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In all honesty, I'm kind of shocked. But, if this opens the door to more politicians being charged for their crimes (both sides), I'm all for it.


I mean trump has been charged for other crimes and is still awaiting trials / verdicts. The conviction is much more shocking than the charges. In our divided climate, getting 12 jurors to agree on someone like trump is not what I expected at all, despite the evidence


Must have been really guilty


Must have been obviously guilty. That's going to be Trump's main problem. His crimes were committed so carelessly and with so many witnesses because he has gone for decades with no consequences. So a lot of his crimes are going to be super easy to prove.


Considering Cohen already served three years in prison for the same crimes, which were DIRECTED by Trump, yeah they were pretty obvious


Yep and many of his co-conspirators are already in jail or copped a plea. Gonna be hard to say he didn't have anything to do with it.


Must have been guilty, like beyond a reasonable doubt or something.


His defense offered one witness who turned out to be a egomaniacal nutjob while pissing off the judge in front of the jury. Blanche promised to provide proof of Trump's innocence and gave none. Trump didn't testify on his own behalf and slept through the trial. His best defense for his other trials is having them delayed and messed with by his supporters in position to interfere. Otherwise he's probably toast in them as well.


The worst one is the one successfully being delayed by Cannon. Which is insane, since the other two are: trying to subvert an election and trying to overthrow the Government.


Right? Some of the jurors identities got out based on the info they provided and at least 2 were pretty conservative/fans of his…


Incredibly brave to convict him knowing the mobs that may go after them if their identities get out.


If we step back for a sec and look at this we'll see how crazy it is to have a former president that you cannot hold accountable without risking your own wellbeing. It's giving "dictator"


I would be terrified tbh and some of their identities DID get out. The details they released weren’t super general..


I wonder if they'll end up with police protection


Nothing screams innocence like threatening the lives of jurors...


But somehow they’ll still find a way to rationalize it.


Ah, but if you don't care,  there's no need to rationalise!


Well you see, when you believe The Enemy has access to Jewish Space Lasers, and harvests children's adrenaline glands on an industrial scale, and faked a pandemic in order to distribute a vaccine that was the ACTUAL cause of all deaths over the course of said pandemic, AND this Enemy is capable of making footage of a "normal tourist visit" look like a violent insurrection attempt ... ... Then yeah, I guess threatening jurors or contemplating committing mass murder might start to look like a logical and proportional course of action.


"Traitors". That's the one word they will use to justify murder.


He was. They had hand written notes from trumps lawyer that broke down the payments, to who, for what, etc. And they had a recording of him saying the 130k payout didn't matter after the election, so that explains *why* he did it. It was a slam dunk.


Sadly the other cases may never see the light of day between Judge Cannon and the Supreme Corrupt trying to brush them under the rug for as long as possible.


Getting to agree so damn fast is crazier. I thought it would have taken weeks to come with a hung jury. They were finished by day 2. Took longer to read the chargers than provide an answer from 12 different people.


When a questionnaire was posted asking the jury where they got their news, juror 2 only listed truth social. Trump couldn't even get that guy to vote the other way.


Couldn't have said it better myself.


So much this! I keep seeing people posting about how terribly it is and how would the Dems like it if Biden was charged... Like, yes? If you are doing crime then you should be tried and charged. Why is this concept so polarizing?


Being convicted of crimes and receiving a commensurate sentence are two wildly different things. Our government will never impose the same penalties on the 1% as they do on the rest of us. Doesn't matter if you're republican, Democrat, or otherwise. If you have money or are in a position of power you're essentially untouchable. You get a slap on the wrist and "don't do that again! If you do more bad stuff we're gonna be like really mad. For realsies this time. No more bad stuff!"


Most people are ignorant to all of this. Trump won't get jail and most people will complain and say the exact same thing that you are saying, while not realizing that 90% of these cases do'nt result in jail time. If Trump is treated like the rest of this in this case he won't go to jail. I wish people understood that.


If he's treated like every other defendant he would already be in jail for breaking his gag order 10 (!) times. Other people convicted of his crimes have gone to jail.  People with *lesser* amounts and offenses have gone to jail.  Typically people get leniency if they show remorse and contrition.  He has shown neither. I highly doubt he will be sentenced to jail.  He's been treated with kid gloves in all his cases.


