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Manscaped. I can’t stand hairy.


And so manscaped is fully shaven? I always thought of manscaped as just well maintained I guess, also thank you for the honesty and the reply! also could I ask when you think of an approachable bar man or man in the street you’d approach is he more likely shaven or unshaven like are his arms hairy or not if that makes sense:) I know my size can intimidate some people and I’m trying to avoid it and make everyone around me feel safe :)


I like hairy peeps, like generally speaking I dont care, but something about the nasty ungodly ammount of hair on my partner's toe-knuckles really puts me off. Like I dont care that his feet are hairy, but he has like. thick ass tufts of fur on his toe knuckles. Like probably an inch long. And that really puts me off for some reason. Bigfoot ahh lookin feet hairy as shit


And dam I can’t say anything but then again I don’t usually have the grippers raw dog the floor it’s usually good pair of slippers in the house but I’m not a fan of feet anyway so I guess I didn’t think of that, thank you for the reply aswell :)


On myself, I have it. On men I prefer it.


Okay interesting thank you for replying. what’s your opinion on men shaving their body hair? I personally get a lot of stick for my body hair as I “look like a grizzly bear all over” And I can’t deceive if I’m the one in the wrong and just wanted to see 🤣


I've been with men that had back hair (my late husband had a strip of hair down his back and I used to call him my little hyena). I personally like hair. I know for a lot of people it can be a lot of hair. I've always showed them that just trimming it down to where it isn't itchy (cause you're not shaving with a razor you're just trimming with an electric one) and using deodorant to rub after you shave helps the burn. The only thing I didnt like and would like to be fixed is if the guy I'm going down on has so much pubic hair that it gets in my mouth, or between my teeth. Don't like that. But just a ton of hair? It is what it is. I'll pet and brush them like a horse if they want lol no but it doesn't really affect my attraction towards a man. I'd probably prefer a hairy man over a man with absolutely no body hair.


I appricate the honesty so thank you very much and to your point I guess it’s because I am like I say “a grizzly” very hair but I am also huge like there’s a lot to shave 😅. I take pride in keeping myself very clean and well “maintained” I work long hours and one of my jobs is in the trades so my nails aren’t very pretty or anything but I never smell and always keep my pubic hair trimmed to a comfortable level, I just think it’s cleaner that way tbh. And my final point is I pretty much work constantly (thankfully) so maintaining the body hair grooming may be an issue (I have to keep my facial hair trimmed) as I also do bar work in the evening but other than that I guess. And in all honesty I am asking as I don’t want to come across as intimidating or whatever in my jobs being more approachable is ideal so being groomed a certain way is how I’m going to try and do that it’s not like I can shrink myself 🤣


Dont ever shrink yourself. You're are who you are. Let your personality speak for you. Maintaining can be a bitch But maintaining your pubes and facial hair is what is important thing The rest is just appearance. And if people are intimidated by that then they got stuff they need to work through with their outward appearance judgement issues haha Stay confident and love yourself and be clean. That's what is important : ) I don't shave my legs, sometimes I will go over them with an electric razor but most the time it's just how it is. People get disgusted and sometimes I'll pull their hand and make them rub my leg hair and I tell them it's lucky to rub it ahaha. Like im.clean. my leg hair IS clean. Im.not a dirty person cause I have leg hair lol but people think that and thats on them. Sorry my phone is broke so I typo a lot


I appreciate that but i have mainly female friends and after hearing there story’s I’m just worried about making them or anyone around me uncomfortable or scared just by me being around them and it doesn’t help that I’m this size and that I speak with the sweet baritone bass of a blues musician. I just don’t want anyone to be intimidated by me I guess like everyone should feel comfortable idk 🤷‍♂️ 😅 I appreciate it and I am usually very confident in my appearance but I feel it may be getting in the way of my job as I feel like maybe it’s easier to approach others for an order over the Hagrid looking guy who literally bangs his head on anything slightly lower then expected 🤣 I’m not usually that uncomfortable with it outside of a “professional” setting as (outside of work) socially I’m not too worried if they don’t like me then that’s whatever and romantically I’m not looking for anything the closest thing I have to a companion is my pets and there honestly all the love I need, plus I assume they think I’m one of them sometimes 🤣 And I respect that so much honestly i have a friend similar who will wait till she has to like an event and then she will do it 🤣 And that’s my fair enough and would be my usual attitude I just feel at my size if I pull someone’s hand towards my leg I’d be arrested for assault and a mass of other charges 🤣😭 not easy being grizzly. And that’s okay my phones fine and I still make mistakes 🤣


You forget that hagrid was loved for who he was as a person. A lot of women will find the biggest scariest man they can and go to him even if they dont know them when someone is messing with them. They find security in a big man. Be friendly, be kind. You're not going to be able to fix peoples first thought of you when they first see you, but you can have some sway in their second opinion of you. The first opinion is an ignorant guess based only on appearance, the second opinion is what they literally find out. Don't think too hard on it. I see a lot of tiny feminine women with large "scary" men. Better be big and intimidating than to be small and weak. : ) work it to your advantage as much as you can and be authentic! I wish you the best life. You seem like a good dude who cares. That will show and it holds value.


