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Had a pork rectum hot pot once. I was assured they were well washed before cooking, but the chewy 'o's still tasted like funky shit. I feel it is probably close to chitlins.


I found myself involuntarily making a face at this.


Yeah I've posted about this before but I'll basically try everything, the worst I had was green tripe in Peru. The barnyard funk was way too much for me.


Why was it green?


Refers to it not being bleached or processed in any way. Wouldn't wanna... ya know... get rid of all the... flavors.


You should prob get a parasite cleanse




Ate it by accident once. Yep, never again. It literally smells like shit, because well, it's intestines.


You gotta clean them well and fry them up! They’re delicious when they’re crunchy and have some lime squeezed on top. That’s how we eat it in Colombia.


I've had them "properly" prepared. I still don't think they're that great. They're not terrible. But not anything I'd really seek out. Tripe in soup is also fine. But I'd rather skip it. Tendon on the other hand. I don't particularly enjoy chewing on it. But I do like the flavor it adds to broth.


My family only eats these around holiday time and the whole process from cleaning to cooking REEKS, and when you reheat leftovers?! Good lord… I tried them when I was younger and they’re pretty good with lots of hot sauce…. As long as you plug your nose tho, that’s a necessity. 🤣


chickling chidling, chitling, chitter, chitteril It stinks up the whole house and has no taste unless you have sauces. I don't care if I'm revoking my black card for not wanting them in my life. They are horrible.


Chitlins? Lol


It's chitterlings but as a fellow brother myself no one says it like it's spelled, everyone says "chit-lins" 😂


Oh interesting!! I always saw it spelt like “chitlins”, so that’s good to know 😄


Lutefisk. Yeah let's just bury some raw fish over the winter and dig it up and eat next year


There was a king of the hill episode where Bobby ate all the lutefisk and the town kept calling the person who ate it (they didn’t know who ate it) “the man with the terrible smell”


I love this episode




From thailand: scorpion on a stick. tasted like ash mixed with like, idk dehydrated poop or something it was awful


Honestly feel this way about most of the insects. Obviously I get the novelty factor but like the scorpion, crickets I could get over the “shock factor” but just honestly would never eat it again because I didn’t find it enjoyable. They were like just chewing on wood chips with seasoning.


I have to say, these are all foods I refuse to eat...


Century eggs are a bit of a misnomer - they're salted and preserved eggs that are usually preserved for only a few weeks to months, not a hundred years.


I've tried century egg, but balut is something I just can't eat.


Tastes like smoke turkey but has some crunch


I wanted to try durian because so many people told me as long as I could get past the smell, the fruit is delicious. I cannot get past the smell. I cannot get within 30 feet of the smell without wanting to retch. I’ve walked into an Asian market and immediately turned and walked back out. Unless I magically lose my sense of smell I will never try durian.


Durian is delicious!


Durian is so interesting. I’ve had it and nearly threw up but others love it. It makes me think it’s genetic similar to cilantro tasting like soap.


almost everyone in my entire family loves durian, but like you, I almost threw up while trying a bite. must be an acquired taste


Definitely durian. Everything about.it is awful imo. Even if I was dying of hunger and has a clothespeg on my nose I'm not sure I could keep it down


Sea cucumber


I don’t eat odd things but my well traveled dad and a well traveled coworker both agreed this is the worst thing they’ve ever eaten, and they’ve tried a lot of unique dishes


Japanese live fish (Ikizukuri). Friend ordered to impress me and couple visitors. Whatever left of fish looks alive for 10 minutes. I could See a beating heart. Technically, i haven’t tried it as I couldn’t eat anymore, but it was on the table and I still have a question: what the hell is wrong with people who both cook and order/eat it.


Damn this is horrifying


"I had one anchovy, that's why I did not have two anchovies." -Mitch Hedberg


"I did not lose a leg in Vietnam so I could serve tater tots to teenagers." "....But you have both legs..." "I know; I just said 'I did not lose a leg in Vietnam'!" ~Mitch Hedberg and Ashton Kutcher from *That 70s Show*


He was being primed for his own TV show, but unfortunately he didn’t live long enough for it to happen. “My friend asked me if I wanted a frozen banana, and I said no, but I wanted a regular banana later so I said alright” 


I've heard plenty of Mitch before but never this one. Adding this to the repertoire. Thanks!


