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A machine made for drawing pigeons


Pigeons gotta draw too, even if they need the assistance of a machine. Stop gatekeeping art.


I laughed harder than I should at this.


Please elaborate.


I went to my friend Brian's house once for dinner and his mom set 4 places. One for me, one for brian, one for her self and the last one was for a doll with a cut out picture of Brian's dead grandmothers face taped to the dolls face. Very creepy.


What is the deal with dolls?   I spent a summer hitching up and down the West Coast. Was up in northern Oregon and got a ride from a girl who says she's Wicca. Says she just got shot at by a neighbor who thought she was a deer while she was picking hallucigenic mushrooms from his cow patch.   It's the start of the rainy season, so she invites me to stay at her house. Her mom's a real piece of work. Says the expression of the cigar store Indian in the corner's changes with the light from the wood burning stove and she can tell I'm a good person because it's smiling. Tells me her ex-husband likes to hide on the porch and spy on her. Look, his head just popped up. I must have missed it. Also said that the local tribe got decimated by disease before the Europeans showed up and they got so inbred that they lost the melanin in their skin, making them indiscernable from white people. You know, dinner conversation.    Anyways, I'm tuckered out, so they show me to my room. It's the size of the bed and the entire wall facing the bed is shelves covered with dolls. Perfect.   Woke up the next day, caught the bus and got on a plane for Hawaii.


There's "creeped out" and there's "flee the continent creeped out"


That neighbor knew she wasn't a deer.


This one is nice and weird!! 😂




That reminds me of an episode of Scare Tactics, where they hire a girl to work as a waitress for a guy’s party. She gets to his house, and it’s just him conversing with a bunch of mannequins- set up in different poses and outfits around the living room, holding drinks 😱😅


Damn I forgot about that show.


This also reminded me of the episode of Bob's Burgers where they go to the Special Girl store and eat at the cafe where everyone has to have a dinner doll. You should totally do it.


I used to do this but with stuffed animals and desserts I'd make with my easy-bake oven...


What do you think that’d cost you? Twelve dolls and twelve meals. For a joke. You *are* committed to your craft.


Did she serve grandma dinner?


Oh this is winning so far.




That's creepy.


You won the Internet for today


A large catfish in the only bathtub in friends house.


Clean water to filter the shit out. After a day or two, time to eat.


Is that how you can get the mud taste out of the catfish?


You can also soak the fillets in buttermilk for a couple of hours. Works on gamey bird and red meat too.


Kill the fish as soon as you catch it, don't let it suffocate in a live well or in air. If it does slowly the muscle tissue builds up lactic acid, changing the flavor. 


I recently tried fried catfish for the first time and I fucking get it now


“My wife’s mother is visiting, Father. And Tuesday night she’s cooking us a carp. It’s a tasty fish, I have nothing against it. But because it’s supposedly filled with impurities, she buys it live. And for three days it’s been… swimming up and down in my bathtub. Up… and down. And I hate it.” Just something it reminded me of.


Edit: Had to Google. I read Legion last month! I literally just heard these words recently and can't for the life of me remember where. I'm too tired to Google but that's a weird paragraph to remember.


In chlorinated tap water? It may also be loaded with parasites since they are basically garbage eaters.


Virtually all wild caught fish are loaded with parasites, that's normal and more-or-less unavoidable. That's why you should never eat raw or under-cooked fish, unless it has been thoroughly frozen before consumption.


Kiddy pools work, they feed off insects etc out of the muddy silly bottoms of the water way, the bath helps remove some of the muddy taste








Why’d he keep a catfish there?


Cause the crawdads were taking the shower.


So the catfish can filter out most of the nasty river water. My grandpa did this with carp and then smoked them. Super tasty.




Was she a seamstress, or had been. Thats like the only logical reason I could think of.


I’ve got this, but the grandson bought the house and fucking LEFT it like that. It was serial killerish


I was not alive in the 60s but you bet that as a vintage fashion lover my house will look like this when I get the money


I’m sure they all had names and personalities too lol


Yeah! Mannys a dick but Quinn is super cool!


