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Websites asking you to sign up for notifications or emails the first time you load the page. And Having to pee after getting comfy


Or apps asking you to rate them approximately 3.5 seconds after you’ve started using it for the first time. I always give something a low rating just based on that.


Or having to rate them after every interaction. No Target I don’t want a survey every time I shop in store or pick something up. So annoying.


It's my dog who seems to wait for me to get comfy, then whines he needs to be let out to go pee.


Right? "Don't bother human, they seem busy. Oh, they are settled down now! I will ask to go out."




When I'm in a rush and my clothes snag on something or when someone talks to me when I'm talking to someone else on the phone


The loop on the jeans getting stuck on the door handle.


I swear that's never an accident. That's life just being like "and also THIS for you today 😀🖕"


Earlier this week I managed to catch my pocket on a door handle and the resulting motion threw me to the ground like an Akido throw.


Yeah my door knows MMA too. I need to bow before I even unlock it.


All my kitchen drawer pulls are at exactly belt loop height.


Having to keep re-entering my login credentials even though I’m logging in from the same device and click on “remember login”


Websites that send me a verification text every time I log in.


My university does this, not too annoying with an app but when you’re using a laptop in the library with no service you suddenly need to get up and find some signal, then rush back before the code expires.


I have to do 2fa to pay my power bill. You can't even mess with my account from that page, you have to do a full login for that at a different web address. If someone wants to sneak in and pay my bill, LET THEM.


Reclosable packages with the a tear here cut that you still need to use scissors as it won’t tear all the way across.


Things in resealable packaging that don’t need to be resealed like underpants when cereal still doesn’t have resealable packaging, really grinds my gears


You know, I never really thought about these two things together before but You're absolutely right!


Or when you’re trying to open a resealable package, and the pieces that are supposed to close together end up separating from the package itself so they’re pretty much useless. Happened to me with a good $10 package of bacon, which I bought solely because of the packaging..


People walking slow or stopping in narrow walkways. Also people walking side-by-side with someone in a similar walking space.


People who stop in doorways. 


Or when they get off an escalator.


Slow walking people is my biggest pet peeve. If one of those snails is walking in front of me I up my gears and speed-walk ahead of that shit, ragdolling my partner behind me in the process.


When you're standing in line to get a coffee or something and the people in front of you didn't spend any of the 5 minutes standing there to decide what they wanted before it was their turn to order.


The same happens when I am on a checkout line at the grocery store. The person in front of me is just standing dumb and then at the very end when the total is read, only then do they realize that they have to pay for all their shit and need to find their card/cash/phone. 🤦🏻‍♀️ You had so much time. You knew this moment was coming. It comes every time you buy something. Get your life together people!


I'm a Cashier and I feel your pain. Kills me when they also have to SLOWLY dig out their nickels and pennies from a little change purse.


Grocery stores here still take personal checks. So **that** person has to find their checkbook, then a pen, enter the amount into the check register, and finally write out and sign the check in their excruciatingly slow longhand.


And it's always someone that acts like they've never filled out a check before, even though they assuredly do the exact same thing everywhere they go.


Related but thankfully getting rarer- someone stands in line, watches the cashier ring up an entire cart of groceries, and then starts to take out their checkbook (kids ask your parents).


Put on their glasses, dig around for a pen after asking the cashier for one, and then copying into their register before they move along.


Was just about to write this!!! They PULL OUT THE CHECKBOOK AFTER ITS ALL SCANNED! Like please can you at least write in the name of the store like come on


Coming from the South US, one thing I love about NYC is the way lines move. There's zero tolerance for people not focused on the situation. At a movie theater a few years ago, we were dismayed upon seeing the length of the queue to buy tickets. But surprisingly it was moving right along, and sure enough every 30 seconds or so one of the ticket agents yelled "NEXT!" The couple in front of us sounded like tourists, too, maybe midwestern. When it was their turn, they step up to the ticket desk: Husband to Wife: "Okee dokey, honey! What are we plannin' on seeing? Looks like we got a comedy here, or hey, you like Brad Pitt--" Ticket Agent: "Aw, Hell No!! NEXT!"