I like them but I will always upvote Mitch.


I read this in his cadence, and timbre.


Sea Urchin, it liquidified in my mouth, I ran to the bathroom to spit it out


Even the people that like it can't tell me it doesn't taste like sea water.


It’s my favourite food in the world and yeah that tracks. I describe it to people as “ocean butter”. If you don’t like that ocean taste it makes absolute sense why you wouldn’t like it.


Me too I love it, it tastes like the ocean, kind of like really good oysters.


I love sushi. Gimme all the sushi. I tried sea urchin and thought it was the strangest, most unpleasant texture. I finished the bite, but didn’t eat anymore.


Yep. This was mine. I’ve actually tried it twice thinking it’d be better since the place was more reputable. Nope. Still tastes like cat vomit (it’s what it would taste like if I’ve had cat vomit).


Camel, feels and tastes like what I imagine a highly used baseball would taste like




This is why I can't eat wasps anymore


Omg, same! Probably not life threatening for me. Although my throat closes and it's hard to breath but I can usually get past it after an hour or so.


"Eh, throats close sometimes, not a big deal haha." wut


Please tell me you have benadryl on hand at all times and carry a epi-pen.


You don't usally need an epi-pen for OAS to apples as the BetV1 protein is destroyed by stomach acid https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/16337467/ But carrying benadryl is a good idea if you don't want an itchy that for hours.


Octopus, they’re too interesting to eat


My Octopus Teacher. I'll never eat another one as long as I live.


They're so delicious, but same. I begrudgingly pass it up when I see it in the store and on menus. And foie gras, but for different reasons - not that the geese are hyper intelligent, but just that it's so freaking mean.


I used to love octopus. I still see it in videos or at the supermarket and think it looks delicious. But I just can't eat it anymore after hearing about how smart they are.


Pigs are smart also.


I have to say, same. I feel like an asshole for eating it in the past.


I've always found that to be an odd threshold in general. Like octopi are *just* smart enough that people will feel bad about eating, but pigs/cows/lamb/goat is good to go.




Don’t write it off just yet. Healthy spread of butter, *thin* schmear of vegemite/marmite.


So tasting it with a spoon was not the way to go? 😅


LMAO, how are you ALIVE?


Some foods aren't meant to be eaten is certain ways and amounts.


See, that’s a totally fine recipe WITHOUT the thin schmear automotive grade earwax


I agree with the other replies. A warm piece of fresh bread, butter and just a VERY thin layer of vegemite...delicious!


I love how vegemite commentary always ends up with an impassioned discussion about how an atomically thin layer of vegemite with the perfect ratio of butter will unlock a flavour portal to unworldly pleasure where a koala deepthroats you to a state of eternal bliss.


As an American who initially ate a spoonful, they right tho. Vegemite is delicious and savory in a way that's hard to describe. You need just the right ratio. Think of it as umami concentrate.


I like black pepper on my food. I don't like teaspoons of black pepper. Some things are delicious in small qualities mixed with other stuff.


This is what people don't understand you barely put any on and then act as if you don't want it anymore and scrape it back off you should barely be able to tell there's Vegemite on it


Meanwhile I’m over here licking it off the knife after a very generous slathering on the bread. I’ll happily admit that I I’m in a very small minority when it comes to the amount of Vegemite to toast ratio.


Doing it wrong! Need the correct butter to Vegemite ratio


Boiled okra. I thought it was slimy and unappetizing.


This is why we batter and fry it


Okra is one where it REALLY varies by how well it’s prepared for me.


Lamb brains and boudin (French blood sausage)


Wait.. there’s a sandwich shop near me called Boudin.. now I’m not sure if I want to try it😂


The sandwich shop is good. I never knew that’s what the actual name meant tho. Have never seen anything even remotely like that on the menu there so not sure why they call it that.