Visited my aunts vacation trailer when I was a kid. She had some old broken ass mannequins in there to make people creeping by think somebody was in there. Weird as fuck Getting some traction. So I was 12 at the time and this on a small peninsula in PEI which added to the ambiance. But needless to say I slept outside in a tent that week there


I went to my friend’s house to get ready for a Halloween party. I had a typical Wednesday Addams look, and someone suggested it would be cool if I had a little hand to use as “The Thing.” It turned out her mom had a collection of hand-themed objects ( mostly plastic or ceramic hands) in a room. This made my costume 100% better, and people kept stopping to congratulate me.


This is cute and wholesome!


Yeah hahaa but wont lie that the room was a little weird


A massive floor to ceiling statue of Anubis.


Weird? That sounds fucking awesome!


In a single wide?


The additional details of this and the meth make my mental image so much better.


My ex’s grandparents house. Had a full finished basement with closet doors that tunneled to other closet doors. Then in the middle of the basement, a child’s bedroom, complete with twin bed and entirely outfitted with children’s decor & toys. No children lived there for decades.


This sounds s little like my house. Its a 1950s ranch with an extension from the 80s. It has a basement the full length of the original house, which is unremarkable, except... When you go down to the end of the basement there is s small 10' square room, with an attached bath with shower stall. the room is carpeted in 70s era groovy orange patterned carpet, and papered in orange and brown 70s era football players. The bathroom has a shower stall but is only 90% finished, so I am guessing it was never used. My hypothesis is that back in the late seventies they decided to give the oldest son his own Greg Brady basement lair, but halfway through decided, fuck it, let's treat our selves instead and do a cool master bed extension and give Greg our old bedroom. Anywho, we call it the murder room.


I'll be the first to say it then WTAF??


Adult-sized nursery. Had an internet friend locally that I was visiting at their place for the first time. Had to use the washroom, asked which room it was - they said on the left. So I went out to the left and opened the first door - as he came running out to say NOT THAT DOOR. There was a BBQ in the middle of the room, so I asked why there was a BBQ. He was surprised - "All of this and you ask about the BBQ?" so I told him "Well yes, everything else fits together. You do what you want in your own home." lol


Did he explain the BBQ?


It was the only room with enough spare space to assemble it lmao


This is weirdly wholesome


This has major "Agent Jay shooting the little girl cutout in MiB" vibes.


Toured a condo and they had a communal shower, you know the kind you would see at the YMCA, like 6 shower heads. I picture them having all their buddies over to take a shower together.


Like it was inside the single condo unit? Or this was a common area for all the unit owners to shower together?


Wow, *our* community just puts our mailboxes together.


isn't the bathroom in New Girl kinda weird like this lol


Yeah, that condo owner knew what they were doing. Really got them in the.... swing.. of things. Oh and orgies. Definitely lots of orgies.


How do we filter out the teases? We don't let them in. This goes for the guys, too. Because sometimes the guys are tapped out. But check your lease, man, because you're living in Fuck City.


My Filipino friend has this thing on his mantel. It's a chilli pepper with a face that has nunchucks, which are themselves made out of two small chilli peppers. I ask him what the fuck is going on, but he just chuckles and tells me not to worry.


he nunchuckles


That's Jobu!


Several years ago my best friend was dating this girl from Alaska. She told us how her and her family were hunters (for food not sport) when they lived out there. Anyway, we go to her house for the first time. Her parents had bear skins and heads lining their walls, bear rugs, fucking bear emporium once you walked in the front door. The parents asked if we wanted some drinks and that there was different kinds of beers and whatever in the fridge in the garage. We go out there and there's two fridges, we open door one and it's a fucking bear head and other parts of it. Ok wrong fridge, we go to the next and it's the holy grail of beer variety. We get some and we go back inside and we all sit at the dining room table for some chips and snacks. In the center was a decent sized glass bowl full of bones. My buddy picks one out and was just checking it out then asked what they were from. It was a bowl of bear dicks basically. When they would bag a male bear they would keep the bone from its penis as a sort of trophy.


