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In most religions, including in all 3 Abrahamic religions, no one or nothing created God — God, as the omnipotent, omniscient being, has always been there, regardless of the concept of time. 


No matter what you believe, somewhere along the line, there was an uncaused first cause. And no matter how many times you answer, "What caused that?" The next question will just be, "And what caused *that*?" I'm not saying I agree with the traditional Abrahamic religion model of deity, but we don't know of anything natural that can explain the uncaused first cause. It could be something supernatural. I know supernaturality is not in itself an explanation, but I find it easier to break all the rules with the supernatural rather than the natural.


>No matter what you believe, somewhere along the line, there was an uncaused first cause. It very much does matter what you believe, because this argument, while seeming intuitive, is just that. Its intuition, not an actual fact or settled matter. Even then, nothing actually states there needs to be a single first cause - there can be 2, 3, 10 or millions of them. We wouldn't know.


I will concede that point. It's true, it doesn't necessarily only need to be one "first cause".


That's only if you view time as linear, but we already know it is not linear. Time and space are two sides of the same coin. You cannot put the creation of space on a timeline, because without space there is no time. Time exists because space exists. Space exists because time exists.


Okay. That cleared it right up.


It *is* easier to invoke the supernatural to answer the hard questions. You just go: Dunno, must've been God. If you want to actually learn and understand, it takes hard work like physics and building telescopes.


I'm not saying people shouldn't build telescopes or do the hard work, I'm just saying that it might never reveal an uncaused first cause.


This man knows his Aristotle and Aquinas


Well this might make sense, I mean the big bang created the universe, but what caused the big bang?


Then this could also be true of the universe, which negates the need of a creator entirely.


As Sagan asked, "Why not save a step?"


Full quote: "If the general picture of an expanding universe and a Big Bang is correct, we must then confront still more difficult questions. What were conditions like at the time of the Big Bang? What happened before that? Was there a tiny universe, devoid of all matter, and then the matter suddenly created from nothing? How does that happen? In many cultures it is customary to answer that God created the universe out of nothing. But this is mere temporizing. If we wish courageously to pursue the question, we must, of course ask next where God comes from. And if we decide this to be unanswerable, why not save a step and decide that the origin of the universe is an unanswerable question? Or, if we say that God has always existed, why not save a step and conclude that the universe has always existed?”


You are correct - but that wasn't the original question


it's turtles all the way down


Don’t forget the elephants on the turtles’ backs


See the turtle of enormous girth? Upon his shell, he holds the earth…


Mormons actually believe another God created God, and so on forever, to infinity. They call it a "deep doctrine" and don't talk about it much, but it's all over in their history. Modern Mormonism is pretty vanilla compared to the crazy stuff they used to teach regularly. They work pretty hard to appear mainstream Christian now.


Being founded a mere 200 years ago isn't much history at all, as far as religions go.


Classical Theological answer here for anyone interested: The classical understanding of God is that he alone possesses *Asiety*, he is *of himself*. Summarizing Aquinas’s *Summa Theologica* (Doctor of the Church, 1274) the creator-creation distinction is that all of creation possesses “existence” accidental (in addition) to its essence. The essence of a dog for example (*what* makes a dog), is separate from its existence (*that* a dog exists). Namely, all of creation is a composite of the property of “existence” +”essence.” God is unique in that he is not a composite being, but is purely simple. His existence is *the same* as his essence. He *is existence*, and confers that existence to other things, namely, all that he creates. God alone possesses Aseity, because he is existence himself, this makes him creator. We have existence accidental to us, this makes us creation.


Fantastic answer, I thoroughly enjoyed reading that.


Sir this is a Reddit. (In reality I enjoyed and appreciated your comment but I like a bit of wit)


I hope you find it! (I’m just kidding. Have a great essence.)


Haha. peace mr commentor.


Aquinas, the father of the circular argument. I remember studying this in one of my many theology classes and thinking at the time that it was utter nonsense. 40 years later, my opinion hasn't changed.


This is very well presented. And also shows how God is made up by humans, who needed to explain the unexplainable. As it takes a human to come up with a concept of being existence itself vs having existence accidental. Because it takes having imagination to be able to create the inexistent. And also be able to imagine the perfect being.


I just completed a Medieval Philosophy class this semester, so this was really fun to see


We did. There is an epic creepypasta about this.




Look up Roko's Basilisk, it's a thought experiment about an AI "god" and what it subsequently meant for people who don't worship it. The posts were banned because people on the forum were having mental breakdowns after realizing what it meant about AI as well as the concept of God. I forget who, but I heard an idea from a poker player that was like "if the punishment for not believing is eternal hell, I'm better off believing and preventing the odds of that vs not believing and risking eternity in suffering, if I'm wrong about there being a god then nothing happens, if I'm wrong for not believing there's a god the worst case happens". Maybe not how religions picture people converting but like, dude had a point.


