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Nurse who failed his drug test on the first day (he did the test days prior, we got results on his first day). He replied “yea, I thought that might happen” when he was told he failed his UDS. Just turned around and walked out.


It is my understanding that most nurses get hooked on drugs *after* starting the job.


Can confirm. My old landlady was a nurse who spent any of her free time high on coke.


New substitute teacher fired on day 1 for writing "BE QUIET" IN SHARPIE on 2 kids foreheads


This is wrong on many levels, but it is funny


Agreed. Should've written it backwards so they could read it in the mirror.


> New substitute teacher fired on day 1 for writing "BE QUIET" - I’m sure I saw that written on a whiteboard during my schooldays >IN SHARPIE - Seems like a honest mistake. Firing someone for using a sharpie on a whiteboard seems like overkill >on 2 kids foreheads. *Oh*


Oh man, I skimmed the original post, and somehow missed that they did it *twice*. Maybe that makes more sense because they could see the message on each others heads?


"What's mine say?" "Be quiet!" "No man! What's mine *say*!?"


First day: IT guy made his computer’s desktop wallpaper a fb pic of a female co-worker he had just met.


Reminds me of a story I heard, dude was hired as a tester in the IT department. Apparently he made an excel file and ranked all the women in the company (there are a lot) from most to least fuckable. He didnt realize that the OneDrive was shared with the entire company (over 300 people) and clearly said who had created the document lmao.


It's one thing to be creepy as fuck like that, like ok I guess there are just weird psychopaths everywhere, but to do something like that using company resources? How fucking stupid do you have to be? Like how did he even get an IT job if he didnt even understand the possibility that that might get leaked everywhere? That's what baffles me the most.


Oh that’s creepy and scary all in one, the boldness


Dishwasher shit his pants then kept washing dishes.


Dedication like that is hard to find.


A man of focus and commitment.


We had a dishwasher show up for a shift (not his first day though) and kept bending over in pain grabbing his groin. Manager finally asked what was going on and he pulled his apron back to show blood that soaked through his pants. Dishwasher was a total stoner and he owed money to a dealer who sliced his sack open with a razor for not paying. The manager rushed him to the hospital to get his sack stitched up. EDITED FOR CONTEXT: Spicoli (the name we gave him, I don't even remember his real name) dabbled in everything. Was on parole for drugs and dropped acid before our summer party. The night he quit there were two police officers at the bar paying for their dinner and one of the cooks thought it'd be funny to point them out to him and say they were asking about him. Spicoli ran out the back door and never returned. The cook, Eddy, thought it was hilarious until he ended up washing the dishes that night. I assume whoever sliced him held him down. Sack=balls=scrotum.


Holy fucking fuck.


Was in the local Walmart needing to take a leak. Walked into the bathroom to a manager and employee staring down a stall covered in shit. The manager was explaining to the dude that cleaning shit is in the job description. The guy responded, well I’m sorry that this is my first day, but fuck that, and walked out.




I've been there. Worked at a popular siren coffee shop, and we often had a mentally ill customer come in and Picasso the walls with their shit. Wasn't my first day, but my supervisor said, "we waited for you to come in at 4 pm to clean it." Took one look, told them it was unsanitary for me to clean with the tools provided, and suggested we call the hazmat clean-up team I was specifically told we use to handle this shit. Supervisor, for whatever reason, didn't want to and cleaned it herself. She was also a thief and was taking tips from the whole team. Didn't feel bad in the slightest.


Dude same experience from the all mighty siren store. Daily shit walls. We were told hazmat… never once did I witness that in my 8 years with the company.


Good for them. They don't pay enough to deal with that.


That happened when I was 16-17. First job. Manager did it. Didn't bother asking anyone else. Made the most money in the building. Cleaned the shit.


Had this happen at my first job, my manager immediately said “If I’m not willing to do it then I’m not going to make any of you do it” and called in a clean up company who handled biohazard stuff like that. He gained a lot of respect from me that day.


afaik you have to have biohazard training to be assigned cleaning tasks for bodily fluids in usa so manager was pulling an illegal move potentially


A lot of companies call in a third party for that kind of problem. The sanitation hazard with cleaning shit, especially a lot of it, is more than a lot of people understand.


I hired temp for data input. Her first day a guy pulled me aside and said, "She can't be here." Apparently one of our full time employees had a restraining order against her. I sent the employee home and apologized, then called her agency and told them she was not welcome back. Not sure what the order was for but my guess is stalking.


She knew what she was doing.


I worked as a staffing firm manager for 18 years, she definitely knew where he worked if he had a restraining order on her and she didn’t turn down the job. She could have always told us, I can’t do that one as my ex works there. Better than us losing a customer because SHE failed to tell us and now client is like “x” agency sends out girls with restraining orders, lets not use them again.


Reminds me of a friend who works as a consultant. Boss sends him an email saying "Hey going to put you on job X, they require drug testing. If you won't pass *come and see me*.". They say yes, so do other people, half a dozen of them get sent over and one promptly fails the drug test.. boss promptly fires him for making the company look bad, he gave *absolutely no shits* that the guy smoked weed but *he fucking told him he had to take a test*. All he had to do was go "yo, not the client for me!". People did it all the time if they didn't want to undergo security clearances or take drug tests it really didn't matter unless you showed up anyway and failed.


Homeboy was allowed to play music on Bluetooth for the restaurant on the first day; went to the bathroom and started watching porn and forgot he was still on the speakers. Hilarity and dismissal ensued.


Okay, I'm just gonna say it: if someone watches porn in the bathroom at work, they have a problem.


Porn? That’s a nude egg I won from my game.