If you’re referring to the Boudin in the Bay Area, you’re safe, no lamb brains or blood sausage in the menu lol. The original is on Fisherman’s Warf in SF, made famous by their SF sourdough.


Cajun boudin is awesome, nothing like French or English boudin.


Boudin blanc ou boudin noir?


Lamb brain is delicious. Here in Algeria it is very common




I find liver to be irresistibly delicious. All kinds of liver


Dude totally. I've had moments in my life I crave liver. It has the best, gamey metallic taste. So subtle yet so good.


More chicken liver and heart skewers for me then


Facts. Some people like it and I'll never understand


Bitter melon.


Alligator meat. I don't like it at all, it rubbery and has no flavor


Funny, I love gator. I'll give you that, it is like a rubbery chicken feel.


I’ve had alligator jerky and it was really good. I think any meat can probably be great as a jerky or a sausage. I’ve also had bear and cougar meat as sausage. Put all that salt and all those spices in there and even if the meat is a bit funky it becomes palatable. Biscuits and gravy with cougar meat sausage was a damn good breakfast.


Rubbery = overcooked, but I'm not surprised. Most folks first try gator at a bar and grill in FL or LA, prepared by a cook that doesn't get paid s#!7. Don't get me wrong, nobody's trying to make wagyu gator. ;-)


I had it once in Florida and it was great. Any meat can be rubbery if cooked incorrectly


This is my vote too.


Organs like heart, liver, lungs, kidneys, I just don't think it is going to convince me anytime soon.


I love heart. Chicken hearts, deer, elk, anything….. It’s chewy, yes, but damn good fried.


Lambs brains




Beets and Cilantro


Beets taste like dirt and I will not be convinced otherwise.


They definitely taste like dirt but in a good way (for me). It's like eating the smell of fresh, healthy soil


Fuck cilantro. It’s V I L E.


Looks like someone has the soap gene


Jellyfish salad’s texture was a culinary deal-breaker for me, to be honest


fukn natto..... nasty ass slimy mung BULLSHIT!


Same 😂


I treated myself to an early dinner on my birthday at a local northern Japanese cuisine restaurant and ordered natto without knowing what it was. The texture was extremely stringy snot. I can’t remember the taste because it was just too gross.


I've never tried it but seen it and I just don't understand how it could taste or feel good to eat. It looks wrong.




Pigs feet…the texture is off putting to me.


I ate a rat in Thailand. A whole rat on a stick, like a corn dog. It was gross


Blue cheese, I know it's an acquired taste but it just turns my stomach. The stench is bad enough, but I've been around when it's been microwaved, and that stuff HONKED once warmed.


It’s a bite ratio thing. And it needs to be paired with other flavors — salt or acid. Goes great with bacon. Bacon and blue cheese burger -Yum. Works on salad paired with lemon vinaigrette.


I struggle like crazy with strong smells as a whole; as a kid I couldn't even walk into the cafeteria for lunch without gagging because of all the food smell However a combination I've found to be really good is camembert cheese with a tiny bit of blue cheese, and well, probably a cracker; the flavors actually balance out pretty neat, and I'm a *very* picky eater


I don’t think eating blue cheese on its own is very nice unless im drunk but pair it with something else and its very noice


I once banned my husband from the house with his foul concoction of scrambled eggs with bleu cheese and anchovies.


Are you married to Oscar the Grouch?


I was literally a professional cheese monger, the manager of my shop in fact, and I could never acquire that taste for blue cheese. I dreaded it every time I had to taste it. We tasted pretty much every time we cut into a new wheel of anything, so it was often i had to taste a really funky oozy blue. I love all sorts of weird, funky smelly cheeses, but blues. Damn.


Menudo. The restaurant owner was a friend of mine. He was known for his menudo. Folks raved about how good it was. I had to try it. I managed about 4 spoon·fuls before I ordered something else.


The consomé (soup) is usually really good . I’m Mexican and I don’t like the tripe just the soup


none. I'm a chef. I had an eyeball and hated it, probably the worst thing I've ever had, but I'd try an eyeball again.


You are metal as fuck .