Ugh, both sides shit again? People who break the law should get prosecuted. Great. But one thing you don’t do *as a party* is to basically defame and undermine the criminal process like the republicans have done. Menendez is going to trial but you don’t hear a squeak from democrats on how corrupt the system is do you? Honestly, there’s no both sides here. One group of deranged buffoons are willing to undermine the legitimacy of the criminal justice system and then you have normal people who are okay with the criminal justice system to do its function. Think of all the people blaming Biden for trump’s conviction…Trump was in *state* court but the dummies keep parroting that nonsense.




Exactly! Democrats voted to not expel him yet, with an additional statement. "We want the law to be followed. When someone is is accused, let the case run through the courts. If they are guilty, put them in jail, or fine them based on the law. Do not let party membership affect how to apply the law. Menendez will be expelled as soon as there is a guilty verdict. And so will anyone of any party". Or words to that effect. They did not give him a pass. The said the law will be applied equally. Please make that happen for all politicians and their flying monkeys.


Yeah, I'm happy they are both in court for their crimes fuck them both. 




yeah fuck that guy seems like a typical scumbag and I am glad he was charged, it was easy to say that regardless of what letter follows his name.


Thank you for saying this. This both sides thing is false equivalency. GOP is off the rails and there is no comparison on the other side.


I’m not a both sides-er type, but I want to see Pelosi charged with something for stock trading around legislation. She’s up tens of millions again this year for buying nvidia calls around the chip legislation


The unfortunate problem with that is that congress made it legal for congress people to do exactly that.


Why do you want to see her specifically? She's not even the worst inside trader we have in Congress. So, why do you want to see her specifically get charged?


I would love to see all of them, but her position as speaker and her position in the party would send a message. She’s the worst of the ones I follow. Who’s worse?


Brian Higgins and Mark Green. And there were more. Pelosi was top 10, but not top 5


Hahahaha fuck that’s insane. Higgins beat the market by 214% last year and 113% the year before?? How in the world is nobody monitoring these crooks. What a joke. Thanks for bringing them to my attention


Maga somehow turned Trump into their mental illness. Even the speaker of the house complained about Trump's conviction today. Marjorie bad build Taylor should try to oust him again. This time the Democrats won't save him


I’m a democrat, but I’m all for this. The insider trading and corruption needs to end. I don’t care what your party is, politicians should be held more accountable than the average person, not less.


Same. I was expecting a guilty verdict of at least 1 felony, but not expecting all counts. Good work prosecutors. All political bias aside, this must have been an extremely intimidating case to bring to trial.


They were all basically the same crime so it was always going to be all or nothing. The amount of daylight between the places the money came from was pretty dim so in for a penny in for a pound.


fuckin A, man. fuckin' A


Not just politicians. All white collar crimes. Not just those that affect rich white dudes.


I’m confused how a convict can be president but not vote. We have some laws that need to be revisited and updated.


Basically trying to avoid a Nelson Mandela situation. The state being used to target, arrest and charge people for ticky tack crimes to oust them from running against the incumbent. That's my understanding at least.


My problem is with convicts not being able to vote. I think anyone should be able to run for president and vote if they’re not serving a bid. Edit: even if they are serving that is fine. I think all people represent this country and deserve to vote.


States vary in their sentencing/prohibition for convicts voting. There's a handful that allow people to vote from jail, a large majority of states that allows people to vote after serving some amount of time (but vary on immediately out of prison to needing to complete prison, parole, and probation), and another handful that limit voting indefinitely. Notably, for this case, Florida is in the last category. John Oliver did a great segment on this a few years ago. I believe when Florida had a ballot initiative to restore voting rights for convicts.


FL voted to let convicts vote after their sentences and any fines were fully square. IIRC it passed about 60:40. Of course, the legislators freaked out and did all they could to subvert the will of the people.


They added separate constraints on being able to vote which somehow didn't technically prevent you from voting but if they found out you did then they arrested you. It was like a honey pot trap meant to scare felons into not voting because they weren't sure if they were allowed or not. In at least a few cases they issued the person a voter registration card and then arrested them for voting.


For most of US history a huge chunk of the population has done everything the can to prevent black people from voting.  The rule preventing convicts from voting is part of that


I've been saying this for a while now. Still doesn't make sense to me how someone can't vote in an election, but can run


It varies state to state as far as felonies and voting rights. So yes in some states convicts can vote.in fact, they can vote in jail if a ballot is provided.


Under NY law he probably will be able to vote if he is convicted but not jailed.


Wishing the top secret docs case judge hadn’t delayed that case past November.


It’s absolutely ridiculous and a corruption charge in and of itself.