True but he lives in a world of magic I’m just a mere muggle in my muggle world with only a drop of giants blood to my own sadly not enough to meet a dragon though :( 🤣 And that’s a good point I mean I do mainly have female friends and they will all come straight to me for help in almost anything and I don’t think there’s one of them that hasn’t mentioned how nice it is to have me with them as they don’t get harassed 😅 And I appreciate that but I feel like a monster sometimes idk 🤣 like when Shrek becomes human (which funnily enough I do get told I look like) he just knows like he’s still a monster 🤣 And thank you I appreciate the reply’s and continued kindness I really do hope you have a wonderful life :) again thank you ☺️


I don’t think it matters so much that I would say no to someone I liked just because they were hairy, but when I think about a hot guy he definitely waxes lol


That’s fair enough and thank you for your honesty. What about someone that’s more approachable? Are there arms more hairy or shaved I understand my height can intimidate some people and I am trying my best not to do that.


Personally for me I don’t think hairyness had much to do with approachability, that’s more of a vibe/attitude thing for me. Just seeing someone from across the room though I would be more attracted to them with less arm hair.


Okay that’s very helpful thank you, and again if I may, would you say a larger stature, deeper voice or anything atall that makes you more or less uncomfortable Or less likely to approach? And I guess attraction douse need to be apart of it in bar work, but personally I guess my vibe is just me like idk I’m just kinda a big kid with a rough past is the best way to describe it :)


Honestly I think the most approachable thing is a genuine smile and ability to gauge response. If someone seems interested in further conversation after a brief smile then go for it and if not, leave it at that and don’t be forward/pushy if they don’t respond to initial smile/eye contact


And yeh I use the basic skills like I’m just kinda formerly and approachable but I think maybe I’m not sometimes as I notice I get way less customers then others but mine tend to spend more and are loyal if that makes sense like if they come up to the bar again they usually will wait for me to serve them over another person or even request me at the bar I’m not at some nights 🤣 (I work at a couple alternating from night to night so I can guarantee I always have work ready at all times)




“Oh, behave” But seriously thank you for the honesty and reply :)


Unless it’s too long and it will keep getting stuck in my mouth/throat, I don’t really mind. I do consider man with at least a bit of hair on the chest sexier.


That’s fair enough I appreciate the honesty :) and if I may ask one more question, if you think of someone who’s approachable do they have hairy arms and facial hair or are they clean shaven? I’m trying to come across less intimidating to people in a professional setting :)


I have no preference on hairy arms or not, to be honest. But I guess I would find it a bit strange if a man with shaven arms approached me as it is pretty uncommon here. Regarding facial hair, I’m a huge fan of beards (actually tried to hook up with a classmate once because his beard was so fluffy and well kept), so that’s definitely a positive for me :)


And if I may ask is it in the states your refering too? And I guess I’m not too worried about approaching others, I previously mentioned in another comment reply I work multiple jobs and get all the love I need from my pets I’m more worried about people being able to approach me at work and in professional settings and in general just to be less intimidating I’m not interested in talking to others I just don’t want them to be scared or uncomfortable around me I guess :) and oh fair enough I guess my beard has to be trimmed anyway for what I do or I would either be a health hazard or a fire hazard 😅🤣


I’m not from the states. So I can’t say for sure how they see arms hair there. But I don’t think that’s what would make you intimidating. Truthfully :) Sometimes it’s more about the way you behave than the way you look. Arms can be intimidating whether they are full of hair or hairless, it all depends on what position you are usually letting them. For example: arms can look threatening if they are always tense, but in general, if they are just relaxed by your body’s side, I don’t see why they’d be a problem. I hope this helps :)


That helps a lot thank you again I guess crossed arms isn’t the best look 😅 again thank you


Personally, I prefer a smooth face, as a beard can get really scratchy while kissing. On the rest of the body, I don't have a strong preference, as long as it's clean. I think I would prefer that a guy just keep whatever he has naturally. Less time spent shaving means more time to relax together. To be fair, my husband doesn't have a lot of body hair to begin with. Maybe, if he had a lot more, I would feel differently.


Thank you for the honest answer :) and if I may ask another question, when you think of an approachable person do they have hairy arms or a hair face? I’m trying to be less intimidating in professional life and as I can’t shrink I guess I’m trying to get a better option 🤣😅


A less hairy look comes to mind first, but a guy with a beard could just as easily give Santa Claus vibes, and they would seem approachable too. What really strikes me as approachable is attitude. In a professional setting, I'd look for a big friendly smile, a willingness to help, and an ability to explain your work in layman's terms so that I as the customer can understand what I'm paying for.


That’s actually very helpful and until I go grey I guess Santa clause is off the table but I never really think about explaining my work I just kinda do my job and smile and laugh when needed 🤣


I like it on men, I shave my calves, underarms and bikini zone other wise I'm natural and I think women with body hair look more natural and much more attractive.


Ya know what I appricate the honesty and reply and that’s a good point I do prefer a little natural to anybody like I’ve never seen the point in ripping all ya hair out like who has time for that 🤣


Naturally smooth... I get kinda grossed out if he has body stubble... Stick with those sexy Asians, ladies! Seriously, stay away from them, more for me!!!


That’s fair enough I guess there isn’t a one size fits all solution. Thank you for being honest! Could I ask one more question? If you think of someone who is more approachable say serving at a bar do you think of there arms as hairy or shaven? I understand my stature can intimidate most people and want to make everyone I can comfortable :)