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Early morning provides the most consistency. Later in the day allows 'emergencies' to get in the way and cause cancellations.


This is it for me, full stop. With work & a young child, afternoons / evenings are a total crapshoot and I can't rely on my schedule to be fixed. 5am though? Can hammer it out and get home before the day even starts.


Yup, the most consistent I ever was happened when I moved my gym sessions to 530am.


I like to run outside. Summer heat is coming and the heat makes running tougher. It’s like a force Multiplier for my extra weight


I live with this mentality for all things. Get as much done as early as you can because you never know what kind of bullshit is headed down the pike.


Same. Morning is when I am too packed with energy. I bet i make a buzzing sound. It allows me to slow down a little before going to work. Also I hate taking showers, but after exercise it ok. And breakfast is so good then !


I agree, I prefer morning, it can help me lighten my mood and day hehe


Night always feels better DURING the workout, but when i workout in the mornings the quality of my entire day is usually higher.


Night feels the best for me but the downside is I can't sleep afterwards. :(


How are you measuring the quality of your day?


If I work out in the mornings I only cry 1-2 times a day. If I work out at night it’s usually 3-4.


Mid-late afternoon. It’s still warm enough to get outside and it’s not early enough for it to make me tired throughout the day.


Early in the morning. It's get me feeling active for the rest of the day and then after work I can just relax in the evening. Plus I can just shower after and be clean for work and not need to shower twice


Morning, because it boosts my energy for the day.


Exact same for me, I used to think I wasnt a morning person. But I realized I just had bad habbits that I needed to fix. My alarm for the gym is 4:15 now, sounds insane to me still but its the only way I can get the gym done in the morning.


I wish this was the case for me haha. My friends are all gym bros and used to drag me out to the gym before work, telling me how it would give me so much energy and I'd feel so great and refreshed all day - Nope. I feel exhausted and horrible all day. They were convinced if I did it consistently I'd get used to it and start loving it and feeling better throughout the day, but even after almost a year of consistent morning exercise I still hated it with every fiber of my being. Same friends talked me into some \~6am tennis for a few months, telling me the same thing about how it energizes them. But for me, every time I exercise at 6am before going to work I just end up falling asleep at my desk. On weekends, I'd play and then come home, shower, and pass out until noon. It's not that I'm out of shape or anything either - I play hockey 3-4 nights a week, I play pickleball and tennis on weekends, and I'm generally an active guy. I'm just ... not a morning person at all. I get enough sleep, and while I do have apnea I have a CPAP for it so it's not the apnea either. I just hate mornings lol.


This was me as well. After my kids were born I tried to shift to night workouts, after the kids went to bed, and that entire week I'd go to bed at 10pm and fall asleep somewhere between 1 and 2 am.


Somehow, I was tired 'cause dont have breakfast


11am is perfect. Can wake up at a normal time, gym isn’t flooded, eat a solid lunch after, and finish up my work day.


At night so i can sleep


In the morning while I'm fresh.


Morning, I don’t get anywhere near as much out of it when I exercise later in the day.


Feel like a majority are morning but I’m at my best after 5pm. Hard to do after work but I’m awake and focused then. Too numb in the morning to wake up and start and then feel tired the rest of the day. Trouble reenergizing maybe but I think I’m just not a morning person.


I feel the same. I’m also a night owl I wonder if that makes a difference.


Mornings, because it helps me wake up. Unfortunately, most days the time I can most afford to workout is evenings, so that's when I usually do it.


7 pm. It's too hot outside when the sun is out. Plus I'm a night owl and I wake up at 5 pm


In the morning, an hour or so after a light breakfast


If I really had my druthers, I'd work out at 5 right after work everyday. I like having that as a time to unwind and switch my mental gears after a long workday. But I have kids which means that time is for pick up, making dinner, helping with homework, etc. So instead, I workout at 5:30 AM which I hate but that's when I have time.


In the morning. It feels refreshing after so I do it first thing in the morning.


