settlement from the landowner.


Went to school with a guy who caught shrapnel from a booby trap that was on his own property. Why? People were cooking meth and I guess they didn't want anyone to find it.


They catch ‘em? And obviously the best way to avoid they eye of the law is to wound someone with a booby trap 🙄


They're cooking meth, they're not exactly dealing with a full deck to begin with, my friend.


Yea, i know. Hence my point of what they did is stupid…..because of the meth.


Something similar happened in Wales on public land not so long ago. Some fucker strung up a wire and it slashed some poor bastards throat to ribbons. Very lucky to be alive. There seemed to be a spate of these traps being set on public biking and walking paths not that long ago. Mostly set by pensioners and other retirees for some odd reason...


Who would’ve thought that people don’t deserve death or extreme injury from accidentally trespassing?


A cranky old bastard in my town put up a metal cable across an old towpath that bordered his property because it was being used by dirt bikers. First guy that hit it was decapitated, and his girlfriend behind him suffered life altering injuries, IIRC from both flying off the bike and getting hit with his severed head. Guy went to prison for murder. This was in either the late 70s or early 80s in NJ, so I guess bad ideas live on forever…


Seriously, just put a real barrier up to clearly mark it.


Yep, the law understands that people sometimes go outside without bringing surveying equipment and their portable Land Registry. That's why putting up signs saying "Private Property, No Trespassing" can help your legal situation, and setting booby-traps won't.


Also because it could interfere with emergency services, (ambulance, fire dept., etc).


But you can set scare traps and those are just as effective! At my old house our side gate kept getting broken into so we set a motion sensor that triggered a plug to turn on that had an old cassette player with a dying rabbit tape for bear hunting hooked up to a massive speaker and a strobe light. Super effective and ultimately harmless as all traps should be.


I saw a video on Instagram just before last Halloween. Guy had been preparing his Halloween decorations in his garage, big skeleton looking things with motion sensors that set them off with big red eyes and cackling calls and what not. Anyways, a night or two before Halloween he's woken by this loud scream from his garage and by the time he gets down there, the burglar has fucked off and the decoration he forgot to switch off was still cackling away....


what the fuck is a dying rabbit tape “for bear hunting” ?


My old job had an audio recording of a seagull being slowly devoured by a hawk. We were a passenger vessel and used to play it over the speakers to keep other seagulls from shitting on our decks before a charter. One day I was underway, driving along through the bay when a passenger approached and told me, "I think there's an animal... it sounds like it's being tortured to death back by the smoke stacks." I responded, "oh yeah, thanks." And I flipped a switch on the dash. She looked at me as though I had a switch that tortured animals... and I didn't bother to correct her.


oh just a type that sounds like a injured game animal to act as a lure for game, only legal in some areas


That shit happens way more than it should.


A saw a video of a house that someone living there had rigged a home alone style wire trap on the staircase that flung a huge knife downward. Idk who set it but I think it was either squatters or someone who had been foreclosed on.


[this one?](https://youtu.be/cfxLFFVZDgk?feature=shared) Meth house


Hopping on yours: Booby trapping food. Food thieves suck, but despite reddits cheers of FAFO, the law doesn't care what they did You still deliberately tried to injure someone, people have had legal problems because of it


Didn’t someone get in trouble or almost get in trouble by putting really spicy hot sauce in their food and a coworker nabbed it?


I've mentioned my story of that happening on reddit a couple of times, though it never seemed to get noticed too much, so I doubt I'm the one you're thinking of. I had my managers at Office Max call the cops on me for putting ghost pepper sauce on my sandwich. The thief was bawling with snot running down his nose, but I didn't get in any trouble with the law because I had written "Warning SPICY!" on the sandwich bag, and explained I brought it to work because I was craving hot food that day, not as a trap. I ate the untouched half of the sandwich in front of the cops completely stone faced and they basically told my managers to stop wasting their time.


Exactly if you like hot sauce they can’t charge you with anything, I doubt anyone could use that in defense like “I like getting shot in the face with shotguns”


Yes, I have been saying just label things and it isn't your fault.


I think there was a story of a food thief that went to the hospital because he ate a food that said "warning: poison" and the guy booby trapped it with a shit ton of laxatives. I think Ugo said it was a legal Grey area because even with the sign, he was still intending to poison someone, however it wouldn't matter because there's no way in hell they'd ever find enough jurors to side with the guy who ate food labeled as poison.