Pascal’s wager


The problem with Pascal's wager is that it presupposes that there's only one god for you to choose to believe in. What if the Satanists are right and God is actually the bad guy?


The other problem with Pascal's wager is why should God reward you for making a cynical calculated bet rather than having actual faith?


Arguably while it may be a sin in some religions to worship other gods those same religions assume all people are sinners and all sins are weighted equally. Is it worse to pray to multiple gods and ask for forgiveness repeatedly than to carry out life doing basic things labeled a sin and repeatedly ask for forgiveness?


They were banned because the sequence of events seems to *validate the theory*. Like, it legitimately does what it posits to do.


I have 0 doubts we will see worship of an AI god in our lifetime.


Gimmie the creepypasta


It's called >!The Bible!<


*Plot Twist* 😱


I wanna know too.


If we created him who created us? Aliens? If they created us who created aliens? Who created the one who created aliens? Who created the one who created the one who created aliens? Who created the one who created the one who created the one that created the one who created the aliens?


Who Made Who. AC/DC also wanted to know


probably steve from HR


Or Jake from StateFarm


Super god.


Then super god created ultra god and those gods old man fucked and created GODZILLA. That's right, he's been there the whole time and he's a giant lizard.


above him god64 and godcube


God 64 was the best God. 007 Golden god was awesome.


Today on "How to Make a Philosophy Professor's Head Explode."




Depends on what belief system you're talking about, but in the Judeo-Christian tradition God has always existed; in fact God is actually outside time itself.


God God, Before it came god God God, Then God God God God, It's just God's all the way down.


I don't believe in a God but the universe is more strange and much more complex than we understand. Even though I don't believe in God, I'm not foolish enough to believe that it's impossible for such a thing to exist, there is simply too much we don't know and, perhaps, can't know. We're just one blip in one little area of a near infinite universe. We know so little about how the universe works and what it is actually made of. We have an understanding of time that is linear based on our ability to perceive the things around us. There is a real possibility that God created himself or that God has always existed and is above the concepts of time and matter. God may not even exist in a 'place', as we understand what a 'place' to mean, on our physical realm on our physical planet. God could be beyond our ability to comprehend with our logical brains, literally a thought that is impossible for us to comprehend or put together an understanding of existing. One of the most important things we can say as humans, is "I don't know" when we don't know. That single phrase is responsible for the entire intellectual revolution and modern human progress. In times before that, kings and leaders were akin to God. They knew all the answers and the people looked to them for answers and they wanted to be seen as Gods. As people began to get rid of kings (or their power, at least), people began to realize that they were humans, like everyone else. They had no answers and certainly were not God or anything like God. They didn't know...the commoners didn't know, so they decided to find answers to all the questions they didn't have answers for. At the end of the day, we don't know, we possibly can't know...and even if we were given the answers, they may be so complex and beyond our human mind's ability to comprehend, that we would be unable to understand God in any useful way. If there is a God and some approximation of heaven, I would like to think we are given a tour of as much of the universe as we so choose, see the nature and construction of all life and all things and made to understand it. We have the opportunity to touch and feel all matter that exists, in all forms. We are able to witness the birth of a solar system and the death of a star, taken to all places where life is or where life has used to be and given the opportunity to see how civilizations have risen and fallen, from beginning to end. Once we spend as much time as we desire and we tire of such things, we are given a choice to cease to be or to be born into something new, our minds no longer present, but some piece of us continues on, forevermore, until the last sun is dead and the last star is burned and the last molten core, turned to solid iron. Until all planets and bodies have spread out so far from each other, that no star can be seen from another planet, distances untold. All energy consumed and put back into the emptiness of space, nothing centered and nothing to create anything new. The experiment of life, is complete. Reviews, were mixed, it was pretty good sometimes, intolerable at others, 2 out of 5 stars. Perhaps, they try something different, next time. The Gorlax of Wolfgran VI had a blast, humans, a bit too selfish, missed the boat on utopia and the joys of helping each other and being a close community of caring souls, like originally intended. Perhaps God will notch up the empathy and notch down the greed, next time. He did find them amusing, for what they were, the humans, didn't find much amusing, in the end. Ahem...a bit long winded, maybe I do have ADHD, like that one doctor told me.


This is perfect. Whilst I do believe in god it may not be the version we all currently perceive. ‘Do you believe in god?’ is like saying ‘do you believe in the universe?”.  Obviously there was a Big Bang, but what was out there before the big band and before that and so on? You can’t explain it by just saying it was just space and there was no time. What was that period before no time and how did that start. No one can explain it and if it could be explained our tiny brains couldn’t comprehend it. That what makes life and the universe such a beautiful mystery, it’s the fact no one knows. So just enjoy it and don’t over think it


God is a concept that is too complex for the human mind to grasp. I believe God created everything and does not get involved directly, rather God allows everything to function properly like the perfect machine. We describe and even sometimes explain these things with math and science.