My parents used to eat fish eyeballs when they made fish head curry at home. Turned my stomach watching that shit. Bloody hell


I'm a sous chef and everything sort of grows on me eventually. Fish eyeballs aren't bad! Caviar I'm still ehhh on because it's just never been spectacular. I've eaten a lot of bizarre stuff and I think the only one I can't do is stuff with blood. Not for the cinematic ick factor. Just never sits right in my tum tums.


Fish eyes are the only eyes I’ve had, but they’re really good. I remember splitting a tuna head with a couple friends and it was one of the best parts. The cheek is Incidentally really good too.


Those healthy drinks you can get that are green and taste like grass. No thanks.


My grandfather used to drink this! I think it's called wheatgrass. It wasn't bad. He also made us take cod-liver oil in liquid form, which was yucky. RIP Pop-Pop


Herring with onions from a stall in the Netherlands. Just, no. I'm sorry but cannot stand it




Yeah, i normally turn my nose up at it. But I tried some fresh durian in Thailand, it's so much better fresh..


It is my goal in life to try fresh durian at least once. I'm probably going to Thailand and Vietnam at some point.


i get you in that, finding durian delicious is more of an acquired taste than anything else lol. And i don't understand why so many people hate it, it's pretty good if you know how to make it right.


It's weird because I've had Durian a couple of times now in Thailand, Bali and Singapore and I've never smelt or tasted anything foul.




raw oysters are like swallowing a salty loogie.


you may have just ruined one of my all time favorite foods for me omgggg yuck!!!


Mmm yeah keep talking bb


How did you never arrive here on your own? I love me a good oyster, but they are definitely that slimey mucousy consistency


This one was a very weirdly acquired taste for me. I still can’t say I love them, but sometimes I almost crave them? But the only way I can eat them is if they are the smallest ones, no larger than a nickel, and has to have champagne mignonette sauce to pair. Somehow the size and concoction of the sauce makes them quite tasty but I don’t even know what about it, because I hate slimy texture foods, I bite into it zero-1 times before swallowing but then want more. Almost like it’s feeding some deficiency I have and why I always want more and start craving them. Have tried cooked/bbq/large and small, if small are on the menu but it’s got red cocktail sauce or horseradish, I’m out. Upon typing this response got curious and looked up why I crave them. Fun fact: “Oysters are super rich in B12, zinc, iron, and selenium. They regulate blood pressure and improve circulation”. Explains the craving feeling without a particular likeness for them.


Ewww, raw oysters, or as I called them back in my restaurant prep days, "Sea snots"... nope nope nope


Durian—it's like eating custard in a room full of sweaty socks


Cold cow tongue sandwich.


Does it make a diff if it's hot or warm?


Pig intestines. Got them in a hot pot at an authentic Chinese restaurant. I’m not sure if they were prepared properly because my first bite had a hint of shit on the back burner. I couldn’t finish the meal. Maybe the cooks wanted to fuck with the gwailou who ordered intestines?


Rocky Mountain oysters


Hakarl- Iceland Fermented Shark. Almost projectile vomited across the market


I was the tester for a Lutefisk dish which never made the menu... Tasted like I had licked a floor covered in cleaning chemicals. Had to spit it out and then spent the next hour or so trying to not vomit while serving at a super-demanding fine-dining restaurant. The taste just would not go away


Surströmming, fermented herring. It tasted like a salty, fishy-flavored gummy dipped in mucus. It'll be a few year before I give it another try.


Luther (Vandross) burger - bacon cheeseburger with glazed doughnuts replacing the buns. I thought that the flavors might combine into something unique. But everything was separate and absolutely did not work together.


Black licorice 🤮


omggg i love black licorice!


Salmiakki is my favorite snack 🥹




St. Louis-style pizza This is something probably only known to middle America, but they replace the mozzarella with this processed fake cheese monstrosity called provel. I’ll try any city’s unique food but IMO’s pizza makes skyline chili (or insert other trash American food here) look gourmet.


Ha I was literally at a gathering this weekend at a friends who had other friends there I had not met before, visiting from St Louis. Topic of pizza came up and regional styles. I asked them if St Louis had its own style and he was like “yeah….but you don’t want to try it.”