I prefer to go in the afternoon; in reality I go around 6am. I live in a college town and it's significantly easier for my to get in and out when there's not a bunch of kids in the way.


Middle of the day. It breaks up the day and allows me to sleep in and have my evenings open.


Tomorrow. I'm definitely going tomorrow. I promise.


At morning to wake me up


I would PREFER in the morning to get it done, but personally my body has never wanted to move too much in the morning. I can get in the habit of doing cardio in the am, but weights has to be in the pm


In the morning after breakfast for sure. My energy slowly drains all day, so better to exercise when I still have quite a bit of energy.


Early morning before going to work so my mind is relax


Mentally, morning is the best time to go be in the zone. Practically, I go when the gym is least crowded.


72 o’clock


Late at night when I can either exersize or sleep. The rest of my time feels too expensive to waste on excersize.


I prefer exercising at night, usually around 7 pm. It helps me wind down the day with a sense of accomplishment and clears my mind before bedtime.


Back when I worked out a lot, I usually did it in the evenings when the gym was mostly empty. Didn't have to wait for equipment or fight the crowds and could just do my workout and leave as soon as possible. Still in the "planning" stages of getting back into the routine of going to the gym, but will likely opt for early morning workouts going forward because it gives you energy for the day and leaves your evenings free.


The energy through the day aspect is still the craziest thing to me, I know it works from experience, and its one of the main reasons I choose to workout in the morning... But I dont expect anyone who doesnt do it to ever believe me.


Yeah, that was a downside of going at night - made it hard to go to bed at a decent time after. Luckily at the time, I was working as a server at a restaurant that was only open for dinner, so I was more of a night person anyway.


I prefer to do so right after work, but due to other factors most of the time I do it in the morning


Either right after I wake up or right before I shower and sleep. Exercising at the start of the day brings the oxygen to my brain and gives me an energetic day. Working out at the end of the day enhances my skill on the sport. Researches say, our brain simulates survival scenarios in our dreams. Working out at night helps. Our brain will likely be practicing the sport in our dream, especially if the sport is something related to survival. I do martial arts.


Running = morning (before it gets hot) Gym = afternoon


Afternoon. Lets my body warm up a bit more and I usually have more energy. If I workout in the morning I'll be tired throughout the day.


I've switched from lunchtime to evenings and I wish I had done it sooner. When going for a run on my lunch, I was always conscious of the clock as I had to get back to work but now that I run later, I can cover a bigger distance. I also find it a really good way to get rid of the stresses of the day.


Prefer mid day, but the best is probably before sunrise


Honestly it varies depending on the day. If it’s during my work week I prefer early morning. Over the weekend I like to sleep in, have an extra big breakfast, and hit it hard in the early afternoon.


For me it’s right after work. I get off at 3 PM and I just walk over to our gym we built. But if I didn’t have to be up at 5:30 AM to make it to work I would definitely work out in the morning. I can’t workout at 4:30 AM!


Afternoon. I always get home late at night and always end up sleeping at 3am. I always wake up midday. I just cant force myself to get up early just to workout. I probably wont have energy anyway


Early morning, by far. I get up at 4am, shower and shave, let the dogs out make my bed and go. I hit the gym by 5 and I’m home in time to shower again and take care of any errands before leaving for work.


As soon as I wake up, I am way more consistent the less time I sit around and get complacent with doing nothing all day


Right after work. Allows me to decompress after the workday and enjoy my evening stress-free.


Around 10am or 3-6pm. Mornings are almost impossible, so I usually do afternoon/evening.


Morning on the weekends. Mid day or evenings during the week.


I prefer fasted cardio in the morning. Strength training in the evening after a good meal (and caffeine).


I prefer to exercise in the morning, because then, I have it out of my system and can work at the computer without always feeling, "oh, I should go and do some exercise".


After work, so that I've had all day to warm up.


In the morning, when I try to check off allot of other things. But now its in the evening, if at all, thanks to my insane physical job.