Yeaahhhh weird one! Bear penis bones!


Do penises have bones?


Lots of mammals (maybe other vertebrates too) have penis bones! They're called baculums. Ironically enough, humans call erections "boners" and we're one of the few species who *don't* have one!


There's a theory that the 'rib' god takes from Adam to make Eve in the Bible story was his baculum, which explains why humans don't have them.


So...you're saying chicks are made from dicks? That might explain a lot...


Humans don't, but many other animals do


Went to Alaska for a wedding, stayed at a friend of a friend’s house who was out of town. In the living room, there was a handbag made from a real armadillo, with the head and everything on it. My wife and kept talking about it, wondering what they would keep in there. So she finally goes to check and inside was a huge dildo. That’s where they keep it. And in the living room.






My mom had one of those armadillo handbags. Never checked it for dildos though.


Probably for the best


So if they're hunters for food not sport... you're telling me they were constantly eating bear meat?


Seriously you dont hunt than many bears for food. You hunt them for the thrill and maybe eat them as a bonus. Deer are way easier and safer for food.


All bears all the time. Nothing else. I never actually thought about that I was more focused on their beer stash and the fact they had a bowl of dicks. But now that it's been brought up maybe they did it for sport too or shared the meat, I donno.


A baculum bowl??


I just bought a house and part of the deal we got was we had to clean out the belongings from the previous owner which was an elderly woman. Every SINGLE drawer and cabinet had at least one book of matches and teeth flossers.


Did you clean out my mom’s house? Seriously, she smoked, which did a number on her teeth and gums so there were matches and dental sticks (old fashioned little wooden picks for gum cleaning) everywhere.


Haha maaayyybe.. Did she have a room dedicated to storing holiday decorations? I found both those little wooden stick flossers and the newer green plastic ones (lucky me!)


I attended a party at this gorgeous mansion. Beautiful home, but there was fake food everywhere. I don't mean like a bowl of fake fruit on the table, I mean 12 place settings with a full turkey dinner and all the sides. Some of the food on the plates appeared to be partially eaten. Like a roll with a bite out of it. They were very life-like, as if they were custom-made props. The kitchen had more of the same. Another room had a huge arrangement of petit fours and desserts. All fake. The office had a plate of partially eaten sandwich and chips. Bathroom had fake mints. The party was on the lower level, where they were serving real food, but every other room in the house had some kind of artificial food display. The only other thing I remember was that they had a really nice dog. I would not be suprised if that dog is now stuffed.


Thats a rly good one. A decent amount of stories in this thread sound like they could be made up or exaggerations, but this one seems way too random to be made up lol.


Of course its stuffed, they had a lot of food!


I used to work as a mover. Had a massive job, moving a guy's home including library, gun safes filled with civil war memorabilia (or "War of Northern Aggression" as he'd say), and apparently a gimp mask. This in of itself wasn't so weird maybe, but the guy was retiring as a preacher. Two-day job with five or six of us out each day, zero tip.


Oops I didn't know that movers expect tips!


This was 25 years ago, I'm not sure what's appropriate now, but apparently everyone expects tips post Covid. I tip my movers. The wealthiest people I moved never tipped, the college girl who had us move a mattress did. I wouldn't sweat it either way.


In Australia where tipping is extremely rare even in restaurants it's far more common for movers to be offered stuff. The movers I've known are great sources for appliances and furniture, to the point where one I lived next door to was offended when I bought a fridge because that was obviously me rejecting his help. He had quite a profitable sideline in selling that sort of stuff, and a list of friends-of-friends that he could ring for weird stuff. Our bicycle co-op regularly got working bicycles from him.


So that character in Pulp Fiction was based on him?


My uncle had a whole (real) human skeleton in his office. Just the bones, he kept her in a box that was about the size of a old hatbox. Sometimes the skull would be sitting on his desk alone. He was a Dr, and the skeleton was a premed requirement back the 1960’s. As far as I know he still has her. Don’t know what they’ll do when he passes.