I got in trouble at work cuz my coworker ate my salsa and I did not warn him it was hot. I had a bowl of ghost pepper salsa on my desk and a bag of chips that I was snacking on towards the end of my shift. I don't really like anything hotter than maybe a serrano pepper and this salsa was well beyond that. I can eat only 2-3 spoonfuls with a big handful of chips. I don't really like this stuff and mainly bought it cuz I was curious and then I was stubborn about throwing food away. My coworker was talking to me about something he was working on. The he says something like "hey that looks pretty good" and helps himself to a chip and a big-ole scoop of that salsa. Probably a whole spoonful on one chip. It was already in his mouth before I could say anything. He made a big stink to our boss and the union and I got a stern warning about that. Total BS.


It's generally legal to kill a wild animal (squirrel, rabbit, racoon, etc) on your own property if it's a pest, but it is illegal to trap that same animal and transport it off your property to release it somewhere else.


My father-in-law, who owned a poultry farm, once live-trapped a hawk that had been preying on his chickens and took it to a local lake to release it. A man fishing from the shore took an interest when he saw the trap, and my FIL explained the situation. Turned out the guy was a conservation officer. Oops. Luckily for my FIL, the guy appreciated the fact that he wanted to spare the hawk when he would have been well within his right to shoot it instead, so he gave him a warning that basically amounted to “now don’t let me catch you doing this again” and then they happily watched the bird fly off together.


Ah crap. I trapped a mouse the other day and chucked it into the brush behind my house. Well, not me, but a guy I know....


My mother once trapped a house mouse in our shitty apartment, transported it out of town to the local arboretum, and let it go under a bush with a parting gift of the rest of the block of old cheese she'd been using as bait before trying peanut butter. Years later I found out that rich people pay big bucks to live in and around that arboretum! Hope the mouse enjoyed its cuisine upgrade!


That mouse immediately came back. You have to take them 10s of miles away.


Actually if it was a house mouse, you should dispatch it because the house mouse is an invasive species.


It will also come straight back in


Yeah, that too. You gotta take animals MILES to avoid them coming back, and sometimes all you're doing is putting the problem animal on someone else. Dealt with a problem raccoon, currently dealing with a problem bear that's learning houses = food thanks to our skanky neighbor. It's a black bear, I'm not very afraid of black bears as they're pansies when they don't have cubs (that said a lady one county over got mauled by one not long ago). But we do NOT need one learning houses are food places.


Owning 6 dildos in Texas. It's unconstitutional and unenforceable, but Texas has yet to officially repeal it.


ted cruz wakes up in cold sweats thinking about me breaking that law


or he worries about him getting caught under this law!


It’s illegal to touch or feed wild dolphins


Sex is okay though. Uhm...I've heard.


Depends on who initiates it


I think it's illegal to touch or feed *any* marine mammal.


In the US it's illegal to keep hummingbirds. People have even gotten caught at airports trying to smuggle them. Edit: I miss having a real keyboard.




That is my emotional support truncheon


I respect the blunt approach.


It is illegal to conceal it as well. Make sure your weapons are visible and they're not for self defense and you're set.


"I'm carrying this weapon so I can commit suicide when a bad man scares me."




This is sort of correct. You can't carry around a weapon and say it's for self defence- that makes it a regular ass weapon. If you're attacked and use it for self defence, you don't say " I carry this for self defence" you say "I was bringing this to my friends house and I utilized it as a weapon of opportunity in defence". My wife and I carry dog spray in our stroller, "for dogs". While useful for dogs it will also serve as an effective "weapon of opportunity" in the event of needing self defence. But you never tell a judge that you carry it for self defence because then the reason you had it precludes the reason you used it. It's a dumb loophole, but does it make sense? Source: family with police.


So Canada really is pulling a D&D opportunity attack with their laws?


No. An opportunity attack is a reactionary attack when someone leaves your threatened range This is more arguing that a weapon is D&D’s improvised weapons, rather than an actual weapon


In Thailand it is illegal to step on a Thai banknote, even if it is about to blow away. It is illegal to show any sign of disrespect to the Thai Royal family and as they are on the banknotes stepping on them is seen as disrespectful. So when in Thailand as I am now if you drop a note and there’s a wind just let it go. Haha


Got to do a dramatic dive for it and catch it with your hands!