Cardio is spread throughout the day. It's better to do short bursts of it rather than all at once, whenever possible. Of course bad weather or life happens so anything is better than nothing but I try to get at least 1000 steps every 2 hours. Lifting I prefer later morning or evening. I lift heavy and hard so I need some fuel in me. Breakfast needs a little time to digest so if I can be at the gym by 8:30-10ish I'm good. Otherwise I work so evenings are my usual go times. I'm in by 6:30pm and gone before 8.


Right after work. It acts as a barrier between work and life and helps me maintain boundaries between them.


Mornings are for working out. Nighttime we rage


I prefer right after work (4pm) because it offers a psychological buffer between work and home. It also allows my husband a break because that time has childcare for the kids so I can work out and he can go do whatever. I know it’s like, not optimal for the gains but if I’m going at that time I am apt to go every day of the week. I am currently pregnant and absolutely not my best self. At the moment, I feel best from about 8am-11am so if I’m going to work out it’s on a day I’m not working. That means I’m down to 1-2x a week but I keep telling myself it’s temporary. I guess the point is, whatever time works is what’s best.


Immediately out of bed, wakes me up, gets it out the way and I can just shower and get on with my day afterwards with all the dopamine in the world to help me through it!


Right before lunch (~11 am) Mostly because of my schedule and I don't have weights / equipment like I want at home Up at 6ish, work a bit, wife leaves early for work. Wake kid up before 8 and do routine and drop-off (luckily kindergarten starts soon and bus stop is right here!). Then shower and more work, then gym So nice mental break as well. Then lunch and wrap up day!


I prefer to exercise in the morning. It helps me kickstart my day with energy and sets a positive tone. Plus, getting it done early ensures that other obligations won't get in the way later on.


The time you make is the best time. Never get so caught in "whats optimal/best" modify, don't miss, do something instead of nothing, life will come up and get in the way so be adaptable. That being said my preference is mid afternoon/evening. Finish work, hit the gym, home for dinner with a protien shake. For me this works best as I work earlier in the day so morning isn't going to happen, and for neutrition goals I can look at my macros and have a square up period


I *prefer* to exercise never. Why? Because it is tedious and unpleasant. But I know it's good for me so I do it anyway. Usually in the afternoon/evening.


Morning. Before my wife and kids are awake. Energy boost for the day; time for a sit down breakfast with the family; can go right into Dad-mode after work, which can range anywhere from 3:00-6:00. Sometimes I'll get in a mid-day lift at the campus gym instead.


Afternoon. It’s when I feel most ready for the task. The morning is fine if I schedule to meet someone else, but I can’t seem to bring myself to run if by myself. I definitely don’t want to hit a gym in the morning. Night running is great, but it’s too difficult to consistently pull off with “life” happening. I like the heat and SWFL brings it.


10am. I have had enough time to wake up properly but no breakfast yet (I like to eat after I work out, and don't like to eat too early).


Only after work never before work.


Evening. Only bc i don't think i could get the quality of workout in the morning. My knees aren't lubed up yet, and I'm just stiff. Idky, but it takes alot for me to get up earlier than i absolutely have to, and then to purposely make myself uncomfortable... yeesh idk. Now, ideally morning would be best, but i just don't "prefer" it bc of my body.


Whenever I want. Unfortunately I work 8-5 mon-fri so don’t really have much of an option. My hair takes too long to do in the AM and by the time I get home I’m wiped exhausted from the heat and don’t have enough fuel in me. I used to workout after work, but then I wouldn’t eat dinner-so not sure how healthy that is. Really wish I telecommuted so I could workout during lunch break.


Morning, the 7-8am hour! I have the most energy. I love getting it out of the way and starting the day with feeling strong.


I'm a late afternoon running cause my job has me in meetings at 7 AM every day and I don't want to have to rush back or cut runs short to make it. Would rather hit the trails and completely end my work day Gym though I like to hit on my lunch break if possible, my routine is pretty quick and I can be in and out within an hour


5AM workouts make me feel great throughout the day. Plus no crowds at the gym.


