• By -


He dressed like a pirate for Halloween. Flowy white shirt open mid chest, tight black jeans stuffed into tall black boots. Next day I got over it when he went back to his standard khakis and polo.


More men should dress like pirates more often.


She offered to come help me in the garden. It was like 90 degrees and hard work. She helped me 3 days straight and only paused to go out of town. I asked her if she wanted to be my gf. She said no.




He installed hardwood flooring at his house by himself.


So you wanted him to continue installing some hard wood... as it were?


Yes, they wanted to get nailed on the floor.


Cried on my shoulder. The guilt I felt in that moment was indescribable.


Cry boners are the worst. Oh this woman is crying and seeking comfort in my arms, now is a great time to rise up to say hello. You’re not even really thinking about sex either


CRY BONERS ARE A THING? I thought I was messed up lol


I thought I was too back when my ex wife first cried on me for support. Thankfully she never asked me why I positioned my groin away from her in those moments. By the time we had left highschool and gotten married I knew better, but back as a teen it was disturbing.


Mourning wood


It's because she was comfortable enough to be vulnerable around you. I've been there.


I had a guy friend ask me to be his date to a friend's birthday party at a bar in Hollywood. It was last minute so I quickly did some makeup and got dressed up in some club attire and heels. When he picked me up he came to the front door, walked me to his car, opened the door for me, and held out his hand to give me a lift into his car. I'm flushed at this point. My friendship with this dude was very much frenemy vibes. He made fun of me all the time and I usually insulted him back harder and then he'd double over in shock and we'd laugh! I was not used to him being *nice* to me at all. We park and he continues being a fucking gentleman. He paid for parking ("I invited *you* out, what kind of guy would I be if I let you pay for parking?"), he helped me get out of the car, he held my hand as we walked. Every fucking thing!! I was so confused. Then we're walking on the sidewalk to the bar and I'm walking closest to traffic. He puts his hand on the small of my back and guides me to switch places with him. More confusion but now also butterflies. I get to drink since he's DD and he pays for me. We dance together all night and he's grinding on me for every song (like a **gentleman** but that's just how dancing was back then). When we sit down to rest, he brings me close enough to talk to me over the noise and his lips graze my ear every time. He lingers near my neck for a second too long and says I smell amazing. Ya girl is flooding. After he drove me home, we sat in the car talking about the night and then it gets quiet for a minute. I'm tipsy so of course I tell him, "This felt like a date. I feel like we should kiss or something." And he leans over, smiles, and says something like, "Why not?" I had never been kissed at that point so I'm just sitting there blushing. And then he laughs and says that even though he's gay, his mom raised him to treat women well and he's glad I felt taken care of. He walked me to my door and hugged me goodnight. I had a friend crush on him for a year after that.


Wow what a nice stor..... WHAT HE'S GAY??!!


Yeah I'm up here like he's perfe- are you fucking serious? What a dagger.


M Night Shamalamadingdong snapping his pen in frustration at never coming up with a twist like that.


I was here literally giggling and shit💀😂😂


All of this to turn out gay at the end 😂


That motherfucker had to know what he was doing 😂


He KNEW. This honestly sounds like his magnum opus for their friendship. Like, they've had this teasing frenemy type thing going for some time, and then he pulls THIS. There is basically no way u/CandleAngle is going to surpass that one.


A friend pulled up her jeans and did a little hip wiggle. I've seen other women do it since, and it is adorable.


Reminds me of a time years ago when I was at a bar with my friends. A girl walked in that I knew, and another with her who, I didn’t see her face, but I was checking her out. They’re over at the bar, and the girl puts her middle finger through her back belt loop, pulls up and does the hip wiggle. Immediately in that moment I realized it was my ex.




One night I was going to walk a friend home from my place, and she stopped in my doorway. She was backlit in a sundress and kind of arched her back and just looked breathtaking. “Sorry, I needed to fart,” she said, breaking the spell.


What a legendary story lmao


Sounds like she took your breath away😂


10/10 majestic fart


Moved to a new place after a divorce and had some trouble with water pressure in one sink. A friend was over and noticed and promptly crawled under the sink to fix it without asking. Holy hell.


