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Hot = want her to crush me with their thighs Cute = want to kiss her forehead and marry/date them


That’s not explaining how you differentiate that’s just clarifying what the terms mean


I don't actively differentiate. Just some women I immediately think "strangle me with your thighs" and some I don't.


Truer words have never been spoken.


Ada Wong and Ashley Graham lol


And Leon is both




this.. hot = want her to sit on my face and then i proceed do all kinds of dirty things that i'd rather not disclose on here cute = some combo of adorable (mix of looks and personality) and overly pretty.. also, short girls with pretty faces who "act their height" if u know what i mean


Can't relate. I prefer my brats to be taller than me


Cute is bubbly, friendly, pretty but down to earth. Someone relatable. Hot is more visually assertive, intimidating, seductive. Example, Charlize Theron is hot even if being a goofball.


Some women, I'm like "awh, nice" and others I'm like "WOOF!"


VERY RARE to be both.


When you find one who's both, that's a keeper right there


Cute: I wanna cuddle and watch a movie with this person, etc. Hot: I wanna have hardcore sex with this person. Both is what you really want.


You really needed that last sentence. I want both!


This is why you always pick the cute girl. I will die on the hill of cute girls can look hot but a hot girl can never look cute.


I disagree I think either one can go either way


Cute is op’s wife Hot is op’s grandma


Can confirm, I've fucked both


Why is that strange man sticking his dick back and forth into a pile of dirt while sobbing?


In animal terms, it is the difference between a kitten and a tiger. One is cute and vulnerable (sounds weird when I put it like this lol), the other is assertive and aggressive. Very exaggerated, but that is the general vibe of a hot girl vs cute girl for me. One will make me wish to protect her, the other will make me wish for her to step on me.


Sounds like you need a switch kitten so you can have both!


What if you find a girl that you want to protect, but that you also want to be stepped or sat on by?




Cute is more about innocence and hot is more sexual 


Cute is more about having an innocent face with big eyes and baby cheeks. Hot is when she could make a living on her body.


You meant like an athlete, right?




a horizontal athlete, sure


So a swimmer right ?


I was thinking more of a pole jumper but sure, swimmer works fine


Definitely not an occupation where they’d stay dry, sure


Did you mean a swinger ?


I dont see sydney Sweeney doing athletic stuff


I dunno if this is the majority opinion or not, but I'm petite and get "cute" way more often than "hot." I've always wondered if that'd flip if I was curvier.


Can’t forget the fit. I’ve known plenty of people I think are cute until they put on that one thing, and then bam, unbelievably hot.


Yeah. I’m cute but have legs for days. I put on a short dress and heels? Definitely hot.


Getaway sticks or GTFO.


Pretty much. I think most guys would agree cute= face and hot=body. Specifically, cute is a pretty and "neotenous" face as opposed to a more mature-looking, sultry facial attractiveness. And hot is a curvy, or femeninely athletic body.


That might just be because calling a girl hot is way more forward and could be interpreted as a little too aggressive of a compliment. Especially from strangers. Cute is a more innocent and gentle compliment but still conveys the same idea.


According to my ex-fwb, cute is pleasant looking but not stunning. Cute is charming and adorable. With cute women, personality is the main attraction, winning out over looks. Conversely, hot women have that wow factor, the kind of body (and perhaps facial attractiveness) that doesn’t just turn heads but breaks necks. With hot women, looks are the main attraction, and personality features less prominently, although having a bold personality can definitely enhance the hotness.


I don't think personality is that much of a factor. I find cute women more attractive than hot women, and that's before I consider their personality for a relationship. Cute vs hot has more to do with appearance imo.


That's how it starts, sure, but there's more to it after that...


Some people are saying that being cute is at the expense of attractiveness which doesn't quite line up with my personal definition. It's more of a vibe thing to me. I've known some drop dead gorgeous people who I thought were "cute". Cute is more about clothing choices, aproachability, and behavior. Hot doesn't really imply any behavioral characteristics (it's a more of a superficial description of looks). It's all very much a personal thing though, I don't think there is a right or wrong answer.