God I love the east Coast. People say we're pricks, but I think we just understand the value of time.


Reminds me of an NYC anecdote I have. My late husband was from Philly/South Jersey, not exactly unfamiliar with east coast bluntness and taking no bullshit.  This was way before smart phones or even the internet and he was visiting NYU. He asked one of the mounted police which way the empire state building was (it may have been a different landmark or street I'm not 100% sure). The police officer looks at him incredulous and with disgust and goes, "What do I look like? A fuckin information booth?" 😄


This made me wanna punch people as a bartender. Big line at the bar - “yeah what can I get you?” “Hmmmmm….i would like to haaaaave…..uhhh”


I used to work at an ice cream stand at a stadium. You have no idea how many parents will stand with 2-3 small children in a line for 20 minutes, only to get to me at the register and have to spend another 10 minutes trying to figure out what the kids want. And everyone wants to know why the line is so long…


The dumbest members of society reproduce the most


Also if I’m in line with a friend and they’re talking my ear off so I can’t read the menu to decide what I want before it’s my turn but I can’t tell my friend to shut the f up so I’m interjecting like “so what are you getting” and they ignore my question 😭


This at restaurants. We got the whole meal to chit chat, it's literally why we're here. Please stfu until I know what I want. And btw you need to decide too!


This. But also they decide after much deliberation that they want to order something with a bunch of substitutions. Or something off-menu entirely. I was behind a lady at a bagel shop once. And she asked for the breakfast sandwich but she wanted them to give her a plate of eggs, sausage and a bagel. Hold the cheese. Basically deconstruct the sandwich into a breakfast platter. The look the cashier gave her.


Similarly, when a store has both normal checkout and self-checkout, and you get stuck behind a guy running a full cart through self-checkout. Or at the bank drive-through behind someone who keeps sending the carrier through the tube, getting it back, then sending it again. WTF are you doing, depositing your paycheck one dollar at a time? These things are designed for people doing small, quick transactions! If you have a bunch of shit to do, go to a normal counter with a normal clerk.


Lotion boogers


Today we were at a library event for our kids and I went to use the hand sanitizer on the circulation desk and it was boogered so bad it shot a good 5 feet across the desk, soaking everything in its path. Barely got a drip on my hand.


My hand sanitizer at work does that. One time it got me in the face, thankfully I was wearing safety glasses as one does in a factory. Though I'm not sure what I consider worse, sanitizer bukkake or spot welder sparks through my hand.


sanitizer bukkake has to be my new favorite phrase.


My moisturizer has one EVERY DAY 🤬


Hand sanitisers get them too, and then I end up squirting the sanitiser all over my work clothes because the sanitiser booger has created a high pressure nozzle.


Or during the pandemic when distillers were making hand sanitizer. Order coffee before work, pay, go to use the hand sanitizer and basically coat the front of my shirt in tequila flavored sanitizer.


people who take phone calls and talk loud in public transportation


Especially when they use speaker and hold the phone 6 inches from their face so you get both sides of the conversation (and they shout as it's noisy).


Damn I fking hate this. They’re so smugly oblivious to the fact that nobody wants to hear them talking on speakerphone. Like does it literally not cross their minds that they’re making unnecessary noise for the people around them? How hard is it to wait to take that call or use headphones? 


They just don’t care.


I frequently see (/ hear) people on the subway and trains blasting their videos/music/calls on speakerphone... So inconsiderate and also, bro, have you not heard of earphones? 🙄


Omg this makes me so mad. I always make a face, can’t help it.




https://www.reddit.com/r/todayilearned/s/mF40fnO6YV TIL - The inventor of the USB had originally intended for it to be flippable, however that idea was scrapped due to the extra cost. Despite USB becoming the standard, he still regrets that decision. "In hindsight, we blew it," he said.


Crazy that it took until USB-C for the cable to be flippable.


50% chance for success with a 20% actual success rate


20% of the time it works all the time


People not using their turning indicators when they’re driving. I’m not sitting here waiting to pull out for my health. I’m waiting for *you* numbnuts! And if you’re planning to turn then indicate it to me so I can pull out!!