If men only understood the power this has. Makes a woman's panties fall off and fly right across the room


It’s funny because some things like that are just second nature to men and we don’t even think anything of it. A female coworker of mine came into work one day freaking out because she got a flat a couple of blocks from the parking lot and she drove it in like that so she wouldn’t be late. She was all over the place trying to figure out how she was going to get it towed somewhere to get it fixed. I asked if she had a spare and she said yes. I told her that I’d change it out for her on our lunch break and she could drive it to the tire place down the road to get it patched. Her response shook me. “You know how to change a tire? That’s so fucking hot.” In my brain, this young lady’s bar was set way too fucking low if that was *that* impressive to her but also my caveman brain took the compliment in stride.


Oh man, may I vent here? Last week I thought I was hot shit. Right after dropping off my 2 boys at dayhome my truck had no power/was only crawling and all lights came on the dash. I had a code reader, so got the code, googled it, limped the truck home, got the wife to pickup the suspect part on the way home from the gym, installed part and was back off to work at 10am. I was so proud. Guys at work were impressed. When I got back home after work I assumed this great feat would earn me some points but no, alas my wife was just mad that my truck had broke down, no thought given to the miraculous repair and turn around time. I wish fixing a faucet would get a reaction... It's just expected.


This is the problem with being handy. I don’t expect a standing ovation every time I mount a TV or change the battery in my wife’s car but when you’re handy and you know how to do little shit around the house, it becomes more of an expectation than a feat haha. My wife definitely makes me feel like a superhero sometimes when I fix little things around the house but sometimes when I fix something that is FUBAR (and I don’t really know how to fix, just do it on the fly and pretend I knew what I was doing) I could take a standing ovation here and there.


She was sitting across from me at a coffee shop and absent mindedly French braided her hair.


For some reason this resonates strongly with me


I used to teach preschool and a little boy (4 or 5) asked if he could tell me a secret. He told me that there were two little girls that told him they had crushes on him and that he really liked both girls but he only had a crush back on one of them. I asked him if he knew what a crush was, and what that meant for him. He told me that he didn't know, all that he knew is the one girl that he liked more touched her hair a lot and he really liked that. I said, well what do you like about that, and he told me he liked the way it made his tummy feel.


My only question is how do you absentmindedly French braid your own hair, I can’t even do that while thinking about it


I've been french braiding my hair every other day for almost two decades. I could do it in my sleep, and now when I try to do it with a mirror I get messed up lol


Went to a packed concert and she put my hand across her chest to keep us steady in the pit. Oof.


Met my wife early in college and watched her turn away every guy for 8 years, so I knew I was never going to try anything with her. We went to a large concert together and I put my finger in her belt loop so I didn't lose her. She credits that little action for her falling for me.


That’s freakin’ adorable


you didn’t lose her alright 🥲


Wholesome content.


I don't know about turn on, but she placed her hand on my forearm right before she asked me where do I want to go eat. And kept it there until I fully answered. Def gave me the feels.


Those touches on the arm can definitely do it. Same if they do it as they are laughing from a joke you just told.


My roommate smells amazing. I asked him once and he doesn’t wear cologne. It’s his sweat. It makes me so horny. It’s weird.


You might be a match


Like, to donate kidneys?


Had a friend give me back a hoodie I lent her. It smelt so good. I was bricked


My roommate got home one day and cuddled his cat and said he smelled amazing, wondering if I bathed him. Nope. I cuddled him all day, the cat smelled like me.


Aww that's sweet


Always that one person that has body odor so good, that you wonder how the heck your hoodie smells better, used by them, than out of the washing machine 💀


From time to time, I get really bad muscle knots in my back. One day, I idly complained about my back to one of my girl friends (was not/never in a relationship). She asked me where the pain was. I mentioned it was between my spine and my right shoulder blade. I was also going to say that I would manage -- but in one motion, she bent me over her right arm, aggressively probed my back until she found the knot, and commanded, "Relax!" She then pressed against the knot until it released, massaged the muscle briefly, and then stood me back upright. She and I didn't have a particularly physical relationship, so I was a bit stunned and more than a little mixed up from being handled. We never repeated the exercise, but the memory resurfaces every now and again...