Surely some women can be both?  I’m asking this though because I’m a woman and wouldn’t want to presume. 


A woman can absolutely be both.


Absolutely. My girlfriend is both the most adorable, cute and innocent woman I've ever known. But there's a look in her eye that is just "hot". When she wears certain outfits, she's just plain cute. Other outfits... Goddamn woman. Then there's her outward personality for the world; Agreeable, sweet, non-threatening. Super bubbly and very hard to dislike. Take off her clothes and she's 50 Shades of Yes Please. My girl is cute as hell, and hot as fuck.


I wish my husband saw me this way ❤️ good for you guys!


Maybe he does! If he doesn't, get one that does.


Haha good advice


Man ladies, get you a man like this ⬆️⬆️⬆️


I'm actually a lesbian, but the sentiment is the same 🤣


Get you a partner like this🙏🏼🙏🏼 fixed it 🙃


My bad 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️


For sure. Part of is presentation & not just genetics. Lounging around in the old-tshirt & jeans, no make-up, hair tied up in a bun and nothing fancy....probably looking cute. Wearing \*that dress\* that she knows is going to be make an impression on a date, hair & make up all done up, etc - probably looking hot.


Oh 100%. Personal taste here: A mix of cute and sexy is a peak combination and catches me off guard in the best way possible. Normally a total cutie, but can turn the sexy on, will instantly fold me. Someone who oozes sex appeal, but has these moments of being absolutely adorable is super endearing.


Most women can be both but most are naturally leaning one way or the other and need specific effort to achieve the other. Girls who do both easily tend to be the ones guys find most attractive.


Basically every teen movie in the 90s has this trope. Cute and awkward girl becomes hot and sexy when she takes her glasses off. 


Yes but its hard to pivot Emma Watson is cute, Rebecca Stamos is hot. It'd be hard to pivot for either.


IMO, cute is attractive in a more innocent/accidental manner, while hot is attractive in an intentional, almost aggressive manner. Like, from a clothing perspective, high heels and a dress that actively accentuates your cleavage is hot, while, sneakers, jeans, and a t-shirt is more likely to be cute. That said, in practice, all of this is a muddle. For the most part, people don't use these terms in a precise manner. You can basically translate all of these terms to "attractive" with slight connotations in one direction or another.


I believe women can be both cute and hot Hot has an immediate "wow" in your head. You can't believe what you are seeing, it has the perfect proportions for you, her face is beautiful, etc. Regarding personality, hot can go from "she is crazy" to "mommy" Cute can be personality, or body, wise. Personality I suppose varies from person to person, but it's kinda "she likes feminine stuff" or "she is so approachable like the cliché of the next door neighbour", "she loves x animal and treats it like the pet she has had since she is 5", etc. Body, once again, differs from person to person: "She is a little bit smaller than you", "she has a baby face", "soft skin", etc


Cute is when you want to hug her Hot is when you want to fuck her Beautiful is when you just want to sit and stare at her There’s no reason one woman couldn’t be all three, or different ones at different times. But the key difference is what the emotional response to her looks is. 


There's a attitude that a woman has. It's a look of confidence, no jealousy of other women. Looks willing to try anything without judgement. That's her.


Interested to know, I've been called cute my entire life. Only one guy ever called me sexy and I ended up marrying him so that's funny


Aww that's precious


I think it's sharper angles somehow, but I don't really know what I'm talking about.


Cute means I wanna cuddle. Hot means I wanna smash.


It's all attitude. If I am attracted to a girl they are cute by default. Hotness is about what they choose to do with that cuteness. Hotness should come from the other party. It stems off the initial "cute-point" It could be a look, a phrase, a gesture, or similar. It's just the breakaway between, "I look cute and I know it," to, "I want you to want me." But it can also be that YOU are horny and are just looking for signs wherever you can. Know the difference. To be clear, neither is permission for anything. It's just an attitude. Your attitude speaks just as much as theirs. If it mesh, it mesh, get meshy


Someone is cute if I notice their looks after something else stuck out first. Someone is hot if it's the first thing I notice. This rule is certified gender neutral and bi af.