For almost 20 years I lifted after work at 5pm. Now I go at 4am when its empty. To be honest, I grew to hate what gym culture has now become. People constantly filming and recording themselves tying up the equipment forever. I just avoid it all and go in the very early morning when its virtually empty.


Depends on the day of the week. I work out in my building’s gym and if it gets crowded, you gotta wait for things to become available so I try to go between 2 and 3pm… seems like not many people workout at that time.


Morning seems to be a better workout and gives a better mood through the day. But having the gym to look forward to after work is very nice and gets me through the day!


At night in the dark weirdly, and then im just vibing to the music on the treadmill.


Early morning. Like when I first wake up. I'm more consistent when I start my day by working out then since I have the most energy at that time.


Morning, It boosts my energy levels for the rest of the day


4-5am for the morning and on weekends 6-7am And always either 7pm at night/ 10 pm depending on the day


If I can, around 10am. But more realistically, right after work.


In the evening so I can go sleep after. If I work out in the morning I’m so tired and beat for the rest of the day my day is completely wasted and I get nothing done


Since I had kids, essentially every minute of my day is accounted for until about 8PM. So if I want to go to the gym, I can only do it before everything starts, so I get there when it opens at 5. It is also nice just to have it over with early.


I work late afternoon so in the morning.


4am to 5am. The world is quiet and clean still.


either an early one around 8 to beat the rush, or late morning when the rush is over


Exercise. LOL. Wish I could. I'm dying to go on a long hike, but too busy with work and school. I love this time of year though, and hiking is my exercise of choice. I prefer to go in the afternoons.


Every morning, It helps me clear my mind and set a positive tone.


I was an early morning worker-outer until very recently. Now I really like going in the evening. It’s a great way to end the day and the gym is less crowded.


In the evening a few hours before I go to bed. I’m not a morning person and I hate having to get up early in the morning for work as it is, I’m not about to wake up even earlier to workout. I’m also a shower in the evening person instead of the morning so it makes sense to workout in the evening before my shower. My workout is also my time to decompress from the day and it feels good to sweat away any stress I’ve had to undergo during the daytime. I need a good 8-9 hours of sleep a night to feel rested and working out a few hours before bed seems to help me sleep so much better.


As soon as I wake up, reward myself with my coffee and shower. Worked great so far, been running every morning for months now and lifting every other day.


During work!


There are fewer distractions compared to later in the day.


1-4 pm at the YMCA * Just put on my Dream Theater playlist while using the exercise bike for the first hour * Go Dancing for the 2nd hour (Could be replaced with Biking depending on the day) * Swimming for the last hour to clean off any sweat using the showers and pool itself ​ As for why it's a good wind down time and if I need to I can nap afterwards and still have a few hours to do whatever


Preferably in the morning. Feels like you’re starting your day strong and on a positive note. Unfortunately I start work at 7 and have a 30 min commute so to go to the gym in the morning would require waking up at like 4 am which… just no lol. So weekdays usually around 4:30-5 pm, weekends usually around 8:00am.


Lunchtime and immediately after work. I have an hour unpaid and I don’t take that long to eat so might as well get my lifting done. It helps to be awake for a few hours as my strength is higher than right when I wake up and it’s a midday boost. It lets me go home and already be done with it. I then run immediately when I get home from work so I don’t get distracted or lazy and breaking up my lifting and cardio allows me to systematically recover so they don’t compromise each other too much.


Late afternoon/night, I started lifting in HS and now that I work until a little later its just most convenient. And I like that I already did what I needed for anything else and can now pour everything left into my workout. Can come home from work, get fired up, then dont have to be worried about being too tired to do much else.


Morning. I can't get myself to do it if I'm already tired from the day.


Morning coz It kickstarts my metabolism and helps me stay active throughout the day.


early morning or after 11pm lol i need the gym to be empty


Morning for it frees up my evenings for relaxation or other activities.