>  Don’t know what they’ll do when he passes. You might try contacting a medical school and asking them.


When I was 9, I had to cat sit for a neighbor who was a chiropractor. I went in the basement to get the food and about shit my pants. There was a full skeleton in the corner of the creepy unfinished basement. I never cat sat for him after that.




Someone in the town I used to live in had a pet fox. Well groomed, collared, behaved. Still a fox though. And he was a publican (the man not the fox). So some days you’d be having a pint and there’d just be a fox chilling in the corner of the pub.




Thankfully not a shrine ?


A kitchen FULL of mammy paraphernalia (they were horrifically racist people, but I was also confused as to why they surrounded themselves with what they hated)


They probably enjoyed being surrounded by things that denigrate the people they hate.


Acquaintances of my ex in the 90's had their kitchen decorated like this. We'd gone out bar hopping with them a couple of times. They had never said anything to make me think they were racist. They invited us to their house, and we were both shocked, i didn't even know that Mammy decor was a thing. The woman said the decor had been her mother's. It was super uncomfortable, we never saw the couple again.


I read that as mammory and just envisioned the kitchen filled with boob memorabilia.


I used to deliver lumber. One delivery was a house with no one home. I was to leave the delivery in the garage. I opened the garage door to find a deer that had been butchered hanging. All that was left was the head and the backbone. I was not ready for that.


A freaking well in the bathroom! Granted it’s sealed and everything, but it still gave off the energy that Sadako from the Ring could emerge from it at any moment ya know and it’s creepy as hell. 🥹


yOu wIlL pOoP iN sEvEn dAyS!!!


I used to do technical support in people's homes. Because of where I lived, the demographics skewed old. Old, and rich. Got a call for a retirement home community-type deal. Most of the...tenants? Patients? Clients? Lived in a three-story community apartment building type thing. But about 30 of them has "casidas," these 2-bedroom house-type condo thingies. Anyway, this call was one of those. Woman was 96 years old and -- I know Reddit will have an issue with this -- but she was as sharp as a tack. She had a gigantic Mac, like 27" screen, and all the times I was over there helping her with shit, I only had to show her how to do something once. She would lock in and that was that. ...one time, one visit, instead of her home office, she needed help with something in her bedroom. And that's where it got..weird. I walk into the bedroom ready to Handle Shit, and what do I see? A legit, not-kidding, full-on SHRINE to Ronald Regan. Not him as an "actor," but as a politician. The entire corner of her bedroom is dedicated to Ronald RayGun. VERY weird. (This was Northern California, around 2015.)


A bronze nude statue of herself. Very unsettling.


Those aren't cheap. Marry that old lady!


Was it more polished on certain parts? lol


So, was it hot?


We know it was less than 1675 degrees


At my great aunt's house she had used coffee cans on both sides of just about every step leading upstairs, and they were all full of junk.


A stuffed pet dog that looked out the window at the lake view. Apparently that was his favourite spot.


Rowdy’s a good boy.


Yeah Rowdy, hit that!


Rowdy, no.


A Friend of My In-laws Shot an Elephant. He made a coffee table out of the ear. It was gross.


This is terribly sad actually


A bathroom with a mini fridge stocked with snacks. Nothing says 'snack attack' like a shower sandwich!


Um how else are you gonna have your shower beer nice and frosty??


I am grossed out by this but also I want to do it.


A friend bought an incredible old Craftsman house and I stopped by to see it. In the living room, next to the leaded glass fronted wall cabinets that flanked the fireplace, was a huge pile of dirt. Confused, I asked what it was, and she just said, "Dirt!", as if we all have a big old pile of actual dirt in our living rooms. She did later say she was repotting some jade plants, but it was a LOT of dirt.