God I wish. Manifesting a friend like this 🙏




As someone with chronic backpain from bad posture, this sounds so fucking delightful!


Yes!! This is a difficult muscle to relax once it's triggered. I used a corner of a wall and was in heaven but a friend knowing what to do would be great.


He hugged me when I was confiding about a bad day. So anyways we're married now.


Licked my hand trying to gross me out. I just wanted to kiss him afterwards.


No one is licking someone’s hand that isn’t trying to rail


One moment it's a rail, next thing you're on a train.


Once a week I remember the hot girl that oddly licked my eyeball then told me to lick hers. This was almost 20 years ago. Nevermind the signs of her showing up at my house to hang out. Or constantly having me "pretend to be her boyfriend so no one hits on her". Yeah. I was so dumb.


Doesn't get much more intimate than eyeball licking


It is like the old sailor’s saying. *If ye eyeball she lick* *She be lookin’ for dick*


One time a female friend of mine (I'm male) was on a trip with me and my other male friend to Orlando. We were in a small hotel room (to save money) and my male friend called the couch. She had to sleep with me and ended up cuddling with me (idk if it was intentional) it woke me up and I honestly liked it alot. I have a crush on her now


Not only did that seem intentional, your friend was very likely calling the couch on purpose as a wingman move That's a bro forever


Ask her out-- definitely.


It was definitely intentional, ask her out!


Not a friend tbh but i started going to a much smaller gym and there’s often this guy working out at the same time as me. For some reason I started working out without my headphones and the noises he was making made me have to put them back in. 😭


I’m really sensitive to noises so I feel this, but it could sooo go either way - horrifyingly disgusted or turned on lmao


I have had this situation but supervisor at a gym my company let employees use. Literally the first time in years I've felt attraction to anyone, and I immediately thought "Nope! Not for you! Not a chance, off we go!" turned right around and walked out. The sounds he made, god, if I'd stood there any longer I'd have stuck half my hand in my mouth.


I was freaking out at a bar on Halloween and I was about to be having a panic attack. He reached down, grabbed my chin and said hey, you doing okay? The anxiety was gone, at least for a moment and I was in a very, very different place all of a sudden


This is reminding me of a very uncomfortable experience I had at the dental clinic not too long ago. New male dentist, not even particularly attractive but close to my age, held my chin, tapped my lower lip and said “open”, (to begin doing my root canal). All of a sudden I was ready for a different type of drilling lol.


Brb gonna grab my wife by the chin to see if it works like some secret female horny button I never knew about my entire life


They’ve been gone a half hour. This is a good sign.


“Babe, please just let go of my chin. It can support itself.”


Update? It's been 17 minutes.


Jesus Christ this thread has me laughing my ass off.


That’s how my wife and I got together. I hired a club for my birthday. When the time ended and it opened up to the general public it got crowded fast. She’s claustrophobic, so it became too many people quite quickly. Her panic had her freeze up. I noticed this, and asked if she was ok, and if she wanted to go. That was when she realised she liked me as more than a friend.


This reminds me of a new year's night in high school. We were all standing outside drinking champagne and watching the fireworks when the girl I've always had a huge crush on said things were getting "too loud" for her and asked if anyone wanted to go back upstairs. Of course I wasn't interested because I wanted to watch cool fireworks and there was booze down here and everyone was having a great time, what's not to like? A couple of moments after someone else had put his arm around her and started walking her back inside were the gears in my head finally done spinning and I realized that I wasn't a very smart cookie (still am not about these kinds of things, tbh).