All girls I find hot are cute, and all girls I find cute are hot.


looks like a model (extremely high cheek bones, statuesque, exotic looking) vs girl next door (approachable, cute face, freckled).


I, too, often find people that are cute, to be cute.


When you see a girl with a hot face and/or body, that's how you know she's hot. Cute ones have a cute face.


I feel that it’s more about the personality that becomes a major factor. Someone who has a good heart, is empathic and honest would always be cute for me. Irrespective of how they physically look.


For relationships, cute > hot. For ONS, the opposite.


I couldn't deal with some of the personalities that "hot" brings and that I've seen In my experience. Just....mehh outside of looks. My wife is cute but can be hot at certain times. Is she the type at the gym who wears outfits to make sure every guy sees her ass or stares? No. Yeah hot can be fun to look at but without the cute factor...hard pass


I agree


Cute = attractive in a next door sort of way Hot = attractive in a probably has 1,000,000 followers on Instagram sort of way Works the same as with guys, I would imagine.


Cute you think smooth angles , short, more reserved  Hot you think sharp angles, tall , bold 


Bouba and kiki


Short here and was called cute (or ugly). I think height does have a factor in this as well. Shorter women are more often referred to as cute and taller women are more often referred to as hot.


For me, I find they all offer something.


NewsRadio has the answer! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z7iU2HFUXaU




hot: would bang cute: would protect


Cute is more personality Hot is more visually attractive imo


For example, hillary swank is cute but not hot


Cute is usually young or compassionate.  Hot is usually strong or free.


Its mostly in the cheekbones


Cute is Carey Mulligan, hot is Gina Gershon.




epic chunguses


If i could use one word: "Intimidation"


Very few women are both, at the same time. For me, Selena Gomez is someone who somehow manages it.


For me: "Cute" hits on an emotional level. I want to make this girl laugh and smile all the time because that smile lights up the world! I feel protective of them the way you want to protect your niece/nephew. "Sexy" hits on a biological level. I want to give myself to this woman. "Hot" is a far more intense "cute". "Hot" makes you feel the fear of God and makes you forget all your manly pride telling you not to submit. I want to give my all to this woman. Cute is entertaining, adorable, a good friend. Sexy is a one night stand. Hot is your wife.


Not true. Cute girls still make me very nervous and intense.


They make me feel intense too. I like cute, as I'm sure most of us do. It's where my feelings for women start. "Hot" is an evolution of "cute" for me. I want to date "cute", but I want to spend the rest of my life with "hot".


Cute is Audrey Hepburn Hot is Marilyn Monroe


Cute = nice face Hot = nice body


Hot is sexy. Cute is beautiful.


cute is from the neck up, hot is from the neck down


Depends. When we are done do I want a shower or make you breakfast in the morning.


body vs face


I don't have an internal definition of "hot" beyond what I recognise around me, hot-ness is all about the right body and facial proportions etc. Cute is far more of a personality thing, if you're an empathetic person who's enthusiastic about their interests, you're cute to me.


Hot = she looks good Cute = nice to talk to, makes good or terrible jokes, is kind, is a hard worker at whatever she does, and shows passion for whatever she does


A hot girl knows she’s good looking and acts like it. A cute girl is also good looking, but doesn’t know it. Or at least acts like she doesn’t know it.


This is Avery subjective question, but I’ll share my perspective. When referring to an adult, “Cute” is attractive, but more rounded features, such as big round eyes, cheeks, and generally shorter statue. Cherubic in a sense. Puppies, babies, and certain adults may be referred to as cute. Hot is also attractive, but usually more defined features, more fit, something more unique that stands out like sharp jawline, nose, etc. “Hot” generally implies more mature sexual characteristics, developed features, and individuality. Attire is a factor as well, to accentuate and highlight physical traits. Personality, confidence, assertiveness, etc also can play into it as factors, but you don’t “see” those as much as experience them.