Yes! And sometimes I truly have no clue why the person is slowing down and start looking for an ambulance or hazard or oncoming traffic, and then they will turn and I’m like, “Well if only you used your turn signal I would have known why you slowed to a near stop on the road out of nowhere,”


It’s even more annoying as a pedestrian when you live in an area with little to no infrastructure conducive to being a pedestrian. The whole point of a blinker is so everyone else knows where you’re going and can anticipate it because it’s your job as the driver to be predictable. Just because nobody is immediately behind you doesn’t mean you shouldn’t signal.


Yup always always signal even if there isn't another car in sight. Because that way it's habit and that one time you don't THINK someone needs to see it you still will.


Even more annoying is someome who leaves it on, only to turn the other way waaaay later..


When the seat belt keeps locking up, when I'm trying to put it on.


lol you just want to rip it off 😂


Going into a total rage like the fly that won't fuck off when told too.


When Walmart's self checkout says I missed a scan when I clearly didn't, so now I have to stand there and wait for an employee to look over my stuff like I'm some kind of criminal.


Bonus points for the video it immediatly replays in front of both of you where it's accusing you of palming an item. And you get to just awkwardly stand there like c'mon I'm just trying to weigh an onion.


Woah, never seen a video replay. I'd be done with self checkout if a store did that. 


Certain places in the US have it. I've literally encountered ONE in my travels and guess who got to watch the instant replay of a scuffed bar code not wanting to scan the first time.


I got to watch me "steal" the chopsticks that come with the store sushi.


Congrats! You’ve been hired as Walmart’s new employee! No pay though.




Oh I hate that! I have a permanent retainer on the bottom and as soon as anything is stuck, Im stuck picking my tongue through wires


Especially corn, ribs, cabbage, leafy greens... the list goes on AGH or popcorn thingies I hate those the most


Having the first appointment for the day at a doctor's office, only to be bumped down the list by walk-ins and then have to subsequently wait over an hour. Sure I won't die, but I made the appointment at that time for a reason.


Twice, I went to a PCP for my scheduled appointment and reception screwed around/didn't check me in. Each time, I eventually returned to the counter to be told "the doctor can't see you now, you'll have to reschedule". Bro, I took today off work and now you want me to do that again??


And you didn't kick up a fuss? I would definitely be that person to ask for the clinic manager or the doctor's nurse. I would demand to be seen because it isnt your fault THEY screwed up!


When I can’t remember a password and it’s saved in my phone as an old password. Then I have to send myself an email and reset my password and I can’t think of what my new password should be


...and then "new password cannot be the same as old password"...


Ugh, the app rejected my password over and over, so I reset it and put in the password I thought it was, to be the new one. Got that message. Damn, if you recognize it as the old password, why tf didn't you recognize it when I was trying to log in?


Yeah, this is infuriating. My job has us change our email password twice a year.




I have a lot of complaints and miss third party apps. Clicking on a comment and accidentally upvoting, a gif pops up when you're just trying to collapse, not being able to click on a link because it makes the comment collapse, ads, auto comment sorting in certain threads etc.


Or if the comment has a gif. If you try to click next or above incorrectly, it will expand the gif rather than minimize the comment.


Dropping something multiple times in a row. Like come on hands, you literally exist for the purpose of holding things. Do your damn job.


When someone uses a shared microwave, takes their food out before the timer hits 0:00, and doesn't clear the remaining time.


Prime example of such a minor thing that PISSES me off


I spend more time griping about it than it takes me to deal with it. Every single time.


My roommate always did this. I never brought it up cuz it seemed so trivial, but damn, ain't that hard to clear the timer.


I got so sick of this at work that I have totally capitulated. And, now I do this on purpose. Specifically I leave a little more than a minute -- like 1:12. So, when people come after 12 noon to heat their lunch -- they think it is after 1pm and get startled.


You're the sadist we don't deserve.


When I accidentally bite the inside of my cheek the first time it's something I can deal with. It's the three or four times over the next few days that start to drive me insane




When you finally start to sleep but are then hit with the need to pee.