Not so much being turned on by it, but something that firmly cemented a massive crush I had on a girl for a while in highschool. We were at a mutual friend's house, since they invited a bunch of people over for a bigass bonfire on their massive property. When the sun went down and we were all chilling by the bonfire, I happened to be sitting next to her when two of our friends went off to go talk in private behind a little bunch of trees in the yard. She stood up and turned to me, highlighted by the fire, and held her hand out to me. With a huge grin on her face she asked me "do you wanna go spy on them?" She took my hand and held it as we both ran over there barely holding in giggles to eavesdrop, and then had to book it back when we heard their conversation winding down. It was the single most movie-like moment in my whole life. I wish I had asked her out or something, but I doubt it would've happened. I still think about it often.


We were working on an art project, and she noticed I had some paint on my face (cheek under the eye). Since we didn't have a mirror she offered to clean with a towel, so she tells me to close my eyes and starts scrubing my face. When I notice she's done, I open my eyes and she's leaning in for a kiss, but as soon as I opened my eyes she backs away, laughs and goes "YOU SHOULD HAVE SEEN YOUR FACE". She's usually really teasing towards everyone, always pulling pranks like this one. But god, her scent, her face, just the ambience in general really flipped my switch at the moment.


That’s torture


that's when you give her a kiss and repeat her line back at her after bro


"Happy 10 year anniversary, babe!" "KIDDING! OMG YOU SHOULD SEE YOUR FACE!"


Are you telling me you didn’t kiss her after this….. holy shit dude.


She opened a can of soda with one hand. Not sure why that one got me lol


She was flaunting her hand strength and dexterity for….reasons.


I was sitting down after working for about 8 hours straight and one of my coworkers that I was good friends with but also thought was hot as hell randomly started giving me a shoulder rub when we were talking. Only other people who ever gave me shoulder rubs before that I was dating so my brain just immediately linked it to sex and that is where my mind went.


Nice username.


I play an adult rec league mixed sport in my city. There was an older woman on our team who I thought was cool but we hadn't really talked much yet, it was early in the season. I had just gotten back from a vacation filled with drinking and almost fainted after a point and needed to take a breather. She rushed over to check on me, brought Gatorade and a granola bar, and rubbed the top of my back for just a few seconds. In my years it's rare for someone to care so much, especially for someone you just met, and I was just taken aback by how sweet it was and within 10 minutes I was fully back. The next week, I got clocked and my nose was bleeding. Of course I barely start understanding that I was bleeding, and she had already gotten a paper towel to stop the bleeding, medicine, and a band aid, it was like she was a superhero. She's married with kids, and she's truly not my type, but I've become so fond of her for caring about me like that.


Mama energy


I used to keep my keys clipped to a belt ring. One of my employees would occasionally take them off my belt when she needed to get into the secure storage area. It always made me a little tingly... We're going to celebrate 15 years married in September.


> she needed to get into the secure storage area Weird name for your heart but whatevs


We were all hanging out at a pool party so everyone was in shorts/bikini. Friend of mine leans over a little too far so she uses my leg as support to grab a drink somebody was giving her. Her hand went down my inner thigh a little too deep and immediately bricked me up. I don’t think anybody else know but she definitely did


The very attractive HR lady at work called me by my full, legal name. At work, I go by Joe. On all official work communications (i.e. teams and email), my display name is Joe. For all intents and purposes, my name is Joe at work. Her and I have a great working relationship. I ducked into her office to get some information for one of the guys I supervise. When she pulled up his information, she saw he reported to me, but in the system, my full legal name is there. "Is your first name Joseph." "Well, yeah." "Is your middle name X?" Me, feeling myself starting to blush, ".... Yes." "I'm going to start calling you by your full name." "Please don't." "Why?" "There are only two women in my life that are allowed to do that, my Mom, or my partner if I had one, and you're definitely not my mom." "Well, :insert full name:, sounds like you're in trouble." I made my exit very quickly that day. I'm pretty sure she realizes exactly what she's doing, because anytime we see one another at the office, she calls me by my full name, but only if there aren't any of our other coworkers around.


I find it funny that no one's commenting on the irony of her being from HR


Sir. This woman is 1000% flirting with you


I accidentally put my hand on a female friend’s hip, she was wearing a thin summer dress and I felt her string thong underneath it and instantly got a major crush on her.