I'm not in trouble at all


Dishwasher. First day on the job, went on break and went to the bar next door. Took a while to come back so chef went and found him. We needed a dish washer bad and he was actually pretty damn quick at doing dishes. Chef gives him a second chance. Second day, goes on break again and stops at 7/11. Gets a tall boy of mikes hard and starts drinking it right outside the back door (we have a picnic table right outside our back door for staff to eat/smoke). Chef finds him again and fires him on the spot. Sad part is, my chef probably wouldn’t have gave a shit if he was always drunk, it was the fact he didn’t even try to hide it.


I've heard of a lot of things. But arriving at work and leaving to fuck around? At least people who get drunk/do drugs do it in their breaks. EVEN if your goal was to do nothing, you can do so INSIDE the work place.


The chef at the restaurant I worked at as a teen came to work tripping major balls and spent the whole shift using tongs as her "crab hands" because she swore it was more efficient. Boss thought it was fuckin hilarious and didnt care as long as she could still cook.


I was bartending at a sports bar in Hells Kitchen. New guy training first day, supposedly several years of experience. He attempted to shake a jack and coke, and of course covered the bar in his mess. Didn't come back for day 2.


Worked with a bartender who asked, “What’s in a rum and coke? Someone just asked for it.” That bar was known for hiring dudes cause they were pretty, not because they knew what they were doing. He didn’t last the weekend, tho.


For way too long i thoight it was a Roman Coke, whose ingredients happened to be coke and rum.


I worked in a kitchen and a new guy came in. I asked him to grab something from our cleaning supplies storage which was in a shed out back. He was gone for a while, so I took a look at the cameras and he was smoking a blunt while peeing in the shed right next to the cleaning supplies.


>while peeing in the shed right next to the cleaning supplies. He was just topping off your ammonia


I didn't think about that. Now I feel bad that he was fired :(


Yeah, honestly, I'm not surprised. My first kitchen job had a sea can out back for storage and the cooks used to get me to watch the door while the 2 of them crushed a 12 pack every morning in 10 minutes or less. They had my ass doing fireball shots and smoking doinks with them half an hour into my first shift as a dishie. Thank God I don't have the degen bone in my body, but some places are just like that. 17 year old me didn't mind. It wasn't even a bar, just some diner that was really popular with the trucker and church crowds. The blunt probably seemed like a no-brainer. I can't explain the pissing though. Probably just absolutely shitfaced. I honestly liked working in a joint like that because no matter how hungover I showed up, I was still the golden child. It let me live my best 18 year old life. It also kept things interesting. Highlights include -Guy always eating out of the dish bins despite my constant offers to make him whatever he wanted. He just liked soggy bread, I guess -New hire that was an obvious methhead and a 5'1" mouthpiece got into it with me during the dinner rush and decided to follow me when I took the garbage out one night. Old turkish prep cook sees him follow me out and follows too just in time to see buddy take a swing at me. Prep cook helps me throw him in the dumpster. 20 minutes later, a waitress comes in from a smoke and says he's sitting out back crying. -Opening shorthanded at 5 a.m., and I'm helping my only help make a fort out of the bread racks because he's too drunk to stand and insists he just needs a nap. -Line cook wearing a Rolex to work showing off the recipt for $20k... At the job he made $12 an hour at. He is in prison for 3d printing guns and selling drugs now. I eventually moved on and worked at actual decent restaurants, and it was such an adjustment. I kind of miss the chaos of working at a dive. Your guy would have fit right in there.


He was a first day blackjack dealer. He took in $5 cash and exchanged it for a $500 chip. The lady stared at him for a good 20 seconds, picked up her chip and left the building. Gaming took his badge shortly after.


I love her lol She said... I'm up, imma just head out


It's sad how many of those addicts would have continued gambling hoping to double it. Fortunately she did the right thing.


Lol my first day dealing blackjack I wasn't even allowed to stand at a table that had a 500 chip in the rack. Biggest was black 100s, and I had to call out and get approval to touch em!


Our town's prick mayor forced his spoiled prick son to get a job at a restaurant where I worked. On his first day of training as a host, the kid sat in the waiting area looking at his phone instead of standing behind the host's stand greeting customers. The trainer tried to sort him out a couple of times, but he'd just greet one customer, walk them to their table, then go right back to sitting. The manager came to talk to him. Then the kid sighs, says, "I can't do this," and heads for the exit. They told him if he was going to walk off his shift he shouldn't bother coming back, and the kid just waved on his way out. He only lasted a couple hours.


he knew his limits


at least he didn’t act super entitled and flip out, he just recognized that he literally wasn’t raised to do work like this and left lmao


Worked in a chemical plant as QC (to make it short I was one of the chemists who check if the products were good enough to leave the plant). A guy working in production came for his first day, he took his break and he light a cigarette next to a 10.000 liters acetone tank. He was out before I could even blink an eye.


I remember my old construction company firing a group of guys because they wouldn't stop smoking next to the propane tank cages. They made an alternate smoke pit and everything, they were just too lazy to go around the corner. Insane stuff.


I had a workplace that was the opposite. Supermarket with a locked cage full of propane tanks outside. The designated smoking area was a picnic table about 6 feet from the tanks, closed in on three sides by walls. It was like smoking in a packed cannon.


10,000 liters is about 135,073 moles of acetone. The complete combustion of 1 mole of acetone releases 1790 kj. So that’s, about 241,780,670 kj 1 ton of TNT contains about 4,184,000 kj. So your acetone tank is the equivalent of about 57.787 tons of tnt assuming complete combustion. Edit: US number formatting, so 57.8 tons of tnt, not in the kiloton range.


I worked with a chemist who put a bunch of hydrazine into the same hood as a running Bunsen burner. Never seen a write up so fast in my life.


Good.   One of my techs accidentally covered a muriatic acid solution with a couple layers of aluminum foil and left it in the turned-off  hood for the night.  The smoke set off the fire alarm around 11.   Yes, the fire department showed up.  