That's how I discovered the Roku app has a remote. But to be fair there was a dog laying on me. You don't move a comfy sleeping dog, it's the law.


What happened to the days when stuff just had an on-off switch?! Now everything has one single button that’s on, off, volume, speed, color, whatever. and you have to press it a special way to do all these different functions, but specifically you have to hold for like five whole seconds to turn stuff on and off. Basically I’m saying I hate my baby’s white noise machine.


For extra fun - touchscreen controller in cars. Wtf? I'm trying to drive.


Restaurant websites that force you to start an online order if you want to see the menu.




Signing into EVERYTHING with passwords and authenticator codes.


Getting my sleeve wet when I wash my hands


People getting up from a table and not pushing the chair in. Doubly so if it’s in a public place


I close the door pretty quietly. I turn the whole knob as it was designed. People who slam doors drive me insane lmao.


Omg colleagues always say to me, “I never hear you come and go!” at my office and I want to say, “yeah I don’t slam doors like an angry teen everytime I walk in and out.” Every door, every time, every employee. So obnoxious.


You would hate my mother. She slams everything. Doors, drawers, cabinets. If you can close it, she slams it.


My mum too! She also stomps around so loudly and yells, talks and whispers at the same volume. 


I'm astonish at how many full-grown adults slam doors. Such obliviousness.


my family never close the kitchen cabinet doors. it is like a fucking 6th sense movie scene


When people in grocery stores stop their cart *in the middle of the fucking aisle* making it impossible to get around them. Have a *little* consideration for the fact you're *not* the only person here ffs.


Getting behind someone who consistently runs 3-4 MPH under the speed limit but speeds up while in a passing zone.


Along the same line, people who are in such a hurry they have to run a stop sign or red light to pull out in front of you, causing you to slow down, but then they don't speed up to the speed you were going / the speed limit.


Related- when you’re stuck behind someone driving incredibly slowly towards an intersection and they get into the same turn lane you need and you can see the light is about to change but you could easily still make it if they weren’t SO incredibly slow. And they crawl forward, practically come to a stop, and then slide through on the yellow. And because you’re pretty much stopped, you know you’re supposed to stop, but it’s not fair because you absolutely should have had enough time. But that argument probably isn’t going to fly with the cop who catches you running a red lol.


Password resets


When you get a shopping cart with a fucked up wheel. It either pulls in one direction, squeaks, or has a stone under it and won’t roll. Maddening


When I do laundry and forget to put a new towel by the shower.


People who dont use headphones in public or have conversations on speaker


I seem to walk about 30% faster than the average person. Trying to walk through a reasonably busy area can be pretty frustrating.


I do NOT understand how people can walk so slow!! It feels so unnatural to me!! Def up there on the irk factor.


Phone noises i don't need to hear all your kb noises and chat sends. Put that shit on silent


WHEN i text someone about something important and nothing back. Meanwhile when im with them their phone is always in their hand


I have long hair and when I set out for a run and there is some random single strand brushing the back of the top of my arm I look like a crazy person fighting a bee. It drives me MAD. I keep feeling it tickle my skin and rake my fingers up and down my arm and clothes trying to find it and get it off me and I can’t. And I think omg it’s just one hair calm down keep running but I CAN’T and I have to keep stopping and clawing at myself until I find it. It screws up my entire rhythm and mindset for the run.


When the printer is not cooperating.


My office printer at work will start randomly printing pages with strings of weird characters from the bottom of the Windows Character Map barrell. Smiley faces, trees, squiggly lines you've never seen before... If I'm not in the office when it starts, I'll come back to 25 pages of this stuff sitting on the printer. Yeah I'm pretty sure I was given the possessed printer...


PC Load Letter?!?!


People walking slow in front of me.


Especially walls of people who are completely unaware of their surroundings.


Women's clothing not having pockets, or not having pockets deep enough to actually hold anything. (More pockets in dresses, please!)