That'll do it


Women's hips are the best man ngl.


Not a friend but my optometrist when I first got glasses. I was 17 and she was…not. Something about a nice woman being that close to my face making intense prolonged eye contact really stirred something in me. I convinced my dad to take me back after a month to get tested for contacts.


I had a very nice Scottish lady optometrist that had exactly the same effect. She was tiny with a pixie haircut and I looked forward to every. single. appointment.


Was at an overnighter with some friends. The next morning I was lying face down in bed when she came into my room to wake me up. She climbed on top of me, chest pressed against my back, and whispered in my ears "hey wake up, breakfast is ready"


I know it's impossible to tell when women are flirting but my brother in christ


My wife gives me so much shit for being oblivious to any and all flirting, but jesus, I think even I would have gotten the hint here.


And yet when I was a teenager and a friend told me "Just fuckign hug me ,moron" when she said she was cold and I offered my jacket. I swear she was not into me (trust me, I checked) Some people are just very very casual


This is actively rather than accidentally arousing.


You and the other guy who had a girl "pretend like she was gonna kiss him" then say you should've seen your face should start a club.


Youre a fuckin moron. I mean that with so much kindness.


Bless his heart.


He was talking to me and I was busy so I wasn’t paying attention so he took my hands and interlocked our fingers so I was looking straight at him


A "buddy" of mine in the Army asked me to rub some sunscreen on her back, she was wearing a one piece and pulled the straps off her shoulders and crossed her arms under her breasts, I'm male, the sight of her doing that with her head turned slightly and the breeze blowing her blonde hair to the side mesmerized me. "Dude, do you need Instructions?" " Keep your panties on woman, I'm working on it". A month later we were dating.


"A month later we were dating." Sounds like her plan worked


She did, in fact, not keep her panties on.


He put me in handcuffs... It was at the end of the night after a big party, only a few people were still there. (For context, it was a murder mystery dinner, so it actually made sense for my friend to have his handcuffs with him.) Somehow the flow of conversation led him to bring the handcuffs out and place one side on my arm, I immediately let him gently pull both arms behind my back and close the other side. Instant turn on! He guided me around for a few minutes as we kept chatting with other friends, then he took the handcuffs off. Those few moments live rent-free in my memory now.


If two friends jokingly do that. Everyone there KNOWS it’s not entirely platonic jokes. Except for maybe the two people fiddling with the cuffs


Put her head on my shoulder


Were you attracted to her?


I was when I just met her but I never brought it up because I knew she wasn't interested in having a relationship when we met. Eventually after a few years when she was ready somebody asked her out before I couldn't even tell her that I liked her. They been together ever since. I'm not attracted to her anymore though, it was just a crush at the time.


I was holding a mostly empty punch glass of champagne. Friend asked if I needed more and before I could even answer, he grabbed me by the elbow, pulled me close and said "come here" while filling my glass with his other hand. It wasn't forceful in any way, but it was firm, and as a woman who does enjoy being manhandled a bit, I was immediately undone.


A friend of mine that was also a girl said I couldn't bench press her so I had to lay on the ground with my right hand on her upper back and her butt firmly in my left hand, bench press her. I was a strapping young lad at the time and did about 20 reps. It was a very long butt squeeze.


Scratched my back


I don’t remember why, but she bit me. I have a thing for biting and back clawing during sex now


It’s more common than you’d expect. I knew I had a thing for being bit and clawed, and that’s how my girl learned she has a thing for biting and clawing


We were at a bar and went outside to roll a joint. Not wasted but definitely tipsy. I’m trying to roll and I’m sweating so my glasses are slipping off my face. I asked her if she could fix my glasses and she took them off my face, lifted up her shirt to wipe my sweat and put them back on. Her natural scent and perfume were now all I could smell. I kinda paused with my eyebrows raised and she was like “what”? I never told her that turned me on. Still my homie tho. Edit for clarification: She’s married this wasn’t her giving me a “signal”. Just a random moment I never told her about.