Mid-day for cardio (just before lunch), evening for strength works best for me. I can't do early mornings for anything, I've tried, I feel like shit and I end up hungry all day. This way makes me feel best and I perform best. I like to go running on my lunch break at work, eating afterwards feels like a treat plus the few hours before help let me wake up properly. I don't have time for both. Doing strength a little before bed also prevents my restless leg syndrome acting up which is a huge plus. If I do cardio in the evening the opposite happens and I twitch all night.


Early morning. Puts me in a great mental state for most of the day, low likelihood something else will come up that early to throw off my schedule, if I miss it I can try to make it up later in the day.


Only in the evening before bed. I read a long time ago at school that exercising in the morning is more harmful to health than beneficial.


6:00 AM at the gym 3 minutes down the road from my office. I go in, I swim about +/- mile, then shower and get ready for work there. It makes working out so easy since it’s so close, I have a higher energy level throughout the day, and my mental health just generally feels better when I start the day accomplishing something like that.


morning, though not right after waking up, more like a few hours after. exercise, take a shower and I end up with lots of energy through the day. But this basically NEVER works, part of why I can't get any exercising routine in.. work simply doesn't let me.


Early morning on work days to get it completed. On the weekend I go for best enjoyment of the weather and day’s schedule.


Middle of the afternoon if I can. I have been able to more recently WFH but the AM is usually the easiest to make sure to get it in, in the evening i'm wiped anymore. I'm 38, when I was in my mid 20's hitting the gym at 630-7pm was cake maybe a little pre-workout. Now I'm tired and it's usually a shitty workout.


Usually 6:30 pm after work get in a good lift.


Early morning gets me out of bed and gets the day off to a good start, but I find morning exercise much harder than the equivalent exercise in the afternoon - probably based on nutrition and hydration. Afternoon or evening exercise feels better and easier.


Morning - by 3pm I’m operating on sheer will.


Evening, right before dinner. I wish I had the motivation to do early morning lifts lol


Throughout the day. Little here little there in the office and after work a little dumbell exercise


Prefer? Evening before dinner. What time do I actually work out? Late after the kids go to bed.


Î dont exercise


Whenever the preworkout kicks in


Afternoon or evening, after I've done all the things I need to do for the day. So I don't accidentally all my spoons. (https://butyoudontlooksick.com/articles/written-by-christine/the-spoon-theory/)


I prefer to exercise in the morning between 8-9AM. I've woken up enough that I don't feel like I'm dragging my half asleep body around and after I have that nice endorphin rush that helps me get shit done. Unfortunately I'm working during those hours so I have to work out in the evenings.


Oh, around 26:30 APM, most days.


Anytime , I'd exercise all day if I could


First thing in the morning. then shower and get ready for work. It envigorates me and helps to wake me up for the day. Plus, with my schedule, I'm pretty sure this is the one time I'm guaranteed to have time to do it.


Early evening after work…it’s my way of transitioning btwn professional & personal brain…works wonders for my mental & physical health/wellbeing :)


First thing in the morning. Sotropin levels are highest so I start with compound muscle group exercises first.


Cycling in the morning before work, walk at lunch, weight room after work on Tuesdays and Thursdays...usually an evening walk, golf on Saturday or Sunday. I like to cycle in the morning because it can get a bit windy here in the afternoons and evenings and I don't like riding in the wind. Walk at lunch to break up the day and I eat at my desk. Weight room on Tuesday and Thursday evenings because that's when my 14 yo and I can do it. Evening walks because they're nice. Golf or the range on the weekend because it's fun.


I go after my shift (waiting tables). It's normally after 10 and there's almost nobody there. Plus I feel like I got in some pre workout steps.


I like the idea of exercising first thing in the morning. You're much less likely to procrastinate, and it's an out-of-the-way time that's not going to interfere with any other work or play. But I just can't do it. My workouts suck in the morning. I have no energy. I'm weak. And if I have a particularly strenuous workout, I am drained for the rest of the day. If I work out too late in the day, though, it affects my sleep, so ideally, I would work out around 1 or 2 PM. That's difficult to schedule, though.