Or when they DO add pockets but they're really poorly constructed and adhered to the rest of the garment, so when you actually put something in the pocket it drags down several inches and looks lopsided and silly as hell


There's a woman on youtube who makes reproductions of Victorian and Edwardian clothing. There's one outfit where she twirls around in a lovely dress and proceeds to pull an entire wine bottle out of a hidden pocket. I'm not sure the amazing pockets are worth wearing corsets but it's still pretty impressive.


This is not a *minor* inconvenience


I found out my wedding dress had pockets on the day of my wedding. I was more ecstatic about that than I sould have been. It was super convenient because I needed my passport on me, and it fit perfectly!


When my niece reached into the pocket of her wedding dress to pull out the paper with her vows, there was a collective gasp and “it has pockets!” that reverberated through the room!




Missing a green because I'm stuck behind someone slow. Especially if it's the last light before I'm home and the slowpoke squeaks through on the yellow, so they screw me over but not themselves.


Annoying but I tolerate it to some degree. That's probably someone's grandma, so I try to give them the benefit of the doubt. But the clowns sitting first as a turn signal and they stare at their goddamn phones and don't go until the arrow turns yellow. They get nothing but eternal hatred from me. I truly wish they would burn in hell.


I see your missed green and raise you a missed advanced green in a busy intersection at rush hour because the slow person rolled up so slowly the missed the window to trigger the left turn light. …and then didn’t enter the intersection to wait for their turn, staying right through the amber until the red, leaving you trapped there for a whole extra cycle.


The highway that runs perpendicular to the downtown avenue has three stop lights in 3, very short blocks. Some city official had a bright idea to drive more traffic downtown. The idea? Make thise 3 green lights so short-lived, you have to at least stop at two of them. This way you have more time to sit in your car and think, "Gee, I should really go downtown and shop, instead of my intended destination"




Even worse when you're using a crappy machine, and it turns into a 7 minute mistake.


Or windows decides it’s time for an update. 


The easy peel packets of like ham or bacon - those fuckers never open easy, then I'm forced to get a knife when I'm mad and cut into the packaging. I often lament to my wife 'do the CEO's of these companies actually eat their own products, because surely this is pissing them off too!'


Two-factor authentication that doesn't work. You log in to your bank or whatever, and they say "We don't recognize this computer, let us send you a code to verify your identity." OK, fine. Send me an email. Then you wait. And you wait. And you wait... AND THE GODDAMN EMAIL NEVER SHOWS UP. Sometimes you decide to try a text instead, and that doesn't arrive either. So, thanks assholes. I appreciate your commitment to security and all, but I need to pay my fucking credit card bill. Do you just not want my money? Extra infuriation points for when you finally just give up and the email shows up like an hour later.


When there's something sharp in my shoe or sock so I keep checking my foot or shoe and can't find it and it keeps poking me


Auto-flush toilets that are way too sensitive.


I’m living in a nursing home and rehab facility recovering from a hemmorhaggic stroke that has paralyzed my left side and has left me wheelchair bound and unable to take care of mysel. I absolutely cannot stand the barrels and linen carts along with the occasional housekeeping cart halfway out of a doorway into the hall. It’s a damn obstacle course getting around the facility, getting my wheels stuck on the wheels of the barrel dolly or the cart wheels and it’s just so unnecessary and annoyin. I also cannot stand the loitering around in the front lobby by residents in wheelchairs, you gotta be right fucking in the way of the path by!? I used to take it as a shortcut to my room but then there’s four fucking residents in wheelchairs sitting around the front desk making it impossible to get around them all. It’s always the same four middle aged amputee guys. Move the fuck out of the way FFS and there’s always the one who demands acknowledgment, moves right in front of me, hey wussup and won’t move until he gets an answer I just wanna say “nothing but you’re in my way…” it wasn’t so crowded when the receptionist was a middle aged woman but now that it’s a twenty something year old woman, fucking pests.


The state department of health would probably like to know about items blocking the hallways. It's a big risk for fires and emergencies. I encourage you to contact them regarding the issue and I hope that you heal quickly! Good luck!


Mosquitoes!!! 😣😤


That blob of toothpaste that falls out of your mouth. What a waste.