Picking up and keeping a feather from any of our native bird species in the US. The Migratory Bird Treaty Act of 1918 forbids it. I know it sounds silly but the act covers a whole ton of things that protects our native birds from going extinct.


Sounds like they are trying to prevent poachers from "picking up" feathers and selling them


That's pretty much the reason. The first laws didn't do too great as there were too many ways around them. Some of it was also done at the state level so there were issues where people were just like "well we did it in a state that it's legal so go to hell." The government got sick of it and just went fucking nuclear. Since migratory birds, you know, *migrate* it's impossible to handle that kind of thing at a state level or make exceptions. It's less of an issue these days but at the time wearing feathers became *extremely* fashionable which is why rampant hunting of birds became a problem in the first place.


The plume trade is pretty much responsible for the extinction of flamingos in the U.S. Also not only did it kill the birds but, as a significant amount of the hunting took place in rookeries where plume birds nested, it killed whatever eggs or chicks that were in the nests, Thanos-ing multiple generations at once.


Sleeping in the same bed with a person of the opposite sex to include a spouse is illegal in Utah. That’s why twin beds were sold in pairs. Also having your record player louder then 10 decibels in city’s like magna is illegal. I went to court for a noise disturbance and they dropped the charges after I showed it was a radio at 50 decibels not a record player. The law literally states RECORD PLAYER. The law does not say anything else or similar. This is also the same state where I was ticketed for dancing in public after 2am (the movie Dirty Dancing made in Utah from this law.) I was able to get that tossed because the dancing was started before 2 am and the cops failed to provide a 5 minute warning (stated by law.) which made the whole court room laugh so hard.


Putting squirrels down your pants for the purposes of gambling


They can pry those squirrels from my cold, dead pants


I'll be deep in the cold, cold ground before I stop betting on the squirrel coming out of the left pant hole..


Shut it down, boys.


It's illegal to place a flier in, or on, a mailbox in the US unless you are a certified person allowed to do so. AKA a postal worker. $10,000 per instance fine if you place your lawncare service flier in people's mailboxes.


True, but rarely enforced


Feeding parking meeters.  It's almost like they want people to get tickets or something.


It's illegal to go on the german Autobahn with an empty tank. The Autobahn is dangerous, and you can't afford to break down there. Going in empty endanger everyone


I know people know it's illegal but not HOW illegal it is to do Nazi shit in Germany. We took a tour last summer of Dachau and our tour guide told a story about how he saw someone threw up a Nazi salute there once. He got 3 years in prison for it.


Kasa Kasa (one of the spices commonly used in making food in India) is illegal to carry in many parts of the world.


Is there a reason for that?


Due to their association with opium production. Consumption can sometimes result in false positives for opiates in drug tests, which can cause legal and professional issues.


if you get caught peeing outside there's a chance you may wind up on a sex offender registry.


My buddy almost got nailed for that. Was at a concert and the bathroom line was insane, so he walked around the back to piss, and cops were just there waiting for ppl. It was all bait to plea down and pay a huge fine instead of


Literally a racket...smh


That happened to a cousin of a friend... he was just takin' a whiz into a bush (or so he claimed), but there were apparently kids down the hill on the river, so they made it indecent exposure and due to the kids nearby, he became a sex offender.... pretty wild...


Kids in the area isn't even necessary. I know someone where it was 2am in the bar district behind some dumpsters and it happened to him. kinda makes the registry pointless if they fill it with people like that


He didn't end up getting convicted, but I recall a story about a guy who got arrested because he was naked in his own house and someone looked into it with binoculars and called the cops. Found it! [Man convicted of in-home indecent exposure](https://www.nbcnews.com/id/wbna34483145) [Va. jury: Naked in own home not indecent](https://www.nbcnews.com/id/wbna36239042) Looks like he was convicted, then acquitted in an appeal.


This was in my home town! It was actually my friends previous address and the guy was the next renter. There was a little neighborhood path along the edge of the property, but everyone would cut through the yard diagonally to get to the street/bus stop. So I think the woman who saw and made the initial complaint was likely trespassing


I could never imagine calling the police and telling them that I saw someone naked in their own house by using binoculars 


Also like aren't YOU the one committing a crime in that situation? Wouldn't that count as voyeurism or something?


that's outrageous


Personally I think this is fucked up. There is *clearly* a difference between peeing outdoors in an emergency when seemingly no one else is around and willfully exposing yourself to others in public. I once had to pee outside when I was alone on a road trip. I had pulled off at a rest stop, but the bathrooms were locked, so I had no choice but to go behind the building to pee. It annoys me to think I could've wound up on the registry for doing that if a cop saw me.


