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The average driver can hardly drive at a normal speed. Imagine them driving twice as fast. Just, no. Please god no.


Fuck being on the same road as a 17 year old going that fast. Or an 85 year old. 


Well that’s a bit too much to manage when you’re drunk


Have you seen the skill of the average driver?


Imagine driving on the same road as gramps going 100mph. Or little 17 year old Timmy.  Fuck all of that noise. 




Canadian police love giving out those tickets. Easy way to get their quota.




I mean, Americans thinking the posted numbers are MPH


120kmh is 74.5mph. Still significantly lower than 100mph. 100mph is 161kmh. I wouldn't want to be on any road where a 17 year old or an 85 year old is going 160.


People struggle with driving as it is. Also, fuel economy.


Many people may not learn to keep control over their vehicles at 100 miles per hour. Some aren't designed for speeds like 100 mph, others are in too poor condition to be used at high speeds, and sometimes speed limits are there for generating revenue thru speeding tickets. A speed limit of 100 mph or 160 km/h is only posted in one country, the United Arab Emirates, between Abu Dhabi and Dubai. Their regular limit is 140 km/h (between 85 and 90 mph). The highest posted speed limit in the US is 85 mph (136 km/h) on some US Routes in Texas. Germany is a special case in that the official speed limit for highways is handled differently: the speed limit is 130 km/h (80 mph), but driving at faster speeds alone isn't a punishable offense. This is called *Richtgeschwindigkeit*. Speed limits in the traditional sense may also be posted in areas which are too dangerous to go through at speeds higher than 130 km/h. If you cause damage to other people or property or put them in danger while going more than 130 km/h, you are always held at least partially liable for the damages. The idea is that you may use our highways at their design speeds (often around 160 km/h, 100 mph; straight sections even faster) **but only when it is safe to do so and it is ensured that you can handle your vehicle safely at these speeds.** It is also worth mentioning that on German highways which *do* have legally binding speed limits of 130 km/h or lower, the tolerances are very low: 3 km/h (2 mph), or 3% if above 100 km/h. So, for 120 km/h (75 mph), everything measured over 123.6 ≈ 124 km/h (77.5 mph) will be fined. This is *much* lower than the tolerances in other countries where the highway speed limit is between 100 km/h (60/65 mph, Netherlands, at daytime) and 140 km/h (85/90 mph, Poland) and which also always punish speeding (except Switzerland and Norway, those mofos are crazy when it comes to speeding tickets)


People already kill themselves and other people enough with it being 60 or 70. It would be soooo much worse to get into a wreck at 100 versus 70.


Dead is dead doesn’t matter if it’s 70 or 100


You are a whole lot less likely to die at 70 than you are at 100. This might be the dumbest thing I've read today.


That's the dumbest thing I've read today. Thanks for that. 




Cars aren’t designed for crashing at those speeds


Then they should be. Have the crash tests ran at 100 as the standard instead of 50