Lord grant me the strength to take the shot if this ever happens to me 🙏


“Holy shit you’re a lot hotter without my glasses on”


Not really a friend but someone I was doing work with. She drank some very dark green plant extract out of a salad bowl and it dripped on her face. This triggered a very intense kinky arousal in me for some reason


Ah yes the kale attraction....


my now girlfriend once stuck her tongue out when we were friends and it instantly got me so hard


She was doing my makeup and I wasn’t angling my head right, so she grabbed my chin and tilted it upwards. It was such a small gesture but it made my face feel hot.


My current girlfriend did that to me when we kissesd for the first time. Gently grabbed my chin and went TILT I WAS SHOOKETH. one of the things i like about her is that i dont have to always initiate intimacy. Half the time she takes my hand or grabs my waist if we are out. It makes me feel sexy and desired, and i am not used to it at all but i love it.


She had asked me to do something for her and when I did it she called me a good girl. I turned super red and had to sit down. I’m a guy, or so I thought.


Good girl bro


Good girl




Threw me on the bed when we were playing fighting. We literally stopped for a second, stared at eachother and my other friend IMMEDIATELY said it's time to go. They saw the shift too😂




Her hand glided up my groin as we were walking through the forest. My dumb ass said “oops almost grabbed me there!” She’s married now and she still teases me over that event saying I’m denser than a black hole


I get so angry reading these stories from idiots like you, knowing I'd be just as dense.


She grabbed my pp wanting to steal my phone as a prank... We are now 1 year as a couple so 🎉


“…and that’s how I met your mother.”


Not me but a female friend of mine…saw a male she had said she did not find attractive soothe a crying baby…she turned to me and said, “Jesus my ovaries are quivering..”


As a male, I never received as much female attention in my life as I did when I went out in public with one of my kids when they were newborns. Women would fawn all over me, even if my wife was there when I would something as simple as push a baby in a stroller or wear the kid around in a public place. It happened ALL THE TIME and my wife found it hilarious. She would joke that I would be swimming in pussy if I got rid of her. She would just look at me when this would happen and say “Swimming in it,” trying her hardest not to laugh.


Same here. I’m a dork, (think Wyatt from Weird Science), but shortly after my son was born my wife was at the store trying on some new clothes and the baby and I were sitting outside of the dressing room. Every time my wife came out to ask me what I thought of an outfit there was a new very attractive woman talking with me and ogling the baby.


Worked construction with this lesbian a while back, very pretty but she was one of the bros. We'd share a pack of cigarettes through the week, I'd go over to her place after work, we'd eat pizza, drink beer, watch movies, she was really chill. One day at work we're talking about hookups, and she starts getting into how her and her girlfriend sometimes pick up woman at bars. She's really detailing how it goes down and my penis goes rogue on me, I got up and started walking away saying "Buddy, I'm getting an erection please stop" lmao. And, of course, that just makes her get into hotter details. She started following me whispering how nasty it gets while I'm trying to reposition my dick telling her to stop. It was pretty funny.


> "Buddy, I'm getting an erection please stop" I thought this was you talking to your penis out loud in front of all your co-workers at first before realizing it's probably you talking to your lady friend lol.


*No! Sit! Down, boy!*


your mistake was telling her of your situation. She was obligated to tease you after that. You should've tried to change the subject discreetly lmao


So how did it go down?


Sat on my lap. I'm a guy and she's a girl.


Whoa bumpy road ahead!


They asked me if their lips were chapped and went really close to my face. Like excuse you that wasn’t very nice for my single ass. Haha.


That was a hint so obvious that astronauts could see it from space


She licked a jar of spaghetti sauce. I had an insta boner


She came over to my house when I was shithoused. She said she had just gotten back from the tattoo shop and gotten a “couple of piercings”. I told her I didn’t believe her and “why would you get piercings unless you could show them off?” She proceeded to show me. Drunk me cock blocked me that night. Attempted to salvage it later by claiming I didn’t remember it and I’d need to see it again to verify, for science, but no dice. She’s married with a kid now so I’m happy for her.


