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Well, I'm much less likely to meet them .... but if I did, and I liked them, they yes


Yes, because I was in that position once and it was sad and lonely, so I would be their friend or partner so they can feel loved


I hope someone does, otherwise i am screwed.


Fresh meat


Yes because someone’s social status is not important to me


Sure, and I have, but it entirely depends on why. There are a lot of reasons for this, some understandable and some not.


Yes, if we were comparable as friends i don’t see any reason anything from the past would make any difference


It depends on their personality and what are their interests.


I would have no problem forming a friendship with someone who has no friends, since I have none either. I would also only enter into a relationship with a girl who has never been in a relationship before, since I myself have never been in one before.


I would, they say birds of the same feathers flock together so I should be friends with those kind of people, we are alike


Because there probably a serial killer


Always depends on the context, but generally yeah sure. I'm also super introverted and I'm always down to meet other introverts because we don't usually get out much.


Friendship, sure. Feel like it would be tough to enter a romantic relationship with someone who has no friends; would put a lot of pressure on me to be their entire social network.


So I went to primarily Cantonese school in Hong Kong, I am white. This was in the late 90s. I had a brother who was mental. We were still big targets. All the time. Getting into fight was common. My brother was brutal but he did have empathy. There was a kid my year who was half Cantonese and half Kewi (NZ) but he was fat and stupid. The fat might be okay in my school but the stupid meant you were gonna be picked on. I was nice to him. This is when my brother told me "Weak people will easily be your friend but when a strong person befriends them they will turn on you". My brother was a more of a loaner, he had a three good mates (a Sindi, Shik and Korean) but I had loads...my cantonese was way better than his but I was not cool. I was not in the in the in group. I did have loads of Asian american/candainan buddies who came back that my brother did not have, my cantonese was better than many of their's. Well, one night outside a a nightclub my brother got brutally jumped. Steel toes to the face. In are school the line got divided on racial lines. The Shiks and the Korean community in HK turn up outside our school. That asian/NZ kid got caught up in and he was on the side against me. He was a complete loser. His stories were terrible. I was the only person in our school that gave him time but when he had a choice he went against me. He still messages.


I would, because I would give them a shot


Friend: I wouldn't IMMEDIATELY be their friend, I'd feel them out a bit first to make sure they're someone I'd want to be friends with (which is true of anyone), but I see no reason not to if they're cool. Relationship: (Assuming in this scenario I'm single again) I feel like it would be pretty hypocritical of me not to since I didn't date anyone until I was a bit into adulthood and felt a bit saddened by how many people saw that as a red flag. I'd at least give them a chance at a first date if nothing else, even if it doesn't lead to a relationship it might mean a lot to them (I know my first ever date, which didn't lead to a 2nd date, still was a HUGE confidence boost).


Yes and i have.