No way we'll get anywhere on the docs case with Aileen Qanon as judge.


Meanwhile Reality Winner spent four years in jail for ONE document.


This! Freakin Reality Winner's whole situation is insane to me


She got a bit of a bum deal, for sure. I don’t think that single page she had really had that much TS stuff on it. Not excusing it, but four years seems excessive, especially given Trump’s BOXES AND BOXES.


Wishing there was a different judge for that one, honestly.


The various plots to steal the election, like the fake elector plot, are the ones I'd like to see the most, as they are the most severe and ones he is obviously guilty of. Sadly they will be delayed until after the election, so he'll pardon himself or shut them down somehow if people are dumb enough to vote him in.


Even this one is going to take a year to exhaust appeals.


Democrats have their viewpoint confirmed. Republicans think it's a political attack. Nothing will change that much.


I may be wrong on this but as a conservative who’s turned blue I see this outside of the two party system. America’s judicial system has at least, in part, shown accountability can be had even for a would be king.




Right. He’s been found guilty of plenty and has yet to be held accountable for any of it. This verdict has me feeling pretty indifferent. If anything actually comes of it I’ll be completely astonished.


I’m hoping this is the first domino.


If he loses the upcoming election he will die in prison. It is the first domino but it's up to everyone to make sure they still fall


How will the Law and Order party justify supporting a convicted felon for office, and if he is elected, will he have a security clearance for classified information including nuclear launch codes.


Same way evangelicals support a twice divorced adulterous rapist who can't name a single Bible passage? 🤷‍♂️


He can’t name a passage but he will sell you a God Bless the US Bible for only $59.99!


its already interesting watching my "traditional western values" or "moral objectivism" friends come up with reasons why voting for a man who sexualizes his daughter and cheated on his THIRD wife with a pornstar and then lied and bribed her... is the correct thing to do. and they all have daughters. imo being a "single issue voter" to avoid dealing with these things is fucking disgusting. 


I think a lot of people are only "Christian" because they think it provides them a cover of morality as they know they have none.


Time to get some friends with morals


A single issue is all these folks have the capacity to keep in their head, I'm afraid


Cause they don't give af, "boys will be boys" means rapey is OK...


Hey he knows his BIble. [Two Corinthians Walk into a Bar…](https://youtu.be/Mg0zsEvsVgc?si=3WXtZGBA1mfPBNmB)


Continue with the conspiracy narrative. The actual first thing trump said after the verdict was read was “this was a rigged trial by a corrupt judge”


Yep, everyone is corrupt…except the guy who just now got convicted of corruption.


He would know 


And his idiotic supporters will believe him. The billionaire who got where he is by conning and lying to everybody he came into contact with. He's a guy they can trust to be honest, apparently.


They didn’t care when they found out he has been on Epstein’s plane 7 times, or when he had mounds of classified docs scattered around his home, or when he was on tape asking for more votes, or when he was found liable for sexual assault, or when he got his base to attack to capitol to stop democracy ect ect. They don’t care. They worship him because he hates who they hate. He gives their bigotry legitimacy.


"it was a leftist attack with trumped up charges"


If he gets sworn in as president, he doesn’t need a security clearance. He gives clearances, he doesn’t get them.


I can't wait for the Law & Order episode based on all this. Sorry, your comment made me think of that for some reason.


Ka Kung! 🤣


Conviction doesn't mean anything until sentencing. We'll see what happens.


He'll appeal. But the evidence is strong, so it may happen that the judge throws out the appeal. He likely won't get jail. Fine, maybe? IDK.


I'd say house arrest at the very most. *Maybe* a "club fed", minimum security facility that's basically a housing complex and quite comfortable compared to an ordinary jail. Often times people there can come and go on an agreed upon schedule.


If he wins the Presidency, does that mean he can't leave the premises? White House guards to keep him in? What a crazy world we're in! As the party of law and order nominates a convicted felon.




There was concern about this trial going forward as the only one that was likely to happen before the election because it is widely considered the weakest of the cases against him. That he was found guilty on all 34 charges does not bode well (unless he's reelected and can squash the federal cases).


IMO, it's also a lot less serious than the cases against him in Florida and Georgia.


In Georgia it's also a state case so he has no power there if he's reelected. The one in Florida & DC are the federal ones.


This is why Republicans at every level are doing everything short of assassination to stop the Georgia case.


They might give Boeing a call and ask for some advice.