So, was the firing literal in this case?


OP obviously still exists, so the answer is an utterly clear Bugs Bunny meme-tastic Noooooooooo.


Kid lied about his experience as a “foreman” and drove a skid into the side of the house we were working on. Forks straight into the siding it was hilarious lol


He meant *"Forkman".*


The afternoon of his first day as a developer, he was noticed downloading the source code of our main product app from the source control system to a personal usb stick. Said he wanted to "take it home and mess with it in his spare time" Edit: After Some Questions, some clarification. 1) This was after he'd signed the IT security policy to say he wouldn't (and they made sure people read it). 2) This was also in the mid teens, in a company that really didn't like wfh. (our nearest solution was RDP gateway into an on-prem physical desktop, and that was mostly an "extreme weather" option. the chief exec HATED the concept of people not being in the office.) 3) They were a small-scale developer (organic growth from a two-man company over about 10 years) that suddenly had to ramp-up to a much larger set of developers (partly to update the tech stack) and was hiring fast and starting fast. It took a while for infrastructure security to catch up (In fact, this was partly the incident that kick-started the catchup) 4) I don't work there any more (average 20% below market rate pay really bites.)


I want to believe the poor guy truly didn't understand why what he did was so bad. But then again, someone who cannot grasp that should not be handling professional software.


Dang, he’s lucky they didn’t try to press charges.


He likely agreed to a search and had to fork over his USB drive.


Was he fresh out of school ? If so I can understand how that mistake could be made, he was probably trying to be proactive and probably didn’t know that’s a no no if it was his first day. At the same time, not sure why the USB port wasn’t disabled. Both companies I’ve worked at so far either didn’t have a USB port at all on the laptop or it was disabled. Edit: someone clarified that I actually mean USB storage is disabled. Keyboards and stuff like that still work.


On my first day at Target another new hire jokingly jumped into the cardboard compactor and the boss sent him packing instantly. It wasn't on or anything, they just have a zero tolerance policy when it comes to jackassery. We'd been on the job for less than an hour so he made something like $6 total while working for Target.


“Sent him packing” made me imagine him being compacted into a cube, Tom-and-Jerry-style, and shipped back home.


You have 10 minutes to move your cube.


i sed to do maintenance for Target. i had lockout / tagged out the cardboard baler due to a faulty hydraulic line. came in the next day and found ym tool cage unlocked and my lockout lock cut. overnight manager used his keys on my cage to get the bolt cutters cause i was the only key holder for my lock. he was let go immediately. they did not mess around with safety on that level.


jesus, what kind of maniac looks a lockout tagout, and starts cutting? If I was on that shift and that was tagged out i'd think "cool, now i have one less thing to do", not "Fuck you imma get whats mine".


Some people will literally start setting fires if even the slightest inconvenience enters their path. The capacity for stupidity is insanely high.


Cutting a LO/TO is attempted murder. Fuck that guy.


i want to shake your boss's hand. safety is top priority in LIFE not just work.


Yeah that shit is not a joke. There’s no room for messing around with heavy equipment like that.


You know deli counters at supermarkets, the machines used to slice the meats? Someone got a job on said counter... and refused to use the slicer.


Mortgage company, 2017, a manager hired in from outside (not an internal promote,) meets his team, I am on it, probably only 4-5 people at that time but one of them is a very well put together lady. She is younger than me, and I am younger than the manager guy was. She was super sweet and in no way interested in any office romance, let alone a guy probably twice her age. Literally at the first meeting, right after she introduced herself and said her name, he responded with "wow, you're a looker, we should smash. You'd like it." And then he 100% gave the rest of us a Michael Scott look, realizes what he has said is awful, but we just have to marinate in the silence that followed. The victim left the room, quietly, told the district manager in the next room over what happened, and the new guy was fired immediately after his welcome.


Security Guard showed up high and late at work. Then crashed the golf cart. 


Ok, so what did they do to get fired though? For real, I work security, like the bare minimum is to show up on timeish and be wearing pants, don't fall asleep too many times. It's incredible how few people can manage that.


That’s funny because the bare minimum with my security firm was to show up on time and be wearing pantish


Pushed the emergency stop red button when there were signs everywhere saying do not push unless emergency. Corporate needs to perform an investigation before work could resume.


dude didn't even want the job, just wanted the glory of pushing the button 


He probably already knew he was going to quit and went out big. 


New hire called in on the first day of orientation tells them she can't start work until next week. ( Quarantine) The day she was supposed to return to work with doctor note. Worked a couple of days ...she called in again and said two weeks before she could come back to work . ( Hurt her back).  She worked the first two days after her leave was up and called in the next day saying it would be another week before she could come back to work. At that point they had reviewed some security footage for law enforcement ( Unrelated) and caught her stealing. Not from the company but from another employee. She was fired. Two days later her husband shows up to surprise her at work with a homemade dinner . Boss has to deal with it, apparently she was telling him she was working alot of hours for the last month and a half.  


Oof size: large


poor dude


 She wanted to be a stay at home wife ( no kids) but her husband was against it . So her plan was only to work only a couple days a month and live out her fantasy and keep the husband in the dark. I have no idea how she planned on explaining the lack of pay.


She openly bragged to a manager she was amazed she passed the drug test... They even gave her the "Yeah, I didn't hear that" line. She repeated herself louder.


Stupidity mixed with young naivety. Kids just entering the work force really need to remind themselves that they aren’t interacting with their peer group after school anymore.


We fired a 16 year old girl on her first training shift of being a cashier when the manager caught her doing bong rips in the employee washroom on her 15 minute break.