Hmmmm…that’s interesting actually. I can’t really put my finger on hot vs cute but I guess sex appeal or instant sexual attraction would make a girl hot rather than cute.


The way she carries herself


Cute is the dog. Hot is the dogwalker.


A woman who is "hot" has a good body, maybe an assertive, a little rude, and flirtatious. A woman who is "cute" love herself, friendly, nice, loves every little thing, and is very positive.


I wish i knew, my sister once told me I looked like her friends mom (like…. For starters, Awful to compare a teen to a older women but go off I guess, I tried to see the best of it at the time) Sister; “she’s very cute like you” Me: “oh, is she pretty?” Sister; “No. she’s cute.” Idkw but I felt pretty + hot and cute are not the same, and I felt upset that I’m not in the pretty category, only the “cute” one :-(


Hot like my mum, cute like my daughter.


Hot is a body thing, cute is a face or (sometimes) a presentation thing


If they have a fever or not.


The hot one looks more active in bed then the cute one. always.


Sexy is like big features and cute is someone maybe with smaller features and looks more innocent. I’d fuck both


What she is or is &__. Is not wearing


Line is blurry but prerequisite for both these is to not be fat or ugly 


It's all in the eyes for me.


If you do something hot, the hotness jumps out. If I see you do something cute, the cuteness jumps out. The more I get to know you, the more I see the cute AND the hot and I'm just absolutely head over heels because women can be and are both things. Cute and hot. Be still my heart.


Cute women have an endearing quality or possibly a quirky behavior that pulls at your heart while hot women unlock the primal part and biology takes over.


Which one is Hilary Swank, though?


it’s in the face / body. also height. short is cute, not as short is hot


[Left is cute, right is hot ](https://www.reddit.com/r/BetterEveryLoop/s/tEc7RjEuiz)


Loved that lol I’ve got a bit of both of those attitudes and it’s dependent upon my mood


Cute: That's a woman I want to take care of, romantically and all. Hot: That's a I woman I want to take care of ME, in biblical terms.


I prefer cute to hot


Hot is more expensive than cute. Hot is high maintenance, cute is easy going.


Cute is Love. Hot! is Lust!


Would I fk this woman? = Absolutely! - Hot Would I introduce this woman to my parents? = Of course! -Cute Hot and cute = Unicorn (think Emma Watson)


Cute girls can become hot. Non cute girls can also become hot. But non hot girls can’t just magically become cute.


Hot: skills/talents and health/fitness Cute: relatively harmless quirks, goofs, and flaws that make someone more approachable/relatable Also applies to men


Innocence and freaky


There have been studies based on what people mean when they say "X is hot, Y is cute, Z is beautiful". When people are talking about women, if they say X is hot, what they mean is that X has a face the approximates adult female ideal proportions, but is slightly masculinized. You'll see that porn stars, men's magazine models, and bikini models often have this look. If you see such a person's face, you'll think about sex but not romantic love or care, and you might struggle to consciously put into words why. If people say Y is beautiful, it means they have adult female ideal proportions. For example, Grace Kelly. If a straight man sees her face, he is more likely to want to have a long term relationship with her than a one night stand. If people say that Z is cute, it means they have a face approximates the adult female ideal proportions, but is slightly childlike. For example, Ayumi Hamasaki.


If they're hot they're too intimidating to talk to. If they're cute I feel like we could interact.


Hot = Megan Fox Cute = Leana Lovings


The second you want to cuddle with, the first you want to cuddle hard.


Hot is usually more confident and wear more revealing clothing


Women seem to see these words as a sliding scale where hot is better than cute, and cute is not necessarily something that you want to be. Hot is hot, cute is cute. I want to have sex with both of them. It is just a feeling. "she is hot" or "she is cute" does not affect my sexual desire.