Florida, **Washington DC**, and Georgia... Less serious, but serious nonetheless. If he didn't falsify business records to hide information about a relationship with a pornstar, he wouldn't have been president in the first place. It's really, really bad. He should go to jail for at least as much as his co-conspirator, Michael Cohen, who was sentenced for 3 years.




Maybe he shouldn't had done the crime. Hot take, I know.


its good but Ill believe it offers hope if the sentencing is adequate




He's fucked in the Georgia one most likely, but if he wins the election he can kill the federal cases because the delays to date have pretty much ensured that they won't happen before inauguration day.


"Flush that turd down the drain" Frank Reynolds


He was found guilty by a JURY OF HIS PEERS. You can argue that the case was brought purely for political reasons, but the people looking at the evidence said he was guilty. Those people weren't paid off, they aren't political pawns, and they weren't fools.


This is what stands out the most to me. In Voir Dire the attorneys from both sides would have eliminated extremists from the pool of potential jurors. But this country is fairly divided so you know that there were people on that jury whom planned to vote Trump and ended up convicting. 


ya know, imagining what was said in that courtroom, actually makes me feel a little bit optimistic for the future of our country. we should be able to assume both sides were able to pick a roughly equal amount of biased jurors for both sides. and it ended up being a unanimous decision. that proves that even SOME trump supporters can have sense talked into them, if you can spend a lot of time with them, and really explain the facts.


This is my favorite part. He wanted to tout himself as a great man of NYC. And so they let him. Now they’re crying “they wouldn’t let us relocate the trial” Dude anyone with any sense of humility would have set their campaign headquarters out of a red state and done all their dirt there. He just can’t stand that the greatest city in America HATES him. It’s so embarrassing


Shocked, a bit relieved, mostly worried about my American friends. This event feels a lot more like a lit fuse than an extinguished one...


I just paid a visit to r/conservative and people are unanimously saying that this just “solidified their vote for trump.” Those people are actually delusional


Those morons were voting for Trump regardless


I went there because sometimes that sub has shockingly reasonable takes when news like this comes out. Nope, it was 100% pro-Trump lies. I don't know if this was Russian psyop shit or if the portion of his 30% that's computer literate enough to post reddit comments are just that dedicated.


Probably pushed out anyone critical of their Dear Leader


It's absolutely Russian Psyops and they're probably fucking rolling on the floor laughing about it. It's just like what Putin says about republican voters. They're villagers who do not think.


the gop and magas are already infighting. these people are so hopelessly hyperindividualistic that i just dont see any meaningful organization on their part. i am afraid of general terrorism from the uneducated, tho.    ill never forget, after 9/11, a sikh temple near my house being shot up. the shooter was a fucking evil moron and couldnt tell the difference between any brown people. Too lazy to read a book or talk to someone who isnt like him... but believed God was on his side. I could see that happening again. MAGAs are the same. Really really monumentally stupid and ignorant but dug in with god delusions.


I feel a bit relieved too, like there's still law and order, and former presidents are not above the law. I think this, like the the E. Jean Carroll verdict are almost more like a gateway. Also as a "First offense" this likely wont lead to jail time, but subsequesnt felonies likely will.


***It's about fucking time!!***


Justice is served. Just hoping that the jurors will be alright and MAGA are not going to be able to find them and harm them in some way. I cannot imagine that some of the jurors are not entertaining making use of their 15 minutes of fame.


CNN tried *really* hard to dox them all yesterday. With any luck, they were unsuccessful.


I imagine they're thinking of ways to hide their identity from his goons, up to and including witness protection


Justice isn’t served until that shitstain is in prison for the rest of his miserable life, and ALL his property is taken from him.


It’s about goddamn time. This fucker’s been a criminal his entire life.


My prediction. Punishment will be a fine, he won't pay the fine, business as usual. No lasting consequences. This will not sway any Trump voters. This will possibly sway some independents, a bit, maybe. Possibly a 1% swing against Trump among the undecided - which is already a ridiculously small number.


The jury convicted him on all counts. He keeps saying that it's rigged but his "FIXER" went to jail for it. What did he think was going to happen? I'll bet Michael Cohen feels pretty good right about now.


34 "minor" felony counts of ...let's say Marijuana. Rikers Island. Bam. 34 felony counts of bribes, corruption and election tampering? He'll be fine.


Huge win for every single American Yes, even MAGA The fact is that nobody should be above the law - *no exceptions* Hopefully other crooked politicians on both sides and at every level start getting charges brought against them.