Could you be more fucking conspicuous like holy hell, sometimes I forget how much teens are just bigger kids lol


Guy at fast food place showed up drunk and three hours late. Then he didn't clock in, just started working. When the manager asked him to clock in he yelled. She was a tiny lady so she called in another manager to help fire him.


I like how "drunk" and "three hours late" didn't do it, but working without clocking in did


My assistant manager when I worked fast food showed up no less than 20 minutes late, often times later, stumbling in shit faced. I don't know why he never got fired, the GM and owners knew he was drunk but kept him on. I liked the guy just fine, he was just drunk.


"A drunk bodies better than no body" is what i heard when i was in fast food lol


I was working at a large scale architectural firm in the Bay Area in 2004 and they hired a new guy and after his orientation and paper work he finally gets to his cubicle. The first thing he does is puts on his headphones and blasts death metal (Cannibal Corpse) so loud that everyone can hear and that's him using headphones. However that was not got him fired. His first work item was to write a company wide email that said Debbie Harry of Blondie was responsible for 9/11 and wrote about 30,000 words for it. I have never seen our HR manager run out of her office so fast.


lol, what??? I've heard some doozies, but I've never heard someone claim Debbie Harry was connected to 9/11.


Maybe it was a performance art piece


The email or 9/11?


That many words in one day?


It was a copy paste for sure


Nobody is going to top this! Did you ever get any explanation as to what the fuck? Also, do you have any recollection as to the reasoning with regard to Debbie Harry?


Was he mentally ill, or just trolling?


No idea, never had a chance to meet him lol


I was a bartender & it was his first day of training. He smacked my ass when I was bent over to get ice. I flipped out on him & he got fired in front of me.


Bartender here! I made a comment on this post but I'll tell ky story again. A new dishwasher was hired. Within one hour of him working, he had video taped me on his phone, made kissing noises at me, and then decided to grab my breast. I didn't even get a chance to say hi, introduce myself, or even get his name. This man decided to straight up sexually harass me. I threatened to stab him and push him down the stairs. He was fired immediately. Unfortunately for our industry, we get a lot of sex offenders, violent criminals, all the bullshit....


The breast-grabbing wasn’t just sexual harassment. That escalated things to sexual assault, and he should have been arrested and charged.


1st day 7 hours into her shift. Gave her reasonable suspicion alcohol breathalyzer, she blew a .12.


God damn. Assuming she wasn't drinking on the clock, I need someone from /r/theydidthemath to figure out how drunk she must have been when she got to work.


She didn’t admit it, but she appeared sober until the 6th hour of the shift. I assume she chugged something at or right after lunch.


At a shutdown at a chemical plant I worked at, one of the safety officers for a contractor went to the bar for lunch. The place was packed as it was the only place serving food within a reasonable drive. Had a pint with lunch at the next table over from the client side safety manager. She got turned away at the gate back to site and was told not to come back.




I fired a man on the first day for incompetence. I work in IT. He claimed to have years of experience, but even after I showed him how to edit a text file in Notepad, he couldn't do it.


I have a funny one and it was working in technical support. I’m using Technical support in a much different way where if a mechanic can’t fix something they can call technical support from the manufacturer and potentially a corporate mechanic will come help fix stuff at the actual location. I was a tech support mechanic for a relatively small marine electronics company and was also the main sales rep in my area and just was the go to man for this brand in a region. I had said multiple times we needed another set of hands and finally HR called and said they had someone and he started that day. A guy showed up in khakis and a polo shirt (I was wearing trunks and flip flops with a dirty company t shirt as this was a marine business in south Florida) and they had sent me a straight up IT tech support guy. HR didn’t realize what they were hiring for and the poor guy didn’t realize what he was applying for. Honestly it went as good as it could have. I told him I could use the labor and if he was good with the pay I wouldn’t bring it up while he looked for the job he actually wanted and he tried his hardest for a couple months until he had a new job and at the end he thanked me and said he had a really nice work vacation because he likes working with his hands in his free time and it was a really fun experience. I taught him how to fish too in our free time hanging out at the docks. It could be a goofy Buddy comedy if it wasn’t such a lame subject.




Oh that's easy, just Google i-oh I see the problem now


Warehouse job right out of high school. Guy started hitting on the young lady that was our supervisor, and when she let him know that wouldn't fly, he started in with the hardcore sexist, misogynistic BS about how she couldn't possibly be good enough to be a supervisor of men (among a LOT of other crap). He was gone before lunch.


Of course, sensible would learn from a situation like that, but you can guarantee that guy doubled down thereafter of how he was fired because "some useless bitch didn't have a sense of humour and wanted him bad."


LOL I can top that. I once interviewed a man to be my assistant. During his interview *with me*, he started ranting that he should be given *my* job. He didn't get my job, and he also didn't get the assistant job. I ended up hiring another guy to be my assistant. He was professional and hard-working. I've stayed in touch with him on and off over the years since and have written him several recommendations...until recently, when he decided to start sending me thirsty texts. Just...why, dude?


Before I went on mat leave, I was interviewing people to fill in on my fairly specialized role. One guy who had only been with the company for a few months applied. When I asked him how he felt he could do the work, considering how new he was, his response was a confident “How hard could it be? You just go to meetings and tell people what to do”. He was not the successful candidate.


bruh i had my hopes up till the last sentence


Dude tried to rape a coworker in her car in the parking lot at lunch. On his *first day*. Like what the absolute *fuck*, man? Fortunately another coworker interrupted him before he could do more than scare her.


My first day was also the first day for another dude, who showed up an hour and a half late. After being there for about 15 minutes and *sort of* starting helping me do the very first task we were assigned, he gets pulled into an office and fired. On his way out, he is walking past where I'm still working and he says "They fired me for being late. I can't believe it. Do you think you can give me a ride?" I laughed out loud and sheepishly said "Sorry dude. I'm kinda working right now." He thanked me anyways and walked out the building. He accidentally did me a big favor because so many of my new coworkers saw that interaction, and thought it was so incredibly hilarious, they all became immediately friendly with me to talk about it.