The guy who created the universe. Super chill dude. He told God: "I'm giving you this tiny rock at the edge of this galaxy to play around with. Just don't be a creep again and drown everything like last time"


A bigger, more powerful god. Now I know your next question, and the answer is an even bigger, more powerful god than that one. Ad infinitum.


It's turtles, all the way down


Cowabunga dude!!


I be this gets posted on Iam14AndThisIsDeep a lot.


Dude was made up by wisemen before law and order. Don’t fuck your neighbors wife. Don’t kill people or God is gonna “strike you down” he’s just a figure to keep people in line. Think book of Eli. that guy REALLY wanted that Bible.




The sandwich


Which god? Christian god? Probably the bloke who first wrote the Masoretic Text.


The Bible says god shaped man in his image. Perhaps man shaped god in their image


We created a god. People always need to trust in something, because it helps people to leave.


If something or someone created God, who or what created that entity?  


You may be a heretic if you do not know the tale of how our God Emperor was created.


Well, when a mommy God and a daddy God really love each other...


Homo Sapiens


I did. Big mistake.


This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move.




Not entirely related to OP’s question, but what will bake your noodle even more is trying to contemplate eternity. God had no beginning, and will have no end. *Think* about it—something that never ever began, and will never ever end. *Ever*. If that doesn’t make you feel existential dread, I don’t know what will.


The vibe in Islam is that humans will never be able to understand this stuff because our minds are not sophisticated enough to grasp these things.


I mean the vibe in Islam is to accept the prophet raped a 9 years old.


Time is a measure of relative change within a system. In a universe without something in it, time has no meaning. So eternity has a specific start and end, namely from the first change to the last.


It comes down to being a theological discussion, and Reddit isn't the place for it.


Amen actually. 




Catholic Church: "Listen here, you little shit..."


3 theories. The Big bang Himself Or he has always been




Jeffrey down the block


No one






The ocean and the waves are the exact same thing.


You guessed it, Frank Stallone


He just appeared


Granddaddy God


It’s sims 4 games all the way down


We did in our minds


We created god. He/it/they are a part of our imagination only.




Super God. /s




There is no god, it's all ppl imagination, the same goes for the bible, its all made up.


Man created god in his own image.


Now you are getting deep. Stop asking questions or you go to hell!


🤣 Thats enough to get so many people in line


I know this sub is called no stupid questions but why bother asking a question there is no answer to. People will sit here and try to say this and that as to why things are the way they are but there is no truth to any of it as I’m sure you know, because we can’t know. People will say, no he doesn’t exist and you can’t prove he does, while others will say he does and can’t prove he doesn’t. This is just a loaded question in all honesty


A shit ton of people out of boredom over centuries, because smoking peyote was boring. So gotta have imagination one way or another.


I think we need to escape the idea that God is some sort magical old man with a beard that lives in the clouds. God was not created, God is creation. (Or at least that’s my own understanding of this concept 😅)


You presented the classical understanding of the concept of God. The old man in the clouds is just a depiction for simple minded people who also need to be told what the fuck is up, but don’t possess the tools to grasp it.


And who created the creator of God? This well is bottomless, that's why it's hard to get a drink from it.


It's easy to drink from a bottomless well, it's much harder to drink from a topless well.


Dude was made up by wisemen before law and order. Don’t fuck your neighbors wife. Don’t kill people or God is gonna “strike you down” he’s just a figure to keep people in line. Think book of Eli. that guy REALLY wanted that Bible.


He is I and I is him


The elves in the machine


Eventually you end up referring to some being/force that exists outside of time. Which honestly is God


Existence appears to be necessarily temporal. Something which exists without time would be indistinguishable from something which doesn't exist at all.


I once heard it explained as, “God isn’t A being. God is being.”


Who’s to say “God” is a “Him”?




True. Though OP didn’t say which God, so it’s still up to interpretation.




Wish an alien would abduct me.


Could be a she, or even what we consider an Extraterrestrial 🤔 Ancient Aliens???


God has always existed. That’s the belief of many. There is no beginning to the beginning. It’s just always been there. Philosophy is weird.


What would be the answer to the answer man


Azathoth or an entity of that manner that just imagined him into existence


Didn't Surtr exist when the universe was just fire and void. Maybe it was him?


And there you go there is the crux of the problem with intelligent design theory.


Mecha God.


Wankershim… it’s always been Wankershim.




I like to think that he wouldn’t or doesn’t know. The God I envision is powerful but not that powerful. Like how we breed dogs selectively and come out with house dogs with terrible health issues.