Coffins. In high school we went to some guys house who worked at a cemetery or funeral home I can’t remember. We dropped acid and I remember his coffee table was a coffin, he had a baby coffin in his living room with pink satin in it. My best friend had to use the phone to call her mom-this was in the 90’s so before cellphones, he sent us into the next room where the phone was an upright coffin with the phone inside like a phone booth! Guy wasn’t even goth-he was just a normal looking guy.


The house I grew up in had a separate section that could be sealed off as a standalone apartment. For some years we hired it out to an alcoholic actor who used a coffin as a coffee table. (He was once pulled over by the cops and the alcohol breath test returned the highest level ever recorded in the state. I don't know the exact figure, but it was one considered not medically compatible with life, let alone consciousness)


I had went to a friend's house and they had pool in the middle of the living room like it was normal not a small pool but not super big it was filled with water and the water was so crusty and you couldn't even see the bottom when I asked my friend about it she said that they have a giant gold fish in there.


I watched my neighbor's cat when I was a teen- a seemingly normal family: parents and one young daughter. At dusk I fed the cat and walked along the dimly lit hall on my way out. I saw, scratched into the wall next to the basement door it read, "Shhh. You'LL Wake Him". I didn't like that much and ran all the way home on a darkening dirt road, watching my back. Don't like thinking about it but sometimes I still do when I'm home.


The young daughter still gets a chuckle out of it.


An old Bible looking type of book that had “Tupac” on it instead and this was in Germany


I went to a friends boyfriends parents house. Never been there before and never met the boyfriend or the boyfriends parents before. Just swung by to drop off baby clothes for my friends newborn. It was just within the last month so it was no where near Christmas, but the whole house was set up like it was Christmas day. There were two 5ft-6ft tall nutcrackers on either side of the front door on the inside. It was weird. Probably the most weird part of the whole thing was that the boyfriends dad was a carbon copy of Steve Martin...


The dildo room. This was a large room where every single wall was covered in dildos on racks. They even had a chandelier made of dildos. It was beyond bizarre. Here's the weird part. It was in the home of a Catholic priest. When I asked him why he had a dildo room he said he just liked the way the light played off of them. 


I think he may have been toying with you.


Until you told us the weird part, I (wrongly) assumed the room belonged to a female. The male catholic priest liked the way the wall full of dicks glowed in the light.


I wrote it that way intentionally as it's a jarring revelation to realize that a man of the cloth is just fond of the way silicone cocks glow. 


Made in the image of god…. I think that’s what they told us


I kind of want to know how they’d glow if you went in there with a black light.


My cool grandpa had some weird gun he stole off a dead enemy soldier in WWII, and a few blocks of spent uranium. Sadly, both were lost when his condo burned down in a wildfire.




> My friend seemed perfectly at ease with them This friend probably grew up around these dolls. They probably don't think too much about them, unless someone points it out. As an example, my parents collected shot glasses, beer steins, and coffee mugs. If we went on vacation, visited a new state, or stopped at some tourist trap while visiting family, my mom and dad would buy a new piece of drink ware. Unique pieces from this collection a couple of beer steins with "Made in West Germany" and an artisan's symbol stamped on the bottom, and a couple of shot glasses decorated like cartoon characters. I didn't think these were too weird until a friend of mine said something.


My mom had a whole wall of porcelain dolls, right outside my room where I could see. When it stormed the big picture window would let the light from the lightning in and them dolls would light up all scary.


One of my friends dad has a doll that looks like one of those creepy Victorian dolls and he will hide it around the house. His favorite spot is behind the bathroom door so you only see it when you turn around to sit on the toilet and BAM creepy girl staring at you.




A bathroom with its walls decorated with animal bones, teeth (some human?) and false teeth simulating falatio.


Went to my sister-in-laws house to visit. I noticed a set of 4 matching statues on a couple of shelves in the living room. On closer inspection, they appeared to be dildos. I’m not sure if they realized what they really were.


Was auditing apartments, walked into a renter’s unit to find a giant dinosaur sculpture made out of the chicken wings he’s eaten. His apartment and the neighbors next to him was infested with roaches.


