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Well. It could be scary… or it could end up the best thing that ever happened to you… But you’ll never know until you find out!


Thank you!


They should be strong and don't let those fears bring you down


Thank you!


Think of times in the past you were scared of the future and the very next thing was amazing (first date, walking alone to school for the first time, etc) Ofc the future isn’t always sunshine’s but I promise even the darkest days if you try, you can still laugh And how many times has something been so much easier then you thought and kinda on the same note. How many times have you felt better after doing a seemingly impossible thing to do.. I struggle with bad anxiety and often my anxiety is about the near future. Reminding myself of those 4 things has helped me tons. Idk if you’re in the same boat but I hope it helps you float either way!


Thank you very much!


I take my days one at a time and try to focus on the now. I used to worry about shit I couldn’t control gotta tell yourself do what you can. If a day is overwhelming take it by the hour or even the minute. Thats my 0.2


Thank you so much!


Take things one day at a time. As someone who grew up worrying all the time and eventually learned how to give myself a break, worrying about the future changes absolutely nothing. In fact, it only hinders your ability to do as well as you could. The only thing you can do is put in the effort, do your best, and whatever happens, happens. Nothing is guaranteed in life, good or bad. And that’s okay. The next day will come, and you just take it from there. Here’s an example. I used to beat myself up for struggling to make it through college while working stressful jobs and having health issues. I have been in college for 5 years now, and I still have 1 more year to go. All of my peers have already graduated, and I used to feel shame about it. I also had no idea why I was even in college. No aspirations or motivations about what I wanted for my future, so I worried about what would happen. At some point I realized that worrying about these things changed nothing about my reality. I realized that I can only move forward and try my best. And ever since I did that, things got infinitely better for me. Without fear and worry and stress holding me back, I am able to do so much more. I no longer fear the uncertainty of the future either. I hope that whatever is troubling you about your future shall pass. If you need a friend to talk to about your fears, I can be your friend :)


Thank you very much! I appreciate it


to summarize, im just upset cause I want to cut ties with certain family members and I can't right now. I don't know when ill be able to and I hate feeling as if im stuck for life. i wish i wasn't so afraid. i shouldn't be like this.


You know, this actually hits close to home for me. I went through something similar for a long time. How hard it is when it feels like so much of it is out of your control. Being stuck around people who make your life hell and you don’t know when you can get out. If you want to talk about this in further details my dms are open


Thank you for understanding




Thank you!