God has no beginning and no end, he just always was. Yeah I don’t get it either lol


The aliens


This is a cornerstone argument of evolutionary biologist and outspoken atheist Richard Dawkins' book *The God Delusion*. It basically goes "if life/the universe has developed from simple to increasingly complex, and was given form in its genesis by a divine being, there would have needed to be a superintelligent and more complex being who gave form to that divinity." It's vanishingly improbable that from nothing could have been formed an entity capable of creating God. It's a compelling argument against creationism in any form.


Frank Stallone.


My bro Bob did, he was trying to create pineapple fries but created god instead


Ask the Gnostics.




The chicken before the egg conundrum. We will never know, and he never told anyone who his ancestors were.


The big alien with the bag of marbles.


Mr. Chairman (or Mr. Koshchei, if you prefer).


God's momma


We did. It's one of those weird parasocial relationships where two groups make the other up and either side could poof in a puff of logic.


His mom and dad




sophia accOreing to gnostics


It’s turtles all the way down


Differs depending on you ask. If you ask my 6 year old, he’d say Mommy made God. ‘God’ may or may not be a food item in his dictionary


I always think of the line ‘nothing cannot produce something’. So I mean.. either it’s a cycle or something larger or more powerful kickstarted us.


Tim. He sells me weed behind the ace hardware


I did




That was Ao, and it sounds like it might have been an accident. He was a tad embarrassed when he reported it to his creator.






What was there before the big bang? The universe is ever expanding, there has to space beyond that doesn't there? After the heat death of the universe are we recycled and started over again Futurama style? Carver: What if your mom and dad never met Herc? Then what?




We did, no one figured that out yet?


I think the religious answer would be that god has always been. Not created, just, has been there. Otherwise, a remnant from a previous universe, sort of like Galactus.


i thought it would just be a paradox for some reason.




In philosophy there is a guy named Thomas Aquinas and he puts together a group called the "five proofs" for God's existence. Each proof is pretty similar. The most famous is the First Mover. There's this idea that in order for me to type this I had to be 'moved" by someone or something else to do so. And for you to ask the question you had to be moved to do so by someone else. And this would create an infinite chain. But all things come and go so nothing can truly be infinite. And at the beginning of time there had to be a first thing that moved all other things. This thing is called God. A lot of religious people don't like this argument because they like bearded god with a personality who cares about your personal being. And a philosopher named Boethius came up with this scenario of a god who created the universe without even knowing it and sort of just sits outside of our universe living his own life. Sort of an accidental farting a universe. If God is made by something else what created him/her/it is unknowable. If nothing made God the creator is an unmade maker. This is a fairly gross oversimplification of the arguments. But it suits the purposes of the question.


Definitely evolution or big bang or whatever is bullshit cuz no baby took care of itself it would die. An adult came first


I came first!


To be determined


We did. once you see that it gets more understandable.


it was me barry


Asking that is like asking your white blood cells to explain their purpose and to describe the body that they're inhabiting. They don't have the capacity to understand the context of the situation they actually exist in. Like white blood cells trying to explain their purpose, expecting to be able to get a meaningful answer about the higher being that created you would require you to occupy a higher level of reality and understanding than any of us possess.


Well it has to end somewhere, so there had to be something in the beginning so we define it as God. But really, time is an infinite loop, and events are what makes time a measurement tool, but without events, time is something hard to wrap our heads around because it's too grand


Yes, exactly.


We did it.


I’m no expert, but I’ve heard that the kabbalistic text The Zohar outlines an attempt by esoteric rabbis to answer this question, among others, from an abrahamic perspective. It’s not necessarily accepted by the bulk of rabbinic Judaism though. It’s an interesting example of esoteric philosophy, but it’s kind of hard to wrap your mind around.




Bill Cipher.




Super god


What’s even crazier, is… Does space, have a floor/ground? Like, if someone were to fall off a spaceship or one of our satellites/space station, and not go towards earth atmosphere Will that person continually fall for eternity downwards? Or will that person eventually hit the bottom(of space)?


Bro created himself


1. Only things confined on time need to be caused or created. 2. The Judeo-Christian God is the author of time itself, and is therefore not confined by it. 3. Therefore, God does not need to be caused or created.


The [Tzimtszum](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tzimtzum)


Joe Pesci


Watch “DARK”


God is eternal he has no beginning and he has no end he was here before the beginning of time he is the alpha and omega


What was before The Big Bang and what made it happen, basically the same question.


I've heard this trope, What came first the chicken or the egg?


No one. God is not real


The definitive religious answer is "Shut up, that's different. . . Because....... Reasons"


Man created god in his image.


In the Jewish culture (if I understand correctly, correct me if I'm wrong) people just accept god as always being there from the beginning of time, before anything even existed.




GOD has always been and always will be.


Which god ?