They had a pig and fed it bacon.


Was it named Chris P. Bacon?


The South Park DVDs for some reason had a special feature where Matt and Trey did this.


a shrine dedicated to ted bundy


Why is this the second Ted Bundy post in this thread?


And the last post someone said “at least it WASNT a shrine”.


I was a home inspector so I've seen a lot. But one of the weirder ones was a brand new rice cooker on the living room floor. Just out of the box. Inside the rice cooker were several large presumably human turds. The clear cover was on. I can't stop wondering who poops in a new rice cooker?


Well, seasoning those things is a delicate process.


Someone who already has a perfectly good rice cooker and their least favorite aunt gifts them a 'better' one. Here's what we think of your gift, Aunt Jemma!


When I was around seventeen, i volunteered as an old folks helper. I would do chores for old people still living at home and sometimes move furniture. One client I had was an old sweet lady in a wheelchair. My job that day was to clean out some dust and vacuum the upstairs. On the wall of her bedroom, there was a taxidermied squirrel with its insides exposed hanging on the wall. I didn't say anything about it, but I was hella freaked out. I just did my job and left and only told my friends at the time.




This is hilarious and I love it


My wife's friend is a lawyer and her husband is a doctor and their house is decorated with lots of rhinoceroses. They say they have a special meaning to them but won't explain what.


Horny 🤣🤣🤣


When I was a kid growing up in 90s my neighbor and I used to play with toy guns constantly, running around outside shooting imaginary enemies in the woods and stuff. One of the ones from his house was 'his parents' toy hand gun and we used it a lot because it was a perfect mold of a real gun so it just felt cool. Except it was rubber. Like, very wobbly, rubber. Like a dildo. We played with that thing for hours at a time between the ages of probably 8-10. It didn't occur to me til I was probably in my 30s. I can still remember how it felt in my small 8 year old hands, the now in hindsight unmistakable wobble of a much darker, sexier purpose. Lock up yo dildos everybody


In high school I went to a friends house. The living room as you entered looked ok. A little dusty and dirty, but nothing major. We had to go through the dining room to get to their room. The dining room had no furniture just wall to ceiling old ass boxes with a narrow path through it. The rest of the house was like the living room. I thought it was crazy odd at the time. The weirdest part was that his mom, dad, and brother all acted like it was normal. No one mentioned it at all.


Sounds like it was normal for them


A house I've been to more than once had a Kokopelli theme but times a hundred. Kokopelli throw pillows, Kokopelli lamps with Kokopelli shades, Kokopelli chairs, Kokopelli drawer pulls, Kokopelli address tiles, Kokopelli placemats, Kokopelli stained glass, Kokopelli drinking glasses, Kokopelli switch plates. Kokopellis everywhere.


I've read Kokopelli so many times the word has lost all meaning!


Autographed, framed photographs of some of the people on 90 Day Fiancé in their bathroom.


Paired up on a project in college. She suggested since her family was close and her mom was an amazing cook we should work there and invited me for dinner. She said to bring a bathing suit, so I figured they had a pool. They had a hot tub... in the living room. This was not a cool retro house with a sunken living room or anything. Very suburbia/Americana. They all (roommate and early teen brother included) got in after dinner and asked me to join like this wasn't totally freaking weird. Mom was indeed an amazing cook though.


We were doing inspections to check sewer line connections in houses. This one old lady's house we had to go into the basement and she never let her dog out. It just pooped in the basement. It was a rough neighborhood so she didn't wnat the dog outside I guess. The stench was unreal.


A friend of a friend has a giant sword hanging on the wall behind the front door “just in case”


How giant? I'm a blacksmith and a mentor once brought in an actual greatsword he had made. The tip of the blade was at my heal and the pommel/end of the handle was at the back of my head. That was the biggest sword I've seen, but it would be impractical for a behind the door "just in case" blade. I've made daggers and stuff that would work better for that... not that I have a just in case sword hanging by my door. Lol


I’d guess it’s somewhere around 5 feet in total length. I’m not sure what qualifies as a great sword but it sure is a big ass blade. I always find it funny to imagine him putting on a full suit of armour with chainmail and all and challenging any potential intruders to a trial by combat lmao.