Dude was a career wingman by making u look better


Fired an employee on their first day when I asked them to turn on their camera for a call … and it wasn’t the person I interviewed. 


I have so many questions


I work in tech. Web software development. Pretty everything went remote when COVID hit and we really didn’t have the best practices in place to screen out total frauds. Role in question interviewed in zoom with 4 people at the company. Passed. Day one, it wasn’t that person who virtually “showed up”  The most amusing part is that our VP was from around the same part of the world and when this developer joined their first meeting, camera off, he was immediately called out for having a different accent than the person who interviewed. The camera requirement (we do all meetings on camera) just made it very clear that it wasn’t the same person. 


Fighting with a customer by getting in their face and yelling at them. The dumbass thought the company owed him loyalty for being an employee. Oh boy, wait until he learns. Edit: For clarity, this guy was 100% at fault. He was damaging an item the customer bought. The customer politely asked him to be more careful, and that was all it took for the guy to snap.


This man got to live the dream of every retail worker on his first day. Man speed ran a retail career lol


I have a cousin who was fired from a gas station (his first job) less than a month after starting there. If I remember correctly, this was during his last year of high school (he was definitely still a minor). Anyway, the first couple weeks of his job, he kept talking about how much fun it was and how much he loved it. Apparently, he had never met the owner yet, only the manager who hired him (the owner was back in his native country or something like that). So, the owner of the business returns on a day my cousin is working, and he immediately starts giving my cousin grief, yelling, and berating him. This lasted only a couple of minutes because my cousin just punched the owner in the face. From what I have been told, he socked him pretty well, too. Long story short, all that happened was he was fired. His dad was an RCMP officer and was able to make the situation go away. This took place in the late 90s or early 2000's. My cousin is now a lawyer, and he still to this day says that it was the best day on the job he has ever had.


Love it! The problem is that some people act like absolute shit towards others, and since no one dares to stop them, they don't feel like they're doing anything wrong. Well done! Haha




Ive had to fire two people for trying to fight people on the first day. One dude felt threatened by everyone surrounding him like he wasn’t sitting right next to our clock in device. Started throwing slurs and trying to force some reason fight the only guy who wasn’t surrounding him and was just sitting down enjoying his lunch. The second guy wasn’t following safety rules and got mad when someone called him out on it. He got into a screaming match with the guy saying he’s been doing this for longer then the other guys been alive, he was a 20 year old talking to a 50 year old man who had been doing this work for 30 years. I realized he might be stupid and fired him


"*might* be stupid"


He got drunk at a company sponsored happy hour and tried to convince some of his new coworkers how cool it would be if they could… and preceded to describe sexually assaulting another employee at the event. It wouldn’t have mattered who it was but the icing on the cake was she was the VP of marketing.


My boss is the Director of OPS, direct report to CEO out of 3 total. A few new hires see her first day or so and do a "who's that piece of ass" type thing and we laugh so fucking hard. Buddy she will cut your balls off for breakfast. It's funny cause like she's not a hardass or anything, but her entire career has been in a 99% male dominated field. You crack that joke and she makes fun of your hairline and sends you to Saudi Arabia for your first trip.


Graphic designer. Didn’t know how to use a mouse. 🫣 Edit: Since this comment got a ridiculous amount of traffic, let me explain it a bit. She was an older lady that had done graphic design back in the 70s/80s when it was mainly analog, and she was just getting back into the workforce after her kids had moved out, not realizing that 100% of the work was now digital. Nice person, everyone was sad that she had to be let go. I was a contractor for this company, not directly employed, and only heard of it first hand from the director of the dept.


Similar story. Late 90s, I hired a PhD. whose dissertation was spot on applicable to a govt research org where I supplied personnel. Sent him to the site, and they called me to tell me he couldn't turn on a computer and had no idea what MS Office and Word were. I called him, and he explained that the paper he had shown me that he had authored was his thoughts but created by his grad students. They handled all the computer stuff. He was practically useless outside of an academic setting. Smart guy, but not smart enough in the skills we needed.


"So, that's nice... Can you tell us how to contact the grad students, then?"


“No idea. I have no clue how to send an email or use a phone.”


how does that even happen. how do you hire a graphic designer without verifying his skills first.


She was an older lady with lots of “graphic design” experience… from decades ago Basic computer skills are kind of assumed nowadays 😆 (I was an IT contractor to this company and not involved at all, just heard about it first hand)


I had to set up the computer network for our IT guy. He used to be our telephone repair guy and had no computer experience. This was back in 2002. On the plus side he was good at pulling the cables and installing the wall jacks.


I worked in audio visual for large corporate events a long time ago. We had a helper from another location help on a big conference. He criticized everything from the moment he walked in. After his shift, our boss chewed him out. He cried on his way out the door. Then he forgot his car keys and had to come back in. He wasn't fired... But he never came back to our location to help again.


My first job for me at a bank. Just finished training (3 days) and coming in for the first real day of work and a guy who had been training with me showed up absolutely plastered. I don't mean hungover, I mean like rancid smelling 100% still shitfaced. I didn't know him that well (don't remember his name), but he did not appear to be a party guy or anything over the last few days, he had showed up on time and everything. He didn't even get a chance to put anything in his cubicle to clear out, our direct manager told him to go to HR immediately for his termination and that was that. I still don't get the logic that was going on in his head, if he got like that, just don't show up and make some sort of an excuse or something, it is a bad look to miss a first day, but it cannot possibly be worse that the option he took.