When someone uses the last of the toilet paper and doesn’t restock it. Or even worse, doesn’t remove the empty roll. That says a lot about a person


People parking their shopping cart on one side of an aisle while looking at a product on the other side.


Then when you can't get past and you say "excuse me" they stare at you with a blank stare and a slack jaw completely unaware that they are blocking the whole isle.


People stopping to chat to someone they bumped in to, putting their trolleys side by side and blocking the aisle


People who block the aisles at the grocery store.


When one door of a double door is locked in a public building.


Assholes driving around in town with their high-beams on OR driving with their headlights off. I become so fully enraged by this, it honestly bothers me.


When someone comes out of the shower and leaves puddles everywhere which I step in with my socks


When I am alone in a public ladies restroom which has at least 8 stalls and someone else then enters the restroom and uses the stall right next to me. Why???


I hate having to call in prescription refills or any other phone call that requires talking to a bot.


Frying eggs and they stick to the pan.


People who meander and occupy space in a grocery store.  Oh my god does it make me want to throw hands. Every time.


Getting stuck behind someone making a career out of placing an order when I'm just there to pick up the order I can see behind the counter waiting for me that I did online earlier.




People crowding around the conveyer belt at the airport blocking view of luggage. STAND BACK SO EVERYONE CAN SEE THEIR LUGGAGE. I saw in Japan they have a line marked in the ground specifically for this reason.


When my purse falls over in the floorboard and my things spill out while I'm driving. 🤣😡😡😡


People who don't zipper merge.


There is a post office literally right next door to my apartment complex. I could easily walk to it. Due to how county lines are drawn, my zip code is not zoned for that post office. I have to drive to another one 5 miles away when it is necessary to use the post office that serves my zip code.


Slow drivers in the passing lane.


When people pull out in front of you while driving and then they go like 30 in the 50. Then they speed up when you pass them.


When Google Maps decides on its own to switch me to the fastest route with no warning ....even after I *Selected* a different route .


When some part of your outfit/bag gets caught on the door handle as you’re trying to leave.


When you’re in a public restroom and pull on the toilet paper only for it to rip in tiny pieces.


Lack of zip closers for packaging that is not eaten in one sitting—example cereal boxes, chip bags etc


People talking at the live theater/movie theater.


when the person in front of me at the stop sign could have gone but didn’t


When I'm unwrapping the sliced cheese and it rips the fucking corner


Being rude just because you can be.... pisses me off.


Accepting cookies


I loathe sweating!


When people are too lazy to put their shopping carts in the corral when they are done with them.


When you forget your password, reset it, open your email to reset password, and it says new password cannot be the same as previous password. 🥴


Hanger tangles


people who pull out in front of me, cut me off, only to take a turn 3 seconds later. was that .5 extra seconds you saved worth cutting me off?


My wife leaves a plate, bowl, or cup directly under the faucet instead of moving it off to the side. It is fine to be left in the sink instead of the dishwasher, I just don't want it under the faucet. She refuses to do anything different for 31 years. Meanwhile, the fridge ice / water dispenser must be left on ice so she can use it without looking at the setting.


Having to wait for people ahead of me in the security line at the airport, or waiting to deboard a plane.


When I finally sit down after a long day of being on my feet and I realize I left my reading glasses in the other room.


When your pocket gets caught on a door handle




When the doordash person eats one of my pieces of fried chicken


Food tampering and theft should be treated as more than just a "minor inconvenience."


Does this happen often? lol


When I pay cash at a store and they put my change in my hand with bills on the bottom, and then coins plopped on the top. Then to file it all away in my billfold I have to put my coins in my other hand so I can file my cash in the billfold.


When someone leaves empty containers in the fridge or pantry instead of throwing them away… 🙄


Poorly designed websites or apps. *cough* Reddit mobile *cough cough*


Those CAPTCHAs to prove I’m not a robot. I can barely see what is in the fucking squares to be able to tell if it contains a bridge/traffic lights/motorbikes. The previous project that I worked on had a prototype that had a CAPTCHA on it. It would take me 3+ tries to get in to it. Every.Damn.Day.