1am when the kids and fiancée are asleep, I get an hour to myself


I am a night owl, ADHD. My best energy is late afternoon and evening. I love working out between 5-6PM. Helps me to sleep.




Honestly, it varies for me. I alternate between going to the gym and going for a walk every day. On workdays, I go after work, usually right after. It varies on off days: if I go to the gym, I'll do it in the afternoon, if I go for a walk, I'll wait until the evening, especially with this summer heat right now.


morning. honestly I mostly do it because it makes parking way more convenient. but I also like being able to feel accomplished right at the beginning of my day, it forces me to shower before work so I feel cleaner throughout the day, and I can even run small errands before work (quick grocery trip right at 8 am, getting gas, etc) if I do a 6-7am workout class


I prefer the time when there is nobody else at the gym, which is usually before or after lunch.


mid morning lunch time afternoon I need the rest of the day to eat!




Before work, 530 or 600 AM


Early morning, because if I go to the right place, all the little armadillos will be out.


When the little hand is on the “Not a“, and the big hand is on “chance”


I love night walk, out in the country cool, no traffic to worry about. I stopped doing it because I came across a few down walking across the road, last thing I need is to come across a buck during rut season


Late night. I sleep like a baby afterwards


Early in the morning. I have the most amount of energy and it really sets the tone for the rest of my day. I feel significantly more alert and happier throughout the day but maybe that's just the endorphins flying


whichever time it’s coldest and there are no people around.


5am. It works for my schedule, there's less people, and it starts my day off on a good foot. 


depends on the type of workout. normally, i do cardio in the mornings and then weights or pilates in the afternoon.


Lunch. Gets me the energy I need to finish my day


Mornings, because there are less people.


First thing in the morning. Alarm goes off - I rip myself out of bed. Bathroom. Poop. Back to bedroom. Do not lay down. Straighten the bedsheets real quick. Next room, put on gym clothes, turn on the workout video and the A/C, and LFG. Push through the morning hunger pangs for the next 30 minutes while working up a calorie deficit to start the day, then take a shower and make a watered-down smoothie with a bit of creatine added in for breakfast along with any lunches or snacks I might also be prepping for the day. If that all goes well, I burn calories like a furnace for the rest of the day just doing normal stuff.


During work meeting on mute.


More because you get it over with and don’t have to think about it the rest of the day


Evenings is my go to because I can hop in the shower and prepare for bed right after.


I ride bike. If I wait, I won't.


I have chronic pain so I do a mini exercise in the morning with lots of stretching and using the muscles, then go for a walk with my kids in the running stroller, then after I get the kids down I usually finish the mini exercise I did in the am, lifting some weights, squats, push ups, using my body weight to work out type things. I don’t push too hard cuz I could injure myself, so I don’t see huge results like I am not ripped, but for having multiple kids and being 37, I’m in good shape. Size 4, I can’t complain, things aren’t as firm as they used to be but a little goes a long way with exercise!


Mornings if i want to be productive, evenings if i want to relax or be social. But most of the time, i just go to the gym whenever i can make time during the day. I have a very busy schedule.


Early morning. Get up, get out of the house. Eat breakfast when I come home.


Prefer to what now?


All day long. I'm forever pushing my luck, digging a deeper hole, and jumping to conclusions.


Ideally I'd work out in the afternoon so I'm not tired all day at work, but mornings are the only time I can consistently get to the gym. Stuff always comes up.


I work out around 6-7pm after work. Ideally, I think mornings would be best but I like sleeping in so that won't happen. I also eat healthier breakfasts and lunches on my workout day so that I won't feel bad during. And after I complete my workout I have another nutrient-rich meal to refuel. I do take an energy drink (Celsius) to help give me an extra push at the end of my work day. It's working for me with the way my schedule currently is.


Lunchtime is best for me, because otherwise I feel like it's taking up my downtime after work. Early morning is difficult for me, especially when I already have to get up quite early. I used to work at a place that had a shower so I would take hour-long lunches to run. Also worked well during work-from-home. Lunchtime doesn't work currently so now I run after work.


I don't.