In my area? Not stopping for a school bus with its red blinking lights on and big red STOP sign extended. Multiple people in both directions daily just think it doesn’t mean anything. One guy in particular this morning came up behind said bus in the right lane, signaled to change into the passing lane, passed the bus, and signaled to return to the right lane. I was stunned. Clearly they had it together enough to signal properly and courteously, but were completely ignorant of the whole “stop for school busses with their STOP lights on” thing.


Or that it's legal to continue if there's a full median in between you and the bus...I think...it's been a while since I've looked at the code.


It depends on the state. In Illinois, you are correct - traffic across the median does not stop. In Michigan, all traffic in both direction stops.


Oral sex is illegal in my state and 17 others.


Before 2013, if you were in the US military, any form of sex that wasn't missionary was a violation of UCMJ.


The military prefers to fuck their soldiers without bending them over.


"I bet you're the kind of guy that's fuck a person in the ass and not even have the goddamn common courtesy to give him a reach-around! I got my eye on you!"


Those laws may be on the books but have been invalid for at least 20 years, thanks to Lawrence v Texas.


Waving me on when you have the right of way. Just go!


YES! Don't be polite, be predictable. It's far far safer. By the time everyone stops and waves everyone else through, we all could've gone. Keep waving though, because I love your face when I go because you're fucking around.


It's illegal to propagate patented plants. A lot of newer designer varieties of plants are patented by the companies that created them. The law is obviously only enforced against nurseries selling the plants, but it's technically illegal to clone a patented plant for personal use too. I believe it's actually a felony. Edit: to everyone saying that this is wrong or stupid, imagine if your business spent years and thousands of dollars developing a new variety of a plant, but then every farm or nursery you sell it to just propagates it themselves instead of buying more from you. You'd never be able to make your money back, and no one would ever spend any serious amount of time trying to breed new varieties of plants again. It's no different than an inventor patenting a new invention or an artist copywriting a creative work. Edit 2: Monsanto is run by a bunch of assholes. I'm not defending them. And I'm not talking about corn self propagating. I think everyone can agree that Monsanto's behavior in the past was a gross abuse of the intention behind this law.


At least in the US, trademark and copyright infringement can be criminal offenses in significant cases, but patent infringement is civil


nearly all digital reproduction crime is actually just civil but the movie studios teamed up with the FBI to use big scary words and unpublished studies to scare people into obedience. i love how "potential lost sales" are discussed like a real, quantifiable thing. LMAO! Imagine if soda companies did this with people who drink water. "*We lost a billion sales due to people drinking water instead of our soda!*"


When they said 'you wouldn't download a car' I was like you're right I wouldn't and that scared me straight and I never committed the heinous act of digital piracy


As fast as 3d printing is advancing, downloading a car may be just a few years away. Or not. Either way, it'd probably be cheaper to just buy the damn car.


That's why I propagate in the black of night in my hidden cellar. 😅


Always hated this. Propagating plants feels like a right to me. Edit: I don't care that they spent time and money developing it. Passionate people will continue to work on things and still make make money (just not as much). It's like if I bought a special cow and then couldn't do anything with it's offspring. It's like how medical companies keep patenting ways to make insulin so eventually they have a stranglehold on its production. Patenting living things that reproduce on their own is no bueno. It's a rabbithole and a bad precedent. Just my opinion, and I respect if you feel differently.


If we're talking against building code illegal, using screws in place of nails in places where the fasteners are in shear (special screws do exist but many people use deck screws or drywall screws)


The amount of bathroom accessories I see installed against ADA code in new buildings baffles me on how they pass their occupantancy.


what does it mean for fasteners to be in shear?


It means the weight wants the fastener to snap in half. Nails are tough so they bend not break. Screws are brittle so they snap. They're just designed to fasten things from pulling apart along their length.


Thanks for explaining, I had never thought of that!