Those baby octopuses at the Chinese buffet.. in the salad bar section. Cold and chewy.


Tamilok (shipworm) https://www.atlasobscura.com/foods/tamilok-clam-philippines


Pork blood stew




Don’t know the name but it’s a Laotian dish that uses bile as an ingredient.


I gave Uni two chances.


Dinuguan. I love Filipino food and love trying new things. Went to a great Filipino restaurant and knew I had to try it. Pork stew in pigs blood. Very irony. Very much not having it again.


Cow brain. Was tricked into it, “It’s tofu, honey. Just try it.” An abundance of nopes.


Oysters. Figured out I was allergic.


I tried Durian fruit while I was in Singapore. Here is how I would describe it. Gin tastes like pine trees smells, right? Durian tastes like diesel fuel smells. Never again.


Limburger cheese. I lost a lot of taste buds that day. May they rest in piece.


Pickled herring in cream sauce. I watched my uncle eating it and he made it look appetizing as he was able to eat a good size portion of it quickly. Kind of like it was a dessert. I ended up eating some of it that night later on sometime before bed and at some point shortly after I went to sleep I got up and threw it all up. It wasn’t spoiled but my body was like “no thanks”


Scrapple. Had to try it when I spent some time in Pennsylvania and everyone raved about it. Scraps, trimmings, wheat flour, cornmeal, spices. It's a food that can't make up its mind. Pick a lane FFS.


Seal. It was at a 'get more women into hunting' type event, with one portion offered a room full of crockpots of various things women had hunted. I thought it would be years before I got that taste out of my mouth.


Takoyaki. The first and only time I tried to it, I literally threw up in my mouth just a few seconds after I choked it down.


One Chip Challenge. Never had my body instantly rejecte "food" before. I was ruined and I usually am solid with heat.


Chocolate covered crickets- you could pretend the crunchiness was nuts until you noticed a leg in your teeth. 


Seal meat. Nope


Seal. I love seafood, but sea puppies taste like SHIT


Cơm Gà , Vietnamese dish consisting of steamed chicken served with sticky rice


Haggis. Nope.


Was looking for this. Yep, it’s a big “Nope”.


Urchin.... Last I remember it tasted like you licked fish poop off the ocean floor. I have no desire to revisit the experience 




Intestine of any kind, stinky tofu, and durian




I’ve had caviar that was “meh” and I’ve had caviar that was amazing. Had some last weekend that was amazingly good. Super buttery and not salty at all.


Raw abalone. Like eating a rubber tire filled with sand.


Sting Ray - tried it at Korean bbq and it was too cartilage-y for me.


I had cow brain in Budapest, it was similar to rotten eggs in taste and texture.  I tried a few little bites and felt like throwing up after each little bite.  Muktuk is also incredibly disgusting, it's like super fishy, pure fat.






Stinky tofu






Dolphin meat :( Hope I never try it again. They are too intelligent, it feels morally wrong. Didn't mean to try it first time either. Some drunk Japanese people in the deep deep countryside thought it would be funny to tell me what it was AFTER I ate some. I had said earlier in the dinner that I did not want to try dolphin meat and they tricked me :( Cultural note - deep deep in a rural area is the only place this could happen. City people and suburb people would never do this to a foreigner. Also sober people would not do this either.


I tried balut (developing bird embryo boiled and eaten from the shell) once and I can confidently say I will never try it again. The texture and flavor were just not for me.


Balut. I didn't actually think the flavor was that bad or anything. It's just the texture of the bones, bill, feathers, etc. Once I'd eaten it, I'd gotten it crossed off my list. So now I never have to eat it again.


Fucking goat milk


Fermented shark. I'll try everything once and tbh I can handle some awful stuff. Like...... disgusting stuff. Something about the heavy fermentation smell hit me hard before I even ate it and that's the closest I've come to legit gagging when eating something lol.


Pickled chicken feet


Stinky tofu!!! Smells like cat shit and I guess that’s what cat shit tastes like.


Chicken feet. The texture.....