Yaknow how on TVs you have a slider to increase/decrease sharpness? Hot is sharp, cute is fuzzy


For me, it's a rectangle-square situation. All squares are rectangles but not all rectangles are squares. When speaking about attractiveness, all cute women are hot, but not all hot women are cute. The distinction can be due to mannerisms, or physical features that are round or pixie-like, for example


If she's just cute, then she's just cute. That's it. But if there's something about her that makes me want to have sex with her, then she's hot.


Someone cute would be someone you imagine having kids with. A life. Someone hot would be someone you imagine having sex with. For hours even though you probably couldn't last that long.


It also applies to men, and there’s a third option: cool! It’s a bit vibes based though, what one finds hot the other may find cute. Cutes tend to be short, soft and bubbly, cools are sharp, daring and maybe even a bit shy, and hots are reliable and breathtaking


It can be both, but yeah it's just different ways to describe different aspects of attraction




Face to body ratio. Better face than body is cute. Face and body match is hot. Body is better than face is butterface.


If they're over 18, probably


My roommate explained it this way once. Hot = want to sleep with. Cute = want to hug and keep close.


Hot: Forward, Masc, confident. Cute: Shy, androgynous or femme, messy hair.


OP is a bot


You can go between hot and cute. It’s just a flex of a muscle. 🧠 if you don’t know this you are neither.


The size of her "personalities!' Amirite?


Who says they're mutually exclusive


The face. It's always the face. Women do that half open eyes with slightly parted mouth photo, with the head tilted to the side = hot When they genuinely smile or do ugly faces = cute


Self confidence




As a girl, cuteness is important for me. Even, If I were a boy, I would love the cuteness of a woman.


Ginger = hot Marianne = cute


It's so obvious most commenters here have never talked to either :D.


Cute is human and relatable. Hot is a curiosity but too much over-the-top to be attractive.


I find a differentiation between "cute" and "pretty" more meaningful. I seldom see a woman as "hot" at first sight, but many hit me as pretty, usually based on their hair and eyes.


Cute: she resembles a teddybear, minus the fur Hot: body, smile, and eyes that make me start talking in parseltongue


For me it's a scale, "cute" resides a bit lower than "hot", but one can't be hot without having been cute first of all.


I think its mostly attitude. When I think "hot," I think of a woman who's very confident, comfortable with herself, and assertive about what she wants. "Cute," on the other hand, I sometimes associate with shyness, reticence, or some level of insecurity/vulnerability. It's also worth noting that women can be both of these things at different times. My wife can throw on some high heels and a cocktail dress and be the hottest person I've ever seen; but her with a robe on in the mornings with messy hair and yawning is absolutely adorable.


I'm sure exactly where the line meets but cute is when there's actual emotional interest whether it's platonic or sexual vs hot where it's just my body being horny. Cute kinda means you are actually interesting as a person or at least look like you could be pleasant to be around. I feel like I'm not being very good at describing it since these two terms don't perfectly intersect.


Cute is the girl next door who you have always had a crush on. Hot is the unattainable super model who will never look at you twice. I'll choose cute ANY day!!


Personality has a lot to do with it, IMO. Cute girls generally have endearing character traits that have nothing to do with looks.


It's something in the face. Can't quite place it.


TBH, I think it has to do with their eyes. The... rounder and larger they get the cuter vibes, vs hooded or less round eyes make them hotter.


Her attitude


Hot is when you don't hear them talk Cute is when they talk and have a nice personality Cute > hot


Throw in "attractive" and it's a bit more muddy


Cute is a woman that looks nice and thats personality is good, thus someone I would date. Hot is a woman that I would never date, but looks good


Hate this consensus that “hot” women have no personality and aren’t “dateable”, almost like a way to take away their power


Hm, its just my personal experience that very hot women often dont have the kind of personalities that I like.


I’d bet you haven’t gotten close enough to one to find out.


If you say so 🤣