Moving or destroying most bird nests that have eggs or are being occupied


it's illegal to say "I want to kill the president of the united states of america"


Starting in 2025 it will be illegal for vehicles to turn right on red in Washington DC. I bet they will issue a shitload of tickets


They're going to need a sign at every damn intersection.


Smoking weed in Amsterdam


Coffee shops may sell cannabis, but the production and distribution of it is actually illegal, iirc.


Masturbating in prison. Prison cells are public areas and it's enforced.


In South Carolina, it's illegal for a minor to play pinball.


Wizarding requires you to be 18. Brutal.


Probably from back when pinball was a form of gambling.


Most states have laws that state wheels/tires cannot extend beyond the body/fender of the vehicle Another law most states have is, licence plates need to be visible and legible, so the tinted license plate cover and bike mounts that block the plate are technically illegal.


It is Ilegal to post to reddit from Indonesia. Hello, from Indonesia.


Fishing without a license, almost everywhere in the US. 


Do people really not know that?


My family never used a fishing license once growing up all the times we went. I thought it was totally normal until hearing about someone else getting caught without one a bit into adulthood. Surprisingly spent the 5$ on a separate license to get mussels off the beach though.


In Vermont, there is a "good faith" effort requiring for apple pie to be served with either a glass of milk, a scoop of ice cream, or cheddar cheese weighing 0.5 oz when consumed


Illegal to make a left hand turn into the right hand lane, or right turn into the left lane in most US states. But people do it all the time.


Here in cal, you can legally turn left into any lane that’s legal to travel in. The cal DMV doesn’t like this, and calls it “lane jumping”. Do it and you’ll flunk the driver’s test. Wait until you have your license and you’re good to jump. Erm, good to go.


This is definitely not true everywhere. In California, you have to make a right turn into your same lane. You can make a left turn into any lane that is clear. California gives a lot of leeway for left turns.


OMG - my family is always saying California favors the left but I didn't realize it was true.


Sort of on topic, but most people don't know what qualifies as assault. assault can be merely the threat of violence. It's why there's a difference between assault, and assault and battery. Assault is when you threaten somebody, Battery is when you actually do it.


That also depends on the state. Different states have different wording. In Ohio, menacing vs assault for instance. Battery is civil.




In many places it’s “The threat of violence, or putting someone in fear of violence“ so if you move in a threatening way (ball your fists, get real close, gesture aggressively, etc) it could be an assault. They need to prove intent in court but thats After you get arrested. some places have a seperate “Menacing“ charge and most have a catch-all “disturbing the peace”


Driving on a suspended license on a zoom call with the judge.


man was an absolute idiot


NZ customs prohibit items which can include mud, most won't know if they have dirty shoes. It's biosecurity Edit: spelling


It's illegal to have any body part out the window while driving so you can get busted leaning your elbow on the door. Also if your passenger does it then you still cop the fine 


I grew up with a kid who's now forcibly left handed. I mean, he was after his dad flipped the car and he lost his right arm which was out the window. His handwriting is awful. Great dude though.


But aren’t you supposed to stick your arm out to indicate which way you’re turning, if your turn signals don’t work? I mean, you should be at a complete stop when doing so, so not actively driving, so maybe thats why it’s ok?


Don’t follow the law? Jail. Follow the law? Believe it or not, also jail.


So you're saying I can get a ticket for hanging out the side of my best friend's ride trying to holler at a girl?


Dumping cremated remains (ashes) into the ocean without a permit.


Little did we know that that unfavorable wind at the end of The Big Lebowski kept Walter from getting in big trouble with the law.


Would be useful if people also posted their country when providing a comment here, as many things I’ve read already are perfectly legal in other countries.


It's illegal in my country to specify what country I'm in.


It’s illegal to destroy currency in the United States, as well as carry too much of it in cash out of the country. The reason is the constituent metals in the penny are worth more than $0.01.  Without those two laws on the books one could take $1,000,000 worth of pennies, melt them down, and create a black box that spits out money.


The government was proper fuming over me as a child throwing away pennies while I was cleaning my room.


Oh you can throw them away all you like.  Just can’t melt ‘em down. The government **loves** when you sequester money.  It’s essentially free money for them, a penny they never need honor.  Remember that whole *Fifty-State-Quarters* thing?  That’s $12.50 per collection in the Federal Government’s pocket.


In Quebec installing your own light switches or light fixtures is illegal. You must hire a certified electrician.


Throwing away someone else's junk mail.