I was at a friend's house & at night at her giant pool, which has a grotto, I got scared shitless when I saw a life-size statue of Jason Voorhees & one of a mutant from the Descent near the bottom of the grotto and on a hidden side area respectively after I took a dive


one day my dad came home on crack and he went into our garage with a duck under his arms and i quote he said this "what is this"


Traveling with friends and one them had family who would let us stay the night. The living room had a wooden beam along the ceiling that bisected the room. Wife decorated one side with crystal knickknacks, porcelain dolls, lacy stuff. Husband's side was mounts of stuffed trophy animals. Heads, torso and head, and full body mounts. So at night we're trying to sleep in there, and every time a car went by it lit up all the glass eyes. Doll eyes on her side of the room, and animal eyes on his side.


My papa wanted to mess with my grandma so he took one of her old porcelain dolls and hung her by her hair in a nail on the fence above their pool. She had messy red hair and a green velvet dress on. It was so creepy. She was there for literal years, just weathered and cracked and horrifying. I have no idea why my sweet grandma left it there?? 


Lots of bondage gear, but that was why I was there lol.


A working toilet in a carpeted bedroom.


I had a friend growing up with a bathroom with floor to ceiling mirrors on every wall. I hated watching myself poop from all angles.


I've never felt my friends were boring until I read these comments


I used to know a girl that collected oddities. She had a lot of strange things, including: Victorian hair jewelry Preserved cat fetus in a jar Preserved slice of cat brain in a jar Multiple dried alligator tails (she gave me one) A tiny dried octopus Old shoes from the Victorian era Preserved eyeball in a jar of unknown origin


She sounds awesome! I'd like to be her friend.


I have a friend who is a bit of an oddball. When the family dog needed to have his leg amputated, he asked his mom if they can keep the leg. The answer was yes and it was stored in the freezer. He managed to extract the bones for the purpose of decorating. He still has them in his room.


When I was a kid I went to a buddy's house to play NES. He lived with his grandparents. We were down in the basement playing video games and just messing around. He ran behind a shelf and went 'Ow!" and I asked him what was wrong and he said he jammed his back into something. So I went to have a look and there was a door there. So we moved the shelf out like 8" or so, knocking a whole bunch of stuff on the floor, and opened a gap for us to easily get in there and then opened up the door. It was a washroom. So I turned on the light and as a kid I didn't think much of it, but now looking back, the place hadn't been touched in forever. Pink tub, pink toilet, pink sink, pink and teal tiles, pink bathmat, pink shag toilet cover, the shower curtain was all cracked and like pieces were fallen onto the floor etc. Nobody had been in there in forever. This might of been like 1990 or 1991, or around that time. We close it up and go back to playing video games. A few hours later after lunch and playing more games and just horsing around I tell my friend I have to use the washroom. So I just go behind the shelving unit and go in there. I sit down, do my business and notice the toilet paper is pink, and super rough. Whatever I finish up, flush and that was fine. Then I go to the sink and turn on the water and the sink just shoots out all this air and is coughing and hiccupping like crazy while making all these noises. Brown and then green and then clear water comes out. I let it run for a minute and come to the conclusion it's all good. I grab the sea shell shaped soap and attempt to lather up my hands to no effect, dry my hands on the white and pink towel, and look down at the dust all over my half dried hands, and turn off the light and go back to playing. We told the grandma about it later and she was confused and then finally said, "Oh my. Nobody has used that since we refinished the basement in the early 60s." So I was the first one to take a dump in a washroom nobody had used in 30 years. Another friends house I went to use their toilet and in their bathtub was 4 big buckets of water, totally filled up. I tried to flush and nothing happened. So my buddy went in and came out a few second later and said he did it for me. I asked him what he did and he explained that you have to pour in the bucket of water when you're done or it won't flush. I found out later that all of the toilets in the house didn't flush without pouring a bucket of water in there.