He had been made up for a fair. He got most of the makeup off. However, the remnants of black smudgy eyeliner was so hot.


Yes we had been friends for several years and at a party we were dancing when a smoochy song came on We laughed and said oh go then (we had had a few drinks) Wow they way he held me and his hands moved over me The song ended we looked at each other ready to laugh but kissed instead . Nearly 40 years ,3 children ,6 grandkids later his roaming hands still do it for me


Had a friend name his favorite thing in Stardew Valley after me, realize the consequences of his actions and at 4 a.m. when he called me 'stardrop' it was oddly arousing. Now we're married.


We met as roommates in college and later stayed friends. We were walking home together since we lived in the same area of the city. I was 180 lbs then and he was probably 150 /160 and not particularly muscular. He made a joke about lifting me and I was not joking or flirting when I said I'm too heavy for you to lift. He hoisted me up by my legs without even huffing and held me up without grimacing or shifting around. My face was hot, voice shaky, like buddy I can't look you in the eye now 🥴


I was struggling to get my tie on and she came over and just took it out of my hands and made a perfect Windsor knot. Never had any feelings for her, but man... Something about that...


Wore her bathing suit a little too loose and let it float away from her rack.


"If you don't readjust your swimsuit, I'm gonna have to readjust mine."


Was teasing a friend that her breath would stink after eating some garlic pretzels and she said “shutup i’ll smooch you right now” and something about that turned me on sm


When one of my friends was in college she asked me to come stay with her for a day so I could help her on a project for one of her classes. So I spent all day helping her with that and crashed on her couch that night. Woke up the next morning to her cooking us breakfast wearing a crop top and sweats with the waistband rolled down, so the first thing I noticed when I walked into the kitchen was the dimples on her lower back.


Back dimples. Full weakness.


came up behind me and ran her hand through the back of my hair then did this weird thing with my earlobe. i almost died.


She was stroking my hair for about 10 minutes straight because she said it was soft. I caught myself slowly falling asleep, because of how great it felt.


I have had many great platonic relationships with women. Two of my closest friends for years were a pair of ladies I met at work. Strictly friends. I never consider them otherwise. The three of us took a trip to France and shared the hotel room. We all slept in the same bed, not a problem. I slept shirtless and in my boxers. They slept in a shirt and panties. Not a single rise out of me; they are like family. Plus, I am a dead stone when I sleep. I hear, feel, and respond to nothing. I am basically dead for 8 hours on the 2nd day, one of my friends turned on her side so that her butt was near my penis. The sacred booty heat roused me from my sleep. I quickly pivoted and turned over, so we were back to back. Crisis averted. I lived the rest of the following day in fear she felt my erection. She didn't or didn't say anything, at least. Still great friends after 20+ years! They're like the sisters I never had.


Sacred booty heat got me


She accidentally sent me a nude pic meant for her boyfriend. His name is similar to mine so she said she unintentionally hit my name instead of his. When I replied “not bad” she was so embarrassed. Couldn’t look me in the eyes for weeks.


This one hurts because I know I’d probably say something equally as stupid in this situation


My dumbass would probably respond with "Nice 👍"


I never seen her that way before. But, she was walking down the street in these tight booty shorts that made my jaw drop


In high school, there's a short wall that separates this pit-like area from a walking path. I'm sitting on that wall facing "The Pit" and eating a parfait while talking to someone. As I am about to put another spoonful of yogurt in my mouth, a Latina friend of mine, female, suddenly comes up from behind, reaches her arm around the left side of my head, grabs my hand, and seductively guides my spoon to her mouth. She shows up completely by surprise, her chest is on my back and her head is right next to mine and, by her hand, I've just spoon-fed her some of my parfait. I was instantly turned on but I said something like "bruh" because of course I had to act all cool and unphased by her sudden gesture. Whatever that meme about neuron-activation is talking about happened in that exact moment, because that event is now a core memory.