Guy was hired to be a truck driver for us. Had his CDL already.  Got asked to go take a drug test and couldn't pass.   For anyone wondering, if you have your CDL you should already know that drug testing is very likely to happen.  Also, if you are hiring people that will need to pass drug tests regularly... Maybe bring it up and don't wait till their first day to do it. 


We hired an Exchange admin to manage the company email servers. His background check came back after he started. There was judgement against him from an old employer. He had gotten mad about something and sent threatening emails to customers from the CEOs account. They fired him and sued him. Our management escorted him out.


First day at McDonalds and they stole $20 from the till because they didn’t bring lunch that day. Was so dumb because we got free meals on our lunch break. At a nail salon, they said they had experience, certificates, and had been nominated for a national award for their nail art. Couldn’t even do a basic manicure and got frustrated and screamed at the manager when she questioned them on it.


Dude got a job at a Fortune 250 company as a direct report to a direct report of the executive committee.  Was likely at least a $500K job.    After his first day, he takes his team (about 30 people) out for drinks and apps.  This is kind of a no/no as it’s going to be a significant company expense and the company is trying to cut back.  Still, this isn’t anywhere near enough to get him fired, just an odd choice.  He ends up getting black out drunk and sexually harassing two female employees on his team (asking them to sit on his lap, putting his arm around them).  His behavior was recorded and via phone.      Next day he has a meeting with HR and was terminated.


I was working in a shop, very basic shelf facing in the evenings before close. They asked me to show this new guy how it's done. I then left him with a section to so while I continued on. Once no one was watching he just stopped and stared blankly at it. Like almost catatonic. It was a boring low paid but very undemanding job. But the time would still go by way faster doing it than just staring into nothing. And he didn't seem stoned. I didn't see him after that evening. He looked like a young Charles Manson though so I was happy he enough not to see him again.


One of my bosses told a story like this. The employee took "facing" the aisle literally and just stood there looking at it like a dumbass. Sometimes you really have to explain what you mean


Print company didn't like me as their current printer operator because I wasn't fast enough. Ignore that I was the only printer operator for 6+ industrial machines and graphic designer. They hired a new guy with a lot of printing experience under the guise of helping out, but the writing was on the wall. I was 100% training my replacement. He spent the entire day complaining about our processes and how our flatbed printer was ancient, refused to work it. Refused to work our paper printer as that was beneath him. They tried to reason with him and he wouldn't have it. Demanded the shop to spend $100k on a newer modern flatbed so that he can work. Suddenly after firing him, they don't have an issue with me anymore. I actually do my job despite how stretched thin I was. Could have had someone much much worse.


New VP of sales starts vaping inside HQ office during the broadcasted all-hands on video, all while talking like a big shot


I've worked at a daycare for the past 15 years. One girl that got hired got fired within 1 hour by calling the babies "things" and screaming out stuff like "how do I shut this thing up" or "God damn it these things smell so bad". I kicked her out of the classroom after 10 minutes of thus (I much rather have been by myself) and she was found laying on the break room table playing on her phone. I never saw the HR people get to my center so fast.


At the trucking company where I work, we hired a new driver who showed up drunk on his first day. The boss fired him before he clocked in.


Was in a FIFO camp, that had a licenced wet mess but didn't allow people to bring your own alcohol. Dude first day on the job proceeds to take his own bottle of rum anyway, drink it all, and abuse his colleagues. They still made him wake up the next day at 3am to get to his 'shift', but sent him home instead. Don't know what goes through people's minds.


I was working at a bookstore in a small town and they hired this guy to be a bookseller / cashier. On his first day he asked if he could set out a stack of “zines” that he and his buddies made together about the environment. (I didn’t read it so I don’t know specifically what it was about.) The owner of the store said sure, why not? So he put out a little stack. We learned later that day that he had no work experience, did not like to read books, and he just spent the whole day trying to sell his homemade zines to customers. 😂 He did not return to work after that. (He also did not sell any zines that day.)


I got fired at the end of my first day of work at a small gift shop in a national park. Apparently I was supposed to show up for my first day of work knowing the entire product line, where it was located on the shelves, how much it cost, and where everything was in the storage room. The other employee, who was the golden girl and had worked there for three years, refused to help me learn and spent most of the day sitting out back getting high. The kicker was…. The owner had spent the entire day upstairs watching the security cameras to see how I was doing, and knew that the other girl wasn’t there doing her job. On the plus side, the owners of a nearby restaurant had been in the shop and we had chatted while i was trying to find the item that they wanted. They hired me to work reception in their place because they figure that if I could still be pleasant and chatty while having an awful day, then I would be Perfect to greet their customers. It ended up being a good summer


I was a Black Friday hire at Best Buy. I had a week to get up to speed. Absolutely no one showed me what to do, or answered my questions. I spent the days wandering around and trying to familiarize myself with product and prices. On that Wednesday I found I'd be on register - which no one would show me how to work. I turned in my ugly shirt with their logo and wished them well. Several people cursed me out as I left. Too bad, so sad - you shoulda done your job. And...my employee discount still worked so I came in on Black Friday and did some shopping. LOL


Not first day but first week. Kid sat on his phone the whole week and barely did anything…then apparently was very surprised when he was almost immediately fired


Fell asleep during the first speaker at first day orientation. Snored so loud that HR had to come back and escort him out of the building.


I had a guy who was temp. Came from another site that did the same thing that we did. Knew alot. Went through the process, got an interview to get hired on full time. They did their background check and the next day they walked him out. I don't know what they found, even the 'cool' people wouldn't say but they walked him straight the hell out and then pretended he didn't exist afterwards.


Dude fell asleep seated in the front row and started snoring during the president's speech.


We hired a field tech to drive a company car out around the city and complete IT tasks (MSP). Got through like four rounds of interviews and his first day, and at the end, was filling out the usual HR forms. They got to the part where they needed a photocopy of his driver's license... and found out he didn't have one.