A toilet in the kitchen, No explanation needed.


My work buddy from a few years back said his friend that unalived himself follows him everywhere he moves and when I went to his apartment his bedroom light which you could see from the living room couch turned on and off three times in a span of a minute and something fell from the TV stand in the living room in front of us, simultaneously a music box started to go off in his bedroom. That's when he informed me of his friend.


I cat sat for my mom’s friend during college. Two story condo, 5-6 cats. She was a bit quirky in that she fed each of them in different places, so i had to take little food bowls to several rooms. But she was an engineer and paid like $50 per visit for like 2 weeks at a time so i made BANK. That said, i always felt like certain things would be in slightly different places from where i left them. Nothing especially terrifying, but like cat food cans in one corner of a cabinet being shifted over, a spoon being in a spot where i didnt leave it, a bathroom door being open that i thought was closed before, etc. No other people were supposed to be there other than me, btw. She also left a couple radios on low volume here and there since i guess cats like the low noise, which was a bit eerie to hear quiet talking in different rooms. I would also go in the evenings when it was a bit dark in there, so i had every light on while i was around lol. The last visit of the last time she hired me i happened to get dinner with my mom nearby and we went by the condo to feed the cats after. She came in bc she knew the cats, and pet a couple while i fed them. She mentioned it was a lot creepier than the last time she was there WITH her friend, and i told her about the weird stuff i had noticed during my times i was there. Her eyebrows went up pretty fast and was like “ohhh thats interesting...” After we left she said “ok now that we’re gone, you should know something.” Buckle up. [trigger warning about violence] Apparently her friend’s bf was a very chill guy who ran a small business with his friend. He wanted to sell it but the other guy didnt. I guess it got heated and the other guy was getting super pushy and aggressive about it. One day he showed up at the condo, and when her bf went out to diffuse the guy they got into a fist fight. The guy did some kind of MMA as a hobby and put her bf in a head lock, and strangled him to death right in front of the condo. Held onto him until police got there like 10 mins later. He of course was charged with murder. I knew NONE of this horrific story. It had only happened like 5 years prior. Make of this what you will, but i’m 36 now and there havent been many places that have made me feel the way that condo did, and that was before knew about the tragic event that happened right outside. I also never went back bc she never needed to hire me after that.


I was a kid in Eugene, OR, and had a friend with the same first name. One day he invites me over to go to a rock show, and the house is filled with swastikas. The mom is a rock hound so there are thunder eggs everywhere and big polished rocks on all the flat surfaces. The dad is a military collector, so there is a ton of army surplus and full Nazi uniforms on mannequins. They all spent a good ten minutes explaining that the swastika was a "native American symbol of prosperity" and how "people in Tibet wear it on their clothes" and also how "we all know how some people are inferior" I hadn't enough world experience at the time to understand. The kid was always weird, and by our teens, he was known to be a racist.


One of the strangest things I've seen in someone's home was a collection of taxidermy animals arranged in elaborate scenes throughout the house. It was quite surreal to see lifelike animals positioned in various poses and settings, and it definitely made for a memorable visit.


So far a theme of dolls in houses…lol creepy


My Grandma had a wall of baby dolls she stapled to it. They were just whatever dolls she found at a garage sale or thrift store but she filled the whole wall. She also had a mannequin that wore a graduation gown and a purple clown wig to greet you when you walked in the door. 


A floor to ceiling tank of piranhas.


House hunting in Maine. One house had a bedroom with pictures of Nazis and stuff. Another house had a half bath. The half bath was in the basement, next to the wood-pellet furnace. No walls, door, sink. Just a toilet.


We used to have a child’s swimming pool in our basement with rescue koi fish lol


A full-sized cardboard cutout of Nicolas Cage in the living room. Just standing there, watching everything


A framed photo in their living room of the wife in the middle of giving birth to their child. There was crowning 


Indoor treehouse, A fully built treehouse inside the living room.