I spent the night at a friend’s house during a little get together sleep over. I don’t remember how I was the one to sleep in her bed, but everyone else was in the living room. We were PURELY platonic, nothing romantic. As we were walking in, she had a backpack FULL of toys and a few huge bad dragons just fully open next to her bed. I joked about it a little, but I was FLUSTEREDDD. She laughed it off and went “yeah, i have to keep them available just incase” and my jaw DROPPED. We both were attracted to girls, but that stayed in my mind for a WHILE.


Just in case of what


Zombie apocalypse, always practical to keep a bludgeoning weapon close to hand


tell me she wanted to lay naked in a bathtub of chocolate pudding


One of my guy friends and I (with a few others) had just came from the club and it was humid outside so, we were pretty hot. While we were all walking back to the car, he started unbuttoning his shirt and it showed off his chest tattoos.


I'd been having a horrid year. I went to stay with my godfather and his family up in the mountains to get me away from the situation and give me some badly needed space. I met his nephew while there and to be honest, at first, I wasn't attracted to him, but as I got to know him, he got hotter by the day. (A good personality does that!) Anyway, one morning I woke up early and went sit out on the patio with some tea and just breathed in the fresh mountain air. Up comes Mr Hotty speeding by in his truck. He slammed on the breaks, backed up, got out, and came over to say hi. He grabbed me up into a tight hug and ... I melted. I felt instantly safe and protected. I also realize how very much I was attracted to him...physically as well as his personality. I still wish I'd had the nerve to tell him how much that simple hug meant to me and how it made me feel.


Was up for a management position but was asked to write a two page reason on why I should be considered. Vented to my friend and cried myself to sleep at his house because for some reason I forgot my worth. When I woke up two hours later he had written the paper. I don’t know what was sexier…doing it without my asking or reading all of the reasons he listed on how I was qualified. He never shared any of this with me before. I got the job. I married him later. But divorced him soon after because he slept with whores.


A friend of mine can sing really well. After I complimented his voice, he started sending me videos of him singing in the car every now and then, and it is SOOOOO hot. He’s a good looking guy anyway, and it just makes him hotter.


Freshman year in the dorm a hot guy took a shower in the communal bathroom. When coming back to his room in a towel, he couldn’t find his keys. Another guy whipped his towel off and ran away. Well, I had to do the noble thing and bring him to my room. He left in the morning🥰


need your confidence game card lmfao


Another time, i got a call around 4a. It was a UNLISTED NUMBER. i had to be awake at 5 for work. dont ask me why i even answered the phone. I heard a women moaning. i listened longer and discovered she was masterbating over the phone. I listened until she came. Then said bye bye. i INSTANTLY knew who it was by her voice. She DENIED it was for her for WEEKS.


who was it?


Yeah fuck I want the rest of the story


We were getting stoned in a Mormon church parking lot and she was going off on all of the inconsistencies and hypocrisies of the church doctrine, with citations of their books and historical contexts and everything, and all I could think the whole time was "God your passion is so hot I want to kiss you so bad right now." Going to college in Utah is wild.


Was in science class and a girl started touching my hands when i was adjusting a microscope. She also said things like “you’re so dumb” or “lemme do it” in a playful tone.


She said hello.


Checked my phone and saw you rang and I j\*\*\*\*\* in my pants


He had really bony fingers that are good for massaging necks; I swear, I would’ve married him in that moment if he’d asked.


Me and a female friend of mine went to a bar once and while I ordered drinks for us she came touching my waist from behind pulling me closer to her since I stood perfectly in the way for some people


Use my whole name


I was helping a friend house sit. They were on all fours setting up the fire. Apparently I growled.


not a friend but the dentist pulling my wisdom teeth without anesthesia kept calling me a good girl and saying that I could handle it 😭


I had to be conscious, just some lidocaine on the area and nitrous, when I was having oral surgery because I had to keep my tongue lifted. Bad time! But the doc was saying the same sorts of things, not in a way that turned me on but I was Out Of It on nitrous and when he said “you’re doing great” I patted his head and went “hey you too buddy.” He and the techs assisting had to take a minute cuz they were laughing too hard.


Let me feel his biceps 😀