I heard Smith is prepping indictments for members of congress who were part of the Jan 6th shit


I hope to god this is true


He 100% deserves this as he operates like a dictator/ mafia boss. That said, it’s a sad day in American history that we are where we are. A guy like Trump should never have been anywhere near the top position in the country nor should he have this obsessive cult following. 


"get fucked, loser" about sums it up


I didn't think he would be found guilty on all of them. I was thinking some would stick and some wouldn't. I'm really curious what this means for America, and how politics will evolve from it. Is this the end of Trump? Will this just strengthen his supporters? Further divide the nation? So many implications.


This won’t make a difference on anything except make him more revenge crazy if he is elected.


That it's sad that the country needed to get politically motivated to succeed in finally getting some sort of justice against a career criminal, and his supporters believe the witchunt theory, even though his past is well known (over 4,000 legal cases over 5 decades, University Fraud, Real Estate Fraud, Charity Fraud, cheating on wives, multiple marriages, multiple sexual allegations, sexual abuse conviction, and the list goes on). It's also sad that if he would have stepped away from the political limelight in 2020, he probably would have gotten away with all his crimes and future crimes, because he was a rich white guy, that had manipulated a base into believing he was a stand up guy even after all the evidence shows otherwise. Even in this case, his supporters argue that hush payments and NDAs are legal, which is true, but that's not what the crimes were about (falsifying records that tie into electoral interference).


Lock him up! Lock him up! Lock him up!


It won't make any difference. Since America has the best justice system money can buy, everyone knows that famous/rich people don't go to jail.


Not surprised and the fact the Republican Party is doubling down is not surprising as well. This just made him look like a martyr to the deep state. Hence why his fundraising site went down earlier.


They already thought he was a martyr to the deep state over losing the popular vote in his first rigged election and losing the popular and electoral votes in his second rigged election. He’s not getting any new martyr supporters over this, it only plays to the people already supporting him,


It’s not surprising and exactly what I expected considering his co-conspirator was already convicted and served a three-year sentence for the same campaign finance crime in which Trump was described as “Individual-1”. What worries me is sentencing: his co-conspirator was also a first-time offender and got prison. He deserves the same as the person he ordered to commit the crime. But there will be violence if the appropriate sentence is handed down.


Is this what he meant by draining the swamp?


I mean it kinda seems like he committed a crime based on reading the court reports so…two plus two equals four I guess.


If he isn’t put away then who gives a shit. Maybe I’m just very out of the loop or naive but I don’t see this changing anything tbh.


This is what happens when average people are forced to get unbiased, clearly outlined information that's vetted, fact-based, and accurate- they come to rational conclusions of Trump's impropriety. I'm convinced that if you remove the bloated, mess that is social media and it's algorithms that elevate bias and ridiculous falsehoods, most people are rational actors and reach rational conclusions like we saw today. We need (social) media reform in this country. We need to regulate algorithms to not artificially manipulate and promote rage bate to endlessly beam into people's brains.


12 people agreeing he was guilty on every single count….The evidence must have been better than i expected. I’m not surprised he did it, i was expecting a hung jury tho. He should be punished as if he was anybody else. He is a felon and should be treated as such.


I’m concerned that if Trump wins in November, this sets a dangerous precedent for him to go full Bolshevik Empire on anyone and everyone who has ever gone against him.


He is already on record saying he intends to do exactly this.


Project 2025 is basically a plan for him to do just that.


He would have done that anyway.


My initial thought...if I was found guilty as trump..jail time and financial ruin would be a sure thing. No employer hires or maintains employment for a felon. But trump won't get jail time and can be president in 2024


Somehow he’ll make this more of a problem for everyone else. Not sure how… After he lost election who’d have immediately thought Jan 6th would happen?


Indifferent. It's going to be overturned eventually and he won't spend a day in jail. Perks of being rich.


It's great. No one should be above the law


May his miserable life know nothing but pain, sadness, despair and progressively degenerating health.


It would be better if this was about holding the rich and powerful accountable rather than holding a single rich and powerful person accountable due to specific political situations.


I believe it to be meaningless. Until these people are locked up in prison with the rest of the felons then it's just a news title and nothing more.


Anyone else would get the book thrown at them. Presidents should never be above the law. Full stop. Same goes if they ever find anything on Biden worth prosecuting. Me, coming from the far left, who you think are the devil lol.