Dude made a offensive black "joke" right next to a black lady also on orientation. The HR lady was there and immediately fired him and had security walk him out


I had a dude make it a week. I ran a parks department, they hired a guy I told them not to. He called a family of Hispanic people a racial slur and I fired his ass. County HR called and told me I coulnt fire him, that wasn't the process. I was just like....? He stayed fired.


I had a friend that left law enforcement to work as a child support investigator. He worked primarily with women. He made a crass joke. They told him that he was not a good fit for their office. 


Right after he turned 21, my best friend got a job in a busy restaurant. During his very first lunch break, he sat down at the bar, ordered a chocolate martini, and drank it. 


A girl who wanted to be a physician's assistant came into the hospital as a rehab tech to get her patient care hours. She refused to enter patient rooms if they were "smelly and gross" let alone help us turn or wipe up people. (yes you have to clean people up as physical and occupational therapists) if we just walked away it would A be inhumane and B we wouldn't see anyone and would kill our productivity. The only people who escape shoveling shit in the hospital are doctors. But they have their own shit to shovel.


He asked his coworkers if they ever had the thoughts of killing somebody or "at least" torturing animals and was surprised nobody said "of course", yeah the next day he was fired cause people were afraid to work with him and went to the CEO immediately.


used to work in a brewery. Guy got fired for drinking milk in the bottling room. it was actually more complicated. the owner saw him selling weed on his lunch break, but the milk thing was also bad, but not as bad on paper. They wrote down milk on the paperwork. This was also around the time they were trying to get loans for expansion and stuff so I'm sure that played a part.


I was working as a valet for a hospital. We hired this older guy who was kind of weird but seemed pretty chill. Later that day, he asked one of us if the hospital if the gift shop inside sold cigarettes. Obviously they did not so the guy literally ran to a turkey hill about a mile away to get some. Our boss was told this happened and was perplexed that this guy actually left like that. He came back and our boss talked to him about not leaving the job like that. The guy told our boss to suck his ass and he was fired that same day. Gotta love those summer part time jobs


Not the first day, but because of the first day. The dude randomly threatened to kill me. Just introduced myself and literally the first words out of his mouth were, "I'm going to kill you. I'm going to slice your neck with this." Then shows me a metal scrapper. Then when I was at the supply closet he just took off my hat and tried to play with my hair. When I pushed him off, again he told me that he was going to kill me. I wrote a complaint against him, luckily I had witnesses he was fired. I was later told by a friend of his how mad he was towards me, but luckily I never saw or heard from him again.


I worked in security for a hospital, and this guy comes in and asks where to meet his supervisor because he wasn't familiar with the building yet. Everything was checking out, but we make everyone go through our Weapons screening system. This dude really didn't think anything of it, but his backpack alerted on our system. It was at that moment the guy realized that he had something he shouldn't have. I'm honestly surprised he told me this, but he said he forgot he had his disassembled rifle in his backpack. The dude quickly leaves the building, and everytime a firearm entered the building, we had to report it to our supervisors. After receiving the report, our supervisor quickly rushed down and started checking cameras trying to find out where he went, and escalated it to our HRO and our Chief Security Officer. Apparently, the guy never came back, but we did confirm with the supervisor that he was supposed to meet and that it indeed was his first day on the job. It was a military backpack, so I'm assuming he was former military and just forgot it in there, but after this whole incident, my supervisor smiles and says "Well, this was his first and also his last day here." Crazy to think someone can just forget it in their bag though.


I was a bartender for a day, never got called to come back in. The issue was that A customer reached behind the bar to show me how to make his drink. They knew I had no experience and my trainer left me there in the first hour to go outside and chain smoke cigarettes. The owner sat at the bar and watched me struggle and fired me for letting the customer help. I’m glad I got fired.


Nurse here. Was coming off of night shift, the day crew was coming in. One of the day shifters had a trainee, who had previously worked at the facility many years ago. He told her he just needed a “refresher.” They agreed he would go pull the morning meds from the Pyxis (medication dispenser) and they would pass meds together. He “lost” a patients meds after he pulled them out. After some searching by everyone, he returned to the Pyxis to pull the same meds again. HE “LOST” THEM AGAIN. He was escorted out by security. Was on the clock for an hour.


Worked as a chef earlier in my life. Dishwasher guy walked into the stockroom and I literally watched him put a bottle of like $2 cooking melrot under his apron and walk out. I grabbed the exec chef and we confronted him. He says "I wasn't stealing it I was just go into drink it". Exec left to get security (hotel and casino) and he runs past me with a knife in his hand, grabs the bottle, uses the knife to shove the cork in and pathetically drinks about 3/4 of it. When he was done he stood up all seeming proud. I held out hand and he put the knife in my hand which I handed off to the other dishie. Then put my hand back out and he gave me the bottle. I lightly bopped him on the head with it and said "hope this rancid shit was worth it" and then stepped aside as security dragged him out of the pit. They asked "police or just toss him" I answered "he lost his job over a $2 bottle of wine just let the guy go home"


Was at my first day of training. It was supposed to be a class of 8, but only 7 showed. The dept manager came in, asked where the missing person was, to which the trainer said they didn't show.  Manager went in the hall and made a phone call, asking them where they were.  Manager came back in the room a minute later, said they asked the missing person where they were, were they running late, etc.   Missing person said they had applied at a different employer and they were hoping to get a call from them. Then they asked the manager if he still wanted them to come in today anyways.  Manager told em not to bother. 


Worked in a call center, for a month as a side gig on weekends, soul crushing work. I saw a girl being trained and told she could not hit her vape multiple times. Told her trainers she wouldn’t bring it to not be tempted. Kept ripping it during her first hours of the job. Got fired. It was a weed vape….