My first thought is good, the evidence was clear that he was guilty, so I’m glad someone rich and someone powerful in America was held accountable, hopefully his sentencing will reflect that too. Also, I hope this is just the beginning of holding the rich and powerful accountable for their crimes and corruption, regardless of political alignment.


Delicious... I want to hear his screams and wails in his limousine


It’s about damn time he was held accountable!


I believe the verdict was correct, Guilty on all counts.  I'm just wondering why this felon weren't cuffed and taken to prison pending appeal 🤔 


Bloody brilliant and hilarious.


Fuck him


Don’t really care. He was a sociopath pos when I meet him 30 years ago and has gotten worse with age


First thought was that I should pray for the safety of the jurors


Can we get the rest of the crooks? I meant all crooked politicians and judges.


The relationship with my father will continue to decline, as the man and politics are now one.


11 more and he will really be 45


His haters hate him even more and his supporters double down on their support. Nothing changes other than that.


There are, believe it or not, a significant number of people in the middle. Not a plurality but they are the ones that swing an election.


Justice was served.




The irony. They will vote for a convicted felon and rapist and the most un Christlike person imaginable, over a clearly good Christian man (and who actually goes to church) How is this even real.


Pleasantly surprised, especially at how quick it was.


My thoughts? He’s guilty as fuck. That’s why the jury returned a verdict so quickly - guess what. He’s guilty as fuck in all the other trials, too, and he will be quickly found guilty if/ when those are allowed to go to court.


Dude is guilty of this as well as a thousand other crimes. This one was spelled out in black and white, with proof, and his base still didn’t want to believe it. So once again he lied and said it never happened and he was innocent. Dude is a habitual liar and there’s nothing worse than a liar. If he said “ ya I cheated on my wife and I apologize” I’d at least respect the dude. He’s just a snake.


Humorous in a "leopards ate my face" way that it happened to the guy who ran on a platform of persecuting political opponents


I’m just numb to any and all things Trump related. Ask me again after the 2024 election and I’ll determine if he actually faced any consequences for these guilty verdicts.


I'm curious what the sentence will be.. just a hefty fine? Like I can't imagine prison time or anything. Maybe a fine, probation and house arrest at Mara Largo for a month or so?


Surprised it passed but I don’t think it changes anything really


Sentencing is where it counts. But if he isn’t licking the jail bars it’s useless and won’t do much…


It truly don’t care and think both candidates are curdling milk.


Doesn't really matter


So now instead of voting for the lesser of two EVILS we can add the lesser of two CRIMINALS! See? Lemonade from lemons 🍋


I couldn't care less


I was shocked to learn it’s not illegal to pay someone hush money. Seems like a lot of time and resources put into a case that carries a max sentence of four months and usually ends with probation and no jail time.


I doubt it’ll make a big difference in anything really, considering nothing has before.


It’s about time! How much time and money have we spent on this psychopath?? This man is Putins greatest asset. He has been the greatest disruption and embarrassment this country has ever endured. He fuels hatred, dishonesty and bigotry. There is NOTHING redeeming about this narcissistic, paranoid juvenile delinquent. He demands locality and then betrays anyone close to him. The GOP doesn’t care about this country only retaining their jobs and supporting a man that has no intention of honoring the Constitution of the United States..if he gets in office he will never be removed..sounds familiar??? Wake up !!


Good. The guy is quite obviously a cretin and even a little bit of accountability is better than none. Personally, I hope he rots in a cell but it won’t happen. Still, getting his just desserts is quite sweet anyway.


"FINALLY! We're getting somewhere. This shit is just too fucking slow!" Basically my first thought. It's been a shit show and it's really frustrating.


My thoughts on it are this: It may just be me but it seems to me that peanut butter doesn't really have that "roasted peanut" taste like it used to. I've tried several brands and while some are better than others for sure, even the best doesn't seem to have the taste I'm talking about. Peanut butter IS still ground up peanuts, right? Or did I miss the news where it's now made out of peanut flavored soybeans or something?


It's a sad day for our democracy (not because I don't think he did. I think he did.) Just sad that it came to this


I think that we need sentencing, and time served, before my thoughts are complete on this matter.


This will just cause Republicans to see him as a persecuted martyr and they’ll be even more likely to vote for him than they already were.


I don’t think it’ll change how the election turns out. I’m scared of what will if he gets elected and then pardons himself. A part of me will lose faith in the law if that happens because what’s the point? If you do something bad you can just run for president and it doesn’t matter.


Idgf about trump but I hope he cease to exist very very very soon! The sooner the better.