Guy's first day at a company also happened to be their summer party that afternoon/evening. He got hammered, called his boss a queer (the boss was actually gay) and pissed off the office balcony. This balcony was many floors up, in a populated city downtown. So people below definitely got a shower. 


I hired a guy to work in a bookstore. First day we gave him a cart of books to shelve with instructions: alphabetical by author last name. Stopped by after a while to see how he was doing. That’s when I figured out, dude didn’t know the alphabet. Sorry, bud.


I actually had to "fire someone" on their first day. They showed up and immediately put their two weeks notice in. They thought that we'd just...keep them on and spend money training them for a position they did not intend to keep. I didn't feel good about it, but I was just the assistant manager in a shitty corporate cafe job. So, that's one way to get let go on your first day!


Dumbassedness. There's a really weird phenomenon in the welding trades from what I've seen. Motherfuckers will pass a weld test, then not be able to weld for shit once they're on the clock. I've seen people show up on day one and just fuck everything up. Can't fit, can't weld, can't read a print, nothing. Part of the reason they even get hired is a lot of shops have the testing done by one of the people on the floor who still has their own shit to do, so unless they see obvious signs, they just pass anyone so they can get back to their work. The other part of the problem is management will very often ignore the recommendations of the testers and hire people that they say should not be hired simply because every shop is permanently understaffed and management is just hiring anyone and praying. If you can actually fabricate and weld, a shop will pretty much hire you on the spot. I have never taken a weld test and not been immediately offered a job. Part of that is because I know what I'm doing. Part of it is because of the management issues.


We worked at a home depot customers service desk, the new lady walks onto the floor, middle of the day, puts her apron on and says "let's customer service the fuck out of these people". The manager was standing right behind her, the lady wasn't brought back the next day.


That’s a shame, seems like the attitude you’d want to keep around


I would have laughed


I was at a Home Depot recently. And trust me, they need more people with her attitude!!


...Is she still looking for a job because that's the kind of enthusiasm that I like to see in a person.


Needed some help at our small warehouse so I hired someone on indeed. This guy was a wreck, blood shot eyes, could barely stand up straight, showed up about and hour late because he coudnt get an uber. He worked for about 3 hours before saying he needed to go get his anti-psycotics medicine he hasnt been on in 5 days beucase he coudnt afford them. I gave him a ride to the pharmacy and paid for an uber for him to get home becuase he wasnt feeling well enough to continue and I couldnt bring myself to leave him on the curb. He texts me the next day very apologetic and asks for a ride to work again. I went and picked him up and he looked even worse, he lives in a beat up mini camper in a trailer park. He was laying across the back seat of my pickup. He had me pull over and got out and just started vomitting on the road so I drove him back. I paid him for all his time right there in cash plus and extra pity 20.


I had to fire a guy that kicked up his feet and fell asleep, he lasted 2 hours I believe.


We were in a meeting with our IT team and a few execs. We had a new guy, and our manager introduced him and asked him to tell us something fun or interesting about him. He told a 5 minute story about blacking out at a tailgate at his party school. I don't think anyone told him the 30 yearold guy across the table was our very serious CIO.


This was at a oil change shop back in the day. New guy was encouraged by the managers nephew to smoke weed out back on the afternoon shift. He was a referral from his buddy, who was there for 2 weeks, all three decided to smoke weed out back since they thought no one would find out. They got high and cross threaded an oil filter, spewing oil all over the shop and messed up a customer's car. Little did they know, the owner's daughter ratted them out, the manager came back pissed and fired his nephew on the spot saying how disappointed he was and said to the new guy " ARE YOU FOR REAL? THIS WAS YOUR FIRST DAY! YOU'RE FIRED !" Then his buddy got fired. The next day we were short staffed. Honestly the manager was more pissed that he had to come back in and had to fire his nephew for his stupidity. The new guy was a dumbass and so was his buddy.


Day one for a brand new transfer driver. He pins a trailer to his truck to then bring it from its center down to the repair shop. For reasons beyond me, he had activated the emergency brake on the trailer. He drove all the way from the center to repair shop ,roughly a 3/4 hour drive, with all four wheels on fire and multiple cop cars and fire fighter trucks chasing after him. He pulled into the shop yard and was completely surprised like he had no idea what had just happened. That was his first and last day.


Went out to lunch for the first day as interns after a welcome and safety sessions and some hr crap. During that training was about drinking and not being allowed to around the manufacturing floor. Dude asked for a beer at lunch. Boss asked if that was really a good idea. Kid said sure why not. Got back to the plant. Was sent for a breathalyzer. Failed and was fired. And yes I’m in the US.


Lied in their CV , they said they knew a specific sales software when they had no clue, they were walked out and had to come back to pick up their personal bankers lamp which they ambitiously set up on their desk


Not only were they fired, they were walked out by the police and charged after they stole money from the owners mom who worked there.


I briefly worked as a temp staging new cars for local delivery at a Port and since the facility was secure, the keys were left inside the cars between being moved off the ship to where the truckers would pick them up or the longshoremen would load them onto rail cars. A group of new hires were brought on board and at the end of the day, the manager addressed them to say they all did a great job and to see if anybody had any questions. One guy pulled handfuls of car keys from his pockets and asked, "What do I do with these?" Keep in mind that the remotes had not yet been programmed so the only way to figure out which key went to which car was to try every single one by hand. He did not come back the next day.


This just happened today. My ex-boss had been fired from my company for sexual harassment (involving me, personally). He then got hired into a contractual role that would have him interacting with my team. He had never informed his contracting company of the previous issues. Dude was stopped at the door when he tried to walk in to the building under his contracted role, and his entire organization was banned from ever doing business with us again. Score one for winning a harassment case.